



You can watch simply amazing card tricks in this video absolutely free of charge and at any time. “Sleight of hand and no fraud” - this phrase very clearly reflects the essence of card tricks.

To skillfully demonstrate various illusory manipulations with cards, you will need to master the secrets much more time than when learning the secrets of tricks using your fingers, coins, paper or rubber band.

The best card tricks on video. The most unimaginable and miraculous transformations and disappearances of cards. Sleight of hand magicians from all over the world.

Cards, one might say, are the next step in understanding the wonderful world of magicians.

In a society, in a world where information spreads at lightning speed via Internet technologies, you can download any video teaching card tricks for beginners.
You can also find a training video on the Internet.

How can you easily perform any trick using only one cards. Great secrets on video. The best masters and amateurs work with cards.

Card tricks for beginners from the simplest to the most difficult elements

Imagine how effectively a deck of cards is thrown from hand to hand, how quickly and naturally card after card changes. But these are additional effects that help to show illusions more effectively, and one of the main tricks in cards is guessing the chosen card. Surprise a girl - learn how to perform card tricks; training for beginners begins with basic lessons and later becomes more complex.

Even if the person watching you and your hands concentrates, he will not be able to notice anything, he will not be able to reveal your secrets.
It would seem what cards are.

These are small cards with pictures, nothing more, but why are they so attractive to everyone? There are many manipulations and ways to use these cards. Poker for money, fortune telling. To predict fate, solitaire just for spending free time and much more. And now there are tricks.

Try learning on your own using a video. Everything in the lessons is quite simple and clear.

The master describes in detail the secrets of card tricks. Download the lesson you need right now and start training. The sooner you start practicing, the faster you will surprise your loved ones.

A trick is a cunning and dexterous trick of a magician, which is based on the artist’s sleight of hand, the technique of special equipment, props, optical illusion and cunning distracting techniques.

Learning card tricks this is knowledge of the secret of focus and training before a real performance. You can practice doing magic tricks in front of a mirror. Bring your show to the audience to the point of automation. Then you can perform a card trick in any setting. Practice some simple card tricks that even kids can do.

How to guess one card out of five

To show the trick you will need:

  • deck of cards
  • table.

Announce to your viewers that you read minds and can easily guess the card intended by the audience from your magic deck. Call four people (assistants) from the hall, seat them at the table and deal them cards (5 to each).

Ask everyone to make a wish on one of the cards in their hands. Now collect all the cards (one at a time, in a circle), arrange them into five piles. During this procedure, say some magic words.

Invite your assistants to choose the stack of cards they like and hand it to you. Fan out the cards and face the picture towards the audience. Ask the assistants which of them noticed their card. As soon as someone answers, you will immediately pull out the hidden card. If the chosen pile does not contain the card you want, take another pile. She must also be chosen by assistants.

The most interesting thing is that in any case you guess the right card, even if there are several hidden cards in the stack.

Learn this card trick.

In this room, only you know the secret of the trick. The whole point is that you take “five cards” clockwise: first from the first assistant to your left, then further in a circle. At this time, you hold the cards face down, the last one will be your stack of cards, it will also be on top of the pack. After this, you will again arrange the cards, five in each pile.

In each pile, the cards will be in the order in which you collected them from those sitting at the table. For example, if the fourth assistant sees his card, this means that his card is the fourth from the top of the pile; if the first one, therefore the card is the first one. Your task is to collect the cards so that the audience does not guess about a certain order of “collecting the cards.”

That's what red herring is for - the magic words. You can come up with something else to distract the audience. For example, let them count in reverse order from 20 to 0.

Another trick with cards called Four Aces.

For the focus you will need:

  • Deck of cards

Announce to your viewers that you know one secret of card trick - attracting aces. It was presented to you by one famous card player, the same one who is mentioned in “The Queen of Spades” by A.S. Pushkin, Count Saint-Germain (this can be said if you have adults among your audience).

