
How to lose weight after cesarean section. How to lose weight after childbirth. How to lose weight. It's been 5 months since the caesarean section and I'm still like a hippopotamus.

Hello beauties! Happy holidays to everyone! Help with advice, maybe you or your friends have encountered this. During pregnancy I gained about 30 kg (after giving birth I lost 17). I ate properly, but constantly lay down as prescribed by the doctor. Hence, apparently, the weight gain.

5 months have passed since the cesarean, and I am still a hippopotamus. I look in the mirror and hate myself! Almost all this time I ate minimally, but the weight still doesn’t melt! Sports are not allowed for me yet due to bleeding and difficult rehabilitation after cesarean (the stitch was opened 2 times). I arrange fasting days on kefir, but it’s all over. A Lately I get a terrible craving, I try to just drink water, as a last resort - fruit puree. But this never happened. And so I try to walk with the stroller as much as possible and eat right.

At the same time, I started having problems with blood pressure (every day 150 to 105, pulse 110), from time to time I suddenly become covered in red spots, my face burns. It could be hormonal disbalance? I just don’t know what to do or where to go anymore. If you know, please advise specialists from St. Petersburg. How to lose weight after cesarean section?

Go to the hall. Only a barbell will help a pig like you.

If they had tried correctly during pregnancy, they would not have gained 30 kg, but the weight gain would have been up to 15 kg.

She can't go to the gym after a caesarean section.

You need to see a cardiologist, not ask for advice on the Internet.

Have you seen a doctor? What does he say? You may have a hormonal imbalance or some internal troubles.

Open groups on proper nutrition and prepare according to prescriptions and urgently see doctors.

Stop making excuses for Caesareans! Normal girls after caesarean section in a week they’re pumping up their abs, and you’re fattening up.

Are you crazy? After giving birth, you can’t exercise your abs, and after a caesarean section you can’t exercise at all for six months, especially since the author’s stitch came apart.

You need to go to the doctor! Everything will be fine, most likely, you don’t need to lose weight yet, because you have a hormonal imbalance, but try to eat better the same way!

The hall is not allowed to people.

She lies everything in order to get away from the audience and justify her fat. If you can't make yourself a human from a fat pig, don't give birth!

When you give advice, think 10 times whether it is correct or not, and whether it will harm the person?

The gym does not harm fat cows.

She can't physical exercise. The abdomen is cut after a cesarean section, the seam may come apart again.

Come on, don't talk nonsense. Everything is individual, especially when you are pregnant. Do you think that proper nutrition the key to all problems.

Yes, everyone says that - I can’t do this, I can’t do that. Thus justifying your laziness.

Do you know what a caesarean section is?

The normal weight gain is considered to be up to 15 kg. And yes, individually, of course! Some even gain 40 kg during pregnancy!

After childbirth, according to indications, it is impossible. In addition, the author had a cesarean section, which involved surgery and stitches.

The author herself must adequately understand that there are health problems, beauty is in the background. They'll give you advice here now! You need doctors! According to doctors. And playing sports after cesarean section after 5 months is generally contraindicated for many!

I don't give a damn what it is. People with disabilities go in for sports and achieve results. So you don’t have to go straight to CrossFit.

Well, in the postoperative periods, sports are contraindicated for everyone, especially when the stitches split twice. It says there that the stitch came apart twice and bleeding started. In general, any physical activity is contraindicated; my friend was not even allowed to hold her baby after a caesarean section. You need to go to the gym when recovery period it will end, but for now she can only do laps on foot with the stroller.

Then let her lie like a useless sack of garbage if she can’t move. And diets are all bullshit.

We should feel sorry for you, you don’t know basic things and you squeal like a victim, sport is one panacea, sport, I don’t care if the girl’s seams come apart, that’s an excuse. She'll die of bleeding, oh, okay - she didn't want to lose weight. Disabled people achieve success. You are strange. Just imagine, they will cut your belly and the stitches will not heal. Well, yes, it’s time to go tear them off in the gym. The stomach after childbirth is vulnerable. And cesarean means cut muscles, uterus, and all this is compressed.

Then why is she whining? Let him wait until everything drags on, and go to the gym, and sweat through cardio exercises.

Because you don’t have enough intelligence to first consult a doctor with all your complaints and restore your health. Women on the Internet will immediately advise you on how to magically get yourself in order without sports.

You can run. Light running just removes fat from the sides and lower abdomen. Problem areas for women after childbirth.

Well, yes, when your blood pressure goes up. Running is the best!

Well, she won't lose weight on diets. Needed physical exercise.

I have the same bullshit. Almost all the time I have to either lie down or sit. This is a nightmare, of course, but I’m shabby, I’m gaining less than normal. But we are not your advisers here; there are more complex problems here. Go to the doctor, explain the problem, get tested for hormones, go to a cardiologist. Don't rush to lose weight, maybe it's not the food.

More than once I am convinced that pregnancy is only harmful.

I gained 27 kilograms, I also had a cesarean procedure, there were also complications, but everything went away on its own, so it seems to me that I need to see a doctor, have my hormones checked and examined.

- Well, author, only time will help you. But you still need to eat. A little bit at a time, and everything is boiled and not fatty, and there are fewer carbohydrates. And in a year you will take care of yourself.Sports after cesareanit is still contraindicated for you.

So give birth after such stories!

Still, deep down in your soul, you understand that I’m right. It’s just that your pride doesn’t allow you to admit that I’m right about everything.

Have you ever checked your hormonal levels after giving birth? Obesity can be not only due to food and lack of exercise. After giving birth, a mother gains weight mainly due to hormones.

Now you will remain a hippopotamus. But she gave birth.

A person asks for advice from specialists, and you write that you need to go to a doctor. The seams are coming apart and off to the gym. What's this? I look at the book and see a fig?

A high-fat, low-carb diet can help you! Lose weight without breakdowns and stress (give up pasta, bread, rice, sugar and potatoes, eat fatty meat, fish and vegetables), and you will be happy! I myself lost weight so quickly.

Firstly, you are now breastfeeding, as I understand it, about food, you need to think so that the milk is good and only then about your figure. And for other questions, the doctor will help you, nothing else.

Girl, dear, your first mistake is that you hate yourself, your body, which recently gave life to another creature! We are all different, some give birth to children as if they were spitting them out, and without any consequences for their figure and health, while others are much less lucky. But you are still lucky - apparently, you have a healthy baby, and this is the main thing.

