As soon as berry season arrives, heated debates begin about the health benefits and harms of strawberries. This is such a fragrant and bright berry. You won't be able to pass by.

That’s why everyone wants to know how it is useful and how it can be harmful, how much you can eat in a day.

Strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Strawberry genus ( Fragaria) family Rosaceae ( Rosaceae), which comes in different types. Today, strawberries are usually called garden strawberries (pineapple) - Fragaria ananassa.


The calorie content of strawberries is 33 kcal per 100 grams. This amount of berries also contains:

  • 4.6 g sugars;
  • 2 g vegetable fiber;
  • 99% of the daily value of vitamin C;
  • 59% - vitamin A;
  • 19% - manganese;
  • 6% - folic acid;
  • 4.6% - potassium;
  • 3% - magnesium.

The benefits of strawberries are determined not only by the main nutritional components included in its composition, but also by those compounds that are less in the berry, but which have a stronger effect on the human body. This:

  • Pelargonidin is the main anthocyanin in strawberries, responsible for its color;
  • ellagic acid, which is a powerful polyphenolic antioxidant and ellagitannins - compounds that are converted into ellagic acid in the human intestine;
  • procyanidins, which are also antioxidants.

In addition to pelargonidin, the berry contains 24 more types of anthocyanins. All of them are powerful antioxidants. Their concentration in strawberry pulp increases in direct proportion to the brightness of its color and degree of ripeness.

Beneficial features

Protection of the heart and blood vessels. It has been proven that the berry:
  • increases the amount of high-density lipoproteins (“good” cholesterol);
  • helps reduce blood pressure;
  • protects vascular walls from oxidative stress and associated inflammation;
  • helps normalize the process of thrombus formation.

The particular benefit of garden strawberries for the heart and blood vessels is due to the fact that it prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol). It is oxidized LDL that causes the greatest harm to the cardiovascular system. And not total cholesterol and not even low-density lipoproteins until they have been oxidized.

The particular benefit of strawberries for men is associated with its ability to enhance blood microcirculation. This is beneficial for everyone, but helps men avoid erectile dysfunction.

Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this case, the medicinal properties of strawberries are explained by the fact that it slows down the absorption of carbohydrates from food, thus preventing sharp spikes in blood sugar levels after meals and the subsequent massive surges of insulin. Cancer Prevention. All foods rich in antioxidants help prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors. And strawberries are no exception. In addition, the berry contains ellagic acid, which promotes the death of already formed cancer cells. Prolonging youthful skin. The particular benefit of strawberries for women is that it improves skin hydration, optimizes sebum production, and protects against age spots and photodamage. The abundance of vitamin C in the berry makes it possible to enhance the biosynthesis of collagen and thus improve the elasticity of the skin and maintain its tone. Prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. Useful The properties of strawberries are manifested in protection against age-related decline in memory and cognitive abilities, prevention of neurodegenerative diseases - Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The berry protects the brain from oxidative damage and the chronic inflammation it causes. In this regard, it is especially useful for older people.

In addition, just one glass of these berries provides the body with 29% of the daily dose of manganese, a trace element that plays a big role in the prevention of Parkinson's disease and the elimination of symptoms of epilepsy.

Improvement of the digestive system, treatment of chronic constipation. The berry is rich in plant fiber, which is so necessary for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, it contains many antioxidants that neutralize toxins that accumulate in the intestines and liver.

Another beneficial effect of berries on the gastrointestinal tract is that they help treat inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, especially the stomach. Therefore, you can eat strawberries for gastritis. And even necessary. Works best when paired with apples, pears and raspberries.

You can also eat strawberries if you have pancreatitis. But not in the acute phase of the disease.

Saving vision. The occurrence of many, especially age-related, vision problems is associated with exposure to free radicals on the eyes. Garden strawberries are rich in antioxidants that destroy free radicals, and therefore help preserve vision. It was also noted that the berry helps normalize eye pressure, that is, protects against glaucoma. Joint support. Popular belief says that this berry removes “rust” from joints. That is, it makes them more mobile and reduces pain. Modern science confirms the hypothesis of the beneficial effects of the product on joints. Strawberries can and should be eaten for gout and any type of arthritis. Fight chronic inflammation and strengthen immunity. The medicinal properties of strawberries can be listed one by one, but we can say that the berry fights chronic, low-grade inflammatory processes in the body and strengthens the immune system. And it will become clear that it helps prevent many serious illnesses, since the lion's share of serious illnesses is caused precisely by the presence of excessive inflammatory activity in the body.

How does it affect weight loss?


Not all fruits help you lose weight. Many of them contain such high levels of fructose and other sugars that they promote weight gain rather than weight loss. Strawberries are approved for weight loss because they contain little fructose: in one glass there is only 3.8 g of this compound.

However, the healing effect of the berry on the process of weight normalization does not end there.

  1. The product fights insulin resistance, one of the main causes of excess weight gain, especially in the abdominal area, as well as the development of metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
  2. The benefits of strawberries for weight loss are associated with their antioxidant activity, which helps eliminate chronic inflammation in organs and tissues. According to current scientific information, it is chronic, low-grade inflammation, which often goes unnoticed, that is a significant cause of excess weight gain, especially “out of the blue.”
  3. The ability of the berry to normalize the functioning of the intestinal microflora has a positive effect on the process of weight loss. Since in people with significant excess weight, the intestinal biocenosis is always not in the best shape.
  4. The berry has a low glycemic index and low calorie content. This makes it an excellent snack for those losing weight.

