Speech therapy entertainment

"In the Land of Vowels"

Target: creating a positive emotional mood in children.


  • Strengthen children's knowledge of vowel sounds; about the letters denoting these sounds.
  • Continue to develop the ability to identify vowel sounds against the background of a word, determining their position in the word.
  • Develop fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, plasticity, rhythm, smoothness of movements, voluntary attention, phonemic hearing.
  • Cultivate cognitive interest in the sound side of speech.

Progress of entertainment

Speech therapist:

We looked for an interesting country together,

You can hardly find it on maps,

But if we all close our eyes together,

We'll probably build it quickly! (children close their eyes, teacher puts on headbands with letters)

Now open your eyes quickly,

And we found ourselves in the land of Vowels!

In our fairy tale, friends,

Letters live: from A to Z,

They live - they don’t grieve,

They are friends with all sounds!

The letter a

A melody sounds. A child comes out with a picture of the letter A.

Child (letter A):

Guys, I am the letter A,

Charming, smart,

Do you want to play with me?

Well, then tell me quickly

Those magic words

That always, always, always

Starts with A.

(Children name words that begin with the sound [a])

Speech therapist:

Now let’s lay out the letter A from glass beads, and you, dear letter, join us. (The game takes place in the form of a competition: children, upon a signal, lay out the letter A from glass beads on tables or on the floor, the speech therapist sums up the results: who laid out the letter faster and with better quality).

Children go to the chairs. A melody sounds.

Letter I

The letter I comes out - the child with the letter I is depicted, he has a basket, in it there are balls, knitting needles, threads, needles.

Speech therapist:

The letter I came to us,

What a fashionista, look!

Child (letter I):

Here I have wonderful little balls, and they’re just asking: “Wind us up, my friends!” (the letter I hands out balls of balls to the children and plays the game: “Who can wind up the ball of balls faster?”, the speech therapist sums up the game).

Speech therapist:

Letter I, what else is in your wonderful basket? (The letter I takes out objects (images), the children name them: threads, needles, knitting needles). Guys, let's determine where the sound [and] is heard in the names of these objects: at the beginning, middle or end of the word (on the easel there is a diagram with the help of which children determine the position of the sound in a word, names the word, for example, “threads”, the child takes the symbol sound [and] - a circle and puts it in the pocket in the right place: in 1 - if the sound is at the beginning of the word, in 2 - if the sound is in the middle of the word and in 3 - if the sound is at the end of the word; if there are two identifiable sounds in the word, the child must place two circles in the right places. The speech therapist sums up the work).

Speech therapist: (takes out sets of improvised knitting needles with blunt ends (Chinese shelves or pencils))

And here are the knitting needles with which the letter I knits new clothes for itself, let’s make the letter I from them (there are 3 “knitting needles” on the tables, the children are divided into pairs and lay out the letter), and you, beautiful letter, check if the children remember you well? (The letter I checks the correct placement of the spokes).

Letter I, you are very interesting, stay with us.

Letter E

Music sounds, the letter E comes out - a child with a picture of the letter E.

Child (letter E):

Who doesn't know this letter?

This letter is the coolest!

Speech therapist:

She sings songs

And the game is a success!

She offers you the game "Finger Birds"

Well, who will be the best?

Logorhythmic exercise

Stand in a circle. We will imagine that our fingers are birds. They waved and flew.

Children sing along to the music and perform the appropriate movements.

Birds' fingers are flying,

Now forward and then back,

What kind of birds do you call?

These are my fingers.

They flew up high,

We flew far

It's already over your head,

Isn't it time for us to go home?

The birds were returning

They sank smoothly

Arrived and sat down

They wanted to eat

They pecked the millet,

It is obvious that they are tired.

Fingers rest

And they fly again.

Repeat 2 times, the second time the last line AND DO NOT FLY ANYMORE.

Letter E, how artistic you are! Join us too.

Letter U

Music sounds, a child comes out with the image of the letter U

Child (letter U):

I am the letter U, I am known to everyone,

Good and interesting

Here is my miracle locomotive,

He brought you riddles.

Guess what, guys?

Unusual riddles.

(describes the object shown in the picture (does not show it), the rest guess. For example: this is a vegetable, it is white, covered with brown skin, grows in the ground, it tastes bitter = onion. The speech therapist invites other children to make riddles (hands out pictures, in which have the sound U). Suggested words: bow, duck, lips, mustache.).

Speech therapist:

Now let’s all write the letter U in the air together. Dear letter U, you are very smart, sit down and join us.

