To cook steaks, you don't have to buy beef tenderloin. They come out just as good from pork. The main thing is to choose the right meat, and then fry it correctly.

Pork steaks in a frying pan: subtleties of cooking

  • A quality steak comes from pork neck. Pork should not be fatty. But the small layers of fat that marbled meat has make the steak very tender and juicy.
  • Steak is not prepared from meat from a freshly cut carcass. It should ripen in the freezer for twenty days.
  • Steaks are prepared from meat at room temperature, otherwise during heat treatment they will not have time to warm up and will remain half-baked. To do this, they resort to long-term defrosting: frozen meat is placed in the plus compartment of the refrigerator and left for several hours. Defrosting time depends on the size of the piece.
  • Steak fillets are cut across the grain. This helps them cook evenly.
  • Before heat treatment, pieces of meat must be blotted with paper towels.
  • The steaks are fried over high heat so that they quickly become covered with a thick crust, which will “seal” the juice inside them.
  • Place the meat only on a hot frying pan greased with oil. But most often the oil is applied with a brush to the steaks themselves. In this case, do not grease the pan.
  • Fry steaks without a lid. But when finished, they are covered with a lid or foil so that they reach the required condition.
  • Pork steaks are not cooked lightly, as this is dangerous to health due to infection with helminths (in particular, pork tapeworm). Therefore, the meat is well fried. The degree of readiness is determined by the meat juice: it should be clear.

Pork steak in a frying pan: classic recipe


  • pork pulp – 500 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash the meat and dry well with paper towels. Cut across the grain into 3 cm wide pieces.
  • Grease them with oil and sprinkle with spices. Leave to marinate for a few minutes. Add salt just before adding to the pan.
  • Place the frying pan on the fire and heat it well. Place the steaks on it. Fry over high heat until a crispy crust appears. This will take you approximately 3 minutes. You cannot check their readiness at this time by piercing them with a fork or knife so that the juice does not leak out.
  • Once one side of the meat is browned, carefully flip the steak over to the other side. Fry for another 3 minutes.
  • To ensure the steak is completely cooked, reduce the heat to medium and cook the meat for another 3-5 minutes, turning it over again to the other side.
  • Turn off the stove. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. Then transfer the steaks to plates.

Pork steak with soy sauce in a frying pan


  • pork – 1 kg;
  • black and red pepper - to taste;
  • soy sauce– 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dry mustard – 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method

  • Wash the meat and dry with napkins. Cut across the grain into 3cm wide slices.
  • In a bowl, mix soy sauce, pepper and mustard. Coat the steaks with the mixture. Leave to marinate for two hours.
  • Squeeze the pieces of meat from excess liquid. Grease them with oil. Place on a dry hot frying pan.
  • Fry over maximum heat until golden brown (about 3-4 minutes). Carefully turn over to the other side and fry for the same amount of time.
  • Reduce heat by half and cook steaks until done. This will take you another 4-5 minutes.
  • Transfer them to a warmed plate, cover with foil and leave in this position for 5-10 minutes.

Pork steak with rosemary, thyme and basil in a frying pan


  • pork – 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • dry spices (rosemary, thyme, basil) - to taste;
  • black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash the pork and dry it. Cut across the grain into pieces 3-4 cm thick.
  • Grease the meat slices with oil. Sprinkle with pepper mixed with spices. Place on a cutting board and leave for half an hour.
  • Heat a dry frying pan. Place steaks on it. At maximum heat, fry the meat for 3-4 minutes, first on one side, then on the other. It should be covered with a thick golden brown crust.
  • Reduce heat to medium. Bring the meat to readiness, heating for a few more minutes.
  • Turn off the fire. Cover the pan with a lid and let the steaks sit for 5 minutes.
  • Serve.

Note to the hostess

  • After preliminary heavy frying, the steaks can be cooked in the oven at 180°.
  • Serve steak with any sauce or side dish.
  • Meat can be fried immediately with vegetables: carrots, peppers or onions. To do this, clean them, cut them into circles or slices, place them in a single layer along with the meat in a frying pan, having previously greased it with oil. They cook quickly, so remove them from the pan before the meat.

