The finished document is submitted to the head of the department (department), who gets acquainted with the employee’s request and accepts it, marking “I do not object” and personally signing it. Let's consider an example of the text of an application for an increase in wages: “I ask you to consider the possibility of changing the employment contract No. 5 dated October 12, 2017 in terms of the amount wages from 45,000 rub. up to 50,000 rub. due to increased sales volumes. During the 4th quarter of 2017, the figure increased by 30% while the number of department employees decreased from 4 to 3 people. My personal result of completing the plan was 125%.” The procedure for drawing up a collective application for a salary increase Current legislation does not offer a unified sample of a collective application.

How to write a letter about a salary increase for workers

A petition is an official document submitted to management, so compliance with business style standards is important.

  • Compare your own salary with the income of other employees. It is assumed that the salaries of specialists are a commercial secret, and the disclosure of such information will be an argument “against” the applicant. At best, he will be denied an increase in salary, at worst, he will be asked to leave the company.
  • Comparison of your own functionality with the volume of work of your colleagues.
    Don’t become a “sneak”, don’t compare yourself with others, limit yourself to a list of your work achievements and skills.
  • Complaints about a difficult financial situation. Personal remains personal, work remains work. The company's management pays for labor, and does not adjust to the individual needs of specialists.

Sample of a collective application for a salary increase

Common mistakes in statements

  • Destination. The most common mistake when drawing up a memo for a salary increase is incorrect identification of the addressee. Even if the employee believes that the amount in the payroll is not comparable with the efforts he expended and the results achieved, then he needs to correctly plan the route for considering his request.
  • Not within the manager's competence. It would not be entirely correct to demand additional payment from your immediate superior if resolving these issues is not within his competence.

But at the same time, you shouldn’t “jump over your head” and write a complaint to the general director. The surest way is to draw the attention of the head of your department to the financial discrepancy and invite him to petition higher management for its review.
  • Argumentation.
  • Lawyer Directory


    Marina Russian Federation, St. Petersburg #3 October 13, 2009, 2:26 pm This is the first time I’ve heard about this))) I’m afraid after such a statement, you will be advised to look for another job with a higher salary))) I would like to draw the moderator’s attention to this message, because: Notification is being sent... I love this forum!!! Victor Russian Federation #4 October 13, 2009, 14:30 There are 8 of us and we need to write one statement, everyone will sign the statement, everyone agrees to leave already, but so that the team does not fall apart, we decided to try, if they get promoted, then we will stay, if not, then all 8 people Let's quit, everyone already has a letter of resignation.... I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent...

    How to write a memo for a salary increase?

    In this article we will look at how a memo regarding a salary increase is drawn up. Features of a memo for a salary increase Service memo– a document that carries out internal communication between managers (employees) with an equivalent position. Contains a request, suggestion, remark. However, it does not have official status; OKUD does not provide for such a form.
    Recommended requirements for the preparation of official documents that can be taken into service are presented by state standards GOST R 6.30–2003 USORD. The finished memo can be transferred to the employer in one of the ways accepted in the organization:

    • personally;
    • through the receptionist;
    • through the HR department.

    Organizations often conduct electronic document management. Then the service is sent via the internal network.


    Structure of a note Components Header In the upper right corner it is indicated: The head of the organization to whom the note is addressed, full name, position of the compiler Name of the document In the center is written “Office memo” Main part The situation is first described, then the request, proposal is stated Appendices Are drawn up, if necessary, as follows: when their several, then they are numbered; if there is no information about them in the main text, then the names of each annex with the number of pages and sheets are indicated. The final part. At the bottom of the text are placed: the date the note was written (in Arabic numerals in the sequence: day-month-year), the position of the compiler , his full name with transcript, signature of the compiler How to write an official letter about a salary increase? The head of the department draws up such a petition.

    Memo on salary increase: sample filling

    Clarifications Writing a memo to increase an employee’s salary Written (printed) and endorsed by the head of the department Registration of a note One of the methods established internal regulations organization Consideration of a note by the head of the organization and making a decision The manager studies the circumstances of the case, usually 1-3 days and draws up a decision in the form of a resolution on the note itself (agrees or rejects the request) Issuing an order to increase the salary of an employee The order serves as the basis for taking the necessary measures aimed at paying the increased salary employee salaries Making changes by the HR department and accounting Department Changes relate to the employment contract, staffing table, personal card of the employee, if necessary (when transferring) notes in work book If you encounter difficulties in drawing up your official statement, you can turn to HR or accounting for help.

