The influence of the game on the development of a child’s personality lies in the fact that through it he gets acquainted with the behavior and relationships of adults, who become a model for his own behavior and in it acquires basic communication skills and qualities necessary for establishing contact with peers. By capturing the child and forcing him to obey the rules contained in the assumed role, play contributes to the development of feelings and volitional regulation behavior. When a child plays this or that role, he is not just fictitiously transferred into someone else’s personality, taking on the role and entering it, he expands, enriches, deepens his own personality. The importance of play for the development of not only imagination, thinking, will, but also the child’s personality as a whole is based on this relationship between the child’s personality and his role.

Personality and its role in life are closely interconnected; and in play, through the roles that the child takes on, his personality, he himself, is formed and developed.

Play is closely related to the development of the individual, and it is during the period of especially intensive development - in childhood - that it acquires special significance.

IN early years In a child’s life, play is the type of activity in which his personality is formed. Play is the first activity that plays a particularly significant role in the development of personality, in the formation of its properties and enrichment of its internal content, moral and volitional qualities.

In the process of development, usually personal significance and attractiveness acquire, first of all, those actions and those manifestations of personality that, having become accessible, have not yet become everyday. It is the new, just born and not yet strengthened, as something familiar, acquisitions of development that primarily come into play.

By entering the game and performing it over and over again, the corresponding actions are reinforced; While playing, the child masters them better and better: the game becomes for him a kind of school of life.

As a result, he develops during the game and receives preparation for further activities. He plays because he develops, and he develops because he plays. Play is a development practice.

In the game, all aspects of the child’s personality are formed, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development.

Various forms of adult activity serve as models that are reproduced in play activity children. Games are organically connected with the entire culture of the people; They draw their content from the work and life of those around them.

The game prepares the younger generation to continue the work of the older generation, forming and developing in them the abilities and qualities necessary for the activities that they will perform in the future.

In play, the child’s first human needs and interests are revealed and satisfied; manifesting themselves, they are at the same time formed in it. All aspects of a child’s psyche are formed in the game.

In play, a child’s imagination is formed, which includes both a departure from reality and penetration into it. The abilities to transform reality in an image and transform it in action, to change it, are laid down and prepared in play action; in the game the path is laid from feeling to organized action and from action to feeling; in a word, in the game, as in a focus, all aspects of the mental life of the individual are collected, manifested in it, and through it formed; in the roles that the child assumes while playing, the child’s very personality expands, enriches, and deepens. In the game, to one degree or another, the properties necessary for studying at school are formed, which determine readiness for learning.

Play is a particularly spontaneous quality of a child, and at the same time, it is all built on the child’s relationships with adults.

The child also draws the motives for his games from communication with adults. Moreover, especially at first, a significant role in the development of games belongs to imitation of the actions of adults surrounding the child.

Subsequently, play, especially among adults, having separated from non-play activities and becoming more complex in its plot content, completely goes to the stage, to the theater, to the stage, to the stage, separating itself from life as a ramp, and takes on new specific forms and features.

The game becomes art. This art requires a lot of special work on yourself. Art becomes a specialty, a profession. Here play turns into work.

The internal character and results of the development that occurs during the game depend on what content the game acquires, reflecting the life of adults around the child.

Thus, the play activity of a preschooler develops under the influence of upbringing and training, its level depends on the acquired knowledge and acquired skills, on the formed interests of the child. In play, the individual characteristics of children are especially evident, which also influence their development.

The value of play activity lies in the fact that it has the greatest potential for the formation of a children's society. It is in play that the social life of children is most fully activated; it, like no other activity, allows children to create, on their own, certain forms of communication already at the earliest stages of development. In play, as a leading type of activity, mental processes are actively formed or restructured, ranging from the simplest to the most complex. In gaming activities, particularly favorable conditions are created for the development of intelligence, for the transition from visual-effective thinking to elements of verbal-logical thinking. It is in play that the child develops the ability to create systems of generalized typical images and phenomena and mentally transform them.

4. Goals, objectives, content of play activities of preschoolers.

Play is a favorite activity of preschoolers. And no matter how important classes are, preparation for schooling, the nature of a child requires the fulfillment of the need for play. The game provides for the development of the child: the ability to act in terms of ideas, thanks to which the development of productive imagination occurs; navigate the sphere of human relations; coordinate your actions with others; the constantly changing environment of the game requires coordination of the efforts of its participants, which contributes to the development of cooperation and communication between children; find ways out of various life situations, flexibility, development of psychological stability, joyful and friendly emotional background.