Letter Y

Music sounds, the letter Y comes out - a child with a picture of the letter Y.

Child (letter Y):

Guys, I am the letter Y,

You all should know me!

Say the words with me

And quickly get into the circle!

Speech therapist:

I will talk about one item, and you will talk about many, for example: table-tables. (game: “One - many” with a massage ball). The game should select words that plural end with the sound [s], for example: elephant - elephants, crocodile - crocodiles, monkey - monkeys, hippopotamus - hippopotamuses, etc.)

Dear letter Y, it’s a lot of fun with you, stay with us.

Letter O

Music sounds, the letter O comes out - a child with a picture of the letter O.

Child (letter O):

I am like the sun, the moon,

I'm round on all sides

I am the letter O, beloved friends,

And here is my story: (tells the poem, highlighting words with the sound [o] in his voice)

I'm very, very, very, very

I love you guys, oh-autumn,

I love swimming in the lake,

There are catfish and o-perch there.

Speech therapist:

Well, did you recognize O in words?

Did you guess the general sound?

(Children name words with the sound [o] from the text of the poem, then name the general sound).

And the letter O also loves magical transformations into various round objects, try turning the letter O into any object (children sit at tables on which there are sheets of paper with the letter O and pencils, perform the task “letter O” together with a speech therapist help them).

Guys, tell me what objects the letter O has turned into? Magic letter O, did we get the drawings? Today we will organize an exhibition of our works (as an option, you can give drawings to guest teachers).

Speech therapist:

Dear letters, we were very glad to make friends with you! Guys, let's call them again: (children come out with letters) A, U, E, I, O, Y.

Come, letters, to us every day, we can’t live without you!

Speech therapy leisure for children senior group“How the Letter Eater stole letters”

Author of the work: Radulova Svetlana Mikhailovna, teacher-speech therapist, Municipal Educational Institution “Bendery Kindergarten No. 9”, Bendery
Description of work: The final speech leisure scenario was developed for a senior speech therapy group with OHP. The content of leisure time reflects the relationship in the work of a teacher - speech therapist, educator, music director. The material will be useful for speech therapists and educators in working with children of the senior and preparatory groups to consolidate skills in speech development and literacy.

Target: summarize the results of correctional work for academic year in a festive atmosphere.
Correctional educational tasks:
Automate the correct pronunciation of given sounds in speech.
Improve grammatical structure speech (form relative adjectives, nouns and adjectives with diminutive suffixes, cognates for the word fish, antonym words).
Improve sentence reading skills.
Correction and development tasks:
Develop gross and fine motor skills.
Improve intonation expressiveness.
Develop coherent speech, phonemic perception, thinking, memory.
Correctional and educational tasks:
To instill in children mutual assistance, empathy, and a sense of teamwork.
To develop in children an emotional response to what is happening.
Equipment: the book “Fairy Tales”, letters from the word TALES, blue fabric, flat images of fish, stones with puzzles, logs with sentences written on them, salad bowls and pots with vegetables, object pictures of animals and cubs, cards for the games “4 extra”, “Say” on the contrary,” a bucket with a fishing rod, leaves with elements of letters, markers, cards with written sentences.
Preliminary work. Automation of the pronunciation of set sounds in poetry and tongue twisters. Formation of words with the same root fish in individual lessons with a speech therapist. Unlearning finger gymnastics"In the forest", dance. Making costumes “River”, “Fisherman”, “Fairy of Flowers”, “Forest Fairy”, grandfather “Letter Eater”, gnomes, flower hats (bell, chamomile, cornflower, poppy, violet).

Leisure activities

Children enter the hall to the music.
Speech therapist. Hello, dear guests! We invited you to our final speech festival! Guys, but first, let's remember the secrets of correct and beautiful speech.
1 child. We always speak beautifully, boldly, but slowly.
2nd child. We speak clearly, clearly, because we are not in a hurry.
3 child. Speak smoothly and clearly as you exhale.
4 child. Before you speak, think about what you want to say.
Children stand in front of the mirror.

Articulation gymnastics.
If you believe in a fairy tale with all your heart,
Doors will open to a magical world!
Exercise "Window".
You can get there easily
On the magic carpet airplane
Hold your tongue wide and relaxed for a count of 1 to 10.
On a flying big ship
Or with Baba Yaga on a broom,
On a raft on the milk river
And riding on the Little Humpbacked Horse.
You can fly into a fairy tale on a firebird,
You can go for a ride on Koloboka,
"Delicious jam"
You can ride in like an Elephant on a Hedgehog.
Oh! It seems like we are already in a fairy tale...
Children sit on chairs.
Speech therapist.
Once upon a time there lived a boy.
He knew how to read.
And every evening with a book
He sat by the window.
A boy comes out with a book, sits on a chair, and “reads.”

