→ Red dot in the center of the forehead. What does it mean?

Basically, Hindus and Indian women put a dot on their foreheads. When we watch Indian cinema, the first thing we pay attention to is a beautiful red dot on the forehead, which gives the sophistication of an Indian beauty.
What does such a point mean? This is not at all birthmark and not a mole, as many often think. This point is called bindi (tilak, chandra, tika), which translated means droplet, dot. And in Hindi it means full moon, full moon. After all, how wonderful it is when the full moon adorns your forehead...
No one is absolutely sure why exactly they started putting such a point. If you believe Tantrism, they believe that it is in this place that the eye of Shiva is located, that is, the “third eye,” which is a symbol of “hidden wisdom.” They say that a bindi protects against the evil eye, as well as evil rock.
Teak is applied between the eyebrows. Why is this so? It is believed that it is in that place that the “sixth chakra” is located, in which all life experience is concentrated. If you believe the tantric custom, then there is a high probability that while a person is thinking, absolutely all of his latent, that is, hidden “kundalini” energy begins its journey from the spine to the sources of the head, and passes through exactly this point. The purpose of bindi is to retain energy in full, and it also takes part in activating and improving concentration.
The Indian dot can also be seen on the forehead of Hindus. In ancient India, they followed the custom that it was the groom who should apply his blood to his betrothed, since it was the red dot that was considered a symbol of blood. Now, imagining this, it’s even somehow uneasy. We need to distract ourselves a little, because this ritual is long in the past. And it’s clear that we are not residents of India.
During this period of time, it is believed that a bride who is not marked with a bindi is unattractive in the eyes of any man. But when both the bride and groom, framed by a red dot on their foreheads, enter the house, fate blesses them with happiness and prosperity. A widow cannot wear a bindi. It is clear that nowadays it is not recommended to wear a bindi to a wedding, but on the other hand, why not?
During menstrual periods, girls cannot apply a red dot.
Before independence appeared in India, this point spoke about the attitude towards one of the castes. For example, if the dot was red, then the woman was classified as a brahmana; if a black dot was visible on her forehead, then the woman was classified as a kshatriya. This beautiful sign can also be a symbol of purity and beauty.
Men also welcome bindis, but they have them in the form of little voices made of white ash. Otherwise, men call it tillak - this means worship of one of the Indian gods. Do you think this looks funny? No, you just get used to it. It’s just that each country is famous for its customs, signs and rituals. And what we consider unusual at first is an everyday way of life for some.
For a very long time it was believed that chandra spoke about a woman’s marriage. Nowadays, a beautiful point. They are simply considered an element of decoration. Nowadays, she is painted not only as red, and not only by Indian women. Bindis are drawn, even sometimes using felt-tip pens, because they are waterproof. Special pencils for tattooing and henna-based paste are also suitable. By the way, now you can buy bindis in the form of stickers. Among them there are not only dots, but also stars, butterflies, ornaments, figures and patterns, and so on.
If a woman is not yet accustomed to wearing a bindi correctly, she can use a coin or something else that is round to draw the bindi properly. You can use small, specially prepared stencils; this will not spoil the bindi.
What else could this dot on your forehead mean? If you consider yourself an observant person, then you have noticed bindis on the foreheads of stars more than once. Remember Madonna, Shakira, or Gwen Stefani? They love this kind of bindi, and I also like the bindi, there is something so unusual about this type of decoration.
Previously, very interesting ingredients were added to the paint for this miracle, among which even cobra venom was noticed. In addition to this, sandalwood oil and ash were also added. Now, of course, production has been streamlined in a different way, there is a creamy composition and a powder one. Regarding the second type, it is much more difficult to apply, so it is better to stop at something else if this is your first time. In general, it is best to buy stickers; there are no difficulties or problems with them.
Sizes vary, just like colors, do not take a chandra that is too large, it will look awkward and unnatural. In principle, for you to believe me, you can verify this for yourself. It must be said that sometimes, instead of dots, they use different jewelry and colored stones, it looks simply stunning.
Do you want to try chandra as a cosmetic? Then you will be surprised to know that women with dark skin will prefer orange or pink chandra, do not use chocolate, red and grey colour. Those with a small forehead should apply an oblong dot. A light red dot will look perfect on women with an ideal figure. For those with a narrow forehead, it is better to apply chandra exactly between the eyebrows. And for those who want to visually narrow their forehead, you need to draw an oblong bindi. A round bindi will look great on women who have a wide forehead.
Bindi can be matched to the color of your attire, imagine yourself in a luxurious red dress and draw a bindi? A wonderful sight? If not, then change your outfit!
If your man prefers surprises, then put a bindi on his forehead. If he doesn’t notice this right away, don’t be too sad, men are designed to immediately see your attractiveness, in general, and not the attributes that helped achieve it. Maybe it’s that you met your loved one and asked if he noticed anything? Your man, having carefully examined your body with his eyes, will say that most likely you have put on makeup. Or simply many similar options will be listed. And here the real reason may not even notice, hints are useless, men only perceive what is said directly.

