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Guys without experience of close communication with girls are racking their brains on how to earn their favor when meeting them. Even men who have girlfriends and lovers are perplexed by the question of how to behave in order to strengthen relationships without appearing vulgar and stupid in their eyes. Psychologists say that girls prefer cheerful men who have a sense of humor, know how to cheer up and create a good mood.

The ability to cheer a girl up is the key to success in winning a woman’s heart. The Internet has become an assistant in communicating with girls. Psychologists and experienced “heartthrobs” give recipes on the Internet to cheer up a girl and set her up for a romantic relationship.

Cheer up by correspondence

If you liked a girl on a dating site or VK, the problem arises of how to start an acquaintance by correspondence. A proven way to interest a girl by making her remember herself - to make her laugh and please. Having decided to write to a stranger, go to her page on networks. Look at what is written on the wall, in the questionnaire, photographs with comments. Once you've made your first impression, take action.

Remember successful techniques:

  1. When getting to know each other, don’t act like a tough macho man by sending hackneyed phrases like: “Hi! Are you bored? Let's chat" or "You're cool, let's get to know each other better."
  2. Arouse interest in yourself by flashing a cheerful emoticon.
  3. Then leave a humorous comment on her page to intrigue her. Intrigue makes you want to find out what unknown guy wait further. If you like your sense of humor, your chosen one will respond in the chat.
  4. After receiving the answer, continue the correspondence with a funny story that happened to you. You can retell in the chat a funny incident you read on the forum. Humor will prolong communication by endearing you to your interlocutor.
  5. Use your chosen one's hobbies to strengthen your relationship. Let's say: he takes care of homeless animals, plays sports, loves to design clothes or dance. Send links to funny videos on a topic of interest. By cheering up your virtual friend, you are guaranteed to increase your rating.
  6. The next step is to give a compliment. Write about beauty, wit, the desire to continue communicating with a wonderful interlocutor.

Strengthen the message with a picture of a bouquet of flowers, wishing for a meeting. Praise is a good start to setting up a date.

Don't be discouraged if you don't receive an answer right away. The stranger may be busy with urgent matters. The main thing is, don’t let us forget about your existence. After a pause, remind yourself with a funny picture or a funny home video. Next time, you find yourself at a moment when a girl needs male attention.

Cheer up a friend

If you have been communicating on the Internet for a long time with a classmate, fellow student, work colleague or virtual friend, it happens that you find yourself at a moment when the girl is sad. It is possible to save a friend from depression by cheering her up by correspondence. Do not write that you are unhappy with her despondency and do not insist on revealing the reason for her sadness. If she wants, she will tell you herself. Try to distract the girl from her worries with your actions.

  1. Switch your friend's thoughts to a positive wave by asking her to answer a witty question that is important to you. Find funny questions on humorous sites in the “Questions” section. Avoid asking abstruse questions or using dark humor, which can aggravate the depression.
  2. Have fun with a fresh joke. Knowing what caused the depression, avoid sending jokes that hint at the cause.
  3. On a holiday or birthday, especially if it falls on a working day, please them with a postcard with a funny picture and a humorous poetic greeting.
  4. If communication takes place constantly, send the girl 2 photos of yourself. One is a regular one, take the other with a webcam or a selfie, making a funny face. To be creative, put a jester's cap on your head and dress up in cool clothes. Write a comment under the photos: “discover 5 differences.”

Your resourcefulness, sense of humor, and creative thinking will become a lifeline for your friend from the surging wave of melancholy.

Cheer on VK

If you find out that your loved one is worried, upset or sick, and you can’t meet to console her, use social networks. Let's name some tricks on how to cheer up your loved one on VKontakte:

  • Go to her VKontakte page, leave likes and humorous comments under pictures and videos;
  • Recall funny episodes and incidents from joint leisure by sending a photo collage with captured “happy moments” and a romantic comment;
  • Record a video declaration of love or heartfelt words of support;
  • Find funny home videos on the Internet with kids and animals unexpectedly finding themselves in funny situations;
  • Offer joint plans: where to go during vacation, go on a day off, how to have fun celebrating a birthday or upcoming holiday. Often girls switch from “painful” realities and give free rein to their imagination;
  • Send a beautiful song or favorite music with the comment: “this melody sounds in my soul, reminding me of you”;
  • Send a love poem of your own composition. Poetic lines written from the heart will make a pleasant impression on your beloved. If you are not a “master of the pen,” pick up lyric poems from the classics.
  • Please with a virtual gift. Having chosen a funny toy on the Internet, write a humorous comment under it: “let this elephant deal with your sadness” and send it. If you are at a loss for what to write under a gift, you can find suitable humorous phrases online.

