In the USSR and Russia

To carry out the tasks of cantonment and arrangement of troops (forces) in the USSR Armed Forces, the military districts (MD) (fleets) and the corresponding structures of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB of the USSR included military construction departments (MCD), the analogue of which in civil engineering is the construction trust .

The military construction departments were subordinated to the directorate of works (unr) - analogues of civil construction departments.

Construction and installation sites (SMU), construction sites (SU), warehouses, transport bases, and human resources concentrated in military construction military units of districts, groups of troops, fleets and other associations of the USSR Armed Forces and civilian ministries were subordinate to the directorate of the work manager.

The main military construction part was military construction squad(vso), having the status of a military unit - a separate battalion, which is why the collective colloquial name “construction battalion” came about, although this term existed earlier. Term construction battalion was officially withdrawn from circulation in the 1970s and the term detachment was introduced, which in this case indicated the versatility of the military construction detachment.

Military construction detachment (VSO) - a permanent formation in the USSR Armed Forces (USSR Ministry of Defense) and other USSR Ministries, consisting of headquarters and units and intended to carry out construction and installation work, manufacture structures and parts at industrial and logging enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Defense system and other works in the Ministries of the USSR. The military construction detachment was a battalion consisting of 3-6 companies. The battalion's staff and equipment varied depending on the tasks it performed - construction of defense facilities, construction highways and bridges, construction of residential buildings, land reclamation, procurement of building materials, etc. The recruitment of the military forces was carried out mainly from conscripts who graduated from construction schools or had construction or related specialties or experience in construction (plumbers, bulldozer operators, cable workers, etc. ). The rights, duties and responsibilities of military builders (in/builders, in/str.) were determined by military legislation, and work activity regulated labor legislation(with some peculiarities in the use of one or the other). Remuneration for construction workers was made according to current standards. Mandatory term work in the military service was counted towards the period of active military service. It was also envisaged that during the war, military builders would be able, if necessary, to replace the infantry; full-fledged combat training was planned, but carried out rarely, so as not to distract personnel from the objects under construction.

The main task of a military construction detachment is to provide construction sites with personnel. That is, military construction detachments provided military builders with accommodation, food, etc. Depending on the number of personnel employed at construction sites, military construction detachments could be reorganized into military construction regiments(vsp), separate military construction companies(Ovsr), etc., and vice versa, so that the nature of the supply and the staffing of the rear services correspond to the number of military builders.

Basic number military construction units was concentrated in the Ministry of Defense under the command of the Deputy Minister of Defense for Construction and Cantonment of Troops (ZamMO of the USSR for Civil Defense). Subordinate to him were 6 main departments (Glavkov):

  • Main Military Construction Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense (GVSU MO USSR);
  • Main Directorate of Special Construction of the USSR Ministry of Defense (GUSS USSR Ministry of Defense);

In accordance with the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated February 13, No. 187-102c, the Military Reconstruction Directorate (VVU) was formed as part of the People's Commissariat of Communications with the aim of managing all military units for the restoration, repair and construction of line-cable structures, telephone -telegraph and radio broadcasting centers, radio stations and postal enterprises in the territory liberated from the German occupiers.

Possessing its own powerful construction industry, GUSS year after year mastered the production of new series of residential buildings. He built and delivered more than 17 million square meters of comfortable housing, and carried out the construction of various social and cultural facilities, including a unique bicycle track in Krylatskoye.

At the beginning of 1956, to carry out construction, the USSR Armed Forces maintained military construction units numbering 231,015 military builders. In addition, outside the norms of the size of the Armed Forces of the USSR, there were military construction units numbering 73,095 military builders, and military construction detachments numbering 218,880 people. conscripted military workers.

In 1956, USSR Minister of Defense G. Zhukov and Chief of the General Staff V. Sokolovsky reported:

The use of military personnel in industry is a violation of the Constitution of the USSR, since according to Article 132 of the Constitution military service, which is honorable duty citizens of the USSR, should take place in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, and not in the construction organizations of civilian ministries of the USSR. In this regard, it is quite natural that there would be sharp dissatisfaction among military personnel assigned to work in military construction units and, in particular, in military construction detachments. They are immediately aware of their false position as formally called into the ranks Soviet army, actually used outside the army as labor. Facts show that these military personnel consider their employment at work instead of military service to be illegal and many of them protest in all possible forms, including open disobedience and desertion... ...Practice for many years shows that construction organizations of civilian ministries are poorly organized production activities military construction units and detachments and are completely careless about their material and living support, as a result of which the labor productivity of workers in construction units and detachments is extremely low, and earnings are low. All this previously led and is now leading to mass cases of indignation, absenteeism, rows, fights and serious violations of public order... ...the material and living conditions of the detachments are unsatisfactory, and some of them are in very difficult material and living conditions. For example: Military construction detachment 1052 was stationed in November 1955 in an unfinished building. The workers slept dressed, since the temperature in the rooms did not exceed +3 degrees. For a month, the workers were not washed in the bathhouse or their underwear was changed, which resulted in lice. 75 workers of the detachment received a severe cold. Despite the severe frosts, the workers were not given felt boots, as a result of which they worked in the cold in boots, and during transportation to the work site they wrapped their feet in various rags. Ten workers in this detachment suffered severe frostbite on their feet. Medical care and food are extremely poor. In November-December 1955, the workers of the detachment were not given wages. In the detachments of the Ministry of General Engineering, the situation is even worse: workers live in unheated rooms, food is prepared in the open air at a frost of 30-40 degrees. There are 10-15 frostbitten people in the detachments. All of the above conditions have an extremely negative impact on the state of discipline and lead to disobedience to superiors, mass unauthorized absences, thefts, drunkenness, fights and disruption of public order on such a scale that in some cases the intervention of troops and police was required.

