People turn to supernatural and higher powers to fulfill their desires, to improve their lives or improve their health, in which white magic spells are especially helpful. This mystical category covers prayers and conspiracies designed to straighten the path of fate, prevent troubles, or pull a lost soul out of the devil's arms. In this article we will look at the specifics of using such magical powers and give effective recipes.

What is the essence of white magic

The results of these rituals turn out to be weaker than similar means from the category of black magic, so many people decide to use “black help” for themselves. But there is one important nuance: despite the lower strength of the effect, there are fewer negative side factors, or they may not exist at all.

Different people explain this in their own way: some believe that a person’s karmic history is not clogged when using white magic spells, others talk about the state subtle bodies, in which black entities do not settle, thereby polluting the aura and attracting troubles.

Such means cannot harm a person, that is, they cannot cause damage or force another to do what he does not want. These are not scary ones who use methods of influence that can disrupt the energy shell and damage mental health.

You can wait a long time for the results of using such rituals, and you will have to really try to speed up and improve the effect. Only the sincere good aspiration of the soul can help, and during all magical actions the caster must clearly concentrate on the object and on the desired result in order to, with the power of his attention, additionally “warm up” with energy the charge or request for help sent into the Universe. Especially it concerns .

If this is a ritual associated with attracting love, then you need to think about the person in a positive way, wishing him and yourself all the best. You should approach this process with an open soul and heart, understanding that two people can come together and live together happily ever after only if this is written in their destiny.

A word can become a serious weapon, capable of healing a person dear to the heart, or destroying an unwanted opponent who stands in the way.

Eat important rules, helping to achieve desired result when using spell words and white magic:

  • For Christian believers, there is one excellent piece of advice - before performing any of these techniques, you should read the “Our Father” in advance, putting your whole heart into the prayer. The same applies to followers of other religions.
  • It is important to retire to a pleasant place in order to properly tune in to a positive result.
  • All white magic word spells are read out loud or in a whisper, but it is important to pronounce and be aware of the spoken phrases.
  • A request to higher powers must be sincere in order to be heard and come to the rescue.

Before performing any such ritual, you need to clear your mind of all unnecessary negativity, doing this only in good mood. A person must understand that his thoughts are not aimed at destruction, but at creation.

Applied to love magic this means that rituals should not be performed if there is a grudge against a loved one, and if it is to attract money and wealth, then it is not recommended to do this when there is such an urgent need for funds that a person naturally experiences despair. It is better to wait for a change in mood, because this moment will definitely come.

An important component of white spells: they do not work without the consent of the target, and do not require a bribe (reward).

For example, if a long-sick person recovers through spells, no one around him gets sick instead of him.

IN Everyday life, a person often uses expressions that have an incantatory effect. We can complain about bad weather and say with a prayer: “Lord, if only there was sunshine tomorrow!” Someone goes to take an exam and says “I want the first ticket!”

Even without knowing that we have launched a spell (unconsciously said at the right time and in the right place), we rejoice at the result obtained.

In fact, any phrase voiced or repeated many times in thoughts can have the properties of a conspiracy. Weigh the words that are about to come out of your mouth, especially in bad mood when you are angry or angry. You will throw out your negativity, but how it will affect the person next to you is unknown.

White magic saves from various troubles, helping to joyfully overcome any trials of fate. It is recommended to read them at a time when everything is good, so that your thoughts and mood remain pure and positive. For this plot, you need to take a new scarf or towel, and before reading the words it is better to leave the house and go outside. You need to read these words by heart directly onto the fabric:

“Save me, Christ, with your shield!
Let a bright and clean road lie under my feet! Amen!"

It is best to carry out the ritual along the road near the house. After reading the plot several times, it is recommended to thoroughly wipe your face with this handkerchief.

If a person has suspicions that he is damaged, this can be corrected with the help of white magic. Another person may send such a threat unconsciously, without thinking about it. Sometimes, just during a conversation, he can say in anger that he wants to send damage, and then you need to immediately resort to an ancient white magic spell. You shouldn't get angry with a person, but you need to do it in calm state mind and in a good mood. First you need to cross yourself, and then say the following words:

“Everything has arrived, but is gone irrevocably. Go away, get lost, out of sight. Amen"

It is recommended to do this immediately after the conversation, and the interlocutor who uttered the careless phrase should not be present at the ritual. This way you can “dodge” negative energy and avoid related problems.