With caring attention, let the girl know that she is loved, desired, and not alone in this “complicated world.” You are a reliable friend you can rely on. The beloved's joyless mood will soon be replaced by optimism and a positive attitude towards the world around her.

Cheer up

Emotional girls are susceptible to mood swings under the influence of different life situations. Having noticed that your loved one has become sad or fallen into despair, take active action.

Only a person in a cheerful mood can lift the spirits of others. Follow humorous accounts on Instagram. Charge yourself with positivity and cheer up a girl you know in the morning via correspondence.

Several techniques will come in handy:

  • Wish Have a good day to make her smile more often. Send a smiling emoticon or a cheerful picture with the words: “the sun in the window smiles at you with a sunny smile, illuminating the coming day with happiness”;
  • Send a video with an endless flower field, signing: “I give you all the flowers of the world”;
  • Send a picture or video with touchingly frolicking kittens, dogs, kids;
  • Write a short, funny SMS. Post “jokes” borrowed from social media. Try to choose short jokes so as not to bore the girl with reading;
  • Don't forget about compliments that lift the spirits of the fair sex. Write: “Yesterday you looked stunning in a beautiful dress” or: “I can’t forget your beautiful eyes for a minute”;
  • Send a photo from a beauty contest with the comment: “hurry to meet me. Don't let them kidnap me";
  • Write what funny stories happened to you, friends, and colleagues over the past day.

When thinking about what to write, consider what messages can ruin women’s mood:

  • Compliments with a hint of “weak points” such as: “you are such a delicious plump thing that I want to eat you”;
  • Jokes on her;
  • Letters with profane language that humiliates girls;
  • Stories containing dark humor;
  • Offers of sexual contact;
  • Stories about former lovers.


You can show a girl that she means a lot in a guy’s life by writing a funny SMS that will warm your heart. This form of communication is effective even at the beginning of acquaintance. Frequent phone calls can distract you from important activities or make you tired. The girl will be able to read and re-read SMS at any time.

It is important not to write long poems; short messages are the path to success. The girl will smile after reading romantic joke phrases:

  • I can’t wait any longer, call me and I’ll fly at your first call;
  • You have stolen my heart, I demand your detention;
  • Promise not to laugh at you!”
  • I'm dying! Save me with your love!
  • In the morning, only the thought that in the evening I will drown in your eyes wakes me up;
  • The network operator writes: “If you do not answer this person’s number, we will disconnect.

Intriguing messages like:

  • Guess what surprise I will give you?;
  • I read a book in which the heroine is based on you. Should I read it?;
  • I asked about your horoscope. Do you know what awaits you?

Women are passionate about esotericism and fortune telling. SMS can bring a smile and curiosity:

  • I dreamed about you long before we met. I think it's fate;
  • I am a mentalist - I read your thoughts from a distance;
  • I arrange furniture according to Feng Shui. Invite over.

When beautiful and witty phrases don’t come to mind, the Internet will help. Begin each message with the kind words your heart tells you.

Make a girl laugh

Humor, which causes laughter, makes communication fun and relaxed, bringing people closer together. Girls are emotional people who appreciate guys who know how to notice comical situations in life and tell funny jokes. It’s not difficult to make your loved one laugh when she reciprocates. Hearing from you a bad joke or an unfunny anecdote, your beloved will laugh. It’s more difficult to make a pretty stranger laugh, trying to win her affection. We'll tell you the best way to joke with girls by correspondence on the Internet.

Good jokes

The ability to move from serious to jokes characterizes a man as a person with a broad outlook and self-confidence. Successful jokes for girls are smart jokes, not devoid of self-irony and deep meaning and creativity.