The procedure for military construction workers to serve is regulated by the 1976 Regulations on the Military Construction Detachment of the USSR Ministry of Defense. In accordance with these Regulations, a military builder is paid a salary for work on a construction site, from which the cost of food, uniforms, bath and laundry services, cultural events and other types of support is subtracted, combined into clothing debt. After transfer to the reserve and final payments, the military builder is sent a money transfer with the money earned or a writ of execution to pay off the clothing debt. Military construction workers employed in a unit or located in a medical unit are paid the average salary for their unit.

Individual soldiers (sailors) of military construction detachments (medical instructors, signalmen, etc.) have the status of military personnel; food, uniforms, etc. are free for them.

In the 1980s, about 500 VSOs worked in 11 different "civilian" ministries.

Disbanded in 1992 military construction teams(units) working on the construction of national economic facilities in civilian ministries and departments, except for the USSR Ministry of Atomic Energy Industry, the USSR Ministry of Communications of Rosvostokstroy and the Main Directorate of Special Construction under the USSR Council of Ministers. In this regard, stop conscription of USSR citizens for active military service on the indicated dates. military construction teams(parts) starting in the fall of 1991. Released after disbandment military construction detachments(units) the number of military personnel and military construction workers to direct to staffing military construction detachments(parts) of the USSR Ministry of Defense. The Council of Ministers of the USSR in the first quarter of 1991 to approve the procedure and specific terms for disbandment military construction detachments(units) working in the Ministry of Nuclear Energy Industry of the USSR, the Ministry of Communications of the USSR, Rosvostokstroy and the Main Directorate of Special Construction under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Military personnel of private and non-commissioned personnel of military construction units who are in the position of military personnel, as well as those serving beyond their term of service, are assigned the ranks of private and non-commissioned personnel of the army and navy: from private (sailor) to petty officer (chief petty officer), i.e., without the prefix "military builder".


Objects built by the USSR Armed Forces, in the USSR (Russia):

  • Izhevsk city
  • highways (see Road Troops)
  • railways (see Railway troops)
  • and much more.

Driving past the FSB Academy on Michurinsky Prospekt, I noticed that new complex The buildings are being built by a private company. It’s as if we don’t have military construction organizations in our country. In fact, apart from Spetsstroy of Russia, there are no longer any of them left now. Over the years of reforms, the Main Military Construction Directorate, the Main Military Construction Directorate “Center” (GVSU “Center”), and the Main Directorate of the Construction Industry of the Ministry of Defense were privatized. Until recently, only the GUSS (Main Directorate for Special Construction) held out, which was renamed either the Directorate for Troop Arrangement (UOV) or the Main Directorate for Troop Arrangement. At present, it has also been decided to corporatize the former GUSS, and those of its units that carried out work at facilities like the Plesetsk cosmodrome and performed other important tasks are transferred to the Federal Agency for Special Construction (Spetsstroy of Russia). Thank God that it exists and is developing, otherwise defense construction in general could simply collapse.

Currently, the headquarters of military construction projects, the Central Organizational Planning Directorate (TsOPU), has also been disbanded.

How did we come to the conclusion that the most powerful military-construction complex was actually liquidated?!

Since 1987, military construction units began to be spat upon in the media. They began to be called the heirs of the military settlements of Arakcheev, the remnants of serfdom. Such publications as Ogonyok, Moskovsky Komsomolets, and Izvestia were especially zealous in this. In the future, to the chorus of denigrators of the important and necessary military specialty Even the magazine “Soviet Warrior” joined in. Since 1989, Red Star’s performances in defense of military builders have become less militant. And even Kaledin’s vile work “Stroibat”. You will read such materials and you will be horrified: they mock people, they say they are doing work that is completely unnecessary for the army. And there are no such formations in any country. Detractors of military construction did not seem to know that military construction work is actively being carried out by the US Army Corps of Engineers, that military construction formations are under different names exist in all countries of the world and have existed at all times, starting from Ancient Egypt. By the way, even the ancient Romans, from whom modern humanity has borrowed a lot (even weather reports and taxis), believed that construction was one of the most important military specialties.

