“We didn’t get along” or “didn’t find a common language,” this is what men and women say when explaining the reason for their separation after several years of marriage or in a breakup business relations. Some blame their partner for the breakup of the union, while others believe main problem quarrels are just not compatible with your zodiac signs. Oddly enough, this fascinating horoscope can tell you with whom you absolutely should not build a business or serious relationship, and, of course, will help you find a partner who will make your life happy and prosperous.

Aries compatibility with other signs

The zodiac sign Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. The character and lifestyle of Aries is influenced by the element of Fire. This kind of influence overwhelms Aries's lifestyle and disposition with energy, emotionality and passion. Aries, self-confident, extraordinary personality. At times, he can be a real egoist, which prevents them from finding a common language with Capricorns. Aries is often misunderstood because of his strangeness, integrity and arrogance. Representatives of the zodiac signs of the element of Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - will be able to accept him as he is. These relationships are filled with passion. Leo will only inflame it, but it is possible that by flirting with other partners they can cause pain to representatives of the Aries sign. Marriage or simple relationships with soft and indecisive Cancer, Virgo and Pisces can bore Aries. But a union with Taurus can be strong and happy, they will live in perfect harmony. Capricorn or Sagittarius will always spark an Aries' insatiable interest. But, at the same time, representatives of these zodiac signs can make him pretty jealous for any reason in their relationship. The compatibility of Aries with other signs of the Zodiac directly depends on how much he will feel his need and usefulness and at the same time be able to express himself.

Taurus compatibility with other signs

Taurus is a soft, friendly and purposeful person who strives to overcome all obstacles to achieve their goals. Although at the same time he can be quite stubborn and unshakable, and sometimes even insensitive. This zodiac sign is ruled by the planet Venus. Outwardly, he radiates strength, wisdom and determination, but inside, Taurus is very gentle and pliable, so it is easy to evoke sympathy from him. Taurus will be able to create a harmonious union with representatives of the zodiac constellation, or Sagittarius, who will give him care and warmth. And, the Taurus man copes well with the role of a husband in family life. Despite this, it should still be noted that Taurus rarely expresses his passionate feelings and emotions that bubble up in his soul. Life partners Capricorn and Virgo will perceive Taurus as a boring or stubborn person, and his lack of verbosity is perceived as arrogance. After all, not everyone is able to see in the representatives of this sign a voluptuous and most gentle person. But, Gemini, Scorpio or Leo will be able to understand Taurus and open him up, and he will be surrounded by their love, care and warmth. In turn, representatives of the zodiac constellation Cancer and Pisces will excite the feelings of Taurus, exhausting him with their mistrust. It will be difficult for two Taurus to find a common language, and the relationship with Capricorn will turn into a real burden for Taurus.

Gemini compatibility with other signs

The Gemini zodiac sign is ruled by the planet Mercury, so they are very fickle and are in search of themselves. They can appear to others in one or another guise, while remaining themselves. This kind of role reversal is more typical for Gemini women than for Gemini men. Gemini women will be able to create a harmonious union with Taurus or Aquarius, but Aries will constantly pacify their ardor. Two Geminis in a relationship will always speak in different languages. Since Geminis love to be the center of attention and are often pompous. Of course, this position displeases Cancer. Only Pisces will be able to understand them and fully devote themselves to them.

Cancer compatibility with other signs

Representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign are under the protection of the Moon. The Cancer woman, like the man, is a very emotional and sensual person. Their mood changes dramatically. As soon as difficulties appear on their way, they fall into despair. Since Cancer moves through life slowly, but quite confidently. Despite his determination, representatives of this sign will not have a hard time withstanding Aries’s criticism of them and may be very offended when they hear it. For representatives of this sign it is very important how financial stability in life, and home comfort. Therefore, as their life partner, they consider only strong, strong-willed representatives of the sign Scorpio or Taurus, who are able to protect them and will survive all adversity with them. In relationships, Cancer never acts as a consumer of attention, so they will reciprocate their zodiac sign partner Pisces or Aquarius. With his self-confidence and strength, the Cancer man always attracts women. But this quality of character is nothing more than selfishness, which sometimes destroys relationships with Capricorns or Libra. Nevertheless, representatives of this sign are very amorous and can quickly lose interest in their Sagittarius partners .

