History and our nature have taught us to waste and rule, take and own, destroy and appropriate. The first people could not reasonably assess their place in the universe; they were forced to survive, to resist the conditions in which they found themselves. Fear and powerlessness made them revere the wild nature of the universe. Then man began to conquer nature and use it for life. We have not learned to treat it with care, just as we have not learned to treat our work with care. We have created a world of things that we collect around ourselves and make others envy our wealth, forgetting that things only serve a person, and do not indicate his status. We have forgotten their real meaning. Let your mind find the difference between FRUGALITY AND SCARY.

Let's imagine that we are driving in a luxury car, clean and spacious. He delights us with his beauty. There is a man standing on the road and asking us to give him a lift. Why are you passing by? A person is a person, you say, does he have the right to make a choice? But how does he explain his choice? You feel sorry for your clean rugs, but he has dirty shoes - you are indignant. You say that you are thrifty, but maybe this is stinginess? You say you are in a hurry, you are a business person, but maybe this is indifference. Man is an egoist, we value our things more people. We have created a world of logic that helps us explain our actions with hundreds of different conclusions and continue to be selfish. But then you stopped and picked up a traveler on the road. Oh, are you really a generous person, they thank you, or maybe you just wanted to prove your generosity to yourself, to show the traveler that you are a kind person or that you believe in God, or that your parents raised you well? Which explanation for the action will be a valid reflection of your thoughts. Most likely, each of us makes good deeds, when it is profitable or when you want it. Consciousness obeys only its own desire. Stinginess is a mental dependence on what belongs to you. But this is not THRUGGLE at all. A Stingy person owns objects rather than uses them. He needs things to show his status. He associates himself with this wealth and realizes himself in it as an egoist. A THRUGGLE understands that things are created to serve people, but at the same time we must take care of everything that the Earth and nature gives us and everything that is created by the hands of other people. Let's imagine the situation. A schoolboy asks his classmate for a pen.

He gives him a pen and says: “Make sure you don’t break it.” In response to such a statement, some people will not take the pen, but will ask someone else for it, deciding that only a stupid person or a very greedy person can go broke like that over a trinket. Although in this situation we can also argue that we are talking about frugality here. Let's take another example. A neighbor asks you for some device you need, which you are not using yet. It is clear that you must take care of everything that you get with such difficulty, but can you be called stingy if you do not give him this device? It is with this thought that he will leave your home. You can be considered THROUGH only if you have already given your neighbor some items and he did not return them intact, although this will not always be an excuse for your action. In addition, we cannot be thrifty with things and at the same time stingy with our feelings and support for other people. Here you need a subtle instinct and a reasonable choice of your position. We must not be stingy with our strengths and good feelings towards other people, but at the same time TAKE CARE of ourselves for worthy people.

Let's take an example on a different scale. Humanity uses Natural resources. Of course, since we use what nature provides, we cannot call it THRUGGLE. This is selfish in relation to future generations, especially since each person believes that everything can be used endlessly, believing that he is doing too important a job to think about planetary problems, and besides, we can only value what we have earned through our labor . To use things and your powers wisely, you need to train your brain to see everything reasonable and separate it from the unreasonable. From time immemorial, man has striven to capture as much as possible more territory, live in a huge palace of twenty rooms, while constantly being in one, have ten cars, using one, accumulate wealth until death and not give it to anyone, believing that irons and samovars will be useful in the next world. All this is logic and selfishness. Most likely, there is no life after death, and the objects that we value so much and on which we depend so much become old very quickly and turn out to be of no use to anyone. Children, for whom each of us keeps our wealth, most often do not treat it with care or are made impossible by these riches and are a great disappointment to those around us. The only thing that will help us find the difference between THRIVAL and STINGY is selfishness. A THRUG is not selfish because he SAVES everything for people and must make sure that things serve as many people as possible. But if we help only in order to oblige other people to help us in the future, then here we are again talking about STINGY, STINGY for good deeds and good thoughts. Things lose their meaning if they lie in your closets and chests.

A person, collecting things, thinks that he owns them, in fact, they control him, make him their slave. And then money makes us stay awake at night, thinking about how not to lose it. Money makes us blind and stupid; it will not give us real joy and will not help us make real friends. They pollute our feelings and turn true love into great disappointment. Therefore, the rich people of this world understand that people’s envy is the only reward that pleases their egoism, for the sake of which they sought to rake in wealth around themselves. Money will never help them control people. Their souls will only hypocritically demonstrate their submission to them. Demonstrate and dream of taking possession of money. Ask a rich person if money is the meaning and happiness. And he will answer you “Yes!” But why then are they so unhappy? They drink and have fun, travel around the world in search of adventure, but do not find either true love or real friends, they doubt every second whether women love them because of money and whether their friends help them because of money. Why do they continue to seize more and more wealth, sparing neither health nor life?