I don’t mind that it was in vain that people with a criminal record were called into construction units, that it was the latter who brought hazing. But military builders performed important work for the benefit of the Motherland, and also received specialties that were valuable for civilian life. The situation had to be corrected, rather than throwing out the baby with the bathwater, and privatization of military organizations should have been undertaken. Maybe we’ll even trust foreign construction companies to build special fortification structures (SFS) and other defense facilities. Let them know what and how it works, because all the secrets can be revealed!

By the way, the importance of military builders was made even more important by the scientific and technological revolution in military affairs that occurred in the 50s, associated with the development nuclear missile weapons, led to fundamental changes in the structure and technical equipment of the troops. The role of special military facilities (combat missile systems, air and missile defense systems, highly protected command posts, wire communication centers, receiving and transmitting radio centers, airfields, naval ship bases, etc.), built in advance in peacetime using capital construction methods. Existing ones have become significantly more complex and fundamentally new special structures have appeared, technical systems and equipment of special facilities have changed qualitatively. At the same time, the requirements for the arrangement and quartering of troops were significantly tightened. There has been a radical change in the nature of all construction in the Ministry of Defense, its tasks have expanded significantly, and volumes have increased.

Special educational institutions were also needed, the network of which, now, due to the reduction in construction volumes and the disbandment of most units, has begun to collapse.

It’s a shame that with the reform, a sad fate awaits next year the famous Military Engineering and Technical University (VITU), which recently celebrated its 70th anniversary. He will have to become part of the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport and be redeployed from St. Petersburg.

The birth of the university was on June 22, 1939, when the People's Commissar of the Navy N.G. Kuznetsov signed order No. 301, which stated: “Based on the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 148 of June 10, 1939, to organize the Higher Naval Engineering School of the Republic of Kazakhstan Navy (VVMISU) on the basis of the Leningrad Institute of Industrial Construction Engineers.” was not accidental.

Quantitative and qualitative changes in the structure of the Navy as one of the important components of the country's Armed Forces required the creation of new and radical reconstruction existing forces and naval and coastal defense facilities.

This problem was practically solved on the basis of the widespread introduction of scientific and technological achievements and the use of world experience in the design, construction and operation of coastal and hydraulic facilities of the fleet. Since the technical and electrical power equipment of these facilities has sharply increased, an urgent need has arisen to increase the number and improve the quality of training of general-purpose military power engineers.

In April 1960, by directive of the Minister of Defense, the Red Banner Higher Engineering and Technical School was transferred from the Navy system to the subordination of the Deputy Ministry of Defense of the USSR for the construction and quartering of troops. He was entrusted with the task of training military engineers for the entire capital construction system of the Ministry of Defense. Since September 1960, the school became known as the Higher Military Engineering and Technical School (VVITKU).

More and more new specialties appeared on the basis of existing faculties. Including electrical engineers for the installation of electrical equipment of special objects of the Moscow Region, electrical engineers for the installation of thermal power equipment of special objects of the Moscow Region, as well as specialists completely new to the school - mechanical engineers for operation construction machines and equipment of production enterprises of military construction organizations. Educational institution developed successfully. Already at the beginning of the 21st century, psychologists began to be trained there.

Back in the dashing 90s, as evidenced by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Colonel V.G. Krivov in his book “On the Frontiers of Military Energy,” far-sighted leaders did everything to ensure that this university, famous for its scientific schools, transformed in 1993 into the Military Civil Engineering Institute (VISI), was preserved. On its basis it is necessary to create the first polytechnic university in the Armed Forces, training personnel not only for the military construction complex. For example, the energy department of the school, which was based on the electromechanical department created on June 10, 1941, has today become the leading educational unit for training military energy specialists.

In connection with its special role as an educational and scientific center in the training of military engineering personnel and scientific support for construction, the Military Engineering and Technical University (VITU) was founded on the basis of VISI and the Pkinsky Higher Military Engineering Construction School (PVVISU). The transformation into a university was an act of recognition of its high authority as an educational and scientific center of the construction and housing authorities of the Ministry of Defense. VITU was entrusted with: implementation of professional educational programs higher and postgraduate education in military engineering and technical specialties; training, retraining and (or) advanced training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, as well as training on a contractual basis of specialists for federal authorities; performance scientific research; carrying out the functions of a scientific and scientific-methodological center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the field of its activities.

The currently planned merger with the Academy of Logistics and Transport will lead to the death of the unique scientific schools of the Military Engineering and Technical University, the destruction of military traditions and will not at all serve the cause of strengthening the defense of our Fatherland.

