TTK (collection). Road pavement repair. General part
TTK A comprehensive mechanized technological process for constructing roadbeds in soils of groups I-III in winter conditions. Embankment height up to 3 m
TTK 103-04 TK. Laying a steel water pipeline across the roadway
TTK 113-05 TK. Construction of temporary roads made of reinforced concrete slabs
TTK 120-05 TK. Construction of asphalt concrete pavement for intra-block roads
TTK 69-08 TK. Soil compaction Groups I-II self-propelled rollers
TTK 70-08 TK. Cutting soil (vegetation layer) with bulldozers
TTK TK 116-05. Construction of a cast concrete base for intra-block roads with asphalt concrete pavement
TTK TK-09-01-89. Repair of asphalt concrete pavements with surface treatment using tar using the thermal regeneration method
TTK TK-09-02-89. Pothole repair of asphalt concrete pavements using hand tools
TTK TK-09-03-89. Pothole repair of asphalt concrete pavements using a heater
TTK TK-09-04-89. Pothole repair of asphalt concrete pavements using a black pavement repair machine
TTK TK-09-05-89. Pothole repair of crushed stone coatings treated with organic binders
TTK TK-09-06-89. Current repair of crushed stone coverings constructed using the wedging method
TTK TK-09-07-89. Routine repair of cobblestone streets
TTK TK-09-08-89. Current repairs of roadsides reinforced with gravel (crushed stone, slag)
TTK TK-09-09-89. Routine repair of dirt roadsides using a motor grader
TTK TK-09-10-89. Routine repair of roadbed slopes using a motor grader
TTK. Reinforcement (strengthening) of the embankment of the roadbed with geosynthetic materials
TTK. Construction of the subgrade
TTK. Construction of a subgrade using peat in the lower part of the embankment and the use of geotextile (non-woven synthetic) material
TTK. Construction of subgrades with increased soil density
TTK. Construction of a subgrade embankment from imported soil
TTK. Construction of an earthen embankment on a slope
TTK. Cutting a trough in the subgrade
TTK. Geodetic preparation of the route for the highway
TTK. Horizontal road markings on highways
TTK. Preparing the natural foundation for the embankment of the subgrade
TTK. Planting trees with a lump of earth
TTK. Preparation of asphalt concrete mixtures
TTK. Work on closed (trenchless) laying of pipelines in steel protective casings (cases) under roads using horizontal drilling
TTK. Work on the construction of a metal corrugated culvert with a hole of 1.0 m
TTK. Work on the construction of a pedestrian tunnel under the highway open method
TTK. Work on the construction of a reinforced soil retaining wall
TTK. Work on the installation of a retaining wall from box-shaped gabion structures
TTK. Laying steel pipelines under roadways
TTK. Clearing the right-of-way for highway construction from forest vegetation
TTK. Regeneration of asphalt concrete pavement using combined method N 1 (cold - hot with thermal laying)
TTK. Regeneration of asphalt concrete pavement using the combined method N 2 (cold - hot with thermal mixing)
TTK. Regeneration of asphalt concrete pavement using thermoplasticization method
TTK. Regeneration of asphalt concrete pavement using thermal mixing method
TTK. Regeneration of asphalt concrete pavement using thermal laying method
TTK. Regeneration of asphalt concrete pavement using thermal enhancement method
TTK. Construction of a two-layer hot mix asphalt concrete pavement on a finished base
TTK. Construction of road pavement with cement concrete pavement
TTK. Technological map No. 1 Construction of embankments of road beds from the soil of lateral reserves using a bulldozer
TTK. Technological map N 10 Construction of single-layer crushed stone (gravel) bases and road surfaces from dense mixtures
TTK. Technological map N 11 Construction of a crushed stone base, treated in the upper part with a sand-cement mixture by impregnation (pressing)
TTK. Technological map N 12 Construction of a base from “lean” concrete of class B5 (M75) using a concrete paver DS-111
TTK. Technological map N 13 Construction of crushed stone pavement (base) of highways using the method of impregnation with bitumen
TTK. Technological map N 14 Construction of the top layer of the base of road pavements from gravel mixture according to the method of mixing on the road
TTK. Technological map N 15 Construction of two-layer asphalt concrete pavements of highways
TTK. Technological map N 16 Construction of a cement concrete pavement 7.5 m wide and 0.2 m thick using a set of DS-110 machines
TTK. Technological map N 17 Device for single surface treatment on viscous bitumen
TTK. Technological map N 18 Double surface treatment device using cationic bitumen emulsions
TTK. Technological map N 19 Regeneration of road pavement using the cold recycling method using a WR 2500 recycler and a WM 400 mixing plant
TTK. Technological map No. 2 Construction of roadbed embankment from roadside quarry soil using a scraper
TTK. Technological map N 3 Construction of embankments of roadbeds up to 1.5 m high with excavation of soil in a quarry using EO-4225 excavators and transportation by dump trucks
TTK. Technological map N 4 Construction of an excavation 1 m deep with soil development using scrapers
TTK. Technological map N 5 Construction of a 9 m high road bed embankment with excavation of soil in a quarry using EO-4225 excavators and transportation by dump trucks (concentrated work)
TTK. Technological map N 6 Construction of a half-excavation-half-embankment subgrade
TTK. Technological map N 7 Construction of an excavation 5 m deep with soil development using EO-4225 excavators and transportation by dump trucks
TTK. Technological map N 8 Geodetic work during construction of the roadbed
TTK. Technological map N 9 Construction of a two-layer crushed stone base of highways using the wedge method
TTK. Technological maps and elemental estimate standards for the restoration of asphalt concrete pavement using the thermal regeneration method
TTK. Technological maps for the construction of subgrade and road pavement. General part
TTK. Removal of weak soil at the base of the embankment and replacement with drainage
TTK. Strengthening embankment slopes near small bridges and overpasses with P-1 blocks
TTK. Strengthening embankment slopes and cones of small bridges with monolithic concrete
TTK. Strengthening roadsides with sand and gravel mixture
TTK. Strengthening slopes with concrete slabs
TTK. Strengthening slopes by hydroseeding of perennial grasses with mulching
TTK. Strengthening slopes with cement-treated soils
TTK. Strengthening slopes with reinforced concrete split slabs
TTK. Strengthening the slopes of the subgrade with concrete slabs
TTK. Strengthening the slopes of the subgrade by sowing perennial grasses
TTK. Strengthening slopes and cones with single paving with cement mortar
TTK. Strengthening slopes with monolithic reinforced concrete slabs
TTK. Strengthening slopes with checkered turf
TTK. Strengthening slopes with turf with a continuous cover
TTK. Strengthening slopes by sowing perennial grasses
TTK. Strengthening slopes with lattice structures
TTK. Strengthening slopes with synthetic textile materials
TTK. Strengthening slopes with peat-sand mixture
TTK. Strengthening slopes with crushed stone, wood, gravel-pebble or clay soils
TTK. Compaction of asphalt concrete mixture
TTK. Installation of concrete side stones
TTK. Installation of traffic signs on roads
TTK. Installation of signal posts and metal barrier fencing on highways
TTK. Installation of asphalt concrete pavements for courtyard driveways during major renovation residential buildings
TTK. Installation of the top layer of asphalt concrete pavement
TTK. Construction of an internal driveway with asphalt concrete pavement
TTK. Construction of intra-block roads (temporary and permanent) from reinforced concrete slabs
TTK. Construction of drainage ditches along the base of the subgrade
TTK. Temporary driveway covered with reinforced concrete slabs
TTK. Construction of a temporary road with a prefabricated coating of reinforced concrete slabs for the passage of vehicles
TTK. Construction of an ordinary lawn with the addition of plant soil
TTK. Construction of a two-layer asphalt concrete pavement
TTK. Construction of roads using a motor grader
TTK. Shallow drainage device
TTK. Construction of a level road with log flooring and a covering of mineral draining soil
TTK. Installation of the bottom layer of asphalt concrete pavement
TTK. Construction of a base made of fractional crushed stone using the “wedge” method
TTK. Construction of a pedestrian path with crushed stone pavement
TTK. Surface treatment device using fractionated crushed stone
TTK. Construction of an underlying base layer made of sand-crushed stone mixture
TTK. Installation of paving stones (road surfaces)
TTK. Installation of powdered shoulders made of sand-crushed stone mixture
TTK. Installation of a layer of geogrid "GEOVEB" between the base layers
TTK. Installation of a prefabricated coating of reinforced concrete slabs with laying of geotextiles under the seams and edges of the coating
TTK. Installation of prefabricated sidewalk coverings
TTK. Device for discharging water from the roadway
TTK. Construction of a sidewalk covered with concrete slabs
TTK. Construction of crushed stone base and coverings
TTK. Widening the embankment of the existing roadbed during road reconstruction
TTK. Widening of existing pavement during road reconstruction
TTK. Partial development of the top layer of asphalt concrete pavement of a highway

