People's Artist In Russia, Elena Yakovleva told reporters about how her relationship with her son Denis changed after his wedding. The actress noted that she and her daughter-in-law Victoria are completely different. Despite this, the star is pleased with the choice of heir. Denis and his lover formalized their relationship this summer.

“Victoria is very good, smart, kind. And modest, quiet. Doing something related to computers. It seems to me that she is the opposite of me,” Yakovleva said.

The actress also said that her son continues to actively participate in the life of his parents. The young man monitors the health of his loved ones. “If it seems to him that we need to check something, he will drip on our brains endlessly, and then he will make an appointment with the doctor, bring a receipt and say: “Tomorrow you are going there,” Elena shared. The movie star is confident that her son could become an excellent doctor. However, Denis himself wants to work as a fitness trainer, the young man monitors his nutrition and pumps up his muscles. The young man plans to compete in bodybuilding competitions.

“This year he participated in Russian competitions for the first time, and next year he will go to international ones, because in Russia coaches have a bad attitude towards tattoos, and there they don’t pay attention to them,” the actress noted.

The People's Artist often comes to visit her son and daughter-in-law. Yakovleva admitted that Denis inherited her love for pets. “I went to see him with Vika and took a picture of their cat. They took him sick, lousy, tortured from the nursery, and now he has become handsome,” the actress shared.

Elena also denied the gossip of some media. For example, the actress said that she gave the apartment to her son for his coming of age, and not for his wedding. “I read much worse stories about myself: that I wasn’t at the wedding, I’m a bad mother, and only unloved children get tattoos. Denis and Victoria, unfortunately, read this too. The son was indignant: “Mom, where did they get this? Why do they write lies with impunity?” I replied: “We can only sue, but is such fuss necessary?” “It’s so unpleasant for me to read this! Everyone would be loved as much as you love me! - said Yakovleva.

The People's Artist noted that she is already retired, but has not yet managed to formalize Required documents. “And I’m generally an optimist. I never dive into problems, but switch to something else,” Yakovleva clarified in an interview “ Antenna-Telesem". The actress compared herself to Scarlett O'Hara, whose catchphrase was from the film Gone with the Wind: “I'll think about it tomorrow.”

// Photo: Anna Salynskaya/

Denis Shalnykh is the only son of the famous Russian actress theater and cinema Elena Yakovleva and actor About a year ago, a young man tied the knot with a graduate of the Institute of Journalism, Victoria Melnikova. What is known about the extraordinary offspring of the talented actress? What does Denis Shalnykh do and how is his personal life? We will talk about this in our article.

Denis's childhood

Denis was born in November 1992 into the family famous parents. When the boy was 11 years old, he played a cameo role in the television series “If we go camping tomorrow.” After that, he starred in the television series “The Secret of the Wolf's Mouth,” playing a serious role. However, the guy no longer played either in TV series or in films.

After some time, the young man continued his activities in cinema, but not as an actor, but as an auxiliary worker on the set. He wore art direction and also worked as an assistant production designer.

Denis Shalnykh - son of Elena Yakovleva

After graduation high school the young man went to England, where he studied at the Oxford School. Parents young man it was assumed that he would continue his studies abroad, but after London Denis returned back to Russia. In the capital, he entered a humanitarian university at the directing department; his parents thought that the guy would follow in their footsteps. However, after studying for several years, Denis Shalnykh (photo - later in the article) left the institute and began to engage in bodybuilding.

Several years ago, the young man was talked about in all media. The reason for this was Denis’s intense passion for body painting. At that time, the guy got his first tattoo on his face, which shocked the entire public. The popular actress said that she does not approve of Denis’s actions, but despite this, she loves her son and claims that the tattoo is the only bad thing that happened in her son’s life.

Hobbies of Denis Valerievich Shalnykh

Son famous actress seriously interested in tattoos. By the age of 25, the guy covered almost 75% of his body. Denis's first tattoo was a sketch of the dog Dick, which was made from a photograph of his favorite animal on the inside right hand. The image turned out to be quite realistic and delighted even Elena Yakovleva.