What are the fasting days if you are most likely breastfeeding?! It is not surprising that the body receives enormous stress and turns on “self-defense mode,” as a result of which that same glutton attacks you, and the body is reluctant to part with extra pounds. Therefore, I repeat once again - do not get hung up on the number on the scale, give yourself and your body time, and I promise you - the reward will not keep you waiting! Happy New Year to you and your family, stay healthy!

I also gained 30 kilograms during childbirth. If you haven’t played sports before, it won’t go away quickly! Even if you go on a diet and do exercises, your body will still start working only after six months. So first give your body a rest, at least six months. A decent amount of time should pass after the bleeding stops. Otherwise you will strain your body. And sports after a cesarean section are generally beyond acceptable.

You clearly have a hormonal failure. It happened to me when God knows what was going on with my hormones, the gluttony was simply unreal. Go to an endocrinologist and get tested.

Be patient for six months when you can go to the gym. Without movement - stagnation in the body.

It's 100% hormones, go to an endocrinologist. By the way, in such cases, sports after childbirth are contraindicated.

Perhaps there is a hormonal imbalance, and start correcting this with medications, and then go to the gym. If you lose weight on diets, you may lose weight, but everything will hang there. So, yes, the gym is necessary, but first there is still a doctor.

Are we doctors here? Go get your hormones tested and it will be clear whether it’s a hormonal imbalance or all the above are your excuses.

How is your mom small child I can’t imagine how you can lie on the couch all day with a baby.

I gained 25 kilograms during pregnancy, lost 27. When the child grew up, I spent so much energy on him that I lost more weight than I gained. Only the belly remained hanging after childbirth. Diastasis.

First, you need to visit your local gynecologist. Get tested for hormones, etc. The second thing is to consult a general practitioner, because the fact that you have sutures that have not healed for two months can be a symptom of diseases, in particular - diabetes mellitus. There is no need to starve yourself - the more you starve, the more your body will begin to store reserves for itself. And yes, 30 kg during pregnancy is too much. You need to stick to a healthy diet, don’t eat buns, sweets, or sugar. More vegetables and fruits (except bananas and grapes).

Dear girls, stop torturing yourself and your body. What does “a day on kefir”, “a day on water”, “I eat nothing” mean, but how is that possible? Don’t you yourself understand that you are only making things worse for yourself? You need to eat right, if you want to lose weight, you need to calculate your daily KBJU. But first you need to see a doctor, and not write on the Internet. Perhaps you have some serious problems with your health, and you, instead of solving them, are starving and whining online. That's not how things are done.

I don’t understand this either, like, I don’t eat anything, and so on, but how do you feed the child? You need to eat well and think beyond yourself. Well, okay, it’s not for me to read morals to you, your child is your business. If you are concerned about how to lose weight, if your blood pressure is rising, you have problems not only with hormones, but also with your head.

How can the participants help you? Should I pour a magic potion? Dietary restrictions and physical activity (if possible). There are no other ways to lose weight, you know it yourself.

Perhaps the weight is no longer due to food, but it’s the hormones being naughty, during my period I gain 2 kg just like that, then they also go away on their own, you most likely can’t go on a diet, and there’s no point, just water and puree it will blow you apart even more later. Count the calories, but in general, I think, wait a little, this is our lot as women. Everything will pass, the stitch will heal, the weight will start to go away, if everything is fine with the thyroid and hormones, but as for the pressure, don’t delay, go to the doctor, they will tell you more useful things, believe me.

Eat more apples. And after a caesarean section, a year later, you can only do sports, especially with problems like yours.

I don't understand. For the life of me, I don’t understand. 30 kg. Where from? I gained 11.4 kg. Child, 2 kg - water, 2 kg - bag. Well, plus, something will be collected somewhere. I don’t believe in fairy tales about what it is. I didn’t eat flour, fatty, salty, etc. I didn’t even eat seeds, grapes, bananas or sugar. Only useful. Vegetables, fruits, boiled meat. Now about caesarean section. The stitches don't heal - see the doctor who sewed them. Maybe the threads gave you complications. Maybe something got into it. Maybe you do physical exercises yourself, and the seams come apart because of this. Losing weight after a caesarean section is difficult, but it is possible. So patience, and only patience.

To those who say to love your body, because it gave life. This is a stupid excuse for your own inaction. I, like, gave life, you can give some credit to yourself. Ha. Rave. Your own life goes on, and you need to continue to take care of yourself and try to do at least something, and not be Pepa Pig and think that everything is fine. First of all, your child wants to see a beautiful mother. After giving birth, a mother should not neglect herself.

- This is not a glitch, but yes, these are hormones, they don’t immediately return to normal after childbirth, you short period of time, it should return to normal closer to a year, maybe a little longer, I don’t remember exactly.

Genealogists in Germany say that you need to gain a maximum of 5-6 kg during pregnancy. Hence the expression in my head: you need to eat less.

Well, I guess there are exceptions. After all, a child can weigh 4500 grams, or even 5000. Plus everything that surrounds him, and 1.5 liters more blood enters the mother’s body. So a set of about 9 kilograms is just right.

These are big exceptions when the child weighs 5 kg. I’m talking about average statistics, I think then the maximums need to add 9 kilograms, but certainly not 20. Otherwise, after childbirth, your belly will still hang like a disgusting rag.

This is not what the girl meant when she wrote that you need to love your body. You need to start with this, otherwise there will be no result. Accept yourself as you are and continue to refuse harmful things, and the result will not be long in coming. You need to love yourself, without this she will still have problems with nutrition: I don’t eat, unloading, gluttony. It's all in the head.

That's right, gaining 9-12 kilograms during pregnancy is the norm. We still need to take into account the nuances, maybe polyhydramnios is another couple of kg. Anything higher is already too much. In general, I’m in a position now, the doctor told me to gain no more than 12 kg.

Go to an endocrinologist, the failure is obvious. Once you bring your hormones back to normal, the weight will go down on its own without any suffering. And you will lose weight after a cesarean section on your own, without any restrictions.

I think the doctor is right. And regarding love for the body, you see, many people, having loved themselves for who they are, stop trying to fix anything. Why, because I already love myself? There's a double-edged sword here.

I gained 10 kg during pregnancy, gave birth to a child worth 3500, and the rest was gone in a month, and I can’t gain weight, but I want, that’s what someone wants, someone to lose weight, someone to gain weight.