Target: revealing the child’s personality, developing his creative potential through mastering gaming activities.


  • To ensure that children develop diverse ideas about reality and the ability to use these ideas to create new game plots.
  • To promote the emergence of friendly partnerships and gaming associations based on interests in the game, to teach children to independently negotiate with each other, fairly distribute roles and resolve conflicts themselves in an ethically acceptable form.
  • Provide time and space for play.
  • Development of speech activity in preschoolers, ability to be creative in play.
  • Create conditions for joint play activities between children and adults

In its origin and content, play is a social phenomenon determined by the development of society and its culture. These are special forms of a child’s life in society, activities in which the child, in a play environment, plays the roles of adults, reproduces their life, work, relationships; a form of knowledge of the world, leading activity in which the child satisfies his cognitive, social, moral, aesthetic needs.

5. Characteristics of the problems of role-playing games in modern society.

Preschool childhood is an age stage in decisive degree determining the further development of man. It is generally accepted that this is the period of the birth of personality, the initial revelation of the child’s creative powers, and the formation of the foundations of individuality. The most important condition for the development of preschool children is the development of play activities.

Play is an intrinsically valuable form of activity for a preschool child. Replacing play with other types of activity impoverishes the personality of a preschooler, hindering the development of the child’s imagination, and inhibits the development of communication with both peers and adults.

The game occupies a strong place in the system of physical, moral, labor and aesthetic education of preschool children. Personal qualities The child’s personality is formed in active activity, and above all in that which at each age stage becomes leading, determines his interests, attitude to reality, and the characteristics of relationships with people around him. IN preschool age such a leading activity is play. Already at younger age levels, it is in play that children have the greatest opportunity to be independent, to communicate with peers at will, to realize and deepen their knowledge and skills.

The older children become, the higher their level general development and good manners, the more significant is the pedagogical focus of the game on the formation of behavior, relationships between children, and the development of an active position.

An important part of the game is the conscious attitude of children to fulfill the rules of role behavior, which reflects the depth of mastery of reality. The role encourages children to obey certain rules of behavior and follow social norms.

IN last years Many scientists and practitioners speak with alarm about the trend of games disappearing from the lives of children, especially in older preschool age. Work practice analysis preschool institutions indicates a deepening contradiction between the recognition of the role of play in the development of a preschool child and a clear advantage in the direction of educating children and their early involvement in the system of additional education.

Little time is devoted to plot-based creative games, and their content often does not correspond to the peculiarities of the subculture of a modern child. Guiding games for preschoolers kindergarten bears the imprint of excessive didacticism and is carried out by analogy with the conduct of educational classes, often on outdated and uninteresting content for modern children in a strictly regulated subject-game environment. Consequently, play activity does not become a source of self-realization of the child’s internal strengths. This leads to irreversible losses in the development of the preschooler’s psyche.

What is a children's game?

When studying the game, researchers are faced with the multidimensionality of its manifestations and the fragility of its phenomenon. In many languages, the concept of “game” is conveyed by words that simultaneously denote joy and fun. This means that a game-activity that gives the child pleasure is characterized by emotional uplift.

Meanwhile, the culture of the game modern world is losing its position. Childhood is losing the meaning of a unique age period where the true source of development is live communication and play. The modern child is less and less involved in relationships of cooperation, mutual assistance, and partnership.

The toy market is saturated with all kinds of models, but, as observations show, most of them are focused on individual use. The transmission of traditions from older children to younger ones, from adults to children is lost. TV or computer now best friend child, they form a very specific adult. It turns out that modern society focuses its members on individuality.

Today we will not see such a game as Daniil Borisovich Elkonin described it. Today, role-playing games, even if they arise, are characterized by monotony. Changes in the sociocultural living conditions of children, which intensively occur in Lately, entailed a change in the plots and content of the role-playing game, as well as the level of its development. What kind of stories do modern children prefer to unfold?

The fundamental difference between the game modern preschoolers dually: on the one hand, games borrowed from cartoons have appeared; games of superheroes, ninja turtles, spider-men, Winx fairies, which can be represented by a typical set of simple actions or phrases, have become very popular. The relationships between the characters are primitive.

On the other hand, preschoolers are limited in appropriating social roles. The lives of adults cease to be the content of games. Close adults begin to take the place virtual characters. Children receive most of their impressions from television programs.

Another reason for the disappearance of the game can be called the modern profession market.