Girls approach the boy.

Vitya, don’t sit at home
Better go out into the yard!
Don't bother me, I won't go
I want to read a book!
Vitya, who is it, look!
He comes to us and doesn’t knock...
Music is playing. Grandfather Bukvoed comes out.
Grandfather Bukvoed.
I'll take all the letters,
And I’ll spread it around the world.
The letter eater takes the letters from the book and leaves.
What should I do, where are the letters?
How can I find all the letters? (Crying).
Speech therapist. Children, can we help Vita?
Children. Yes.
Speech therapist.
We can't hesitate at all
Let's hit the road, friends!
Music is playing. Vitya walks through the hall and approaches the river. On blue fabric there are flat images of stones with puzzles, fish, and logs with sentences on the shore.

Speech therapist.
The river appeared in front of them on the way.
It’s hard for me, I’m tired.
Help me, friends!
Remove the stones!

Solving puzzles.
Speech therapist. We need to solve the puzzles and the stone can be removed from the river.
Children solve puzzles.

Game "Correct the sentence."
Speech therapist. To cross the river, you need to build a bridge. There are logs on the shore. Correct the sentences and we will build a bridge from logs.

The river gives the first letter.
Speech therapist.
Guys, guess who is on the shore
Sitting with a fishing rod in the morning
And is he watching the float?
Children. Fisherman.
A fisherman enters with a bucket and fishing rod.
I'm a funny fisherman
I catch a fish on a hook.
I have one for every fish
The worm is ready.

Game "Name the word family."
Speech therapist. Guys, let's form words from one family for the word fish. For every word the fisherman will catch a fish.
Children name the words: fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fisherman, fishing, fisherman, fish, fisherman, fisherman). A fisherman uses a fishing rod and a magnet to catch fish from the river.

Oh thank you for helping
Catch a lot of fish.
It's time for me to say goodbye to you,
And return home with the catch.
The fisherman gives the second letter.
Speech therapist.
Received the letter Vitya,
He hurried on his way.

Speech therapist.
Where are we?
There's a big carpet lying there,
Nobody wove it.
He spread himself out
Lies by the blue river
And yellow, and blue, and red!
Children. To the meadow.

Speech therapist. The mistress of the meadow is the Fairy of Flowers.
To the music, the Flower Fairy enters with a basket containing pictures of animals and babies.

Fairy of Flowers.
Hello, friends!
Meet me - Fairy!
I always live in flowers
And I drink flower nectar.
Girls wearing flowered hats come out.
I'm wearing a fashionable blue hat
The bell is mischievous.
Who I won't meet -
I bow to the ground.
I am a daisy with a golden heart,
I have a tall stem.
I'm blue like a river
Sun-warmed cornflower.
I am the brightest, the scarletest
My petals are like flames
I am a red poppy, I bloom only for a day
And I really love the sun!
I am a young violet!
I am sprouting at the edge of the forest.
Fragrant and tender
Our eyes are good!

Game "Which one?"
Educator. Choose the words: bell “Which one?”
Children. Blue, delicate, fragrant, fragrant.

Game “Name it kindly”
Educator. I will name the flowers, and you will say the same words affectionately. Blue cornflower.
Children. Little blue cornflower.
Children call it: little white daisy, little blue forget-me-nots, etc.
Fairy of Flowers.
In the meadow, there are countless flowers!
There are cornflowers, daisies,
The colors of the dawn are scarlet,
There is a blanket in the poppies.
blue bell,
Everyone shakes their head,
Dear little bug,
Sat on a chamomile.
Butterflies and bumblebees are happy,
That the flowers have bloomed! (L. Aleynikova)
Moths, come quickly!
And pollinate the flowers!

Dance of flowers and moths.

Game “Help Mom Find Her Cubs”
The Fairy of Flowers gives children pictures of animals and babies.
Educator. Birds and animals with their young came out onto the meadow.
To the music, children walk around the hall and look for a pair (goat - kids, etc.). Each child makes a sentence based on their picture.
1 child. The hare has babies.
2nd child. Chickens from a hen.
3 child. The horse has a foal.

