Among the dynamically developing types of fitness today good reviews uses Nordic walking for weight loss, the technique of which consists of simple walking with poles. It has many advantages - it removes nervous tension, uses about 90% of the muscles, but is gentle on the joints. For this method to really help you lose weight, you need a special approach to exercise. For this reason, it is worth learning more about the benefits and rules of Nordic walking.

What is Nordic walking

Nordic walking found its application back in the 40s of the twentieth century. Finnish skiers trained in this way out of season. Although this is how shepherds began to go up the mountain to fetch their sheep. In another way it is also called Norwegian, Norman or Nordic. It is a walk with sticks. There are special poles for Nordic walking. They are sold in sporting goods stores, but on the street you can often meet people with regular ski boots. The original ones are called Nordics. They have a rounded graphite tip that won't get stuck in the ground.

Why is it useful?

Nordic walking has a beneficial effect on the body. It strengthens the cardiovascular system, relaxes the nervous system, and improves muscle and skin tone. In addition, unlike running and strength exercises, it does not put as much strain on the joints. The main benefit for losing weight is the expenditure of energy in large volumes, due to which fat reserves are burned. Along with weight loss, the skin is tightened and body contours are improved.


Nordic walking with poles for weight loss has a number of undeniable advantages over other sports. During training, about 90% of all muscles work - legs, buttocks, back. Not only the lower one is involved, but also top part body - arms and back, because poles provide 60-70% of the total load. This is an aerobic sport, so in addition to strengthening muscles, endurance increases, especially of the cardiovascular system. Other benefits include:

  1. No contraindications. Even older women and men can walk in the Scandinavian style, as well as those with obesity, problems with the health of the joints, spine or heart.
  2. Classes take place outdoors. Thanks to this, endurance is trained and mood improves, even in winter.
  3. Strengthens bones and increases bone density. This reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.
  4. Normalization of metabolism and reduction of cholesterol levels.
  5. Improved bowel function and digestive system generally.

Nordic walking and weight loss

It is normal for any person to take about 10 thousand steps per day, which is equal to 5-6 km. This is very useful for maintaining muscle tone and the body as a whole. Scandinavian, also known as Swedish and Canadian, walking increases the number of calories burned. Weight loss is achieved through measured movements and healthy breathing in the fresh air. Along with the expenditure of energy, muscle strengthening occurs. How many calories are burned during Nordic walking and what muscles work? More on this below.

Is it possible to lose weight by walking?

The answer to the question of whether Nordic walking is effective for weight loss is positive. This type of fitness forces all large muscles to work, but does not load the joints, and the amount of energy burned is equal to the cost of running. The body does not experience this severe stress like on a path. Training is more effective in the morning, when you have not yet had time to consume calories, then the body uses its own reserves.

Calorie consumption

Any sport is characterized by calorie consumption, which can be used to judge the effectiveness of the load. Walking helps burn about 350 kcal in 1 hour. For running, this figure is 550 kcal. Calorie consumption depends on adherence to technique. If you do everything right, you spend maximum amount energy. Calorie consumption also depends on:

  1. Athlete's mass. The more excess weight, the higher the calorie consumption.
  2. Training intensity. By walking one distance slowly and more quickly, you spend different number calories. There are more of them in the second case.
  3. Duration. The longer the training time, the more kilometers you will cover, which means your calorie consumption will also be higher.
  4. Road surface, terrain in general. If you overcome descents or ascents, you will have to maintain balance, which requires a lot of energy.

What muscles work

Nordic walking for weight loss makes the muscles of the upper and lower body work. This is the advantage of this sport. The list of muscles involved includes:

  • pectoralis major;
  • deltoid;
  • triceps;
  • latissimus dorsi muscle;
  • press;
  • buttocks;
  • tibial;
  • infraspinatus;
  • flexor muscle of the forearm;
  • calf;
  • quadriceps;
  • subscapular;
  • biceps.

How to do Nordic walking correctly

Losing weight is achieved not only through sports. Without a diet, especially if the diet was unbalanced, success will not be achieved. In addition, the walking technique itself and even breathing must be correct; the amplitude of arm movement is also important. Although the movements should be close to natural. If you take all these points into account, you can achieve the maximum effect from Nordic walking.


If you are a beginner when it comes to Nordic walking for weight loss, then you should first familiarize yourself with its technique and some important rules. The latter relate to the training itself - duration, regularity and some other points. The most important of them:

  1. Pace. It is important to gradually increase the pace throughout your workout to burn even more calories.
  2. Duration. First 40 minutes sports load only elimination occurs excess liquid. Over the next half hour, the body begins to burn fat. For this reason, the duration of training should be at least 1.5 hours, but you need to start gradually with several times 15 minutes.
  3. Frequency. To lose weight, it is recommended to exercise 3-4 times a week. This is the optimal physical activity for weight loss.
  4. Liquid. During exercise, it is necessary to restore its reserves to avoid dehydration. When there is a lack of fluid, fat cells begin to accumulate it.
  5. Equipment and clothing. It is important to choose the right poles. Their optimal length is 70% of human height. Clothes should be comfortable and loose. Sneakers with spring soles are suitable for footwear.


