Runic magic is a system for magic and divination based on the ancient knowledge of runes. In magic, you can use both individual runes and bundles of several runic symbols - galdrstava. With the help of runic staves, you can arouse attraction in the opposite sex, create strong family and strengthen marriage ties. For successful witchcraft, it is important to choose the right runic formula, apply it to a suitable material without errors and successfully activate it. Beginning magicians are recommended to use in their experiments individual runes or ready-made staves developed by more experienced colleagues.

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    Basic principles

    Any manipulation with runes is always carried out in several stages:

    • Preparing the base. Select the material on which to be cut, drawn or embroidered magic symbols. Preference should be given to natural materials such as leather, stone, wood, bone, ceramics, silk or cotton fabric. The product is given an attractive shape in advance and the edges are processed.
    • Preliminary drawing or cutting of runes. The entire pattern is applied in full; when embroidering on fabric, a preliminary design is drawn.
    • Reviving the amulet. Runic script must be activated. To do this, a ritual of coloring and calling on power is performed. Some magicians paint runes with their own blood. In this case, you should clearly formulate your wishes. If you can put words into words poetic form, the amulet will be stronger.

      You can use one rune, several individual runes, or a runic pattern, which is several symbols connected into one pattern. When resorting to runic magic, you should be as careful as possible and not use unfamiliar symbols.

      There is a known case when a novice magician, wanting to arouse love in a girl, mixed up the runes and brought on her heart disease.

      Individual runes

      Amulets based on individual runic symbols can contain one or several runes. To attract the attention of the opposite sex and create strong partnerships, the Gebo rune is most often used as the main one.

      This rune has the ability to create and strengthen friendships. The bearer of the amulet at its base will arouse the interest of all people, the desire to communicate and engage in joint activities. It is not intended to evoke intense passion or only carnal attraction. But it’s great for starting initial relationships and strengthening an existing marriage. To enhance the impact, you can add one of the sacred runic words alu or gibu auja to Gebo. Sacred words should be perceived as a whole, without parsing them into individual runes.

      ALU in this case means “so be it.”

      And GIBU AUJA means “bringer of good luck.”

      These symbols should be applied to a suitable object, painted with the wish to acquire a life partner and worn on the chest. A working amulet will attract the attention of all people to its wearer, evoke a desire to make friends, and arrange events in the most favorable way for the emergence of relationships.

      To attract attention specific man, marriage, evoking passion, you should use runic staves - formulas consisting of several intertwined runes.


      The staves are applied in two steps: first, they draw the entire image as a whole, and then color it, drawing out the runes that make it up. Activation occurs at the moment of coloring, at the same time a wish is read, a spell that determines the further operation of the formula. To find your betrothed when there is no candidate yet, you can make an amulet and wear it around your neck. To attract the attention of a particular man, they draw on his photograph. It is possible to cut it out on a tablet or simply draw it on paper, adding your name and the name of your lover to the image of the runic formula.

      Below are several options for galdrstavs for love affairs, to attract the attention of a particular man.

      "Rod of Relationships" This runic formula creates a series of events leading to the emergence of friendship, partnership, and subsequently passion, love and, as a result, strong marital relations.Consists of the following runes:

      • Gebo. The key rune in this stave. Ensures the emergence of family partnerships.
      • Inguz. The female rune increases sex appeal, creates a radiation of feminine charm around its owner, and contributes to the emergence of fruitful relationships.
      • Soulu. Fills the formula with the power of pure heavenly energy, enhances the effect of other runes.
      • Kanu. Eliminates omissions, guarantees honesty on the part of a man, ignites the fire of male passion.
      • Berkana. Gives a connection to Mother Nature, creates a family on an earthly, everyday level.
      • Algiz. Does not allow outsiders to influence the emerging relationships, guarantees strong protection from unfavorable external factors.

      Suitable for drawing a man you like on a photograph; you can also make an amulet based on this stave for constant wearing. Works smoothly, without side effects.