The recovery period after childbirth is up to 1 year! So calm down, there’s nothing wrong, everything can be fixed. After the cesarean section, I returned to normal after 2-2.6 years. During my second pregnancy I gained more than 20 kg (up to 86). Six months later, the weight was already 63 kg, now, after 5 years, it’s 58 kg. Sports ( Gym) and a balanced diet, with an approximate calculation of the nutritional value. For now, a diet for weight loss and moderate physical activity (2-hour walks with a stroller) will be enough for you.

That's how you read so much, and you're afraid of getting pregnant.

Therapist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, nutritionist. Exactly in this sequence. Your goal is not just to lose weight after childbirth, but also to return your health to normal.

See a doctor urgently! With such symptoms, you need to consult a specialist! And most likely it’s hormones, you need a good doctor.

After such stories, I don’t want to give birth at all.

I had a caesarean section. A month later, the belly went away, and the weight before the birth was 63.5 (I’m 178 and now about 60 kg). A lot depends on your shape before giving birth. Now you clearly need to see an endocrinologist, gynecologist, and monitor the stitch! And one more thing: childbirth does not make anyone healthier, alas. Be sure to find time for yourself, check your back and lower back (I had to adjust it), kidneys (maybe you are swelling simply), blood (hemoglobin, and so on). Take care of yourself, ask for help from your relatives (after a caesarean section, you generally cannot lift a child properly). And eat, but eat something that is low-fat and nutritious.

Apparently, your hormones have been hit hard, don’t worry and don’t torment yourself with diets now, you’ll get back to normal over time. After childbirth it is generally difficult to return to normal, and even more so after a cesarean section.

I don’t understand, are you breastfeeding? If yes, what is the fasting day? What are you speaking about? You need to eat everything that is delicious and healthy. So that the baby is fed. And if not, then put your hands to your feet and see a doctor. And than excess weight won't go away in one day. This is the long journey of the samurai.

The stomach is too stretched, that's the problem.

Red spots, your face is burning and your blood pressure is like this - so you have hypertension, you should see a doctor.

During pregnancy I gained 20 kg, with childbirth (also a caesarean section) I lost 10, the rest I lost on proper nutrition without exercise for 6 months. Now the child has grown up, you can leave him and go to the gym, and I find out that I’m pregnant again. Well, I'm glad, I'll try not to eat too much now.

I quickly lost weight only when I found out that there were problems with my hormones and was treated. Postpartum weight in most cases does not depend on nutrition.

It’s terrible, when you read something like this, it’s scary to get pregnant.

A positive attitude is 80% of success.

Hello everyone who stopped by! The story of a fat girl who became slim, and after a CS improved her figure)


Since childhood, I was a fat child. The kind that “friends” and classmates laugh at and say barbs at (even if you beat them for it😹) My family really likes to eat, so much so that the first, second and tea with cookies, and in between sweets and homemade baking, pies. Therefore, neither hormones nor genetics are to blame for my obesity, but only poor nutrition in abundance.

I dreamed of losing weight, but as a child I didn’t do anything. I was encouraged to lose weight by my classmate friend, who was also fat, but suddenly began to lose weight and receive a lot of compliments. I immediately decided “I want the same!” 10 years ago, accessing the Internet was not as easy as it is now, and we found information about nutrition and exercise in magazines like "lose weight" or other glossy magazines.

I lost weight from 60 kg to 47 in 4 months (by the time I graduated from school) in this way: I gave up bread, sugar in tea and coffee, ate one thing (the first or second dish, but not both at once) in small portions if I wanted candy or sweets, I ate it for breakfast and a little bit), did abdominal exercises, joint exercises, etc. (10-15 minutes a day)

Of course, a new slender reflection in the mirror changes better side self-esteem and quality of life in general! I liked being slim, receiving compliments and admiring questions “how did you do it? How did you lose weight?” and I didn’t give up losing weight, but on the contrary, I began to move forward. I bought it DVDs with workouts that I found in my city.

The photo shows that I didn’t become very thin, I still had a little extra left, as my husband says, “appetizing.” Because vertically challenged I always wore heels and really loved dresses, besides, I have a naturally thin waist, so I seemed slimmer) my weight was 49-51 kg for several years (height 155 cm)

I was like this from 17 to 22 years old, and I was happy with everything about myself until I got pregnant and gave birth.

Losing weight after CS.

I gained almost the norm during pregnancy (13-14 kg), a month later I weighed 54 kg, but what did my figure become...

Recently the narrow waist became square, sticking out big belly and the fold above the seam, the already not prominent butt, simply merged with the back and thighs together, fat thighs and arms in the forearms. All problem areas (shanks, arms) became fatter, my butt was just a flat board, my waist was square - my main advantage in my figure disappeared. But size 3 breasts appeared (only during breastfeeding)

This sight made me very sad, lowering my mood and self-esteem. All the old things didn’t fit “right” and trying on old dresses only made me upset to the point of tears.

Since I was breastfeeding, diets were contraindicated, I just tried not to eat unhealthy foods (sweets, starchy foods - besides, this is not necessary for a nursing mother)

In the first month, my stitch and back hurt, I started doing “joint exercises” to quickly get back to normal and start exercising.

Tell me, where did she find time for her figure? My baby was very restless, in order to rock him to sleep I had to jump on a fitball for half an hour (as a warm-up), then carefully put him in the crib, and sit next to him for an hour - adjust the pacifier, pump him up in the crib, say "chi-chi-chi" at the right moment😂 there’s no other way, if I immediately left the crib - a terrible scream and again a half-hour swing on the fitball is guaranteed. At this time I was working out near the crib in the dark (the desire to get my figure back was so strong that I was ready to do anything possible)

Since there was an operation, and they were not advised to overload too much right away, I started with simple exercises (exercises + lunges, squats, push-ups, etc.) for a month or two (a month after the CS)

Then I found a wonderful website “your trainer”, where there are many training programs for home and gym (what many insta-fitness girls offer for money) for any need (weight loss/mass gain/relief) that are freely available, free of charge. The website also has a description of each exercise + video, and you can ask the trainer a question for free. Overall a great site) [link] ​

I started with training “for beginners” and small 3 kg dumbbells. Since then, for 2 years now I have been changing training programs, now I have collapsible dumbbells of 9 kg (I gradually increased the weight)

By the time I was 6 months old I already looked “nothing”

At the end of the GW, I decided: LOSE WEIGHT!!!