The technological map has been developed for the construction of a roadbed up to 1.5 m high from the soil of lateral reserves based on methods scientific organization labor and is intended for use in developing projects for the production of work and organization of labor at a construction site

1. Scope of application

The technological map assumes the construction of a subgrade embankment from group II soil of bilateral lateral reserves using a bulldozer. The depth of the side reserves should not exceed 1.5 m.

In all cases of using a technological map, it is necessary to link it to specific conditions of work.

2. Organization and technology of work

2.1. The work cycle of a bulldozer when constructing a roadbed from lateral reserves consists of the following operations:

  • soil cutting;
  • soil movement;
  • laying and distribution of soil;
  • reverse idle.

Soil cutting is carried out using a rectangular, wedge or comb method (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Methods for cutting soil with a bulldozer:

a- rectangular; b- wedge; c-comb.

The arrow shows the direction of movement

The movement of soil to the laying site begins immediately after the completion of its collection before dumping. To reduce losses when moving soil, two methods are used: through a trench in natural soil; along a trench formed from shafts of soil that crumbled during previous passes of the bulldozer.

Laying of the moved soil is carried out in various ways: “from oneself”, “toward oneself”, in separate piles, “half pressed”, “pressed” (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Scheme of laying soil with a bulldozer:

a- “from myself”; b- “to oneself”; c- “in separate heaps”; g - “half-press”; d- "press"

Reverse idling is carried out in reverse or forward.

When moving soil a distance of less than 50 m, the bulldozer is idling in reverse.

2.2. Before constructing the subgrade it is necessary:

  • restore and secure the road route and right-of-way;
  • clear the area within the right-of-way from bushes, stumps and boulders;
  • carry out a planned and high-altitude breakdown of the roadbed;
  • arrange temporary drainage.

2.3. Work on the construction of the roadbed (Fig. 3) from the side reserves with a bulldozer for this example are carried out in a developed technological sequence of work processes on seven sections with a length of 200 m each (main excavation work) and one - 600 m (final excavation work). The work is carried out in an in-line manner.

Fig.3. Subgrade structures in transverse profile

2.4. At the first grip, the following technological operations are performed:

  • cutting off the vegetative layer of soil with a bulldozer (the DZ-171 bulldozer was adopted);
  • compaction of the base of the embankment with a pneumatic roller (the DU-101 roller was adopted).

The thickness of the cut plant layer of soil is established in agreement with the land user. The thickness of this layer is assumed in the map to be 10 cm.

The work is carried out with a DZ-171 bulldozer using a transverse pattern. The soil is cut from the axis of the road by transverse passes of the bulldozer, overlapping each previous trace by 0.25-0.30 m, and moved outside the right-of-way.

Subsequently, the cut plant soil is used to strengthen the reserves and slopes of the subgrade.

The base of the embankment is compacted with a DU-101 roller in 4 passes along one track. When compacting, each previous trace overlaps the next one by 1/3 of its width. The roller moves in a circular pattern.

The base of the embankment must have a compaction coefficient of at least 0.98.

2.5. On the second grip, the following technological operations are performed:

  • development of soil in reserve and moving it to the embankment with a bulldozer (DZ-171 bulldozer adopted);
  • leveling the soil in the embankment with a bulldozer.

The technological map provides for the construction of the roadbed using DZ-171 bulldozers with a total shift capacity of 5400 m/cm. The distance over which the excavated soil is moved is 15 m.

The development of the reserve is carried out using a trench scheme (Fig. 4) with cutting the soil using a wedge or comb method (Fig. 1). When the reserve has a transverse slope towards the embankment, cutting is performed in a rectangular manner.

Fig.4. Methods for trenching the reserve:

1-7 - trenches; 8-13- walls; =0.25-0.3 m - width of track overlap

Soil development should be carried out in first gear, since soil loss increases with increasing speed.

The first cutting in reserve is carried out at a distance from the edge of the embankment base, ensuring the accumulation of soil to a full dump.

For more effective use traction power of the tractor, the developed soil should be moved after the first cutting to the edge of the backfill layer, and then, together with the soil from the second cutting, to the axis of the roadbed.

The soil is poured in layers from the axis of the roadbed to the edge of the embankment near the reserve being developed. When approaching the laying site, you should raise the bulldozer blade and, while moving forward, distribute the soil on the site, then, returning in reverse, carry out additional leveling. After leveling the soil, the surface of each layer should have a slope of 30-40?, there should be no closed depressions on it.

After developing the first trench in reserve to a depth that ensures the construction of an embankment layer of a given thickness (20-0.30 m), the bulldozer is moved to develop the second trench, spaced 0.6-0.8 m from the first.

The technological map provides for the simultaneous development of lateral reserves on both sides of the roadbed.

The soil from the intertrench walls should be used to fill the top layer or to cover roadsides.

2.6. At the third stage, work is carried out to compact the soil of the embankment.

The soil is compacted in layers 0.25-0.30 m thick by successive circular passes of a DU-101 pneumatic roller across the entire width of the embankment in ten passes along one track.

The soil should be compacted at optimal humidity, determined according to GOST 22733-77*, which should not exceed the limits indicated in Table 1 for different types soils.

On the territory Russian Federation GOST 22733-2002 is valid. - Database manufacturer's note.

Table 1 - Humidity at the required compaction coefficient

Type of soil Humidity at the required compaction factor
1-0,98 0,95 0,90
Silty sands, light, coarse sandy loams No more than 1.35 No more than 1.6 Not standardized
Suspensions are light and dusty 0,8-1,25 0,75-1,35 0,7-1,6
Heavy silty sandy suspensions and light silty loams 0,8-1,25 0,8-1,2 0,75-1,4
Heavy silty loams, clays 0,95-1,05 0,9-1,1 0,85-1,2

If there is insufficient moisture, the soil is moistened using a watering machine. In the technological map (Table 3), water consumption for these purposes is assumed to be 3% of the soil volume.

Compaction should begin at a distance of 2 m from the edge of the embankment. Then, with each subsequent pass, shifting the roller by 1/3 of the width of the track towards the edge, the edges of the embankment are rolled, after which compaction is continued with circular passes of the roller, shifting the compaction strips from the edges of the embankment to its axis, overlapping each track by 1/3 of the width.

Each subsequent pass along the same track begins after the previous passes have covered the entire width of the roadbed.

The required soil compaction coefficient is given in Table 2. At optimal soil moisture, to achieve a compaction coefficient of 0.95, approximately 6-8 roller passes are prescribed for cohesive soils and 4-6 for non-cohesive soils; to achieve a compaction coefficient of 0.98 - 8-12 passes for cohesive soils and 6-8 for non-cohesive soils. The required number of roller passes along one track is determined by trial rolling.