  • With a hint of a compliment. For example, write that in appearance or character she resembles a famous artist or “star” of show business;
  • Where events are presented with humor and life situations. An amateur video posted on the Internet can make a friend laugh until she bursts into tears. When sending a link to VKontakte, refuse stories that are interpreted ambiguously: about stupid women or erotic content. Successful video clips include kids having fun with pets, funny behavior of birds, cats, dogs and pets, noticed by their owners;
  • With a dose of self-irony, when you ironically talk about your activities, failures or funny incidents from your life, friends and those gleaned from the Internet;
  • About life's paradoxes, which speak of breadth of outlook, erudition and inspire respect.

Bad jokes

Trying to show off your wit, remember how not to joke with a girl:

  • Don't try to make fun of her when you're not sure that she will understand and perceive your humor correctly. Offensive joke may alienate a friend. Remove the joker from your circle of friends on VKontakte;
  • If she doesn't speak slang, she won't like jokes with slang words;
  • When meeting, avoid joking on sexual topics that smack of vulgarity;
  • Make fun of ex-lovers, their quirks, habits and shortcomings. A girl may have similar qualities. She will consider jokes a personal insult;
  • Don't laugh at tragic news events and people getting hurt. Your friend will perceive you as a callous and cruel person.

To communicate with women, stock up on a collection of jokes. Please note what jokes you should not tell to your chosen ones:

The friend will make excuses and call a friend. After waiting a pause, confess! Laugh together at the reaction caused by the joke.

"Fun" with a celebrity

Register a fake account with the girl's favorite celebrity. Go to her page, following the steps in order:

  • Write a shocking message on behalf of a celebrity - pleasant, scary or absurd;
  • Click “send”.

The received message evokes a range of feelings: joy, bewilderment or shock. The thought of a letter written by a celebrity will temporarily occupy a girl's head. Then the girlfriend will get carried away with finding the culprit of the joke. Recognizing the authorship of the joke will raise the girl’s authority as a joker!

“Joke” with picture substitution

  • Use your mouse to open the recording window;
  • Click “attach”
  • Select a photo from the list;
  • Click – “upload photo”;
  • Enter the name of a nice little photo in the window;
  • Click “open”, then “send”;
  • A girl, having received a nice photo, will respond with a comment:

“cute or cool”;

  • Using the “edit” button, change the picture to a piquant one, leaving the same comment.

It turns out funny, but the young lady is perplexed. If you’re offended, don’t apologize, considering the “kicking” harmless. Pretend like nothing happened. Show the girl confidence and no fear of losing her.

“Fun” - identification with another girl

This option uses banter, forcing the interlocutor to react to the attack received. For fun:

  • Find a photo of a group of girls in a sticky situation: fighting in a muddy puddle, stealing chocolates from a supermarket, dressed provocatively;
  • Upload it to your album, designate the funniest girl as your friend;
  • Place a photo on her VKontakte page with the comment: “You will recognize yourself.”

Upload to album cool pictures and photos from the Internet and tease the young ladies! The reception causes a storm of emotions ranging from surprise to indignation, from excuses to offense! You will get the results you deserve.

Reliable methods help men understand the peculiarities of female psychology and make a girl laugh by communicating in social network or in chat.

Complicity, delicacy, a sense of humor and confidence will allow you to withstand the pressure of female emotions in an unforeseen situation!

It's no secret that girls are quite emotional creatures who quickly get upset or depressed. But they are easy to cheer up and cheer up even in correspondence, SMS and social networks. In this matter, the internal mood of the interlocutor is important, so being upset yourself will not solve the situation. You also need to be natural and friendly, attentive. Together we will learn how to cheer up a girl in correspondence, via SMS, even if she is not a lady of the heart, but only a friend.

How to cheer up a girl by correspondence?

Before you think about how to entertain a girl on VK, remember a few basic nuances:

  • Don't get down to business if you have Bad mood, because every word she says will irritate;
  • Be attentive, listen and be a vest you can cry on;
  • Do not be ironic or aggravate the situation, humor lifts the mood, but only in a good way;
  • Try to distract her from problematic topic;
  • Give positive examples.

Cheering a girl via SMS is even easier than in person. Because there is time to think through the answer, catch the mood and say a lot of pleasant things that are scary to say in person.

How to cheer up a girl in contact?

VKontakte is one of the most famous and visited social networks where most people communicate. Therefore, the problem of how to cheer up a girl in contact arises for many guys. To get started, you can send a song, a funny video or a funny photo. If we're talking about about your beloved, then send her pictures and clips together, this will definitely lift her spirits and show your support.