Recently, children do not know what their parents are doing. In the position column - realtors, managers, dealers, agents, etc. parents cannot clearly explain to the child what they do. From child care the professions of salesman, tailor, etc. have gone, and yet the conditions for these games are being created; in many gardens there are artificially created play areas, but the attributes for these games do not arouse much interest among children.

At older preschool age, children continue to play role-playing games with familiar themes (“Shop”, “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, etc.). When organizing such games, it is important to take into account the features of modern social life. For example, a more typical image of a store is a supermarket. Instead of a regular hairdresser, a child often encounters a beauty salon with a wide range of services. Under the influence of wide familiarization with social reality and the media, new game themes appear in the child’s play repertoire: “Book supermarket”, “ Tourist agency" and etc.

Special attention The parental position also deserves: to form an attitude towards the game as a way of development. In society, the value of early intellectual achievements increases, but the importance of interpersonal and moral personality formation, which is so necessary for gaming activity, decreases. Organizing meaningful games on social topics requires highlighting the relationships between people, which are the basis for plotting. The lack of relevant experience and the resulting image of adulthood is an obstacle to the development of professional and social stories related to the lives of adults.

Often the game comes down to manipulating a bright, fashionable toy. When inventing games, children rely on television information and computer games.

Often the game comes down to hoarding, because having as many Transformers and Barbies as possible is considered prestigious in the children's subculture.

The paradox is that often children do not know how to play, how to develop the game plot. This situation is largely due to the fact that in kindergarten the child is in the company of peers - children who play the same way as he does. Communication with children in the yard is limited due to the need to ensure the safety of the child on the street. Game experience is not transferred from older children to younger ones; children do not have time to fully penetrate the “spirit of the game.”

To the modern child there is no place to learn to play. In such a situation, the kindergarten teacher should convey the gaming experience to the child. But it’s sad that when children don’t know how to play correctly, the teacher himself is to blame, that is, his low gaming literacy, gaming culture. Learning to play is a mechanism for the teacher to naturally help the child. It includes direct interaction between the teacher and children in play, observation of children’s play, study of children’s capabilities and prospects for the development of play. The teacher needs to become an attractive play partner for the child, who brings new content and new skills to children's play. Another problem with the play of preschool children is the ambiguous attitude of adults towards the games of modern preschoolers, which is manifested in the prohibition by teachers of certain gaming topics and toys, which makes the child’s play more closed from adults than it was before.

The intrinsic value of children’s story-based games indicates that they should occupy one of the main places in the pedagogical process of kindergarten. This requires the use of special pedagogical technologies based on the idea of ​​accompanying interaction between teacher and child.

Play that involves building relationships can influence a child's mental development. The child must gain experience in play activities in interaction with adults, peers, and strive to learn social reality, surrounding him. Otherwise, children who have not played enough will go to school and have not learned to regulate their behavior, evaluate themselves and control their desires.

So, summing up the above, I would like to say that there are problems with the play of preschool children, and they are obvious:

1. The plots of the games of modern preschoolers reflect mainly the everyday side of life and television topics. Professional and social subjects are presented minimally.

2. For most modern preschoolers, play does not reach its developed form.

3. Many children find it difficult to establish contact in the plot- role-playing game, take on the role of a leader, and do not deviate from the rules of the game.

4. The level of play development of modern preschoolers is significantly lower than that of their peers from the middle of the last century.

The current situation prompts us to raise the question of developing a more serious and responsible attitude towards the play of preschoolers - both among teachers and parents, and at the level of state educational policy. Reducing play in preschool age can have the most dire consequences for the personal development of the younger generation.

In play activities, the mental qualities and personal characteristics of the child are most intensively formed. The game develops other types of activities, which then acquire independent meaning. Gaming activity influences the formation of arbitrariness mental processes. Thus, in play, children begin to develop voluntary attention and voluntary memory. The conscious goal (to focus attention, remember and recall) is highlighted for the child earlier and is easiest in the game. The very conditions of the game require the child to concentrate on the objects included in the game situation, on the content of the actions being played out and the plot. The need for communication and emotional encouragement forces the child to focus and remember.

The gaming situation and actions in it have a constant influence on the development of the child’s mental activity. In the game, the child learns to act with a substitute object - he gives the substitute a new game name, in accordance with which he acts. The substitute object becomes a support for thinking. Based on actions with substitute objects, the child learns to think about a real object. Gradually, playful actions with objects are reduced, the child learns to think about objects and act with them mentally. Thus, play greatly contributes to the child’s transition to thinking in terms of ideas.