Nordic walking has several main differences from regular walking. But even beginner athletes can easily master the gait on their own. The first step is to learn how to take a step correctly - place one of your feet in front of you on the heel, and then roll onto your toes and push off from the supporting surface. At the same time, the arm opposite the leg is brought forward along with the stick. It needs to push off from the ground. The other hand is below at the level of the pelvis and stretches back. At the same time, the hand is unclenched to avoid spastic fatigue.

Then you can transfer the weight to the other leg, putting it forward and also rolling from heel to toe. There are a few more important nuances regarding walking technique:

  • do not place your feet on the entire surface of the foot - take a step by rolling from heel to toe;
  • when alternating hands, it is necessary to turn the entire body towards the stick supporting it at this moment;
  • you need to keep your back straight;
  • elbows are bent to 90 degrees;
  • the hands all rise only to the level of the chest;
  • amplitude of the arms - each of them should extend behind the back and forward by about 45 degrees.


It is necessary to monitor not only your walking technique, but also your breathing during it. It should be calm and measured - approximately 1 inhalation per 2 steps and 1 exhalation per 3-4 steps, i.e. it turns out longer. If you breathe more often, then you should slow down your walking speed. Inhalation is done only through the nose, connecting the diaphragm, i.e. sticking out your stomach, and exhale, on the contrary, through your mouth. This breathing rhythm is considered more optimal.


The “golden” rule when losing weight by any means is to spend more calories than you consume. In general, it is necessary to abandon junk food– sweets, flour, fatty, fried and salty. Instead, you should consume more fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, fish, milk and fermented milk products. 4-5 meals a day, consisting of small portions, are considered optimal. Water is an important component. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day.

Video: Nordic walking lessons

Nordic walking (Nordic walking, Finnish walking, Nordic Walking) is a fairly popular type physical activity, which is based on a certain technique of movement with the help of special sticks, which in their own way appearance reminiscent of skis. This technique became known throughout the world in the late 90s of the last century. The principle of movement is based on the exercises of skiers in the summer.

The history of Nordic walking

Walking using sticks has been around for a very long time. Similar supports were used by pilgrims when overcoming rough terrain. In physical therapy, sticks are used for the purpose of rehabilitation after illnesses and improving general health.

A type of movement close to modern Nordic Walking first appeared in Finland in 1940 and was used by skiers to keep fit between seasons.

The primacy of the method of walking with poles as an amateur independent sport is disputed by Mark Kantan (the method is described in 1997 in the article Sauvakävely) and Mauri Repo (a similar description of the method is presented in 1979 in the article Hiihdon lajiosa). However, the name was patented by Mark Kantan - it was he who became the author of the first manual on Nordic walking.

By the end of the 90s, this walking technique became an independent sport and was popularized throughout the world.

In Russia similar look sports came relatively recently and has already become an effective alternative to running exercises. This is due to the fact that in the process of movement, almost the entire muscular system is used (about 90%, while during normal walking only 70% of the muscles are used), this leads to strengthening of the body as a whole and the joints and spine in particular. The muscles of the back and shoulder girdle work more actively, which is not observed during normal walks. Reliance on equipment makes it possible to reduce the load on the knee and hip joints, as well as on the foot.

The benefits of Nordic walking have been repeatedly proven and undeniable, however, the technique also has its limitations, which are associated with the intensity and dosage of loads in the presence of various diseases, and therefore requires consultation with a doctor before starting such training.


This sport has many indications. For example, in Germany, Nordic walking is a mandatory element of programs for the rehabilitation of patients after operations on the musculoskeletal system. Patients in German clinics who have undergone hip replacement return to a normal lifestyle a month after the operation thanks to walking with poles.

The greatest effectiveness is observed in the following cases:

    rehabilitation period after surgery;

    vegetative-vascular dystonia;

    sleep disturbance;

    Parkinson's disease;

    neuroses, depression;

    heart and vascular diseases and prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension;

    disorders of the musculoskeletal system: scoliosis in children and adults, osteochondrosis, is also one of the methods for preventing osteoporosis;

    mild respiratory pathologies;

    excess body weight.

In terms of load, walking can be compared to cardio training. First of all, it strengthens the heart muscle, which means approval from a doctor is required in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system and lungs. The technique has no age restrictions, so it is especially popular among people of retirement age.

Features of choosing equipment and equipment for classes

In order to get the maximum effect from classes, you must have:

  • special shoes for running or walking;

    comfortable sportswear according to the weather.

For classes in winter time Clothes used for skiing will do, for example, thin thermal underwear that can keep you warm in cold weather, and ski overalls. In summer, you can wear a tracksuit or comfortable shorts and T-shirts. Regarding shoes, it is important that they firmly and reliably fix the foot area and have a dense, but flexible sole. You should also wear two pairs of cotton socks at once to prevent the formation of calluses.