I went on Kim Protasov’s diet for 3-4 weeks (it was just summer, the vegetables were homemade, I didn’t want to eat in the heat, the diet was easy), I worked on the website for the “weight loss” program and lost so much weight that I things hung a little before the pregnancy) But the best part is that my body has changed a lot for the better from training with weights:

I have a butt, although not perfect, but better than before pregnancy! The whole body became drier and juicier, as if “shaped”, the shoulders and knees became prettier. I can’t say that I have become a straight fitness girl with dry abs and broad shoulders. But now I like my figure more than I did before pregnancy and sports.

And I’m far from a professional in sports, I’m more of an amateur, I practice it at home. At times I am overcome by laziness or fatigue, and I give up training even for a couple of months, or I work out haphazardly (when I remember, even once a week) and I can end up in a glutton.

I can’t say that I have reached any heights, or I have a heart-warming story about “how I lost weight from 100 kg to 50”

My story is that everything is possible, you just have to want it, and I move further towards my ideal, I see still a large field for work, although I am satisfied with everything in myself, but this also slows down further improvements (I think sometimes" and so good, let’s eat some chocolate at night and stop studying”)

By the way, my stomach has not become perfectly flat, I have diastasis, which may have decreased slightly due to my efforts (PP, exercises, vacuum exercise for the stomach)

About PP.

There was a time when I, like crazy, made food for myself separately from my husband using pp recipes. Now I don’t bother so much anymore, I’m not drawn to junk food (like fried potatoes, fried meat, everything fatty that I cook for my husband and other families cook, and I’m also much less drawn to sweets and cookies) I like my healthy food ,I enjoy it. But it took time, and I think force of habit.

My approximate daily diet

Morning: oatmeal (I like it with cottage cheese)

Snack (maybe none, maybe 2 snacks) unlimited fruit (or something else)

Lunch: protein (breast or other meat/eggs/fish) vegetable salads, according to your mood, complex carbohydrates (cereals)

Snack: may or may not be or 2 fruit snacks

Dinner: cottage cheese or meat with salad. I can have cottage cheese with jam, but stevia from fitparad is best.

This may not be 100% correct, but it makes me feel comfortable. To change your relationship with food, I advise you to read the books “The Goodbye Diet” or “Eat Less. Stop Overeating.” - Riley Gillian.

Now, if I’m not “losing weight for the summer,” I can eat sweets every day (a couple of candies or cookies. Before reading the books I talked about earlier, I could eat a kilogram of sweets in a sitting)

Other "things" for slim figure.

After the operation, when I was allowed to wet the suture, I did a scrub (coffee, salt) every day - this helped the skin contract and be elastic. Now I do a coffee scrub (coffee + honey + oil) once or twice a week, I recently did a course of home wraps and was delighted with the velvety and elasticity of the skin)

My review of lip augmentation

Motherhood is the main purpose of a woman. However, pregnancy does not have the most pleasant effect on the condition of her figure: the abdominal muscles are stretched, the skin loses its elasticity. When a baby is born through natural childbirth, it is usually not difficult for the mother to quickly lose weight. But after a caesarean section, returning to your previous slim figure presents certain difficulties.

Specifics of losing weight after cesarean section, especially when breastfeeding

A caesarean section imposes certain restrictions on the activity of a young mother in the first time after the operation. First of all, this is a surgical intervention in the female body, after which a scar remains on the abdomen. And if after a normal birth you can begin to exercise within a week, then a cesarean section eliminates any stress for two months after the operation. During this period, a woman should not only not exercise her abs, run, jump, etc., but also make sudden movements and lift weights of more than three kilograms. If a mother is breastfeeding, then strict diets and weight loss pills are unacceptable for her at this time.

As for the suture that remains after the operation, it heals quite quickly, but sometimes a fat fold forms above it, which is not so easy to remove. A Plastic surgery to correct this deficiency is not the most successful way for a young mother to get in shape. A woman needs, first of all, to take care of the baby, and not to restore her body after another surgical intervention.

A fat fold may appear above the seam, which the woman wants to get rid of as quickly as possible

To restore beautiful appearance tummy is also important to abdominal muscles, which are cut during surgery, have been stitched correctly. This directly affects the speed of abdominal recovery. Although in any case, the young mother’s belly after the operation will not look the best: the lower muscles are cut, and the body is not able to return to normal on its own in the desired short period of time.

Since the first two months (and sometimes more) after surgery, a woman is prohibited from any kind of sports, this time can be used to tone the skin. After pregnancy, it is stretched and needs to be restored. Wearing a bandage that will tighten your stomach a little can help with this.

Wearing a bandage will help tone your abdominal muscles faster.

It is also useful to treat problem areas of the body with special creams or olive oil.

Using a cream for stretch marks will bring your skin back to normal faster

In addition, for a mother who recently had a caesarean section, instead of sitting on a bench, walking with a stroller at a brisk pace is useful. This will keep your body muscles toned.

In the postoperative period, long walking is effective for recovery

Carrying out numerous household chores, which increase with the advent of a child, can also benefit your figure. During these activities, you can dance or walk on your toes. Good for your figure and active games with your baby, which will simultaneously lift your spirits.

You should also remember other important points which will help strengthen muscles. So, while sleeping, a young mother is recommended to lie more on her stomach: this will increase the contraction of the uterus. If recovery after surgery proceeds without complications, then a week after cesarean section it will be useful to periodically squeeze and relax the pelvic muscles (Kegel exercises). It is also permissible to slightly pull in your stomach occasionally during the day - this will improve blood circulation. Sitting on the floor or on a chair, a young mother can bend and straighten her feet, rotate them, and make light swings with her legs. You can similarly strengthen your arm muscles. The main condition is to avoid significant stress on the press. A woman should never forget about beautiful posture, because a visually straight back tightens the stomach.

When performing Kegel exercises, not only is it restored physical form, but endorphins are also released - biologically active substances that improve a woman’s psychological state, reducing tension, feelings of depression, and low self-esteem.

Lyudmila Petrova, obstetrician-gynecologist of higher education qualification category, head of the maternity department of maternity hospital No. 16, St. Petersburg


Two months after the operation, you can try to play sports, but do this, of course, with caution and listen to your feelings. If pain appears in the seam area, training should be stopped immediately. A visit to the pool is very useful. An alternative could be exercises with a fitball (by the way, you can practice on the ball with your child), Pilates, dancing, yoga, and running. However, in any case, you need to start with a small load, gradually increasing it. It should be remembered that too intense training has a negative effect on lactation.