The Fairy of Flowers gives the third letter.
Speech therapist.
Received the letter Vitya
He hurried on his way.
Music is playing. Vitya walks through the hall.
Speech therapist.
It's green and thick
He's tall and big
Sometimes it’s spruce, sometimes it’s oak,
That is aspen-pine.
Come into the green house -
You will see miracles in it!
Where are we?
Children. In the forest.

Speech therapist.
In the forest the mistress is different.
The Forest Fairy lives here.
To the music, the Forest Fairy enters with a basket containing cards for the game “4 extra”.

Forest Fairy.
Hello, dear guests! Glad to see you!
Sorceress - Forest Fairy
I'm the boss here in the forest.
I know and can do everything,
I eat strawberries and drink dew.

Finger gymnastics “In the forest”
Fir trees grow in the dense forest
The fingers are intertwined, the thumbs are on the top of the head.
And evil, evil wolves roam.
Show "clicking mouth"
Sometimes a bunny runs by
Show bunny ears.
And the tree branch will tremble.
The fingers are bent - “paws”.
Sometimes the bear is clubfooted
Fingers intertwined, thumbs - muzzle
He will touch the tree with his paw.
And the old hedgehog, its prickly side,
He sleeps under the tree,
Curled up into a ball.
The fingers are folded into a ball.

Game "Fourth wheel"
The fairy hands out cards for the children to play. Children find an extra object and explain. The Forest Fairy gives the fourth letter.

Forest Fairy. It's time to say goodbye to you. But I want to introduce you to my old friends, fairy-tale gnomes.

Gnome 1.
Hello, dear friends!
Gnome 2.
We are two cheerful gnomes,
We live for hundreds of years
In our beautiful house
Soup is waiting for us at lunch.

Game "What salad?"
Educator. For lunch, the gnomes prepared cabbage salad. What salad?
Children. Cabbage.
Children name salad and soup based on pictures.

Game "Say the words backwards."
Educator. Dwarves love to play word games backwards. Shall we play with them?
The teacher shows pairs of pictures and says a word. Children choose a word that has the opposite meaning.

Dwarves give the fifth letter.

Speaking tongue twisters.
Speech therapist. Let's sit on a hill and tell tongue twisters.
Children pronounce tongue twisters learned in individual lessons. Grandfather Bukvoed enters to the music.
Grandfather Bukvoed.
Outwitted, that's it!
I was happy early.
I’ll give you the letters now,
Guess them first.
And don't think it's easy
Will cope with the task for you.
The letter eater disappears.

Game “Complete the letters”
Speech therapist. Grandfather Bukvoed gave us the letters, but they were broken. Take markers and complete the letters.
Children draw parts of the letters on pieces of paper.

"Fairytale riddles"

Speech therapy entertainment

(preparatory group)



  • systematize the knowledge acquired by children in speech classes;
  • develop the grammatical structure of speech, enrich lexicon, develop

Interest in words, speech, expanding knowledge and horizons;

  • develop memory, speech attention;
  • develop the ability to learn to think, draw conclusions, and analyze.


  • develop phonemic hearing, auditory attention, visual memory;
  • develop correct posture, coordinate movements, and navigate in space.


  • cultivate independence, self-control, mutual assistance.


Emblems, certificates, magic chest withobjects: mirror, shoe, chair, egg, apple, fungus, key, boot; shelf and things: hat, cap, scarf, shoes, dress, skirt, trousers, boots, shirt; game “Merry Journey”, 2 diamonds, cut-out pictures, musical accompaniment.

Progress of entertainment:

Fairy tale! She has known you for a long time. A fairy tale has always been considered a fiction, but a useful fiction. Already in ancient times, people understood that fiction could be beneficial. You and I also know that “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

1. Formation of teams by drawing lots.

2. Complete the name. Warm up.

The presenter calls the first word of the name of the fairy-tale hero, and the children continue in unison. Whose choir is more friendly and without mistakes, that team wins.

Koschey - Immortal Tiny - Khavroshechka

Vasilisa - Beautiful Boy - as big as a finger

Serpent - Gorynych Ivan - Tsarevich

Brother - Ivanushka Sister - Alyonushka

2. Compose a fairy tale from fragments.

Presenter: - Now we will check what kind of memory you have. You must compose a fairy tale from fragments. Tell me what the fairy tale is called.

And create an image of fairy-tale characters from two fragments. Name these characters and what fairy tale they are from.

3. "Lost and Found"Fairy-tale heroes have lost their things and they are all now in this magic chest. Tell me which fairy-tale hero lost his thing and what fairy tale he is from.