Selection of poles

The first poles specifically for Nordic walking were released in 1997 by Exel Oyj. The length of the poles must be selected individually; to do this, you need to multiply the athlete’s height by a coefficient equal to 0.7. Absolutely all monolithic Nordic walking poles have a standard size with a difference of 5 cm. If the resulting number is intermediate, the results should be rounded based on the person’s physical abilities.

    A shorter length is more preferable for beginner athletes and people with contraindications to increased stress on the spine.

    Longer poles put more stress on the arms and back, so they are better suited for trained athletes.

Telescopic poles are also available for sale, which allow them to be used by all family members, they are especially good for children, since they can be adjusted as the child grows. The best material is carbon. Aluminum poles are cheaper.

Equipment for Nordic walking is quite expensive, so you need to buy it in accordance with your physical capabilities and height.

The benefits of Nordic walking

Doctors have long proven the fact that walking is much healthier and safer for health, in comparison with strong physical activity and running. Moving at a calm, measured pace has a positive effect on your health and emotional state.

What walking gives you:

    positive and good mood;

    healing of the spine and joints;

    improved coordination and balance;

    burning fat deposits;

    improved muscle tone;

    strengthening the immune system;

    lowering cholesterol levels;

    activation of the process of removing toxic substances;

    improved digestion;

    acceleration of metabolic processes;

    strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels;

    enrichment of blood and accordingly internal organs oxygen.

The main thing is to do exercises regularly; you can skip workouts only for health reasons.


Like any other sport, before starting a workout you should do a warm-up - swinging your arms, legs, bending your body, bending over, rising on your tiptoes for a few seconds, carefully jumping from foot to foot. You can also use exercises with sticks: bending to the sides with your arms raised up, while your hands hold the sticks, bending forward with emphasis on the sticks.

So, how to walk correctly:

    The main element of the lesson is the step.

    The main rule is the order: left hand with a stick moves forward with the right leg and vice versa, right hand– left foot, the result is a counter move.

    The stick is located on the side of the leg at a slight angle.

    When touching the ground with a stick, you need to take a step: the foot is placed on the heel, and then rolled onto the toe. Do not immediately place your foot on the entire surface of the foot.

    During the step, you need to bend your legs slightly at the knee joints.

    During movement, the arms are bent at the elbows, and movements are carried out up and down, while pushing off the surface. The arm should rise at an angle of 45 degrees in the upper position, while the lower arm moves back to the level of the pelvis.

    You cannot lean on sticks with great effort. This will create additional stress on musculoskeletal system.

How to hold sticks?

Essentially, the poles are held on the hands using special strong and reliable loops. Such loops look like the bells of gloves and, with the help of wide stripes, cover the bases of the thumbs, thus preventing incorrect movements in the hand. The equipment must be held freely, parallel and without straining the arms. When overcoming a hard surface, for convenience, you can put special rubber tips on the poles; on soft terrain it is better to walk simply by pushing off with the spike.

Before starting the lesson, you need to put your hand through the loop and adjust its diameter to suit you using the clasp, secure the loop so as not to pinch the wrist area. This will allow you to securely fix the poles so that they do not fall out of your hands.

Contraindications and disadvantages of the technique:

    primary rehabilitation period after surgery, when bed rest is indicated;

    severe hyper- and hypotension;

    severe angina pectoris;

    osteoporosis, serious illnesses joints;

    exacerbations of chronic diseases or acute pathologies.

The disadvantages of this type of amateur sport is its dependence on the weather. Of course, you can practice walking throughout the year, but in heavy snow or rain, movement becomes significantly more difficult, which can have a detrimental effect on your health. Walking in the gym is difficult, but skipping classes is not advisable.

How to walk correctly for maximum effect

It is recommended to go with the whole family or find a companion for exercise - this motivates and increases both efficiency and overall mood. There are special schools and clubs for Nordic walking fans, which involve daily group walks.

    It is advisable to eat food an hour and a half before class.

    It is better to walk at a fast pace and then start running. The walk should be comfortable and not accompanied by rapid breathing, shortness of breath, or abdominal pain.

    You only need to increase the load gradually.

    While walking, you should not lower your head down; you need to relax your shoulders and lower them freely, with an even posture. You should think only about good things and smile more.

    You should only take walks in environmentally friendly places, with plenty of vegetation and lack of transport. The best option is a hilly path of a square or park.

    The duration of the lesson should be more than 40 minutes. The maximum training time depends on individual physical abilities, but should not exceed an hour and a half.

    While walking, you should drink water in small sips and only clean water.

    After your walk, you should do a few leisurely stretches or just take deep breaths.

