All people are accustomed to certain sizes of fruits and vegetables. Apples should be no larger than a tennis ball, just like tomatoes. An onion is usually no smaller than a ball of thread. The list goes on and on.

However, there are craftsmen who have managed to grow fruits of unimaginable sizes on their plots. We present the 10 largest fruits and vegetables in the world, included in the famous Guinness Book of Records.

The world's largest cabbage was grown by an American family in Alaska. This place is not known for its suitable weather for growing vegetables, but the Evanses succeeded. In 1997, the world's largest white cabbage was grown, which immediately entered the Guinness Book of Records. Her weight was just over 34 kilograms. For comparison, this is the average weight of a child aged 8 years. So far, no one has managed to break the Evans' record, the secret of which the family keeps secret.

Pumpkin – 1200 kg

The most big pumpkin in the world was grown in Belgium in 2016. In order to bring it to the festival, the farmer had to use the services of a forklift. Mathis Willemiens grew the most big vegetable in the world the size of a mountain boulder. Its mass was almost 1200 kilograms. The pumpkin was immediately recognized as a record holder and entered into the Guinness Book of Records. So far no one has managed to grow anything larger. Last Weight Limit pumpkin production was 1.08 tons in 2014.

Potatoes – 4.9 kg

Unfortunately, potatoes cannot grow as big as pumpkins, as they have their own characteristics. However, the English gardener at the exhibition presented the most big potatoes in the world. In 2011, another figure was entered into the book of records - 4 kilograms 900 grams. Peter Glazebrook was pleasantly surprised by this news, but refused to tell the secret of his success.

Turnip – 16 kg

The record for growing the largest turnip in the world belongs to a Chinese farmer. The vegetable grew in a province in the south of the People's Republic of China, Yunnan in 2015. The turnip turned out to be 120 centimeters long and weighing 16 kilograms, and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The gardener himself says that he did not use any special fertilizers, but simply watered it well every day.

Zucchini – 54 kg

Peter Glazebrook holds more than one record in the field of growing vegetables. An English farmer managed to create the world's largest zucchini according to the Guinness Book of Records. His weight was 54 kilograms and his height was 67 centimeters. In order to bring the giant to the festival, Peter asked his friend, the famous athlete Jonathan Walker, to help him with this. To date, there is no person who has broken the Englishman's record.

Carrots – 10.2 kg

The largest carrot was registered in the Guinness Book of Records in 2017. An American gardener managed to grow a huge vegetable 50 centimeters long in the USA. Christopher claims that no chemical additives were used to achieve this result. The weight of the carrot was 10 kilograms 180 grams. The farmer's family, thanks to their grandmother, finally managed to try their creation. According to Christopher, the taste of carrots was no different from ordinary ones.

Onions – 9 kg

The largest onion in the world was grown by the same Englishman Peter Glazebreck in 2015. Its dimensions are more than 2 times the size of its head. The mass of the onion is 9 kilograms, but in the photo Peter is holding the vegetable like a feather. It was possible to grow a miracle of nature in just 2 and a half months. This is the third record of an English farmer included in the Guinness Book.

Watermelon – 150 kg

Most big watermelon in the world was grown by an American farmer in Tennessee. The weight of the fruit was just over 150 kilograms. The Guinness Book of Records added a new result in 2013. This watermelon can feed a whole family. Chris says there is no secret to his achievement, he just took care of the plant and watered it regularly. However, the climate of Tennessee in the USA has favorable conditions for growing the largest berries on the planet.

Pineapple – 8.27 kg

An Australian woman managed to grow the largest pineapple in 2011, breaking the previous record from 1994. A full 17 years passed before the pineapple was born, weighing 8 kilograms and 270 grams, only 210 grams more than the previous one. According to the results of the survey, no artificial growth stimulants were used when growing the largest fruit in the world. The hot climate of the remote continent allowed Christine to present to the world another miracle in the field of fruit growing.

Lemon – 5.3 kg

The record for growing the largest lemon has not yet been broken since 2002. It was then that in Israel we were able to see a miracle of nature - a lemon, which weighed 5 kilograms 300 grams. The fruit was born in the southern city of Kfar Zeitim to the Jewish farmer Aharon Shemoel. The achievement was immediately entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Aharon himself said that he had never tasted so much delicious lemon in his life. It was as sweet as an orange and, despite its size, peeled without much difficulty.