Despite the fact that the berry is useful for weight loss, there is no medically developed strawberry diet for weight loss. Such a diet would be unusually strict. And like any strict diet, it would only be harmful to health. It would also be useless for weight loss.

Rules of use

How much per day?

Since the berry is not a medicinal product, there is no single dosage for its intake that would strictly regulate how many strawberries you can eat per day.

Usually, people for whom this berry is not contraindicated can eat it in fairly large quantities without causing any unwanted side effects.

The approximate dose allowed per day can be calculated based on the amount of fructose in the berry.

1 cup of garden strawberries contains 3.8 grams of fructose.

A healthy person with normal body weight should not consume more than 25 grams per day. This means he can eat 6.5 cups of berries.

People who are overweight, suffering from prediabetes and metabolic syndrome can consume 15 grams of fructose per day, that is, almost 4 glasses of strawberries.

But only on condition that the berry is the main source of fructose. That is, that you practically do not eat sugar, honey and other fruits. If this is not the case, then the amount of strawberries consumed per day should be reduced.

The specified amount of berries can be distributed throughout the day as convenient. It is also allowed to eat strawberries at night.

How to include it in the diet?

Here are some examples of how to properly include berries in your diet:

  • adding to any salads - vegetable, fruit, mixed - with chicken, cheese, etc.;
  • use in making smoothies;
  • eating strawberries with milk, yogurt, kefir, cream;
  • adding to whole grain cereals.

But if you cover the berry with sugar, pour it with honey, make jam from it, eat it with sweet whipped cream or use it in baking, then you can get better from strawberries. Not from the berry itself, of course. And from the sugar and other easily digestible carbohydrates that were added to it.

In this case, the berry will not only become dangerous, from the point of view of the likelihood of gaining excess weight, but will also lose all its beneficial properties, since the harm of sweet carbohydrates exceeds the benefits of any fresh vegetables and fruits.

When can it be given to children?

Strawberries are beneficial for children in the same way that they are healing for adults. It strengthens their immunity, protects them from the negative effects of free radicals, and normalizes digestion.

The problem is that the berry is one of the allergenic foods. Therefore, it is not so easy to introduce it into the diet of a very young child.

There is still no common point of view among doctors on what age a child can be given strawberries.

Some experts believe that from 4-6 months. Others are sure that not earlier than a year. Some advise giving just a drop, but only from 4 months. There is a hypothesis that early introduction of potentially allergenic foods into a child's diet can prevent the occurrence of serious food allergies in the future.

The standard method of introducing strawberries into a baby’s diet says that you need to start with one berry, cutting it into small pieces or turning it into a puree.

After the baby has enjoyed the berry for the first time, it is necessary to take a break of 2-3 days and carefully monitor his condition, monitoring the possible occurrence of allergies. During these 2-3 days, the toddler does not need to be given strawberries or any other new foods introduced into the diet.

If everything went smoothly, after the specified time has passed, the child can be given strawberries again, slightly increasing the quantity.

The maximum allowed dose of berries for a small child is ½ cup. It’s good to combine strawberry puree with banana puree.

How to store?

Fresh berries can be stored in the refrigerator for only 2-3 days. To maximize its lifespan, the berries must be laid out strictly in one layer. Cover tightly with the lid.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the safety of the berries. And if any of them shows even the slightest sign of rot or mold, it must be removed urgently, otherwise the infection will instantly affect the entire tray.

Strawberries can be frozen.

To do this, it must be washed and dried.

Remove all leaves and petioles.

Place in a single layer on a tray. Close it with a lid. If this is not a tray, but a tray, then cover the berries with a bag. And put it in the freezer. As soon as the berries are frozen, they can be transferred to a bag in several layers.

You can also freeze strawberries by first chopping them in a blender. And then use it in smoothies or add it to dairy products.

The main thing you should not do is freeze strawberries with added sugar.

Side effects and contraindications

  1. The harm of strawberries for allergy sufferers, especially those who suffer from pollen allergies, is well known. An allergy to this berry can be quite severe, leading to swelling of the throat and breathing problems. It has been established that only red garden strawberries cause allergies. Colorless varieties are not dangerous.
  2. The second common health threat posed by this berry is associated with its contamination with pesticides and other pesticides. Strawberries are eaten with great pleasure by various pests, and therefore a huge amount of pesticides are used in their industrial production. In terms of the level of contamination with harmful impurities, this crop occupies one of the leading positions.
  3. If you have diabetes, you can eat strawberries. But it is necessary to observe the dosage: you should not drink more than one glass per day.
  4. If there are no contraindications for eating strawberries, then the main side effect when these berries are abundantly included in the diet are unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract: bloating and pain in the abdominal area, diarrhea, and sometimes nausea. All these symptoms are associated with a massive intake of fiber into the body and do not pose any harm to health.

Is it allowed to eat during pregnancy?

The benefits of strawberries during pregnancy are varied. Berry:

  • strengthens the immune system, making it possible to avoid infection with infectious diseases such as influenza or ARVI, which are especially dangerous during pregnancy;
  • saturates the woman’s body with folic acid, which is known as the “pregnancy vitamin” and is critically important for the formation of the child’s internal organs;
  • helps control weight gain;
  • prevents constipation, etc.

So you can eat strawberries during pregnancy, both late and early. Of course, if there are no allergies. In some women, especially in later stages, the berry can cause heartburn. In this case, it is better to refuse it.