Many people try to use white magic for positive purposes, to improve your own or someone else's health. The ritual below is performed during the waxing month, which is due to the complex approach of the spell: it helps to improve health in the long term, and this will affect the whole body, and not just one disease. Of all the necessary means, you will need a candle from the church, as well as just one glass of holy water, which should be placed directly in front of you at dawn, while lighting the candle. The following words must be read by heart, watching the fire, and original text This white magic spell is in Latin, but it can also be read in Russian:

"Two powerful forces: Fire and Water,
I address my words to you!
Save me from illness and disease,
Channel your strength and save from evil!
I pray for support,
I thank you with all my heart!”

All this must be read three times in a row, looking at the candle. After all the words, the fire will go out and after that you can remove the candle and leave the water to infuse at night on the windowsill. In the morning, taking small sips, you need to drink all the water.

It is important to understand that the ritual makes sense to perform only if the person is in good physical condition right now. If he is in pain, the spell is unlikely to take effect.

Another type of white magic rituals includes conspiracies that are aimed at improving relations between loving people. They also help you become more desirable in the eyes of your partner.

Before using this white magic spell for love, you need to clearly understand that this method will work within those couples who this moment don't experience any problems. The fact is that white magic can strengthen what is now, but it will not help force a once loved one to change his will and return after an abrupt departure.

To carry out the conspiracy, you will need a simple dough that needs to be kneaded by adding powdered sugar, rose oil and honey, doing it all with these words:

“Dear mother Lada and beloved father Svarog,
Bind our pure souls forever,
Bring purity and peace into our hearts!”

You need to repeat this throughout the entire kneading of the dough, and after that you can make a delicious sweet dish out of it, which must be eaten together. It is not recommended to share treats with other strangers.

Many people want to become more beautiful and more interesting in the eyes of members of the other sex. This universal ritual was invented for them, suitable for both women and men. After the ceremony, a person will really look better, his soul will become purified, which will contribute to the future search for true love.

First, take a red candle, special essential oils, which will include rose, patchouli, and ylang-ylang, you will separately need rose petals and one glass of plain water. By turning on music for relaxation, you can complement the general atmosphere of the room where the spell will be performed.

The water is pre-prepared by infusing it near the window, starting on the night of the new moon and continuing to keep it under the light until the full moon. If a man is going to perform the spell, he will need to enrich the water with solar energy in the same way. The girl should hide the glass in a dark place in daytime days, and for men to shelter him from the moon and darkness at night.

After the water has been charged for several days, you need to prepare a bath for yourself, the water in which should be kept at a comfortable temperature level. Infused water is added to this bath, imagining how the entire bath is filled with silver (for girls) or bright sunlight (for men).

Next, they turn on the prepared music and take a bath to which essential oils and rose petals have been added. This is a pleasant white magic spell in which you need to achieve the effect of maximum relaxation by plunging into the bath.

You shouldn’t limit yourself in time, staying in the bath exactly as much as seems right. You should imagine how the skin throughout the body begins to create a beautiful and pleasant radiation, and for girls it should be silver, and for men it should be golden. While in the bath, you need to make a request to the Sun or the Moon to give beauty and help you find true love.

It helps to visualize yourself in an ideal environment and in a situation where a person can really use his new attractiveness.

White magic spells are rites and rituals that are aimed at achieving a goal set by a person, with the help and support of the higher forces and energy of the universe. Spells, as a rule, mean conspiracies, prayers, and other actions aimed at stabilizing one of the areas of life or life as a whole. White magic spells can be performed independently even by people who have not previously resorted to magical help.

It's no secret that white magic spells are weaker than black magic rituals. This is true, however, using such an influence, you don’t have to worry about side effects, consequences and something like that. Light forces come to help a person.

Naturally, with the help of such influence one cannot harm anyone, force anyone to be nearby, change a person’s will and achieve quick results. This type of magic will help if you sincerely wish happiness for yourself and the person to whom the magic in love rituals can be directed.

