In Moscow, a high-ranking Foreign Ministry official, Alexander Shilin, killed his friend, her 4-year-old daughter, and then committed suicide. Several years ago, he wrote a letter to Lyubava Malysheva, a civil activist and regular contributor to Radio Liberty. Malysheva explains what is most important in this story.

Suicide and murder, about which we're talking about, were committed on the evening of May 14 in an apartment in the southwest of the city. “On the night of May 15, the bodies of a man and a woman, as well as a young girl with signs of violent death in the form of gunshot wounds were found in an apartment in a residential building on Leninsky Prospekt. It was established that the woman and her daughter were visiting an old friend, who took out a hunting rifle and shot at at least twice. The mother and daughter died on the spot from their injuries. After that, the man committed suicide," reads the official statement of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Soon, Russian media reported, citing sources, the shooter’s name and surname - he turned out to be an employee of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alexander Andreevich Shilin. This information was confirmed almost immediately by the Foreign Ministry. On the department’s website, Shilin is listed as a minister-counselor at the Russian Embassy in Indonesia. The REN TV channel reports, citing embassy representatives, that in 2016 Shilin transferred to work at the Central Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It turned out that in Lately Shilin was the first secretary of the Department of Security and Disarmament Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and before that he worked not only in Indonesia, but also in Russian diplomatic missions in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the USA and Austria.

Russian tabloids report the details of what happened: the shot was fired from a German Merkel hunting shotgun, in addition to which three more guns and 6 boxes of ammunition were found in Shilin’s apartment. The bodies of the victims were first discovered by Shilin’s brother, who lives in the apartment above him. Versions about the motives for the murder include jealousy, blackmail and a domestic quarrel. The deceased woman was Shilin's former subordinate at work. It is reported that “strange diaries with absurd notes and entries” were found in Shilin’s apartment.

He talks about his correspondence acquaintance with Shilin Lyubava Malysheva:

Today journalists ask me to comment on this murder. Why are they asking me for comments? The fact is that I warned several times that Shilin is socially dangerous. I had never met Shilin, but on January 12, 2009, he sent me an “anonymous” letter from his work address. The letter was filled with delusional ideas about the danger threatening Russia and the coming Third World War. At that time, such ideas were not yet mainstream in Russia. The letter, of course, remained unanswered, but was published on the website on the day it was received.

The second time I wrote about Shilin was in 2014. Deciding to check how the career of the incompetent conspirator developed, I discovered that he continues to work at the Russian Embassy in Indonesia and publishes in in social networks photographs of reprisals against animals - hippos, zebras, antelopes, wild boars, fish, accompanied by cruel comments. After my article, two of Shilin’s pages – on Facebook and VKontakte – were temporarily closed. But then he started posting photos of himself again with huge guns and dead animals.

If a sick man, protected by diplomatic immunity, travels around the world with delusional ideas and guns, the end is predictable. The only question is which murders we will know about, and which will be buried forever in the archives of the special services. Only occasionally do stories about diplomatic atrocities appear in the media. Rape, slave trading, murder, fighting - all this is prohibited ordinary people, but it is difficult, almost impossible, to punish a criminal with diplomatic immunity.

I’m afraid that now, studying the news about Shilin’s suicide, no one will hear the main thing again. The article “Towards a fight with enemies” said that not only Shilin is dangerous, but the entire system, of which he is a small cog: “All that part of the fractal, each specific Shilin can do is shoot at the defenseless, the main trait of his personality is bloodthirstiness.”

Let's study the text of the letter again. This is the way of thinking of the current government.

Bold is mine.

"Good day!

Let me make a reservation right away: I do not intend to engage in confrontation. I just have different views on life, on the state and, accordingly, on politics. I am not an amateur in political reasoning, I am not last man in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs... The important thing is that in our Ministry there are not just many - there are a majority! – holds views similar to mine.

To your website ( - Note) I climbed in purely out of curiosity. At the same time, believe me, I never even thought of writing you any letter until I read about your “Food Instead of Bombs” campaign. I can not. My soul couldn't bear it, so to speak.

I quote your website: “The Russian military will purchase 70 strategic missiles as part of a massive rearmament program that also includes the purchase of 300 tanks, 14 warships and 50 aircraft."