Military engineer and historian,

Vasily Lamtsov

MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, a system of interconnected socio-political, legal, economic, ideological, information-psychological, military and other state activities carried out in the interests of the creation and development of its military organization. The only institution that has the legitimate right to military construction is the state, whose monopoly on the creation of military and paramilitary structures is secured by modern international law. The main goals, objectives and programs of military development are determined military policy and the military doctrine of the state are determined by the level of development of its productive forces and the state of the economy, the state and trends in the development of the military-political situation in the world and the region, the nature possible wars And armed conflicts. Significant Impact for military construction geographical location state, its membership in certain military-political alliances (blocs), the corresponding division of tasks in them. The main components of military construction are: construction of the armed forces (AF); development and functioning of the state's military-industrial complex; distribution of material and human resources in the interests of the country's defense; creation of reserves of material assets, state and mobilization reserves, etc. Great importance in military construction is given to the development of military science, preparation of the state territory for defense, creation of command and control system infrastructures and transport system, civil defense, military training population, military cooperation. Military construction is carried out in a peaceful and war time according to special plans; adjusted with changes in political goals and the military-political situation in the world.

Military construction appeared with the emergence of statehood. The transformation of military activity into a relatively independent type of occupation was due to the deepening social differentiation of society, the emergence and improvement of means of armed struggle other than the tools of production - weapons. With the development of the economy, the material capabilities of the state increased, the number of armies, the scope of military operations and the duration of wars increased. As military affairs became more complex, especially with the advent mass armies(18-19 centuries), military construction extends to all aspects of state construction and acquires connections with all spheres of social life. The end of the Cold War, the weakening of the threat of large-scale war and the increase in the number local wars and military conflicts at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries gave rise to new directions in military development - the formation and training of military contingents intended for peacekeeping operations, including peace enforcement by force. At each historical stage, various states carry out military construction in accordance with the politics, economic, demographic, scientific, technical and other capabilities of the country and the peculiarities of its geopolitical position (for example, the United States is conducting military construction that makes it possible to implement the policy of a world superpower: highly mobile armed forces, staffed by professional volunteers; network of military bases around the world; participation in numerous military-political blocs and alliances, etc.). Tasks, content and forms of military development in Russian Federation defined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal laws “On Defense” (1996), “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation” (1997), “On military duty and military service"(1998), etc., as well as in the Concept national security Russian Federation (2000), Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation (2000), Fundamentals of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of the military-industrial complex for the period up to 2010 and beyond (2001), Fundamentals of the state policy of the Russian Federation on military construction for the period up to 2010 ( 2002), Fundamentals of the military-technical policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2015 and beyond (2003) and other regulatory documents. The main content of military development in the Russian Federation is maintaining military power of the state and the combat capability of its armed forces at a level that ensures the military security of the state.

Lit.: International security and the defense capability of states. M., 1998; Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of planning the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: Military theoretical work / Edited by A. V. Kvashnin. M., 2002.

In 2016, the Ministry of Defense not only actively purchased weapons and military equipment, but also carried out the construction of hundreds of facilities throughout the country. Deputy Defense Minister TIMUR IVANOV spoke in an interview with Kommersant about why reform of the military-construction complex is overdue, what problems arise at construction sites and why the military is abolishing Spetsstroy.

- What volume of construction is currently underway in the interests of the Ministry of Defense?

It is colossal and comparable in scale to the post-war period: more than 2 thousand objects, both special and social purpose. These are radar stations, hydraulic structures, airfields, medical facilities, residential buildings, schools and kindergartens, cadet schools, military camps, training grounds, and berths. The work is carried out from Kaliningrad to the Kuril Islands. In 2016 alone, over 2.5 thousand buildings and structures with a total area of ​​2.7 million square meters were built.

I would highlight several of the largest objects. In Vilyuchinsk, before the arrival of the first Boreys, a number of the most important berthing front facilities and coastal engineering infrastructure were commissioned; in Novorossiysk, a berthing front for Project 636 submarines was built. The arrangement of military camps for two Iskander-M missile brigades in the Southern Military District was completed. Infrastructure facilities of the first regiments of the Strategic Missile Forces, equipped with mobile and stationary ones, were put into operation missile systems"Yars", the installation of the missile brigade in Shuya has been completed. Work continues in the Arctic zone.

In 2016, in just five months, Tula Suvorovsky was rebuilt from scratch military school, construction of the Petrozavodsk Presidential Cadet School has begun. Work is underway on our own in the amount of approximately 30 thousand people.

- This is without the involvement of subcontractors?

With subcontractors - plus 5-10 thousand people. The Minister set the task of reducing construction time and switching to standard solutions. We analyzed all projects that received a positive expert opinion since 2010. We divided these projects into groups: canteens, dormitories, barracks, headquarters buildings, checkpoints, and so on. Now, when a new technical specification for the arrangement of military unit, the command determines everything necessary based on a ready-made list.