Sometimes cooking a juicy steak can be an overwhelming task even for a person who is familiar with culinary intricacies. Thus, in the process of improper cooking, small pieces of meat can become overcooked, become dry and “woody,” while large pieces can become fried on the outside but remain raw on the inside. So, what is the secret of success and how to cook steak in a frying pan correctly?

First you need to choose a suitable frying pan. Professional chefs insist that it is best to use a heavy frying pan, for example, a grill, for these purposes. Of course, on electric grill You can also cook steak. However, using a frying pan, you will have the opportunity to clearly control the entire process.

Step 1 - Select the meat

In order to cook a juicy steak in a frying pan, you need to choose the meat wisely. For steaks, it is not necessary to choose imported beef; you can easily get by with this product from a Russian manufacturer. For beginners, it is better to choose steaks, according to imported terminology, ribeye or striploin. These cuts are more suitable for frying meat; the steaks will turn out soft and juicy even if you mess up the cooking a little.

When choosing meat, pay attention to its marbling. Make sure the fat is distributed throughout the entire piece of meat. It is better to buy steaks with a classic thickness of 2.5 centimeters. If you take a thick piece of meat as a whole, then immediately think about whether you can cut it into the necessary pieces.

Now let's start preparing the meat:

  • Frozen steaks should be defrosted gradually, it is better to leave the meat in the refrigerator overnight, then wipe dry paper towel.
  • Take the steak out of the refrigerator in advance and wait until the meat warms up to room temperature. This will take about 20-30 minutes.
  • Lubricate the steaks with olive or any other vegetable oil on all sides and sprinkle with salt.

Step 2 - Prepare the pan

How to fry a steak in a frying pan and achieve amazing results? First, heat the container in which we will cook over high heat. However, we make sure that it does not start to smoke. In this case, the meat will burn and become tough. If, after you have laid out the steaks, a characteristic hissing sound is heard, then the frying surface has warmed up properly.

There is another method that allows you to clarify how hot the pan is. Place a few drops of water on its surface. If the droplet gathers into a ball and begins to “run,” then it’s time to start frying the meat.

Step 3 - Grill the steaks

How to fry steak in a frying pan? It all depends on what degree of roasting you like. So, if you want a juicy, medium-rare steak, follow this procedure:

  • Place the pieces of meat in the pan and fry them for one minute. Next, turn it over and wait another minute.
  • Turn the steaks over again and fry over medium heat for another 2 minutes on each side.
  • How to know the degree of doneness of meat? You should put pressure on him. And it’s better to do this with your finger to enhance tactile sensations. Meat with blood will be elastic, fried - hard. A juicy medium-rare steak, as practice shows, tastes like a cross between these two states.

How long to fry

You can choose the degree of roasting of meat, choosing the optimal time for cooking them. So how long should you grill a steak? If you want to receive:

  • Meat with blood, then no more than 1-2 minutes on each side. Plus 8 minutes for “rest”.
  • Medium rare steak, about 2-2.5 minutes. Rest time is 5 minutes.
  • The meat is medium rare, which means it should be fried for 3 minutes. Plus the “rest” time is 4 minutes.
  • Fried and juicy steak, then 4.5 minutes. It will be enough for the meat to rest for just one minute.

It is worth noting that if your steaks are more than 2.5 centimeters thick, then their cooking time should automatically be increased by a couple of minutes. You can accurately record the degree of doneness using a special meat thermometer.

Step 4 - Let the meat rest

It is very important to let the meat rest. Let the steak sit for a while after removing it from the heat. During this time, the temperature of the meat will become the same, the juices will be distributed throughout the entire piece, and the steak will become juicy.

Then remove the meat from the pan and transfer it to the pan. Sprinkle the meat with pepper and your favorite seasonings, put butter on top and cover with foil.

Leave the meat in a warm place for 5 minutes. Thanks to this, it will acquire tenderness and a real aroma.

Step 5 Serve

How to present effectively steak at home?

There are several rules. Namely:

  • We select and serve knives without serrations. Then the pieces of meat will be cut evenly.
  • Place the stacks on heated plates. This will keep the meat warm and tender longer.
  • Many people believe that a properly cooked steak does not require sauce. If you are of the same opinion, then simply pour the juice that remains at the bottom of the pan over the pieces of meat.
  • You can serve absolutely anything as a side dish - from fresh vegetables and green salad to potatoes or rice, prepared in your favorite way.