At the same time, the child’s experience of gaming and especially real relationships in role-playing games forms the basis special properties thinking that allows you to take the point of view of other people, anticipate their future behavior and build your own behavior on this basis.

The game has a very great influence on the development of speech. The game situation requires a certain level of development from each child included in it. verbal communication. The need to communicate with peers stimulates the development of coherent speech.

Role-playing play is crucial for the development of imagination. In play activities, the child learns to replace objects with other objects and take on different roles. This ability forms the basis for the development of imagination. In the games of children of senior preschool age, substitute objects are no longer required, just as many play actions are optional. Children learn to imply objects and actions with them, and create new situations in their imagination. The game can then take place internally.

The influence of the game on the development of a child’s personality lies in the fact that through it he gets acquainted with the behavior and relationships of adults, who become a model for his own behavior and in it acquires basic communication skills and qualities necessary for establishing contact with peers. By capturing the child and forcing him to obey the rules contained in the role he has taken on, the game contributes to the development of feelings and volitional regulation of behavior.

Productive activities of the child - drawing, design - at different stages of preschool childhood are closely fused with play. Inside the play activity begins to take shape and educational activities, which later becomes the leading activity. The teaching is introduced by the adult, it does not arise directly from the game. But the preschooler begins to learn. When playing, he treats learning as a kind of role-playing game with certain rules. However, by following these rules, the child unnoticed masters basic learning activities. The fundamentally different attitude of adults towards learning than towards play gradually, gradually changes the child’s attitude towards it. He develops the desire and initial ability to learn.

The personal qualities of a child are formed in vigorous activity, which is leading at each age stage. In preschool age, such an activity is play.

Play is a voluntary free activity that presupposes the unity of thought and action.

Children's play is a way for children to reproduce the actions of adults and the relationships between them, aimed at understanding the surrounding reality.



Article. The role of play in child development.

“Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The personal qualities of a child are formed in vigorous activity, which is leading at each age stage. In preschool age, such an activity is play.

Play is a voluntary free activity that presupposes the unity of thought and action.

Children's play is a way for children to reproduce the actions of adults and the relationships between them, aimed at understanding the surrounding reality.

Play is an important means of mental education for a child. Knowledge acquired in kindergarten and at home is found in play practical use and development. Reproducing various life events, episodes from fairy tales and stories, the child reflects on what he saw, what was read and told to him, the meaning of many phenomena, their meaning becomes more clear to him.

The game has a very great influence on the development of speech. The game situation requires from each child included in it a certain level of development of verbal communication. The need to communicate with peers stimulates the development of coherent speech.

Role-playing play is crucial for the development of imagination. In play activities, the child learns to replace objects with other objects and take on different roles. This ability forms the basis for the development of imagination. In the games of children of senior preschool age, substitute objects are no longer required, just as many play actions are optional. Children learn to imply objects and actions with them, and create new situations in their imagination. The game can then take place internally.

The influence of the game on the development of a child’s personality lies in the fact that through it he gets acquainted with the behavior and relationships of adults, who become a model for his own behavior and in it acquires basic communication skills and qualities necessary for establishing contact with peers. By capturing the child and forcing him to obey the rules contained in the role he has taken on, the game contributes to the development of feelings and volitional regulation of behavior.

N.K. Krupskaya wrote: “For preschool children, games are of exceptional importance; for them, play is study; play is work for them; play is a serious form of education for them. Play for them is a way of learning about their surroundings. While playing, they study colors, shapes, spatial relationships...”

A similar thought was expressed by A.I. Gorky: “Game is the way for children to understand the world in which they live...”.

In my opinion, it is possible to highlight following rules games:

1. The game should bring joy to both the child and the adult. Every success of the baby is a mutual achievement, both yours and his.

2. Get your child interested in playing, but don’t force him to play, don’t let the game get to the point of satiety.

3. Educational – creative games. Children must do all tasks independently.

4. To get a feel for the relative difficulty of the tasks, be sure to try them yourself before assigning tasks to children.

5. Be sure to start with feasible tasks or with simpler parts of them. Success at the beginning is a must.

6. If a child fails to complete a task, it means you overestimate his level of development. Take a break, and after a few days, start with easier tasks. It’s even better if the child himself begins to choose tasks taking into account his capabilities. Don't rush him.

7. Each child needs a separate set of games.

8. In what order should the games be given? The author would start with the game “Fold the Patterns”, “Multi-Colored Cubes” or Montessori Inserts, here the child needs to distinguish between colors and shapes. A general rule– observe the child’s development, record his success and determine when and which of the games to “turn on.”

