Age: from 7 months

Dried fruit compote for children


In the last article - compotes for children, I wrote about compotes for a child up to one year old and older. How to give, how much, norms for each age. Now let’s figure out how to cook compote for a child. So that we get not only a tasty drink that the child will like, but that it retains as many vitamins as possible.

You will need to make dried fruit compote for your child:
  1. 50 g dried fruits (apple, pear);
  2. 500 ml. water
How to prepare dried fruit compote for a child:

1. Very convenient proportions of dried fruits and water. While we are just starting to introduce dried fruit compote for a child, you can prepare 20 g of dried fruit per 200 ml.

Let's figure out what dried fruits we use. From seven months - apple, pear, prune, they are the least likely to cause allergies. At first we prepare only from dried fruits of apples, introduce them gradually, as the baby gets used to it, you can gradually add a pear to the apple, then, as the baby gets used to it, prunes. It is better to prepare compote from these dried fruits up to 9 - 10 months. Then you can add raisins (they cause gas formation) and dried apricots (they often cause allergies).

Dried fruits must be washed thoroughly. We put them in a saucepan in which we will cook the compote, always with a glass lid, I’ll explain why later. Fill them with warm boiled water (not hot, but warm). And leave it to swell overnight. We won’t be draining this water; this is water for compote.

In the morning, mix the contents. If the child is older than one year, you can add a little sugar. It is better not to add sugar until the child is one year old; if the child completely refuses to drink without sugar, it is better to add grape sugar or a little fructose. Both of me happily drank without sugar, but sweet compote is even worse, and now they drink it, they like it slightly sweetened.

2. Place a saucepan with a tightly closed lid on low heat and bring the compote to a boil. As soon as we saw through the glass lid that it was boiling, immediately remove it from the heat without removing the lid. Leave it to cool with the lid closed.

Regarding the closed lid. This is very important for preserving vitamins. After all, not only temperature and prolonged heating contribute to the destruction of vitamins, but it is even more important that there is no contact with air during heating. This is why I often try to write that we close the lid and that almost all of my pots have transparent lids, so as not to have to remove them again.

3. After 30 minutes - 1 hour you can offer it warm to the child.

Of course, even with such gentle preparation in dried fruit compote for a child, some of the vitamins are inevitably lost, but the maximum remains that can be preserved when preparing the compote, i.e., heating - up to 60% of the vitamins, and they are stored in the liquid. Because almost all vitamins and microelements from dried fruits pass into liquid, i.e. into compote. Mineral salts and organic acids are also preserved in the compote.

Store the compote for up to 1 day. I pour it into a jar with the lid closed and put it in the refrigerator.

I also like to pour it into a thermos, so you can also store it until the evening. Very convenient, no need to reheat.

The next day we prepare a fresh one, because the longer the compote sits, the more vitamins in it are destroyed. Bon appetit!

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today we will talk about another drink - compote. In this article, I will tell you how healthy this product is, how to prepare it correctly, and you will find out at what age children can use compote.

The value of the drink

Compotes are prepared using all kinds of berries and fruits. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a drink is healthy.

  1. Complex of vitamins and microelements. Strengthens the body, improves immunity.
  2. Fiber and pectin substances normalize the functioning of the digestive system.
  3. A great way to quench your baby's thirst and diversify his drinks.

From what month should you give compote to a child?

You need to know that compote is considered as an additional liquid and, in fact, is not complementary food. However, you should not give it before the baby becomes familiar with fruit puree. So, for example, I gave my son applesauce at 7 months, and then, a week and a half later, I decided to cook apple compote. And my child’s body accepted it well.

If we are talking about children who are bottle-fed, they try fruit puree at 5-6 months. Then you can introduce this drink.

Cooking rules

There are different ways to prepare compote. But there are a number of criteria that must always be observed:

  1. For compote, you must use special baby water purchased at a store or pharmacy. Water after a deep cleaning filter is also suitable.
  2. Take fruits and berries that are ripe, but not overripe, without dents or rotten areas.
  3. With red fruits, exotic fruits and citrus fruits, you should wait until a year.
  4. Cook compote without adding sugar. And in the case of sour ingredients, you can add a little sugar, but honey or raisins are better.
  5. The first step is to prepare a drink from green apples. They are the most hypoallergenic fruits.
  6. To ensure a rich taste of the drink, the berries should be boiled whole, and the fruits should be cut into slices.
  7. Prepare the compote for 15 minutes after boiling, no longer.
  8. When the drink is ready, you need to put it in a dark place. Leave for an hour to steep thoroughly.