Can I eat on GW?

Strawberries are one of those foods that should be excluded from the diet during lactation and breastfeeding. In many babies, this “berry” milk causes colic, diarrhea, the development of skin signs of allergies, and nervousness.

At the same time, some nursing mothers are sure that they can eat strawberries, since their baby tolerates them well. It's possible. Since allergies do not have to occur in every child. But the likelihood of its development against the background of consumption of garden strawberries is high.

Beneficial properties of strawberries and contraindications for consumption: conclusions

Garden strawberries contain a lot of fiber and antioxidants, the main of which are vitamins C and A and compounds of the anthocyanin group.

Thanks to the presence of these substances, the berry has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, helps protect against cancer, strengthen the immune system and preserve vision. Strawberries can and should be eaten when losing weight.

But only in reasonable quantities and always without additional sugars, including honey.

The main contraindication for use is allergies.

To restore vitality, increase energy levels and restore the body, a person needs to nourish himself with natural remedies. One of the most useful plants is wild strawberry.

There is even a belief that if you eat a lot of strawberries during the season, then you don’t have to go to the sanatorium. The berry has excellent cleansing properties and helps get rid of many diseases.

So, if you eat up to three glasses of fresh wild strawberries every day for 3-4 weeks, you can get rid of small stones in the gall bladder.

All parts of the plant have healing properties: both leaves and roots. and berries and flowers.

Benefits of wild strawberry leaves

The best time to collect strawberry leaves is May. They must be collected carefully, without uprooting the plant. It's best to cut off a few leaves from each plant with scissors so that the rest of the bush can continue to grow and bear fruit.

It is best to dry strawberry leaves away from direct sunlight, in a ventilated area. They are stored for no more than 2 years, then they begin to lose their medicinal properties.

Wild strawberry leaf tea

Tea made from strawberry leaves has a pleasant aroma and taste, it contains a lot of vitamin C, and the drink is of great benefit.

Strawberry tea is a mild diuretic, has antimicrobial and hemostatic properties, and is very good for the prevention of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

This tea lowers blood pressure, is useful for those with tachycardia, and is useful for insomnia.

For colds, colitis and gastritis, traditional medicine recommends drinking strawberry tea every evening for less than a week.

Making tea from strawberry leaves is simple: take one tablespoon of crushed dry leaves per 0.5 liter of boiling water and leave to steep for 15-20 minutes. Drink the infusion warm.

Decoction of wild strawberry roots

Strawberry roots have an even stronger effect on the human body. In order to prepare a decoction of strawberry rhizomes, take one teaspoon of dry crushed roots in a glass of boiling water, combine them together, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, and leave to infuse.

This decoction is used for gout, rheumatism, as an effective diuretic, to get rid of sand and stones in the bladder.

A decoction of strawberry roots is taken as a course for inflammation of the bronchi as an emollient.

Externally, a compress made from a decoction of strawberry roots helps well with long-term non-healing and weeping wounds, if you do it at least 5-7 times.

Wild strawberry - berries

Strawberries have an excellent smell and taste and are best eaten fresh. They have restorative and healing properties and are very useful for children. They are most often eaten with cream or milk, adding a little sugar.

Strawberries contraindications

You should not use strawberries, decoctions and infusions from leaves and roots if you have an allergy.

In large quantities, strawberries can reduce the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Diabetes is a good reason to consume strawberries with caution.

In all other cases, wild strawberries are a treasure trove of vitamins and beneficial microelements, a berry that has no equal in the nature of the middle zone.

Wild strawberries: beneficial properties, composition and application. Wild strawberry leaves. Strawberry treatment: folk recipes

Wild strawberry

Man has always used the fruits of nature - ever since he appeared on Earth. Wild strawberries are one of those berries that people have eaten since the times called prehistoric: archaeologists have found its seeds in Central Europe, which have lain there since the Stone Age.

In Ancient Greece and Rome, strawberries were valued not only for their taste and aroma, but also for their healing properties. This plant was used by people wherever they could find it, and our ancestors were no exception in this sense: even before the formation of Ancient Rus', strawberries often helped them survive and maintain health. Later, the healing properties of wild strawberries were described in detail in Russian herbal books, and methods of its use were also described there.

Today, this fragrant and healthy berry grows throughout the European territory of Russia, as well as in the Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and other regions. Particularly large and juicy strawberries can be harvested in the central part of Russia, in forest clearings - up to 200 kg per hectare.

Differences between garden strawberries and wild strawberries

Garden strawberries are larger than wild strawberries, and also grow throughout our country: in plots, gardens and vegetable gardens, but wild strawberries have a richer composition and valuable properties, and the substances contained in them have greater biological activity.

Composition of wild strawberries

Wild strawberry fruits contain natural sugars and organic acids, vitamins, of which vitamin C is the most abundant, pectins, anthocyanins, tannins, mineral salts: iron, manganese, cobalt, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.

There are many vitamins in the leaves; they also contain glycosides and flavonoids, catechins and organic acids. There are no less minerals in strawberry leaves than in berries: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, chromium, aluminum, barium, vanadium, selenium, strontium, nickel, iodine, lead, boron, bromine. Strawberry flowers contain rutin, a flavonoid that strengthens capillary walls and has high vitamin activity.

Wild strawberry treatment

Useful properties of wild strawberries

Fresh and dried strawberries are great for treating gout, as they remove uric acid from the body. The famous scientist, naturalist and doctor Carl Linnaeus was cured of gout back in the 18th century with the help of a strawberry diet.