Due to this, we reduce design time and deal only with construction. We also analyzed what we can build from. Initially, everything was built from reinforced concrete, then metal frame structures replaced it. Now we use block-modular technology, due to which the construction of the structure takes no more than a month. The use of standard solutions makes it possible to reduce the time required for carrying out design and survey work by about 30%, and to halve the time required to pass the state examination project documentation, as well as reduce the cost of survey work by at least 5 billion rubles. annually.

It should be noted the pace of construction of priority facilities. The construction of military camps to accommodate the personnel and equipment of the motorized rifle division at the training ground in the Southern Military District began in March, and on December 1, military personnel already moved there. We quickly built infrastructure for a motorized rifle division on the territory of the Western Military District.

- What are the main problems of military construction?

They are typical for the entire construction industry as a whole, and not just for military construction. We must understand that construction in Russia is now one of the areas most affected by the reduction in funding. And the problems here are caused not only by the difficult financial and economic situation, but also by a sharp reduction in orders from large contractors - primarily the state. And in the absence of mega-constructions comparable in scale to the Sochi Olympics, there is no positive dynamics in the industry.

However, in the field of military construction the situation is better, because the state, represented by the Ministry of Defense, forms a stable state order that guarantees sustainable financing of the industry.

Nevertheless, the main problems in the field of military construction arise from the dishonesty of contractors. A typical example is the SU-155 company, which did not fulfill its obligations on housing construction in Moscow. The amount of the unpaid advance amounted to 18 billion rubles. These are four residential microdistricts with 16 thousand apartments, located in different areas of the capital. Using money received from the Ministry of Defense in 2011-2012, the company began building commercial projects without completing construction, including utility networks in residential buildings Ministry of Defense.

Due to problems with an unscrupulous contractor, the process of providing housing to military personnel who were allocated housing in Moscow was delayed. According to the terms of the contract, the company was supposed to hand over all new buildings for occupancy back in 2014, but work on most houses is still not completed. The Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops, at its own expense, continued construction and put into operation two metropolitan microdistricts, as well as several new buildings on Levoberezhnaya and Polina Osipenko streets. But the issue of financing these works is still relevant, since collecting the amount of the unpaid advance from the SU-155 is now very problematic.

- Why?

Firstly, there is no court decision yet. When the problem with the SU-155 arose, it turned out that throughout the country the company had about 40 thousand clients waiting for an apartment. At the end of 2015, an amendment to the bankruptcy law was adopted, according to which priority rights were given to equity holders. Thus, the Ministry of Defense, as the main creditor for 18 billion rubles, found itself in the fourth line.

To solve this pressing issue, we found a mechanism by involving the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency - now it acts as a state agent for the sale of the agency’s property.

Let me remind you that Sergei Kuzhugetovich (Shoigu.- "Kommersant") at the end of 2012 introduced a moratorium on the sale of state-owned real estate. Not a single one since then square meter no living space or land was sold. Now, according to the law, we have the right to transfer released, not used in the interests of the department land and buildings to the State Mortgage Lending Agency to involve unused property in economic circulation and thus resolve issues of housing construction for military personnel.

- And when do you expect to get the result?

In the first quarter of this year, we will complete the work, including through cooperation with the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending. By the way, in December alone, five new buildings with 1,805 apartments were put into operation in Moscow. Well, in general, if we talk about housing issues, in 2016 the Ministry of Defense actually switched to planned provision of housing for military personnel, when an apartment or housing subsidy is provided to a serviceman in the same year when he receives the right to permanent housing.

In 2017, the remaining residential buildings with a total capacity of more than 8 thousand apartments will be handed over for occupancy in Moscow. This will provide a solution to the problem for 85% of military personnel who have chosen Moscow as their place of residence. The remaining military personnel waiting for an apartment in the capital will be provided with housing subsidies. By the way, the federal budget allocates 37.78 billion annually for it in 2017-2019.

The previous leadership of the Ministry of Defense explained that everyone who is entitled to housing wants to live in Moscow and that is why there are problems with the queue.

The situation here is ambiguous. In fact, having received an apartment in Moscow, many immediately put them up for sale. It is clear that everyone has different reasons; they have the right to dispose of the property that they legally received from the state. It is also clear that the apartments outside Khimki, on Levoberezhnaya Street or near the Begovaya metro station are different money. Everyone says: “We won’t go to Molzhaninovo, we want to live on Khoroshevskoye Highway.” Here an apartment on the market costs, roughly speaking, 100 thousand rubles. per square meter, and there - 450 thousand.

- How does the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel work?

In 2016, participants in this system purchased 13 thousand apartments through the armed forces. In total, since the launch of the program, the number of participants has been steadily growing annually by 20 thousand military personnel. In 2008 there were 40 thousand people, now there are 176 thousand. Do you feel the difference? There is every reason to believe that in a few years the savings-mortgage system will become the main form of housing provision for military personnel.

- Have the approaches to the construction of military infrastructure changed in any way?