In the next world we no longer need anything. They do not find an answer to these questions, although the answer is obvious. A rich person is loved only because of his wealth, because he is surrounded by egoists just like himself, so envy and profit are the only feelings that will envelop their consciousness when they are near him. What is the difference between THRIVAL and STINGY? The difference is that a thrifty person uses things to improve himself and change the world around him for the better, while a stingy person owns things to please his egoism. A stingy person does not think about other people, so when choosing apples he will take the best ones, while making his way in life he will choose the most easy way, leaving difficulties to others, he will find thousands of excuses not to do his job. He is an egoist, which means he must take care of himself or be stingy with good deeds.

Not a single thing in the world, no matter how beautiful and useful it may be, will make us happy, even if it is the universe itself. And you will throw it away, disappointed that you spent half your life acquiring it, because things have no meaning. Any thing loses its meaning as soon as someone begins to own it. People bring home expensive things that they have long striven for, betraying friends, forgetting about their children and sacrificing love, and suddenly they realize that they do not need these things, but need others, more beautiful and more expensive. We simply do not know how to go out of context and foresee the outcome of a situation several steps ahead. Development is not about owning as many things, knowledge or anything else as possible. Development is the desire for perfection and absoluteness of oneself and the whole world.

The difference in these concepts is practically invisible. You can find it intuitively in situations. Knowing and understanding the measure will ultimately help you find the difference. The less stingy you are, the more you will have to save, and vice versa, if you don’t save anything, you will definitely become stingy. Let's give another situation. Imagine two scientists, one of whom has an excellent laboratory for his experiments, but does not have any ideas in order to bring them to life. Another scientist, on the contrary, has an idea, but he does not have the conditions to pursue it. Each of them will own what they have and supposedly save it for the right occasion. If they agreed and worked together, they could bring a lot of benefit to people by making discoveries, because that’s what knowledge is needed to help people develop. Why does someone who owns it need knowledge? Most often, to sell your mind at a higher price.

Selfishness and SCARY at all levels deprive us of reason. The world we have is just a huge delusion of every person. People are increasingly moving away from each other, locking themselves in their homes in order to preserve the meager amount they have: things and money. They value them so much because it has become difficult to survive in this world without things and money, or because they do not see the difference in the concepts of THRIVAL and STINGY. Teach your child to TAKE CARE of everything that comes into his hands, so that he will be freer than we are, so that he does not waste his life chasing objects, but devotes it to higher aspirations. After all, it is in the pursuit of things and money that a person begins to see meaning in them. This is how dependence on objects and SCARY is born.

Educational hour on the topic: “Thrift is a valuable human quality”

The purpose of the educational hour:

Have a conversation with students about frugality, caring for loved ones and stranger

Teach the difference between the concepts of “stinginess” and “frugality”

Teach children to be careful about their surroundings

Explain the meaning of the concepts of economy and prudence.

Lesson plan:(in the form of a lecture-conversation)

Teacher's words: THRUG- economy, prudence.

Intelligence, kindness, talent - any of the virtues can be proud of. And everyone knows that they need to be developed in themselves. And for some reason, THRIVALITY among the virtues is like Cinderella. Many people hide it, fearing that they will be called stingy or petty. And some underestimate it: in comparison with talent, frugality is a small thing, a trifle.

Stinginess and frugality are not even related. Stinginess is selfish, it rows everything towards itself - it hoards, often pointlessly. The miser drags into his hole everything he can get. Thrift is not selfish at all. Thrifty people care about others first. It is customary for taiga hunters and geologists to throw all the garbage into the fire after a rest. Then it is filled with water. The remains of porridge and bread are not thrown into the fire, they are scattered under a tree - let the local animals and birds feast on it. In vintage folk tales thrift is glorified. One of them tells how in the royal garden the prince put a broom on the path and brought the girls here one by one. One tripped over the broom, the other kicked it, and the third picked up the broom and carried it to its place - the prince married this girl.

Thrift is caring for loved ones and strangers. It starts with little things, from childhood, and acquires national proportions. Thrift is like a strong bank protecting the full-flowing life of our Motherland, and wastefulness, like a mouse, wears away and drills into these banks, and the river becomes shallower.

Plumbing, electricity. Bread, entrance walls, elevators, books and notebooks, school desks and chairs - all this is the work and time of other people. If we respect them and ourselves, we save all this. Remember, by breaking a tree branch, you have inflicted a wound on it, opened up access for microbes, a hollow may appear in this place or mycelium spores may fall in - and the young tree will rot alive, collapse, before reaching its full age, bringing no benefit to anyone. Develop frugality in yourself.

You can rightfully be proud of it, just like your intelligence, talent, kindness, because all these virtues are for people, and not for yourself alone.