Attempts by English aristocrats to introduce beef steak into the highest gastronomic society failed. After a centuries-long journey, the dish settled in America, took root and became modernized. But the steak retained its aristocratic attitude: selected meat, cooking options and the skill of the cook are the requirements of an elite dish!

Beef steak - meat cut across the grain in pieces from 2.5 to 4 cm and fried in a frying pan or grill. Simply determining the cooking process actually requires skill and mathematical calculation. The main thing is to decide on the choice, because areas of the carcass that are not involved in motor skills are suitable for a juicy product.

  1. Before properly cooking a beef steak, select a dark red, tendonless cut with an even layer of fat over the surface. Check the softness of the product by pressing your finger: soft meat will quickly return to its shape, while hard meat will remain pressed in.
  2. Do not wash the purchased product, but blot it with a towel, peel it and cut it.
  3. Preparing a marinade from olive oil, lemon juice and spices is a matter of taste. Classic steak only requires salt and pepper.
  4. Thaw previously frozen product naturally.
  5. Fry the meat on a well-heated cast iron or grill for a minute on each side, then maintain the time and temperature based on the degree of frying.
  6. Before serving, the piece should rest for a couple of minutes so that the juice does not leak out.

Roasting a beef steak is the final stage of cooking meat. The degree of cooking varies according to personal taste, increasing or decreasing the frying time. The American classification system gives five degrees of cooking, based on the thickness of the meat being 2.5 cm.

Be sure to brown the edges of the beef steak when turning it over.

For a tasty and juicy dish, grain-fed bulls are used. A delicate fat layer forms inside their meat, similar to marble veins, which is why marbled beef steak is especially valuable. Steak meat is named by the part of the animal carcass using a generally accepted classification of cuts.

Striploin steak

Striploin, or thin sirloin edge, in its name reflects the essence: strip-loin is a sirloin strip, with weak marbling, but with a pronounced beef taste. Large fibers add tenderness and softness to the meat, and a thick strip of fat around the perimeter adds juiciness.


  • thin edge - 850 g;
  • rosemary and thyme - a pinch;
  • ground black pepper - 3 g;
  • olive oil- 25 ml.


  1. Before cooking striploin steak, cut it across the grain into 1-inch thick pieces.
  2. Salt, rub with spices and olive oil.
  3. Heat a dry frying pan, add the beef steak and fry on both sides for no more than 4 minutes.

The meat is cut from the lower belly of the bull. A flat piece without fat or bones is quite tough and requires proper handling. “Flank steak - how to cook?” - the most common question among lovers of fajitas. Marinate the meat for one hour to 24 hours. sour sauce and you get a premium beef steak.


  • beef flank - 980 g;
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml;
  • red pepper - 5 g;
  • tomato juice - 480 ml.


  1. Peel the meat, prick it with a knife and place it in a marinade for 24 hours. tomato juice and oils.
  2. Fry the marinated meat for 10 minutes at maximum and the same amount at medium temperature.
  3. The finished dish rests for 8 minutes, after which it is cut into portions.

Ribeye steak - recipe

Premium cut - ribeye is the most marbled and meaty of all cuts. The abundance of fat layers that melt during cooking makes the dish juicy and soft. To the question of how to cook a ribeye steak, there is one answer - without marinades and special seasonings, the product fried in a hot frying pan is ready in a couple of minutes and requires serving.


  • steaks - 2 pcs. 350 g each;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml.


  1. Brush the pieces with oil.
  2. Heat the frying pan well and fry the beef steak for a couple of minutes on both sides.
  3. Increase or decrease cooking time depending on personal preference.
  4. Salt and season the finished meat with pepper.
  5. After resting for a couple of minutes, serve on a warm plate.

Filet mignon

Tenderloin is the most valuable cut, obtained from a muscle not involved in motor activity. Therefore, filet mignon steak is the most tender meat of all. existing species. With a thickness of 8 cm, the dish retains juiciness and softness due to marbling and pleasantly pleases the taste during dinner with good wine.