Working out together strengthens muscles and improves mood

A little later (about 4 months after the operation), you can add exercises with a hoop, which are very effective for forming a muscle corset in the waist area.

Proper nutrition and the appropriateness of a diet for quick weight loss

Of course, if for some reason the child is on artificial feeding, then about a month after the operation, the young mother can go on a gentle diet in order to quickly bring her weight back to normal (in the first week she follows the diet recommended by the doctor). However, when breastfeeding it is necessary to follow the principles healthy eating, which will provide the female body with proteins, vitamins and other valuable substances.

In general, breastfeeding in itself is an aid to weight loss. During this process, fats accumulated during pregnancy are burned. The female body spends a lot of energy on lactation; during contact of the baby's mouth with the nipple, intensive production of the hormone oxytocin occurs, which leads to increased contractions of the uterus. All this has a positive effect on muscle tone.

During breastfeeding the uterus begins to contract intensively, which helps tone the muscles

The diet of a nursing mother consists mainly of different types porridge, vegetable dishes, fruits, dairy products, soups with low-fat broth. Everything fried, smoked, spicy, as well as carbonated drinks and packaged juice is prohibited.

Correct and balanced diet mother will have a beneficial effect on her figure

In order to achieve the desired slim figure, a nursing woman should give up sweets, making an exception (if she really wants) only for jelly and marshmallows. High-calorie fruits (bananas, grapes, dried fruits) should be avoided. White bread It is better to replace it with a more dietary one - black. The consumption of sugar and salt is kept to a minimum.

In addition, split meals will help you lose weight without compromising lactation: the daily amount of food is divided into 5–6 servings, which are consumed throughout the day. You can seek advice from a nutritionist who will write out in detail the menu for each day, taking into account the weight of each serving in grams. Let's take the following option as an example.

Table: menu for a nursing mother that will help you lose extra pounds

It is important to follow the rule - not to eat three hours before bedtime, since at night the metabolism slows down and fat is deposited faster.

Effective exercise to restore your figure at home

Since not all young mothers have the time and opportunity to go to the gym, two months after a caesarean section you can start doing weight loss exercises at home. Moreover, in order to achieve a noticeable effect, you need to do the exercises regularly.

You should always start your workout with a warm-up to warm up your muscles. It includes tilting the head, torso, and rotating the arms and legs. Then exercises are performed on the muscles of the abs and buttocks, chest, arms and legs. For the first six months after the baby is born, it is better not to use dumbbells and other weights, as well as a jump rope, in classes.

An approximate set of exercises that can be performed at home. Each exercise requires several (5-8) repetitions.

  1. Exercise to strengthen arm muscles. Starting position (ip.) - lying on your back, arms extended along the body. Stretch your arms to the sides, and then, while inhaling, raise them up. In this case, the palms are connected above the head and, as you exhale, lower again along the body. The exercise is performed at a slow pace.
  2. Exercise for the leg muscles and strengthening the lower abdominal muscles. I.p. - Same. The legs are bent at the knees (right angle) and as you exhale, they are pulled towards the pelvis. As you exhale, your legs straighten. This exercise is already performed at an average pace. Subsequently, a complication occurs - the hips are pulled towards the stomach.
  3. Exercise to strengthen the buttocks. I.p. - Same. The legs are bent at the knees at a right angle, while raising the pelvis. You can complicate the task: spread your knees to the sides when raising your pelvis.
  4. Strengthening exercise inside thighs and abs. I.p. – lying on your back, palms behind your head. Legs need to be bent at the knees at a right angle, slowly raised, knees apart and feet together.
  5. Exercise to strengthen your hips and abs. I.p. - lying on your back, arms extended along the body. The legs are alternately pulled up to the pelvis, while the feet do not come off the floor. The exercise is performed at an average pace, which should become slower over time. You can complicate the task: pulling your legs towards your stomach, lift them up (as if walking on air).
  6. Exercise to strengthen the back of the thigh and calf muscles. I.p. – lying on your stomach, legs bent at the knees. You should intensively bend and straighten your toes while rotating your feet. The exercise is performed at an average pace, which should become slower over time.
  7. Exercise to strengthen the upper abs. I.p. - lying on your stomach, legs extended, arms joined at the hands, elbows spread to the sides, and chin resting on the hands. As you inhale, you need to slowly raise your head and upper body, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.

Abdominal strengthening exercises should be done carefully at first, listening to your feelings. It is best to begin intensive work on this area six months after a cesarean section.

At home, a young mother can also learn the bodyflex breathing technique (inhaling and exhaling through the stomach), which also helps strengthen the abs. An exercise bike (or cycling outside) is also good for weight loss. If you wish, you can buy it for yourself gymnastic ball for practicing with a fitball (by the way, this will also be useful for the child).

Video: simple exercises to help get rid of the belly after a caesarean section (including using a gymnastic ball)

Video: a set of exercises to restore the abs after cesarean section

A young mother can perform many exercises together with her baby:

  1. The woman holds the child in her arms and squats at a slow pace, while her legs can be joined together or widely spaced (in the first case, the anterior thigh muscles are strengthened, in the second - the internal ones).
  2. Lunges alternately with the right and left leg with the child in the arms (the exercise also strengthens the front of the thigh).
  3. The woman holds the baby, lifts him with outstretched arms, and then lowers him (the arm muscles are strengthened).
  4. The mother places the child on the mat and performs push-ups with a wide grip (arms spread wide), then moving closer and then moving away from him.

Such joint activities lift the spirits of both. Babies generally benefit from maximum tactile contact with their mother, and after such training they usually fall asleep well.

Video: fitness with a baby in your arms

Video: exercises with a baby on the abdominal muscles and buttocks

Cosmetic procedures for weight loss after cesarean section

Problem areas where stretch marks may occur include the hips and chest. Various cosmetic procedures, including the use of masks and body scrubs, will help improve skin tone. However, a woman should be careful when choosing a cream: fragrances often cause allergic reactions in a baby. Contrast showers and massage of problem areas are also very useful.