Although strawberries contain organic acids, there are not many of them, but there is a lot of vitamin C, so people with high acidity of gastric juice can easily eat them.

Tasty and aromatic wild strawberries have dietary properties: they contain natural glucose and fructose, which are easily digestible.

There is ten times more iron in strawberries than in grapes, which is considered one of its main sources, so it is very useful for children. It also contains a lot of calcium - more than many berries and fruits, and this easily digestible calcium is also necessary for children - for normal bone growth.

Wild strawberry decoction

Strawberry decoction can be drunk for many diseases, for the purpose of their prevention, and simply to improve health. It is prepared from the leaves and flowers of the plant - 1 tbsp. raw materials per glass of boiling water, infuse and drink 3-4 times a day, 1/3 glass half an hour before meals.

Strawberries contain a lot of fiber, but it is not coarse, as in many other fruits and berries, but tender, but it significantly improves gastric secretion and intestinal motility, and also removes excess cholesterol from the body.

Wild strawberry leaves Treatment with strawberry leaves: folk recipes

Before treating with strawberry leaves, you should ferment them: dry them in the shade for several hours so that they become soft and partially lose moisture. Then the leaves are kneaded in your hands until they become sticky, put in a cardboard box, covered with a damp cloth and left for about 9 hours. Next, they are laid out on a baking sheet and dried in the sun or in the oven. After this, they can be brewed and drunk - separately, or as part of vitamin teas.

In the old days, an infusion of dried strawberry leaves was used by people to treat bleeding and weeping wounds - compresses were applied to them; for bad odor, suppuration in the throat and mouth, as well as for tonsillitis - as a rinse.

Fermented strawberry leaves produce aromatic, grass-free, delicious tea of ​​a beautiful color, with a lot of vitamin C. Brew 1 tsp. leaves? l boiling water, and drink for colds, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

A decoction of wild strawberry leaves and rhizomes is drunk for bronchitis - 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day. Pour 20 g of crushed dry raw material into a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, filter and top up with boiled water to the original volume.

For the treatment and prevention of hypertension and atherosclerosis, as well as for removing sand from the bladder and kidneys, you need to eat 2 times a day, separately from the main food, for 7-9 days. glasses of fresh strawberries.

For hypertension, drink an infusion of crushed dry strawberry leaves: pour 20 g of raw material with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter and take 1 tbsp. 4 times a day.

Teas, infusions and decoctions with strawberry leaves improve heart function and normalize blood pressure, relieve cardiac edema.

A decoction of fresh or dry strawberry leaves also treats colitis, diarrhea, constipation, and gastritis. Leaves (2 tablespoons) are poured in a thermos with a glass of boiling water in the evening and left until the morning, and then the infusion is drunk like tea: up to 4-5 times a day, 1/3 cup, about 40 minutes after meals. You need to drink until there is a lasting improvement. The same infusion is taken for stomach and duodenal ulcers - 1 tbsp. 4 times a day; for diseases of the biliary tract - according to? glasses 4 times a day before meals; for urolithiasis - before surgery to remove stones and for prevention; For bleeding hemorrhoids, lotions are applied to it.

In the old days, when there were no tablets, strawberries were used to remove worms - it was a proven and safe method. In those days, liver diseases were treated with fresh strawberry juice - they drank it a lot and for a long time until improvement occurred.

Strawberry juice has the ability to lower blood sugar levels, so if you have diabetes, it is recommended to take it regularly, whenever possible - up to 6 tbsp. in a day.

For anemia, they not only eat fresh wild strawberries, but also drink an infusion of them: brew 2 tbsp. dry or fresh berries with a glass of boiling water, leave for about an hour and drink 3 times a day, by? glasses.

Use of wild strawberries for face and body skin

Strawberries are no less effective when used externally. Homemade masks made from its pulp are used to prolong the youth of the skin, smooth out wrinkles and other signs of aging. With the help of fresh juice and water infusion of strawberries, acne, eczema, small wounds are treated, and also whiten age spots.

When eczema is advanced, apply a paste of ripe strawberries to the affected areas, spreading it over thick linen fabric. If you do this procedure for 3-4 days, the wet areas dry out and the skin cleanses, and cleansed skin is easier to treat with medications.

A lotion for facial skin care is prepared from fresh berries. For a glass of fresh wild strawberries - 1.5 glasses of vodka; Infuse for a month at room temperature, in a dark place, filter and use to wipe oily and combination skin.

Wild strawberries for gums and teeth

If you brush your teeth and massage your gums with wild strawberries, crushing them on a toothbrush, your gums will become stronger and your teeth will become whiter.

Of course, wild strawberries are valued not only for their medicinal properties - they are simply very tasty. They make delicious jam from it, prepare jams, jellies, compotes, homemade liqueurs, tinctures and many more different goodies and health benefits.

You should not eat wild strawberries if you are prone to allergic reactions, kidney and liver colic, gastritis with high acidity. Everyone else can eat this berry with pleasure, but if skin itching or hives occurs, it is better to consult a specialist.

-th page

Information about fruits and berries, their use, beneficial and healing properties. The section contains a large number of recipes according to which you can prepare medicinal infusions, decoctions at home and with their help cure many diseases.


People have used the berries of wild strawberries since prehistoric times. Its seeds were found in Switzerland during excavations of pile buildings dating back to the Stone Age. Strawberries were known to the ancient Romans and Greeks as a medicinal plant. They valued it for its excellent aroma and high taste value of the fruit. For these qualities, she was very popular among the tribes of Ancient Rus'.