What kind of compote can a child

  1. The first and safest compote for a baby will be apple compote (from green varieties).
  2. Do not forget that the child needs a one-ingredient drink for the first time.
  3. You can gradually introduce compotes based on other fruits and berries, but you need to exclude red fruits and citrus fruits. You can start remembering them from the age of one.
  4. After adapting to a variety of fruits, you can experiment and mix different ingredients.
  5. It is important that the compote for the baby be without sugar or with a small amount, and only in the presence of sour fruits.
  6. For the little ones, this drink should be brewed no longer than a couple of minutes after boiling. This will help preserve the value of the product as much as possible.
  7. The finished compote should brew and saturate the taste.
  8. The baby should be given a fresh drink, recently prepared. When it goes into the refrigerator, it loses its properties.
  9. For toddlers, you need to strain the compote, getting rid of fruits and berries.
  10. Try to use fresh and whole (without dents or rotten areas) ingredients, or dried fruits. Although in winter it is allowed to prepare compote from frozen fruits and berries.
  11. It is necessary to adhere to age norms when drinking the drink.
  12. It is better if the baby drinks compote in the morning or at lunch.
  13. This drink is not complementary food, so it can be drunk both after feeding and during feeding. The main thing is that it is not cold or too warm.

How much can you give?

When you first give your baby compote, you should remember that the portion should not exceed 5 ml. After assessing the body’s reaction to the drink, if everything is fine, you can continue to increase the dose. A seven-month-old baby can drink a maximum of 100 ml per day. The main thing to remember is that he drinks this amount per day, and not at one time. I gave it three times a day - 30, 40 and 30 ml.

At one year old, a child can drink 250 ml of liquid per day, including compote. And what percentage will belong to him, and what to water, is up to you and your child to decide. If your baby prefers compote, cook it without adding sugar, otherwise you risk that the glucose in the child’s blood will start to go off scale.


I give you three easy recipes that will be beneficial for the health of your little one:

Recipe 1.

You will need two, preferably green, apples.

  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly, peel and remove the core.
  2. Cut the apples into cubes or just slices.
  3. Place them in a saucepan, fill with water (2 cups), and put on fire.
  4. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes, no more.
  5. At the end of cooking, you can add a little honey or raisins. They are a great substitute for sugar.

Recipe 2.

You will need black currants (300 grams).

  1. Wash the berries thoroughly, remove leaves and twigs.
  2. Pour the currants into the pan.
  3. Fill the berries with water (half a liter).
  4. Bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes.
  5. The finished compote must be strained to separate the berries from the liquid.

Recipe 3.

  1. Soak 200 grams of dried fruits in warm water and leave to infuse overnight. It is important to cover them with a lid.
  2. Bring the finished infusion to boiling temperature and cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Leave the compote in a dark place for one hour.
  4. Strain the liquid from the fruit.

So we got acquainted with how to start drinking compote for children. It is a useful product. Don't be discouraged if your baby increasingly asks for this drink rather than water. Don’t forget not to add sugar when cooking, and if you can’t do without it, it’s better to use honey or raisins.

The benefits of compote for infants

Compote is a very tasty and healthy drink. In hot weather it quenches thirst and warms in cold weather. The drink provides us with vitamins, minerals and pectin.

From the moment of birth, water is an additional food for the baby besides mother's milk. When your baby turns three months old, you can gradually add new foods to his diet. Mother's milk contains up to eighty-seven percent water, making it both food and drink. To prevent your child from consuming extra food calories, you need to add water, juices and compotes to milk.

Compote for an infant is an ideal thirst quencher. It can be prepared from different fruits and berries. For the first time, dilute the prepared drink halfway with water.

To prepare compote, you must use only filtered, clean water, without unnecessary odors. When choosing fruits, pay attention to their taste and appearance. They must not have defects or be overripe.

If you are preparing a drink from dried fruits, then pay attention to the color of the fruit. If they are bright in color, free of stains and soft, they may have been treated with special substances to extend their shelf life. Before cooking, remove stems and leaves and rinse very thoroughly. You can first soak them in water for a while, and then put them in boiling water. Do not forget that dried fruits increase in volume when cooked. Prepare at the rate of half a kilo of product per two liters of water. The raisins are placed in the compote a few minutes before it is completely ready.

It is not recommended to use exotic fruits in cooking. Compote, like all new products, should be introduced into the baby’s diet carefully and at intervals of several days. If there is no allergic reaction, you can gradually increase the portion.