9. Children’s hobbies happen in “waves,” so when a child’s interest in a game wanes, forget about the game for a month or even more, and then “accidentally” return to the game, it often happens, it’s like meeting an old friend from a long time ago did not see.

10. Take care of games, do not put them in the same place as other toys. After all, the forbidden fruit is sweet, and it is better if the child asks for them or offers to play. Let them stand in a visible, but not very accessible place.

11. For the little ones, enliven the game with a fairy tale or story, give “names” to patterns, modules, drawings, figures. Invent and fantasize until the child begins to be captivated by the very process of overcoming difficulties in solving problems and achieving the desired goal.

12. The strong want to fight, the fast want to run or play outdoor games, but the weak don’t like it. A child may “not be interested in playing” for two main reasons. He has poorly developed qualities that are needed in the game, or adults have discouraged him by forcing him to play.

13. Create a relaxed atmosphere in the game. Don't hold back motor activity child, so that you can jump with delight and do somersaults on the mat, and fly like on an airplane.

14. When folding patterns or patterns according to ready-made tasks already mastered, move on to inventing new ones.

15. It’s better to use a stopwatch and organize competitions on the speed of solving problems. Rapidly developing children can already defeat adults at the age of 6-7 years. In this case, you need to gather courage and honestly admit your defeat in a chivalrous manner.

Based on the above, it can be noted that the leading place in the system preschool education belongs to the game.

The problem of the formation and development of gaming activity is widely reflected in the psychological and pedagogical literature.

Game activity has vital importance For comprehensive development the personality of the child, acts as a connecting link in relation to the knowable.

Have you ever wondered why children love to play? What does play give to a child? To paraphrase S. Mikhalkov’s famous poem about his mother, let’s say: “Different games are needed, different games are important...”. Because the role of play in a child’s development is enormous! A single definition of the concept of “game” has not yet been developed by science and practice. A game is a type of activity and a form of activity, it is life as it is and an imitation of life, it is a competition and construction, etc. A game is a special form of mastering reality by reproducing it and modeling it. In play, a child learns about the world and people through substitutes, models of real objects - toys.

What is the role of play in a child's development? early age?

For a child from one to three years old, play is manipulating with objects. Through playing with objects, a child learns about his surroundings objective world. Playing in the kitchen while mom cooks, the child learns the purpose of various kitchen utensils and the names of your favorite (or least favorite) foods. Playing with educational toys (pyramids, inserts, cubes, etc.) with mother, the child’s fine motor skills, thinking, memory, and attention develop. This game also teaches children to communicate about toys and activities, enjoy success, persistently achieve results, follow the instructions of adults, and correlate their actions with the actions of their parents.

What is the role of play in the development of a preschool child?

For a preschooler, play is the most important activity. At this age, the child lives in play. In addition to playing with objects at this age, another the right type games – plot-role-playing game. This game is very popular and loved by children, it prepares them for their future life. It is called so because its main elements are the game concept, the development of the script (plot), the actual game actions, the choice and distribution of roles. This is a type of creative game that is created by the children themselves; they themselves come up with the rules for it. For a child, this is a way of self-realization, in the game he can become what he dreams of being in real life: doctor, driver, pilot, etc. For example, these are games of “mothers and daughters”, “shop”, “hospital”, “school”. The main task of such a game is to “play the role” correctly, i.e. conform to adult behavior patterns. These games are a direct reflection of what children see in their Everyday life. One girl, playing the role of a mother, gently strokes the child before bed, and the other yells at him for spilling tea on the table.

Exactly at role-playing games Such important qualities for the child develop as the ability to manage one’s attention and memory, remember and adhere to rules, plan one’s activities and foresee the result, and develop observation and imagination. And the plot-swarm game is a huge field for the manifestation of bright emotions of a preschooler, as well as the opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of another, which is important for overcoming children's egocentrism.

So, what is the role of play in a child's development? Huge! Large-scale! Therefore, there is no need to look at the game as fun or an empty pastime, according to the principle “whatever the child enjoys…”.

Play in a child’s life plays the role of the main instrument of development and education (on the part of the parents) and the soil, basis, fabric of life itself (for the child himself). In order for a child to develop in play, it is necessary to avoid overprotection of the child and provide him with more space and independence. Children whose desire for independence is not sufficiently developed do not know how to play or play reluctantly, little and poorly.

What is the role of play in a child's development? Play seriously with your child and you will find out.