Nordic Walking and weight loss

Proper Nordic walking, which is performed regularly, helps to get rid of extra pounds. Walking at a fast to moderate pace burns approximately 10 calories per minute. All muscle groups are also pumped. While walking you need to work on problem areas. Thus, if the goal is to correct the abdominal area, you should walk with the muscles in this area moderately drawn in. Overcoming rough terrain with climbs allows you to pump up your leg muscles. To improve the shape of the buttocks, you can tighten and tighten this area.

Common mistakes

Nordic walking with the help of poles will not be easy for everyone, and some will not notice absolutely any positive changes. Such situations are most often associated with some errors in the process:

    using uncomfortable shoes;

    using hand strength during push-off rather than elbow strength;

    turning the body when raising the arm to push off;

    improper holding of poles;

    using equipment from other sports or homemade sticks.

Nordic Walking is a pleasant and accessible sport for everyone, which has a positive effect on mood, appearance and health.

Nordic walking is a method for improving your health with special poles, accessible to people any age.

Today, no one is surprised by people walking with walking poles, whom we often meet in parks, on embankments, forest walking paths, or just on the street.

These are, as a rule, positive, smiling pensioners who have decided to take up race walking for their health. Or people for whom Nordic walking for weight loss has become a necessary part of life.

Finnish or Nordic walking with poles emerged from the need for summer training for Finnish skiers. The summer break from training was too long for the athletes.

Training without skis, only with poles, and outdoor activities in the warm summer sun helped them keep their shape.

Moreover, you can walk with long strides, you can run, or you can just walk at a pace that suits you. That is why Nordic walking with poles quickly gained popularity not only among athletes and not only among Scandinavians. Europeans of all ages have joined this trend in sports.

Nordic walking with poles acquired the status of an independent sport in the 90s of the last century. Now this movement is popular all over the world, including in Russia.

Indications and contraindications

Swedish walking with poles, as it is also called, is no different from Scandinavian walking, spreading throughout Europe and even received the name Nordic walking.

Optimists share their results on improving health, attracting other people. Indeed, it turned out that walking with poles for weight loss is an affordable and effective means.

The benefits of Nordic walking are as follows:

  • Filling the lungs with oxygen enriches the blood, forces the body to turn on all systems in intensive mode, and get rid of toxins and fats. Burns 50% more calories than regular walking.
  • The level of endorphins increases, because you get a lot of positive emotions from fresh air and a smile, from the landscapes that open up along the way, from allies walking with you, and most importantly, from a small victory over yourself.
  • The work of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system is noticeably activated, which leads to strengthening of the myocardium.
  • An accessible Nordic walking technique corrects posture, strengthens the muscle corset, and builds muscle mass or simply revitalizes flabby muscles.
  • It has invaluable benefits in the prevention of stress, depression, and insomnia.
  • Coordination of movements improves, which is especially important during the recovery period after illness or surgery.
  • Joint mobility is restored.
  • There is an active surge of strength.
  • The proven Nordic walking technique for weight loss leads to weight loss.

And all this does not require complex specialized training; it is indicated for people of all ages, including children. Nordic walking during pregnancy will also be beneficial, because the intensity of the load is regulated independently.

Of course, there are limitations. Human well-being and objective assessment own strength and opportunities is the most significant factor in deciding whether to start Finnish walking lessons.

It wouldn’t be superfluous to get advice from a specialist, or better yet experienced doctor, because for each person, contraindications to training in Nordic walking with poles may be different, for example:

  • long-term break from training;
  • complex injuries of the arms and shoulder girdle;
  • longitudinal or transverse flatfoot;
  • acute heart failure;
  • high blood pressure, hypertensive crisis;
  • recent abdominal surgery;
  • acute pain syndrome;
  • infectious diseases with fever,
  • asthma;
  • degenerative processes of the musculoskeletal system and deformation changes in joints;
  • glaucoma and retinal detachment;
  • general weakness and poor health.

Equipment and equipment for classes

The main principle of choosing equipment is comfort. Seasonal sportswear, in which you can easily do Nordic walking for weight loss, should not tire you or interfere with free movement.

Shoes should also be comfortable. We recommend special sports walking shoes, half a size larger than usual, so that you can wear thick socks. This secures the foot well, does not exert pressure when walking and protects against injuries to the ankle joint.

Well, and most importantly - walking poles, which were invented by the Scandinavians. They are selected individually using a simple formula: human height multiplied by 0.68. For example: 172 cm * 0.68 = 117 cm. This will be the height of the sticks, necessary for a person with such growth. You need to choose the length of the poles from the size range that is as close as possible to the resulting figure. In our case, 115 cm, since poles are sold in dimensional increments of 5 cm.

Practice shows that it is wiser to use not telescopic poles, which can fold when walking and under load, but poles of a fixed length, selected for your height.

Benefits and harms

There are three factors that must be taken into account in training for the benefits of Nordic walking to be real and tangible:

  • knowledge of walking techniques;
  • suitable, comfortable clothing, shoes and properly selected poles;
  • adequate assessment of physical capabilities.