You will be able to pull out four aces without digging through the deck of cards. Call anyone from the hall, let him name any number between 10 and 20. Now take the same number of cards from the deck and set them aside in a separate pile. Add the digits of this number together (for example, 12 = 1+2) and remove the same number of cards from the top of the stack. Now you can put them back in place.

Place the very first card on top in another place face down, and return all other cards to their place. Again ask the audience to name any number from ten to twenty and do the same operation as at the beginning of the trick. This whole procedure must be repeated 4 times so that you have 4 cards set aside. Now you say the magic words: “Crible-crable-booms”, fan out the cards with the pictures facing you, wave them and turn the pattern towards the audience. You have four aces in your hands.

Learning to perform this trick.

  • Place the aces in advance on the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th places at the top of the deck, then everything will go by itself.
  • The main thing is not to let the cards shuffle at the beginning of the trick.

So, no training is needed - the trick will work itself. You will need: a deck of cards, a table.

With a deft movement, pull out the deck, unfold and fan it in front of the audience. Then select 10 cards from the top. Put the rest somewhere aside. Lay out the cards in front of the audience: the first one on top - face up, the second one on top - at the bottom of the stack (do not turn the card over), then again one - face up, the second - at the bottom of the stack, until all 10 cards from the pile are in yours hands and will not end up on the table.

All movements must be done quickly and clearly, without hesitation. In a moment, there will be a row of red and black cards on the table in front of your spectators.

Surely, many are amazed by the incredible performances of famous illusionists who are able to make certain objects disappear, balls or other elements fly in the air, or objects appear out of nowhere. This is not an easy job with the illusion of people perceiving the movement of objects.

We all dream of learning tricks with cards, coins, matches, cigarettes and other elements. If there is too little magic in your life, then after reading the material below you will be able to create the most extraordinary miracles on your own, surprising and delighting your loved ones.

How to learn easy tricks?

If you dream of learning how to perform magic tricks, then the most important thing is to understand the fact that this is not just an ordinary skill or sleight of hand. Showing tricks, even the easiest ones, is a real art. Each individual trick implies two sides: the obvious one, which the audience sees, and the secret one, which can only be guessed at. When will you finally learn to perform tricks in such a way that the secret side is not visible, while convincing even the most skeptical viewer that you are doing the most real magic, only then can you comprehend this art.

Collection for children: Your first tricks (from "Fankits").
Excellent manual describing the secrets of the trick and props are even included.

You need to start gradually and with the simplest things. You can read a couple of books where everything is explained as clearly as possible. You need to spend a certain amount of time training one trick. It is advisable to carry out the training in front of a mirror and bring it to such a point that the focus is achieved on its own, without thinking about each individual step. Try to add artistry, because you are the creator of real magic.

Tricks for children

Now I will share with you several simple tricks that any child will be delighted with. In addition, you yourself can teach him these tricks. It is worth noting that learning magic tricks will not only bring a lot of pleasure to the child, but will also have a positive impact on his logical and creative thinking.

Clock trick

The magician removes the watch from one of his guests and then places it in an opaque bag. The music turns on, the young magician begins to cast a spell, after which he picks up a hammer and hits that same bag. After this procedure, he pours out the watch parts directly from the bag. The spectator is in a panic because his watch has just been broken, but the little magician calms him down. Next, all the parts are put back into the bag, the magician makes several magical movements and takes out a whole watch from there. The secret of the trick is to put spare parts from other watches in the bag in advance. Your child will definitely like this trick due to its simplicity.


Everyone knows that if you puncture a balloon, it will definitely burst. The little magician will take a knitting needle in his hands and begin to pierce balloon, but to the surprise of all the guests it will not burst. The secret is that the ball will first be sealed on both sides with a piece of tape, which, in turn, will not be visible to the viewer.

Chicken egg trick

You can put it without a napkin - right on the salt on the table. Then you need to carefully blow off the excess grains of salt.

The young magician puts the napkin on the table. Next, take the egg and place it on the napkin directly with the narrow side. The egg does not fall, and the magician receives well-deserved applause. The secret is to pour a small layer of salt under the napkin. The egg will not fall, as it is stuck in the salt.