      "Love is unexpected." This knitting is suitable for cases when you need a quick result and helps to achieve a breakthrough in relationships. It is advisable to memorize this image, then, looking at the right person, you can quickly draw this simply on your hand, on a piece of paper, or scratch it on any object that comes to hand with a mental utterance of your wish.

How to become desirable? How to find joy in love? This is what we dream about, this is what we are created for. Happiness, love, family are the goals of any woman. But the struggle for our happiness can sometimes be very difficult and intense: rivals, ill-wishers, and simply failures disrupt all our plans.

What can be done in this case? Runes for the sphere of love and marriage - help and support for those who believe in the power of these magical signs.

Contrary to popular belief, runes are not just letters of the Scandinavian alphabet. They mean mystery or secret. The action of runic signs is based on changing life events with the help of a symbolic sign and voice. This occult action sets in motion the universal mystery of existence, turning events in the direction you need. Each symbol consists of three indivisible aspects:

  • sound;
  • sign (symbol);
  • hidden law.

Sound manifests its power in the vibration of space, a sign (or form) manifests itself in the visible demonstration of space, a hidden law is a manifestation of higher magic. It is the highest magic that brings into action the inner meaning, the power of sound and sign. It is thanks to her that it is possible to transform events in the direction you need.

The magical runic tradition is based on the following principles:

  • the order of inscription of rune symbols in numerological order;
  • division of the rune row into three attas;
  • the shape and phonetic sound of each sign;
  • poetic traditions for each rune.

Where to apply rune marks?

Beginners often cannot understand where exactly to apply runic signs, and what should they be used to draw them with? There is nothing complicated here. Runic formulas are applied:

  • on your body;
  • on the body of another person;
  • to the photograph;
  • for food, water, bath, cosmetics and any items;
  • just on a piece of paper.

What can you draw with?

  • with a regular pen;
  • pencil;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • paint;
  • embroider;
  • scratch with a nail.

How does the process of applying runic signs take place:

  • Apply to media (body, photo, etc.)
  • Say the purpose of the rune stave (what it is intended for).
  • Specify the duration of the formula (start and end of action).
  • Activate the runes (you can breathe).
  • Burn the symbols or otherwise destroy them after they are completed.
  • Thank the runes for their help in your own words.

Symbols for love

Among the runic alphabet (futarch) there are a number of runes responsible for love and marriage. Attracting the desired man, mutual feelings and happiness is quite achievable with the help of the runes: Inguz, Yera, Gebo, Ansuz and Soulu.

You can draw rune symbols for love in red or with your own blood. There is nothing wrong with this - blood symbolizes your vital interest in this event (attracting love), and in order to draw runes with blood, you do not need to take it from a vein! Blood is taken from the finger of the left hand. Let's look at a few runic signs of love.

The meaning of the sign is power, strength. It symbolizes prosperity and fertility. Inguz rune for love and happy marriage has the most fundamental meaning: it is directly related to the svadhisthana chakra, which is responsible for reproductive capabilities and connection with the earth.

But the Inguz rune also interacts with other chakras responsible for other aspects of love - spirituality (anahata) and passion (manipura). The insuz rune carries a powerful positive charge; it gives strength to complete any task started.

In this case, it simply cannot fail! In runic formulas, this symbol stands at the very end as a sign of a successful outcome and completion. This symbol also increases libido in women and men. If there are any problems in the intimate area, they are solved with the help of inguz applied to the body or other physical medium. Do not forget when compiling runic formulas that Inguz is the main one for love magic and magic of the kind. Insuz will help:

  • strengthen self-confidence;
  • self-realization;
  • expand the boundaries of perception.

Helps events come true, gives hope for successful completion and “harvest.” The Yera rune for love is in the hands of Providence itself, and will certainly help events line up in the right order and safely come to an end. Any love formula or runic script for marriage and love with the Yera rune will lead you to success.

Yera is a successful conception for those who were unable to give birth to a child from their loved one. Yera is a seed sown into the fertile soil of success.