How to cook compote for babies

In order to preserve all the necessary vitamins during cooking, cut them finely and into equal parts. The berries are cooked whole. The maximum cooking time is fifteen minutes. For pears and apples this time increases to thirty-five minutes. Compote should always be freshly prepared. You can sweeten the drink with fructose.

Recipes for compotes for babies

Dried fruit compote for babies

Rinse prunes, dried apricots and raisins thoroughly. Then soak them in water for a few minutes to remove small grains of sand and particles. Place two liters of water on the stove. After the water boils, add dried fruits and cook for fifteen minutes. Strain the cooked compote.

Place pear, apple, prunes and dried apricots in three hundred milliliters of boiling water. After boiling, cook for ten minutes and add a teaspoon of fructose. Then leave for an hour and you can give it to your baby.

Rinse dried fruits well and soak in water for thirty minutes. Then drain the water and cook in two liters for thirty minutes after boiling. Cool and leave for twelve hours. Before use, dilute one part compote and two parts water.

Prune compote for babies

This compote will be very useful for a baby prone to constipation, especially if he is bottle-fed. To prepare, take five berries, rinse and cut in half. After a liter of water boils, add the prunes and cook for ten minutes. Leave the brewed drink for thirty minutes and strain.

Compote of dried apricots for babies

For cooking, a liter of water will require a quarter of the fruit. Pre-soak them in water for five minutes. During this time, they will get rid of excess debris and swell. Then put them in boiling water for ten minutes.

You can brew the compote overnight by pouring boiling water over it and closing the lid. This will retain more nutrients.

Raisin compote for babies

Wash two tablespoons of raisins and dry slightly. Pour a liter of boiling water overnight. Offer it to your baby in the morning. This compote, as recommended by pediatricians, will be a good replacement for dill water.

Sort three hundred grams of raisins and rinse well. Repeat several times. If the raisins are light, pre-soak them for a while. Place one and a half liters of water on the stove. After boiling, add raisins, seven hundred grams of sugar and cook, stirring over low heat for an hour.

Rosehip compote for babies

Rose hips contain a large number of substances that are beneficial for children. It is especially rich in carotene and vitamin C. It also contains phosphorus, potassium, and iron.

To prepare compote, take a teaspoon of washed and chopped fruits. Pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew in a thermos for two hours. If you use fresh rose hips, fill it with cold water in the evening, and in the morning put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Then cool and treat your baby.

Currant compote for babies

Black currants are especially beneficial for a child’s body, although red and white ones are also beneficial. Fragrant and ripe berries are rich in active biological components, as they are better absorbed. The drink contains large quantities of ascorbic acid, vitamins A, B, C, iodine, phosphorus, and magnesium. It is especially useful for colds.

Take three hundred grams of fresh berries. Wash them and remove the stems. Place in two liters of water and cook for twenty minutes. Then strain, cool and feed the baby. Add honey or fructose for a sweet taste.

Cherry and currant compote. To prepare, take one and a half kilograms of berries, seven hundred grams of sugar and a liter of water. Wash and peel the berries from the stems. Pour hot sugar syrup over them and leave for fifteen minutes. Place in a jar and fill with chilled syrup. Pasteurize at seventy degrees for twenty minutes.

In addition to breast milk, it is recommended that a small child gradually introduce other drinks into the diet - both plain water and juices with compotes, which contribute to the development of the digestive system and saturation with nutrients. One of the most popular drinks is dried fruit compote, which is quickly prepared from available ingredients.


Dried fruits are known to help replenish vitamin deficiencies in the body, especially in winter and autumn, when it is very difficult to get fresh and safe fruits. However, you cannot offer such a product in its usual form to a child under one year of age, but you can cook a wonderful compote. You can pre-dry the fruits yourself or purchase a ready-made mixture.

Benefits and harms

The main advantage of dried fruits is that consuming them allows you to quickly get enough of vitamins, which is especially important in childhood. As a rule, dried fruits contain large amounts of calcium, potassium, iron and other elements responsible for the normal formation of the child’s body and the functioning of various systems. Compote will also be especially useful for infants, since the enzymes and pectins contained in the composition have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

If we talk about individual elements, we can note the following qualities:

  • banana is called a quick source of energy, and dried apricots are responsible for strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body;
  • cherry fights bacteria and viruses and improves the functioning of the brain system;

  • prunes help relieve constipation and strengthen blood vessels;
  • pear removes harmful substances from the body and also improves digestion;
  • apples can prevent the flu and help with food digestion;

  • raisins and figs have a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and the latter also delivers Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids to the body;
  • dates increase endurance and promote a surge of strength.