Coin tricks

Now let's try to look at tricks with coins. It is worth noting that training will require some patience from the performer. And perform the tricks themselves until they become automatic. So, let's look at a trick called "Unusual Coin".

To perform the trick we will need the following: a coin, an assistant, a handkerchief measuring 30x30cm.

The secret of the coin trick

The coin is placed on the table and covered with a scarf. You can invite any guest to come up and make sure that the coin is really there. After this, you take the handkerchief and move it from hand to hand, showing everyone that the coin has miraculously disappeared. Tell everyone that the coin is now in someone's pocket. Approach the spectator and take a coin from his pocket.

The secret of the trick is very simple: you definitely need a partner who should be among the spectators. When everyone comes up to make sure that the coin is under the scarf, he is the last one to come up to take it.

Tricks with matches

Now I will tell you about a trick called “ Wand and matches."

For focus we need the following elements: a plate of water, a small stick, matches, a lump of sugar and soap.

The secret of the match trick

Fill the plate about three-quarters full with water. Next, take matches, break them into small pieces and place them directly into the water. Next, we take the magic wand, touch one end of it to the water and, voila, the matches have approached it. We touch the other side of the stick to the water - the matches spread to the sides.

The secret of the trick is to grease one end of the stick with soap and attach a piece of sugar to the opposite end. Matches will be attracted to soap, but will float away from sugar.

Cigarette tricks

Now I will tell you how you can put out a cigarette on your finger. To do this painlessly, you need to learn the true secrets of the Indian gods, while running over hot coals, and also swallowing long swords. Jokes aside. Unbeknownst to everyone, we place an ice cube between our fingers until the pad of the thumb goes numb. Now we quickly put out the cigarette in front of all the surprised spectators. I would like to note that you will not feel pain, because a burning cigarette will only have time to heat your finger without causing any harm to it.

Card tricks and their secrets

Now I will tell you about one interesting trick with cards. So, “Search for the Mysterious Map.” We take a deck of cards. Next, we ask one of the spectators to choose any card, remember it and put it on top. After that, he moves the deck. The magician lays out all the cards on the table and shows which one was chosen.

How to learn this famous trick, you ask? It's simple. Immediately before the trick, remember the bottom card. As a result, the card that the viewer chose will be in front of the one that you remembered.


How Joshua Jay teaches simple but very effective magic tricks.

Finally, I would like to point out three important rules which every magician must know: under no circumstances tell the secret of the trick; each individual trick is very carefully rehearsed so that it is performed automatically; you never need to say what will happen next. All these rules are the real code of every professional magician. Only by strictly observing them can you achieve the desired effect, remaining a true magician for the viewer.

The interesting and dexterous skill of performing card tricks is at its peak.

Today, anyone can master the tricks of spectacular stunts and learn how to give joy and excitement to the audience. However, not everyone wants this. Many people prefer not to delve into the secrets and mysteries of the operations being carried out, but simply want to enjoy the spectacular spectacle and be amazed at the talents of magicians. After all, any person, be it an adult or a child, wants to believe in miracles!

Let's look at some of the most incredible, but executed simple tricks with cards that surprise street magicians and ordinary home magicians from their circle of friends and relatives.

Main requirements for magicians

Even if the stuntman is just a beginner, nothing will work without mastering the basic techniques.

Therefore, first of all you need to work on the following points:

  • learn different types shuffling the deck, especially a false one. Many tricks, from the simplest to the most complex, are based precisely on the ability to quietly leave the deck unshuffled. Although outwardly everything looks as if the cards were carefully mixed;
  • master the technique of laying out cards in a fan, waterfall, dividing the deck into absolutely equal parts, counting in hands;
  • master the principles of figured false card withdrawals.

When these rules are brought to automatic execution, the magician can perform simple tricks easily and naturally, always achieving the desired effect. In addition, with such a base, you can safely move forward and begin to study the intricacies of more difficult tricks to perform.

You can view in detail the options for false shuffles for any tricks here:

Simple card tricks - amazing and mesmerizing

Let us give an example of several simple tricks that are very popular and with which many modern famous wizards began their magical careers.