Poshkrebneva Elena Petrovna

Game is a multifaceted phenomenon; it can be considered as a special form of existence of all aspects of the life of a group without exception. Just as many shades appear with the game in the pedagogical manual educational process. Play plays a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child - the most important species children's activities.



The role of play in child development.

Game is a multifaceted phenomenon; it can be considered as a special form of existence of all aspects of the life of a group without exception. Just as many shades appear with play in the pedagogical management of the educational process. Play, the most important type of children’s activity, plays a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child. She happens to be effective means formation of the preschooler’s personality, his moral and volitional qualities, the game realizes the need to influence the world. The educational value of the game largely depends on the professional skills of the teacher, on his knowledge of the child’s psychology, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, from the correct methodological guidance of children’s relationships, from the clear organization and conduct of all kinds of games.
Preschool childhood is a short but important period of personality development. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, towards work, develops skills and habits of correct behavior, and develops a character. The main activity of preschool children is play, during which the child’s spiritual and physical strength develops; his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity. In addition, play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age. In the game, all aspects of the child’s personality are formed, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which is considered the leading activity of a preschooler.

The role of play in the upbringing and development of a child

A small child constantly needs activity and gets tired not from it, but from its monotony...

Play for a preschool child is the leading and most natural activity. an important condition full mental, moral, aesthetic, physical development, his socialization in society.

Children's games in general are the only natural work of a child, which he undertakes without coercion or external influence. At the same time, they are an excellent way to instill almost all the character qualities that we value in people, but which we often try to instill verbally, i.e. verbal, methods or simple habituation, training or exercise.

By playing, a child learns to live. During the game, he quite easily masters it, understands the essence and remembers its basic rules. In the future, such skills will be useful to him, in particular when studying at school. Moreover, during the game, depending on its progress, the child must evaluate the situation and make decisions independently; learns the need for cooperation, learns to respect the rights of another participant in the game, learns to restrain himself and his negative emotions; in return expresses goodwill and sincerity.

No other activity is capable of giving a preschool child so many positive emotions that he so needs for healthy mental and physical development. Games are no less beneficial at older ages, but only if their social content is deepened.

Even a combination various types activity does not cause a sharp change in dynamic stereotypes, does not violate peace of mind child, but becomes a consistent fragment of his life, which unfolds directly.

The main thing is not to allow (especially under the age of 3 years) a sharp, rapid transition from one type of activity to another, which does not have any logical connection with the previous one, especially if it is little known or completely unknown to the child. This causes protest, reluctance, even painful fear of what is new that is being offered. This is why children react painfully to being distracted from a toy or game that completely captivates them.

By categorically interfering in the world of children's play, adults injure and destroy the world of fantasy, traumatize the child's psyche, deform his imagination, or, finally, provide false patterns of behavior with the feelings of others and attitudes towards the results of their work. Therefore, it is so important to be tactful with children engaged in games and toys. Don’t rush to stop them, even if you have your own plans - on the contrary, take the time to ask what game your child is interested in and what its meaning is. Join in unobtrusively - play along, and you will feel the child’s special gratitude and interest in you.

Thanks to the game situation, you can teach your child something educational and useful. As observations show, preschoolers are very fond of playing games such as “Mothers and Daughters”, “Home”, “Away” and others. Parents can always direct their stories to be learned certain rules family life, fulfillment of duties and compliance with ethical behavior and relationships.

Guided by folk wisdom that “it is easier to educate children than to re-educate them” and “you need to start educating them when the child is still lying across the bed”, you must always take care of what, how and with whom your child is doing. And to guide him to positive thoughts and good deeds, it is advisable to pay more attention to games of moral content: they can be both active, say, during the day, and quite calm - before bed.

Games such as " Magic word"(when every request and action must be accompanied by proper selection and use of polite, pleasant words); "One-stop shop" (when the child mentally finds himself in a situation of choice, in which he has the right to choose only one from a large offer of different possible desires.

By the way, similar situation“in the store” can be used to help children navigate the possibilities family budget, in the usefulness or excess of particular things; learned to make conscious choices for which they themselves would have to answer in case of failure); “Good - bad” (when in a play situation the essence of good and bad is revealed to the child, and he develops a system of ideas about cause-and-effect relationships various actions, actions and behavior in general) and others.

Such games will always contribute to the formation of the child’s ideas about politeness, the priority of desires and needs, the possibility of satisfying them, and will develop and enrich his language, even if you do not clearly set such an educational goal for yourself.