Then the spine and leg joints are unloaded, pain goes away, confidence in movements appears and, of course, your mood improves. Heart rate and blood circulation are normalized and accelerated metabolic processes. The muscle corset is strengthened, which is very important for age-related changes in the spine, joints of the arms and legs.

Regular Nordic walking also restores metabolic processes - for example, calcium in osteoporosis, which reduces the risk of bone fractures.

The accessibility of Norwegian pole walking is inspiring and increases self-esteem and the desire to enjoy life. Endorphin levels increase fivefold. As a rule, people find like-minded people in this sport and unite to practice. Friendly communication is always a joy, which means there is no depression and there is an opportunity to escape stress.


The technique of Swedish walking with poles is simple. Before you start walking, you need to do several warm-up exercises, warm up the body, muscles and ligaments, gradually increasing the range of movements from smooth to working.

Warm-up exercises, each repeated 10–15 times:

  • rolling from heel to toe, resting your hands on sticks;
  • swing each leg back and forth;
  • lunge forward with sticks;
  • tilting the body to the left and right, holding the stick behind the head with both hands;
  • exercise “skier” - alternately swing your arms back and forth with a slight squat on the supporting leg;
  • stretching the body upward with sticks.

When walking, the elbows are not pressed against the body, the back is straight with a slight bend forward. Alternates: left hand forward - right leg forward, left hand forward with right leg. The foot rolls from heel to toe. The legs are placed parallel, toes forward.

The sticks are held loosely. The loops on the Finnish walking poles conveniently protect the hand from improper movements. The sticks themselves help push off the surface to move forward. The pace should be comfortable for you.

You need to drink water while walking. Today it is a proven necessity of all training.

How to walk correctly for weight loss

Nordic walking with poles is an assistant in losing weight. The rhythmic work of muscles produces adrenaline, which burns excess fat, much more effectively than with regular running or cycling.

Running is more active than Finnish walking with poles, it starts the process of burning muscle tissue, and when the glycogen reserve in the muscles is already exhausted, the body has not yet reached the fat.

To lose weight while running, you need to monitor your heart rate so that it does not exceed 120-135 beats per minute. This is the optimal heart rate for fat burning. The Nordic walking technique for weight loss is designed for an intensity at which the heart rate is almost always in the fat burning range. At the same time, the pace at which you walk should allow you to breathe easily and even talk.

All parts of the body and systems are included in the work, this harmonizes the entire body. It is this process that brings benefits and results in losing weight.

Nordic walking during pregnancy

The advisability of playing sports during pregnancy is obvious. This relieves tension in the back and helps fight fatigue. Outdoor activities have great benefits. Dynamic breathing and relaxation skills are acquired. They will help the expectant mother at the right time.

The endurance of all muscle groups increases, which means a healthy spine that can bear loads without consequences. This is a process of relieving stress, burning excess weight, and getting rid of excess fluid in the body.

The main thing is that the Nordic walking method for pregnant women allows exercise almost until the fortieth week and starting from the fifth day after birth, provided you feel well. These are doctors' recommendations.

There are also contraindications for pregnant women:

  • pathology of the heart, liver, kidneys;
  • miscarriage and history;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • pathologies of uteroplacental blood flow;

These pathologies occur in 10% of pregnant women. All other mommies can practice walking. The load is always determined by the doctor, instructor and well-being.

Common Mistakes

Errors in walking technique result in personal discomfort and sometimes exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Therefore, it is worth considering the following:

  • Your arms should not be thrown far in front of your body. It is necessary that the handle of the stick does not rise above the navel.
  • The elbows do not need to be pressed against the body, otherwise the cervical and shoulder regions are pinched, which provokes pain.
  • Fatigue comes from the straight and tense position of the body in motion. It is more correct to walk with a slight natural lean forward.
  • Dragging sticks behind you is also a mistake. You need to push off the ground with sticks and at the same time receive double energy for your own movement. Once you have it, you will engage your entire body in the movement process.

The Scandinavians gave the world excellent walking techniques. Its popularity in all countries proves this. Now each of us has the opportunity to choose for walks most beautiful places in parks and suburbs, or just walk with sticks on the asphalt around the house.

Nordic walking with poles is a good cardio workout

Today, many people are in search of non-drug remedies that can have a positive effect on their general physical condition and strengthen the body, and Nordic walking with poles helps in this, the benefits of which are undeniable.

A brief excursion into history

Nordic walking with poles has its roots in the 40s. XX century, already then they knew about the benefits of such physical education. It was the invention of Finnish skiers who were trying to stay in proper physical fitness during the period between competitions. The athletes came up with the idea of ​​regular training: walking on asphalt, but using ski poles, reminiscent of classic walking in skiing.

Nordic walking with poles is also known as:

  • northern;
  • Nordic;
  • Finnish.

Nordic walking is a complex of sequential movements of the legs, hips, arms and body, accompanied by the use of poles specially designed for this purpose.