Everything living and nonliving is connected by time and space. Extravagance, superficiality, stinginess, ignorance tear the connecting threads and violate the correctness of life.

FRANCISITY strengthens connections, strengthens the unity of life, it is like raindrops that, together nourishing the earth, give a rich harvest.

Lesson summary: Answer the questions:

- How do you understand the word thrift?

What is stinginess, greed, greed?

Do you think it is necessary to be frugal?

What qualities should you have? modern man? Should he be frugal? What is frugality, how does it differ from other qualities, how to manage it? You can find out more about this below in the article.

The word “save” appeared during the times ancient Rus', has the same root as in the word “shore”. It means to cover with the shore. Protect, hide, take care.

The importance of frugality cannot be overestimated, because in ancient times people believed in a goddess named Bereginya. It was believed that she protects the family and the earth from evil spirits and brings happiness to the house.

Hence: the word “thrift” means the quality of a person, which lies in his ability to take care of what he has. Thrift is also the wise use of what you have. This is the preservation of material and spiritual benefits.

You need to understand that this quality applies not only to money, but also to other resources. For example: if you turn off the light behind you when leaving a room, you save electricity. If you wash in the shower rather than in the bath, you save water.

How not to confuse frugality with greed?

If you are saving up and saving your pocket money for something special, giving up going to the cinema and buying unnecessary things, then you are doing the right thing. But if your friend asked to lend him money for travel, and you refused because then you would have nothing to put in your piggy bank, then you are doing something bad, because this is already greed. There is no need to refuse help from friends and family if their requests are truly serious.

Also, excessive frugality can turn into greed towards oneself. This can happen if you suddenly start saving on things that you absolutely cannot do without. For example: if you skimp on food and go hungry all day, you can develop health problems that will cost you much more than on lunch.

Thrift and prudence

These words are synonyms, but there is a slight difference between them. If frugality is simply small savings and avoidance of various unnecessary expenses, then prudence is also taking into account circumstances and having a plan. A prudent person, as a rule, thinks about how he can save and for what.

Good quality

Thrift used to be considered the lot of poor people, while the rich, on the contrary, did not spare money for anything. Now things have changed and there are many benefits to be found in this capacity.

Such as:

  • proper handling of money;
  • ability to save;
  • the ability to appreciate what you have (especially if it was purchased with accumulated funds);
  • the ability to determine what is more important to you in this moment;
  • ability to manage your time;
  • possibility of choice.

How to manage lean?

How can you learn to save without becoming greedy? Let's look at some tips that will teach you to monitor your expenses, but at the same time not go too far with saving.

  • Calculate your income (this could be pocket money, gift money, etc.).
  • Calculate your basic expenses (what you will definitely need to spend money on, travel and lunch).
  • Determine how much you have left.
  • Decide how much you are willing to put into your piggy bank.
  • Try to save the planned amount of money each time.
  • Thrifting is not about giving up everything, sometimes you can buy what you want.
  • Don't skimp if you're hungry or cold (it's better to buy food and take public transport home than to get sick).
  • Tell your loved ones what you are saving for (most likely they will want to help you, and your piggy bank will fill up faster).

Thrift is not just a quality of a person, but a way of life. Thanks to it, you will be prepared for any life circumstances, you will be able to manage your savings yourself and choose what to spend them on. Being frugal is not difficult, but useful, and not only for the people themselves, but also for the planet as a whole.

Saving, prudence.

Intelligence, kindness, talent - you can be proud of any of the virtues! And everyone knows that they need to be developed in themselves. And for some reason, THRIVALITY among the virtues is like Cinderella. Many even hide it, fearing that they will be called petty or stingy. And some underestimate it: in comparison with talent, frugality, they say, is such a small thing, a trifle.

Both are wrong.

Stinginess and frugality are not even related. Stinginess is selfish, it takes everything for itself - it hoards uncontrollably, often senselessly, like Plyushkin, Gobsek: uneaten food rots, unworn things rot, and the miser continues to drag into his hole everything he can get. Thrift is not selfish at all; thrifty people care about others first. This is the grandmother who took care and saved her pioneer tie for her grandson - and a simple, not even silk tie of one of the first pioneers in the country became a relic of the school museum. It is customary for taiga hunters and geologists to throw all the garbage into the fire after a rest. Then it is filled with water. The remains of porridge and bread are not thrown into the fire, they are scattered under a tree - let the local animals and birds feast on it. Old folk tales glorify frugality. One of them tells how in the royal garden the prince put a broom on the path and brought the girls here one by one. One tripped over a broom, another kicked it, and the third picked up the broom and carried it to its place - the prince married this girl.

Thrift- this is caring for both a loved one and a stranger. It starts with little things, from childhood, and acquires national proportions. Thrift is like strong banks protecting the full-flowing life of our Motherland, and wastefulness, like a mouse, wears away and drills these banks, and the river becomes shallower.