India has been of great interest to Europeans for many centuries, not only because it is famous for its fabulous wealth, but also because it has a special culture and beautiful women, who traditionally adorn their foreheads with a piquant red dot called a bindi.

Historical roots of the origin of the bindi

The exact date of the origin of the tradition of wearing a bindi is not known, but scientists are sure that the small red dot on the forehead of Indian women arose many thousands of years ago. Hinduism is based on tantrism, a symbol of spiritual development and liberation, which occurs through the opening of the sixth chakra, located on the forehead between the eyebrows.
By applying a red dot to her forehead, an Indian woman seems to reveal her energetic capabilities and at the same time acquire protection from evil forces. And considering the fact that for the first time a bindi is applied to a woman future husband, with his blood, this can be regarded as imposing family protection on the future wife and mother.

What does the dot on the forehead mean for Indian women?

Bindi has many names, such as tilaka, kumkum, and bottu, but they all have the same meaning - it is status married woman professing Hinduism. Literally translated from Hindi, bindi or tilaka means a small dot or drop, but the main meaning of this traditional decoration for Indian women is much broader.

A bindi is not only a decoration and a symbol of status, it is, first of all, protection in a religious sense, from spirits, from dark thoughts and, of course, from the evil eye. Tilaka also denotes wisdom and life experience, which manifests itself in difficult times. The basis for such a belief is God Shiva, who has the so-called “third eye” between his eyebrows.

What does a bindi look like?

The bindi is applied in the form of a small red dot with the correct shape. round shape. Depending on the woman’s place of residence and her belonging to a certain caste, this symbol can be applied in another form, different in color and shape.

Women belonging to the Brahmin caste mostly wear a red bindi, while Kshatriyas wear a black bindi. A woman who visited the temple wears a bindi on her forehead. orange color, and the venerable widow applies a brown bindi.
Of course, at the moment, belonging to a certain caste in India is no longer so important, but Indians still observe traditions to this day, diluting them with modern motifs, which actually allows modern Indian women to use bindis as decoration.

How to apply bindi?

In order to apply a point between the eyebrows of the correct rounded shape, you need some skill, which, of course, not everyone has, so many people first use a bindi to apply special device- a coin with a neat round hole in the middle.

Used as bindi dye different materials, earlier it was cinnabar - mercury sulfide, but now they use safer minerals and substances. Nowadays turmeric mixed with honey or dye - abir with rice flour, as well as saffron, ox blood and many other dyes that can be used to apply a bindi.

Considering the trend of modernity, the bindi is no longer only a symbol of the Indian woman, but also an adornment with the help of which many, trying to emphasize their beauty, decorate their forehead with a traditional red drop framed by shining stones.

Tilaka or tilak(Sanskrit: तिलक, tilaka) is a sacred mark that followers of Hinduism apply with clay, ash, sandalwood paste or other substance on the forehead and other parts of the body. The types of tilaka differ among followers of different directions of Hinduism and, among other things, serve as an identification mark, indicating belonging to a particular religious tradition. Tilak can be applied daily or only on special occasions.

Shaivaites Usually they use sacred ash - vibhuti. And apply tilaka on the forehead form of three horizontal lines called tripundra.

Tripundra- symbol of Shaivism. The red dot in the middle symbolizes the third eye of Shiva. The red dot under the three lines is a symbol of the connection between Shiva and Shakti (Parvati).

Vaishnavas use clay from sacred rivers(such as the Yamuna) or holy places of pilgrimage (such as Vrindavan), which is sometimes mixed with sandalwood paste. They apply tilaka in the form of two vertical lines joining together between the eyebrows, this shape symbolizes the feet of Vishnu. The red line or dot inside symbolizes Lakshmi.

Followers of some branches of Vaishnavism also apply tilaka on the bridge of the nose in the form of a tulsi leaf. Vaisnava tilaka is called urdhva-pundra.

Shaktas- adherents of the path of worship of the Divine Mother - use kumkum, or red powder from turmeric. They apply tilaka in the form of a red vertical line or just a dot.

Followers of Ganesha use red sandalwood paste - rakta-chandana. Ganapatya (Sanskrit: गाणपत्य, gāṇapatya) is a Hindu religious tradition of worshiping Ganesha. Traditionally, Ganesh is depicted with tilaka in the form of an Indian trident - trishula (Sanskrit: त्रिशूल triṣūla “three spears”). Ganesha in Hinduism is the deity of wisdom and prosperity, “the remover of obstacles.”

The cult of Ganesha for many Hindus complements the worship of other deities, which is why there are various tilakas both on images of Ganesha and among worshipers.

The image of Ganesha with three horizontal stripes and a red dot symbolizes that Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati.

Shiva, Ganesh, Parvati. Shiva's tripundra symbol (three slightly rounded horizontal lines connected at the sides). The design is painted in red paste on Ganesha's forehead. Parvati's red dot is a symbol of Mother.

India. Indian dot on the forehead of Hindus and Indian women.

A dot on the forehead of Indian women. When we watch Indian films, the first thing that catches our eye is a strange red dot on the forehead of an Indian beauty.