Its effect will be gradual and will appear only if it is destined for you by fate. If the person is not right for you or is genuinely in love with someone else, then this type of spell will not help.

Regarding the rituals financial well-being, health, luck, then here too the action will be gradual, but the effect will not imply any negative consequences, and everything that you get will come to you in a “bright” way.

Rules for performing rituals

White magic rituals must be performed in accordance with the rules provided for this type of influence:

  • Conduct the ritual in a good mood, when all your thoughts and intentions are pure and aimed at creating something, and not at destruction. So, love rituals should not be performed at a time when you feel offended by your lover, money rituals Don't do it in a moment of desperation. Wait until you feel free and good, and only then start doing magic.
  • If you believe in God, then before starting a magic session, read the “Our Father” prayer. If you profess another religion, then turn to the Higher Powers for help. After this, you can begin to perform the ritual.
  • Conduct the ceremony alone, in a well-lit room where you feel comfortable.
  • Read the spell out loud, in a half whisper.
  • Make your request come from the heart.

Ritual to attract love

This ritual is great for men and women who want to attract love into their lives. You can do it when there is no loved one in your life yet and you want to meet him, as well as in a situation where there are some problems between you and your significant other, reciprocity has been lost or there are not enough feelings.

The ritual can be used to restore relationships between spouses who are together but do not feel love for each other.

This ritual is performed strictly during the growing month for seven days. The last day can fall on a full moon, but not on a waning month.

“Everyone is destined to be in a couple by the Higher Powers,
Share joys and sorrows, experience happiness and bad weather!
So let everything in my life go according to the Highest laws!
Let love saturate every moment of existence,
Let him make me happy, let him make him happy too
Who should be next to me!
Let everything take its course.”

Magic words are repeated three times. It is best to perform the ritual late in the evening, after ten o’clock. The ritual is carried out in the light of church candles, which can be extinguished immediately after reading, leaving until next time.

White magic rituals for good luck

If you have prolonged financial difficulties, then this ritual of white magic, aimed at improving the financial sphere, will help. The ritual should be performed on Wednesday for the growing month.

“I conjure Wednesday-Middle for good luck and luck,
I call on her for help, I call on her to come to my rescue!
So that everything gets better in my life,
Money came after money, in a hurry!
I need a lot, enough for a human life,
Human happiness and worldly joys!”

The spell is repeated seven times. When the words are read, the candles can be extinguished and, wrapped in a white napkin, put away in an inaccessible place. The ritual can be repeated in a month.

Spell on water for health

White magic rituals aimed at improving health are considered very popular. This ritual is performed for the growing month, since it is aimed at improving well-being in general, and not at getting rid of a specific problem.

To carry it out you will need a glass of holy water and one church candle. People who have undergone baptism should give preference to this magical event.

Early in the morning you need to put a glass of water in front of you and light a candle.

Looking at the fire, the words of the spell are read:

“Fire and water, two enormous forces,
I turn my words to you, I appeal to you for help!
Save me from illnesses, save me from illnesses,
Direct your strength to defense.
Thank you for your help, I hope for your support!”

The words are read three times, after which the candle must be allowed to burn out, and the water must stand on the windowsill all night. In the morning, you should drink the charmed water in small sips. At this point the ritual is considered complete.

Please note that this magical event is carried out for preventive purposes, when nothing hurts and you want to protect yourself. If you already have some health problems, then rituals aimed at getting rid of the disease are suitable. And this ritual can be used as consolidation.

White magic rituals and spells are considered magical events aimed at various areas of a person’s life in order to obtain what he dreams of. The impact of such a plan is characterized soft action, gradualness and absence of any side effects.

  • Spells for winning a case
  • Spells for a successful trip
  • White magic spells
  • Ancient Spells
  • Spells in Latin
  • Witch Spells
  • White magic witch spells

    There is earth under the sky.

    And there is a city on it.

    It's a magical house.

    He is sad, sad.

    But his sadness will dissolve.

    He will meet a sweetheart in it.

    Spell for new love:

    But I couldn’t find it.