Wild strawberries are distributed throughout the European part of our country, as well as in Siberia, the Urals and the Caucasus. It grows in meadows, among bushes and in cleared forests, on the edges and clearings. In the central regions of the country, up to 100 kg of fresh berries can be collected from 1 hectare of natural thickets, and up to 200 kg in cleared areas. Here the strawberries are especially large and juicy.

The rhizome of strawberry is short, the shoots are creeping, rooting at the nodes (whiskers). Blooms in late May - early June, blooms all summer. The fruits ripen in late June - August.

Strawberry leaves are trifoliate, located on long petioles, covered with silky hairs below. Nature has endowed them with the ability to regulate moisture reserves in the bush.

Wild strawberries are a valuable plant. This wild berry is a treasure trove of vitamins. The fruits contain substances beneficial to the human body: vitamin C, carotene, acids (malic, citric, salicylic), tannins, essential oils and trace elements: copper, manganese, chromium. There is especially a lot of iron, which is found in seeds. The leaves are rich in vitamin C and tannins.

Wild strawberries are eaten fresh and also used to prepare juices, decoctions, compotes, preserves, syrups, and infusions.

Medicinal raw materials are berries and leaves in fresh and dried form. Strawberries have long been used in folk medicine for almost all diseases.

Pastor Kneipp, a doctor who lived and worked at the beginning of the 20th century, wrote that people who eat a lot of strawberries never get sick. These words are often said about other fruits and berries, but it is no coincidence that Kneipp, who created a system of complex treatment for various serious ailments, named strawberries.

In ancient treatises of Tibetan medicine, strawberry is called the “queen” of the plant world, because it has a very rich chemical composition. It is believed that this berry contains many substances that have not yet been studied, which, perhaps, make it so healing.

For a long time, strawberries have attracted the attention of clinicians.

Medicinal uses of wild strawberries* Fresh berries are a good dietary product.

* For gout, kidney stones and other disorders of salt metabolism in the body, infusions of strawberry roots and leaves are used as a vitamin and diuretic.

* It has been established that an infusion of leaves slightly lowers blood pressure, slows down the rhythm and increases the contraction of the heart muscle, and dilates blood vessels. To prepare the infusion, take 50 g of herb and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Drink the prepared infusion 150 g 3 times a day before meals.

* The strawberry season usually lasts 2-3 weeks on average. If you eat a little fresh strawberry every day during the season on an empty stomach, or even better - as much as possible, and repeat this for 2-3 years in a row, then gout, stomach and duodenal ulcers, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, hypertension will recede and many intestinal diseases.

* It is known that the famous Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus saved himself from severe gout by eating strawberries in large quantities,

* Advanced eczema is popularly treated by applying ripe strawberries crushed on linen; after 3-4 days, the affected areas are cleared of scabs, the weeping areas dry out, which facilitates further treatment with various medications.

ATTENTION! It should be noted that some people cannot tolerate strawberries. When using it, they experience urticaria, skin itching and other signs of allergies. If such symptoms appear, you should stop eating strawberries and consult a doctor.

100 grams of strawberries contain about 32 kcal. Strawberries are low-calorie berries. But, strawberry jam contains 220 kcal.

Not only strawberries are useful, but also the leaves. The leaves are also used to treat many diseases. This is truly a natural natural medicine.

Strawberries. Beneficial features. Benefit.

It’s just happiness to find yourself in a forest clearing covered with strawberries. So many emotions, the last time we picked strawberries was a couple of years ago, with my parents, and the emotions are still overwhelming. Fresh strawberries have numerous beneficial properties; they are useful for adults, children, and pregnant women. In many ways, their properties are similar to strawberries. You can read the benefits of strawberries in the article “Strawberries. Beneficial features".

  • Strawberries are very useful for pregnant women, as they contain folic acid.
  • Strawberries, like strawberries, increase appetite, improve digestion, and quench thirst.
  • Fresh wild strawberries help lower blood sugar levels.
  • Strawberries, thanks to the trace elements they contain, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Strawberries are useful to eat when there is low hemoglobin in the blood.
  • And trace elements: cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, contained in berries, take part in hematopoiesis.
  • The fiber contained in strawberries has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.
  • Eating fresh strawberries helps eliminate cholesterol.
  • An infusion of strawberry leaves and berries helps lower blood pressure.
  • It is very useful for older people to consume strawberries.
  • Strawberry fruits can be consumed for inflammatory diseases of the stomach and gall bladder.
  • Strawberries normalize metabolic processes occurring in the body.
  • An infusion of berries and strawberry leaves is an excellent diuretic.
  • Strawberries can be consumed in case of exhaustion, loss of strength, they can be consumed by athletes, the berry is very useful for women.

Strawberry berries and leaves can be used as an additional remedy for many diseases. From the point of view of traditional medicine, wild strawberries are an excellent multivitamin.

Also, strawberries were used to whiten teeth, a few berries should be crushed and rubbed on the teeth, then brushed with regular toothpaste.

How to pick wild strawberries?

Harvest time is in June-July. It is better to pick berries either in the morning, when the dew has disappeared, or in the evening, in dry and sunny weather. The berries must be picked carefully so that they are dry and not wrinkled. Pick only ripe strawberries. It is better to collect strawberries in tightly woven baskets.