Table 2 - Soil compaction coefficient for the type of road pavement

Elements of the subgrade Layer depth from the coating surface, m Lowest soil compaction coefficient for the type of road pavement
capital lightweight and transitional
in road climate zones
Working layer Up to 1.5 0,98-0,96 1,0-0,98 0,98-0,95 0,95-0,93 0,98-0,95 0,95

For cohesive soils, at the initial stage of compaction, the pressure in the tires of the roller should not exceed 0.2-0.3 MPa, at the final stage - 0.6-0.8 MPa. When compacting sand, the tire pressure at all stages of compaction should not be more than 0.2-0.3 MPa.

The first and last passes along the rolling strip are performed at a low speed of the pneumatic roller (2-2.5 km/h), intermediate passes at a higher speed (up to 8-10 km/h).

Filling of each subsequent layer can be done only after leveling, compacting the previous one and quality control of the work.

2.7. At the final stage of the work, the following technological operations are performed:

  • leveling the top of the roadbed using a motor grader;
  • leveling slopes using a motor grader;
  • final compaction of the top of the subgrade with a roller;
  • leveling the bottom of reserves using a motor grader;
  • covering the slopes of the embankment and the bottom of the reserves with vegetable soil using a bulldozer.

The technological map provides for the implementation of leveling work using a motor grader.

Before starting planning, it is necessary to check and restore the position of the axis and edges of the subgrade in plan on straight lines, transitional and main curves, as well as in the longitudinal profile. The procedure for carrying out geodetic work is set out in the technological map “Geodetic work during the construction of the roadbed”.

Planning should begin from the lowest areas (in the longitudinal profile).

The top of the roadbed is planned by successive passes of the motor grader, starting from the edges with a gradual shift towards the middle. The overlap of the tracks is 0.3-0.5 m. The work is carried out according to the shuttle pattern with four passes of the motor grader along one track.

Embankment slopes and reserves are planned in two passes of the motor grader along one track when it moves directly along the slope (when laying slopes no steeper than 1:3).

The final compaction of the top of the subgrade after grading is carried out with a pneumatic roller in two passes along one track. The compaction technology is similar to that described in paragraph 2.6.

The bottom of the reserve is planned using a motor grader using a shuttle pattern in four passes along one track.

After the completion of planning work in this area, work is carried out to restore the plant layer of soil by pushing it onto the slopes of the embankment and reserves with a bulldozer, moving it from the rollers in the transverse direction.

The technological sequence of processes with calculation of the volume of work and required resources is given in Table 3, the composition of the team - in Table 4.

Table 3 - Technological sequence of processes with calculation of the volume of work and required resources

N processes N grips Source of justification for production standards (ENiR and calculations) Description of work processes in the order of their technological sequence with calculation of work volumes Unit of measurement Number of works Productivity per shift Demand for machine shifts Labor costs and wages for a gripper 200 m long
Standard time, person-hour Wages, rub.-kop.
for capture 1=200 m at 1 km for capture 1=200 m at 1 km per unit of measurement for the full scope of work per unit of measurement to full volume
I. Basic excavation work (coverage 1=200 m)
1 I Calculation Removing a vegetative layer of soil 0.1 m thick with a DZ-171 bulldozer and moving it in both directions from the road axis beyond the reserves in the amount of (6+18x2)x0.1x200=1152 m 3 m 3 1152 5760 1206 1,0 4,8 0,014 16,13 0-30 345-60
2 Calculation Compaction of the base of an embankment with a self-propelled roller DU-101 on pneumatic tires in 4 passes along one track m 2 4320 21600 8695 0,50 2,5 0,0009 3,89 0-01,93 83-38
3 II Calculation Development and movement of group II soil with a bulldozer DZ-171 from the side reserves into the embankment at a distance of up to 15 m to fill the lower layer of the embankment to a height of 0.25 m in the amount of (6+20.1)/2x0.25x1.1x200=1146 m3 M 3 1146 5730 1080 1,0 5,3 0,0057 6,53 0-12,2 139-81
4 II Calculation Leveling the bottom layer of soil in an embankment using a DZ-171 bulldozer, moving 30% of the soil over a distance of up to 5 m m 3 344 1720 1510 0,2 1,1 0,0039 1,34 0-08,4 28-90
5 Calculation Moistening the soil with water to optimal humidity using a watering machine MD 433-03 with a hauling distance of 3 km in an amount of 3% of the mass of the soil with a density of 1.75 t/m3: 1146x1.75x0.03 T 60 300 68,0 0,9 4,4 0,079 4,74 1-47 88-20
6 III Calculation Compaction of the bottom layer of soil in an embankment 0.25 m thick in a dense body with a self-propelled roller DU-101 on pneumatic tires with 10 passes along one track M 3 1146 5730 1355 0,8 4,2 0,008 9,17 0-17,2 197-11
7 IV Calculation Development and movement of soil of group II with a bulldozer DZ-171 from the reserve to the embankment at a distance of up to 15 m for filling the middle layer of the embankment with a thickness of 0.25 m in the amount of (1+18.6)/2x0.25x1.1x200=1064 m3 m 3 1064 5320 1080 1,0 4,9 0,0057 6,06 0-12,2 129-81
8 IV Calculation Leveling the middle layer of soil in an embankment using a DZ-171 bulldozer when moving 30% of the soil over a distance of up to 5 m m 3 320 1600 1510 0,2 1,1 0,0039 1,25 0-08,4 26-88
9 Calculation Moistening the soil with water to optimal humidity using a watering machine MD 433-03 with a hauling distance of 3 km in an amount of 3% of the mass of the soil with a density of 1.75 t/m3: 1064x1.75x0.03 T 56 280 68,0 0,8 4,1 0,079 4,42 1-47 82-32
10 V Calculation Compaction of the second layer in the embankment with a self-propelled roller DU-101 on pneumatic tires with 10 passes along one track m 3 1064 5320 1355 0,8 3,9 0,008 8,51 0-17,2 183-01
11 VI Calculation Development and movement of group II soil from lateral reserves for filling the top layer of the embankment with a thickness of 0.2 m using a DZ-171 bulldozer in the amount of ((6+17.4)/2x0.2x1.1x200=792 m3 m 3 792 3960 1080 0,7 3,7 0,0057 4,51 0-12,2 96-62
12 VI Calculation Leveling the top layer of soil in an embankment using a DZ-171 bulldozer, moving 30% of the soil over a distance of up to 5 m m 3 238 1190 1510 0,2 0,8 0,039 0,93 0-08,4 19-99
13 Calculation Moistening the soil with water to optimal humidity using a machine MD 433-03 with a hauling distance of 3 km in an amount of 3% of the mass of the soil with a density of 1.75 t/m3: 792x1.75x0.03 T 42 210 68,0 0,6 3,1 0,079 3,32 1-47 61-74
14 VII Calculation Compaction of the top layer of soil in an embankment with a self-propelled roller DU-101 on pneumatic tires with 10 passes on average along one track m 3 792 3960 1355 0,6 2,9 0,008 6,34 0-17,2 136-22
Total for replaceable grip 1=200 m 77,14 1619-59
II. Final excavation work (coverage 1=600 m)
15 VIII Calculation Layout of embankment slopes and side reserves up to 4 m long using a DZ-122 motor grader in the amount of (6+1.4)2x600=6000 m2 m 2 6000 10000 22860 0,3 0,4 0,00035 2,1 0-00,75 45-00
16 Calculation Layout of the surface of the roadbed and the bottom of the reserves using a DZ-122 motor grader with an area of ​​(4+15.3x2)x600, giving the bottom of the reserve a slope away from the road axis m 2 m 2 28800 48000 47060 0,6 1,0 0,00017 4,9 0-00,37 106-56
17 VIII Calculation Compaction of the top of the embankment with a self-propelled roller DU-101 on pneumatic tires in 2 passes along one track 17.4x600 = 10440 m 2 m 2 10440 17400 23500 0,44 0,74 0,00034 3,55 0-00,73 76-21
18 VIII Calculation Covering the slopes of the embankment of the bottom and the bottom of the reserves with 0.1 m thick plant soil using a DZ-171 bulldozer in the amount of 3456 m 3 when moving the soil an average distance of up to 10 m m 3 3456 5760 2660 1,3 2,2 0,0003 1,04 0-06,4 221-18
Total for replaceable gripper 1=600 m 11-59 448-95

