Before starting to cast magic, people reasonably wonder how to pass the test “do I have magical abilities?”, “Can I cope or should I contact a magician and order rituals?”

Let's tell you about one thing relatively light test on magical abilities, which will clarify this issue. This will not be testing in the form that you are used to, where you are asked certain questions and your character is guessed or something else. This will be an experiment, a task. We are convinced that you cannot find out whether you have the abilities of a magician just by answering a few questions. But you will definitely find out by trying to “magic” something. This method is suitable for both people experienced in esotericism and complete beginners who want to test their strength.

How to test yourself for magical abilities

So, let's move on to the essence of such a test for magical abilities. The task is very simple: you need to use magic to force someone to treat you to any fruit. You must either perform a ritual, cast a spell, or do something else based on magic, so that after this absolutely any person (a friend or a complete stranger) treats you with some kind of fruit: an apple, a banana, and so on. In this case, you cannot resort to anything else except magic: persuasion, requests and everything else.

For some, this test may seem easy, while others, on the contrary, may find it completely impossible. In fact, it is something in the middle. We have no doubt that many of you are capable of passing this test, but even experienced magicians can stumble on it.

How can you force another person to give you a piece of fruit? If you have been engaged in some kind of magical practice for some time, then it will not be difficult for you to find some kind of ritual in your direction or create a spell to pass this test. You are absolutely free in how you achieve the desired result. Therefore, to perform this test for magical abilities, use any method that you consider the most effective. More or less experienced people should not have any questions.

But if you are a complete beginner and want to test your strength, then we will now recommend you a couple effective ways, with which you can achieve the desired effect. We are absolutely sure that only a few have some kind of innate magical abilities, but throughout life, absolutely any person, consciously or unconsciously doing certain things, can acquire such abilities.

As a rule, this happens due to the fact that you pump up your will by doing those actions that you don’t really want to do, but that you need. Yes, that’s right - as you know, magic is the path of will and reason, will is one of the central elements in magic. Therefore, if you have any spiritual inclinations or are a strong-willed person, then you can quite successfully pass this test for magical abilities using one of the following methods.

And if in our age-old traditions, a mischief will help you. Choose the text of the conspiracy that you like, and - go for it!

You can make a sigil. If you don’t know how to do this, then there is enough information on this topic on the Internet, and there is nothing difficult in this process. The sigil should have the following content: “I am being treated to fruit.” Then activate it and look at the result.

You can use magic square SATOR. You take a white piece of paper, on one side write “I am being treated to fruit,” and on the other side you draw the square itself (you can also find what it looks like on the Internet). After this, you need to hold the sheet in your hand and say the phrase written in the square three times. You can then either burn the leaf or keep it in a glass of water to energize it. Then all that remains is to wait for the result.

If you pass the test for magical abilities successfully, you can rightfully claim that you have certain inclinations for the magical art. If you have trained for a long time to obtain them, then you can congratulate yourself - you did not waste your time. If you are a beginner, but have successfully passed the test, then we recommend that you seriously study some area of ​​occultism. Many magicians began their journey with meditation and studying Tarot cards.

If you fail the test, then do not despair: even some quite experienced magicians do not pass it. You just need to train more diligently, perform various spiritual practices, perform rituals, practice constantly.

Magic is a thing that in most cases does not come with easy blood. Almost no one has innate abilities, and the presence of abilities does not imply a guarantee of success, because being able and NOT being able is a dangerous combination. After hard training, you will be able to pass the test for magical abilities, strengthen the power of your intentions, and in the future perform some more complex magical things. However, a developed will and a strong mind bring a person their own bonuses in any activity that is worth spending one’s life on, not only in rituals. This is the formula for success.

Such magic ability test- this is a rather troublesome procedure that requires faith in yourself. Perhaps, to begin with, it would be more correct to undergo a brief free diagnostic test for magical abilities with us, on the First Forum about love spells.

You can order a detailed diagnosis of magical abilities according to your birth horoscope, with recommendations, a description of the strong and developmental facets of the gift from the Master here.