Undoubtedly. One of the important decisions that was made is related to the synchronization of arms supplies and military equipment with the pace of construction of supporting infrastructure facilities. That is, so that the supply of equipment is interconnected with the commissioning of storage and service areas. In other words, we managed to get away from the practice when a unit receives new equipment, but there is no shelter for it. Or the shelters have been built, but the equipment will arrive only in two years.

Now all incoming equipment is stored in modern storage facilities: Iskanders, Yars, Bastions and other serious weapons. Similar infrastructure was built, among other things, on the islands of the Kuril chain.

- Do you mean Iturup and Kunashir?

Yes. We achieved this despite the fact that the contractor failed to fulfill its obligations. We have to untie small knots: everything was built from scratch, sometimes the developers did not have time to issue the appropriate documentation, changes were made to the project. All this made construction very difficult.

- Will the military reform continue for a long time?

The main task is to create a unified military construction complex. So that there is not just a separate construction department and other disparate structures, but a single organism functioning.

- Was the reorganization of Spetsstroy started precisely for this reason?

- Basically yes, but not only. As part of the reorganization of Spetsstroy, the Ministry of Defense should retain eight units instead of the current nineteen. This decision was supported and approved by the country's top leadership. These enterprises will specialize in the construction of facilities in each of the military districts and in the Northern Fleet, and will also deal with highly specialized issues: they will be responsible for the construction of aerospace forces and airfields, for the infrastructure of the Strategic Missile Forces, for the construction of berthing facilities in the interests of the Navy. Fundamentally, the issues have been resolved, all that remains is to understand how best to use the capabilities of some Spetsstroy divisions. For example, one of the headquarters is building some of the facilities on the territory of the Southern Military District, and some of the facilities are being built in the Arctic and on Far East. The enterprise itself is strong: it has equipment and people, it has its own design bureau inside.

- What is the fate of the remaining assets of Spetsstroy?

We are now conducting a financial, economic and technical audit of the actual state of each federal state unitary enterprise and headquarters. We have created two commissions: one commission is responsible for the liquidation of Spetsstroy as an executive body, the second one analyzes the state of the subordinate enterprises themselves.

- Are there any preliminary results yet?

They will appear by the end of January. In general, the task of reorganizing the military construction complex must be completed before July 1, 2017. Until this moment, we will coordinate issues of employment in the Ministry of Defense of employees of the central apparatus of Spetsstroy. Some of them will be taken over by the construction department, some of the people responsible for corporate relations, control and approval of major transactions will continue to work in the property relations department, some of the people responsible for legal relations will go to the legal department. We will do the same with enterprises subordinate to Spetsstroy.

- Does this apply only to builders?

Everyone. These include construction specialists, drivers, security guards, and cleaners. There are even several sanatoriums.

- What will happen to the enterprises of Spetsstroy, which the Ministry of Defense does not need?

If these are not in demand, then we will recommend reassigning them to industry. For example, there is Spetsstroyservice: this organization has a large batch of orders from Roscosmos, Rostec, the Ministry of Industry and Trade... Within a month we must make proposals on changing the jurisdiction of certain enterprises. Then we will agree on their transfer to the jurisdiction of other executive authorities.

- Why did the Ministry of Defense decide to reorganize the agency?

Spetsstroy itself was an executive body, and the only executors of contracts were the enterprises subordinate to it. The customer is the Ministry of Defense, and government contracts were concluded between the military department represented by the construction department and Spetsstroy enterprises. The agency actually had several functions: approval of major transactions, control of financial and economic activities, appointment of directors of enterprises. By reorganizing the military construction complex, we are moving to comprehensive work directly with the contractor.

In addition, the system that was built in Spetsstroy implied a large number of intermediary and contracting organizations: “Spetsstroyengineering” entered into contracts there with the Main Directorate of Special Construction N3, and then, in turn, entered into a contract with the Main Directorate of Engineering Works N2, and so on. And such a chain reached three or four enterprises. This is unacceptable today. Therefore, our goal is to remove the chain of intermediaries and duplicating functions at these enterprises. The number of administrative personnel will be reduced by at least half, and efficiency will increase.

What is the most important thing in construction? Production. And it is obvious that in order to feed these 44 thousand people, there must be either huge contracts or large profits. There are no such profits in construction.

- What will be the role of the Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops (GUOV. - Kommersant) in the new configuration?

It often happened to us that at the same time in the same region, sometimes on the same site, but across the fence, a special facility was being built by Spetsstroy, and the GUOV was working exactly a hundred meters away. To avoid such situations, we will ensure that contracts that are implemented in parallel at one facility are transferred under a single management.

- Does the reduction in the military budget have any effect on construction?

We have synchronized the arms supply schedules with the construction schedule, essentially shifting to the right those facilities that are not a priority. In order to fit into the budget planned for 2017, which is 117 billion rubles, we will spend about 50% on development projects under multi-year contracts, that is, in order to complete projects with a high degree of readiness this year. And we intend to leave 50% as a reserve to meet the operational construction needs of the armed forces.