Table 4 - Squad composition

Cars Profession and rank of worker Demand for machine shifts Load factor Number of workers Note
at 1000 m for capture
I. Main excavation work (coverage 200 m)
Bulldozer DZ-171 Driver VI category 21,7 4,34 (5) 0,87 5
Self-propelled roller DU-101 Driver VI category 13,5 2,7 (3) 0,90 3
Watering machine MD-433-03 Driver IV category 11,6 2,32 (3) 0,77 3
II. Final excavation work (600 m coverage)
DZ-122 Driver VI category 1,4 0,9 (1) 0,9 1
Bulldozer DZ-171 Driver VI category 2,2 1,32 (2) 0,67 1 Accepts 1 bulldozer
Self-propelled roller DU-1011 Driver VI category 0,74 0,44 (1) 0,44 1
TOTAL: 14 14

The technological flow plan for the construction of the embankment of the roadbed is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig.5. Technological flow plan for the construction of a roadbed embankment from the soil of lateral reserves using a bulldozer

The technology for operational quality control of work during the construction of a subgrade embankment is given in Table 5.

Table 5 - Technology for operational quality control of work during the construction of an embankment from the soil of lateral reserves using a bulldozer

Basic operations subject to control Composition of control Method and means of control Mode and scope of control Person exercising control Limit deviations from the norms of controlled parameters Where are the control results recorded?
Removing the plant layer of soil Thickness of the removed soil layer


Measuring ruler, sights

Master ±20% General work log
Filling soil into an embankment Soil uniformity in the embankment body Visual Constantly Master, laboratory assistant - General work log
Leveling the soil in the embankment Instrumental Master, surveyor General work log
1. Layer thickness 1. Vizirki Measurements at least every 100 m 1. - Journal of technical leveling
2. Elevations of the longitudinal profile 2. Level, sights Measurements at least every 100 m 2. ±50 mm from the design elevation values
3. Distance between the axis and the edge of the roadbed 3. Measuring tape Measurements after 50 m 3. ±10 cm from the design width values
4. Slope steepness 4. Inclinometer Prommers every 50 m 4. No more than 10% of the design value downwards
5. Cross slopes 5. Inclinometer Measurements after 50 m 5. ±0.010 from the design values ​​of transverse slopes
Compaction of soil in an embankment Visual Master, laboratory assistant General work log
1. Compaction mode 1. Visual 1. Constantly 1. -
2. Humidity of the compacted layer 2. Cutting ring method 2. At least once per shift 2. see table. 2 Soil compaction test log
3. Actual soil density 3. Cutting ring method 3. At least three samples (along the axis of the ground fabric and 1.5-2.0 m from the edge) at least every 50 m for the top layer, at least every 20 m for the lower layers 3. Reducing soil density by 4% from design values ​​to 10% of definitions, other results are not lower than design values Log of subgrade density
Layout of the top of the subgrade and slopes Instrumental Master, surveyor Technical leveling magazine
1. Elevations of the longitudinal profile 1. Level, sights 1. Measurements at least every 100 m 1. ±50% mm of the design elevation values Subgrade acceptance sheet
2. Distance between the axis and the edge of the roadbed 2. Measuring tape 2. Measurements after 50 m 2. ±10 cm from design values
3. Cross slopes 3. Inclinometer 3. Measurements at least every 100 m 3. ±0.010 from design values
4. Surface flatness 4. Level, leveling staff 4. Measurements at least every 50 m at three points across the diameter (along the axis to the edges) 4. ±50 mm from design values
5. Slope steepness 5. Inclinometer 5. Measurements after 50 m 5. Reduce

3. Occupational safety

Persons who have reached the age of 18, have a certificate for the right to drive this machine and are aware of the requirements for safe work are allowed to drive road vehicles.

When working on the construction of embankments of the roadbed with bulldozers, it is prohibited:

  • carry out excavation work until the site is cleared of forest, stumps, boulders and the boundaries of the right-of-way are demarcated;
  • excavate the soil at a distance closer than 1 m from the location of underground utilities;
  • produce without permission () from organizations operating these communications*;
  • move soil up or down a slope of more than 30°;
  • turn the bulldozer with a loaded or buried blade;
  • work in clayey soils in rainy weather;
  • be on the ripper frame when the teeth are lowered into the ground and during their lifting.

* The text corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

To avoid collapse of the soil (sliding of the embankment) and overturning of the bulldozer when pushing soil under the slope of the embankment or backfilling trenches, the bulldozer blade does not extend beyond the edge of the slope, and when constructing an embankment, the distance from the edge of the caterpillar or bulldozer wheel to the edge of the embankment must be at least 1 m.

When carrying out work on constructing the roadbed with a bulldozer, we are guided by the following technical literature:

1. SNiP III-4-80. Safety precautions in construction*.

* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 12.3.048-2002, SNiP 12-03-2001, SNiP 12-04-2002 are in force. - Database manufacturer's note.

2. SNiP 12-03-2001. Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.

3. TOI R-218-05-93. Standard labor safety instructions for a motor grader (trailed grader) driver.

4. TOI R-218-07-93. Standard labor safety instructions for the roller operator.

5. TOI R-218-26-94. Standard labor safety instructions for the operator of a watering machine.

6. TOI R-218-06-93. Standard labor safety instructions for a bulldozer operator.

7. Spelman E.P. Safety precautions when operating construction machines and small-scale mechanization equipment. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1986. - 271 p.: ill.


Construction of a highway roadbed in an excavation (development of excavations using bulldozers)



A standard technological map (TTK) has been drawn up for one of the options for constructing a roadbed in a excavation (development of excavations by bulldozers).

The TTK is intended to familiarize workers and engineers with the rules of work, as well as for use in the development of work projects, construction organization projects, and other organizational and technological documentation.


2.1 Bulldozing

2.1.1 Bulldozers are most effectively used when constructing embankments with a height of 1 to 2 m from the soil of lateral reserves. They make it possible to mechanize almost the entire complex of work, with the exception of compaction and final leveling of the roadbed surface, including slopes and exhausted lateral reserves, which are usually performed by a motor grader.

2.1.2 The development of the reserve is carried out by transverse passes of the bulldozer with the maximum possible depth of the blade for stable operation of the machine, starting from the far edge. In this case, between the formed cutting trenches it is advisable to leave jumpers about 1 m wide, which are removed by subsequent passes. The volume of soil collected by the dump is moved into the embankment with bilateral reserves up to the axis of the road. The reverse stroke is used to roughly level the layers of the embankment. Filling of the layer is completed upon reaching the required thickness according to the compactability condition.

The thickness and evenness of the layer is controlled instrumentally. The next layer is laid after the previous one is completely compacted.

2.1.3 After developing the design section of the reserve, all surfaces must be immediately leveled with the slopes provided for by the design for the drainage of rain and melt water. Reclamation of lateral reserves is carried out immediately after the completion of the construction of the roadbed in this area (or backlog).

2.1.4 The development of shallow excavations with a bulldozer with longitudinal movement of soil into the embankment (or into the dump) should be carried out at a movement distance of up to 100 m. Development of the excavation begins from the end closest to the embankment with the movement of soil to the far end of the embankment. Development is carried out layer by layer to the depth of rational cutting of the dump.

Cutting at the mining site should be carried out taking into account the group of soils according to the difficulty of their development in a way that ensures a more complete and productive use of the power of the bulldozer tractor engine without overload.