Yes indeed. Only here there is an inaccuracy - not 50 aircraft, but 100. And still - not enough. Few! And what about some measly 70 ICBMs, when our enemies (I won’t be politically correct, after all, we are not at negotiations, but having a frank conversation) – our enemies are adopting missiles into service at a much faster pace. By the way, 7 unsuccessful test launches of the Bulava SLBM are not at all that many if we recall the development of similar programs in the USA or England - for example, the same American-English Trident-2 exploded 11 times during test launches, which led to 10 summer delay in their commissioning!

Okay, I won't get distracted. My postulate: the only thing that in the current conditions can save a nation from defeat in the global fight for survival is militarization. No, I am not calling for a total militarization of the state like Third Reich- this is a path that is effective only in the short term, but overall a dead end and disastrous. Therefore, of course, it is necessary to find a balance between military needs and real opportunities states. Alas, we don’t have many such opportunities now, but something is being done.

And, it seems to me, the duty of every responsible citizen of the country is to help strengthen the potential nation in front of face imminent fight with enemies. You ask - what kind of fight is this? I will answer - very few years will pass and we will see a new redivision of the world, quite reminiscent World War II, only on a larger scale. And whoever is among the victorious powers in this battle, which is as deadly as it is inevitable, will be rule the world. And I personally want ours to be among the winners long-suffering Motherland.

That’s why I wrote to you... I want to ask you - don’t you feel that by your actions you undermine the power a state that is just beginning to recover after almost 20 years of decline?! And that your shares objectively work in our favor numerous enemies, which, by the way, are skillfully used by various pacifist organizations, incl. and yours?! In the same States at the Agency national security there is a whole department that deals with working with the international pacifist and “green” movements, in particular, sending agents to all sorts of hippie-type movements. I know, I came across these agents personally... Why are you hitting Russia like that?! She needs support, not subversion.

Perhaps your reasoning on the site can convince someone that you are right, but obviously not me. Well, in fact, if I graduated from MGIMO with honors, defended my PhD there and my doctorate at the Sorbonne, published two monographs on global politics and strategic balance... Now, if you want, refute...


P.S. Again, no need to quarrel - if the tone of my letter seemed confrontational, then I apologize. I didn’t want to offend anyone - and, as you may have noticed, I deliberately avoided language that could serve as a direct insult."

Alexander Shilin (right), Zambia, 2012 – photo from the article “Nile crocodile” on Wikipedia:

Shilin is not a funny character, he is a typical character. One of the many delusional patients running Russia. They also love to hunt, they are also preparing for the Third World War. They also shoot other people’s children in the back in anticipation of a global battle and boast about the goods taken from the defenseless. And the problem is not that maniacs exist, but that they are untouchable.

The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect the views of Radio Liberty.

A senior Russian Foreign Ministry official who committed suicide after killing an acquaintance and her 4-year-old daughter was a supporter of the militarization of the state, which should “save the nation from defeat in the global fight for survival,” writes.

The deceased woman was his former subordinate at work. There are several versions of the motive for the murder, including jealousy, blackmail and a domestic quarrel.

“On the night of May 15, the bodies of a man and a woman, as well as a young girl with signs of violent death in the form of gunshot wounds were found in an apartment in a residential building on Leninsky Prospekt. It was established that the woman and her daughter were visiting an old acquaintance, who took out a hunting rifle and shot at them at least twice. The mother and daughter died on the spot from their injuries. After this, the man committed suicide,” reads the official statement of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

According to Russian media, the shooter turned out to be Russian Foreign Ministry employee Alexander Andreevich Shilin. This information was confirmed almost immediately by the Foreign Ministry. On the department’s website, Shilin is listed as a minister-counselor at the Russian Embassy in Indonesia.

The REN TV channel reports, citing embassy representatives, that in 2016 Shilin transferred to work at the Central Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It turned out that recently Shilin was the first secretary of the Department of Security and Disarmament Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and before that he worked not only in Indonesia, but also in Russian diplomatic missions in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the USA and Austria.

Russian tabloids report the details of what happened: the shot was fired from a German Merkel hunting shotgun, in addition to which three more guns and 6 boxes of ammunition were found in Shilin’s apartment. It is also reported that “strange diaries with absurd notes and entries” were found in Shilin’s apartment. The bodies of the victims were first discovered by Shilin’s brother, who lives in the apartment above him.

“I warned several times that Shilin is socially dangerous. I had never met Shilin, but on January 12, 2009, he sent me an “anonymous” letter from his work address. The letter was filled with delusional ideas about the danger threatening Russia and the coming Third World War. At that time, such ideas were not yet mainstream in Russia. The letter, of course, remained unanswered, but was published on the website on the day it was received,” says civil activist Lyubava Malysheva.