  • sirloin - 430 g;
  • oil - 30 ml;
  • champignons - 250 g;
  • red wine - 130 ml;
  • cream - 80 ml.


  1. Fry the seasoned meat in a frying pan for five minutes, then place in the oven for ten at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  2. Fry chopped champignons with cream and red wine.
  3. Serve the finished dish with mushroom sauce.

T-bone steak

T-shaped bone, divides a huge piece of meat into two different types: thin sirloin edge with a pronounced beef taste and the middle part of the most tender tenderloin. The heavy, hearty cut is most often prepared on the grill or in a Josper oven, but a frying pan and oven are also suitable options.


  • T-bone steak - 900 g;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • shallots - 60 g.


  1. Before cooking a beef steak in a pan, trim the fat around the perimeter.
  2. Fry the workpiece in a hot frying pan for no more than a couple of minutes, then another 10 minutes at low temperature.
  3. Beef steak is a recipe that requires finishing in the oven.
  4. Place the meat on the cut onions and bake at 200 degrees for a quarter of an hour.

Beef steak in the oven

Even a beginner can cook a steak in the oven without first frying it in a frying pan. This method of heat treatment will evenly distribute meat juices, and the grill function will provide a fragrant crispy crust.

What is steak?

Steak is whole piece meat of sufficient quality that it can be quickly fried on a grill or frying pan until cooked. Steak can be made from any meat: beef, pork, lamb, game and others, but most often steak is beef. Often this meat is from the premium part of the carcass - the back or loin, and these parts are called premium because the meat in them is softer and rich in fatty layers. With the advent of high-quality meat from beef bulls, it has become possible to prepare steaks from the so-called alternative parts: shoulder, shoulder, leg or flank.

Across the grain

You've probably often heard that steaks are cut across the grain. What does this even mean? The fact is that muscles consist of fibers parallel to each other. One muscle fiber is no thicker than a human hair, but the fibers are collected in bundles that are already clearly visible to the naked eye. Muscles are designed in such a way that it is very difficult to tear fibers lengthwise, but it is easy to separate individual bundles of fibers or fibers from each other. So it turns out that if you cut the meat in such a way that the length of the fibers in the piece is minimal, then it will be easier to chew.

For example, the longissimus dorsi and spinalis dorsi, which form the backbone of the ribeye, are cut across the spine because these muscles have fibers that run along the spine.


So, we cut out a piece of meat or bought it pre-cut. What's next? Now is the time to talk about endurance. No, it’s not about perseverance and self-control in the face of the temptation to eat meat, but about the fact that meat benefits significantly from keeping it at a certain humidity and temperature for quite a long time. Dry aging, that is, aging meat uncovered in the refrigerator, noticeably changes the taste of beef (to a lesser extent, pork or lamb), I’ve already talked about this. But it is difficult to do proper dry aging at home: a regular household refrigerator does not allow you to control the humidity.

However, you can age a steak at home: to do this, you need to sprinkle it on all sides with regular table salt and leave it on a wire rack in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. What this will do: the salt will draw some moisture out of the meat, and its surface will become dry, and therefore ready for frying; fermentation will slightly change the taste of the meat, not as dramatically as in 2 weeks, but still. Salt will suppress the activity of bacteria on the surface of the piece, and the meat will not spoil in 2-3 days, but it is not worth keeping the steak longer in this way.

© villagemoon / iStock


As I said before, steak is a quickly cooked piece of meat. Depending on the thickness, size and quality of the piece, steak can be cooked from 5 minutes to almost an hour. But one way or another, the main condition when cooking a steak is strong fire, be it hot coals on the grill or a well-heated frying pan. High heat is needed to create a crust - a crispy fried layer, the aroma and crunch of which we associate with taste. fried meat. It’s like with all other food: we enjoy contrasts in taste - in this case, the contrast between the half-cooked flesh of the steak inside and the crispy, aromatic outside.

In order for a crust to form, the so-called Maillard reaction must begin, a chemical reaction between proteins and sugars that causes the meat to brown and develop the characteristic aroma of fried meat. This reaction begins at a temperature of at least 120 degrees, and for this reason the steak must be dry when it ends up on the grill or pan, because evaporation of moisture takes up too much energy, the pan will cool down, and the outside of the wet steak will cook rather than fry .