Leo compatibility with other signs

The zodiac sign Leo is under the influence of the Sun, which rules it. Therefore, representatives of this sign are very gifted and talented individuals. Leo is very proud and stubborn. He easily masters the place of leader. He can conquer Capricorn or Virgo. Leo Man - Ideal husband, but his lovers must strictly follow all his rules. Pisces and Cancers will be able to create a quiet haven for him. But Scorpio will not play games with Leo. Two Leos will be in a constant struggle for power. But Aries, Sagittarius or Taurus will turn Leo’s life into a real holiday. With representatives of the zodiac constellation Aquarius it will be very difficult for Leo, but if Leo sincerely loves them, then perhaps a wonderful future awaits them.

Virgo compatibility with other signs

The zodiac sign Virgo is clean and tidy. Virgo's element is Earth, and it is ruled by the planet Mercury. Representatives of this sign are very careful and insightful. At the same time, Virgo is an independent person who does not compromise, so it is impossible to convince her. Virgos are hardworking and always bring any task to the end. The Virgo woman will always make high demands on her Aries partner, which will only cause him irritation. Capricorns, Taurus or Virgos will be able to please Virgo women, with whom they will be ready to compromise. For a man of this zodiac sign, stability in life is important. He makes a very devoted husband and a good father. But, Virgos can become quite boring for partners of the Libra zodiac sign. Pisces will be able to charm the representatives of the zodiac constellation Virgo with their romance. But Cancer, with its unpredictability, will make Virgo nervous. Leo can become a good life partner for Virgo, but their life will become cramped. And only Taurus will be able to surround Virgo with care, warmth and give her happiness.

Libra compatibility with other signs

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, and they belong to the element of Air. Therefore, representatives of this sign have charm and excellent taste. Libras are incredible inventors. They are able to adapt to any environment and find harmony. In their character, various kinds of opposites are intertwined. Therefore, only partners of the zodiac sign Libra will understand them perfectly and live with them in perfect harmony. The paradox is that Libra strives for balance and stability both in their personal life and at work. This kind of desire leads to the fact that Libra begins to idealize the relationship with the chosen one, his personality, while being beyond the bounds of reality. In their desires to make their loved one happy, they can completely dissolve in their chosen one, Gemini. Capricorn, with his indifference in relations with a Libra woman, can break her heart. In turn, Libra men give great importance to his appearance. Representatives of the stronger sex of this sign tend to flirt with women, enjoying the next love story. They value the appearance of their chosen one, and her inner world left for later. Therefore, a Capricorn, Gemini, Libra or Aquarius woman is capable of becoming for them perfect couple.

Scorpio compatibility with other signs

Scorpio belongs to the element of Water and is subordinate to the planet Pluto. Therefore, representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio have a very difficult character. Scorpio is mysterious and unpredictable. At the same time, he has strong will and determination. Scorpio always strives to achieve success in life and to have sincere relationships. Therefore, Scorpio will create excellent relationships with such representatives of the zodiac constellation as: Cancer, Pisces or Aquarius. In these love relationships Scorpio will charm his chosen one with his mystery, eccentricity and artistry. Representatives of this sign easily succumb to passion and love madly. The paradox is that Scorpio loves freedom very much. Therefore, he carefully and meticulously approaches the choice of his life partner. This leads to the fact that Scorpio does not completely coincide with such zodiac signs as Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Sagittarius compatibility with other signs

Sagittarius is subject to the element of Fire. It is ruled by the planet Saturn. Representatives of this sign fascinate those around them with their indomitability and steadfastness. Sagittarius walks through life with confident, firm steps, perceiving difficulties along the way as petty pranks of fate. This kind of confidence can destroy the union of two Sagittarius. Since Sagittarius is always filled with hope, curiosity and wisdom, he grabs onto many things at once, without bringing any of them to completion. This doesn't bother him at all. But for a representative of the Capricorn zodiac sign, this can cause irritation. Sagittarius always talk about everything directly and openly. At times, he calls things by their proper names in a rather rude and harsh form, which often offends the sentimental Cancer. Representatives of this sign are in search of their ideal, which they picture in their imagination. Sometimes, these searches end in late marriage or loneliness. But, nevertheless, Sagittarius can be quite happy with Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius or Aries.