Store-bought compotes made from dried fruits cause the most harm. Commercial fruits are often treated with sulfur to extend shelf life and improve appearance. Thus, the child may develop allergies or respiratory system disorders. Under no circumstances should you take those packages that are marked E from 220 to 226. Markings from 200 to 202 are less dangerous, but it is still better to buy those dried fruits that do not look tempting and have a short shelf life. In addition, you should definitely check for mold and mucus on the fruits.

Speaking of infants, compote can be harmful in situations where the child has an ulcer, gastritis or diabetes. You should also be wary of taking it if you are highly sensitive to the composition. Finally, you should not drink compote if you have diarrhea.

How to properly introduce it into complementary foods?

A one-month-old baby, of course, should not be given anything other than breast milk and warm boiled water. However, at 6 months it’s time to think about compote. Of course, different children interact differently with new foods, so this time period is not constant.

Such complementary foods are allowed to be introduced when the age ranges from 3 months to 1 year. If the child is bottle-fed, then you can start giving him compote earlier than with breastfeeding. And of course, it is better to consult a specialist first. Dr. Komarovsky, for example, believes that complementary feeding should not be started earlier than six months.

Dried fruit compote should definitely be included in the menu when the child turns one year old. It is recommended to do this in winter, since there are no fresh fruits during this period. When preparing the drink, there is no need to add sugar, since the dried fruits themselves are quite sweet.

In the first days, the compote will have to be diluted with drinking water (one part of the compote will require two parts of water), and then, when the child’s body gets used to it, its concentration will have to be gradually reduced. The sweet drink is usually drunk either during feeding or after feeding using a tablespoon or a bottle of liquid.

It is better to start introducing the drink from one teaspoon in the morning. If no negative reactions occur during the day, then next time the volume can be increased.

By the way, compote of prunes and dried apricots is allowed only when the child is 5 months old. These dried fruits, especially in combination with raisins, will help improve the functioning of the digestive system, cleanse the intestines and relieve the child of constipation.

Of all the possible dried fruits, dried apple is considered the best for beginnings, followed by pear. It is optimal to give a collection of dried fruits from 7 or 8 months, and after 9 months - with almost all fruits, with the exception of those to which allergic reactions are possible.

The drink is always served warm. Cold will not be so beneficial, and hot will simply burn the intestines. It is better to drink compote only once a day with a maximum volume of 180 milliliters. In addition, it is important to mention that for each meal the drink must be fresh, which means it will have to be brewed again. Therefore, you should not initially work with large quantities of dried fruits and volumes of water.

It is important to mention that such a drink will be very useful for vomiting, high fever and intestinal disorders. It must be made from raisins and dried apricots, or dried grapes and other types of dried apricots. In the case when the baby pees often, an infusion of dried fruits will also come to the rescue.

How to cook?

When you are preparing dried fruit compote for a child for the first time, it is better to limit yourself to one type of ingredient. It’s correct when a child’s body gets used to first one new product, then another, and then to a mixture of them. In addition, you should immediately understand that you need to continue preparing the drink only if the baby does not have any allergic reactions or digestive problems.

In the case when compote needs to be made from fresh fruits, just ten minutes of boiling over low heat is enough. However, cooking from dried fruits requires more time - about thirty minutes. If the children's drink is not sweet enough, then you can use fructose, but only when the doctor approves of such an innovation.

As for proportions, usually about half a liter of water per 50 grams of dried fruit. You should be prepared that dried fruits will increase in volume during cooking. Cooking time depends on the fruit chosen, but they should always be immersed in boiling water. If you use pears with apples, then you will have to cook for half an hour, if you use raisins - only ten minutes. For all other fruits, as a rule, a third of an hour is enough. Upon completion of cooking, the drink is usually infused under the lid for about an hour.

Before serving, you will have to cool it and strain through a strainer.

A step-by-step recipe for preparing apple compote for your baby begins with properly washing the fruit. At this time, drinking water is brought to a boil, and pieces of apples are poured into it. You can brew the drink in a third of an hour.

You can also prepare a delicious compote using a thermos. To do this, the dried, washed slices are placed in a bowl and poured with a glass of boiling water. The thermos should be left closed overnight, and in the morning add another glass of just boiled water, and the total volume should be poured into the saucepan. At the next stage, the compote is brought to a boil and cooked for about ten minutes.