Guessing several cards hidden different people. The basis is mathematical. The cards are laid out into exactly as many piles as the number of people volunteered to take part and wished for them. Important point this trick in the stacking sequence. Strictly clockwise and alternately. Take 4 cards from the top of the deck and ask the first person to remember any of them, then the next four with the involvement of the second person, and so on. As many people as there are, there will be as many stacks of the corresponding number of cards in it (for example, 3 people - you offer three cards each, and so on). The result of the trick is that when you turn over a card from the piles, exactly the one that was intended by the spectator appears on top.

A simple and beautiful trick with cards for beginning wizards, when a card chosen by the spectator is placed anywhere in the deck, and as a result ends up in an unfolded fan, upside down, face up, among all the others. Although the magician did practically nothing, he simply shook the deck in front of the audience.

More detailed description and a visual demonstration of the trick can be viewed here, and you can also learn it:

Since there are many ways to surprise and delight with tricks, we suggest looking through a number of amazing card tricks that are classified as simple. And for those who want to do them themselves, you can learn after watching them. You can do this using this link:

Be surprised, rejoice and admire the talents of others and do not forget that you too can become an excellent magician. All you need is desire, patience and training.

To perform such tricks with cards, you will need special equipment. cards with special coating. You can order these

We are all, to one degree or another, familiar with ordinary playing cards. And of course everyone is familiar with such an integral process in card games like shuffling decks of cards. This action is taken for granted in the sense that few people have specifically trained in shuffling a deck of cards. For this reason, we placed this article at the very beginning. Since the ability to shuffle a deck of cards beautifully, quickly, elegantly is a necessary condition for a successful demonstration card tricks. Easy and relaxed handling of playing cards always gives the impression of professionalism.

Any training should start simple, so take this article as the first step in the process learning card tricks.

The direct and most obvious purpose of shuffling a deck of cards is to position playing cards decks in random order. (Although the word "free" is highly questionable when it comes to card tricks.)

Although shuffling a deck of cards is a seemingly harmless action and does not contain any secrets. There are a huge number of applications for this manipulation of cards, which are actively used in demonstrating tricks and card tricks.

So, let's figure out what shuffling a deck of cards can be used for. The basis for many card tricks is the use of a control card. It can be top, bottom, or in special situations it can be in the middle of the card deck.

Note: Control card - serves as the basis for many card tricks where the spectator chooses a playing card and the magician guesses it.

Secondly, this great way distracting the viewer's attention. You can ask a volunteer assistant to shuffle the deck, and praise him, noticing how skillfully he does it. It is likely that at this time you will be able to peek at the bottom card of the deck. Or you will have the opportunity to do this when passing the deck back. And just the fact that you allowed the viewer to shuffle the deck will help convince the audience that this is an ordinary deck of cards, and not a specially prepared one.

It's also important to note that even the way you shuffle the cards affects the effectiveness and entertainment of the display. card tricks.

What does it mean? The card mystery takes place in three dimensions of space. Therefore, if you want to achieve a colorful and bright performance, then you should hold a deck of cards with the face turned towards the viewer. Don't shuffle playing cards, forcing the audience to look at the end of a card deck measuring 6.27 x 1.6 cm. Believe me, it will be much more interesting for the viewer to watch the trick, because everything happens before their eyes and is clearly visible.

Also, impeccable mastery of card shuffling techniques will allow you, if necessary, to hide what the viewer does not need to see. But in such a form that it will not arouse the slightest suspicion.

Note: False deck removal. With the deck held in this manner as shown in the figure. It is not possible (if you don’t know in advance) to determine which part is the top and which is the bottom card deck.

This manner of holding a deck of cards is used in the so-called Indian shuffle. The description of this method and its undeniable advantages in magic work deserve a separate section. Let's just say that the Indian method of shuffling cards formed the basis of many card tricks. It is necessary to include this method of shuffling playing cards in your card trick training. It is simply irreplaceable in many card tricks, different levels difficulties, both for masters and in card tricks for beginners.