Arriving home, they sort out the berries. Spread in a thin layer under a canopy and dry. Properly dried berries crumble easily and do not stick together. These berries can be stored in glass jars. You can also freeze the berries or make jam. Thus, prepare strawberries for the winter.

Infusion of dried strawberries.

To prepare the infusion, pour 4 tablespoons of dried berries into half a liter of boiling water, cover, infuse, and filter. Taken as a general tonic, for vitamin deficiency, to increase immunity, 3 times a day, half a glass.

Strawberry leaves have medicinal properties.

  • Tea and infusion of strawberry leaves are used very widely in folk medicine. The leaves contain tannins, vitamin C, flavonoids, and essential oils.
  • Tea or infusion of strawberry leaves is useful for colds and throat diseases.
  • Tea made from strawberry leaves helps remove phlegm from the lungs, so it is used for coughs in complex therapy.
  • For throat diseases, gargle with infusion of strawberry leaves.
  • Tea made from the leaves strengthens the immune system and is useful for vitamin deficiency and loss of strength.
  • An infusion of strawberry leaves is good for the heart and for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • It is also worth noting that strawberry leaves have a pronounced diuretic effect.
  • And the tannins found in strawberry leaves allow you to take tea or infusion from strawberry leaves for inflammation and intestinal upset.
  • Moreover, strawberry leaves also have antispasmodic healing properties.
  • An infusion of strawberry leaves is used for diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  • An infusion of strawberry leaves can be used to rinse the mouth during inflammatory processes.
  • Fresh strawberry leaves can be applied to wounds, cuts, and abrasions.
  • Strawberry leaves can be brewed and drunk for swelling.
  • An infusion of strawberry leaves has a sedative, strengthening, anti-inflammatory, tonic, and hematopoietic effect.

When to collect strawberry leaves?

Wild strawberry leaves are harvested for medicinal purposes during the flowering period. And the flowering time of strawberries is from May to June. Leaves are plucked or cut. It is necessary to pick off undamaged leaves. It is better to harvest leaves in dry, sunny weather. Dry the leaves in the shade and spread them in a thin layer. During drying, it is better to turn the leaves frequently. The place where strawberries are dried should be well ventilated. Dry leaves are stored in linen bags for 1 year.

Infusion of strawberry leaves.

To prepare an infusion of strawberry leaves you need: 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves, pour half a liter of boiling water, cover, let it brew. Strain and take half a glass several times a day before meals.

How many strawberries can you eat per day?

Surely many people are interested in how many strawberries can be eaten per day in order to get the daily requirement of vitamins and microelements. So, in order to get the daily requirement of vitamins from berries, you need to eat about two glasses of strawberries.

How long can fresh strawberries be stored?

Fresh strawberries practically cannot be stored; they need to be processed within 24 hours.

Of course, it is better to eat the berries fresh, so we will get the maximum benefit from eating strawberries. To prepare berries for the winter, you can freeze and dry them.

Jam is not considered healthy, although we also make jam. It’s delicious with ice cream, can be used as a pie filling, or even with tea.

For drying or jam, remove the tails and fruit calyxes; the “greens” in the jam will give a tart taste. The “stems” are very easily separated from ripe strawberries.

Strawberries. Contraindications. Harm.

Wild strawberries are a very tasty, aromatic berry, are there any contraindications for this aromatic berry, can it really cause harm to the body?

  • Strawberries should not be consumed if you have an individual intolerance to the berries or allergies.
  • The same applies to leaves; if you have individual intolerances or allergies, you should not consume them.
  • Strawberries are introduced into children's diets with caution, literally a few berries at a time, and watch the reaction.
  • Eating strawberries in large quantities is contraindicated, as it can cause itching, rash, hives, and redness of the skin.
  • If you have high acidity and a stomach or duodenal ulcer, especially during an exacerbation, the berries should not be consumed.
  • Many people cannot tolerate berries on an empty stomach.

The main thing to remember is that everything is good in moderation, then no problems will arise from eating berries, there will only be benefits. The beneficial properties of wild strawberries are impressive, but do not forget about contraindications.

Strawberries for the face. Strawberry masks.

Strawberries can be used not only internally, but also externally. Although the strawberry season is short, you can still pamper your skin, unless of course you are allergic to strawberries. Make sure not. So that instead of benefiting you do not harm your skin.

  • The berry contains vitamin C and E, which are natural antioxidants and slow down the aging process of cells.
  • The berries have whitening effects; they can be used for freckles, age spots, and dull complexion.
  • Strawberry masks even out the complexion.
  • The salicylic acid found in berries helps exfoliate dead skin cells, promoting natural skin cell turnover.
  • Microelements prevent cell aging, improve cell metabolism, and maintain skin tone.
  • Thanks to the grains in strawberries, the skin is massaged, plus it is an excellent scrub.

You can make masks not only from strawberries, but also from strawberries. Strawberries can be ground and applied in a thin layer to a cleansed face. Leave for 10-15 minutes, wash and lubricate your face with cream. For dry skin, mix strawberries with yolk, or sour cream, or olive oil. For oily skin - with kefir and honey. To prepare a scrub, crushed berries can be mixed with fine salt or soda.

Collect strawberries, prepare them and treat yourself to your health. All the best to you all.

How many berries do you need and can you eat during the season, do they differ in their usefulness, and how to serve them? Which ones are the best? And what is the best way to eat them: with milk, cream, sugar, yogurt?