Having conquered Scandinavia, walking with poles is now confidently gaining popularity in the countries of Central and of Eastern Europe as a complex of health, rehabilitation physical exercise, having a therapeutic effect for different organs and systems of the body.

Advice!Before you start Nordic walking with poles, you should familiarize yourself in detail with its purpose, potential effect on the body, indications and contraindications. Whenever controversial issues You must consult a doctor for advice.

Who benefits from Nordic walking: indications for exercise

Speaking about the effect of Nordic walking, the question naturally arises about the ratio of benefits and harm that Nordic walking with poles can have on the condition human body in general and its organs in particular.

  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • with cardiac pathologies (including those who have had a heart attack);
  • those at risk of cardiovascular diseases (including older people);
  • with orthopedic problems;
  • disabled people, people with mobility problems undergoing rehabilitation (including those who have suffered a stroke);
  • with balance disorders;
  • overweight;
  • pregnant women.

Advice! Those suffering from osteoporosis, as well as those at risk of frequent fractures, are advised to Special attention on the possibility of using Nordic walking with poles as a set of rehabilitation and therapeutic exercises.

Therapeutic effect

Nordic walking with poles has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system. During this sport, about 90% of the total number muscle groups.

Nordic walking promotes:

  • correction and adjustment of posture;
  • reduction and elimination of pain in different parts of the spine;
  • increasing bone mass density;
  • strengthening the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks, thighs;
  • training the legs, reducing the level of stress on the knee joints.

Nordic walking has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Thanks to this type of physical activity, the heart rate increases, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels improves, cholesterol is broken down, and the level of blood supply to the brain increases.

For respiratory system Nordic walking is effective method expand the volume of oxygen consumption by the body, increase the vital capacity of the lungs, especially for people for whom running is strictly contraindicated for health reasons.

Because Nordic walking burns 46% more calories than other types race walking, there is an increase in the body’s energy expenditure and an acceleration of the metabolic process. Therefore, this type of physical activity is popular among people who are struggling with excess weight, because it promotes weight loss.

Advice! Nordic walking is one of the best natural antidepressants. It has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Replacing medications with physical activity is the key to calming down, overcoming stress, and improving your mood.

Walking with poles - physical education for older people

Separately, we should dwell on determining the level of benefit that Nordic walking with poles can have on the general health of older people.

The obvious advantages of this type of activity are:

  • low level of physical activity;
  • absence of difficult physical exercises.

In contrast to the fact that the aging process of the human body causes a decrease in coordination of movements, in Nordic walking the movements are natural. You don't need a special level of physical fitness to take part in Nordic walking. The intensity of the loads can be adjusted depending on individual characteristics the body, its endurance, general condition, etc.

Advice! If old man If someone who decides to take up Nordic walking is in any risk group, first of all he needs to consult a doctor to determine whether there are any contraindications to this sport.

About some risks and contraindications

Despite its benefits and the ability to have a positive healing effect on the body, Nordic walking with poles may have strict contraindications for certain categories of people, namely:

  • who have undergone abdominal surgery in the recent past;
  • suffering from hypertension or arrhythmia, cardiac, coronary insufficiency, anemia;
  • have had a viral infection accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Doctors recommend refraining from Nordic walking for people with serious recent injuries to the arms, shoulder joints, spine and legs, accompanied by acute pain syndromes. You should not resort to physical activity during the period of inflammatory processes in the musculoskeletal system.

Advice! After long breaks from Nordic walking, before returning to training, you should undergo a proper medical examination to determine whether any contraindications to physical activity have appeared during this period.

Secrets of mastery

Before you start walking, you need to warm up using poles. Alternatively, these could be common exercises with torso bends, squats, etc.

Advice! To avoid injury, do not start exercising without checking the fastenings on the poles. Only after making sure of the strength and reliability of the instrument can you proceed to training.

During Nordic walking, you should watch your posture. The torso should be in this position: straight back, body slightly tilted forward, legs bent. When walking, the spine should be stretched as much as possible to make it straight.

Steps are taken by rolling from heel to toe. The entire leg is involved - from the foot to the hip joint. Like skiing, when stepping on the left foot, the right hand with the stick comes forward.

The element necessary to perform Nordic walking is a uniform pace without acceleration. In this case, part of the body weight should be transferred to the hands with sticks, so that the knees are not overloaded, and the spine is also unloaded.

Breathing should be through the nose (inhalation) and mouth (exhalation).

When finishing your workout, it is rational to perform a small set of exercises to stretch all muscle groups, as well as restore breathing.

To achieve the therapeutic positive effect of Nordic walking, classes should last about 30 minutes at least two to three times a week.

Advice! Rehabilitation doctors recommend rehearsing the basic Nordic walking pose in front of a mirror. It should look like three lines parallel to each other: one leg and two sticks: one in the hand extended forward, and the other in the hand extended back.