    White magic spells can attract prosperity, love into everyone’s life, and help cope with difficult life span. While no one should take up the verbal weapons of black magic. Although at first her words may lead you to success, it is worth remembering any story in which a person made deals with the world of shadows, be it the Master with Woland or Faust with Mephistopheles, and it immediately becomes clear that everything must be paid for.

    Black and white magic spells

    They are currently available to everyone. Alas, some have managed to turn this into a highly profitable business. But it is important to remember for everyone who wants to plunge at least a little into the world of spirits and magic, that each word of a spell has its own energy, its own secret meaning, and therefore, resort to magical spells Only needed by experienced magicians.

    White magic witch spells

    It has been known for decades that in the magical arsenal of white magicians there are numerous spells, both soft ones that have little effect on a person’s life, and those that are based on recipes for black magic. It is worth noting that I also call white magic nothing other than natural magic, which does not cause much damage to the life of the one who resorts to its help. White witches always advise observing magical rituals while casting spells.

    Magic spells of white magic: ritual rules

    Always say it calmly and without haste magic words. It is recommended to read the “Our Father” before turning to white words. Remember that you cannot be an adherent of this type of magic and at the same time use spells with the purpose of harming someone. You need to read them calmly, out loud or in a whisper - it’s up to you. Your mind should not be occupied with everyday thoughts; concentrate on the text you are reading.

    White magic: love spells

    Because This type of magic does not cause harm, then those who are experiencing some amorous difficulties in life can safely resort to magical help.

    Spell to bring love into your life:

    There is earth under the sky.

    And there is a city on it.

    It's a magical house.

    In that house there is a beautiful young man (or girl).

    He is sad, sad.

    But his sadness will dissolve.

    After all, he believes in quiet chance.

    He will meet a sweetheart in it.

    Like clear doves, they will fly into the beautiful sky.

    After all, the girl will soon meet her betrothed.

    For the spell to work, choose a quiet place. It is advisable that pigeons are visible around or from the window. While looking at them, read the words of the white magic spell three times.

    Spell for new love:

    Grandfather Kulechek was looking for his little bundle.

    But I couldn’t find it.

    And the one whom I have not loved for a long time will stop loving me.

    And I will meet someone who has been singing about me all my life.

    And the little knot that Kulechek couldn’t find will tie us together.

    To carry out this ritual, you need to read the words at night in a deserted place.

    White magic: spells for good luck

    The following magic spells will help you become a successful person. Every day of the week is under the auspices of magical forces, which are always able to help overcome difficulties. So that luck is always in your pocket, read the corresponding spell every day of the week.


    “I conjure the good angels with all the power and might of the names of Ia, Kados, Adonai, Isiah, who created the sea. I conjure you in the names of those beings who control the main legion, serving Orphaniel. I conjure you to help me in business, thereby bringing success.”


    “I conjure you, holy angels of power, with the sacred names of Ai, Elohim, He, Va, Hi and the names of God who created dry water. In the name of Adonai, I conjure you to help me fulfill all my desires.”


    “I conjure the angels of saints Ey, Azari, Adonai and the name of God who created the great sun. I conjure the six-winged animal in the name of the throne to help me by fulfilling my will.”


    “I conjure the good angels with all the power and might of the names of Ia, Kados, Adonai, Isiah, who created the sea. I conjure in the name of Adonam and Jupiter to endow me with the face of luck.”


    “I conjure you, holy angels of power, with the sacred names Ai, Elohim, He, Va, Hi. I conjure in the name of the star Venus to come to my aid, fulfilling my will.”


    “I conjure in the name of Dazhdbog, the great lord of change, warmth and light, luck and success, to help me in everyday affairs, painting them in the color of success.”


    “I conjure the angels of God in the name of the great powerful God to help me in everything that will be necessary, for without your luck I cannot cope.”

    Remember that you need strong faith for better changes when using these spells.

    People just starting to follow magical paths often face one problem. Absolutely nothing works out for them. It seems that everything is done as recommended in the texts, but the result is zero.

    Poor souls scour the Internet, looking for powerful spells, thinking that they trusted a source with unreliable information. However, let's think about whether it's worth being nervous in such a situation.