Most reprints of “grandmother’s recipes” and books on healthy lifestyles say that raspberries contain a lot of copper, iron, potassium and vitamins C, B1, B12, niacin (vitamin PP). And strawberries contain vitamins C, E and group B, as well as phosphorus, iron, calcium and manganese. But this is outdated information. If you turn to scientific research, you can find out that a glass of strawberries (this is about 100 grams of berries) contains almost the daily requirement of vitamin C, and the same amount of raspberries contains more than 2 times less of this vitamin: 40%. But, firstly, this is practically the only vitamin that these berries contain in abundance: all the others are much smaller. Secondly, vitamin C can be found in a lot of other foods. Berries have never been its main source in our diet.

The real benefits of berries

The main advantage of berries is their biologically active substances: numerous and varied antioxidants, pectin, fiber. All other products contain much less of them. In terms of their content, some fruits, vegetables, and herbs are close to berries. But there is no such concentration of antioxidants as in berries.

Let us remind you: antioxidants protect the body from all age-related diseases (heart attacks, strokes, cancer, etc.) and from aging itself. This is their common action. But many antioxidants have their own specific effects. For example, strawberries and raspberries contain a lot of ellagic acid, which has a specific anti-cancer effect. It also actively works against herpes and human papilloma viruses. And cherries contain melatonin: a hormone that regulates biorhythms, helping to overcome insomnia and jetlag (biorhythm disruptions during long air flights). In addition, it also protects women from breast cancer. Blueberries contain fibrates that lower cholesterol levels. Blueberries, cherries and black currants contain anthocyanins, which protect against many types of cancer and cystitis with nephritis (urinary tract infections).

Earrings for all sisters

You shouldn’t look for just one healthiest berry. Eat everything and you can’t go wrong: the benefits will be in any case. But you still need to eat berries wisely.

“Berries are very healthy,” explains psychoendocrinologist and president of the Russian Diabetes Association Mikhail Bogomolov.“But there is one problem that limits their consumption. These are sugars; in one serving of berries (120-150 grams) there are about 10 grams of different sugars. Therefore, it is better for healthy people to eat no more than 7 servings per day, so as not to greatly exceed the daily intake of sugars. If these 7 servings during berry season are a very large dose for you, then eat as much as you want. Even one serving a day will still be beneficial. Fortunately, thanks to pectins, and there is a lot of them in berries, the absorption of sugars is inhibited, and, therefore, blood glucose does not increase so much. It is better not to eat all the berries at once, but to divide them into 3-4 doses per day.

We love to eat berries as sweets: for dessert. We often add sugar to them to reduce acidity. In my opinion, this attitude towards them is wrong. If they are eaten like salads at the beginning of a meal, they will be more beneficial. The fact is that the pectin in berries will reduce the absorption of cholesterol, fats and a number of toxic substances that come with the main food. In addition, many berries contain other substances that regulate the absorption of sugars and prevent their rapid absorption from sweet dishes at the end of the meal.

Berries are very good with any fermented milk products, with whipped cream, cottage cheese. You can make sorbets (frozen puree) or smoothies (mashed berries, fruits with milk, and sometimes with herbs and spices), but without sugar. This is much healthier than compotes, jelly and - especially - preserves and jams.

Unfortunately, soups with berries are not very popular here. The most famous of them is the Georgian soup chrianteli. Its base is cherries; other berries (tkemali, blackberries, etc.), onions, cucumbers, herbs and garlic are added to it. This refreshing and healthy dish contains a lot of biologically active substances: antioxidants and organic acids from berries, phytoncides from onions and garlic. There are other berry soups, but try to make them without sugar, they are much healthier this way.”

The season should last all year round

Is it necessary to eat 2 kilograms of strawberries during the season? More is possible, and even much more. But the main thing is this: berries need to be eaten not only in the season when they ripen, they need to be consumed all year round. Moreover, today it is easy to do. You can buy frozen berries at any time and almost anywhere. There is no need to neglect them. Of course, they contain fewer nutrients than fresh ones, but they still contain a lot (see table). But the same cannot be said about preserves, jams, compotes and other canned forms of berry preparation. All of them are made with a huge amount of sugar, and this turns them from healthy to harmful. Even if they are produced without long-term heat treatment, antioxidants and vitamins remain in them. Is it worth completely abandoning such traditional preparations? Of course not. But you should treat them like delicacies: consume them occasionally and little by little.

Strawberries in different shapes

Indicators per 100 g

Fresh strawberries in season

Frozen strawberries

Strawberry jam

Calorie content, kcal

Sugar, g

Vitamin C, mg

Hardly ever

Folic acid, mcg

Hardly ever

Hardly ever

Strawberries are full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory enzymes, and contain enough fiber to aid digestion. Strawberries are considered an integral part of an anti-fat diet and can be eaten either on their own or with oatmeal, other cereals, or yogurt. The main thing is not to overuse sugar, because then the dietary effect disappears.

Strawberries: vitamin “bomb”

Berries are rich in minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of the body. One serving of strawberries (8 large berries) contains up to 113% vitamin C, which also helps speed up metabolism, growth and repair of body tissues. This water-soluble vitamin from strawberries plays a leading role in the production of collagen, from which tendons, ligaments, cartilage, blood vessels and skin are formed.

One serving of strawberries contains up to 2% of the normal calcium and iron, 170 mg of potassium. In addition, it contains a lot of folic acid, which is especially important for pregnant women.

What makes strawberries effective for weight loss?

Low calorie

Eating fruits in moderation is essential for fat loss in people who are on a diet because they effectively help control calorie intake while providing essential vitamins and minerals. A glass of strawberries has only 50 calories and 7 grams of sugar, but as much as 3 grams of healthy fiber.