There are objects in the chest: a mirror, a shoe, a chair, an egg, an apple, a fungus, a key, a boot.

4. “Guess the riddles”

1) Grandmother loved the girl very much,

I gave her a beautiful hat,

The girl forgot her name

Well, guess what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood)

  1. I don’t know how old I am.

I fly in a mortar with a broom.

My teremok is so good,

He looks like me in every way.

Teremok on chicken legs!

Waiting for guests in it... (Grandma Yozhka)

3) I am rich, omnipotent,

Very slender, terribly feisty,

But I'm not afraid of death

Guess what my name is? (Koschei the Deathless)

4) I am beautiful, strong, powerful,

I am more menacing than menacing clouds,

And smarter than everyone else, there are no words, -

I have a lot of goals. (Dragon)

5) An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who said goodbye to green skin?

Did you instantly become beautiful and comely? (Princess Frog)

6) Who don’t you ask -

Everyone knows in Rus':

Either he is a king, or he is a peasant,

He’s a fool, but his name is... (Ivan)

7) The beautiful maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears. (Snow Maiden)

8) A girl is sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

Without knowing it himself,

He carries her home. (Mashenka)

9) Smart, resourceful mustachioed friend -

Made the owner rich.

But he can't live without red boots,

Well, guess what, guys? (Puss in Boots)

10) Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds and pillows.

Someone came to their house,

He created a mess in it. (Three Bears)

5. “Sort it out”

Guess the riddle: I've never been to a ball,

She cleaned, washed, cooked, and spun.

When did it happen that I got to the ball?

Then the prince lost his head from love.

I lost my shoe at the same time.

Who am I? Who can tell me?(Cinderella)

The evil stepmother ordered Cinderella to clean up her daughters' room.
Oh, what a mess the sisters made. Let's help Cinderella put items of clothing, shoes and hats in their places.
I will put the hat on the top shelf because it is a headdress.
I'll put the sweater on the middle shelf because it's clothing.
I'll put the shoes on the bottom shelf because they're shoes.

Well done boys! And they helped Cinderella!
Cinderella loves to play and dance and invites us to play:
Outdoor game “Funny Tambourine”.

Hurry up, stand in a circle, now let’s rest a little and play a game called “Funny Tambourine.”

Standing in a circle, to the music, children pass tambourines to each other in a chain, saying the words:

"You roll a merry tambourine

Quickly, quickly, hand over hand,

Who has a cheerful tambourine,

He’ll dance for us now!”

(at the end of the words, those children who have tambourines go out into a circle and dance.)

We walk along the magic path,
We find ourselves in a new fairy tale

6. “Guess the last sound”

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals.

And one day a hippopotamus

He pulled him out of the swamp.

He is famous, famous -

This is the doctor... (Aibolit)

Who did Dr. Aibolit treat? Listen carefully to the words, determine the last sound. Describe the sounds.


Mosquito, tiger, beaver ([p] - consonant, hard, sonorous);

Chipmunk, rhinoceros, wolf ([k] - consonant, hard, deaf);

Fox, cow, toad ([a] - vowel);

Ram, elephant, boar ([n] - consonant, hard, sonorous).

Children listen to the words, determine the last sound, and characterize the sound.

7. "Happy Journey"Help fairy-tale heroes go home.

Help me sort the pictures into the cars:

Pictures with the sound S in the title - to the plane, pictures with the sound Z in the title - to the truck.

8. “Make words”

I will “throw” sounds at you, and you will collect them into words:

k, o, t, - CAT,

l, i, s, a - FOX,

w, a, r, s - BALLS,

in, o, l, k - WOLF,

s, k, a, z, k, a - TALE,

g, n, o, m - GNOME

9. “Guess the fairy-tale hero”

I really love fairy tales and I want to check if you know the characters of cartoons and fairy tales well?

What is the name of the cat in the cartoon Prostokvashino?

In what fairy tale main character- is the traveler made of flour?

What was the old man's first wish that the Goldfish fulfilled?

What fuel does Emelya's car use?

Who held on to the granddaughter in the fairy tale “Turnip”?

From which barbel did the animals give the goosebump?

What always wins in a fairy tale?

