> Vanga's Dream Book

Vangelia Pandeva-Gushterova (Vanga) went down in human history as one of the most famous fortunetellers, whose opinion was listened to by influential people. This personality hides a lot of mysteries and secrets that have not yet been solved. Journalists wrote many laudatory odes to her and popularized this woman. However, it is important to note that their articles actually confirmed real opportunities Wangi.

Vanga became blind in her childhood. Despite all her modesty, word of the woman’s incredible abilities spread far beyond the borders of her native village of Petrich in Bulgaria. Psychic abilities and the gift of clairvoyance allowed her to see much better than any sighted person. That is why there were always a lot of visitors near her house, dreaming of getting at least a grain of information about their future. Moreover, Vanga accepted both ordinary people, and representatives of the elite (politicians, singers, artists). Her predictions turned out to be correct in almost 100% of cases.

Vanga herself insisted that she gets all the information from own dreams. She firmly believed that every dream is endowed with symbols. Moreover, she looked at things globally and repeated that symbolism concerns not only a specific individual, but the state and even the world. That is why in the interpretations of Vanga’s Dream Book one can find information about both the fate of the individual and the planet. This moment makes the work similar to the dream book of Nostradamus.

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There will never be an unambiguous answer to any dream, because perhaps it is an emotion from the day experienced and its interpretation is purely individual. But seeing Vanga in a dream, any person will ask himself the question of why he is dreaming clairvoyant Vanga, what if something happens in my life soon and I need to be prepared for it? If we go back in time, then the meaning of the name Vangelia is good news, that is, if Grandma Vanga herself dreamed, then this is most likely good news.

Another thing is the words that Vanga said in your dream. Their meaning depends largely on what is happening in real life and only you can understand their essence. Sometimes Vanga dreams, with a separate prediction for you or general meaning- these dreams can mean a lot. Firstly, you need to be attentive to your dreams and feelings, and if some of your dreams tended to come true, then you should not neglect them. These words may carry some kind of hidden meaning, and you should listen to them.

However, there are common meanings of dreams with a seer for each zodiac sign:

  1. For Aries - to good changes in life.
  2. For Taurus - to health.
  3. For Gemini - to any losses.
  4. For Cancer - to meet your destiny.
  5. For Leo - to health problems.
  6. For Virgo - to a serious relationship.
  7. For Libra - to security.
  8. For Scorpio - to selfishness.
  9. For Sagittarius - to jealousy.
  10. For Capricorn - to enemies.
  11. For Aquarius - to possible bankruptcy.
  12. For Pisces - to indiscriminate feelings.

What does it mean if you dream about Vanga?

Some dream interpreters say that seeing a clairvoyant person in a dream indicates imminent disappointment in a loved one. Others believe that this is an obvious sign that you need to put an end to bad habits and give up harmful hobbies. The most important prediction is that when a dead person appears to you in a dream, under no circumstances should you follow him or respond to him. This is a very bad sign; it is considered to be, to some extent, a death omen. But don’t go crazy, these are just dreams and they may appear as a result of daytime circumstances and events.

Why does the clairvoyant Vanga dream - interpretations by day of the week

  1. On Monday - a person will be able to achieve popularity and fame.
  2. On Tuesday - to increase money.
  3. On Wednesday - to success that no one expected.
  4. On Thursday - to disappointment.
  5. On Friday, the dream foreshadows a meeting with a person who will be very important and necessary in life.
  6. On Saturday - the appearance of enemies.
  7. On Sunday - for a successful trip.

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Dream book online

Sleep, dream and ecstasy - these are the three doors leading to the world of the unconscious, from where comes the science of the soul and the art of prophecy. Collected on Oculus best dream books from the luminaries of psychoanalysis and esotericism: Miller's dream book, Freud's dream book, Vanga's dream book, Nostradamus' dream book. In the World of Dreams article section you will find many unique materials about dream interpretation, books and articles: David Loff “What Are Dreams Made Of”, Harary “Life Is Just a Dream”, Zweig “Freud and the Interpretation of Dreams”, Bosnak “Sleep and Death”.

Having done dream interpretation one of the techniques of self-analysis, using and comparing dream interpretations in various dream books, gradually you will develop your own system of dream interpretation and will be able to create your own dream book.