Autumn is that time of year when every self-respecting summer resident prepares to harvest his huge harvest. Vegetables are a product without which no person can live; vegetables include a bouquet of vitamins. This especially applies to fresh vegetables, and not processed ones, collected from a personal summer cottage or greenhouse, nurtured with organic or mineral fertilizers purchased from the Agroyal company . It is these vegetables, grown with love, that achieve certain records. Every year, competitions for the largest food products are held at various fairs around the world, some of which are included in the Guinness Book of Records. Let's see what...

For example, Japanese farmer Koji Ueno grew a huge pumpkin weighing 485.1 kg, thereby Koji became the owner of the title, or rather his pumpkin became the largest in Japan. By the way, this is Koji’s second victory in a row. Such competitions are organized by the International Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs and have been held for 27 years in a row. Those who win the competition in their country are sent to the world championship

As mentioned above, such competitions are held everywhere, so in the USA, more precisely in the state of Oregon, Thad Starr won with his 700 kg pumpkin. Thad is a professional grower of giant pumpkins and travels with them to various fairs around the country. The largest pumpkin grown by Thadam reached a weight of 800 kg.

Englishman Joe Atherton won at a fair in Yorkshire for the largest zucchini weighing 44 kg.

But Joe Atherton does various types of gardening. In the photo you can see how he holds a cucumber - 80 cm, and potatoes weighing 1.5 kg.

At the same fair in Yorkshire, a head of cabbage weighing 30 kg received the title of largest cabbage.

And at the competition in Alaska, for the first time in 18 years of holding the competition for the largest vegetable, 10-year-old Kivan Dinkel won, who grew cabbage weighing 42 kilograms. For this achievement he received $2,000.

Chinese resident Yan Hua bought a puffball mushroom weighing 4.5 kilograms from a vegetable seller, and it turned out to be quite edible.

This beet crop was harvested in Hungary, the beets were not grown for competition, so the weight and length are unknown.

Philip Vauls grows different kinds vegetables, including pumpkins, cabbage, and cucumbers. In the photo he is with a cucumber weighing 7 kg, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

On this photo again Vauls, but already aged with another giant - a zucchini weighing 51 kg, grown in just 1.5 months.

This photo shows Peter Glazebrook with an eight-kilogram onion.

Yitzhak Izdanpana from Israel grew a cucumber 1.2 meters high, and he assured that he did not use any drugs. The cucumber was grown on organic fertilizer for 3 months.

This photo shows a radish weighing 21 kilograms, also grown in Israel.

But Chinese resident Liu Fengbin grows oranges in his field and they are huge, to put it mildly. As Liu himself shares, there are a huge number of orange trees on his plantation, and only one produces such huge fruits.

In the photo below is a little girl Avishag from Israel, who shows us a huge avocado fruit weighing 2 kg. Such avocados do exist and are not inherently record holders, but very rarely.

A huge fruit from the Bramley apple tree.

This cucumber, measuring 119 cm, was supposed to become a record holder among its fellows, but the Englishwoman Claire Pierce submitted an application to the Guinness Book of Records late and the cucumber, unfortunately, rotted.

Yorkshire is apparently home to the most popular fair among gardeners, and this tomato has earned the title of the largest in the competition.

This pumpkin is smaller than Koji Ueno from Japan, but still in Sydney with a weight of 392 kg. she took first place in the large fruit competition.

November 1 is World Vegan Day. All people eat vegetables, but for many, the fashionable passion for vegetarianism has grown into a way of life. Today I picked the biggest, heaviest and longest vegetables.

2. The most big potatoes was grown by Lebanese farmer Khalil Semhat. His weight was 11.3 kg.

3. The largest zucchini grew in Norfolk, America, on Ken Dade’s farm. His weight was 65 kg.

Several places on the list will be taken by an American farmer from Alaska who specializes in growing giant vegetables - John Evans. He holds 7 world records.

6. Giant broccoli from John Evans' garden weighs 15.8 kg.

7. Another record from John Evans - the heaviest carrot in the world. Her weight was 8.5 kg.

8. But Lloyd Bright loves growing giant watermelons. His latest record is the largest watermelon weighing 122 kg.

9. The longest cucumber in the world was grown by Englishman Alf Cobb. The length of the cucumber was 0.9 meters.

10. The heaviest radish in the world was grown in Japan by Manabu Oono, his weight was 31.1 kg.

11. The world's largest turnip was grown by Scott and Mardi Robb in Alaska; it weighed 17.7 kg.

12. The heaviest beets in the world were grown by Dutch farmer Piet de Goude. Her weight was 71 kg.

13. The largest onion in the world weighing 8.2 kg was grown by British pensioner Peter Glazebrook.

14. The largest head of garlic weighed 1.19 kg and was grown by Robert Kirkpatrick in California.

15. The largest tomato in the world was grown in Oklahoma by J. Graham. His weight was 3.51 kg.

The smallest and largest fruit in the world August 22nd, 2016

Amazing flowering plant called Wolfia globulus, produces fruits so small (width from 0.4 to 0.8 mm) that More than 1,000 of these fruits can fit on one human finger.