Mistakes in Nordic walking: consider and avoid

Errors in Nordic walking are the root cause of injury in this sport. There are such typical mistakes– deviations from the rules:

  • stride that is too long – increases the load on the tibialis muscle;
  • incorrect work of the arms - placed too close to the body, or motionless, or do not bend at the elbows;
  • incorrect foot placement - the foot does not push off the surface;
  • incorrectly selected, uncomfortable shoes.

Advice! When choosing shoes and clothing for Nordic walking, you should be guided by the key principle - maximum comfort.

The use of untested clothing and footwear should be avoided. You need to dress in several layers so that the air between the fabrics creates the necessary microclimate for the body.

Choosing walking poles: what is important to remember?

When choosing sticks, you need to pay attention to their length. The optimal length is calculated using a special formula for groups:

  • “sport” – a group of professionally trained people (height multiplied by 0.7);
  • "fitness" - middle group between professionals and non-professionals (growth is multiplied by 0.68);
  • “health” – a group of untrained people using Nordic walking as a method of rehabilitation (height multiplied by 0.66).

These formulas must be adhered to, since an incorrectly chosen length of walking poles can cause overload of the muscles of the back, ankles, and knees, which is harmful to the general physical condition.

Advice! People with weak or sore legs should choose longer poles, which will allow the main load to be transferred to the arms and shoulders. Shorter poles are optimal for people with cervical osteochondrosis, overweight, and those in need of recovery from injuries.

About the effectiveness of Nordic walking first-hand

About the benefits and medicinal properties Nordic walking with poles can be judged by the number of positive reviews that can be found on numerous forums, on the pages of fans of the “new type of fitness”.

Larisa, 70 years old: “There is nothing particularly complicated in the Nordic walking technique; people of all ages and those who are not used to serious physical activity or are not recommended by doctors for health reasons can do it with pleasure. Here pleasure is intertwined with great benefit - training the cardiovascular system, improving the muscular system, and therefore all internal organs.”

Anna, 60 years old: “I am an experienced diabetic. When I started walking with poles, I noticed that my blood sugar had dropped. Now I walk with even more pleasure, I’m in a great mood! My dream is to live without pills! After all, thanks to walking, I began to take less medications.”

Elena, 53 years old: “The weight quietly approached 99 kg. All attempts to lose it through diet and exercise were unsuccessful. My husband and I started Nordic walking two months ago. In a month of walking I lost 5 kg.”

Before you start walking, you should warm up to tone your muscles.

Galina, 41 years old: “My legs began to hurt, sometimes they were cold, sometimes they crunched, sometimes they hurt, sometimes they ached, sometimes in the feet, sometimes in the knees, sometimes the muscles pulled. I found a very strange Nordic walking. I feel great, my legs are running, and in general my life has improved, I mean my body.”

Anna, 34 years old: “We practice this sport not only for the body, but also for the soul as a family. Walking is very beneficial for all muscle groups, but you need to walk correctly. First, you need a warm-up, as in any sport, to warm up the muscles and so that later it will not be excruciatingly painful. And then follow the tactics: left hand – right leg and vice versa.”

Tatyana, 30 years old: “At first, the unusual sport puzzled me, but I quickly got involved.” I’ve been working out for two months now, during which time I’ve lost 5 kg without dieting or going to the gym. I'm very pleased with the result. I will continue."

Maintaining a healthy mind in a healthy body is the work of each of us. Knowledge about theoretical aspects Nordic walking with poles and its practical positive effect will become a guide and incentive for us in this responsible matter.

Nordic walking with poles, also known as Norwegian, Canadian, Swedish or Finnish walking, is becoming increasingly popular due to its significant health benefits for people of all ages. It activates about 90% of all muscles in the human body, while normal walking only about 60%. A uniform physical activity accessible to everyone helps solve many problems related to strengthening the musculoskeletal system and health in general.

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    Physiologists classify Nordic walking as cardio exercise. Regular and correct walking with even support on two poles gives the following sustainable health effects:

    • internal organs and blood are actively enriched with oxygen;
    • metabolism accelerates;
    • the volume of the lungs increases and their ventilation improves;
    • normalizes blood pressure;
    • reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the body;
    • strengthens the immune system;
    • makes articular ligaments more elastic;
    • improves blood circulation;
    • prevents the development of varicose veins;
    • reduces pain in the spine;
    • strengthens muscles;
    • relieves muscle spasms;
    • burns fat deposits in the body.

    This wide range of impacts is due to the fact that the load on the joints of the legs and spine becomes much less than during normal walking, and muscle groups of all parts of the body are also involved.

    During Nordic walking, calories are consumed one and a half times more than during normal movement.

    This type of physical education is useful for rehabilitation and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, problems with the spine, osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus. It gives good results to people with vestibular disorders, helps with stress, insomnia, and pulmonary diseases. Nordic walking is recommended for getting rid of excess weight, constipation, and for pregnant women.