The Nostradamus phenomenon is close to Jung's idea of ​​synchronicity. Each dream is not accidental and is symbolically connected with an event that has already been formed and is about to happen. Meanings are transmitted in both directions over time, and just as an event influences a dream, a dream can influence events. The dream book of Nostradamus offers dream symbols, with the help of which the interpreter finds a unique key to the meaning of the dream.

The author of the famous work “The Interpretation of Dreams,” Sigmund Freud proved that sleep is a distorted, disguised realization of a repressed desire. A dream is a valve for our feelings. Dreams visit us not as an obstacle to life, an obstacle to sleep, but as a guardian of sleep; in his saving fantasy the soul is liberated. Dream analysis according to Freud's method requires a scientifically painstaking method of studying dream material.

One of the most popular dream books in the world was written by the famous psychologist Gustavus Miller, who systematized the experience and knowledge of ancient dream interpreters as fully as possible. He was able to describe a huge number of dream objects - objects and phenomena that he dreamed about. different people V different time and interpret dream symbols in detail.

All dreams contain elements of prophecy, they are simply communicated to us in different ways: sometimes explicitly, and sometimes hidden in dream symbols. Dreams can be interpreted in different ways, but if you rely on the experience of the soothsayer Vanga, on her heightened perception of the world and on her wisdom, then in your dreams you can see a picture of the future.

Loff's Dream Book

Time does not stand still, and with the evolution of humanity, dreams are filled with new images. And a person, as before, is occupied by the same questions: what do the pictures of his dreams mean, how to relate to what he saw in a dream, do prophetic dreams exist? Science has long understood what sleep means in the economic life of the universe; sleep restores the strength depleted during the day. But what enlivens the black curtain of sleep with the magical play of dreams?

The dream book is taken from the manuscript of Professor Einar Oul. Sveinsson, who, like all Icelanders, sees prophetic dreams. Translation of a dream book from Icelandic by Leonid Korablev, author of graphic and sculptural works dedicated to the work of J. Tolkien. The dream book was published on our website in agreement with Leonid Korablev.

Numerological dream book

Ability to correctly interpret numbers and numerical images, arising in dreams, will allow us to understand the encrypted messages of our subconscious. Use ancient teaching about numbers and their significance for interpreting dreams and obtaining information about exciting events of the past, present and future.

Pre-holiday and holiday church days have a beneficial effect on the quality of dreams. Prophetic dreams often come on the waxing moon, closer to the full moon. Interpretations can also be a kind of dream book lunar days which you will find in the section

An unambiguous answer to the question “why do you dream about Vanga? " No. It is worth taking into account all the details of a particular dream and judging the picture as a whole. The very appearance of such a person in a dream can have several interpretations. It all depends on the attitude of the person who dreamed about Vanga. Well, let's look at all the possible options.

What if you dream about Vanga?

The meaning of such a dream can be understood if we look at the history of this person.

Vangelia Dimitrova was born in January 1911, into a family of peasants from Strumitsa, in Bulgaria. The name itself has already determined the future of this girl; translated from Greek, “Vangelia” means “good news.” At the age of 4, Vanga lost her mother, after which her father remarried. The life of a little twelve-year-old girl changed radically when she was caught in a strong hurricane. Vanga's eyes were clogged with sand, and her parents did not have money for treatment, which became the cause of blindness. After this event, the girl goes to a boarding house for the blind for three years. But upon her return in 1925, she created a real sensation. Only after Vanga returned did she begin to predict the fates of the men who had gone to the front.

Already in 1942, a couple of significant events took place in Vanga’s life. First, the Tsar of Bulgaria visits her, and a month later she marries the peasant Dimitar. Vanga predicted that he would die of alcoholism in 1962, and tried in every possible way to prevent this incident, but nothing worked out for her, the prediction came true.

Five years after the death of her husband, Vanga goes to serve the government of Bulgaria. Where she solved many financial problems at the state level.

Vanga's predictions concern almost all events, both political and economic. Some of them have already come true, some are yet to come. Most of her predictions were frightening in their gloom and cataclysms. But there will also be happy moments, if you believe her predictions. A cure for cancer was predicted.

So, knowing what kind of person Vanga was, we can draw certain conclusions. Now we need to correctly interpret the meaning of the dream in which Vanga appears. Is it worth it?