Summarizing. Awarding children with certificates.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 22 “Ivushka”, Priyutovo village municipal district Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


speech entertainment with children with OHP-IIIur.

preparatory speech therapy group

"In the country Correct speech»

Prepared by: speech therapist teacher

S.S. Timirgaleeva

Consolidation and application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Correctional and educational:
- systematize children’s knowledge on the topics studied.
Correctional and developmental:
- consolidate children’s knowledge about units of speech: sentence, word, syllable, sound, letter,

vowel sound, consonant sound;
- strengthen the skills of correct sound pronunciation;

Improve the skills of sound-syllable analysis;
- improve inflection and word formation skills;
- practice working with deformed sentences;
- develop attention, memory, logical thinking.
Correctional and educational:

Create a positive emotional mood in children;
- to foster in children independence, activity, and self-confidence.

Pictures of fairy-tale characters; manuals for speech games “Collect pictures”, “Magic tables”, “Scattered words”, “Vases and flowers”, “Sound streams”; two trays, models of vegetables and fruits.


1. Organizing time :

Speech therapist: - Guys, do you know what speech is? Speech is the ability to speak.
-What does our speech consist of?

Children: (children's answers).
Speech therapist: -We talk to each other using sentences.
-How do you get proposals?
Children : Syllables are formed from sounds; Syllables are assembled into words, and words are made into sentences.
Speech therapist: - Today I invite you to the land of correct speech. I have been living in this country for many years. And every day there are more and more inhabitants in it, because everyone wants to speak correctly and beautifully. This country is magical, but there are cities with the most ordinary names.

2. Surprise moment(Pinocchio runs in to the music) .

- Hello guys! I heard you are going on a trip. I also really love to travel. I love different adventures. I once ran away from Papa Carlo and ended up in the land of Fools. That was terribly inter-r-resno!
Speech therapist:

- Wait, Pinocchio, but today the guys and I are going on a trip not to the land of Fools, but to the land of Correct Speech.
- Yes, yes, I heard something about such a country. But I know little about her...
Speech therapist:

- Don't worry, Pinocchio! Do you want us to take you with us and you will learn a lot about your native speech?
Pinocchio :
- Of course I want!
Speech therapist:

- Great! On your journey, you will find difficult tasks, interesting meetings and, of course, exciting games.
- So, are you guys ready to go on a trip?

Children: (Yes)
Speech therapist: Let's check your readiness!

3. Didactic game"Warm-up for the mind":

Speech therapist:

Guess the word. It begins with the sound [s] or [s].
- Tall, slender conifer tree? (pine)
- The most talkative bird? (magpie)
- Night-bird? (owl)
- The number following the number six? (seven)
- A very useful bird with a yellow breast? (magpie)
- The color of the sea? (blue)
- Whiskered fish? (som)
- What do we see when we sleep? (dream)
- An insect that resembles a helicopter? (dragonfly)
Speech therapist: Well done boys! You answered all the questions correctly. You can go on a trip. The children take their places on the chairs.

1st stop – Zvukograd.

4. Visiting Zvukoznayka

Speech therapist:

Guys, Zvukoznaika really likes to play with sounds and has prepared a game for you.

Didactic game “Collect pictures in your boxes.”

Speech therapist:

Guys, we need to distribute objects that begin with a vowel sound into a red box, and those with a consonant sound into a blue box.
Children: (distribute pictures)

Speech therapist: Well done boys! Next stop …

Stop 2 - Bukvograd.

5. Visiting Bukvoeshka(a picture of a fairy-tale character is displayed) .

Speech therapist:

The letter reader wants to check how well you know the letters. He came up with unusual riddles for you.

Didactic game “Guess the word”
- Look carefully at the picture. What is the hedgehog carrying in the basket? What is the bear carrying in the bag?

Speech therapist:

In reality, you won't be able to answer this question accurately. Because the hedgehog's basket is covered with a handkerchief, and the bear's bag is tied.
- Now I will reveal these secrets to you! Magic tables will help me with this.

Speech therapist:

- If you want to know
What's in the basket, what's in the bag?
Cross out the letters quickly
Those that you will meet in twos.
And the remaining letters
Quickly put it into a word
And then you can find out
What's hidden inside.

Children: (read “apples” and “mushrooms”).

Speech therapist:
Well done!

Stop 3 - Slogovoy village.

6. Visiting Malvina(a picture of a fairy-tale character is displayed).

Speech therapist:
- Look, Malvina is meeting us. At her school she teaches everyone to read words.

But a mischievous wind flew in and rearranged all the syllables in the words. Let's collect

scattered words.
Didactic game “Scattered words”.

Speech therapist:

- These syllables are the trouble!
Scattered in all directions
“mo-ny-li” and “na-ny-ba”
What kind of miracle is this word?
Find the place of the syllable,
Collect the syllables into a word.
- To make the task easier to complete, there are picture hints on the board.