Sometimes a mixture of dried and fresh fruit is used, for example, a few pieces of fresh apples and pears, as well as prunes and dried apricots. In this case, the processed fruits are immersed in boiling water for ten minutes, and then the drink is infused and filtered. If the compote is made only from dried apricots, we must not forget about pre-soaking it. The washed pieces are immersed in heated water for five minutes. At this time, clean water is brought to a boil, and 100 grams of dried apricots should contain about a liter of water. The prepared dried apricots are placed in boiling water and cooked for about fifteen to twenty minutes.

Prunes are processed in a similar way, but in addition they must be chopped into halves. It stays in boiling water for about ten minutes, after which it is infused for thirty minutes.

When compote is made from raisins, two tablespoons of washed berries are added to a liter of boiling water. After ten minutes of active heat treatment, the fire can be turned off. It is also possible to replace this procedure by infusing the drink overnight.

Finally, a handful of the prepared compote mixture is first washed and soaked. At this time, a liter of water is brought to a boil, and dried fruits are poured into it. After cooking for about fifteen minutes, you can turn off the heat under the pan.

Dried fruits must first be soaked in cold water. Firstly, this is how they swell, and secondly, all harmful impurities and debris go to the bottom of the container. The fruits must be washed until the liquid used becomes clear.

Preparation of compote from dried apricots, raisins and prunes begins by pouring 200 grams of fruit with hot water for five minutes. Then, in cooled water, the ingredients are carefully washed with your fingers so that all dust and debris are at the bottom. At this time, a quarter cup of granulated sugar is poured into a saucepan with a liter of hot water, and everything is carefully mixed.

The washed dried fruits are poured into water, after which the compote is brought to a boil. The fruits will need to be boiled for a third of an hour. If the drink is being prepared for a baby, then you can dilute the fruit mixture with plain water so that one part of the broth is two parts water. In addition, it will be necessary to strain the resulting sediment.

To learn how to cook dried fruit compote, see the following video.

Your baby is growing up, and mother’s milk alone is no longer enough for nutrition. It is necessary to gradually prepare him for regular food and drink. The first such drink will be compote. The preparation of this product for children has its own characteristics, since not every fruit can be given to children. Apples are the most suitable. They are the easiest to prepare and are the easiest to digest during infancy.

It is already difficult for a mother to feed her six-month-old baby with one breast, so you can start giving the baby compote to drink

At what age should compote be given?

Your baby is six months old! Do you have a question about what to feed him in addition to milk? For example, are apples good for a 6 month old baby? Is his digestive system strong enough? If possible, then how much, how often, and from what fruits should it be made?

At 5 months the child was still too small to drink compote, but by 6 months he was already ready to accept it. Don't rush, first give him just a taste - a teaspoon. Look at the child’s reaction to see if he starts to swell or if an allergy develops. Gradually, by 7-7.5 months, increase the daily portion to half a glass. By 1 year of age, the volume can even reach a glass. It is not necessary to give it all at once - it is better to divide it into 2-4 doses. For such babies, it is better to make it from green-skinned apples - they are more hypoallergenic than red or yellow ones.

The benefits of compote

There is almost no vitamin C in the drink - it was destroyed due to heat treatment. However, other vitamins, pectins, minerals, antioxidants, and the same fiber remain.

The baby's compote increases intestinal motility, it is populated with beneficial microflora, which strengthens the immune system, helps cope with constipation, improves digestion, and prepares the child for solid food. If the baby has a deficiency of lacto and bifidobacteria, he cannot fight infections normally.

For the first time, you can give your baby only one or two spoons of compote. If there is no reaction, then gradually increase the portion of the drink

In winter and spring, there are practically no useful substances left in apples, so it is better to replace them with dried fruits and make a decoction of them. It’s good if they are dried not in the oven, but in the air, in the shade. Then there are more vitamins left in them, and the fruits will not dry out. Over-dried dried fruits give a bitter taste, which is unlikely to please the baby. You should drink compote made from dried fruits in the same volume as from fresh fruits. However, there are situations when drinking a lot is especially necessary, for example, in extreme heat or when a child is sick.

At this time, compote instead of water is given only to those children who are already accustomed to it. Then they will not refuse to drink it.

Cooking recipes

In summer it is very useful to make a drink from fresh fruits. Only if you start giving your baby new types of fruits, add one each time. He needs to get used to the product and taste that is unusual for him. There are different recipes for making compote, choose which one you like best.

Traditional way: Take a medium sized apple and wash it. Peel it and remove seeds, pour boiled water - about two glasses. Boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Add fructose - sugar can cause bloating, and honey is contraindicated for infants.

