Learning a foreign language is difficult not so much because of the novelty of the rules and words, but because of the multitasking of this process. A beginner must immediately understand how to read in a foreign language, write correctly, speak and perceive the speech of his interlocutors. Audio English lessons for beginners will help you cope with all these things at the same time and feel like Caesar. In today’s article we will explain the effectiveness of such classes, provide an overview of popular techniques and courses, and also give useful tips for beginners in learning English. Let's begin!

As noted in the introduction, learning a language from scratch is a complex process. But with the right approach, mastering basic course will not take much time and effort. And we propose to develop this most competent approach to learning English, based on audio techniques. Why audio? Because they allow you to learn English in all aspects at once.

  1. A set of vocabulary. The announcer slowly says the word and then its translation. The student’s task is to first listen carefully and then repeat the spoken word at intervals specially designated for this action.
  2. Listening to foreign speech . The student has to constantly listen to the words spoken by the speaker, which helps to automatically improve their understanding of the language. As a rule, after several lessons, even complete beginners begin to understand English well by ear.
  3. Pronunciation . This parameter is especially important when learning a language on your own and there are no interlocutors for dialogue. This skill is not only correct pronunciation, which is given to the student automatically, thanks to the recorded phrases of the speaker. This is also the absence of fear of speaking a foreign language. Therefore, it is worth choosing audio materials that, in addition to repetition tasks, contain lessons on constructing dialogues. While completing the lessons, the student must compose his own phrases and pronounce them in response to thematic questions from the speaker.
  4. Reading and writing . It would seem that audio techniques have nothing to do with these skills. But no. A good audio course will teach English in full: the student will listen, speak, read, and write English correctly. You are probably wondering how this comprehensive training takes place? Yes, very simple! It is enough to purchase audio courses with textual presentation of lessons, or vice versa - study English texts with audio accompaniment. Then you will be able to clearly remember the spelling of words and practice reading rules.

As you can see, listening to audio really develops all the skills necessary for mastering foreign speech. Effective learning requires only two components: competent teaching materials and proper organization educational process. Let's try to take a closer look at these factors and start with small review for audio English lessons designed for beginners. We will select the 5 highest quality materials that deserve the most positive reviews.

Popular audio courses “English for beginners”

There is an unimaginable amount of information available on the Internet and on bookstore shelves. educational materials By English language. But from this variety, you need to be able to choose a high-quality methodology, the lessons of which will give fruitful results. Therefore, to help beginners, we made a mini-review of really high-quality audio materials.

Pimsleur courses

A legendary technique patented in the middle of the last century. Since then, millions of people around the world have been able to learn English with it! And there is even talk that the method was actively used in language schools by the CIA and the FBI.

Other English topics: How to learn English from scratch effectively and for free

During the lessons, students will master the necessary entry level grammatical minimum, and will work about 1700 English words and expressions. The audio material was recorded by a professional speaker, which makes it easier for beginners to perceive the information.

  • Read here: The best English language textbooks - tutorials, manuals and dictionaries

English for every day

An original method of introducing beginners to the English language, developed by teachers of the Moscow State University Linguistics.

The course consists of 15 lessons that use active vocabulary in spoken English. Each lesson is divided into 2 parts: first perception and memorization new information, and then repeating it using dialogues. The training course has the following objectives:

  • Formation of understanding of linguistic culture;
  • Development of the skill of listening to foreign speech;
  • Acquaintance with colloquial vocabulary by modeling everyday situations;
  • Encouraging independent speaking through listening and participating in dialogues.

Thus, after completing 15 lessons, the student will be well versed in spoken English and will be able to freely express his opinion on various issues.

These are the recommended materials that have gained the most popularity in the field of study foreign languages. However, this does not mean that you need to use only them. On the contrary, the more variety in your studies, the less time you will get bored with English classes. Therefore, try to conduct lessons in a variety of ways, sometimes replacing grammar textbooks and audio dialogues with exciting lessons using audio books or watching films in the original.

And finally, we’ll tell you a few subtleties of organizing training sessions. As you remember, this is the second component of the effectiveness of audio lessons. So, below are a number of recommendations that will help beginners achieve quick and successful mastery of the English language.