If you took my advice and kept the steak in the refrigerator, you can immediately put it on a heated grill or frying pan, after greasing it a little with vegetable oil. If the steak has just come from a store or a vacuum bag, you need to first dry it with a napkin.

Fry the steak over high heat until a crust forms over the entire surface, but the meat does not begin to burn. If at this stage the steak is already cooked, great, you can remove it from the heat. If the steak is large and thick, you need to bring it to readiness by wrapping it in foil and moving it to the cooler side of the grill, or by placing the frying pan with the steak in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Temperature and doneness

You need to check the temperature inside the steak using a kitchen thermometer, preferably an electronic one (it is more accurate). Well known trick with fingers bent biased and general case doesn’t work: not only are different steaks not the same to the touch, but also everyone’s hands are different, and so is their tactile sensitivity. Chefs are lying when they say that they can accurately determine the readiness of a steak in this way, or only if they cook dozens of identical steaks every day.

Despite the fact that the meat looks like a rather rough substance, from a cooking point of view it is a delicate substance. In the range of 50 to 70 degrees, that is, only 20 degrees, it goes through many changes from almost raw to completely shriveled and dried out. The ideal internal temperature for most steaks is 54–56 degrees.

Approximate temperatures for different degrees of doneness of beef steaks

Bleu - 50 (raw)

Medium rare - 54

Medium well - 60

Well done - 64 (completely ready)

What does this mean, internal temperature? When a steak is grilled, the outer layer is exposed to extreme heat and the meat on the outside is likely to be overcooked. The laws of physics were created at least in order to comply with them - meat has a certain thermal conductivity, and heat penetrates into the thickness of the meat gradually, from the edge to the center. When we talk about internal temperature, we are talking about the coldest part inside the piece, that is, the furthest away from the surface. But there are also subtleties here: if there is a layer of fat on the side of the steak lying on the grill, then on this side the heat will penetrate inside more slowly: the thermal conductivity of fat is lower than that of meat.

You can ensure that the meat is perfectly cooked not only in the center of the steak, but throughout its entire thickness. Unfortunately, you cannot do this without special equipment - for this you need an immersion thermostat, colloquially known as sous vide, a device that allows you to cook at a constant low temperature.

© graffvision / iStock

How often to turn?

You can hear debate about how often you should turn a steak while frying: there is an opinion that the less frequently, the better. And here physics comes to our aid: the more often you turn the steak, the faster and more evenly it will cook. Faster because the side farthest from the grill will not have time to cool down much, and more evenly because the side lying on the grill will not overheat too much.

Rest before serving

When the temperature in the center of the steak remains a couple of degrees below the desired temperature, you need to remove it from the heat (take it out of the foil or out of the oven) and leave it alone on a plate for a few minutes. This is usually called rest, but in fact, at this time the steak will reach readiness by inertia, and the fibers, contracted from the extreme heat, will relax and will not actively squeeze out the juices as soon as the steak is cut.

To salt or not to salt - that is the question

Another reason for debate among steak lovers: when should a steak be salted - before or after cooking? You can do it just before frying, you can do it after, you can do it during the process. The main thing is not in advance, because the salted piece raw meat in just a minute or two it will become soggy and not ready to brown. If the steak was kept in the refrigerator, as described above, then during cooking it does not need to be salted at all.

If that's not enough

It is better to fry a steak over an open fire, over coals, the temperature is higher there, and among other things, the steak will be more aromatic - smoke, that's all. In a frying pan, you can use this trick: after the initial frying, throw a heavy piece into the frying pan from all sides butter, melt it until it sizzles, tilt the pan slightly and, scooping up the boiling oil with a spoon, pour it over the top of the steak. Not only will the steak brown faster, but it will also be enriched with the aroma of fried butter. This should be done when the steak is almost done so as not to burn the oil until it becomes black and bitter. Instead of butter, rendered beef fat is also suitable.


Cooking steak properly at home is not only not difficult, but even simple. But you still have to buy a thermometer.