    Application for salary increase

    IN general case the process takes place in several stages:

    1. Showing initiative. The employee himself may hint about a desire to qualitatively improve his financial situation or the head of his department decides to improve the situation.
    2. Actually drawing up a memo and sending it to a higher-ranking manager or functionary who has the right to make such decisions.
    3. Registration of an internal message in the journals of incoming correspondence or sending it by mail.
    4. Reviewing the proposal and preparing a response.
    5. Consent is usually expressed in the form of an order to increase wages and change the staffing table.

    Application for salary increase: sample

    However, for internal business correspondence The more common form is considered to be a report and memo. Unified forms for these documents are not provided, but when preparing them, it is recommended to pay attention to GOST 6.30-2003 USORD. Its norms must be applied both when filling out the “header” and composing the content.

    In addition, in the matter of sending a memo for a salary increase, the local acts of the enterprise come to the fore:

    • wage regulations;
    • collective agreement;
    • contract of employment;
    • staffing schedule;
    • set of job descriptions;
    • agreement with the trade union organization.

    After all, they most often contain specific criteria and conditions for increasing wages in a particular company.

    Sample collective letter on salary increase

    It is calculated in two ways: when applying production standards - by dividing the tariff rate by the production rate; when applying time standards - by dividing the tariff rate by the time standard. For production standards and time standards, see Art. 160 of the Labor Code and a commentary thereto. Along with the indicator, bonus conditions can also be established, i.e., additional requirements, if not met, the bonus is not awarded or its size is reduced. Bonuses not provided for by the remuneration system are in the nature of a one-time incentive and are therefore paid as a rule, irregularly and often without connection with specific achievements in work at the unilateral discretion of the employer. When writing an application for a salary increase, all factors should be taken into account: deterioration marital status, increase in the minimum cost of living, rising prices.

    The problem of finding ways to effectively motivate employees worries most employers. Some improve the psychological microclimate, others increase the comfort of working conditions, but few employers will deny the well-known truth: the best incentive is an attractive salary. And if management pretends to have forgotten about the power of the material factor, then a memo for a salary increase will help remind him of this.

    Normative base

    The very right to communicate with an official or official at any level is regulated by the federal law on the appeal of citizens of the Russian Federation, 59-FZ. It determines that a citizen individually or their association can contact the selected object and receive a comprehensive answer if the question lies in the area of ​​responsibility of the addressee.

    Since the same mechanism fully works in relations with company managers, employees can rely on Law 59-FZ in this case as well. However, for internal business correspondence, the more common form is considered to be a report and. Unified forms for these documents are not provided, but when preparing them, it is recommended to pay attention to GOST 6.30-2003 USORD. Its norms must be applied both when filling out the “header” and composing the content.

    In addition, in the matter of sending a memo for a salary increase, the local acts of the enterprise come to the fore:

    • wage regulations;
    • collective agreement;
    • contract of employment;
    • staffing schedule;
    • set of job descriptions;
    • agreement with the trade union organization.

    After all, they most often contain specific criteria and conditions for increasing wages in a particular company.

    If the salary increase is provided for by the internal regulations of the company, then the request stated in the memo is subject to unconditional satisfaction.

    Instructions for preparing a note

    Each official memo at the enterprise, of a kind, creative work. This does not apply, of course, to its formal part; it is precisely regulated by GOST 6.30-2003, and must contain:

    • name of the addressee's position and name of the institution or organization;
    • Full name of the addressee;
    • indication of the position and full name of the author;
    • title "Memo" and short transcript topics of appeal;
    • content part;
    • list of applications, if available;
    • date the document was written and personal signature applying;
    • data on the registration of paper in the relevant journals of incoming documentation (number and date of filing).