2.1.5 To reduce soil losses during movement, excavation or reserve development is carried out in separate passes with the formation of “trenches” and maintaining ridges about 1 m wide between them. The ridges between the trenches are cut off, starting from the area farthest from the embankment, by moving the bulldozer at an angle while moving the soil along a previously mined trench (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Sequence of development of intermediate walls when developing the first tier of the excavation:

1-7 - trenches of the first tier; 8 - wall; 9 - slope flange (cut off when refining the slope); B - excavation area; B - section of the embankment

Arrows show the direction of soil movement

After the development and movement of the soil of one layer of excavation is completed, the soil of the underlying layers is developed and moved in the same order. When developing the lower layer of the excavation, the walls of the outer side trenches are preserved in order to move soil along them, cut from the shelves on the slopes of the excavation.

2.1.6 In order to reduce the loss of soil when moving it along the embankment, bulldozers with openers on the blade or with scoop-type blades should be used.

To increase the productivity of bulldozers, heavy and dry clay soils in reserves should first be loosened with a ripper.

For large volumes of work, paired operation of bulldozers is advisable, in which soil is cut out and moved along two adjacent trenches in an excavation by two bulldozers simultaneously. After completing the cutting operation, the bulldozers must move closer together so that the distance between the blades is from 15 to 20 cm, and in this position they must continue to move the soil at the same speed common shaft to the place where it is placed.

2.1.7 When the range of soil movement by a bulldozer with a blade without side openings is more than 25 m, soil losses along the way increase. In such cases, it is recommended to sequentially move the soil with the formation of intermediate storage shafts, in which the bulldozer can carry out a complete set of soil for further movement.

The filling of each layer in the embankment should begin with the outermost side strips, followed by the approach of the filling strips to the axis of the road. In this case, the thickness of the filling layer must correspond to the specified thickness of the technological layer with a margin for compaction of 10% to 20%. The filled layer should be leveled using a motor grader or a separate bulldozer with a widened blade. By the end of the shift, as a rule, the layer of soil must be completely filled, leveled and compacted along the entire cross-section of the subgrade and along the entire length of the installed grip, which ensures water drainage in the event of precipitation.


3.1. Instructions for organizing work

The number of dump trucks is determined by calculation taking into account actual conditions and hauling distance.

Temporary access roads should be maintained in such a condition that vehicles can move average speed about 20 km/h.

At the work site, mobile buildings are installed for the foreman, a storeroom, short-term rest for workers and eating, and showers. The work area is provided drinking water, water for technical purposes, medical kit.

3.2. Production process technology

Before starting work on constructing a subgrade in the excavation, the following preparatory work must be completed:

- restoration and consolidation of the route;

- breakdown of excavation elements;

- clearing the right of way, removing plant soil;

- construction of temporary roads for transporting soil, delivering road construction materials and equipment to the site;

- transfer and reconstruction of overhead and cable communication lines, power transmission lines, pipelines, collectors, etc.;

- demolition or transfer of buildings and structures from the designated area.

During the preparatory period, the conditions of soil occurrence in the excavation should be examined, their physical and mechanical characteristics and the possibility of using them for the construction of embankments should be determined. If necessary, surface water should be drained and groundwater levels lowered by installing upland ditches and drainage structures.

3.3. Development of excavations using bulldozers

It is advisable to use bulldozers to develop excavations with soil moving into the embankment at a distance of up to 100 m (provided that the excavation soil is suitable for filling the embankment). To increase the productivity of machines, the development of excavation soils (except for sandy ones with moisture content below optimal) is carried out using the trench-ridge method (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Trench-tier scheme for excavation development:

1 - development tiers; 2 - layers of filled embankment; 3 - trenches; 4 - walls between trenches

The width of the ridges should be about 1 m. Development is carried out layer by layer to the depth of rational cutting of the dump. Cutting at the development site should be carried out taking into account the group of soils according to the difficulty of their development (Table 4.2) in a way that ensures more complete use of the power of the bulldozer engine without overload.

When developing soils that are relatively easy to mine, cutting should be done with uniform rectangular chips, for medium soils - wedge-shaped, for heavy soils - comb-shaped (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Scheme of cutting soil with a bulldozer:

A)- rectangular; b)- wedge; V)- comb

(the arrow shows the direction of movement of the bulldozer)

Soil development begins from the end of the excavation closest to the embankment and is moved to the far end of the filled layer of the embankment. The ridges between the trenches are cut off, starting from the area farthest from the embankment, by moving the bulldozer at an angle while moving the soil along the previously excavated trench.

After the development and movement of the soil of one layer of excavation is completed, the soil of the underlying layers is similarly developed and moved. When developing the lower layer of the excavation, the walls of the outer side trenches are preserved in order to move soil along them, cut from the shelves on the slopes of the excavation (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Sequence of removing walls when developing the lower tier and slope strips of the excavation:

1-3 - tiers; 4 - extreme wall; 5 - trench; 6 - shelves on the slope; A- working width when passing the bulldozer

In order to reduce the loss of soil when moving it, bulldozers with openers on the blade or with scoop-type blades should be used. When the range of soil movement by a bulldozer with a blade without side openings is more than 25 m, soil losses increase sharply. In such cases, it is recommended to sequentially move the soil with the formation of intermediate storage shafts, in which the bulldozer can carry out a complete set of soil for subsequent movement.

For large volumes of work, it is advisable to work together with two bulldozers, in which the cutting of soil and its movement along two adjacent trenches in the excavation is carried out simultaneously by two bulldozers. After completing the cutting operation, the bulldozers must move closer together so that the distance between the dumps does not exceed 15 to 20 cm, and in this position they must further move the soil at the same speed with a common shaft to the place of its laying.

To increase the productivity of bulldozers, heavy and dry clay soils should be pre-loosened using rippers installed on bulldozers. In this case, the trench mining method with leaving ridges between passes is not used.


The map of operational quality control of excavation work is presented in Figure 5, and the controlled parameters are in Table 4.1.

Figure 5. Map of operational quality control of work

Table 4.1

Quality control parameters for excavation work


Scope of application.

The technological map has been developed for excavation with a depth of up to 5 m. The E-10011 A single-bucket excavator equipped with a straight shovel is used as the driving mechanism. The capacity of the excavator bucket is 1 m 3. Shift capacity - 615 m 3 . CATERPILLAR backhoe excavators can also be used.

The work includes:

removal of the plant layer of soil;

arrangement of temporary passages;

removal of existing road surface;

development of soil and loading it into vehicles;

planning the top of the subgrade and slopes;

cutting cuvettes;

rolling the top of the subgrade.

Organization and technology of work production.

Before starting excavation work, you must:

restore the road route;

clear the area within the right-of-way from forests, stumps, bushes and boulders;

make a breakdown of the roadbed;

Make a temporary passage for vehicles (taking into account the resulting slopes of the excavation being developed);

Remove existing road surface.

Excavation with an excavator up to 5 m deep is carried out in stages to the right and left of the road axis. Work at each stage is carried out using the in-line method on three grippers.

On first capture the following work is performed:

Cutting off the vegetation layer of soil with a bulldozer;

Construction of a pioneer trench with a bulldozer.

The thickness of the cut layer is determined by the project. The map assumes a layer thickness of 15 cm. The soil is cut off with a T-170 (DZ-8) bulldozer according to a cross-sectional pattern, moved outside the right of way and embanked. In the future, it is used to strengthen slopes.

The overlap of traces from previous bulldozer passes and soil cutting should be 0.25-0.3 m.

The pioneer trench is made with a T-170 bulldozer (DZ-17, D-4921A). Its width at the bottom is at least 4 m, the bottom has a slope of 2% towards the beginning of the development to ensure water drainage. The bulldozer moves the soil from the pioneer trench to a nearby embankment (at a distance of up to 50 m).

On second takeover excavate the soil using an excavator, loading it into vehicles and then transporting it to the unloading site.

The technological map adopts the development of an excavation using longitudinal passes of an excavator along its entire length. Work begins from the downstream side to ensure water drainage.