The state armament program for the period 2018-2025 is currently being developed. This means that the budget for the purchase of weapons will no longer be formed according to one principle, and the construction budget - according to another. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief supported approaches to the formation of basic expenditures of the Ministry of Defense and serious work has already been carried out to approve basic expenditure indicators based on the normative method. the main objective- creation of a mechanism for long-term financial planning and eliminating the problem of imbalance between the supply of weapons and the creation of infrastructure in matters of financing.

- What measures were taken after the collapse of the Airborne Forces barracks in Omsk in 2015?

By decision of the minister, an inspection of all departmental facilities was carried out: primarily the barracks and housing stock and social infrastructure. Based on the results of the inspection, all interested military authorities began to eliminate violations. 169 objects were taken out of service and written off. In total, the commissions have to date inspected more than 90 thousand capital objects. And this colossal work is still ongoing, since, unfortunately, we still have a lot of “old” objects.

In order to prevent the recurrence of such tragedies, instrumental examinations of all buildings and structures undergoing reconstruction or major repairs were carried out. In addition, before starting reconstruction or major repairs, each object undergoes a rigorous examination by a specialized organization for signs of failure of the main building structures.

- What about military medicine? What is happening in this area now?

Military medical institutions continue to actively develop. New buildings in hospitals and sanatoriums in Sochi and Anapa have been put into operation, a comprehensive reconstruction of the historical funds of the Military Medical Academy is being completed, and new medical units have been built in the troops. In June of this year, it is planned to open a multidisciplinary clinic in St. Petersburg.

It was possible to achieve a significant reduction in the incidence of military personnel, as well as to increase the volume of high-tech care in our hospitals. The main task remains to increase the accessibility and quality of provision medical care, which means - good health our military personnel, their families and veterans.

Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Timur Ivanov said that the volume of construction of military facilities today is comparable in scale to the post-war period. Reportedly, more than 2 thousand facilities for both special and social purposes are currently being built simultaneously. “Our Version” figured out what exactly the military department is building and whether there is such an urgent need in times of crisis to invest money in sometimes controversial projects.

According to the military, today there is an almost complete renewal of military infrastructure throughout the country. In 2016 alone, over 2.5 thousand buildings and structures with a total area of ​​2.7 million square meters were built. New radar stations, hydraulic structures, airfields, medical facilities, residential buildings, schools and kindergartens, cadet schools, military camps, training grounds and piers are being built. The construction of a submarine base in the Pacific Fleet in Vilyuchinsk is recognized as one of the most successful; berth facilities and coastal engineering infrastructure are being prepared to receive Project 955 Borei submarines. On the Black Sea in Novorossiysk, a mooring front for Project 636 submarines was built. In the Southern Military District, the construction of military camps for two Iskander-M missile brigades was completed. Infrastructure facilities of the first regiments of the Strategic Missile Forces, equipped with mobile and stationary Yars missile systems, were also put into operation, and the arrangement of the missile brigade in Shuya was completed. In addition, in just five months, the Tula Suvorov Military School was rebuilt from scratch and construction of the Petrozavodsk Presidential Cadet School began.

Military camps are being built on the border with Ukraine and in the Arctic

The construction of military camps near the border with Ukraine is attracting much attention. Thus, in the Belgorod region, 25 kilometers from the border with the Lugansk region of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense is building a new army complex from scratch: nine barracks, warehouses for storing missile and artillery weapons and other ammunition, as well as training and medical centers. A motorized rifle brigade will be redeployed to this military town. Construction of a military base is underway in Boguchar, Voronezh region - a motorized rifle brigade will also be located here. In addition, in 2016, plans were announced to form three more new motorized rifle divisions, which will be deployed in the Voronezh, Smolensk and Rostov regions.

The build-up of forces is being carried out not only in the south, but also on the northern borders. At the end of last year, the Ministry of Defense reported that work on the construction of the administrative and housing complex of the first closed-cycle Arctic military camp in the Russian Armed Forces on Kotelny Island was nearing completion. In the future, the Russian military department plans to build five more comfortable towns in the Arctic. Moreover, the cost of each of these objects exceeds 4 billion rubles. It is also planned to restore the network of polar airfields - Naryan-Mar, Alykel, Amderma, Anadyr, Rogachevo, Nagurskaya and Tiksi.

Alexander Perendzhiev, expert at the Association of Military Political Scientists:

– Indeed, the volume of construction is in the interests of Armed Forces have now increased significantly, but words about unprecedented success should be treated with some caution. The scale of work carried out by military construction units in the Soviet Union was much larger. So, perhaps the statement by Timur Ivanov, who previously headed JSC Oboronstroy, came for image purposes.