Capricorn compatibility with other signs

Capricorn is influenced by the planet Saturn and belongs to the element Earth. Therefore, many people associate him with a gloomy and silent personality. Capricorn is always passionate about solving their problems. Representatives of this zodiac sign are very sensitive to their position in society, and for a long time concerned about their financial situation. Most often, people around them perceive Capricorns as soft and indecisive individuals. But behind this mask they can hide cynicism and pomposity. Despite this, Capricorn will be able to create a harmonious couple with Taurus or Leo. Although Capricorn achieves success in life, he constantly shows his dissatisfaction with the results, which will constantly irritate Aries. Representatives of this sign are very melancholic in nature. They can become depressed for any reason, which causes people to have conflicting feelings about themselves. At first glance, the Capricorn woman looks callous and heartless. She can be like this until Cancer reveals her, who will give her his tenderness and warmth. In the eyes of Pisces women, the Capricorn man looks like a mysterious, intelligent heartthrob who always manages to win her heart with his charm and charm.

Aquarius compatibility with other signs

Since the Zodiac sign Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus and belongs to the element of Water, its representatives are eccentric and complex natures, both in business and in love relationships. But Aquarius never abandons people in trouble; like a knight, he always rushes to the rescue. Representatives of this zodiac sign - faithful friends who never betray. Aquarius is very purposeful and self-confident, but Pisces partners will always pull them to the bottom. Aquarius can easily change their environment around them, which will win the heart of Leo, Aries, Libra or Gemini. The paradox is that Aquarius does not like sudden changes in life, but at the same time they quickly master new territory. A woman of the zodiac sign Aquarius feels comfortable and at ease with Taurus, who always appreciates her independence. Aquarius men fascinate Sagittarius women with their education, but over time, disagreements may arise between partners, which will lead to a break in the relationship. Although Sagittarius is creative sex life, he does not start relationships through bed, but on the contrary gives preference to friendship.

Pisces compatibility with other signs

The element of the Zodiac sign Pisces is Water, and it is subordinate to the planet Neptune. Therefore, representatives of the Pisces sign have a unique way of thinking and lead an unusual way of life. They will be able to achieve harmony and mutual understanding in their relationships with representatives of the zodiac constellations Cancer and Scorpio. Pisces are sensitive and tender towards their family and friends, so they react very sharply when they realize that they are simply being used. Therefore, Gemini and Libra can frighten and disappoint them with their inconstancy. Although the representatives of this zodiac constellation do not allow influence on them, Capricorn is still able to subjugate them. Pisces will be able to receive the necessary support and understanding from Aquarius or Sagittarius. Most often, Pisces cannot stand the harsh reality, so they try to live in illusion. This leads to Pisces committing rash acts, and at the same time they are easily misled. They have incredible intuition and sensitivity. These abilities help Pisces build relationships with other representatives of the zodiac signs. For Pisces women, the best partner will be Aquarius, who will be able to appreciate their inner world and will tolerate the mood swings of his chosen one. With their compliments and wisdom, Pisces men quickly win over the fair sex. Although they are very careful in choosing a wife, Pisces men can still choose under the influence of emotions, making a mistake.

The relationship between representatives of the zodiac signs Aries and Libra combines a number of opposites. First of all, Aries...

In relationships, representatives of the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra always compete and compete with each other. Calf…

Modern astrological science pays great attention to research interpersonal relationships between people or, to put it simply: issues of their compatibility.

Such attention is completely justified, because choosing a life partner for all of us, sooner or later, becomes an important step, on the correctness of which our further emotional harmony, happiness and destiny depend.

And this choice is not so easy to make; it is even more difficult to “guess” with it. That is why in some countries of the world, for example, in India, the tradition of a “pre-wedding visit” to an experienced astrologer has been observed for a long time, who, looking at the horoscopes of possible spouses, determines what awaits them in family life and whether they should tie the knot at all . Any skeptical smiles of respected readers on this matter, I believe, will immediately disappear if they become familiar with the unobtrusive official statistics divorces in such countries.

Therefore, the article will discuss the compatibility of some of them, namely those that are located opposite each other in the sky.

I'm sure many of you have heard the rather common "truth" that opposites converge. But is this true in relation to relationships between people, from the point of view of marriage astrology? Let's try to figure it out.

So, there are twelve signs in the zodiac circle, therefore, each of them has its own pair, located directly on the opposite side of the Zodiac. The pairs of “opposites” are as follows: Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, Virgo-Pisces.

Astrological science tells us that positive aspects such “unions” can be attributed to a certain commonality of tasks facing opposite signs V Everyday life, and therefore they can achieve success if they work on some kind of joint business or project. But emotional understanding between them is very problematic.

Unions of this kind can be recommended in countries where family life strictly regulated (for example, in India). Only then can they be happy enough, and children, according to popular belief, in such marriages are born with a harmonious embrace of all parental qualities. In our country, representatives of opposite signs in family life often find it difficult to get along (unless, of course, their individual horoscope compatibility).