If you haven’t been communicating for a long time, then persistent calls may be unnecessary, but we’ll tell you how to make a girl laugh over text. It is important not to write huge messages, and remember that most ladies do not like:

  • Jokes on girls;
  • Black humor;
  • Lots of obscene language;
  • Vulgar phrases.

It’s better to give her a few compliments, insert a couple of jokes, talk about your day and funny situations at work (with friends, at school). Don’t forget to include cute affectionate nicknames like bunny, ray of sunshine, baby. Although, in the question of how to cheer up a VK girl, you need to take into account personal characteristics and character. Some people prefer to express everything that hurts so that it becomes easier. In this case, jokes or pet names will be inappropriate, and the above options for how to make a girl laugh in correspondence may not work.

A couple more ways to entertain a VK girl

Cheering a girl via SMS or VK correspondence is not so difficult if there is a certain connection between you and you like to communicate. The best way– tell a funny story from your life, but not one where you looked stupid. Also remember a couple of jokes, help make the situation ironic. When a girl can look at the situation from the other side, more simply, her mood will rise and she will forget about what happened.

How can you still cheer up a girl in contact? Tell jokes with hidden compliments, which everyone will appreciate and will become a new round in the development of your relationship. A good alternative is jokes with meaning, which broaden your horizons and allow you to take the conversation to another steppe, to distract you.

Regardless of how you decide to tease a girl, there are unacceptable situations:

  • Don't try to be a clown and insert phrases like this into every sentence;
  • There is no need to use a lot of slang and unclear words;
  • You should not bring up the topic of sex and sexual relations;
  • Talk about people with disabilities or past ridiculous situations, otherwise it will make the situation worse;
  • Talking about past relationships;
  • You shouldn't talk while drunk, nothing good will come of it.

If you don’t know how to tease a girl in correspondence, in a kind but funny way, go to her photographs or pictures. You can leave funny comments, chat and supplement the correspondence of others with pictures. It’s enough to use your imagination and be creative.

Another way is to talk about simple things, developing the topic to the point of absurdity, coming up with unrealistic development scenarios. It makes both of you happy and uplifting. You can even go to community groups where people share funny events from their lives, and send them to a friend. Try it different ways and you will understand how to cheer up a girl by correspondence.

If you are at a loss for how to cheer up a girl in contact, go to special humorous public pages. A couple of funny pictures or videos will cheer you up without much effort. Especially creative people can personally shoot a video of themselves and send it to a friend. This will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to cheer up a VK girl? Individual approach!

You can figure out how to cheer up a girl in correspondence if she is sad, but not all methods will work. It all depends on the situation, your relationship, the character of your friend. If some people don’t like dark humor, others treat it ironically and may make similar jokes in response. It definitely works for all types of women - creativity, videos and pictures, funny stories from your life. The rest – individual approach and the ability to “feel” a person.

If you know each other well, you can support, give a good mood and cheer up even in SMS. And recommendations on “how to cheer up a friend in contact” are not needed. To do this, you don’t have to give expensive gifts, rewrite jokes from a comedy, or seem better than you are. Girls subtly sense pretense, falsehood and insincerity. Also, you should not try to take advantage of a lady’s condition to persuade her into a relationship or sex. This approach backfires and ruins the relationship forever. Women love those who can listen to them, support them, give them a compliment and insert a funny joke into place.

- one of the main advantages of a man in courting a young lady.

It's no secret that women are extremely emotional creatures, so it's almost impossible to predict when clouds will begin to gather over a relationship. This is why many young people are constantly interested in real life or via the Internet.

However, humor is different from humor, so guys should figure out what they can and should laugh at, and what topics are strictly taboo.

Making a person laugh, of course, is not so difficult, but before taking immediate action, you need to find out whether the young lady wants to be amused.

The simplest and most obvious method is to talk frankly during a meeting or on VK. This simple method can not only lift your spirits, but also strengthen your relationship as a couple.

If it turns out that the young lady just needs to be left alone, there is no point in insisting on a conversation. Most likely, you are not the cause of it. better mood, the girl just wants to be alone with her thoughts.

After a while, a perky smile will play on her face again.

In some cases, the cause of a bad emotional mood is a serious incident - family troubles, illness loved one, problems at work. If a girl is sad precisely because of this, you need to throw jokes aside and try to cheer up your beloved friend.