In the summer of 2014, on the instructions of the chef and co-owner of the Delicatessen and Yunost restaurants, Ivan Shishkin, Petya Pavlovich went to study at American school butchers in New York. Since then, in the kitchen of the Yunost cafe, he cuts meat, prepares ribs and steaks, and uses the rest to prepare pastrami, roast beef, sausages, smoked ham and jerky. Since March 2016, Petya has been running a funny and smart blog

It's probably hard to find someone who doesn't like beef steak. Of course, this is a tasty and nutritious dish that is served on holidays or even just at a family dinner.

The whole secret of this dish lies in the preparation of the meat and the cooking. It is imperative to follow the recipe and do everything in accordance with the rules.

Types of steaks and degrees of doneness

There are many types of steaks. Here are some of them:

  1. Tibun steak. This is a piece of meat that is taken from a T-shaped bone;
  2. Club steak. This meat is cut from the area of ​​the back where the thick edge of the longissimus muscle is located;
  3. Rib steak or ribeye steak. Cut from the area of ​​the subscapulae. This meat has many fatty streaks, which melt when fried. Due to this, the steak turns out very juicy;
  4. Striploin - meat from the lower back area. It has large and delicate fibers. This steak is suitable for those who love the distinct taste of beef;
  5. Filet mignon. This is a transverse thin cut of the loin. This meat has a tender and juicy taste without blood. The thickness of this steak is no more than 8 cm. Therefore, when baking this meat, everything should be done carefully; it is very important that it is not cold inside and retains the juice;
  6. Roundramb steak – cut from the hip area;
  7. Porterhouse. This large piece meat from the lumbar region. Usually it is ordered for two, since one person definitely cannot handle it.

Fry steaks in the following ways:

  • Blue/raw. This is a raw piece of pulp, heated on the grill to 49 degrees;
  • RARE. This is a piece of meat that is fried on the outside and red on the inside. It is fried to 58 degrees;
  • Medium rare. This is lightly cooked meat. It is without blood, but has juice Pink colour. Fry up to 60 degrees;
  • Medium. This is a medium rare steak. It has pale pink juice. The steak is heated to 68 degrees;
  • Medium well.
  • Well done. This is a fully cooked steak that has a crust on top. It is fried to almost 80 degrees.

Choosing the right meat

Beef is great for steaks. Of course, other types of meat are also suitable for them.

For example, if pork is used, it is best to take it from the area of ​​the shoulder blades, thighs or neck. If using poultry, the flesh from the thighs and drumsticks is excellent.

If beef is used, it should be taken from the best areas of the carcass. It is advisable to take it from places that were not involved in physical activity.

It is worth paying attention to processing. IN different countries meat is processed differently.

In America, steaks are not processed Special attention. They don't cut out the bones, they leave veins. In Europe, on the contrary, they cut out the bones and remove all the fatty streaks.

So, when the meat has been selected and processed, you can start cooking steak at home.

How to cook beef steak in a frying pan at home


  1. Pour vegetable oil into a small container. Any oil will do - sunflower, olive, rapeseed. Next, put salt there, it is best to use sea ​​salt coarse;
  2. Place a piece of meat into this mixture. Roll it in this mixture so that the entire surface of the meat is covered in an oil film;
  3. Place the frying pan over medium heat and heat it for 5 minutes. It’s important that you don’t need to pour oil on it. Then put a piece of meat there. Each side is fried for 2 minutes;
  4. Fry the steak on the fat side. Fat will add juiciness and flavor to the meat;
  5. Next, fry for another 3 minutes;
  6. After this, put a piece of butter and a couple of sprigs of thyme and rosemary into the pan. Tilt the pan so that the oil is absorbed into the meat;
  7. Fry in oil for a couple more minutes;
  8. At the end, leave the meat in the pan for 5 minutes and then put it on a plate and cut into medium pieces.

How to cook a delicious and juicy beef steak in the oven

For the treat you should take the following products:

  • 700 grams of beef pulp;
  • Onions – 2 pieces;
  • 50 grams of honey;
  • Dry red wine – 100 ml;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger;
  • 50 ml soy sauce.