According to her, in 2014, she decided to check how the career of a mediocre conspirator developed and discovered that he “continues to work at the Russian Embassy in Indonesia and publishes on social networks photographs of reprisals against animals - hippopotamuses, zebras, antelopes, wild boars, fish, accompanying their cruel comments."

Alexander Shilin and the hippopotamus he killed in Africa Alexander Shilin (right), Zambia, 2012 – photo from the article “Nile crocodile” on Wikipedia Alexander Shilin and the boar he killed

“If a sick person, protected by diplomatic immunity, travels around the world with delusional ideas and guns, the end is predictable. The only question is which murders we will know about, and which will be buried forever in the archives of the special services. Only occasionally do stories about diplomatic atrocities appear in the media. Rape, slave trading, murder, fights - all this is prohibited for ordinary people, but it is difficult, almost impossible, to punish a criminal with diplomatic immunity,” Malysheva believes.

She emphasized that Shilin

In her opinion, “not only Shilin is dangerous, but the entire system, of which he is a small cog,” because “this is the way of thinking of the current government”: “All that part of the fractal, each specific Shilin can do is shoot at the defenseless, his main feature personalities – bloodthirstiness.”

“Shilin is not a funny character, he is a typical character. One of the many delusional patients running Russia. They also love to hunt, they are also preparing for the Third World War. They also shoot other people’s children in the back in anticipation of a global battle and boast about the goods taken from the defenseless. And the problem is not that maniacs exist, but that they are untouchable,” states Malysheva.

Earlier, the REN-TV channel reported that in Moscow, an employee of the Russian Foreign Ministry shot his own, after which he committed suicide.

In contact with


As it became known, Foreign Ministry employee Alexander Shilin, who killed a family in Moscow, was working on a nuclear disarmament program. The man is the author of a dissertation on this topic.

Having confirmed the death of diplomat Alexander Shilin, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that information about the employee had been transferred to law enforcement agencies. The motive for the crime is being clarified.

The shooter's victim was his former colleague. Law enforcement officers identified the weapon with which Shilin killed the woman and her child. A German Merkel rifle was found in the diplomat's apartment.

The brutal murder of a woman and her daughter and subsequent suicide was committed, as operatives and investigators found out, by a 43-year-old employee of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Information about this has already been confirmed by the Foreign Ministry. “We are aware of a terrible tragedy involving a Foreign Ministry employee. The circumstances of the incident are now being clarified by law enforcement agencies,” news agencies report, citing a representative of the diplomatic department.

This high-profile case is gaining momentum due to the fact that, as it turns out, the shooter is a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Russian Federation.

In turn, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported that a criminal case has been opened into the murder and an investigation is underway.

During the search in the apartment, a total of four guns were found: “Stayer Mannlicher”, “Blazer NR-R”, IZH-27M, as well as the above-mentioned “Merkel” gun, from which the shots were fired. In addition, 6 boxes of ammunition were found.

Let us remind you that the security guard called the police. Three bodies with gunshot wounds were found in the apartment. The owner of the apartment was Foreign Ministry employee Alexander Shilin. According to preliminary data, a woman and a child were visiting him. According to investigators, Alexander Andreevich Shilin shot his guests and then took his own life.

Pictures of the suspect in the massacre of a woman and child were published by the REN TV channel, having found them on social networks. From the photo we can say that the Foreign Ministry employee loved extreme recreation, was fond of hunting and was interested in weapons.

The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed information about the tragedy that occurred with an employee of the department.

“We are aware of the tragedy with a Foreign Ministry employee. The circumstances of the incident are being clarified by law enforcement agencies,” the department said.

“Investigators and forensic scientists are currently continuing to work at the scene,” the press service said. Investigative Committee. They are interviewing relatives, neighbors and possible eyewitnesses of the tragedy.

According to Shilin’s profile on one of the popular social networks, the diplomat preferred leisure. Many photos show that he was fond of hunting and traveled around for this purpose. different countries. Shilin liked to be photographed with weapons, including a rifle with optical sight, as well as with wild animals.

Let us add that it has already become known that the deceased woman was former colleague Shilina - from 2002 to 2005 she also worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The suspect is a diplomat named Alexander Shilin, born in 1973.

The Russian Embassy in Indonesia said that diplomat Alexander Shilin was transferred to the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs last year.