    The greatest difficulty is in drawing up the content of the document, since it requires justification and argumentation. It is desirable that the author’s position be supported by actual results or references to legislative and local acts. Here are just the most popular:

    Reason for salary increase Justification for the salary increase in the memo
    Inflation or other unfavorable financial processes throughout the country An attempt to simply write “look at the prices” in an appeal is evidence of incompetence and a superficial approach to document preparation. It is better to refer to official data from RosStat or conduct a mini-research and provide your list of products whose prices have jumped sharply in Lately. Indirectly, this right is confirmed by Art. 135 TK. Accordingly, product items should be vital and not concern items of increased comfort or luxury
    Combining positions or expanding the range of responsibilities (in fact) If verbal requests from your immediate superior to perform some additional work have become regular, then you should not wait for the moment when they smoothly turn into orders. In the text of the memo for a salary increase, it is worth including a list of tasks that go beyond the scope of the employee’s employment contract, which he has recently performed, and offer management to charge payment for them
    Expanding the list of functions at the request of the employee The specialist himself can initiate an increase in his own workload in exchange for an increase in earnings. Then the amount of payment will be calculated based on the staffing table. The applicant himself needs to justify his ability to perform advanced functions (attach a document on advanced training, receipt scientific degree or specialized education at a university, a patent for an invention or a certificate of training in the specified field)
    Long and conscientious work in the company This is obviously not a very strong argument, since valuable employees, as a rule, receive promotions and salary increases from their superiors on a regular basis. If a long-term employee does not receive the attention of management, then perhaps the lack of penalties is evidence of normal discipline, and not the value of personal achievements. That’s why, before writing a memo for a salary increase, you need to soberly assess the employee’s own merits
    Lack of salary revision for a long time or discrepancy between the employee’s salary and the income of specialists in similar positions If the staffing table, in terms of wage tariffs, has not changed for several years, then the employee can use this as an argument to support his request to revise his salary. Its credibility can be increased if we also provide inflation indicators for this time.

    And in the case of an unfair approach to setting salaries for similar positions within the company, you need to insist that the list of duties and level of responsibility for such specialists is the same or comparable.

    Gaining unique personal skills or achievements If an employee’s personality helps the company receive additional profit that another specialist of the same qualifications cannot bring, then the management should hint at a personal increase. For example, those who attract larger number clients, relying on personal connections and acquaintances. As an option, you can consider increasing your salary as a percentage of the attracted turnover.

    Check out an example of a memo on our website ().

    At the discretion of the manager

    The need to draw up a memo for a salary increase and look for a sample of it in the personnel department or the Internet arises only if the idea to raise salaries did not originate in the head of the head of the enterprise, but in one of the heads of his departments. The form in this case is not the most important thing; it is better to focus on ensuring that the director, who quite possibly does not know the employee named in the note personally, does not doubt the need to revise his monthly income upward.

    If a collective or labor agreement does not stipulate how, when and for what an employee can count on a salary increase, then the decision on this remains at the discretion of the manager, even if the reason in the memo is more than valid.

    Submitting a note

    The idea of ​​increasing the salaries of subordinates, although considered important point in developing a system of employee motivation, rarely occupies a dominant position in the director’s mind. Most often, the impetus for revising salary policy in relation to individual employee or the team receives a memo for a salary increase from one of the middle managers. In general, the process takes place in several stages:

    1. Showing initiative. The employee himself may hint about a desire to qualitatively improve his financial situation, or the head of his department will decide to improve the situation.
    2. Actually drawing up a memo and sending it to a higher-ranking manager or functionary who has the right to make such decisions.
    3. Registration of an internal message in the journals of incoming correspondence or sending it by mail.
    4. Reviewing the proposal and preparing a response.
    5. Consent is usually expressed in the form of an order to increase wages and change the staffing table. The refusal is sent by the same internal document, often in the form approved in the document flow regulations in the company.
    6. Increased salaries are expected for employees starting next year calendar month, unless otherwise established in the issued order for the enterprise.

    Those who expect a quick response from their superiors will have to be patient. Law 59-FZ allows an official to consider all documents within 30 days if it has not been sent special categories persons

    Another good thing is that to an appeal submitted in writing, the manager must respond in the same form. This means that, if there are grounds, the refusal stated on paper can be appealed to the labor inspectorate or court. Naturally, this matter will have prospects only if the procedure for increasing wages is approved in the local acts of the enterprise, and the management refuses to implement it.

    Common mistakes in statements

    • Destination. The most common mistake when drawing up a memo for a salary increase is incorrect identification of the addressee. Even if the employee believes that the amount in the payroll is not comparable with the efforts he expended and the results achieved, then he needs to correctly plan the route for considering his request.
    • Not within the manager's competence. It would not be entirely correct to demand additional payment from your immediate superior if resolving these issues is not within his competence. But at the same time, you shouldn’t “jump over your head” and write a complaint to the general director. The surest way is to draw the attention of the head of your department to the financial discrepancy and invite him to petition higher management for its review.
    • Argumentation. Another example of a mistake when drawing up a memo for a salary increase is incorrect argumentation. Even if the employee finds himself in very difficult life situation and is in dire need of money, this is not a reason to increase his salary. Every more or less experienced leader knows this simple truth.
    • Showing sympathy in the form of a salary increase will have a detrimental effect on the productivity of the remaining team members, since it will create an erroneous idea of ​​the company’s priorities. In this case, it is better to offer the management to provide the employee with one-time financial assistance or an interest-free loan. Such an initiative has a greater chance of receiving a positive resolution from management.