If you understand that a girl is sad because of an insignificant incident (from your point of view) or an awkward situation in which she finds herself, be sure to try to make her laugh by telling her, for example, that similar stories have happened to you. Humor and jokes in such cases are the best remedy!

How to cheer up a girl if she is sad because of the hormonal characteristics of her body?

First of all, you shouldn’t even hint at this possible reason. You can just gently pat her on the head, hug her and coo a few times.

You can cheer up a representative of the fairer sex different ways, however, there are humorous techniques that should not be used when corresponding on the Internet and during dates.

Have you started communicating with a pretty interlocutor on VKontakte and are now increasingly wondering how to cheer up a girl and take communication to a more informal level?

You can cheer up a representative of the fairer sex on VK using the following methods:

  1. Find it online special resources, which post funny photographs, video files, so-called demotivators. Such sites contain the latest jokes, so you don’t risk sending some kind of “accordion”.
  2. You can also cheer up a girl with the help of home videos that users post on various services. However, when sending a link on VKontakte to a video you like, avoid ambiguous content, for example, “stupid blondes” or “naked and funny.” A win-win– videos featuring pets captured in unexpected situations.
  3. You can send fresh jokes to a well-known interlocutor on VK, just let them be neutral. Vulgar and “bearded” stories are not the best the best option, unless the girl's sense of humor matches yours.
  4. To cheer up a girl’s mood in contact, you can go to sites that have a special “Questions” section. Choose a witty question that can make your interlocutor laugh. However, avoid ambiguity and indecent hints, otherwise misunderstandings are likely to occur.
  5. If your interlocutor has a birthday or some wonderful holiday is coming up, send her an original thematic picture or a postcard with a funny poem or funny joke. This way you will support the person, especially if the holiday has to be celebrated at the workplace.
  6. Another . Be sure to write witty and funny words to your beautiful interlocutor, saying how beautiful she is.

And yet, more opportunities to cheer up your beloved are provided in real communication. How to cheer up your chosen one on a date? Use the entire arsenal of male tricks and the intimacy of the atmosphere.

  1. Be sure to hug your beloved. A woman who is in a bad mood often needs ordinary male support, a feeling of security and warmth. To do this, just try to take her by the palm, hug her, cuddle her, or sit her on your lap.
  2. Pamper her with chocolate. This product is truly a cure for negative emotions. Scientists have long proven that sweet bars produce happiness hormones, so after a few slices your beloved will begin to smile again.
  3. Give a compliment. If a girl is upset about her appearance, it is extremely important to remind her how beautiful she is. Just be sincere, otherwise your awkward attempt will lead to tears and a further deterioration in your mood.
  4. Be romantic. Arrange a romantic evening for your chosen one by inviting her to a quiet, cozy cafe or inviting her to the cinema to watch a new comedy film. Another option is breakfast in bed.
  5. Prank. If your lover has a good sense of humor, make her laugh with a helium-filled balloon. The girl will probably laugh if you utter a declaration of love in a thin voice.

An active friend can be asked to dispel the blues using the following actions:

  • invite her for a bike ride;
  • dress up your dog in a funny costume and go out to the park;
  • make soap bubbles and become children for a while;
  • arrange fun competition– for example, eating ice cream at speed (the winner makes a wish).

If your beloved is not just upset, but also angry, leave the jokes and funny stories alone, give her the opportunity to vent negative emotions. For example, invite your angry girlfriend to shoot at a shooting range, play paintball or bowling. By the way, when shooting at a shooting range, you can use a photograph of the offender as a target.

Armed with the above recommendations, you will be able to confidently resist any changes in a girl’s mood. In this way, you will strengthen your relationship, show yourself as a true gentleman, or win the love of your correspondent while still just a correspondent.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

It has long been no secret that many girls fall in love with guys who make them smile. You can cheer up your chosen one in many ways, and we will look at some of them.

There can be many reasons, and we will discuss only a few of them.

She had a quarrel with someone. After conflict situation With someone, almost any person feels as if “out of place,” and it is quite possible that your interlocutor also experienced similar situation. If this is the case, and your relationship is close enough, then she will probably talk about the incident herself.

She is unsure of herself. Often the reason for a girl's bad mood can be lack of self-confidence. She may feel that she is not attractive enough, interesting enough, and the like. In addition, she believes that all her shortcomings are visible to others, and this depresses her. She may also be insecure about the outfit she is currently wearing. A sincerely given compliment can correct the situation.