The standard serving size for strawberries is about eight large berries. One serving of strawberries contains 50 calories, 11 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of protein.

Another benefit of strawberries is that they reduce sugar cravings. It can be enjoyed on its own or as part of dishes, salads and desserts.

Both sweetened and unsweetened strawberries provide about 5 grams of fiber. It helps prevent constipation, maintain a healthy colon and lower cholesterol levels. Recommended daily fiber intakes: for women, at least 25 grams of fiber, and for men, 38 grams.

Enzyme and antioxidant composition of strawberries

Strawberries contain anti-inflammatory enzymes and antioxidants that help slow skin aging and increase metabolic rate so the body burns fat rather than storing it.

Strawberries' colorful antioxidants are anthocyanins. They are the ones who make the berries bright red. Cell culture studies, epidemiological studies, animal studies, and clinical studies have shown that anthocyanins protect against cardiovascular disease. Thanks to anthocyanins, blood clotting in the body is reduced, chronic inflammation is inhibited and cholesterol levels are reduced.

Antioxidants from strawberries are more effectively absorbed by the body. According to American research, strawberries are recognized as one of the 50 foods with the highest antioxidant content.

Anti-inflammatory enzymes prevent internal damage and in some cases even speed up tissue healing, allowing you to exercise and return to physical activities sooner. This will help you lose weight and stay healthy.

As an antioxidant, vitamin C has a protective effect against free radicals.

Production of “slimming hormones”

Strawberries promote the production of the hormones adiponectin and leptin, both of which are fat-burning or metabolic hormones. They lead to increased metabolism and rapid weight loss. With a healthy, well-balanced diet and moderate exercise, eating strawberries daily will help you achieve your weight loss goal faster and easier.

In addition to weight loss, berries are also considered "brain food" to prevent brain damage.

How much sugar is in strawberries? Is it dangerous for weight loss?

One serving of strawberries contains about 10 grams of natural sugars. Natural sugars in strawberries are mainly in the form of fructose, which is used in the diet of diabetics. Eating moderate amounts of unsweetened strawberries will not cause weight gain; on the contrary, strawberries are beneficial for combating high blood sugar levels by slowing down the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar. But if you add sugar to the berries, weight loss will slow down sharply.

How to choose strawberries

To get the most benefits from this berry, it is important to choose large, red strawberries as they contain more vitamin C. Try to choose organic strawberries grown near where you live.

Naturally grown large red strawberries are also richer in antioxidants than smaller ones.

Using strawberries

Strawberries will be an excellent dietary product until you add them to ice cream, pies or pastries. When opening a cafe franchise for the whole family, add a couple of healthy dishes to its menu. They are quick to prepare, inexpensive, and you will gain clients who adhere to a healthy diet. deserve their own place on the menu.

The berries will bring maximum benefit in combination with muesli, yogurt and oatmeal. And honey added in small quantities will reveal the aroma and taste, but will not harm weight loss.

To prepare a dietary low-calorie and high-fiber dessert, you can take 200 grams of strawberries and unsweetened yogurt, 2 tablespoons of oat bran and 70 grams of muesli.

Yogurt is mixed with bran, strawberries are cut into quarters, muesli is placed in a bowl, filled with yogurt mixture and covered with strawberries. Serve as a separate dish.

Helpful advice

Unloading for weight loss can be done a couple of days a week, but not in a row.

To make the task easier for the body after festive feasts and to maintain good shape, deloading a couple of times a month is enough.

Our ancestors knew the beneficial properties of strawberries - strawberries heal the heart! The aromatic strawberry has this healing property due to its high content of folate, antioxidants and the absence of fat. This is a very good complex for maintaining heart function, as well as reducing cholesterol levels. In addition, strawberries contain many B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the condition of the heart muscle.
Doctors prove that if you regularly consume strawberries for a week, the effect will be noticeable immediately. Pain in the heart area and shortness of breath in patients with coronary artery disease are reduced, heartbeat improves, and well-being improves.

Strawberries are a source of vitamins and nutrients

This is a fairly low-calorie product. One hundred grams of strawberries contain about 35 kcal. However, strawberries are a real storehouse of nutrients and have many beneficial properties. There are vitamins here: A, group B, C, E, H, PP. It contains a lot of potassium, which is very important for the functioning of the heart, as well as calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, zinc, iodine.

Eating this first spring berry helps normalize metabolism, replenishes the body with vitamins, improves immunity, helps fight viruses, reduces blood sugar levels, improves appetite, and gives strength.

Strawberry - natural aspirin. They call it this because this berry contains salicylic acid. Therefore, it thins the blood, reducing thrombosis in people who are prone to this.

It has also been proven that strawberries suppress the development and negative effects of viruses and harmful microbes. Has a diuretic effect.

How many strawberries should I eat per day? If there are no contraindications, eat 400 grams. This will significantly improve your vitamin reserves after winter.

Who are strawberries contraindicated for? Despite its medicinal properties and benefits, not everyone can eat this berry. It is a fairly strong allergen and for many causes allergies. Therefore, pregnant women and young children should not overuse strawberries, and it is generally contraindicated for infants under one year of age who are prone to allergic reactions.

To reduce the risk of an allergy to strawberries, nutritionists advise eating them together with fermented milk products: yogurt, kefir. You cannot eat strawberries with fresh milk, these products are not compatible.

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