One such fruit weighs about70 micrograms. It is also worth noting that Wolfia globulus also stands out for having the smallest flowers in the world among all flowering plants. Its natural habitat is tropical and subtropical Asia, however, the plant was also introduced into Northern and South America . Wolfia globulus grows near the shores of lakes, rivers, ponds, as well as ditches, where it spreads very quickly throughout the reservoir. It will also be interesting to note that this plant does not require roots for the stems or leaves to survive.

This smallest plant in the world blooms, and later emerges from the flower a tiny fruit called a "utricle" or "sac".

This plant blooms between June and September.

Wolffia globulus fruit is cultivated in Southeast Asia as it is rich in protein. This the fruit is considered an abundant source of food becauseWolffia reproduces very quickly. Wolffia tastes like watercress.

This microplant is also considered a great source of energy. If used as a biofuel, it would be carbon neutral since it removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

In addition, this plant can be used to filter water, balancing phosphorus and nitrogen levels.

Another benefit of wolfia is its ability reduce cadmium and arsenic levels in the environment.

Scientists are looking at wolfberry as a possible source of food and energy for long-term space travel.

The world's largest fruit

Among all the edible fruits, the largest are the jackfruits, which grow on trees. Their length can reach 110 cm, diameter - 20 cm, and weight - 34 kg.

Experts consider India (in particular the Eastern Ghats mountain range) and Bangladesh to be the birthplace of jackfruit. the fruit is considered national.

Today, jackfruit grows abundantly in South-East Asia and in the Philippines. This tree can also be found in eastern Africa, namely in Kenya and Uganda.

It is worth noting that this fruit is consumed both ripe and unripe. The latter is used as a vegetable - it is boiled, fried, and also stewed, but the ripe fruit is used fresh, especially when preparing salads and desserts.

Healthy jackfruit

Ripe jackfruit has a very strong aroma. The inside smells like a mixture of pineapple and banana, and it tastes like... apple, pineapple, mango and banana mixture.

Jackfruit is incredibly nutritious. It contains about 40% carbohydrates, and the seeds can contain 38% carbohydrates, 6.6% protein and 0.4% fat. As a rule, the seeds of this fruit are roasted like chestnuts.

Since jackfruit wood is not spoiled by termites and fungi, it is often used in construction, furniture production, and musical instruments.

List of beneficial substances contained in jackfruit:


A, beta-carotene, Thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, folic acid(vitamin B9), vitamin C, vitamin E.


Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc.

Vegetables are very healthy foods, rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances. The more there are, the better. What about giants raised by farmers? We present to your attention the giants among vegetables from all over the world.

1. There is no such thing as too much cabbage. The 2012 competition-winning cabbage grew without any fertilizer in Canada. And in another photo, autumn flower show director Martin Fish carries a huge cabbage at the 100th anniversary of the flower festival.

2. English pensioner Peter Glazebrook found a way to solve the food problem. He successfully grows giant vegetables in a special way. For example, onion weighing 8 kg, the largest beets in the world and the heaviest potatoes weighing 3 kg. Peter tried to grow huge vegetables for 25 years before setting a new record at last year's Harrogate Flower Show with onions.

3. Another Briton, Philip Vauls, has been growing vegetables for many years. He managed to grow giant pumpkins, cabbages, cucumbers and zucchini. In the photo he is holding cucumber weighing 7 kg, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

4. Nissan Tamir from Israel has been growing for a long time and with pleasure horticultural crops. On his site everything acquires gigantic size, even radishes that gained 21 kilograms of weight.

5. Lebanese farmer Khalil Semhat from the southern city of Tire could not believe his eyes when he discovered so much in his garden huge potatoes - 11.2 kg.

6. The longest carrot in the world was raised by Joe Atherton, its length was 5 meters 81 centimeters! Its secret lies in a special growing technique. Atherton filled long tubes with rich compost into which he planted carrot seeds. And as a result of a fourteen-month courtship, he received the longest carrot.

7. Michael Kingston c 5.7 kg leeks, bred by Joe Atherton for a Monster Vegetable competition at Shepton Mallet, Somerset in 1999.

8. Here it comes the largest broccoli weighing 15 kg, bred by John Evans. The farmer is famous for growing giant vegetables, one of them is cabbage, which weighs 34.4 kg. And he also managed to grow the heaviest carrot in 1998.