Aries-Libra Union very dynamic and capable of revealing a lot of new things to both partners. However, the strength and pressure of the fiery Aries may encounter misunderstandings from his partner, who is accustomed to finding a way out of situations through compromises, tactfully and without discouraging straightforwardness. And the passion and sexuality in a relationship characteristic of this couple can easily be replaced by the militant attitude of Aries and the cool alienation of Libra. To a greater extent, such relationships are passionate, but not permanent and are typical at an early and young age, when people lack maturity and experience.

Relationships between Taurus and Scorpio due to their mutual desire for constancy, they can become one of the most acceptable and successful among similar unions of “opposites”. The main thing in such an alliance is for both partners not to overdo it in stubbornness, jealousy and a sense of possessiveness. Taurus should be more compliant in the passionate desires of Scorpio, and the latter should not argue with Taurus in material matters of family life. Children play a big role in this union; they can unite this couple forever.

Gemini and Sagittarius - one of the most common unions of opposites in the Zodiac and, first of all, because from the first minutes of acquaintance there is excellent dialogue and communication between them (which, in principle, cannot be said about other pairs of opposite signs). Both signs are easy-going, love change of events, surroundings and travel. Both prefer to resolve issues in the same way: by searching for new ways, and often even accept mutual intrigues. But this couple cannot be called ideal; his partner thinks too “small” for Sagittarius and Sagittarius thinks too “big” for an airy Gemini. Their unions are also fickle and can become just another link in the kaleidoscope of life for both partners.

Union of Cancer and Capricorn , perhaps, can be called a union of sound choice. In this marriage, people clearly understand what they want from their partner: Capricorn strives to “provide” themselves with home comfort, and Cancer strives to provide reliable protection and support, primarily in material terms. Both partners are united by love and respect for parents and family traditions. Therefore, this marriage can be compared with those that were entered into not by children, but by their parents for purely pragmatic reasons (unification of power, capital, etc.). In general, it is very difficult for Cancer to get along with the emotional coldness and isolation of Capricorn, who, in turn, sometimes cannot understand the excessive emotionality of Cancer. As a result of the collision of coldness of feelings and excessive emotionality, such unions often break. In general, it would be nice for people of these signs to find each other in old age, then their union could become truly ideal.

And here unions of Leo and Aquarius don't occur that often. Understanding the partners in this pair is possible only if mutual love to freedom. And it would be nice if each of them lived in his own small world, while respecting and appreciating the world of your partner. In this case, they would be able to see the full originality of each other’s personality and separation would not threaten them. In life, it happens much more often that with his excessive love of freedom, Aquarius irritates his Leo partner, who strives to dominate the relationship, sometimes suppressing the urges of Aquarius that are objectionable to him. Why can the latter simply leave, by nature valuing freedom more than family ties.

Virgo and Pisces Union is rare - there is a very big difference in the understanding of the world, which Virgo perceives exclusively from a practical point of view, while Pisces looks at it through rose-colored glasses. These signs can only be united by mutual service to some common goal, otherwise fate will quickly separate them into different sides, cutting off the already thin thread of their emotional relationship.

Zodiac signs are complete opposites who attract each other like crazy. A relationship with a zodiac sign that is your polar opposite can be amazing. Sure, you may feel like you'll never have anything in common, but your differences can strengthen your bond. To prove this, we present to you zodiac couples who are complete opposites, but are attracted to each other with terrible force:

Aries + Libra

You are driven by many things to be considered an ideal couple, but you may very well become one. You both may be stubborn and argue endlessly, but you are the kings of charm. When you fall under each other's spell, it is difficult for you to say no to love. You both love to take risks and have fun, and your energies are enhanced when you come together.

Aries, you can teach Libra to give free rein to their feelings, and not feel guilty or exhausted afterwards. Meanwhile, Libra, you can teach Aries to fight fairly and be more reasonable in their life expectations.

Taurus + Scorpio

You are both incredibly passionate and sensual, which makes your union unforgettable when it comes to the bedroom. You are both accomplished individuals, but each of you wants to succeed.

Taurus knows how to survive even in the most difficult situations. difficult situations, without giving up, and Scorpio understands that achieving success requires skill and determination.

You complement each other's missing qualities, which is why you can become an ideal couple. In communication, Taurus is simpler than Scorpio, who, as a rule, understands more than he speaks. Your differences fuel each other's strengths. You are both very loyal and will go to the ends of the earth for your partner if you love him.