On the body of Denis Shalny (photos of the tattoo can be found in the article) there are huge drawings, which, as a rule, are made in color in the Gothic style. Most likely, this preference is due to the young man’s passion for heavy music and sports.

Now the guy has tattoos on most of his body and face. There are tattoos on the hands, fingers, and neck. Various inscriptions are even located along the hairline. However, Denis Shalnykh does not stop and periodically adds to his existing collection of sketches.

After some time, Denis’s parents decided to follow his example. Dad got a tattoo on his shoulder, and famous mom- image of a butterfly on the lower back.

Romantic relationship with Rita

It is known that before meeting Victoria, Denis dated a girl named Rita. The relationship between the young people was serious, the couple was even planning a wedding. However, a couple of years ago the young people separated. After the breakup, Margarita in social networks changed the existing surname of Shalny to Miller and deleted ex-boyfriend from your friends list.

According to one version, the reason for his passion for tattoos was Denis’s first love. Rita worked as a tattoo artist, and during an affair with her, the guy began tattooing himself with various designs.

Wedding of Denis and Victoria

The young man’s solemn event also took place in a unique way. Denis and his beloved Victoria arrived at the registry office in outfits that were far from the concept of a classic. The girl was dressed in white shirt and a black skirt, and the groom wore a black T-shirt and jeans.

Immediately after the official part of the celebration, the young people headed to one of the capital's restaurants to celebrate the event. The lovers did not arrange a magnificent celebration and, apparently, even their parents were not present at the celebration. Elena Yakovleva congratulated her son on the phone in the evening and said that she was very happy for the guys. It is known that Denis introduced his mother to his wife shortly before the wedding. Yakovleva quickly found mutual language with a girl and fully approved of her son’s choice.

What is Elena Yakovleva’s son doing now?

For recent years the son of a popular Russian actress is actively involved in sports. On this moment His strong interest is not in the film industry, but in the career of a fitness trainer. In addition, he is making great progress in bodybuilding and enjoys music.

Once in an interview, Elena Yakovleva stated that her greatest fear was that her son would take steroids and anabolic steroids. However, Denis Shalnykh swore to his mother that he would never use them in his life. The young man does not smoke or drink alcohol and leads healthy image life and is actively involved in sports.

Denis's parents accept him for who he is and support the young man in all his endeavors. When the guy grew up and left parents' house, his relationship with his parents only became stronger.

Not long ago the guy found his calling. Denis got a job at the Rosatom School as a teacher. One of the main requirements was knowledge of English; after all, you have to have conversations with the guys from different countries. Elena Yakovleva's son knows very well foreign language, so he was hired without much difficulty.

The son of the famous “intergirl” was legally married. 24-year-old Denis Shalnykh is seriously interested in tattoos; he covered about 70% of his body with images.

“When Denis wanted to get his first tattoo, he told me about it. Like, I want to paint a portrait of Dick, our dog, the family’s pet,” says the actress. “I was surprised: “How’s the portrait?” Is that possible?" It turned out, perhaps, from the photograph. And Denis made a very beautiful portrait of Dikuni on his hand. So the first tattoo turned out to be cool and touching. I remember back then I asked: “Did it hurt?” The son admitted that he was very much.”

The inscription Hollow above the right eyebrow translates as Emptiness.

On the neck there is an inscription - Antichrist. There is some kind of coffin on the face.

Recently, a young man began to decorate himself with scars.

“I don’t like to scold or teach him - I myself am too careless due to my profession,” says my mother, Elena Yakovleva. “Even because of his tattoos all over his face, we don’t make trouble.” I have already accepted that this will be the biggest misfortune that will happen to Denis in his life. Thank God, he doesn’t use drugs, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, plays sports, well, the boy has one flaw - tattoos.”

Denis Shalny’s first tattoo was an image of the dog Dick, made from a photograph of his beloved dog on the inside of his right arm.

The inscription “Winter is coming”, located along the hairline, translates as “Winter is coming.” This is exactly the motto of the Stark family in the book “A Song of Ice and Fire” and the worldwide symbol of the “Game of Thrones” series.