    What are strong spells? Do you think that these are special words that give the magician omnipotence, unsurpassed and unyielding will at this particular moment?

    Yes, it's possible. But the point is not in the texts. In fact, everything is somewhat different.

    Strength lies deep in the soul of absolutely every person. Some discover it quickly, others take time, others are generally unable to overcome the barriers that separate them from real magic.

    The most powerful spells

    This topic relates more to the theory of magic than to practice. But without such knowledge, you can stumble upon obstacles all your life, without any hope of overcoming or bypassing them.

    Powerful spells don't just need to be known. You need to know how to use them. Do you remember how you conduct the rituals?

    Do you have a reverent attitude in your soul towards the forces that you are trying to attract to your side? Does a magnificent feeling of power over nature and people arise in the depths of consciousness?

    And you can’t do without these subtleties.

    Everything is complicated and simple at the same time. Magic is a tool available to everyone. But only a few are able to master it completely. They discover its essence in the process of training and practice.

    There are, however, some unique people who are given abilities from birth. But they also manifest themselves. Do you have this often? Sit down and try to remember.

    Have there been times in your life when you dreamed about something, but forgot, deciding that it was inaccessible, impossible. And then it came by itself, without effort on your part.

    If this has happened at least once, then the abilities are clearly there. You just haven't revealed them yet.

    Powerful spells become so in the mouth and thoughts of the magician. After all, there are a lot of people who cast spells. Their results are different.

    You need to fill your own magical creativity with life-giving energy, then any spell will become strong.

    Below are some texts that will help you understand the material presented, so to speak, in practice. Try or use to come to your own magic empirically.

    Powerful spells: examples for different situations

    Let us repeat once again, you need to clear your thoughts, trust in magical powers, and stop doubting their existence.

    You shouldn’t start practicing hiking just in case. This will not lead to results. Before starting, you should meditate.

    And for those who do not know how to disconnect from the hustle and bustle, it is recommended to dream about what they want, imagining it having already happened.

    You should be completely imbued with the goal, while simultaneously squeezing all other thought forms out of your head.

    A powerful spell to reveal magical abilities

    “The stars supported the sky, endowed the earth with light. The sun gives birth to life in plants and sends water with the wind. I look at the world from above. The whole world is you in me!”

    Just reading the words given is not enough.

    All this should be presented. After all, the spell contains the entire formula of magic. It contains both forces and materials that help to cast a spell, and most importantly, the ability to embrace the world and subjugate it.

    After some time, a feeling will arise in the depths of consciousness that will allow you to “move mountains,” not to mention achieve smaller goals.

    There is one more area in magic that cannot be bypassed if you seriously decide to take advantage of its undoubted advantages.

    The fact is that this world is also “populated”, like a real metropolis. We just don't realize it.

    When a person moves along the road of magic, he has to face obstacles, envy, jealousy from other inhabitants of this magical land.

    Therefore protection is necessary. Over time, the magician chooses himself, which provides defense.

    Letters from our readers

    Subject: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

    From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

    To whom: Responsible for the site

    Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

    I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. Not for children once again You can’t buy toys, new things, you won’t please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

    In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

    Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought it new car, they built a dacha, it’s clear that there is wealth.

    I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

    You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

    I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

    Behind Last year we made excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

    But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

    Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes for...

    And you should start with a magic spell. It should also be read daily. It is like this:

    “I protect myself with the Holy Cross, a deaf monastery, with the prayer of Jesus, I will drive away the enemy. Turn the world around for good. Be like this night and day. Evil is broken against the Holy walls, scattered into a dark puddle and poured into hell. Amen!"

    A powerful spell for well-being

    This is also a kind of test for the magician. After all, what kind of wizard is he if he suffers from lack of money?

    It is clear that the first thing you need to do is create acceptable conditions for existence, and then dive into magical creativity.

    Do you agree that this should be done first? Otherwise there will be laughter, not the sorcerer.

    Therefore, the third powerful spell is aimed at creating a permanent one.

    They read it upstairs. That is, from the mountain, from the balcony, from the roof, and so on. At least climb a tree. But, you need to be “above the world.”