Gemini + Sagittarius

You are both different personalities with quick mood swings, but this does not prevent you from feeling and understanding each other. This mutual understanding makes your relationship stronger.

You will best friends, which is very important in a relationship for each of you. Gemini, however, can sometimes be mean, while Sagittarius is too straightforward. Therefore, disagreements will arise between you, but you will compensate for them with friendship and sincere love.

Cancer + Capricorn

Cancer and Capricorn are attracted to each other by their common life aspirations. Being very successful and energetic signs who consider changes in life an important part of it, they go well together.

Family and love are equally important to them, and they tend to have similar thoughts when it comes to dating, sex, and marriage.

Cancer is more likely to be an extrovert with an active social life, while Capricorn will be more introverted and domestic. There will be times when Cancer wants to stay at home and Capricorn wants to go out into the world.

Additionally, Cancer may have quick mood swings, while Capricorn will be more level-headed, allowing Cancer to vent when they are feeling down.

Leo + Aquarius

Leo likes to take responsibility and command, unlike Aquarius, who believes in the chaos of life and sees no point in controlling it. The coldness of Aquarius will drive Leo crazy. Additionally, Aquarius may not be able to share love openly, while Leo tends to be expressive and filled with passion.

Leo tends to be very worried about what others think of him, but Aquarius will teach him not to pay attention to this. With Leo, Aquarius will discover that kindness and friendliness are worth a lot.

Virgo + Pisces

Virgo can be very reserved, while Pisces is easy-going and more relaxed, but their relationship is not without charm. They may both be afraid and worry about little things, but regardless of this, they will both be ready to help each other.

Both signs are incredibly selfless and believe in love, so there will never be a lack of intimacy between Virgo and Pisces.

Pisces goes with the flow more, while Virgo is more grounded, thoughtful and purposeful.This may lead to some tension, but unconditional acceptance of each other will eliminate irritation.

In astrology, such pairs of opposite zodiac signs are called polarities. Each pair of these signs together touches on some problem that unites them. But each of these signs has its own solution to this problem. Of two incompatible things, everyone chooses one thing, often to the detriment of the other. This is what makes these signs so different from each other.

Compatibility of opposite signs

Aries and Libra

This polarity poses the problem of the relationship between the individual and society. How to realize yourself in life, win your place “under the sun”, become a leader and at the same time maintain harmony in life and a good relationship with people? Aries chooses the path of self-realization, strives for primacy, the full manifestation of its individuality. At the same time, he often sacrifices relationships, is ready to break them if they bind him, force him to give in and obey. Libra, on the contrary, is ready to give up the manifestation of their personal qualities and adapt to others, taking into account their needs and wishes. Libras are committed to partnership; interaction with society is important to them, and not opposing themselves to it.

Taurus and Scorpio

This polarity poses the problem of accumulation and use of material resources. Taurus is a sign of personal property, preferring to accumulate money, property, and create emergency reserves, which should serve as a guarantee of personal safety. Scorpio is a sign of joint or other people's property (inheritance, loans), it redistributes received from others material resources. It is important for him that money is invested in something and multiplied, transformed into something useful.

Gemini and Sagittarius

This pair of opposite zodiac signs has the problem of obtaining and transmitting knowledge. Geminis easily perceive any information; they do not divide it into important and unimportant. After all, it is unknown which of the acquired knowledge will be useful and which will not. They are happy to share them with other people, but do not pretend to be a teacher. Sagittarius puts everything on an ideological, philosophical basis; he is not inclined to apply his knowledge in practice, but is often busy searching for the indisputable truth. As a teacher, he strives to convey the main idea, the essence, neglecting the details.

Cancer and Capricorn

The opposition of these signs poses the problem of social realization. Family or career? Cancer is a sign of family life, it chooses family. Even if he strives to succeed at work, it is all for the well-being of the family. If his career comes at the expense of his family, he is ready to give it up. Capricorn is more likely to abandon his family; he perceives social success solely as occupying a high social position and professional fulfillment.

Leo and Aquarius

This polarity poses the problem of love and friendship. IN in the narrow sense, and in broad terms it is a problem of emotional or mental self-expression. Leo makes a choice in favor of feelings and emotional self-expression in the form of creativity. For him, love is more important than friendship. Aquarius needs more friends and like-minded people who share his ideals and do not constrain his freedom than close emotional ties.