    Walking with sticks can help anyone who has a sedentary lifestyle get the nutrition they need. physical activity. Women, especially girls, appreciated it as a way to maintain good condition your figure.

    Whatever goals people who have mastered this type of physical activity set, they all get a general strengthening effect from doing it.

    Class requirements

    Nordic walking gives the desired effect only if you follow a certain technique: master the exercise technique, use only correctly selected sticks, take into account age characteristics and possible contraindications.

    The technique of such walking needs to be mastered gradually and step by step. A mandatory requirement at all stages is to start classes with a warm-up and end with stretching exercises for the muscles of the thighs, back, and calves.

    At the first stage, it is enough to walk with poles for 20 minutes 2-3 times a week. You also need to control your pulse: it should be kept at about 100 beats per minute.

    After getting used to walking, you can begin to gradually increase the duration of exercise by 5-10 minutes per week and bring it up to 40-minute exercises per session. The number of classes can be up to four per week. It is recommended to keep your pulse at the same level while walking – from 90 to 100 beats per minute. You should not bring yourself to extreme fatigue during training.

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    Workout plan

    At the beginning of mastering such walking, you need to pick up poles. To learn how to use them correctly, their length is determined by multiplying height by a factor of 0.66 (Example: height 1.7 meters x 0.66 = 112 centimeters). After complete mastery of this type of sports activity, the coefficient will be 0.68.

    Warm up before exercise

    Preparing the body for walking with poles is mandatory. In this case, during training, energy will be spent more rationally and the body will prevent an incorrect reaction to physical activity.

    Set of exercises for warming up:

    1. 1. Slowly turn your neck left and right, move your head up and down.
    2. 2. Make circular movements with your arms in front of you, and then imitate rowing.
    3. 3. Extend your arms and make circular movements with your hands.
    4. 4. Bend your body to the sides several times. One hand rests on the hip, the other is raised above the head in the direction of the inclination.
    5. 5. Place your hands on your hips and make circular movements with your pelvis in both directions.
    6. 6. Leaning on the sticks, take turns raising your knees up and to the side.
    7. 7. Rotate your knees alternately left and right.
    8. 8. Rotate your feet.
    9. 9. Do a few squats.

    Walking technique with poles

    There are mandatory instructions for mastering the correct actions for such a movement. This affects the result.

    • When moving, keep the sticks close to your body for greater stability.
    • Straighten your back and straighten your shoulders; tilt the body slightly forward.
    • Take alternating steps and arm swings: right leg - left hand, left leg - right hand.
    • Move by moving your foot from heel to toe.
    • Do not carry the stick too far forward: it must be placed near the foot on which the support is being placed at the moment.
    • Place emphasis on the poles so that all muscles work - from the arms to the waist.
    • The movement of arms and legs should be rhythmic.
    • Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

    Post-workout exercises

    This step of the training plan is mandatory. The muscles have received increased stress and need relaxation.

    Basic exercises for stretching muscles:

    • tilt your head left and right to stretch your neck muscles;
    • close your hands behind your back, making a “lock”;
    • tilt the body smoothly in different directions;
    • make slow swings with your hands;
    • lift one leg at a time, stretching the back of the thigh (if it is difficult to balance on one leg, you should first find support for your hands);
    • squatting down, take turns moving your legs to the side.

    All exercises should be done at a calm pace for several minutes. It is also recommended to supplement them by rubbing the muscles with your hands. These exercises will relieve muscle tension and prevent the appearance of pain in them 2-3 days after walking.

    Instructions for the elderly

    In old age, the need for physical activity increases, but the ability to lead an active lifestyle decreases. Nordic walking solves this problem with health benefits.

    1. 1. You can’t start walking without first warming up.. Choose from the suggested exercises those that are most accessible and perform them.
    2. 2. At the first stage, classes should be limited to 10-15 minutes, until the basic technique is mastered and you get used to moving with sticks.
    3. 3. Increase your walking speed gradually and alternate it: walk at an average pace for 5 minutes, at a faster pace for 3 minutes. This alternation of pace is beneficial for everyone. After training, it maintains a high metabolism in the body for several hours.

    With good mastery of the Nordic walking technique and the absence of contraindications, older people can take hour-long walks at speeds of up to 7 kilometers per hour.

    Movement for a good figure

    Walking with poles is actively used in the fight against excess weight and in order to shape and maintain a good body.

    With regular exercise in this type of aerobics, the biceps and triceps are pumped, which is of particular importance for men. If you turn your body slightly with each step, then as a result of intense work of the muscle group, the abdominal press becomes toned and strong.


    While walking with poles has a health-promoting effect on the body, it also has certain contraindications. Failure to comply will cause serious harm to health.

    Training is prohibited under the following conditions:

    • exacerbation of chronic diseases, including hypertension and osteochondrosis;
    • heart and respiratory failure;
    • elevated temperature and illnesses accompanied by difficulty breathing and cough;
    • diabetes mellitus in severe form;
    • after various operations during early rehabilitation.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

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