The test for magical abilities suggested above is just one of possible options learn something about yourself as a future magician.

Have you ever dreamed of acquiring super powers? But what if you already have them but don't know it? With this free online testing you will be able to assess your energy potential, as well as receive recommendations regarding occult development and self-improvement.

Despite the fact that this test for magical abilities is compiled in a somewhat frivolous comic manner, it allows you to fairly accurately determine a person’s natural inclinations. As you know, there is some truth in every joke... The effectiveness of developing beyond one's abilities largely depends on the magician's ability to interact with the forces of nature. Therefore, one should not neglect its support in such a difficult matter as acquiring magical abilities.

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Unleash your super powers!

Each magician has his own patron who helps him in all ceremonies and rituals. With this magical ability test you will find out who your patron is. Perhaps this is the legendary sorcerer Merlin? Mysterious Isis, keeper of the secret sciences? Or is Shiva the goddess of destruction and chaos? Take advantage of the free online testing "Am I a magician or what" to find out immediately!

Human superpowers include not only obvious manifestations. magical powers, similar to telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance. They are beyond the control of many magicians, who have successfully replaced the lack of superpowers with astrology and the practice of fortune telling with Tarot cards, runes, etc. Through the free online testing presented here, you will find out in which direction you should develop your super abilities that nature has endowed every person.

Sometimes abilities such as clairvoyance or telepathy develop spontaneously, or as a result of a sharp emotional shock. However, more often they manifest themselves as a result of a special set of training, including meditation and special practices. But the first step in unlocking your potential is to explore your abilities and inclinations.

By using the magical abilities test, you will save yourself time, which is so valuable for every magician. After all, it is much easier to develop those talents for which a person has an inclination than to try to master something “from scratch.” Remember - beyond ability is not a gift from the gods or a privilege of the chosen few, but human properties that are rudimentarily present in each of us. Therefore, do not hesitate, take the test for magical abilities, identify your talents, and start developing them. It's time

Today, many are interested in the question of how to find out if you have magical abilities. Of course, every person wants to be different from others and have some unusual skills. But, unfortunately or fortunately, they are not available and open to everyone. If psychic abilities and intuition can be at least somehow developed, then with magic the situation is much more complicated.

For some people, the answer to the question “how do I know if I have magical powers?” known since childhood or adolescence. In this case, we are talking about those who clearly feel their presence and even use them. Well, for those who do not know how to find out their magical abilities, we want to give some tips and recommendations.

The best ways to understand if you have magical abilities

Testing magical abilities is not a difficult task. You just need to carefully monitor yourself and note any unusual phenomena. How can you find out if you have magical abilities? There are a couple of ways here. Choose the one you like:

One of them is taking tests on the Internet. They are called: “How to check if you have magical abilities?” For the most part, you can go through them for free on special websites. The computer will give you a result (conclusion) about the presence or absence of magical abilities.

Another method of understanding whether you have magical abilities is to compare some characteristic features with its own life and characteristics. We offer you the following signs that can directly or indirectly determine the presence of magical abilities. But before you test your magical abilities, carefully read each statement (sign). Answer only the truth, otherwise the result will be erroneous:

How can you tell if you have magical abilities based on the results of this test? Very simple. If you agree with 8-13 statements out of all those presented, then you have magical abilities (perhaps not very clearly expressed and developed).


Now you know how to determine whether a person or yourself has magical abilities. Agree that it is simply necessary to know about this. After all, this gift is given for a reason. A person must use it for the benefit of others and himself.

First steps into magic. How to remember your past life?

Esoteric literature today is available to absolutely everyone: books can be bought in a store or on the market, and the Internet is filled with various information that often has nothing to do with truthfulness. Therefore, for people who do not feel magical abilities in themselves, it is better not to poke their nose into this system, so as not to do something irreparable for themselves or others. Although it has long been believed that all people have the ability for magic from birth, only some succeed the first or second time, while others try and try, but to no avail. Do you feel any inexplicable powers within yourself? If yes, then you need to test yourself with a test.