Even if events do not develop as quickly as you would like, then patience will be the key complete success! In order for the fruits to ripen, you need to wait. But the wait will not be in vain - you will definitely get your dream! The action of this symbol gives soft but steady progress, without jerks or haste. If you are overcome by doubts, haunted by failures, everything seems in order. gray color— you need to draw the Yera rune. The symbol will help:

  • implement all ideas and plans;
  • Enjoying life;
  • become patient and persistent;
  • live in harmony with nature.

A special feature of using the Gebo rune for love formulas is reciprocity. If there is no reciprocity in your relationship, then using the Gebo rune to attract a man’s love is not advisable: it will have the opposite effect and destroy any undertaking. Gebo harmonizes relationships well, removes misunderstandings between people, and ennobles feelings.

Gebo brings joy and pleasure to communication between partners, the happiness of mutual giving, prudent sacrifice in the name of a loved one, and evens out the balance of interests as the basis of trust.

Gebo is interesting for attracting a partner: you can count on mutual feeling and marriage with your loved one, because that’s who you’ll meet! But do not forget that this is a symbol of balance and mutual bestowal. If you rely on a one-sided relationship - “I just take, let him give” - then you will not achieve success in such an alliance. At least Gebo won't help you with this. A sign of fair exchange, generous sacrifice, sympathy and empathy. Helps:

  • strengthen relationships;
  • keep love;
  • receive more by giving;
  • establish contact with your subconscious.

Brings joy and happiness in love! Helps to establish communication with a partner in case of a disagreement. Ansuz increases the potential of personal vital energy, makes a person energetic and attractive, reveals new personality traits, removes all barriers and obstacles on the path to one’s ideal.

This rune is collective, that is, it is aimed specifically at partnerships, and not individual interests. Ansuz awakens the desire to understand another, awakens sensitivity and attentiveness to a partner.

The Ansuz rune for love opens up new horizons in old relationships and gives a chance to develop new ones. Love and a happy marriage are not achievable without mutual understanding and mutual care - Ansuz will help you with this! A pleasant surprise is the emergence of an artistic gift of words - you and your partner will be able to express your feelings without difficulty in beautiful words. If shyness previously prevented you from expressing your feelings beautifully, now it will be very easy to do! But poetry and love are a gift from the gods. Helps:

  • eliminate shyness, timidity;
  • strengthen relationships;
  • normalize energy processes in the body;
  • find inspiration;
  • build a new life.

This is one of the runes of victory, and everyone needs victory in matters of the heart! Soul also has powerful potential to bring about necessary changes in your life. Soulu is so strong that she can! If you draw just one soul rune on your body, it will give self-confidence to even the most modest person.

Another surprise of this amazing sign is the rejuvenation of the body and the toning of every cell of the body. Isn’t it simply an irreplaceable rune for love relationships?

Also, along with body tone, you will receive the necessary attractiveness and charm. If you are in search of your loved one, then you will have a chance to find him - you will simply be the center of everyone's attention, they will not be able to help but notice you. Filling yourself with literally solar energy will attract the eyes of people around you to you. The bright energy of love contained in this symbol will fill not only your life with happiness, but will give a feeling of happiness to everyone who is near you. Helps:

  • to accomplish the impossible;
  • rejuvenate the body;
  • see things in their true light;
  • increase energy potential;
  • gain inner vision.

However, remember that runic symbols must be used with great care.

by Dante

Becoming a "Gold fish" not only attracts romantic relationships, but also attracts the beginning of true Love into your life. And if you are not ready to again suffer from tender pain and fly with delight, then you can simply use the stripped-down version for the lungs romantic relationships"Silver Fish"
The goldfish (having become similar in appearance) grants only one wish, but what a wish!