During the first pass, the soil is loaded into vehicles (dump trucks) moving along the pioneer trench. During subsequent passes of the excavator, dump trucks move in the passed penetrations, as well as in the face. For loading, they are installed parallel to the axis of movement of the excavator.

The soil in the excavation is developed with a shortage to prevent disruption of the soil structure at the base. The permissible set of soil when developing an excavation with an E-10011A excavator is 0.2 m.

On third takeover Work is being carried out on the final leveling of the subgrade, cutting ditches, leveling the excavation slopes and compacting the subgrade.

The top of the roadbed is leveled using a motor grader DZ-180 (DZ-31-1) in four passes along one track using a shuttle pattern. The grip angle of the motor grader blade should be 35-70°, and the slope angle depending on the design transverse profile. The overlap of tracks when planning the top of the roadbed is 0.4-0.5 m.

Excavation slopes are planned using a DZ-180 (DZ-31-1) motor grader equipped with an extension in three passes. Leveling should begin at the top of the slope when the motor grader moves along the edge of the excavation; then the lower part is planned.

The ditches are cut using a motor grader DZ-180 (DZ-31-1) in four passes along the length of the gripper. The depth of the ditch is at least 0.3 m.

The top of the roadbed is compacted with a roller on SR-132 (DU-16V) pneumatic tires in four passes along one track in a ring pattern with the compaction strips shifted from the edges of the roadbed to its axis and overlapping the tracks by 1/3.

Calculation of labor costs for the development of 1000 m 3 of excavation is given in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Calculation of labor costs for the development of 1000 m 3 of excavation.


Squad composition


To the meter

Norm time man-hour (Mach-hour)

Price, r.k.

Labor intensity, man-hours (Mach-hours)

Direct salary, rub.

§ E2-1-5, paragraph 1a

Cutting off the vegetation layer of soil with a DZ-8 bulldozer

Machinist 6 raz.-1

§ E2-1-22, tab.2, paragraphs.3b+3d

Construction of a pioneer trench with a DZ-17 bulldozer, moving soil over a distance of 50 m



§ E2-1-46, paragraph 1a

Laying out access roads using a DZ-17 bulldozer

Machinist 6 raz.-1

§ E2-1-8, tab.3, p.6b

Soil development using an E-10011 excavator

Machinist 6 raz.-1

Assistant driver 5 jobs - 1

§ E2-1-37, table 2, paragraph 1b

Laying out the top of the roadbed using a DZ-31-1 motor grader in four passes along one track

Machinist 6zr.-1



§ E2-1-39, paragraph 10b

Layout of excavation slopes using motor grader DZ-21-1

Machinist 6 raz.-1

Cutting ditches using a motor grader DZ-31-1

Machinist 6zr.-1

Compaction of the roadbed with a DU-16V roller in four passes along one track

Machinist 6zr.-1

Note: Cutting off the shortfall of soil and its removal are standardized in each specific case separately.

The excavation work is carried out by a team of 5 people:

Excavator operator 6 raz. 1

Assistant driver 5 grades 1

Bulldozer operator 6 raz. 1

Motor grader operator 6 grade. 1

Roller operator 6 r. 1

The quality of work is controlled according to Table 3.5.

Table 3.5 Quality control of work.


Subject of control

Person exercising control

Type of control

Removing the plant layer of soil

Layer thickness


Excavation soil development

Markings of the bottom of the excavation, design marks, slopes, slope steepness

Master (surveyor)


Layout of the top of the subgrade and excavation slopes

Profile corresponds to working drawings, surface evenness

Foreman (master, surveyor)


Cutting cuvettes

Position in plan, slopes, bottom marks, slope steepness


Compacting the top of the subgrade

Degree of compaction (soil compaction coefficient)

Laboratory assistant


Note: Each operation is monitored during the work process.

When constructing the roadbed, the following deviations (±) of geometric dimensions are allowed:

Elevations of the longitudinal profile 50 mm

The distance between the axis and the edge of the roadbed is 10 cm

Cross slopes 0.010

Slope steepness 10%

· Technical and economic indicators.

3 excavations per 1000 m

Labor costs 4.7 man-days

Need for cars. . . 3.0 machine shifts

Output per 1 worker 200 m 3

Direct salary of the crew is 37 rubles. 38 k.

Material and technical resources.

The need of an integrated mechanized team for machines, equipment and devices is determined based on their optimal loading:

Dragline excavator E-10011A 1

Bulldozer DZ-17 (D-492A) 2

Bulldozer DZ-8 1

Motor grader DZ-31-1 1

Semi-trailer roller with pneumatic tires DU-29 1

KAMAZ-551 dump truck

freight -13 tn 5

Safety precautions.

When carrying out work on the construction of the roadbed, it is necessary to comply with the safety rules given in the relevant sections of the “Safety Rules for the Construction, Repair and Maintenance of Highways” and SNiP III-4-80 “Safety in Construction”.

Monitor the condition and settlement of the section of the existing road at the site where the peat removal work is being carried out on a daily basis.

Constantly monitor the location of road signs in accordance with the scheme agreed with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, limiting the movement of heavy vehicles along the road strip near the site of peat removal work.

The development of additional measures to ensure occupational safety is not required

Project for the construction of road pavement.


(focused work)


The technological map was developed on the basis of methods of scientific organization of labor and is intended for use in the development of projects for the production of work and organization of labor at a construction site.

The technological map was drawn up for the construction of a 9 m high roadbed embankment during the development of group II soil using EO-4225 type excavators with a bucket capacity of 1.25 m 3 and transportation of soil by dump trucks. To transport soil in this technological process, KamAZ-55111 dump trucks are used.

In all cases of using a technological map, it is necessary to link it to the specific conditions of work, taking into account the available material and technical resources.


2.1. Before constructing the subgrade it is necessary:

· · restore and secure the road route and right-of-way;

· · clear the area within the right-of-way from bushes, stumps and boulders;

· · make a breakdown of the roadbed and the soil quarry;

· · arrange temporary earth-carrying roads for transporting soil;

· · arrange exits to and from the face;

· · ensure the drainage of surface and groundwater from the face;

· · arrange lighting of the face and dumps when working in the dark.

2.2. Work on the construction of a roadbed (Fig. 1) from a concentrated soil quarry when excavating the soil with EO-4225 excavators and transporting it to the embankment by KamAZ-55111 dump trucks at an average distance of 1.5 km is carried out in the developed technological sequence of work processes (Table 3 ).

Rice. 1. Construction of the subgrade in the transverse profile

The volume of concentrated excavation work without powdered shoulders, taking into account the correction for the removal of a plant layer 0.3 m thick, is 28,865 m 3 (see Fig. 1). The thickness of the road pavement is assumed to be 0.6 m.

The main volumes of work are calculated for a concentrated work area 100 m long.

2.3. First of all, the following technological operations are performed:

· · cutting off the plant layer of soil with a bulldozer;

· · compaction of the embankment base with a pneumatic roller.

The thickness of the cut plant layer of soil is established in agreement with the land user. The thickness of this layer is assumed in the map to be 30 cm.

The work noted in this technological map is carried out with a DZ-171 bulldozer according to a transverse pattern (Fig. 2). The soil is cut from the axis of the road by transverse passes of the bulldozer, overlapping each previous trace by 0.25 - 0.3 m, and moved outside the right-of-way.

Rice. 2. Cutting plant soil

Bulldozer DZ-171 moves 3.0 m 3 of soil in one pass. The length of the area to be cleaned at one time (m) should be determined by the formula

where V is the volume of soil that a bulldozer can move in one pass, m3;

B - width of the bulldozer blade, m;

z - track overlap (0.25 - 0.3 m);

h - thickness of the plant layer, m.

Subsequently, the cut plant soil is used to strengthen the slopes of the subgrade.

The base of the embankment is compacted with a DU-101 roller in 4 passes along one track. When compacting, each previous trace overlaps the next one by 1/3 of its width. The roller moves in a circular pattern.