  1. Peel the onions and chop finely with a knife. Finely chop the garlic cloves. Place everything in a bowl;
  2. Add soy sauce, a little grated ginger, honey and 100 ml of dry red wine to the onion and garlic;
  3. Place the washed pieces of meat into the marinade and leave them for 2-3 hours;
  4. After they are marinated, preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the meat on a baking dish and bake for 115 minutes. Each side should be baked for 7-8 minutes;
  5. Pour the remaining marinade into a small saucepan and place on the stove. After boiling, boil for 10 minutes;
  6. The finished steaks are placed on a plate and poured with sauce. Can be served with a side dish of boiled rice.

, and is it possible to cook it at home? Serve the steak with potatoes in the oven, this simple dish is incredibly tasty. The best chefs share their secrets. Do you know how to quickly defrost meat without a microwave? Read the tips in ours.

How to cook marbled beef steak on the grill

You will need the following components:

  • One and a half kilograms of marbled beef;
  • 7 sprigs of rosemary;
  • 8 sprigs of thyme;
  • 1 onion;
  • A little table salt and ground black pepper.

Note: marbled beef is meat with fatty streaks, which melt during the frying process and give the pulp juiciness and aroma.


  1. For cooking, it is best to use a steak with a thickness of 1 cm. Rinse the steaks in cool water and dry with a paper napkin;
  2. Pour ground black pepper into a cup. Rub the steaks on all sides and place them in a cup, place sprigs of thyme and rosemary on them and leave to marinate for 40 minutes;
  3. In the meantime, prepare the barbecue and grill for frying the steaks. We install the grill on the grill. Cut the onion head into two halves and dip one half in vegetable oil. Grease the grill with oil. Next, marinated steaks are laid out on it and fried;
  4. Place sprigs of thyme and rosemary next to the meat on the grill. During the frying process, they will give the meat a pleasant aroma;
  5. While frying, steaks should be turned periodically to prevent them from burning;
  6. At the end they should be salted. If this is done during the marinating process, the meat will not turn out so juicy. Therefore, it is better to add salt at the end of cooking;
  7. Steaks are served with fresh vegetables and red wine.

How to cook a delicious and juicy steak in sauce

You will need the following products:

  • Beef meat – 1 kilogram;
  • A little table salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Vegetable oil.

For the sauce:

  • 70 ml currant juice;
  • 400 ml broth for meat;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • 80 ml red wine;
  • 100 butter;
  • Spices.


    1. The pulp should be rinsed with cool water and dried with a paper towel. Next, cut it into medium pieces;

    1. Pour salt and black pepper into a cup. Rub each piece of meat with this mixture;

    1. Place a frying pan on the fire and pour some vegetable oil. Place the steaks on the heated oil and fry on each side for 5 minutes. Then place the steaks on a baking sheet;

    1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and place a baking sheet with steaks there for 15 minutes;

    1. While they are baking, you need to prepare the sauce. Place a piece of butter in a small saucepan and place on the stove. Pour 100 grams of flour into the melted butter. Fry everything until golden brown;
    2. Next, slowly pour the meat broth into the pan and stir, it is important that there are no lumps. As soon as the sauce boils, it should be boiled for 10 minutes;

    1. After this, pour currant juice and red wine into it. Season with spices and mix. After a couple of minutes, remove from the stove;

    1. The baked steaks are removed from the oven and placed on a plate. Pour the prepared sauce over them and leave for 20 minutes until they are soaked and juicy. After this they can be cut into pieces.

  • When choosing meat, it is advisable to give preference to the pulp of young bulls that have been fed with grain. This meat is very tender and juicy;
  • For steaks, meat is taken from areas that were not involved in physical activity. Meat from the subscapular, back and lumbar parts of the carcass is excellent;
  • Before cooking, the meat should be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of -40 degrees for 24 hours. This is necessary so that the enzymes contained in the meat break down the proteins. Due to this, the meat will become more tender;
  • The meat must be dry. Therefore, it should be dried with a paper towel or napkin;
  • Before frying, the meat must have a temperature of at least 20 degrees. Therefore, it should be taken out of the refrigerator in advance and given time to stand at room temperature. If you put it in the pan cold, you won’t get a crust. Because cold meat will not be fried, but stewed.

Cooking steaks is a difficult process because you have to get everything right. The type of meat chosen is of great importance. For steaks, you should choose soft and tender flesh.

Don’t forget about these tips; they will help you cook the perfect and tasty steak at home.