Note that massage movements improve local metabolism. And if oil is used, the skin is perfectly moisturized and nourished. A specialized massage that affects not only the skin, but also the abdominal muscles will help you get a beautiful abdominal line. This procedure can be performed by a massage therapist who specializes in recovery after surgery; if desired, you can master this technique yourself. Pinch massage is simple to perform: the skin is intensely pinched in a certain direction (clockwise). After the procedure, the problem area is rubbed with a towel and covered.

Massage - effective remedy to tone the skin and muscles

Wraps will help you regain your former slimness. Such manipulations improve blood circulation in the desired area, accelerate collagen production, and restore elastic fibers. Slags, toxins, unnecessary fluid are removed from the body, the skin is saturated with necessary nutrients. In addition, this is a great way to relieve stress and calm the nervous system.

Note that the result is felt after the first procedure, and 10-15 wraps will noticeably tighten the stomach.

Wrap - effective method losing weight after caesarean section

However, a young mother often does not have the time or financial resources to visit beauty salons. In this case, home remedies that are made from the most common products can come to the rescue. A home wrap is good to coincide with a trip to the bathhouse.

Before carrying out this procedure, you must make sure that the suture has completely healed after the operation. Otherwise, applying various components is fraught with infection and other complications.

Various wrap options for home use:

  • honey (about 100 grams of liquid honey is heated in a water bath and mixed with drops of any essential oil);
  • chocolate (200 grams of cocoa dissolves in 0.5 l hot water, then add a pinch of cinnamon. The cooled composition is applied to the skin in several layers);
  • made of clay (for weight loss best option- blue; 200 grams of powder is diluted with water at a temperature of 37º until the thickness of sour cream, you can also add essential oils);
  • from seaweed (dried raw materials (100 grams) are poured with 1 liter of warm or hot water; in the first case, it is infused for 2 hours, in the second - 15 minutes is enough).

For wrapping you will need the following components:

  • mixing container;
  • cling film to enhance the effect;
  • terry towel (especially if the manipulations are carried out not in a bathhouse, but in an ordinary room).

Sometimes women wear tights over film or cellophane for better fixation. The composition should be applied to steamed skin (you can treat it with a scrub). After this, the woman should wrap herself up and lie quietly for an hour; you can spend this time reading a book or listening to relaxing music. After completing the procedure, the composition must be thoroughly washed off the skin by taking a shower. Already apply lotion or oil to dry skin.

Every mother whose baby was born by caesarean section has a question: how to lose excess weight after such an operation. Any woman dreams of looking well-groomed, slim and impressive. But if traditional childbirth allows you to return to physical exercise within a week, then a cesarean section is a reason for sadness for many. After the surgeon’s intervention, the abdominal muscles are subject to stretching, the skin is subject to deformation, and the tummy becomes like a wrinkled apron, and even painful. How to lose weight after a cesarean section? The main thing is not to become hysterical. There is always an alternative.

What not to do after a caesarean section

  • Basic rule: absolutely you can't lift weights . The female body needs recovery after pregnancy and stress such as abdominal surgery. Therefore, lifting weights of more than two kilograms is prohibited. Of course, this task is almost impossible, given the weight of the baby, which must be lifted constantly - by rocking, swaddling, etc. Therefore, the baby should be carried as calmly as possible. And don’t load yourself with more significant weight.
  • You cannot engage in active sports . The desire to tighten muscles, return to previous shape and pump up the abs is quite understandable. But you will have to wait about a month.
  • Can't have sex . As you know, one of the consequences of childbirth is a wounded surface of the uterus. During its healing process, release occurs bloody mucus. This lasts about seven weeks, during which you cannot return to sex due to the risk of infection in the uterus. And even after this period, you should take care of protective equipment, because it will be possible to plan the next pregnancy only in two years.
  • You also can’t pump up your abs or run or expose the stomach to other stress. After giving birth, according to doctors, six months should pass. And then, it will be possible to return to active loads only after an ultrasound.
  • You should not use various diets to lose weight . The child’s body must receive all the substances it needs, so you cannot go on a diet while breastfeeding.
  • It is prohibited to use pills or dietary supplements and others . This may harm the baby.

No woman is immune from ending her pregnancy by caesarean section. This operation is now less painful and with less risk for the baby and mother than 15 years ago. But the surgical intervention itself is not so bad. After being discharged from the hospital, a woman faces difficulties in recovery, where weight normalization plays a special role.

Why does a woman quickly gain weight or lose weight after a caesarean section?

My pregnancy was easy: I had no toxicosis or health problems. The tests, according to the doctors, were ideal. Imagine my surprise when, upon admission to the maternity ward with contractions and rupture of the membranes, the doctor ordered the nurses to prepare me for a caesarean section. The doctor reported that the fetus has a double umbilical cord, and when natural childbirth we may end up with a difficult child. At that moment I realized that no matter how well the pregnancy was going, its outcome was impossible to predict. And it is better to be prepared in advance for possible consequences.

Endocrine changes leading to weight gain or loss

After childbirth, the woman’s body returns to its previous mode of operation. Hormonal balance is no exception. Postpartum excess weight, as a rule, becomes a consequence of an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, in which the amount of the former sharply increases and the amount of the latter decreases. These hormones are produced by the ovaries and are responsible for correct work the female body and its reproductive health.

Anyone can become slim after a caesarean section

As a rule, prolonged hormonal imbalances occur due to the following circumstances:

  • long labor (more than 18 hours for primiparous women and over 14 hours for multiparous women);
  • illness of the woman in labor in the first months after delivery;
  • use of potent medications after childbirth (Cortisol, Adrenaline, glucocorticoids, androgens, Insulin, Glucagon);
  • uncontrolled eating;
  • use large quantity alcohol and cigarettes.

When I arrived home from the hospital, I lost 13 kilograms within the first week. It was a weight that did not touch the enlarged uterus, placenta, or waters. In total, I lost 25 kg. With those thirteen, those that hung like a silent reproach on my sides before pregnancy also went away. A month after giving birth, I was ready to go to the beach. Good dream, food and long walks with the child in a sling did the trick.

When losing body weight after surgery, it is not the imbalance of hormones that plays a big role, but the woman’s lifestyle. When a new mother becomes overly involved with her newborn, she bad dream, nervous condition and power interruptions, weight loss cannot be avoided. Another reason may be lack of lactation.

After the caesarean section, my body refused to switch to motherhood mode: the milk did not come. The child was screaming from hunger, I tried to induce lactation with medication. As a result, the baby had to be artificially fed. Because of my nervousness, I began to lose weight.