The base of the embankment must have a compaction coefficient of at least 0.98.

2.4. The technological map provides for the construction of a roadbed embankment with soil development using EO-4225 excavators and transportation by KamAZ-55111 dump trucks over a distance of 1.5 km.

The development of a soil quarry using straight shovel excavators is carried out according to the scheme (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Scheme of development of a soil quarry

The face section is set in accordance with the performance characteristics of the selected type of excavator (Fig. 4).

With the accepted scheme for developing a soil quarry with an excavator, a through transverse trench is first constructed; in this case, vehicles are placed above the excavator parking level. In the future, the quarry is developed using longitudinal passes.

The depth of the first pioneer trench (see Fig. 4) is determined from the condition of ensuring loading of soil into a dump truck when using the highest unloading height

H 1 = H in - 0.5 - h 1,

where H in is the highest unloading height, m;

0.5 - height distance between the bottom of the bucket and the top of the vehicle, m;

h 1 - loading height of the dump truck, m.

Rice. 4 . Cross-section of a dirt quarry:

Rр - largest cutting radius; Re - largest unloading radius; Rcm - cutting radius at the level of the tracks; rвв - unloading radius at highest altitude unloading; Hв - highest unloading height; A is the distance from the edge of the trench being developed to the axis of the excavator passage; H1 - depth of the pioneer trench; - widened frontal faces; - side tunneling

The distance from the edge of the trench being developed to the axis of the excavator passage is determined according to the conditions for ensuring loading of soil into a dump truck when using the largest unloading radius

A = R bb - 1 - b/2,

where Rvv is the largest unloading radius at the highest unloading height, m;

1 - safe gap between the edge of the excavation and the wheel of the dump truck, m;

b is the width of the dump truck base, m.

The axis of passage of the excavator when developing the second trench should be located at a distance R from the axis of movement of the dump truck, which in our case will move at the level of the base of the pioneer trench.

When developing the third trench, the position of the passage axis is determined by the placement of vehicles that will move at the excavator parking level.

When developing the fourth trench, dump trucks are placed at the level of the base of the first tier and when developing the fifth trench - at the excavator parking level.

Using similar calculations, you can determine the number of passes of the excavator and develop a scheme for its operation with other initial data and dimensions of the soil quarry.

The slopes of the bottom of the penetrations should prevent the influx and accumulation of ground and surface water in the faces.

The work cycle of a front shovel excavator consists of the following operations:

· · digging the soil (movement of the boom, handle and bucket);

· · turning for unloading (turning the platform with all the working equipment);

· · unloading (opening the bottom of the bucket or turning the bucket relative to the handle);

· · turning into the face;

· · lowering the boom and handle with the bucket onto the bottom of the face.

2.5. Transportation of soil from the quarry to the embankment is carried out by KamAZ-55111 dump trucks.

The number of vehicles required to transport soil is determined by calculation taking into account actual working conditions and hauling distance.

Each KamAZ-55111 dump truck is loaded with 7.5 m 3 of soil. The soil is transported to the work site and unloaded every 5 m along the embankment and every 5 m along its width (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Scheme of construction of the embankment of the roadbed

The distance between the centers of the heaps along the embankment is determined by the formula

where Q is the load capacity of a dump truck, t;

B is the width of the strip (or center line) of the spilled material, m;

h - layer thickness, m;

ρ - material density, t/m3;

n is the number of heaps unloaded at each cross section.

Distance between the centers of the piles along the width of the embankment:

l p = B/n = 44.03/9 = 4.9 ≈ 5 m.

2.6. The soil is leveled in layers 0.3 m thick in 1 - 2 passes of the DZ-171 bulldozer along one track (see Fig. 5).

After leveling the soil, the surface of each layer should have a slope of 30 - 40 o/oo from the axis to the edges of the subgrade; there should be no closed depressions on it.

2.7. The soil is compacted in layers 0.30 m thick with successive circular passes of a DU-101 pneumatic roller across the entire width of the embankment in ten passes along one track (see Fig. 5).

The soil should be compacted at the optimum moisture content, determined according to GOST 22733-77, which should not exceed the limits indicated in the table. 1 for different types of soil.

If there is insufficient moisture, the soil is moistened using a watering machine. In the technological map, water consumption for these purposes is assumed to be 3% of the soil mass.

The first two passes of the roller should be performed at a distance of 2 m from the edge of the embankment, and then, shifting the passes by 1/3 of the width of the track towards the edge, compact the edges of the embankment not reaching 0.3 - 0.5 m from the slope. After this, compaction is continued in circular passes from the edge to the middle.

In order to compact the soil in the edge parts of the embankment adjacent to the slope, it should be poured 0.3 - 0.5 m wider than the design outline.

Table 1

Each subsequent pass along the same track begins after the previous passes have covered the entire width of the roadbed.

The required soil compaction coefficient is given in table. 2. At optimal soil moisture, to achieve a compaction coefficient of 0.95, approximately 6 - 8 roller passes are prescribed for cohesive soils and 4 - 6 for non-cohesive soils; to achieve a compaction coefficient of 0.98 - 8 - 12 passes for cohesive soils and 6 - 8 for non-cohesive soils.

The required number of roller passes along one track is determined by test compaction.

Table 2

For cohesive soils, at the initial stage of compaction, the pressure in the tires of the pneumatic roller should not exceed 0.2 - 0.3 MPa, at the final stage - 0.6 - 0.8 MPa. When compacting sand, the tire pressure at all stages of compaction should not be more than 0.2 - 0.3 MPa.

The first and last passes along the section strip are performed at low speed of the pneumatic roller (2 - 2.5 km/h), intermediate passes at high speed (up to 8 km/h).

Filling of each subsequent layer can be done only after leveling and compacting the previous one, as well as quality control of the work.

2.8. At the final stage of work (Fig. 6), the following technological operations are performed:

· · leveling the top of the embankment using a motor grader;

· · leveling of slopes using a dragline excavator (Fig. 7) from the upper parking lot;

· · covering embankment slopes with vegetable soil using a dragline excavator.

Rice. 6. Layout diagram of the top of the embankment of the roadbed using a motor grader

The technological map provides for the planning of the top of the roadbed to be carried out using a motor grader DZ-122 in a circular pattern of movement from the edges to the axis of the roadbed in two passes along one track.

Before starting work, the motor grader is installed so that its outer wheels, closest to the edge of the roadbed, are at a distance of 0.8 - 1.0 m from it. The blade is installed in the working position while simultaneously extending it to the edge by 0.8 - 1.0 m.

The grip angle of the motor grader blade should be 50° during the first pass, 55° during the second, and the inclination angle should correspond to the designed transverse profile.

Rice. 7. Slope planning using a dragline excavator

The overlap of tracks when planning the top of the subgrade is 0.5 m.

Before planning the slope, the position of the axis and edges of the subgrade in the plan and longitudinal profile is restored with pegs every 20 m, the base of the embankment is marked and slope templates are installed that fix the design profile of the slope.

Along the side of the embankment, pegs mark the line of movement of the external track of the excavator. The procedure for carrying out geodetic work is set out in the technological map “Geodetic work during the construction of the roadbed”.

Work on leveling the slope is carried out from the upper parking lot of the excavator (see Fig. 4).

The excavator boom is installed perpendicular to the edge line.

After leveling the slope in the parking area, the excavator is moved along the work front by 2 m and the next section is planned, overlapping the previous track by 1/3 of the width of the planning frame.

Calculation of the volume of work and required resources is given in tabular form in accordance with the technological sequence of processes (see Table 3).

The need of an integrated mechanized team for machines and mechanisms was determined based on their optimal load (Table 4).