“He was an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; since September, the diplomat has not held the position of adviser to the envoy of the Russian Embassy in Indonesia. He was an active employee of the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the embassy in Jakarta, he held the position of adviser to the envoy, that is, the second person in the embassy,” said assistant secretary Nikolai Karapetyan.

Prior to this, Shilin served as first secretary of the department for security and disarmament issues.

He has been in the diplomatic service since 1996. Worked in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Austria and the USA. Shilin was an expert on issues of armaments and strategic stability of South Asian countries.

The list of high-ranking employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs includes Alexander Andreevich Shilin. Formerly First Secretary of the Department for Security and Disarmament Issues of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Born in 1973 in Moscow. In 1996 he graduated from Moscow state institute international relations. Since 1996 he has been in the diplomatic service. In 1997–2000 – at the Russian Embassy in New Delhi. Also worked in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, USA and Austria. Specialist in foreign policy India and Pakistan, issues of strategic stability and conventional weapons in South Asia. Co-author of the monograph “Problems of proliferation and non-proliferation in South Asia: status and prospects.” Shilin’s last place of work is the Russian Embassy in Indonesia, the position is minister-counselor.

Shilin’s letter to a blogger was widely discussed on the Internet, in which she emphasized the extremely militaristic position of the Foreign Ministry employee, as well as his purely personal love for weapons - on his social network page, Shilin more than once boasted of hunting trophies, describing in detail what kind of gun they were killed with other predators.

Good day!

Let me make a reservation right away: I do not intend to engage in confrontation. I just have different views on life, on the state and, accordingly, on politics. I am not an amateur in political reasoning, I am not the last person in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs... The important thing is that in our Ministry there are not just many - the majority! – holds views similar to mine.

I came to your site purely out of curiosity. At the same time, believe me, I never even thought of writing you any letter until I read about your “Food Instead of Bombs” campaign. I can not. My soul couldn't bear it, so to speak.

I quote from your website: “The Russian military will purchase 70 strategic missiles over the next three years as part of a massive rearmament program that also includes the purchase of 300 tanks, 14 warships and 50 aircraft.”

Yes indeed. Only here there is an inaccuracy - not 50 aircraft, but 100. And still - not enough. Few! And what about some measly 70 ICBMs, when our enemies (I won’t be politically correct, after all, we are not at negotiations, but having a frank conversation) – our enemies are adopting missiles into service at a much faster pace. By the way, 7 unsuccessful test launches of the Bulava SLBM are not at all that many if we recall the development of similar programs in the USA or England - for example, the same American-British Trident-2 exploded 11 times during test launches, which led to 10 summer delay in their commissioning!

Okay, I won't get distracted. My postulate: the only thing that in the current conditions can save a nation from defeat in the global fight for survival is militarization. No, I am not calling for a total militarization of the state like the Third Reich - this is a path that is effective only in the short term, but overall a dead end and disastrous. Therefore, of course, it is necessary to find a balance between military needs and the real capabilities of the state. Alas, we don’t have many such opportunities now, but something is being done.

And, it seems to me, the duty of every responsible citizen of the country is to help strengthen the nation’s potential in the face of an inevitable fight with enemies. You ask - what kind of fight is this? I will answer - very few years will pass, and we will see a new redistribution of the world, quite reminiscent of the Second World War, only on a larger scale. And the one who will be among the powers that win this battle, as deadly as it is inevitable, will rule the world. And I personally want our long-suffering Motherland to be among the winners.

That's why I wrote to you... I want to ask you - don't you really feel that by your actions you are undermining the power of the state, which is just beginning to recover after almost 20 years of decline?! And that your actions objectively work into the hands of our many enemies, who, by the way, skillfully use various pacifist organizations, incl. and yours?! In the same States, the National Security Agency has an entire department that works with the international pacifist and “green” movements, in particular, sending agents to all sorts of hippie-type movements. I know, I came across these agents personally... Why are you hitting Russia like that?! She needs support, not subversion.

Perhaps your reasoning on the site can convince someone that you are right, but obviously not me. Well, in fact, if I graduated from MGIMO with honors, defended my PhD there and my doctorate at the Sorbonne, published two monographs on global politics and strategic balance... Now, if you want, refute...


P.S. Again, no need to quarrel - if the tone of my letter seemed confrontational, then I apologize. I didn’t want to offend anyone - and, as you may have noticed, I deliberately avoided language that could serve as a direct insult."

(“I don’t want to give a name – there’s no point in that. If we get into a discussion, maybe I’ll open up.”)