First two are drawn KANO(charm) as a strong initial impulse (for example, eye contact)
Then it is completed GEBO as a mutual (partnership) flow of energies with increasing attraction to each other. A symbol of freely giving you increased attention without expecting anything in return, that is, without accounting in feelings like “you give me - I give you”)
Then the left one is drawn VINA- joy, realization of desires.
Next, the right one is drawn VINYA+SOULO+URUZ-delight and jubilation, the joy of achievement with a surge of strength marked by the radiance of the Sun.
And finally becoming ends in the lower right corner PETER- hidden changes (colossal internal transformations occur among lovers) Rune PERTH Of course, it is unpredictable at times, but on the other hand, it is so similar to the wayward and illogical nature of Love, which only adds more acuteness to the sensations.
INGUZ(manifested from KANO and GEBO) gives confident growth and stability to relationships.
OTAL appeared in ligature (lower part INGUZ) speaks of the presence (help) of the energy of ancestors (relatives), who are always present during a serious union of two and give their blessing.
Becoming very unusual in its impact...
To enhance, use SOULO or TEYVAZ(not THURISAZ) and of course appeals to Odin, Thor or Freya

Becoming" Diamond Fish"

New version of the "Gold Fish" stave! The effectiveness of the stave has been increased due to the placement of the rune Laguz exactly on the axis Peter, which means searching and finding the STREAM OF LIFE.
When the long-awaited feeling comes, everything changes and you seem to find yourself in a rapid stream of joyful events, everything seems to accelerate. Rune Laguz has always been used in love magic meaning, in addition to flow and graceful, strong woman also intuition, which will help you recognize your soul mate in time and not miss it (and also not blurt out too much, since a smart woman is one who knows how to be a fool)
If someone wants to use accelerator runes, then, of course, they can, but very carefully.
I don’t want to overload myself with transformation runes, because the tonality of its sound will change, but by intuition you can use them next to it.
Transformation runes are runes of changing events such as Evaz(impetus for change and transition to a happy layer of reality), Eyvaz(overcoming obstacles (self-esteem, fear, external obstacles) on the way to what is planned) and Dagaz(a sharp change in events, as if from night to day) You can at least cover the fish with the indicated runes in a palindrome, just don’t overdo it, don’t crush the Fish with these “heavyweights” and it will be necessary to soften their presence with a feminine Vinya or Algiz.

Almost every woman is concerned with the question of how and where to meet her love, how to please her beloved in order to stay with him for life. Many people resort to magic and love spells, but such actions do not always lead to positive changes in life. In addition, any love spell has a negative effect on the body. Therefore, the simplest, safest and in an effective way It is considered to be the use of runes to attract love and marriage.

What are runes

Runes are ancient signs that contain sacred meaning. Since ancient times, these signs have been used by people for protection, achieving goals, and giving a person certain qualities. They were applied for amulets, carved on the door of the house and painted on the body. Runes are powerful and contain enormous power. Most often, runes are used to attract love.

A rune is not only a letter of a currently unknown alphabet, it corresponds to a certain sound and has hidden meaning. With the help of these symbols you can attract or change many events in life. They perfectly contribute to the successful construction of destiny according to the desired scenario.

But in order to use runes correctly and for them to bring only benefits, you need to know some aspects of working with them. Therefore, you need to remember that the effect of the runes is enhanced if they stand next to each other, this is how bets on love, wealth and luck are made.

However, you should not combine runes yourself, since each of them can change its meaning to the opposite, depending on the symbols standing next to it. Optimal, if a specialist compiles the formula for you or you take a ready-made one from the network.

Most often, such symbols are applied to natural materials: wood or leather. This is how a real amulet or talisman is created, which needs to be charged and constantly carried with you. After fulfilling its purpose, the talisman must be thanked and released.

Usually runic script is applied to one’s own body or photograph, but it is allowed to do this on food or water to attract love specific person. In this case, the runes give a much greater effect.

Quite often, symbols are drawn on creams, soaps or foam in the bathroom; they are allowed to be drawn only on unlined paper. Any line on the sheet can distort the effect of the symbols. Many argue that drawing symbols is allowed only with natural materials: henna, basma or clay. But a drawing made with a regular pen will be no less useful. Therefore, if you don’t have it at hand natural material, take a regular pen and draw runes.

If you want to get married or find love, then you should choose several suitable runes and make a certain script from them. But first you need to prepare materials, which are suitable:

  • leather;
  • tree;
  • stone;
  • dye.