What does the dot on the forehead mean? No, this is not a mole or birthmark at all, as many would think. This dot is called bindi (chandra, tillak, tika), which translates as “dot”, “droplet”. And in Hindi it is “full moon”, “full moon”. How wonderful it is when the full moon graces your forehead...

Nobody knows for sure, why they started putting this point. However, according to Tantrism, it is generally accepted that in this place there is the “Third Eye” (the eye of Shiva), symbolizing “hidden wisdom”. They say, that the bindi saves from the “evil eye” and evil illness.

Tika is applied between the eyebrows. Why? It is believed that this is where the “sixth chakra” is located, in which all life experience is concentrated. Trusting the tantric custom, we can believe that when a person thinks, all of his latent (hidden) energy (“kundalini”), “making a journey” from the spine to the head, passes through this very red point. The purpose of the bindi is to conserve energy. Also, it “participates” in activating improved concentration.

IN Ancient India There was such a custom: the groom had to apply his blood to the forehead of his bride, since it was believed that the red dot was a symbol of blood. Now, reading about this, we even feel kind of creepy. Take a break from the “creepiness” of your thoughts: this ritual is already a thing of the past. And we, strictly speaking, are not from India.

Now, a bride without a bindi loses her attractiveness in the eyes of men. And when the bride and groom (with a red dot on their forehead) enter the house, fate itself “gives” them prosperity and happiness. The widow does not wear a bindi. I think that nowadays, at a wedding, you shouldn’t wear a bindi as a decoration. Although…. Why not?

D Women, on critical days, also do without applying red dots.

Until the very moment of the “appearance” of Indian independence, this dot denoted belonging to a certain caste. For example, if the dot was red, the woman was from among the Brahmins; if there was a black dot on a woman’s forehead, the woman belonged to the number of kshatriyas. Also, all this “charm” can also symbolize beauty and purity.

Indian dot on the forehead of Hindus. Men also apply bindi (tilak), in the form of white voices made from ashes. The Tillak on a man's forehead indicates which Indian god he worships. Do you think this might look funny? Not at all. You just need to get used to it. Each country has its own customs, its own rituals, its own signs. And what at first seems unusual to us will soon become “an attribute of everyday life.”

Once upon a time a long time ago, chandra was a sign that a woman was married. Nowadays, a red dot is a kind of decoration. Now this dot on the forehead is painted not only in red, and not only by Indian women. Bindi can be drawn using multi-colored markers, they are (waterproof), special pencils for tattooing and henna-based paste. By the way, today there are bindis - “self-adhesive” ones. Among them you can find a “dot” for every taste: in the form of butterflies, stars, ornaments, various patterns, shapes (geometric) and so on.

A dot on the forehead of Indian women. If a woman does not know how to apply a bindi properly, they use a coin (hollow) or something round in shape to draw the bindi properly. You can also use small stencils. It won't ruin Bindi.

What else does a dot on a person’s forehead mean? If you are an observant person, then you have already noticed bindis on “starry” foreheads more than once. Remember Shakira, Madonna, Gwen Stefani? They love these bindis very much. And by the way, I like the bindi. There is something mysterious about this decoration.

Previously, the paint of this “charm” included very interesting ingredients, including even cobra venom. In addition to this, it included ash and sandalwood oil. Now, of course, chandra is made differently: in creamy and powdered form. As for the second type, it is much more difficult to apply. Therefore, I do not recommend you choose it if this is your very first experiment. Generally speaking, the easiest way is to buy stickers: there will be no problems or difficulties with them.

Size " full moon"You can also choose (as well as color). There is no need to choose Chandra very much large sizes: it will not look very nice, to put it mildly. Basically, if you doubt my words, try it, and you will understand everything yourself. It should be noted that often, instead of dots, various precious and colored stones are “put” on the forehead. It looks great.

A dot on the forehead of Indian women. Do you want to use chandra as cosmetics? Then you will be interested to know, - What:

  1. For women with dark skin, it is better to choose chandra orange or Pink colour, avoiding chocolate, steel gray and red colors.
  2. For women with a small forehead, it is better to apply an oblong dot.
  3. A light red bindi is very suitable for women with a slender figure.
  4. For women who have a narrow forehead, it is better to apply or draw chandra directly between the eyebrows.
  5. For those who want to visually narrow their forehead, an oblong-shaped bindi is suitable.
  6. Let women who have a very wide forehead wear a round bindi.

Bindiya (bindi) can also be chosen to match the color of clothing. Imagine yourself, for example, in a luxurious red dress. Now draw the bindi. So how? Like? If not, you can redo it or wear a different outfit.

If your boyfriend loves surprises, then you can give him a surprise in the form of a bindi on your beautiful forehead. However, if he doesn’t immediately notice the frontal decoration, don’t be upset. Men are designed in such a way that they, first of all, tend to notice your beauty and attractiveness, and not the attributes of beauty. The following situation may happen. You meet and tell your loved one: “Don’t you notice anything?” Your man, having examined you from head to toe, without hesitation, will answer: “Oh, my love, you dyed your hair!”. Believe me, he will begin to name many options. But he “risks” not naming the true version. Hinting is useless, since men only understand what is said directly.


The dot on the forehead is like that of Indian women. -