  1. Regularity of classes – the most important factor on which the entire process of cognition depends. If you study English as you have to, from time to time, then there can be no talk of any success. Therefore, be sure to allocate strictly defined time in your schedule for lessons and repetition of material.
  2. Careful and thorough work with audio recordings – listen to what the announcer says, try to quickly connect your memory and logical comprehension of the phrase. It is advisable to work with the text component, emphasizing new words, practicing reading rules or marking the use of grammatical rules.
  3. Mandatory repetition of what has been covered – in general, the courses provide for automatic repetition of vocabulary, due to its active use in constructing dialogues. But, if you see that some phrases or words have not been used in lessons for a long time, then do not be lazy to repeat them yourself. This is a necessary stage for forming a base of English words in long-term memory.
  4. Constant progress – never stop there. After completing the first course on the topic of English for beginners, listen to the audio of the second stage, then the third and so on. This is the only way you can achieve perfect language proficiency. And if, after the first, for example, 15 lessons, you abandon your studies, you will soon realize that the information you have learned is erased from your memory. The language must be used, and this is the basic rule and motto of all polyglots.

This is how you learn English using audio techniques. Choose the audio course you like, develop a lesson plan and start learning the language! Good luck in improving your knowledge and see you again!

Currently, there are already a great variety of different audio courses designed for listening in the car.

Leaving aside the question of the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of this technique, we have made for you a selection of several similar audio materials. Listen and improve your English on the way to work.

Before downloading this or that course, we highly recommend that you at least briefly understand what audio English courses in the car are, what you can expect from them, and what you shouldn’t.

Let's start with the fact that, in our opinion, such audio courses can never replace full-fledged English language training. Let's be honest, in our teaching practice we have not yet met a single person who would learn to speak English only by listening to such courses in the car on the way to work.

“Learning” English using this method is severely limited by several obvious factors.

Firstly, due to objective reasons, you cannot concentrate 100% on learning English, because... forced to simultaneously drive a car, assess the situation on the roads, etc. Therefore, from time to time you will be forced to “step out” from the process for a couple of minutes and then return to the listened material again.

Secondly, by doing this you activate only one of several channels of information perception, namely the auditory one. That is, even when you hear a word, you don’t know how it’s spelled, you don’t see its transcription, and you probably won’t be able to write it on paper without errors. This no longer allows us to talk about an adequate process of language learning.

Let it not seem to you that we are only opponents of such courses. It must be admitted that the method of English courses in a car also has its undeniable advantages:

1) You can listen to the material every day for at least 30-60 minutes, without additional organization of time for classes. It's objectively convenient

2) Listening to the material several times in the car, you willy-nilly begin to remember it. The material is, as it were, recorded in the subcortex of your brain.

Practice shows that the most effective results from such courses can be obtained in addition to basic English training at a language school or with a teacher (such training should be basic in any case!).

That is, when you go over a topic with a teacher, you then reinforce it by listening to it in the car. In this case, with a certain training system, a good result is guaranteed.

Here is a selection of some similar courses that can help you master the language. Go ahead, try it, download it to your flash drive, listen. Perhaps this will become an indispensable support for you when studying English.

1) 1C. English while driving (audio course)

1C English while driving - Part 1

1C - English while driving - Part 2

If your level is English for beginners, then you definitely need to take advice, listen English in mp3 format.

What are the benefits of doing it this way?

  1. You can listen to audio lessons anywhere (at work, in the car while driving, etc.).
  2. You won't need to set aside time specifically for this.

First of all, those who are beginning to master English need to become familiar with the phonetic component of a particular course.

Most effective technique learning English looks like this:

  • listen every day (certainly interesting material);
  • Class time is from 1 to 1.5 hours.

Also don't forget to watch. First, start small, then make the learning process more and more complex.

Free podcasts and books in English in mp3

To make it easier to search the Internet for good audio English lessons in mp3 format, we have made. They are all free, and you can download them to your smartphone to listen to on your way to work or school.

Many audiobooks in English and adapted audiobooks for beginners can be downloaded on torrent trackers in MP3 format.