    The desire of employees to improve their financial situation pushes some of them to write a memo for a salary increase. And if before its departure a person objectively approached the assessment own positions and labor achievements, the likelihood of achieving the desired result increases significantly.

    Lawyer at the Legal Defense Board. Specializes in handling cases related to labor disputes. Defense in court, preparation of claims and others regulatory documents to regulatory authorities.

    A salary increase is an extremely pleasant moment for any employee, and in most cases, each such specialist is interested in periodically reviewing the amount of his salary upward. Of course, all this should happen against the backdrop of certain successes in work, increased productivity, exceeding planned plans, etc. The logical result of such efforts should always be filing an application for a salary increase.

    Who and how to write about a salary increase?

    The decision to increase wages is usually made by the head of the enterprise, or less often by the immediate superior. Accordingly, an application for a salary increase should be addressed to the person whose competence includes resolving such issues. This document is drawn up in any form, but using established rules for processing applications:

    • in the upper right corner is written the full name of the manager, details of the organization and personal data (full name, position, phone number)
    • in the middle the name of the document is indicated - “Application”
    • then follows the substantive part, beginning with the word “Please...”
    • The date and signature of the applicant are affixed below

    Particular attention should be paid to the correctness of drafting the content of an application for a salary increase. You should not write “Please increase...”; the correct form of address would be the following phrase: “Please consider the possibility of increasing your salary...”. Next, it is necessary to present arguments that would allow the manager to make the “only correct” decision. This can be either specific numbers in which the employee’s achievements are expressed (productivity, output, number of contracts concluded, clients attracted, sales volumes, etc.), or any other information, for example, related to more difficult working conditions. But here it is important not to overdo it, so that the manager does not decide to hire an additional specialist. A similar sample application for a salary increase can be downloaded from our website.

    To whom: to CEO"LLC "RomanM"" to Ivanov P.S.

    From: Employees of LLC RomanM

    Collective statement for a salary increase

    The collective of employees of LLC RomanM (represented by Fedor Vasilievich Petrov - if there is a person who represents the interests of the employees, appointed by collective agreement in your organization), due to changes (working conditions, job responsibilities or another reason why the salary increases) we ask you to consider amending employment contracts (No. and date employment contracts each employee) in terms of changes in wages from _______ (what it was before) to _________ (what it will be now).

    Date: "____" __________ 2013 Signature of applicant(s):

    Applying for a salary increase

    This document must be endorsed by your immediate superior, and then handed over to the secretary in the manager’s reception area. A significant advantage will be the presence on the application not only of the boss’s signature, but also of the phrase “I have no objection” written in his hand. Thus, he will vouch for the reliability of the arguments presented and will confirm the applicant’s claims for a more decent amount of remuneration.

    There are a lot of different templates and samples on web resources. Our experts have found for you the worst ones in our opinion. All of them have been used in practice.

    All applications have different requirements depending on the organization where they are sent. Everyone understands that a document submitted to the court is different from an application sent to the employer. Standards have been defined that determine what exactly should be stated in a certain appeal.

    For important documents, special rules are put forward regarding the form in which they are written. Download the form provided below and fill it with specific information. It would be correct if you use other templates from other sites, links to which are located below the template.

    Using several forms will help you get the correct treatment.

    ❶ how to write statement about salary increase

    In order to correctly fill out an application requesting a salary increase, first find out whose responsibilities include making decisions in such matters. It makes no sense to write an application addressed to your immediate superior if he occupies a position far from the top of the hierarchical pyramid of your organization.

    It is best to write an application addressed to the head of the organization or the head of the human resources department. and get endorsed by your supervisor.

    In order not to use the phrases “I ask for a raise” or “I ask for a salary increase”, use better “I ask you to consider the possibility of raising your salary...”. This formulation sounds decent and puts you in a businesslike mood.