    The spell is:

    “I’ll stand on the mountain, the whole world is in its hole. I call for gold, I will be rich, I call for luck, she will gallop. Stand nearby and hold hands. Take a step, the magician orders you! Whoever rides the rainbow in the sky will change my words! Amen!"

    Powerful spells in Latin

    I will not cite the texts here; they are a sealed secret. However, it is worth mentioning that the most strong spells for a long time They considered those pronounced in Latin.

    And now there are still people who believe in this deception. It's a matter of time. Everything is changing in the world, everyone is talking about it these days. They are one hundred percent right.

    As the planet rushes through the universe, the magic changes. She accepts new rules, absorbs previously unknown forces, adapts to them, learns to master them.

    Latin – last century, although still strong. But it's time to throw it in a landfill. Or not?

    People greatly underestimate the power simple word spoken in joy or sorrow, mercy or anger. But it can become like deadly weapon(poison) and great good (healing elixir). This is the essence of the magic of words, which can be used by anyone who wants to comprehend ancient art magic. More on magic in general and the power of witchcraft formulas in particular.

    The magic of words

    Magic words are the essence of the concept spell, which can be denoted as :

    A specifically created combination of words, phrases or texts that can call upon a specific force to achieve set goals.

    A newcomer to the world of magic and sorcery, as a rule, begins with the magic of words. First of all, this is due to its simplicity. To master it, you won’t need to wander around churchyards and crossroads with wax candles at the ready. Moreover, you don’t even need to leave the house. All the ritual can be performed at home, which is extremely attractive for people who have no desire to dive into the seamy side of the witchcraft world.

    Spells play an important role in many witchcraft rituals, so it is very important to understand what their meaning and deeper meaning is. Never attempt a ritual without knowing how to use the spell correctly. The consequences can be irreparable - both for you and for your loved ones.

    We will not give specific magical formulas and spells, since they will not serve an inexperienced young magician or sorceress. It's more important to get to know conditions for the successful implementation of a magical ritual. There are three of them in total. This:

    • Relaxation(the ability to free your head from everything unnecessary and trash).
    • Concentration(the ability to fully focus on the object magical influence).
    • Visualization(the ability to imagine in all details the ultimate goal of a witchcraft ritual).

    As soon as these three elements succumb to you, any spell that inadvertently leaves your lips will hit the target. Be diligent in mastering magic words, and everything will start to work out for you!

    Being, in essence, the next stage in mastering this terrible and at the same time attractive witchcraft reality, the magic of gestures can also succumb to a beginner.

    Such magic is not necessarily passes grotesquely glorified by literature at the hands of some magician, magician or hypnotist. The movement may be barely noticeable, elusive, but meanwhile in strength it is unlikely to be inferior to some obvious witchcraft waving of the arms.

    As a rule, the transmitter of the magician’s energy is:

    The magician's grimace- this is not a way to throw someone off balance. In a similar way, experienced and skilled sorcerers resort to the magic of gesture. Be extremely careful both in using this magic and in witnessing its manifestations. This can be very dangerous.

    • Head.
    • Other limbs.

    The most widespread and desirable in terms of mastery is witchcraft with the help of hands. Small children and even adults, after watching various films and reading science fiction books, think about how to cast magic with their hands. By and large, you can learn very quickly what fairies, witches, sorcerers, sorcerers and sorcerers can easily learn. But The person will be required to:

    Then no obstacles will stop a person on the path to mastering hand magic!

    The hands of any person are the most powerful instrument of witchcraft. Therefore, in order to learn how to transfer magical energy with their help, you should resort to a number of quite simple exercises, which both children and adults can handle.

    Exercise 1. Book between palms

    Very easy to learn.

    The person will need:

    As you exercise daily, at some point you will feel a tingling sensation in your fingertips, a general feeling of tension between your warmed palms. This is a clear sign of the accumulation of magical powers. Don’t give up this business, and witchcraft using the power of your hands will no longer be impossible for you!

    Exercise 2. Flows of magical energy

    It is a little more complicated, requiring more concentration and the ability to clearly visualize the goal. Its essence is as follows:

    Try to direct your energy to influence on the water, and not on the glass itself. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting burned, injured by glass fragments, etc. Therefore, imagine more carefully what you want to achieve.