Unjustified expectations. If this happened at a meeting with you, then perhaps she was expecting something else - another date, conversations on other topics, different behavior on your part, and so on. She probably thought about how everything would happen, but the reality was not what she wanted.

Problems at work or school. It is possible that she is not doing well at work or school. Perhaps she cannot cope with some tasks or her relationship with someone from the team is strained, and this upsets her.

Family troubles. It is possible that not everything is well in the girl’s family now - someone is sick, there was a quarrel, someone in the family has problems of a different nature.

Health. Perhaps she has some kind of health problem - a toothache, a past injury is making itself felt, “women’s sores” or something like that. If this is true, you may not know about it because... many girls are embarrassed to talk about such things.

Ex-boyfriend. Her ex-lover made itself felt, and now she is again immersed in thoughts about separation and past problems. Perhaps their communication turned out to be unpleasant, or, on the contrary, he tried to win the girl back, which confused her.

Change of plans. The girl planned her day or evening in a certain way, but for some reason the plans had to be changed. The changes do not seem to her to be equivalent to the original plans, and this does not make her happy.

Fatigue. She just might be tired. Perhaps she worked a lot, did housework, “roamed around the city” for several hours on business, and so on. Now she simply physically does not have the strength to have fun.

Memories. She simply remembered something unpleasant that could have happened a few years ago. These thoughts provoked her bad mood.

Your behavior. She may have been in a normal mood before meeting you, but in the end it was your behavior that confused her. It is possible that you make rude or tactless jokes (remarks), your conversation does not go well and she feels awkward, she does not see serious interest on your part, the given topic of conversation is of little interest to her, and so on.

Wishes for a good day in the morning

Wish good morning capable of charging good mood for the whole day - especially if it comes from a person who is attractive to the girl. Write to her in the morning that today will certainly be a good day, let her smile more often, and, as usual, charge everything around with her bright energy. You can send her a cute postcard - a kitten frolicking on the grass; snowy city; a snowdrop breaking through the melting snow; a forest path illuminated by the sun and the like. In general, choose what seems most appropriate to you and what the girl will probably like.

Funny short sms

If something funny happens to you, then you can tell the girl about it via SMS. If nothing like this happened, then just send her jokes that are full of many groups on social networks. Choose short jokes so that girls don’t have to spend a lot of time reading them.

Send a funny video

Many people love to watch funny videos, and perhaps your loved one is no exception. Send her something funny, related to animals, for example. Avoid vulgar or downright stupid videos. Please note that a joke that you can tell a friend will not always be received with a bang by the girl.

Compliments are always a win-win

Girls love compliments, and this is an indisputable fact. If you saw each other recently or today, you can write to her: “You were very Nice dress, for some reason I remember it”, “I never tire of being amazed at what an incredible eye color you have”, “You look especially gorgeous today.” If you have personal communication, then give compliments immediately, without putting them off for later.

How to quickly cheer up your girlfriend on VK by correspondence

It’s a little easier to cheer up a girl through correspondence on a social network than just via SMS. If you know for sure that the interlocutor is free now, then you can tell her a long funny story that once happened to you. Since we are talking about the girl you love, you can remember some pleasant and fun moments that happened with you two. You can reinforce pleasant memories with an appropriate photograph.

You can also send the video that you just shot - let it contain a sweet declaration of love, or just some kind and sweet words. If you are not in the mood to shoot videos, then you can find them on the Internet, focusing on the taste of your chosen one. For example, you know for sure that she likes kittens and loves children - in this case, send funny videos with mischievous cats and babies. Surely, they will be able to cheer up a girl - besides, there are usually a lot of such videos on the Internet and the collection is regularly updated.

You can start making plans with your girlfriend via correspondence on VK, which she will probably like. It could be about a trip to another city, a trip to another country, an upcoming birthday, and so on. Many girls love to plan, and it really lifts their spirits.

Send her a beautiful love poem. You can write it yourself or choose the right work by studying some of the works of famous classics. Surely, the chosen one will be pleased to read words of love in this form.