Read the syllables and name the fruits.

Children: (perform the task).
Speech therapist: Let's continue our walk.

4 stop.

7. Visiting Little Red Riding Hood.

Speech therapist:
- Look, Little Red Riding Hood has prepared a gift for you. Whole basket

Game "Vases and Flowers":
Speech therapist:

Look: the flowers are of unprecedented beauty.
The flowers have pictures in the middle (shows).
The vases are also not simple.
Syllable patterns everywhere (arranges vases).
We will take flowers with you
And we’ll distribute it into vases.
It may not be difficult, you just need to be careful.
And, of course, not right away
Take flowers and put them in a vase:
Name the picture by syllables
And by the way, choose a diagram.

Children: (name the picture, determine the number of syllables and put the flower in the vase)

5 stop.

8. Sound stream.

Speech therapist:

The guys, while we were picking flowers, didn’t notice how we approached a sound stream
- The stream is running, babbling, telling us the task.
Didactic game “Collect shells”:
Speech therapist:

Guys, collect shells with pictures where the sound L is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word (I invite 3 children to complete the task).
- Well done boys. Now we'll play with the stream.

9. Musical game “Streams and Lakes”, music by E. Tilicheeva.

6 stop.

10. City of Artists.

Speech therapist:

Look, the artist Tube meets us. Tube loves to fantasize and drew an unusual, mysterious animal.

Didactic game “Mysterious Animal”:

Speech therapist:
- What do you guys think, does such an animal exist?

Children: (No)

Speech therapist:

Look and tell me what animals it looks like? Whose head? Whose ears? Whose body? Whose tail? Whose paws?
Speech therapist: Well done, children, you solved the riddles of Tube. And it's time for us to move on.

Stop 7 - Poets Street.

11. Visiting Tsvetik.

Speech therapist:

The poet Tsvetik meets us.
Come on, children, don't yawn!
Change the word quickly!

    A pine tree grew on the shore - and next to it... (pine trees)
    A beautiful star is burning - and next to it... (stars)
    The tomato turned red, and next to it... (tomatoes)
    Here is one gnome, here is a second gnome - and together this is... (gnomes).

Speech therapist:

Well done boys!
Speech therapist: Guys, let’s show Tsvetik how we learned to read poetry loudly and expressively.
Children: (read poems about spring).
Speech therapist: It's time to move on.

Stop 8 - Sportivny Lane.

12. Meeting with Sportacus.
Sportacus : Attention, friends! I announce the relay race!

I invite 2 teams of 5 people each. Teams line up in a column.

At the signal, each team player runs to the table on which vegetables and fruits are laid out. The 1st team chooses everything needed for compote, and the 2nd team chooses everything needed for borscht (children put fruits and vegetables on different trays).
-Well done! We completed the task of Sportacus!

Stop 9 - City of Writers

13. Meeting with Berilyak.

Speech therapist:

He came up with a game for you.
Didactic game “Is this correct?”(working with deformed sentences)
Speech therapist:

Berylyaka will tell you the wrong phrases, and you will have to say them correctly.
- It's spring. (Spring has come).
- The bright sun will shine. (The bright sun shone.)
- Birds flew in from the south. (Birds flew in from the south).
- She began to build nests and hatch chicks. (They began to build nests and hatch chicks.)
Speech therapist:

- Well done boys!

14. Reflection.

Speech therapist:
- And our journey through the “Land of Correct Speech” has come to an end.

Each of us learned something new today, and each of us showed our knowledge and skills.

What did you like most about our trip?

Which heroes do you remember and why?

Who was more accurate in their answers?

Children: (children's answers).

- Thanks guys, I learned a lot from you. You are so smart, dexterous, skillful.
I don’t really want to leave you, but I have to go.

Oh, I completely forgot! I brought you my favorite Golden Key candies, help yourself!

(Pinocchio treats the children and leaves to the music.)

Speech therapy entertainment on the topic “My toys” in the senior group with OHP.