Symptoms of hormonal disorders after cesarean section

Hormonal imbalances in the body are indicated by:

  • sudden changes in mood, emotional instability;
  • nervousness, desire to cry constantly, irritability, outbursts of aggression;
  • guilt, bad thoughts, suspicion, suspiciousness;
  • depressed mood;
  • breastfeeding problems: lack of milk, reluctance to breastfeed;
  • intense hair loss;
  • too much difference in weight compared to what it was before birth (excess or lack);
  • painful menstruation;
  • rashes and excessive pigmentation on the skin of the face and body;
  • decreased libido: reluctance to intimacy, unpleasant or painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

If you find these signs in yourself, you should consult a gynecologist. A specialist will help normalize hormonal levels and refer you for the necessary tests.

Factors that inhibit or accelerate the process of weight loss in women after CS

In addition to hormones, metabolism (metabolism) is responsible for the process of weight normalization. Metabolism is a set of chemical reactions that occur in a living organism to maintain life. The better the body's metabolism, the faster the calories received during the day are burned, and vice versa.

Ways to speed up metabolism

There are several simple options for speeding up metabolism:

  • fractional meals. You need to eat 5 times a day with breaks between meals of 3–3.5 hours. Portions should be small;
  • eating large amounts of protein foods;
  • compulsory breakfast;
  • keeping calm. Try not to be nervous;
  • drinking up to 3 liters of clean still water every day;
  • sport. Don't forget to move. It's easier to do this with a baby in your arms than you think;
  • consumption of carbohydrates. Of course, you don’t need to eat bags of cookies, but at every meal, 1 piece will be beneficial.

Why the weight “stands” after a c-section

This rarely happens. Stuck weight occurs for a number of reasons.

The easy victory over the weight gained during pregnancy inspired me so much that I happily relaxed and completely stopped thinking about proper nutrition. By the first anniversary of meeting the baby, I had gained 12 kg. During this time, I managed to spoil myself and my stomach so much that my body repaid me not with a slow metabolism, but with “standing still.” This led me to the idea that excess weight is laziness, weak character and psychological dependence on food.

Table: reasons for weight stagnation after CS

Does the rate of weight loss depend on breastfeeding?

During the period of breastfeeding, you can lose weight with the same success as in the absence of natural lactation. The rate of weight loss does not depend on whether you feed your child your own milk or artificial milk.

If you simply start eating little, your health and well-being may simply worsen.

Options for losing weight and their features after CS

Let's look at what weight loss methods exist and find out how and when you can start them.

Physical exercise

Physical exercises after cesarean section are divided according to intensity and complexity. There are those that are allowed immediately after discharge from the hospital, and there are those that are recommended to abstain from until a year after giving birth.

After the stitches are removed, you can begin breathing exercises(bodyflex). It's better to start with simple exercises:

  • shallow and deep breathing alternately;
  • long breath - exhale;
  • short inhalation - long exhalation;
  • breathing alternately from the stomach and chest.

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Hold the seam with your hands to ensure there is no pressure on it.

By starting such practices, you will not only begin to restore your abdominal muscles, but also enrich your blood with oxygen.

For the same purpose, you can do a simple warm-up. It can be performed both at home on a gymnastic mat, and in the park when you are walking with a stroller.

  • rotate with outstretched arms, then with shoulders;
  • bend to the sides without unnecessary intensity;
  • rotate your head and tilt it.

The stomach is definitely tightening. The main thing is to exercise! And for me now it’s easier to actually do this than to lie down and pump up my abs like before...

I, too, after a cesarean section, my son is already 4 months old, I started training after 1.5 months. bodyflex, but after consulting a doctor. I immediately felt like a full-fledged person, of course, not the whole complex at once, but gradually. The results appeared immediately, perfection is still far away, I strive. Regarding the apron, there is a belly, but at least it no longer weighs, which makes me very happy.



For those who are used to leading an active lifestyle, 2 months after surgery you can start doing water aerobics and yoga. Such physical exercises will increase muscle tone and strengthen the nervous system.

A more serious load after cesarean can be started no earlier than six months later. Before this, you should definitely consult a gynecologist and check the stitch using ultrasound and visual examination. It would be better to work with a personal trainer for the first months, who will monitor your condition and the training process. If there is a center in the city where you can undergo postpartum recovery, then it is better to work out in this place rather than in a regular gym. If it is not there, then ask the fitness center trainer to create a program taking into account your situation and wishes.
Serious exercise can begin no earlier than six months after surgery.

Approximate exercise program for morning exercises during this period includes exercises for the legs, which must be performed in a lying position. This will improve blood flow to the pelvic area. You can gradually add side bends and leg swings to your morning routine. Exercises should be performed carefully: if there is discomfort, exclude the exercise from the program.

Video: a set of exercises for losing weight after childbirth

Proper nutrition

The effectiveness of proper nutrition not only after childbirth, but also on a regular basis is very significant. There are plenty of examples of successful weight loss when switching to PP. This is not only a proven successful option for weight loss, but also a healthy good nutrition for an infant. In addition, with the help of a balanced diet, you will get rid of constipation caused by intestinal displacement, and your baby will get rid of colic and bloating.
Proper nutrition is not only a successful option for weight loss, but also nutritious nutrition for an infant

If you adhere to this PP, the first results will appear after 3-4 weeks. Slowly, but you will be transformed in appearance without another blow to the body. You can start PN from the first days after birth.

I was going to give birth to 85. I stepped on the scale when my daughter was 2 months old. hit - 74 kg. I started eating right. 3 kg quickly went away.


If you switch to vegetables/fish/meat/eggs and plain (unsweetened) water, you will lose weight. My eldest and I lost 23 kilos in 2 months. This despite the fact that I could never lose weight like that.

Wow what am I


Since proper nutrition is not a diet, your daily diet can be varied. You need to know exactly which foods you can eat while breastfeeding and which you cannot.

You can make your daily diet varied

Table: sample menu during breastfeeding

Product name Allowed Prohibited / in small quantities
Vegetables The following vegetables are allowed:
  • carrot;
  • cauliflower;
  • potato;
  • zucchini;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini.

They must be eaten thermally processed, i.e. stewed, boiled or baked.
Freshly squeezed juices are allowed after 1 month, fresh juices - after 3 months.
Vegetable broths.