Nevertheless latest events indicate that the Ministry of Defense is returning to a situation where the military themselves were responsible for the construction of facilities for the army, that is, the previous decisions of Anatoly Serdyukov have now been subject to serious adjustments. So, at the end of 2016, the functions of Spetsstroy were transferred to the military department, now the remaining organizations responsible for construction in the interests of the Armed Forces are transferred to the actual subordination of the Ministry of Defense. To achieve this, the legal framework is gradually changing – for example, joint stock companies become state-owned enterprises. Apparently, the Ministry of Defense came to the conclusion that this is the only way to effectively carry out control. A unified military-construction complex is being created, the system is becoming more centralized, and officials have appeared who can be sternly questioned.

Big construction - big problems

Unfortunately, a significant amount of construction requires the involvement of a variety of subcontractors. The work of some of them was accompanied by frequent cases of corruption. Another problem on construction sites is delays in meeting deadlines. The military complains about unscrupulous contractors who delay the delivery of projects. A typical example is the situation that developed during the construction of military camps on the islands of Iturup and Kunashir in the Kuril ridge. Moreover, the main work there was carried out not by private companies, but by Spetsstroy, which built military positions, training grounds, and storage areas for ammunition and equipment on the islands. Last year, a number of Spetsstroy officials were detained on charges of embezzling 450 million rubles during the construction and reconstruction of nine facilities. The total area of ​​buildings on the islands will be over 260 thousand square meters, of which on Iturup - about 140 thousand square meters, on Kunashir - more than 121 thousand square meters. Previously not controlled by the Ministry of Defense, Spetsstroy already disgraced itself during the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome. Then Roscosmos lost millions in bribes and the money did not reach the workers.

Another high-profile case of an indiscriminate approach to choosing a developer and lack of control over his actions can be considered the story of the construction of housing for military personnel in Moscow. Using the money received from the Ministry of Defense in 2011–2012 for the construction of four microdistricts (approximately 70 billion rubles), the Su-155 company began to implement commercial projects. According to the terms of the contract, all new buildings should have been ready for occupancy back in 2014, but the work is still not completed. The amount of the unpaid advance amounted to 18 billion rubles. Due to problems with an unscrupulous contractor, the process of providing housing to military personnel who were allocated housing in Moscow was delayed for years. It is now very problematic to collect the amount of unearned advance payment from the SU-155. As a result, the situation led to the officers organizing themselves into the “Homeless Regiment” group and regularly holding mass rallies demanding the completion of construction.

But in addition to problems with contractors during a crisis, people have questions about the need for image and patriotic-educational spending. For example, some were surprised by the Ministry of Defense’s desire to spend 50 million rubles on converting the Iceberg Sports Palace in Sochi into the headquarters of the Winter Military World Games.

From October 2015 to December 2016, the Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops with its own resources completed the construction of two metropolitan microdistricts, unfinished and abandoned by the SU-155 company on the streets of Sinyavinskaya (15 high-rise buildings with 4,731 apartments) and Bolshaya Ochakovskaya (10 high-rise buildings with 1,796 apartments ). Their planned settlement is underway. Also, four houses with 714 apartments were commissioned in a new building on Levoberezhnaya Street and three with 652 apartments on the street. Polina Osipenko in the Khoroshevskoe highway area.

The department is trying to fully inform military personnel about the progress of construction and emerging problems. Supported " hotline» Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops (number in the public domain) +7 909 697 89 07.


How the Ministry of Defense solves the “SU-155 problem”

Currently, the Ministry of Defense has developed a mechanism for obtaining additional funding for the completion of two metropolitan microdistricts located on Levoberezhnaya Street and Khoroshevskoye Shosse. For this purpose, the right of the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency will be used to act as a state agent for the sale of military department property.

At the end of 2012, a moratorium was introduced on the sale of real estate of the Ministry of Defense. As a result, not a single square meter of housing or land was sold. Now, according to the law, the Ministry of Defense has the right to transfer released (not used in the interests of the country’s Armed Forces) land plots and buildings to the Mortgage Lending Agency for their involvement in economic turnover.

In the first ten days of February 2017, the Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops expects the first tranche as part of additional funding for the completion of two metropolitan microdistricts behind the SU-155 company, which will allow the resumption of active work at the sites.

During 2017, military builders plan to complete construction and installation work and stage-by-stage commissioning of 19 buildings for 5,142 apartments in the capital. This will make it possible to provide apartments for 85% of military personnel who have chosen Moscow as their place of residence. The remaining officers waiting for an apartment in the capital will receive housing subsidy. For this purpose, in 2017–2019, the federal budget provides for the allocation of 37.78 billion annually.

From 2012 to the present, the queue of military personnel for housing has decreased by 2.8 times: from 82.4 thousand to 29.8 thousand people. Moreover, out of 29.8 thousand military personnel, 9.8 thousand have already been offered apartments and 7.8 thousand of them have agreed to the offer. Since the fall of 2012, when Sergei Shoigu became Minister of Defense, 106 thousand military personnel have been provided with permanent housing, of which 89 thousand received apartments, and 17 thousand chose housing subsidies.