Table 3

Technological sequence of processes with calculation of volumes of work and required resources

No. of processes No. of grips Source of justification for production standards (ENiR and calculations) Description of work processes in the order of their technological sequence with calculation of work volumes Unit of measurement Number of works on site Productivity per shift Demand for machine shifts Labor costs and wages for a gripper 200 m long
Standard time, person-hour Salary, rub.-kop.
per unit of measurement for the full scope of work per unit of measurement for the full scope of work
I. Basic excavation work
Calculation Removing a vegetative layer of soil 0.3 m thick with a DZ-171 bulldozer and moving it in both directions from the road axis in the amount of 46.55 100 0.3 = 1400 m 3 m 3 1,2 0,007 9,8 0-15 210-00
Calculation Compaction of the base of the embankment with a self-propelled roller DU-101 on pneumatic tires in 4 passes along one track 46.55 100 = 4655 m 2 m 2 0,5 0,0009 4,2 0-02 93-10
Calculation Development of group II soil using an EO-4225 excavator with loading of soil into dump trucks m 3 37,0 0,02 577,3 0-39 11257-35
Calculation Transportation of soil along dirt roads over a distance of 1.5 km, at a speed V = 22 km/h with unloading it into an embankment by KamAZ-55111 dump trucks Amount of soil with its density = 1.75 t/m3: 28865 1.75 = 50515 t T 0,04 2072,4 0-76
Calculation Layer-by-layer leveling of soil in an embankment using a DZ-171 bulldozer in layers 0.3 m thick, moving 50% of the dumped soil over a distance of up to 5 m m 3 9,6 0,005 72,2 0-11 1587-30
Calculation Layer-by-layer moistening of the soil with water to optimal humidity using a watering machine MD 433-03 with a hauling distance of 3 km in an amount of 3% of the soil mass T 22,3 0,12 181,8 2-19 3317-85
Calculation Layer-by-layer compaction of the embankment in layers 0.3 m thick in a dense body with a self-propelled roller DU-101 on pneumatic tires with 10 passes along one track for a run length of up to 200 m m 3 21,3 0,006 173,19 0-13 3752-45
TOTAL: 3090,9 58609-45
II. Final excavation work
Calculation Leveling the top of the embankment using a motor grader DZ-122 for 2 circular passes along one track: 16.8 100 = 1680 m 2 0,07 0,0003 0,50 0-01 16-80
Calculation Layout of embankment slopes using an EO-4112A dragline excavator from the upper parking lot: 16.4 2 100 = 3280 m 2 m 2 5,4 0,027 86,60 0-51 1672-80
Calculation Covering embankment slopes with a 0.2 m thick layer of vegetation and distributing it using a dragline excavator equipped with a leveling frame m 2 1,6 0,008 26,20 0-15 49-20
TOTAL: 115,3 1738-80

Table 4

Composition of an integrated mechanized brigade

Cars Profession and rank of worker Number of vehicles and load factor Number of workers Note
1. Basic excavation work
Excavator EO-4225 3 (1,0)
KAMAZ-55111 dump truck Driver 21 (1,0)
Bulldozer DZ-171 Driver VI category 1 (0,78)
Watering machine MD 433-03 Driver 2 (0,9)
Self-propelled roller on pneumatic tires DU-101 Driver VI category 2 (0,87)
2. Final excavation work
Dragline excavator EO-4112A Driver VI category, V category 1 (1,0)
Motor grader Driver VI category 1 (0,07)
Note:1. The productivity of a mechanized team per shift is q cm = (V av /M) n = (28865/37) 3 = 2340 m 3 /shift, where V av is the volume of concentrated excavation work at the site, m 3; M is the total requirement for machine shifts of the driving mechanism (excavator); n is the number of leading mechanisms in the brigade. Accordingly, the period for performing concentrated work: 28865 m 3: 2340 m 3 /shift = 12.3 shifts.

The technology for operational quality control of work during the construction of a subgrade embankment is given in Table. 5.

Table 5

Technology for operational quality control of work during the construction of embankments using excavators

Basic operations subject to control Composition of control Method and means of control Mode and scope of control Person exercising control Limit deviations from the norms of controlled parameters Where are the control results recorded?
Removing the plant layer of soil Thickness of the removed soil layer Instrumental Measuring ruler, sights Measurements at least every 100 m Master ±20% of design thickness General work log
Excavation of soil with an excavator 1. No oversized stones 2. Soil uniformity Visual Constantly Master, laboratory assistant - General work log
Filling soil into the embankment with dump trucks Instrumental Constantly Master - General work log
1. Order and method of filling 2. Regulation of vehicle movement along the filled layer 1. Measuring tape 2. Sights
Leveling the soil in the embankment Instrumental Master, surveyor General work log Technical leveling log
1. Layer thickness 1. Vizirki 1. Measurements at least every 100 m 1. -
2. Elevations of the longitudinal profile 2. Level, sights 2. Measurements at least every 100 m 2. ±50 mm from the design elevation values
3. Distance between the axis and the edge of the roadbed 3. Measuring tape 3. ±10 cm from the design width values
4. Slope steepness 4. Inclinometer 4. Measurements after 50 m 4. Reducing the slope to 10% of the design value
5. Cross slopes 5. Measurements after 50 m 5. ±0.010 from the design values ​​of transverse slopes
Compaction of soil in an embankment Visual Laboratory Master, laboratory assistant General work log Log of test soil compaction Log of subgrade density control
1. Compaction mode 1. Cutting ring method 1. Constantly 1. -
2. Humidity of the compacted layer 2. Cutting ring method 2. At least once per shift 2. see table. 2
3. Actual soil density 3. At least three samples (along the axis of the subgrade and 1.5 - 2.0 m from the edge) at least every 50 m for the top layer, at least every 20 m for the lower layers 3. Reducing soil density by 4% from design values ​​to 10% of definitions, other results are not lower than design values
Layout of the top of the subgrade and slopes Instrumental Master, surveyor Technical leveling journal Subgrade acceptance sheet
1. Elevations of the longitudinal profile 1. Level, sights 1. Measurements at least every 10 1. ± 50 mm from the design elevation values
2. Distance between the axis and the edge of the roadbed 2. Measuring tape 2. Measurements after 50 m 2. ±10 mm from design values
3. Cross slopes 3. Inclinometer 3. Measurements at least every 100 m 3. ±0.010 from design values
4. Surface flatness 4. Level, leveling staff 4. Measurements at least every 50 m at three points across the diameter (along the axis to the edges) 4. ±50 mm from design values
5. Slope steepness 5. Inclinometer 5. Measurements after 50 m 5. Reducing the slope to 10% of the design value


Safety requirements for single-bucket excavators are general and are met regardless of the type of machine and the type of replaceable working equipment. To operate, the excavator is installed on a solid, pre-planned foundation (platform) with a slope not exceeding the permissible value specified in the technical passport.

To prevent the danger of spontaneous displacement (rolling away), stock stops are placed under the tracks.

Vehicles awaiting loading must be located outside the radius of action of the excavator bucket no closer than 5 m, stand under loading and drive away after its completion only with the driver’s permission signal.

Loading into vehicles is carried out from the rear or side.

When loading soils of different properties into the body of a dump truck, dry soil is first loaded, then viscous soil. To prevent vehicle breakdowns, soil is poured out from a minimum height that allows for unhindered opening of the bottom of the bucket, while the soil is evenly distributed over the body and care is taken that it does not spill over the sides.

When carrying out work on constructing the roadbed with a bulldozer, we are guided by the following technical literature:

1. SNiP III-4-80. Safety precautions in construction.

2. SNiP 12-03-2001. Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.

3. TOI R-218-05-93. Standard labor safety instructions for a motor grader (trailed grader) driver.

4. TOI R-218-07-93. Standard labor safety instructions for the roller operator.

5. TOI R-218-26-94. Standard labor safety instructions for the operator of a watering machine.

6. TOI R-218-25-94. Standard labor protection instructions for operators of single-bucket crawler and pneumatic wheeled excavators.

7. Spelman E.P. Safety precautions when operating construction machines and small-scale mechanization equipment. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1986. - 271 p.: ill.