There are audio books in English available for listening online. Here's a small list:

Agatha Christie - “Murder on the Orient Express” / Agatha Christie - “Murder on the Orient Express”

Ian Fleming - “Casino Royale” / Ian Fleming - “Casino Royale”

Stephen King - “Nightmares and Dreamscapes” / Stephen King - “Nightmares and Dreamscapes”

Fr. Scott Fitzgerald - "The Great Gatsby" / F. Scott Fitzgerald - "The Great Gatsby"

Douglas Adams - “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy” / Douglas Adams - “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

J. R. R. Tolkien - “The Hobbit” / J. R. R. Tolkien - “The Hobbit”

Audio courses in English for beginners

There are also many different audio English courses on the Internet. For example, “Intensive Conversational English Course for Beginners - LOGUS” from Udemy Academy. What is the beauty of such courses?

Firstly, the text is voiced by professional speakers - everything is also accompanied by explanations.

Secondly, the sound quality is good.

Thirdly, in addition to mp3 recordings, the courses contain transcriptions, and you can read what you couldn’t understand by ear.

Soon you will notice that your spoken English is improving. But this will not be earlier than in a couple of months.

This course will be like a self-instruction manual for you in English for beginners, and will be the starting point in your improvement of English for beginners through audio.

You can download audio English for beginners for free using the link (the link may soon not work. Write in the comments if it no longer works).

Good day, friends! Of course, learn to speak English by better communicating with native speakers or by going through language course in an English speaking country. But if you do not have such capabilities, then you can learn to communicate fluently in English using an audio course of spoken English for beginners. Today this is a fairly popular way to learn foreign speech. Conversation English course for beginners As a rule, such audio lessons include an analysis of the most popular expressions and idiomatic phrases characteristic of spoken language. The conversational English course for beginners examines the most typical communication situations. Audio lectures for beginners will be a great help when you need to know what to say and how to behave in a normal conversation and more.

English lessons for beginners usually contain everyday vocabulary on a variety of communication topics: greetings, apologies, time, food, city, shopping, and so on. You can’t manage a conversation without knowing the basic numerals, days of the week, phrases that are used in telephone conversation. It is also very important to know how to behave in an emergency situation. All these topics are covered in conversational English courses.

Learn spoken English quickly and easily with basic level You can use the audio guide “Spoken English Course for Beginners.” This mini-training consists of 18 lessons that will help you gain basic communication skills for beginners. On our website I will post all these audio lectures with brief description and text material for each lesson. Audio English course for beginners B simple lessons clear and accessible for beginners speech etiquette English language, including typical figures of speech and colloquial clichés, united by one theme. And the theme " Conversational English course for beginners"covers the bare minimum of vocabulary that will help you when traveling on vacation or on a business trip to an English-speaking country or any other country in the world.

If you learn a mountain of grammatical rules, memorize a lot of vocabulary, but will not be able to correctly arrange lexemes and will not learn to hear fluently English speech, then you will never be able to say that you know the language. Only after learning to communicate fluently in English can we talk about mastering the language at least at a basic level. Therefore, for beginners, first of all, it is necessary to hone your speaking skills and correct pronunciation.

How to work with an audio English course for beginners

To become fluent in spoken English, you need to study the course in detail and master the conversation through reading and listening. The course lessons are structured in such a way that you can practice and experiment in all these areas. To make the course as effective as possible, try to work with it according to the following methodology for mastering the English language:

  • Get ready for class: sit comfortably and relax
  • Read the text material from the lecture aloud several times
  • Listen carefully to the vocabulary voiced by the speaker on a specific topic
  • Play the audio again and repeat short phrases behind the carrier
  • If necessary, go back to the beginning of the lesson and repeat all steps
  • After the lesson, apply all the knowledge gained in practice in real life
  • Study and pay attention to your studies every day for at least 1-2 hours
  • Consolidate no more than one lecture per day; do not get ahead of yourself and disrupt the logic of the study.
  • And most importantly, don't hesitate to apply everything you've already learned.

I wish you success in learning spoken English! Read, listen, repeat and have fun!

So, let's go!

List of audio lessons, conversational English course for beginners :