What to say to a girl when she is sick and sad

Encourage with the right words

If your girlfriend is sick, and because of this she is not in any mood, then you have the power to cheer her up and direct her thoughts in a completely different direction. Invite her to go or go to some interesting place immediately after she gets better. Choose an option for spending time that she will definitely like. Tell her you miss her smile and ask what you can do to make her feel at least a little better.

Distract with a beautiful poem or SMS

A sick girl not only usually feels bad, but also suffers from bad thoughts. It may seem to her that while she is fighting her illness, you can pay attention to another person. She is also now less confident in her attractiveness because... Any illness usually affects you in some way. appearance. Your task is to dispel all the doubts of your chosen one, paying her as much attention as possible - including by correspondence. Let her know that you think about her often. Write her touching and sensual SMS - she will appreciate it. Don’t disappear for a long period, try to be in touch almost always. It wouldn’t hurt to send your beloved a beautiful poem about love – either written by you or found on the Internet. Also, choose a romantic song, study the lyrics, make sure that there are only pleasant and exciting words - send this work to the girl, noting that it reminded you of her.

Reassure with a positive outlook and attitude

Let the girl know that you are confident in her speedy recovery. At the same time, note that if the process takes a little longer, then you will be with her all this time and support her in every possible way. Come up with some interesting pastime that she can afford now. If you can visit her, then be sure to take advantage of this opportunity, but do not abuse it - a sick person needs proper rest and sleep, so one visit a day will be enough, after which keep in touch in another way. Let the girl understand that despite the fact that today she seems to have “fell out of life” a little, your attitude towards her remains the same, and you are still ready to take care of her.

It's nice to surprise with a surprise

Of course, words alone are not enough in this situation, and this is exactly the case when a guy has a huge chance to prove himself and get closer to a girl. Some young people make the catastrophic mistake of telling a girl something like: “Well, for now, you get better, we’ll meet later, I won’t bother you.” Most often, this behavior results in a break in the relationship on the part of the girl, because she understands that this guy only needs him when she doesn’t have problems. If you want to impress a girl and become the main character in her enthusiastic stories to her friends, then act differently. Bring her, for example, a basket of fruit - firstly, vitamins will not hurt her now, and secondly, it’s just nice and impressive. You can also bring goodies that she likes - candy, sushi, and even sausage! It is important that you remember her tastes and want to please her. Girls of all ages respond positively to soft toys - bring her a big hare or a bear, saying that he will “look after” her while you are not around. In general, the gift can be anything - the main thing is that it is a pleasant surprise for the girl.

By the way, the surprise may be of a different kind. For example, a collage with photos of you together, a video edited from footage of your joint vacation, an armful of balloons, flower in a pot and much more. The main thing is that it is touching and beautiful.

Please note that if you regularly visit a girl during this period, then this can not only please her, but sometimes put her in an uncomfortable position - this is due to the fact that you need to be looked after during tea parties, fed you lunch, and the like. This may seem like a small thing, but during illness, not every girl is able to take care of such things every day. That is why you should bring treats for tea yourself, to avoid possible awkward situations.

Please with flowers

Surely, your girlfriend loves flowers, and now you have the right reason to give her such a sign of attention. Choose a beautiful bouquet and bring it in person or send it through a courier. Most likely, your chosen one will be pleased with such a gesture, and the flowers will delight her eyes for a long time, reminding her of you. If the recovery period is prolonged, please the girl with flowers more often - don’t even doubt that she will like it.

A gift for no reason. Any woman will be happy good gift with no reason. And we may not necessarily be talking about an expensive gift. Many men are accustomed to acting in a standard way - making surprises on major holidays, the rest of the time limiting themselves to monotonous dates, or even sitting at home in front of the TV. Of course, such uniformity can become boring over time, and if you notice a similar problem in yourself, learn to be spontaneity, for example, in gifts, even if sometimes there is no reason. If you know that your chosen one dreams of some thing, then if you have the opportunity, then buy it now, without waiting for the holiday date. Surely, a woman will appreciate such an impulse. Give her periodically boxes of her favorite chocolates, small and cute or huge and chic bouquets, the perfume she dreamed of, and so on. If you are comfortable with your chosen one, and you feel that she makes you happy, then such signs of attention towards her will only be a joy to you.