A symbol that looks like a sword blade speaks of fortitude, struggle, and the desire for victory. The Odal rune, located on the left side of the face, means separation, retreat. The symbol in the form of three 6s depicted in the corner of the right eye can mean love, balance, stability, happiness.

The actress's only son Denis recently got married.

The famous mother was not at the wedding. Yakovleva does not like to talk about her heir. And there is apparently a reason for this...

Fair-haired, plump, smiling - in family photographs from the archives of Elena Yakovleva and Valery Shalny, their son Denis looks like such an angel that he could at least illustrate a book about a good boy.

Fresh photographs of the matured heir drive one into a stupor. What happened in the life of the actress’s son that now you can’t find a living place in him?


Moscow registry offices have probably never seen such a couple before. A young man, covered from head to toe with tattoos, and with him an excellent student: a black skirt, a white blouse - like a chorus girl from a church choir.

This summer, when he was 24 years old, Denis Shalnykh married his girlfriend, a graduate of the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity, Victoria Melnikova. For some reason, neither the groom's parents nor the bride's parents were at the wedding.

Although, according to friends of the couple, Elena Yakovleva has nothing against her daughter-in-law. In general, she has not contradicted her son on anything for a long time. If only he were happy...

Like any working mother, Elena went out of her way to make amends for her imaginary guilt in front of her son - she loved and spoiled him. She raised Denis according to the Japanese method - until the age of five she allowed absolutely everything.

The mothers looked at me so angry when, for example, he stood and hit some other iron object with an iron stick. But after five minutes Denis stopped doing this,” she recalls. “We’re just used to looking at what they tell you and what they think.” But you need to live and enjoy a full life - your own first of all.

Her son got his first tattoo back in adolescence. I tattooed a portrait of my favorite dog, Dick, on my arm. Elena was even touched then - wow, what touching love!

Even then I asked: “Did it hurt?” The son admitted that very much.

On this I calmed down. Elena could not even imagine that soon more than 70 percent of her boy’s body would disappear under a continuous layer of drawings and inscriptions.


Denis grew up as an ordinary guy - he did karate, sang in a rock band, and composed songs. Mom and dad dreamed that he would choose cinema.

At first, they assigned their son to work as a helper on film sets, then they sent him to study at the directing department in London.

But Denis dropped out of the institute. He returned to Russia and became interested in bodybuilding. And a girl named Rita who worked in a tattoo parlor. They say it was she who got the guy hooked.

Be that as it may, Denis became seriously interested in tattoos - with the help body painting he not only expressed himself, but also protested to the world.

One day, for the New Year, Dinya ordered gifts via the Internet. Of course, all this was delivered three months after the holidays,” says Elena Yakovleva. - So, terribly offended by the post office, my son went and got himself a tattoo. Or, for example, there is a TV presenter whom Denis categorically does not accept. So he tattooed her portrait on his leg with the inscription “Horror.” That is, instead of freaking out, screaming, being indignant, the boy quietly mocked himself, getting one tattoo after another...

The mother could not stop this process - since the age of 20, the son has been living separately, in an apartment that his parents bought for him. Yakovleva really likes this distance: while they lived together, Denis sat locked up in his room all day, and when he moved, they began to communicate a lot. But the actress couldn’t keep track of the tattoos that were appearing...


A coffin on the face and the inscription “Emptiness” on the forehead, three sixes near the eye, roses with thorns on the neck, intricate locks on the stomach and a completely black hand.

Today Denis looks menacing. Fans of the actress, discussing her son's appearance on the Internet, suggest that the young man most likely has mental problems, and advise showing him to specialists.

They argue: who in their right mind and strong memory would do this to themselves? Well, now it’s neither getting a job nor creating a normal family...

But Denis’s future does not scare his newly-made wife, much less his mother.

“I won’t love my son less because, as it seems to me, he has disfigured himself a little,” the actress throws up her hands. - Now we don’t even make trouble because of his tattoos all over his face. I resigned myself - let this be the biggest misfortune that will happen to Denis in his life. Thank God, he doesn’t use drugs, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, and plays sports. Well, the boy has such a flaw - tattoos... Although he is already mature enough to remove them. But burning a tattoo is a thousand times more painful than getting a tattoo. I found out that they are now developing a composition that is injected into a tattoo, and it destroys the paint. I hope this discovery can be used soon...