Virgo and Pisces

This pair of opposite zodiac signs has a problem with cultivation. Physical or spiritual? Logic or intuition? The problem is that the development and improvement of some abilities leads to the blocking of others. Virgo prefers to improve on the physical plane, mainly in professional field, and therefore she cares about improving her performance and monitoring her health. Pisces strives to gain unusual abilities, which would allow them to know the unknown. Self-improvement from the point of view of Pisces lies in this, and for the sake of this they often do not spare their health. However, a person does not always make a choice that corresponds to his zodiac sign. Often he follows the path of the opposite sign. But in any case, the problem of his polarity in life will certainly manifest itself and force him to make a choice.

Physicists have everything Just and it’s clear that two opposite signs “plus” and “minus” attract each other. But in life everything is more complicated; it is extremely rare for a man and woman who are completely different in character and temperament to meet each other and fall in love.

People who are different views life and taste preferences, as a rule, they cannot like each other and do not find common point touch. But sometimes it happens that opposites begin to meet for the sake of interest, to study each other, since they are so different and unusual. But such unions are undesirable for living together and creating children in our country. Although they can be recommended in countries where family life is strictly regulated.

For example, in India It was believed that from a marriage between opposite people, more intelligent and harmoniously developed children are born, because they embrace the qualities of both parents, who are so different from each other. In our country you can often hear: “They are so different, but still together.” But do such couples, living together, feel happy and is their union doomed?” We will try to find the answer to this question in astrology.

Its opposite sign has every zodiac sign. If you look at the zodiac circle, it has 12 signs. The sign that is located opposite your sign is your opposite. There are six opposite signs in total, this is

Aries-Libra, Gemini-Sagittarius, Taurus-Scorpio, Leo-Aquarius, Cancer-Capricorn and Virgo-Pisces. Let's consider each model of opposite signs separately:

1. Aries-Libra. Aries are independent, Libra is indecisive. Aries needs to move forward all the time, but Libra needs to first look around and weigh everything. At the beginning of their life together, this couple can discover a lot of new things, but the strong attraction between them over time is replaced by the alienation of Libra and the warlike attitude of Aries. The relationship between Aries and Libra is already unstable at a young age; in order for them to live together until old age, Libra, who is prone to compromise, needs to try to calm down the militant Aries. Only the wisdom and tact of Libra can smooth out all the rough edges in the relationship of this couple.

2. Taurus-Scorpio. Taurus places great importance on his own savings, and on other people's finances. In order for the relationship between these partners to become stable, Scorpio does not need to argue with Taurus about money, and Taurus does not need to be more compliant in Scorpio’s passionate desires. This union has a chance to be long if both partners do not overdo it in feelings of selfishness, jealousy and stubbornness. They both lack the ability to listen and not interrupt the other. Common children play a big role in this union; they can unite these opposites forever.

3. Gemini-Sagittarius. Gemini prefers specific knowledge, while Sagittarius is satisfied with general information. But an alliance between these opposites occurs often, since both signs love communication and quickly find a common language when they first meet. Both partners are easy-going, love to travel and change their surroundings. But the relationship between this couple is far from ideal. Sagittarius makes overly ambitious plans for the future, while Gemini loves to live in the present. In addition, both Gemini and Sagittarius love affairs.

4. Capricorn-Cancer. This couple can be called the union of an old man and a child. For dreamy Cancer, the main thing in life is family, children and relationships between people; for materialistic Capricorn, career, interaction with work colleagues and home comfort are more important. It is very difficult for Cancer to get along with the withdrawn and emotionally cold Capricorn, who in turn is irritated by the melancholy and suspiciousness of Cancer. The excessive emotionality of Cancer and the coldness of Capricorn's feelings often leads to conflicts and breakdowns in relationships. This union can only be truly ideal in old age.

5. Leo-Aquarius. Leo does everything with his heart, while Aquarius acts with mental calculation. Aquarius wants to stand out, while Leo wants to amaze and charm everyone. An alliance between these signs is rare; even at the first meeting, freedom-loving Aquarius irritates Leo, who seeks to dominate the relationship. The union between this couple has a chance to exist if both partners live in their own world, while turning a blind eye to the contradictory views of the other. If Leo tries to suppress the unwanted urges of Aquarius, then he will simply leave. After all, for Aquarius, freedom is more important than family ties.

6. Virgo-Pisces. This union is an exception, since there is nothing in common between the practical Virgo and the dreamy Pisces. For Virgo, concrete results from the work done are important, while Pisces prefers to avoid business. Even if these two signs somehow miraculously come together, fate will quickly separate them due to the lack of mutual respect and understanding between them.