Chocolate, sweets. Many girls have a sweet tooth, and perhaps your chosen one is one of them. If this is really the case, then periodically delight her with her favorite delicacies. Surely, during the period of communication with her, you managed to study her tastes at least a little, so it will not be difficult for you to choose sweets for her - a large bar of chocolate for her, several kinder surprises, a bag of prunes in chocolate, a box of dates or delicate airy cakes, beautiful cake and much more! Undoubtedly, some of the above will delight your sweet-toothed girl! If you don’t know exactly what your lady will like, don’t be afraid to experiment - perhaps you will be able to surprise her with something that she hasn’t tried yet. Saying that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but, oddly enough, a woman can also be conquered in a similar way!

Gatherings with girlfriends. Many guys are very jealous of the fact that their girls can spend a lot of time in the company of their friends. If there is such a problem in your relationship, then over time it will lead to serious consequences. In this way, you show the girl your distrust, which involuntarily pushes her away from you. Let her spend time and have fun with her friends - she has every right to do so. If you express any dissatisfaction, she will soon begin to miss the time when you were not in her life. Believe me, if she has no obstacles in meeting her friends, they will not become the coveted “forbidden fruit” for her. If you objectively understand that these gatherings do not go beyond what is reasonable, then conduct a serious psychological work over yourself in order to understand why you have a negative reaction.

Time with your loved one. If it seems to you that the girl you love is more interested in spending time with someone than with you, then it is in your power to correct this. Have really interesting dates, and the girl will start smiling more and more often around you. The main thing is that there should be variety in your pastime, and then the two of you will have a good time in this relationship.

So, what dating options can you think about:

  • Picnic. Organize a romantic picnic for your girlfriend. Wait for warm, but not hot weather, choose a picturesque place, stock up on fruits and goodies that your girlfriend likes, take a thermos of coffee, a bottle of wine or just some delicious drink, and invite your chosen one.
  • New coffee shop. Many couples prefer to go to the same already familiar dreams, and sometimes they don’t even notice that it no longer gives them the same joy and interest. Offer the girl dates in new establishments, in those that you have never been to before - probably in your city outside Lately Many wonderful and cozy restaurants or coffee shops with a romantic atmosphere have appeared.
  • Paragliding. If your girlfriend is an adrenaline junkie, she might be inspired by your proposal to go paragliding. In many major cities Some organizations have been offering this service for a long time. And by the way, it’s less scary than a parachute jump.
  • A trip on a river boat. If there is a river in your city or in a nearby city, then most likely warm time Every year there are boat trips along it, which everyone can afford. It is especially beautiful in the evening, when it comes to the metropolis, and you have a view of the lights of the evening embankment.
  • Romantic dinner. Most often, girls arrange such surprises for their men, but believe me, any of them would be happy with a similar gift, because she won’t have to stand at the stove herself and so on. Prepare tasty dish, choose a drink to go with it, buy some fruit, and light the candles before your beloved arrives. If you doubt your culinary capabilities, order her favorite dishes from the restaurant - she will probably like it just as much.

If you notice that a bad mood is typical for your chosen one more often than a good or neutral one, then, of course, you should determine the reason for this phenomenon. If this happens only in your presence, and at the same time you know that she is usually cheerful and cheerful with other people, then, obviously, the problem lies precisely in your relationship. Perhaps the girl even told you more than once that she was not satisfied, but you did not attach much importance to it. Bring your beloved to a frank conversation (of course, without aggression and irritation), find out what she would like to change in your relationship.

If a girl becomes depressed not only in your company, then there may be several options.

1 - Pessimism

Perhaps she is a pessimist herself, so this affects her character accordingly. If a girl is aware of this problem, then it can be solved by attending appropriate trainings, studying literature on this topic, or meeting with a psychologist. It is possible that you are a born optimist by nature - then it is possible that over time you will infect her with your optimism.

2 - Health

Not everyone knows that some health problems are characterized by a depressed and irritable mood, increased fatigue, and apathy. This is a very common phenomenon, and your girlfriend may not even be aware of her problem. She should undergo an examination at the clinic, and especially a visit to an endocrinologist - such symptoms are often characteristic of people who have problems with the thyroid gland.

3 - Problems

Maybe there are problems in your girlfriend’s life that she cannot yet solve, and this leaves a certain imprint on her general condition. Talk openly with her and, if possible, try to help her solve her difficulties. Perhaps she has troubles in her family, in her team, or somewhere else, and she doesn’t know how to deal with them. It is possible that your advice or active participation will improve the situation.