Photo by V. Goryachev.

Elena Yakovleva– one of the most talented actresses of our time. It's impossible not to fall in love with this artist while watching films like "Plumbum, or Dangerous game» , "Intergirl", "Russian roulette", "Crazy woman", "Anchor, more anchor", "Cultivating Cruelty in Women and Dogs". In filmography Elena Yakovleva there are so many wonderful roles, it’s hard to find a person who hasn’t seen her on their TV screen at least once.

But, hand on heart, Elena Yakovleva It’s hard to call her a diva. Of course, this actress is very attractive, and when she plays her roles, it is impossible to take your eyes off her character. This is an example of how you can, without possessing classical, impeccable beauty, charm everyone around you. Before I started looking for photos Elena Yakovleva, it seemed to me that I would find a bunch of amazing photos, because the actress at the time of writing this article was already 55 years old, she People's Artist Russian Federation , winner of various awards. But, as it turned out, good photos Elena Yakovleva very difficult to find online. It is possible that she has all these photos in her family home album, and she occasionally posts them one by one for everyone to see; if you don’t have time to grab them, be content with what you have. And the thing is that all these photos I found are not of himself best quality, no guilt Elena Yakovleva, it’s just that during her youth there was no Instagram, there weren’t enough fashionable creative photographers for everyone, and there was a problem with stylists in general. But from all these photos an ordinary woman is looking at us Soviet years, this is exactly what an employee of some research institute, high school, kindergarten, or hospital looked like, where intelligent women still worked at that time. And my mother was the same: mohair sweaters, turtleneck blouses, checkered jackets with voluminous shoulders, beads up to the navel, chemicals on the head or just unpretentious styling, eyeliner and mascara from cosmetics. Nowadays, stars organize crazy photo shoots, and to begin with, the best stylists work with them, who do makeup for the actresses, select outfits, but at the end of all this - Photoshop - with it, any flaw will turn into an advantage. Well, all this didn’t exist before, and that’s why in all these photos Elena Yakovleva doesn't look like a star. But if this actress had been born 10 years earlier, she would have seen, at the height of her career, those times when actresses were photographed with soul and their photographs were sold in kiosks "Soyuzpechat".

And in this photo you see Elena Yakovleva, her son Denis Shalnykh, and a failed daughter-in-law Ritu.

At the very bottom of the article you will see about 20 more photos of your son Elena Yakovleva, in the meantime, admire the photographs of the People’s Artist herself.

In this photo you see Elena Yakovleva with her spaniel Grisha As you know, this actress loves dogs very much; today four dogs live in her apartment. For this reason Elena cannot go on vacation with her husband, who stays on the farm, but you can always take your beloved son with you Denis.

Son Denis Shalnykh grew up as a sweet boy, but his character was difficult, but Elena Yakovleva and her husband Valery Shalnykh accept their child for who he is.

Small in this photo Elena Yakovleva with his mother and brother.

The whole family is assembled: dad, mom and little son Denis.

And so it began...

Just recently, Elena Yakovleva was glad that her son Denis Shalnyh gave up tattoos because he took up bodybuilding. The actress consoled herself with the thought that sooner or later her son would come to his senses and at least remove the tattoos from his face. But something unexpected happened. Deniska decided to make a cut for himself. He asked for a wide scratch to be applied to the bridge of his nose at the salon. Moreover, everything did not go according to plan, and the guy literally expired for a couple of days, while already at home, by the way, and all because a certain vessel was hit. I even had to go to the hospital. This actress has such a wonderful son, but Elena Yakovleva holds up well and supports her own blood in everything. All mothers should have such great endurance.

Why not? We are all too normal, but Denis Shalnykh wants it that way, his right.

On my son's neck Yakovleva tattoo that says something strange. Brrrrrrr... What is this?

And he could be a very handsome guy!