You should limit your consumption of the following vegetables:
  • garlic;
  • Luke;
  • white cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • radishes;
  • radish.

They should not be eaten fresh or fried. You should also avoid exotic vegetables.

Fruits You should choose:
  • bananas;
  • apples and pears, baked without skin;
  • peaches;
  • plums

Freshly squeezed juices are allowed after 1 month.

You should refuse:
  • exotic fruits;
  • any berries (especially raspberries, strawberries);
  • grapes;
  • citrus fruits;
  • mango;
  • papaya.
Meat Low-fat varieties:
  • turkey;
  • rabbit;
  • beef;
  • lean pork;
  • skinless chicken.


  • steamed;
  • boil;
  • stew;
  • bake.

Eat without combining it with anything. No side dish.

  • smoked;
  • roast;
  • dried;
  • fatty broths.
Fish Sea or river. Low-fat.
  • steamed;
  • boil;
  • stew;
  • bake.
You should refuse:
red fish;
dried, dried, smoked, salted fish.
Cereals Any, especially:
  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal.


  • on milk;
  • water.
Semolina and instant porridge.
Dairy products Everything is not too greasy:
  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • curdled milk;
  • cottage cheese.
Fatty or low-fat foods, sour cream in large quantities.
Pasta It is better to use corn, buckwheat or rice flour. With cheese and lots of butter.
Eggs One boiled quail or chicken egg per day.
Bread Yesterday's rye-wheat with bran in small quantities, dry cracker. Fresh, hot.

Video: how to eat properly for a nursing mother to lose weight after childbirth

Daily regime

Your daily routine is just as important for losing weight after childbirth as your diet. The child will become an excellent assistant in the correct construction of the daily routine. For example, instead of running to the refrigerator while your child is sleeping soundly, lie down on the bed and rest too. Eat with your favorite child, who eats on time. Try to go for walks with the stroller 2 times a day and breathe fresh air.
To get in shape faster, stick to a daily routine.

Everyone sticks to their daily routine successful people. It will be effective not only in the area of ​​weight loss, but also in other areas of life. You will see how you will soon become more disciplined and collected.

Cosmetic procedures

Not every woman can afford to travel from the maternity hospital to the salon. After all, for the next 1.5–2 years her eternal refuge will be the children's room, kitchen, bathroom and sandbox in the yard. But it’s quite possible to take a few hours when your baby is already grown up and visit the salon.

Table: procedures offered by cosmetologists to combat excess weight

Procedure Indications The essence of the procedure Forecasts Approximate cost of the procedure
Mesodissolution Severe cellulite, local fat deposits,
negative result after liposuction
A special drug consisting of a lipolytic and a diuretic is injected into problem areas on the body. This composition penetrates deep into the cells, destroying accumulated fat and stimulating the removal of fluid from the body. To significantly reduce the volume of fat deposits in the problem area, you need to visit a cosmetologist 6 to 10 times. Exist side effects in the form of swelling and bruising at the injection sites. 4000 rub.
Cryolipolysis Old fat deposits The problem area is massaged using a nozzle that works like a vacuum cleaner. She gently sucks the skin, then treats it with cold for 30 minutes. This triggers the onset of apoptosis (natural cell death). The products of such breakdown are eliminated from the body immediately, thereby not harming the liver. The procedure is expensive, but few sessions are needed for visible results. For example, immediately after the first visit to the crypolypolysis machine, the adipose tissue of the problem area will be reduced by 40%. The dead fat layer is eliminated by the body within 3 weeks, which means the results from the visit will be visible after this time. From 23,000 rub.
LPG massage First cellulite, fat deposits, swelling The procedure can be quite painful. The skin on the problem area is pulled in by the vacuum of the device. 2 rollers knead the tissues of the problem area. With the help of this massage, blood flow in the tissues is stimulated and activated. This helps improve blood circulation and blood flow in general. The procedure leads to improvement metabolic process in the cells of the body. After completing 5-6 procedures, you will achieve a sustainable result that will delight you throughout the year. The first result will be noticeable after the first visit to the cosmetologist. 2700 rub. + 1000 rub. for a specialized suit, which is issued one for the entire course
ELOS Local fat deposits, loss of skin elasticity, cellulite This procedure is based on 4 factors:
  • high frequency current;
  • infrared radiation;
  • roller massage;
  • vacuum.

During the procedure, your problem areas will receive a high-quality massage. The skin will become more elastic, blood and lymph circulation will increase. All this will increase the effect of the ELOS factor. Infrared radiation, when interacting with electromagnetic fields, “accelerates” metabolism, saturates tissues with oxygen, provokes the breakdown of fat in problem areas and, as a result, reduces body volume.

Noticeable reduction in body volume in 4–5 sessions. 8000 rub.
Infrared sauna Slagging in the body, excess weight An infrared sauna can warm up body tissue up to 5 centimeters in length. This increases the flow of blood into the blood, speeding up metabolism. As a result, fat deposits are reduced. Cellulite is reduced. Removes toxins, eliminates excess weight only in combination with other procedures (wraps, massage). 1500 RUR/30 min with wrap;
800 RUR/15 min without wrap.
Cavitation Cellulite and fat deposits With the help of cavitation, bubbles appear in the intercellular space. When they burst, a kind of wave is created that destroys fat cells. After the first visit, you will feel how your skin has become tightened and elastic. The downside is that this effect lasts up to 2 days. But it is enough to undergo 10 procedures, and the result will be fixed and last for several months. 7000 rub.
Endospheres–therapy Excess weight, feeling of heaviness in the legs, swelling This procedure combines 2 types of massage: drainage and vibration. Silicone spheres (60 pieces) are arranged in the form of a honeycomb. They work at high speed, improving microcirculation and removing toxins. The effectiveness is the same as after an anti-cellulite massage, but taking into account the fact that the device will work the zones more efficiently and evenly than a person. For lasting results, you need to complete a course of up to 6 procedures. To reduce the severity of cellulite, you need to visit a cosmetologist up to 12 times. 6900 rub./procedure;
RUB 32,400/course of 6 procedures.
TriLipo Body Loss of skin tone, muscle sagging TriLipo Body is an effect on the fat layer, skin and muscles. By heating the dermis and fat, as well as causing muscle contractions, the device stimulates lipolysis. The adipose tissue seems to be squeezed out. The first results are visible immediately after the first procedure. But for a lasting effect, visit a specialist’s office at least 6 times. 4500 rub.