    After 5-10 minutes of magical influence on the water, try to check whether it has warmed up or become warm. If your manipulations have an effect, then you can proceed to the next exercise. Well, if all your attempts are unsuccessful, don’t worry! Patience and work in magic will lead to all benefits. Don't even doubt it.

    Exercise 3. Remote influence

    Once you have managed to influence the glass held in your palms, you need to move on to remote influence. This is the last step towards mastering the essence of hand magic.

    For the exercise you will need the following:

    And then the fun begins. You need to concentrate in the same way and direct the magical flows onto the glass. When you start succeeding heat the glass without touching, you can increase the distance - one meter, two, ten, etc.

    Now you are ready to cast magic with your hands!

    And now you have a silent string of questions frozen in your eyes: What to do with all this knowledge? How can you make an object jump around the room with the power of thought? what spells for magic wand apply for a beginner? I still can’t do anything?! And so on and so forth.

    A number of these incoherent, sometimes chaotic and extravagant questions occupy the head of every person who zealously strives in a minute to learn levitation, the ability to move in time, space, etc.

    We hasten to upset you - you can already do everything, you just don’t know about it. After all, the main thing in witchcraft is not spells, ritualization and other crap. Main - the power of your thoughts. Direct through your hands (if you wish, with the help of a magic knotty stick carved from wood) the power of your desires, and everything you wish for will certainly come true.

    Now you definitely don't have to wonder, “how to learn to really cast magic with your hands”. After all, now nothing is impossible for you: already now, thanks to simple hand passes, you can make even a pencil rise into the air!

    Just do not harm your neighbor, since any magical intervention has consequences. After all, they can overtake you if you are not careful.

    The magic of thought

    The most difficult stage in comprehending magical science. Learning to cast magic with the help of a thought, a mental image, oh, how difficult it is! But at the same time it opens up before the magician new opportunities:

    Such a force builds ordinary person(albeit endowed with some sacred knowledge) to the rank of god, capable of creating everything out of nothing.

    Very few people can achieve such a level, since the applicant for such knowledge simply requires inhuman perseverance and diligence. It is unlikely that even one in a million will be able to resort to the magic of thought. But perseverance is worth it because every initiate can:

    As you understand, the list of possibilities is inexhaustible. Another thing is that only a few can achieve this. And, importantly, only with the assistance of initiates with similar knowledge. True, they very rarely allow themselves to stoop to the level of mere mortals. But, in any case, do not give in to despondency and set yourself only the most ambitious goals and objectives!

    Magic Arsenal

    Let's sum up some intermediate results. What does a newly minted magician need in order to comprehend witchcraft, to enter from the ordinary world into the special world?

    To get started you will need:

    These four areas are very important, so you cannot give preference to any one. You need to move and develop in each position and celebrate the results. Only then will you notice how much your witchcraft abilities have increased.

    A few words about magic formulas

    If you still have questions about how to learn to cast spells, and you urgently need spells for beginners, then do not despair. Next we will give universal magic formula for conversion. Thanks to the intricacies of magic words, you can conjure money, power, luck, etc. for yourself.

    Chthonic forces, the forces of earth and sky, I turn to you, for I thirst (the reason for turning) more than the light and joys of life. I conjure with the power of my spirit! Give me what I ask, I thirst with all my soul and body. I should collapse on the spot three times (spit over my left shoulder) if my impulses are unclean. Three times! (beat yourself in the chest, pronouncing the last witchcraft word of the formula more and more quietly)

    But this is just one version of the magic phrase. You can create your own as soon as you feel ready. The main thing when creating spells is to be guided by the following rules:

    If you use these rules, you won't have any problems creating a quality spell.

    The magic of words, gestures and thoughts is part of that incommensurably powerful force that is called witchcraft. And it depends only on the person how he will use it: for good or, conversely, for evil. It is worth hoping that you will do for yourself right choice. Otherwise, there is a risk of feeling the full destructive power of those forces that are on the other side. And they extremely cruelly punish those who choose the wrong path of atrocities for themselves...

    Attention, TODAY only!