    Be sure to justify why a salary increase is justified in your situation. List your responsibilities and note that your workload has increased significantly due to, for example, the acquisition of new clients, increased sales, or the departure of an employee.

    Appeal to the numbers, compare how the department’s performance indicators have grown recently. Try not to over-describe how hard you work, otherwise management will consider hiring an additional employee.

    Do not use arguments like “I learned that accounting employee Petrov’s salary was increased” or “Ivanov’s manager gets more” as justification. Firstly, this does not concern you, and secondly, management considered this acceptable.

    In the text of the application, indicate the amount of the increase you expect, in this case the management will not have to look for information about your salary. But be prepared for the fact that your desired increase of 10,000 rubles can turn into 5,000 with one stroke of the pen.

    Enlist the support of your immediate supervisor, ask him to endorse the application and write a succinct “I don’t mind.” Perhaps your boss will take the initiative and write that you really deserve a salary increase.

    Service for salary increase

    Sooner or later, every employee feels the need for a salary increase. The volume of responsibilities increases year by year, all the signs of emotional burnout are visible, you want to get a decent assessment of your own work, but the boss, as if he forgot about inflation, the annual increase in prices, does not notice the increased workload. In general, the time has come to ask for a salary increase, but how to write a request and justify it correctly.

    How to write an application for a salary increase so that the manager is satisfied with it?

    The petition is written with the obligatory indication of the reasons that resulted in the need to increase wages. It is necessary to prove an actual increase in the volume of work, an increase in requirements and responsibilities.

    That is, the service letter should reasonably indicate that your activities have become more expensive. It is also necessary to describe the results of your activities, note the benefits and profits for the organization.

    HR officers have official samples of requests for a salary increase. You can familiarize yourself with the standard forms, and also ask the head of the department for help in drawing up an application; as a rule, such a letter is written on his behalf.

    The statement is formulated as

    “Imagination of an employee salary increase.” In the upper left corner, as in all standard forms, the header is filled in. It indicates to whom the application is being written, from whom.

    Initials, department name, position are indicated.

    In the middle of the sheet you must write: “I ask you to consider the possibility of increasing your salary (full name), write your position, indicate the department.” Separately, it is necessary to mention the working hours and salary. Next, you need to write down the reasons why you need to increase the fee. For example, due to an increase in working hours. responsibilities, requirements, end of the probationary period. Then you need to indicate the desired salary. The head of the department signs the letter to the director, putting his signature and date.

    It’s not difficult to write an application for a salary increase; it’s more difficult to get a positive result from your boss. How to persuade management to your own point of view, force the boss to appreciate your work and increase your salary?

    • Carefully study the procedures adopted at the enterprise

    The first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the salary accrual policy in a particular organization. In many enterprises, salary increases occur through bonus programs, bonuses, and other forms of incentives. Perhaps there are options that you can use to increase your own salary, without having to write a letter with a request to your superiors.

    • What wage increase would be normal?

    Many people perceive asking for a salary increase as ethically unsavory. They are afraid to ask for decent wages and are embarrassed to enter the boss’s office. These are clear signs of intrapersonal problems.

    Such an employee needs the help of a psychologist.

    Today specialists have developed great program increasing self-esteem, which will help you realize your potential more fully, will allow you to achieve the desired result in labor activity will help you achieve more in your career growth.

    So how much money should you demand from your bosses?

    — First, find out what salary workers in your profession are paid at other enterprises. You can look at advertisements in the newspaper, talk with friends, and inquire at labor exchanges.

    — Study competitors’ offers, but pay attention to the “conditions” column, because in reality the amount of work often does not correspond to that indicated in the main advertisement.

    — Try to get acquainted with statistical reviews of serious salary agencies from specialists in the field of interest. Just remember, a high salary may not be available due to increased requirements to qualifications, education, and other conditions.

    • What can be cited as a good reason for increasing wages?

    When compiling a list of your own achievements over the past six months, do not be modest or hide your achievements. Describe the results you achieved in this position, list additional functions and responsibilities. Specify the signs that indicate the need to increase the fee.

    Be sure to provide, if possible, specific figures and graphs that clearly indicate excellent performance results and an increase in the volume of work. increasing requirements, etc.

    • We are planning a visit to the boss, taking into account the testosterone level of men

    As a rule, the boss in many enterprises is a representative of the stronger sex. When planning to pay him a business visit, ask him about his mood in advance. Don't go to your boss when he's heated broken car, equipment failure or dismissal of the responsible employee.