Take the magic test

Passing this test is not at all difficult, but you shouldn’t try to trick it, it won’t work anyway. If there are no abilities, then they will not appear, even if you get a good confirmatory result. By passing the test and giving only honest answers, you will understand whether you master magic or whether you have any abilities.

Take the test and find out what kind of magic you have

Having learned that magic is in your hands, you need to understand what power you have. This knowledge will help in the future, because you have abilities that make it possible to interfere in other people’s destinies, bringing both benefit and harm. To find out exactly how serious it is, take the test and find out the definition of your magical abilities.

Do you have a desire to become a sorcerer or a witch, to be able to make amulets and wield powerful spells? With this test you will understand whether you have magical abilities, whether you have the potential to practice mysticism.

If you are sure that you have magic, then it would not hurt to find out what kind of magic you have Magic power to have an idea of ​​what to do with it next. The test will give you the opportunity to realize what psychic abilities are hidden in you and in what direction they need to be directed.

One more, no less interesting test, which is designed to determine what kind of magic you have. There is no need to rack your brains over the answers, just rely on your intuition. If you really have paranormal abilities, believe me, it will not let you down, neither today, nor tomorrow, never.

Sometimes there are two personalities living in a person, one is visible to everyone, and the second is inside, some are not even aware of it. By resorting to tests for magical abilities, you can determine whether a person has witchcraft inclinations, or whether he may have extrasensory inclinations. If you are reading these lines, then you have noticed in yourself a certain force acting at a distance, or you have an undiscovered gift for clairvoyance. It is likely that you imagined all this, and your predictions came true on their own.

Women wonder if I am a witch, the test will give a comprehensive answer. Representatives of the fairer sex with black or unrealistically penetrating deep eyes of a different color may have a predisposition to this. It is also worth studying your tree, perhaps your ancestors practiced magic, then you should definitely have such abilities. In order not to think for a long time, take the survey, answering all the questions correctly, the system will give you a comprehensive answer. Sometimes a person has no idea that he has potential or is even afraid of it.

Using a magical ability test, you will find out whether they are inherent and what their strength is. This test should be taken carefully, thinking about each point. If you do everything correctly, answer without hiding, you will get an accurate result.

The Am I a Witch test will indicate the presence of certain inclinations for witchcraft. Although they mostly come to women hereditarily, they may not know about their existence. There are also learned sorceresses who have developed their abilities with their own hands.

Perhaps you have super hearing, distinguish the voices of animals, know what flowers whisper about. Or you have heightened light perception, you can mentally move objects. What superpower you have, the test will tell you about it, if you have one.

With the help of the test, am I a Witch by date of birth, the secret will be revealed to you about the inclinations for magic and witchcraft, predetermined by your day. Here you should enter the data, and the system will display the result.

By passing the hidden abilities test, you will understand whether you have an internal energy potential that is radically different from the typical one found in ordinary people, without any gift.

For some, card fortune telling is acceptable, others prefer to conduct spiritualistic seances, and still others read the future by hand. Test: What magic is right for me will guide you along the right path if you have not yet understood your purpose.

The Sura test is simple, and at the same time very effective, working to identify magical abilities. There are several options, we suggest using in a simple way. After shuffling the deck of cards, you should take one out of it for each question, but do not look until you guess, then give an answer to the question.

By taking the test, am I a magician or not, you will receive a comprehensive answer that will dot all the i’s. Having found out your affiliation, you will understand whether it is worth further developing in this direction or whether it is better to give up this idea.

A magic test based on your answers will make it possible to find out whether you are involved in this. Some people think that they have the makings, they try to develop them, but in the end everything is in vain, time is wasted.

A person can have several abilities at the same time, but some are more developed, others are not; in order to achieve complete harmony, one must decide correctly. Using the test, “What is your gift of magic by date of birth,” you can identify your affiliation.