First you need to select the material that will be optimal for a particular person. It can be leather or wood, but most often a semi-precious stone is chosen for this.

Amber and jade are great help in love affairs, as they bring a certain romance into the life of every person. After this, you should take red paint - this is what will be used to apply the symbolism to the material.

All actions are allowed only in a good mood. If you are not in the mood or you are sad about something, then you should not apply symbols; it is better to postpone the ceremony until next time. There should be no one in the room where the ritual will be performed so that you are not distracted. Relax, throw all thoughts out of your head and proceed to the sacrament.

The stage of applying the rune to the material should occur according to the following principle:

  • say the name of the rune;
  • apply hooks and signs;
  • say a phrase that specifies the purpose of making the runoscript;
  • activate runes using four elements;
  • repeat the names of the runes again.

The clause with the help of which the runes are filled with meaning must be pronounced in free text, but it must necessarily contain the idea that the process of attracting a loved one into your life and marrying him will not harm other people. These mysterious symbols do not tolerate harm to others, so these words must be present when communicating with runes.

You can activate the amulet by simply bowing to all four cardinal directions and saying words of gratitude to the four elements. But it’s still better to sprinkle the talisman with water after applying runic symbols, carry over a candle flame, sprinkle with salt and fumigate with incense. This is a ritual for the opening of signs by all the elements. At the same time, you need to thank each element every time.

The talisman should be worn until it fulfills its purpose. After this, he should be buried in the ground, after thanking him in advance.

Runes for relationships and love, sex and attractiveness help you attract the man or woman of your dreams into your life. To do this, it is recommended to apply symbols to your own body. But such a ritual should be performed according to certain rules: applying runes is performed only on an empty stomach and in the morning, immediately after you get out of bed.

Runes should be applied with a red marker or henna. Each symbol must be named when applied, and you must say what exactly you want to receive and in what time frame. After this, you need to thank the runogram.

There should be no one in the room, no one should interfere with the ritual. Every morning you need to trace the runes. This must be done for as long as the symbols are active. Soon you will feel full of energy, the influence of magic on every cell of your body and even on many character traits.

There are people who prefer to put symbols on their bodies in the form of tattoos. But the opinion of experts in this case is extremely negative. After all, you will have to live with these runes all your life, and it is changeable. Circumstances will constantly change, but the runes will remain the same and will not change.

The runic alphabet consists of 24 characters. Some of them are responsible for attracting love and happiness. They are the ones who help restore lost peace in the family and save the marriage. These include:

  1. Inguz - - this rune is responsible for power and fertility. It helps in cases where it is necessary to attract a person with whom a woman wants to have a child. It helps restore the reproductive system and helps connect with the forces of the Earth. She is also responsible for passion and spiritual aspects, and increases a woman’s sexuality. When composing a formula, this symbol is placed at the end of it, as if symbolizing a successful outcome. This rune is the main one in love formulas; it makes it possible to open consciousness.
  2. Yera - - a symbol of hope and a successful outcome. This rune helps to conceive a child and leads to the fulfillment of dreams. Its action is extremely slow, but steadily leads to the desired result. She helps enjoy life, gain patience and connection with nature.
  3. Gebo - x - this rune helps to find harmony in relationships, but only when the feelings of lovers are mutual. She teaches care and understanding. But the symbol also helps to attract a partner with whom it will spark mutual love. Therefore, if you want to marry for love, then this is the symbol you need on the amulet.
  4. Ansuza - ᚨ is a symbol that helps to bring joy and good luck to love, and also promotes reconciliation with your loved one. It gives attractiveness and sensitivity, helps to attract relationships built on mutual understanding. This symbol will help develop creativity and allow you to start life anew.
  5. Soul - - is the rune of victory. It helps to gain confidence, change life and rejuvenate the body. The symbol helps fill the body with sunlight and special attractiveness. With its help you can do happy man who is nearby and gives mutual love.

By combining these symbols with each other, you can get what you want from the Universe and become happy. And which rates will help with this, you can check online.