The student solved the problem incorrectly, crossed out the mistakes - dirt on the page! He took a new notebook, and the damaged one, half of which was blank, into the garbage chute, or, at best, into waste paper. (Only a few use the leftover notebooks for roughing.) There are 30 students in the class, which means 15 notebooks are thrown away. And there are at least five disciplines in one class, - in a ten-year school there are at least 20 classes... So, 1500 notebooks! How many schools are there in our giantess country? Is this a small thing, a trifle?

We have written more than once about our relationship with bread. But they continue to throw away bread, too lazy to even feed it to the birds. What about old things? Something has just gone out of fashion - and a new coat, dress, skirt is already being sewn. Although ingenuity and frugality might suggest how to remake an old thing.

Look around your apartment: water is dripping from a carelessly closed faucet in the kitchen. In our country, each person is charged a penny for the use of fresh water, but in European countries, where there is not enough fresh water, they are already buying it. Someone forgot to turn off the lights in the apartment - there is an electrical leak! And throughout the country in one day there was a devastating loss. In Vietnam they say: “To the rich, but not thrifty, poverty will come, to the poor, but not thrifty, poverty will come.” An old Russian proverb: “A penny saves a ruble.” And here’s another: “Every crumb in the palm of your hand,” “Thrift is better than wealth.”

Plumbing, electricity, bread, ordinary potatoes, entrance walls, elevator, books, notebooks, chairs, shoes, dresses - all this is the work and time of other people. If we respect them, ourselves, we save it all.

Bradbury has a fantastic story "Safari". Such a small thing - a butterfly, crushed through negligence in the era of dinosaurs, changes life in the time from which the klutz came. This is not just fantasy. Remember that by breaking a branch of a tree, you have inflicted a wound on it, opened up access for microbes, a hollow may appear in this place or mycelium spores may enter - and the young tree will rot alive, collapse, before reaching its full age, bringing no benefit to anyone.

The scientific and technological revolution (STR), in essence, is saving people's time and energy. Scientists and engineers will improve transport, increasing the volume and speed of transportation. Airliners are bringing points of space closer together faster and faster; a journey that took weeks in the last century now takes hours. Postal troikas and carrier pigeons were replaced by instant transmission of information by telephone, radio, and telegraph. Automatic machines, and in the near future, automatic factories will free up creative time for many people. But one cannot think that machines can do everything; they are also in the power of man and require careful treatment.

Thrift is also important in creativity. Interesting thoughts or ideas come to mind, don’t be lazy, write them down or tell them to a friend. After all, it often happens that a thought dawns on a person, but he has no time, and he is looking for a loophole - “tomorrow there will be time, I will definitely think about everything and write it down,” but tomorrow it is no longer there - I forgot. And the good thought disappeared without a trace. It’s good to share a book you’ve read and your impressions of something. “What you give is yours, what you hide is lost forever,” wrote Shota Rustaveli. And Khachaturian told his students: in your youth, do not be lazy, carefully record new melodies right away, in old age mastery will come to you, and you will write wonderful suites from the saved melodies of your youth.

Develop frugality in yourself. You can rightfully be proud of it, just like your intelligence, talent, kindness, because all these virtues are for people, and not for yourself alone.

Everything living and nonliving is connected by time and space. Extravagance, superficiality, stinginess, ignorance tear the connecting threads and violate the correctness of life. And THRIVING strengthens connections, strengthens the unity of life, it is raindrops that, together nourishing the earth, give a rich harvest.

Upon graduating from school, vocational school, or institute, a person enters a new work team. There is so much waste of nerves, time, and energy simply because people do not take care of each other or their own own strength, are distracted from production.

How much is lost due to poor organization of any event! A certain L. Chernyshev wasted a lot of time and effort before gaining experience in this area. He formulated his experience in several rules.

Here are some of them:

  • - Try to avoid the temptation of the fussy and weak; Having seen other people's shortcomings, do not rush to criticize them if you do not know how to eliminate them.
  • - Give up childhood illusions, no one is obliged to do something for you, to present you with something ready-made on a platter upon request just because you expressed a sensible thought.
  • - Determine whether there are conditions for the implementation of your idea. If not, create them yourself within the scope of your activities. Otherwise, you will be known as the local Manilov.
  • - If you meet an obstacle, don’t faint, don’t scream that you’re being overpowered by retrogrades. Everything new must make its way in the fight against the obsolete and obsolete. This is the law of development. And you should be happy about it. If it weren’t for the moribund environment around us, there would be no need for new ideas and, as an innovator, you would be left without a job...
  • - Know yourself and your opponents, take into account all your advantages and all your shortcomings, so that your attacks end in victory, and no one can destroy your defense.

Compliance with at least these rules will help save nerves and strength in common cause, for which we are all fighting, building a new, humane society.