Subject: Scenario of speech therapy entertainment on the topic “My toys” for children of the older group with ODD.
Klokova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU d/s No. 39, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: In children with OHP, all areas are impaired speech development, as well as general, fine motor skills, speech prosody. This entertainment is made up of movement and speech games. This contributes to the development of mental and physical health children with OHP. By playing outdoor and speech games, children expand their knowledge about toys and activate their vocabulary on this topic. The material will be of interest to speech therapists, teachers and parents.
Target: Generalization of knowledge on the topic “Toys”.
Expand passive and active dictionary children;
Develop thinking, imagination, attention;
Develop gross and fine motor skills;
Develop coordination of movements;
Develop a sense of cooperation and mutual assistance.
Preliminary work:
Reading and memorizing poems by A.L. Barto about toys.
Two dolls, two trucks, two balls, two pyramids, two strollers, cubes and bricks. Cards with pictures of toys.

Progress of entertainment:

Speech therapist: Guys, do you like to play with toys? I suggest you divide into two teams today and play. For each correct answer the team will receive a matryoshka doll. At the end we will count the nesting dolls and determine the winners.
1. Speech therapist:
We gathered today to play,
Well, quickly name the different toys!
Children take turns naming toys from memory.
2. Speech therapist:
Now my kids, guess the riddles:

Not thunder, but thunder.
But he is famous for that.

Yellow huts
They hold on to each other.
One with a pipe
He pulls everyone along with him.

There's a ladder in the field,
The house is running down the stairs.

They beat him with a hand and a stick,
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated.

What kind of bird?
Doesn't sing songs
Doesn't build a nest
Are you carrying people and cargo?

This funny animal is made of plush. . .
There are paws, there are ears,
Give some honey to the beast
And make him a den.
Winnie the Pooh

Friends of different heights
But they look alike
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy.

My beautiful cap. .
Dashingly shifted to the side.
I'm a funny toy
And my name is...

What a very strange thing this is
Wooden man?
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?..

What a strange chime
It can be heard from all sides.
You put her to sleep, she gets up,
Sings a song loudly.
This cute face
Everyone knows...

I'm spinning, I'm spinning -
And I'm not lazy
Spin like this all day.
And I'm buzzing like a bee,
Who, children, am I?

Head on a leg
And there are peas in my head.
Will ring in your ear

3. Speech therapist:
(Addressing the first team)
Look here
And tell me, child,
What parts is the machine made of?
Does the cargo consist?

Children name the parts of the car. (A truck has a cab, body, etc.)

4. Speech therapist:
(Addressing the second team)
Now say it together
What parts does the doll have?

Children name the parts of the doll. (The doll has a head, neck, etc.)
5. Speech therapist:
Now each team member will show his dexterity.
We will compete two from each team.
1 task.
You need to select only green bricks from the building material, load them into the back of the truck, drive the car along the path using a rope, unload the car, go around the chair and return to the place.

Task 2.
You need to run to the chair, build a tower out of cubes and run back to your place.

3 task.
You need to wrap the baby in a diaper, put him in the stroller, move the stroller along the path, around the chair, and return to his place.

4 task.
You need to run to the chair, assemble the pyramid correctly, from the large ring to the small one, and run back to your place.
Task 5.
You need to run to the chair and choose the largest ball, taking it and running back to your place.

6 task.
Knocking the ball on the floor, run to the chair, put the ball down and run back to your place.

6. Speech therapist:
Well done boys! Let's take a break and name the colors of the rings!
First command:
Name the color of the rings on the pyramid from top to bottom.
Second command:
Name the color of the rings on the pyramid from bottom to top.

7. Speech therapist:
Who knows poems about toys?
Let him read them now.

8. Speech therapist:
I suggest you guys
I'll count the toys
All numbers need to be correct
Call them in order.

(Children pass the toy to each other, while agreeing the numeral with the noun)
The first team counts:
One ball, two balls, three balls, four balls, five balls, six balls.
The second team counts:
One brick, two bricks, three bricks, four bricks, five bricks, six bricks.

9. Speech therapist:
And now, guys,
Keep the cards
And toys affectionately
Now you name it.
(If one of the children affectionately names a toy incorrectly, then the team helps).
Teddy bear is a target,
Squirrel - squirrel,
Machine - machine,
Doll - doll,
Ball - ball,
Steam locomotive - steam locomotive,
Elephant - elephant,
Hare - bunny,
Cat - cat,
Ball - ball,
Pistol - pistol,
An airplane is an airplane.

10. Speech therapist:
You guys are great!
Pleased from the bottom of my heart!

Turn into airplanes
Fly, don't collide!
And land on the ground!

Children start the engines (make rotational movements with their hands);
Spread their wings (arms to the sides);
They fly (run around the group);
Land (sit on the carpet)

11. The speech therapist sums up the results of the competition, praises the children and thanks them for a pleasant time spent.
Source of mysteries.