Inscriptions for happiness

Runes are becoming increasingly popular to attract women, because men also want happiness. To do this, you need to draw up an appropriate runogram. In it, each symbol is strengthened by the next one. They are applied to amulets or one’s own body. If this is an amulet, then the question arises of where to put it in the future. After all, the fewer people know about the existence of the talisman, the better. So, if the runes are written on paper, then it can be put in the pocket of your clothes or sewn into a seam. If the runes are inscribed on the body, then they need to be drawn where no one can see.

Attracting the love of a specific person is also quite simple. To do this, just write the runes on your joint photo and activate them with words of love and safety. To do this, you need to draw Freya's seal, which consists of two runes: Inguz and Berkana. The arrival of even a distant lover will not take long.

Many people believe that to strengthen runes, you need to circle them with blood. But this is not always necessary. After all, blood is more often used in other types of magic. Therefore, it is worth getting by with a simple outline of symbols without blood.

Attention, TODAY only!

Since ancient times, runic magic has served people, helping in work, war, and treatment. The rune of love and love affairs was also known to people. To increase your attractiveness and attract the attention of the opposite sex, you can use both individual symbols and runic formulas. They are a combination of several symbols that are used in the form of sacred words or transform their constituent symbols into galdrstavs - bundles of several runes.

Basic rules of runic magic

Runic magic is very popular because, despite all its effectiveness, it does not bring kickbacks like black magic and does not require big casualties and works quite quickly. The impact is carried out in several stages:

If there is a need for magical influence disappeared, the spell can be easily dispelled without any consequences. To do this, it is enough to erase, burn or otherwise destroy the medium on which the runes are imprinted. If the runes are destroyed or erased, the magic will stop working.

Runic formulas of three symbols

For beginning magicians, it is recommended to use ready-made formulas or individual runes. Of the individual runes, we can recommend the partnership rune - Gebo. This best rune to attract the love of a man or woman. You should also use tried and tested the following rune combinations.

Galdstava for love magic

More strong impact It turns out if you link together several symbols of runes to attract love. The strongest bets are listed below. Such amulets are made in two stages:

  1. The entire pattern is drawn on a suitable object.
  2. The stave is additionally colored, and its constituent symbols are written out one by one.

To re-color, use paint of a different color, the blood of a magician or a sacrificial animal. It is most convenient to make an amulet based on galdrstava for constant wear. To do this, the image of the stav is applied to an object made of bone, wood or other natural material. The amulet is worn on the chest. You cannot swim without removing the amulet, flowing water destroys the spells.

Becoming the “Wand of Relationships”

This spell changes the event field of fate around its owner in such a way as to attract the most suitable partner, arouse his interest, attraction and love. Helps to enter into a legal marriage and promotes a happy married life. It can be inscribed on a photograph of a partner or on an amulet for everyday wear.

It works powerfully, but neatly, without unpleasant side effects or kickbacks. Includes the following magic symbols:

Knitting “Unexpected Love”

This post is intended for special occasions. It happens that the person you like communicates with pleasure, but does not make closer contact. Or a man agrees to rare intimate meetings, but is in no hurry to formally propose marriage. This spell can attract people to each other, making their relationships more intense and serious. It works very quickly.

You can, looking at the object of your sighs, quickly draw an image of this stav on a piece of paper or scratch it on your own nail with a needle. Consists of the following components:

Becoming "Forced Love"

A spell to create a runic love spell. You need to draw it on a photograph of your loved one. You can use paper with a name instead of a photo. You need to carefully imagine the image of the person in whom you want to arouse self-love and say out loud:

“(name) must love me, so be it, no one can stop him!”

If the need for this person’s love disappears, you will need to burn the runes. After this, the spell will dissipate without harm or consequences. Consists of the following characters:

  1. Gebo. Indicates the direction of the spell - friendship, love, partnership.
  2. Double Nautiz in direct and mirror image completely deprives a person of his will and forces him to behave as the one who drew the runes needs.

By studying the magic of runes, you can positively influence your relationships with the opposite sex. Runes are only beneficial, since they do not relate to black magic.

Attention, TODAY only!