For children's compote, it is better to choose green apples, since such fruits should not cause allergies in the child

Try brewing a drink in a thermos:

  1. Wash a fresh apple, remove seeds and peel.
  2. Cut into slices of any size.
  3. Then put it in a thermos and fill it with boiling water.
  4. Close the thermos and leave it to steep overnight.
  5. After a few hours it will be ready - the apples will “arrive” by themselves.

The drink should not be hot. Before offering the drink to your baby, cool to room temperature and strain.

From dry apples

Apple compote for babies is also prepared from dry fruits. It is good because it has its own distinct taste, sweetish and aromatic, and it does not need to be sweetened with anything. Dry apples contain the same substances as fresh ones, and it is preferable to cook it when there are no useful substances left in fresh ones - this is winter and spring. There are also various recipes for this.

The traditional method is the simplest. Take a handful of dry apples and wash them thoroughly. Place in boiled water and leave for about 30-40 minutes until the fruit swells. They will remove particularly stubborn specks that always remain on the fruit when dried. Rinse them again, put in boiling water - about 1.5 cups, and cook over low heat for about half an hour. Then set aside and cool. Strain.

For compote, you can use fresh or dried apples (see also:)

You can brew uzvar in a thermos. Prepare the apples in the same way as in the first method. Place them in a thermos and fill them with boiling water. It needs to brew, so it’s more convenient to do it at night. If the compote turns out to be too rich, add a little boiled water to it. For two glasses of boiling water you will need 100-150 grams of fruit.

Just like when cooking with fresh fruits, you shouldn’t make it from a mixture of many dried fruits at once. Add them one at a time. The next ingredient after apples could be prunes. At first, do not mix both compotes, but give them separately. Start introducing your child to prune compote with one teaspoon.

From prunes

For some children who have digestive problems, acquaintance with prunes can begin as early as five months - just not a compote, but a drink made from prunes.

For a five-month-old baby, such a drink will be useful. It cleanses the intestines well and helps peristalsis. In any case, consult your pediatrician first. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of pitted prunes and a tablespoon of fructose (or sugar) per liter of boiling water.

Prunes in compote will help your baby with digestion

Dissolve fructose in water, then soak the prunes for half an hour and rinse them. Place in water and boil for 15-20 minutes until the berries are soft. After this, cool and strain the compote.

When the baby gets used to prune compote, you can give him apple compote with prunes. There will be no unpleasant reactions from him. This compote can be infused in a thermos, it will then come out even tastier. And then mix with fresh apples and other fruits.

Raisin compote

It is recommended to cook for a child from 8 months of age. You can cook it either as a separate compote or by mixing it with fruits already familiar to your baby in any proportion. This compote is not stored for a long time; it is better to prepare it immediately before use. It is better to choose raisins from light varieties. To prepare you need:

  • a tablespoon of raisins;
  • half a glass of boiling water.

A portion of raisins must be sorted out and filled with cool water for half an hour so that they swell and all the debris that always accumulates in its folds is removed. There is no need to add sugar to the compote; the raisins are sweet on their own.

Rinse again, add boiling water and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. The lid must be closed. You need to start with a teaspoon, then increase to a full portion. The mother of a newborn baby should drink the same drink made from raisins - it will make the milk healthier and will help the baby in case of constipation.

By gradually adding new components to the compote, you will accustom your baby to a variety of drinks and food.

From dried fruits

The complex collection of dried fruits includes many components. It is worth making compote from dried fruits for a baby when he has already tried all the fruits separately. It’s good if it’s made from apples, pears, prunes and raisins - there are many options, you can combine them at your discretion. Dried fruits must be soaked in boiled water before cooking compote for babies. Fruits should be sorted to avoid spoilage.

You can make this compote in the usual way in a saucepan or steam it in a thermos. It is worth starting to give it from 7-8 months. Children usually do not get upset from raisins.

When the child gets older, you can make richer compotes, and at about a year old, start adding dried apricots. Together with raisins, it will give the dried fruit compote a natural sweetness, and will allow you to avoid adding sugar, which is best avoided until the age of three.

From the age of 12 months, a child can drink compote with almost all fruits. It is good to add honey instead of sugar as a sweetener. To exclude an allergic reaction, you should smear a drop of honey near your elbow. If after a few hours there is no redness in this area, you can try giving honey to your child, starting with a very small amount.

So gradually, starting with compotes, you can accustom your child to eating fruits and a variety of tastes.