For example, Plato believed that dreams are nothing more than a source of inspiration and should not be taken seriously. In the Middle Ages, religion prohibited the interpretation of dreams because it was believed that it was closely related to the occult. However, already in the 19th century, along with the development of rationalism, interest in this area increased. And scientists have discovered a lot of interesting things on this topic among ancient tribes.

The well-known Freud was engaged in the interpretation of dreams, but his dream book is tied to excessive eroticism, so we do not take him for examination. On this moment Miller’s dream book is very popular, which is worth relying on. It is also worth looking for the meanings of some dreams in Vanga’s works, however, she did not provide as many interpretations as Miller. Nowadays, this topic is becoming more and more popular, people want to know what their dreams mean. Therefore, on the Internet you can find a large number of dream books. And many versions from different authors were published in printed form. A large assortment allows you to choose the right dream book that really works.

What does it portend?

It all depends on who a person imagines Vangu to be. Vanga herself wrote that communicating with a clairvoyant in a dream is a clear sign that in reality you will be disappointed in a person you know well, with whom communication will soon cease, which will be true.

According to other versions, if Vanga is considered clairvoyant, then her appearance in a dream is a warning that it is worth putting an end to harmful hobbies that do not bring happiness, but destroy life. For example, this could be a passion for gambling, or debauchery, etc.

If a person who sees Vanga in a dream is sure that she is a witch, then this foreshadows an unpleasant meeting. Perhaps during this meeting the interlocutor will offer various adventures.

For those who perceive Vanga as famous person, this dream will only mean approaching popularity and respect. It can also be interpreted as a sign that a person’s opinion will soon be taken into account.

It is also believed that the appearance of a dead person in a dream means that there will be big trouble ahead. It could be an argument or an injury. Many dream books say that such a phenomenon foreshadows rain, and nothing more serious.

According to many beliefs, if a dead person comes to a person in a dream, then under no circumstances should you respond to his call. Also, you should not give him your hand. This is explained by the fact that the deceased can take the person with him or tell him the date and place of death that awaits him.

Vanga's appearance in a dream can be interpreted in many ways. It all depends on how you perceive her, in what circumstances she appeared and what she said. However, it should be remembered that sometimes dreams are just dreams, and they carry absolutely no meaning. semantic load, which means there is no point in being afraid of them.

Your dream may mean that you will be faced with a situation in which for some reason you will have to remember your childhood dream, and the dream also speaks of some doubts and emotional experiences related to vital issues that are still for you are not clear, but “something tells you” that everything will be fine.

Dream Interpretation - Vanga predicts the future

A wonderful dream, prompting the Dreamer to notice her unconscious Emotionality (Girl) going ahead, leaving behind her conscious Activity - the philosophizing Vanga is sitting in the Bank (or Store), the Dreamer stands in line behind the Girl with a question about her Future. Vanga’s philosophical answer about the Neck literally means “as I myself Want, so I Will”, that is, you need to act in life according to your Desires, connecting your Consciousness to them. The unknown and abandoned Atmosphere of the place is the current unconscious state of the Dreamer (with the question of what awaits me there), and at the end something Light symbolizes the awareness of one’s Desires and one’s specific steps towards the fulfillment of these desires in outside world. This is what the dream is about, telling you to go where your inner “I” tells you to go in the person of Vanga in a dream, where the Bank-Shop is the broadest possibilities social sphere, where Man is the architect of his own happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Vanga kisses mom on the forehead

All Forecasters and their predictions dream of difficult and turning points in life. The seer Vanga kisses the Dreamer on the forehead and says that everything will be fine if you wait until the 9th - symbolizes in reality a tribute to the emotionality of Wisdom (consciousness, confidence and poise), which in life means not to sit and wait for everything to happen on its own yourself, but sit down and think about how to stay afloat now and how to act further to get out of the crisis. For our Life is only in our conscious hands, and this is what the dream is about.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - The four of us

Such dreams bring isolation. The whole question is whether the person himself will choose it or whether circumstances will force him to do so. For people related to the occult, this is a good period, because it promotes internal concentration, mastering meditative practices, and comprehending everything that was a mystery. A person himself can move away from the bustle of the world in order to be and work alone, but for others he becomes a mystery.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun