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The Serpent Gorynych is a character in many fairy tales and epics; Dobrynya Nikitich and other Russian heroes fought with him. This dragon was friends with Koshchei and Baba Yaga. Although scientists believe that such creatures lived together with humans, as evidenced by ancient drawings, the main thing is that repteloids continue to live among earthlings today!

Serpent Gorynych - who is this?

As dictionaries explain, the Serpent Gorynych is a fire-breathing dragon with several heads, the personification of Evil in Slavic epics. Slovaks, Czechs and Poles called it Zmok, Ukrainians - Zmiy, Croats - Zmaj. And also - Gorynich, Gorynchat and Gorynchishche. Researchers argue: who was he: a dragon or a serpent? The dragon has paws and wings, but snakes do not, but in the pictures Gorynych has paws and wings. Therefore, the main version: a strong monster with the brain of a serpent and the body of a dragon.

Where does Zmey Gorynych live?

Legends mention that the terrible Serpent Gorynych lives near the fiery river, guarding the Kalinov Bridge, which leads to world of the dead. Where he rules, grass does not grow and birds do not sing. According to versions of other legends, the Serpent lives in golden chambers. If we consider all the variants of folklore, 3 habitats arise:

  1. In the water, on a rock in the sea.
  2. Near the entrance to the kingdom of the dead.
  3. On a mountain or in a cave.

In favor of the latter statement, the “patronymic” of the Snake is Gorynych. One of the fairy tales mentions the Glass Mountain; researchers suggest that the sand of the rock allegedly melted by the snake fire turned into glass, which was impossible to climb. There is also a hypothesis that in some languages ​​the words “mountain” and “forest” are not different. So “Gorynych” can also mean “forest”. Although the Serpent from the Forest does not appear in any of the fairy tales.

What does Zmey Gorynych look like?

The most common version: the Serpent Gorynych has three heads, but 5, and 6, and 7, and 9, and even 12 heads are mentioned in legends. This is the main feature of the monster; descriptions of the body are less accurate. It is mentioned that he can fly, but whether he has wings is not said. In popular prints, Gorynych was depicted with:

  • the body of a snake;
  • long spiky tail;
  • clawed paws;
  • a mouth spitting fire.

A similar monster is the Serpent Gorynych from Kudykina Gora - a huge statue installed in the Kudykina Gora park, near the village of Kamenka near Lipetsk. A photo of a dragon with three heads instantly spread around the world, collecting more than a million likes and 6.5 thousand comments. It also provided the park with enormous popularity by being included in the series best pictures Instagram.

Serpent Gorynych - mythology

In myths, the evil Serpent Gorynych is depicted as the personification of universal Evil; scientists suggest that this may be an ancient name or the name of a creature, which later began to be referred to as a name and patronymic. There is also a version that supposedly was the name of the terrible invader who burned cities, collecting, as fairy tales say, tribute from many kings and princes. This version is supported by arguments:

  1. Many heads are a symbol of the many faces of Evil.
  2. Kidnapping is the capture of Russians into slavery on conquered lands.
  3. The Snake’s habitat is hidden in the “Sorochinsky Mountains,” which are supposedly located outside of Rus' - a description of another state.

Serpent Gorynych in Slavic mythology

The Serpent Gorynych is described by the Slavs as the guard of the Kalinov Bridge across the Smorodina River, which separates the world of the living and the dead: reality and reality. But much more often there is a mention that this Serpent is an intelligent creature, for fun he burns cities and steals beauties. In legends, he makes friends with evil spirits or keeps them in subjection. Calm weather and then a terrible thunderstorm foreshadow the appearance of a fairy-tale monster. Bogatyrs constantly fight with him and kill him in a fair fight. Some epics mention that in place of the severed heads of the Serpent, new ones grew.

Researchers suggest that Gorynych:

  1. A collective image of the nomads who besieged Rus'.
  2. The personification of universal Evil.

Serpent Gorynych in Ancient Greece

If you carefully read the myths Ancient Greece, it becomes obvious: the Serpent Gorynych was noted in those parts, but they called him differently. In the 12 Labors of Hercules, a terrible monster is mentioned - the Lernaean Hydra. She was described as a snake with 7-9-50 heads, in place of one cut off, 3 appeared, and one head had immortality and spat fire. The analogies with Gorynych are obvious; this hydra was defeated in battle by Hercules.

There is also a version that the Serpent Gorynych is a reptilian, a creature similar to a humanoid and a snake at the same time. Writer Andrei Belyanin puts forward a version that Gorynych allegedly turned into a man of his own free will and charmed the captives, spent time with them, and then destroyed them. Similar creatures were mentioned in the legends of the ancient Greeks; the founder of Athens, Cecrops, was even called half serpent, half human.

Scientists suggest that reptilians once tried to conquer earthlings, but did not succeed. And yet they were able to pass on a lot of valuable knowledge to the peoples of India and China, where snakes are still especially revered. Judging by the Bible, the Serpent also gave secret knowledge to Adam, but this lesson supposedly did not serve any purpose. It is possible that reptilians still live among us, transforming their appearance, although it is very problematic to prove this. So it is possible that the Serpent Gorynych exists.

Z MEI GORYNYCH - son of a thundercloud, heavenly mountain. A flying multi-headed monster with a long tail and membranous wings (if the hero cuts off one head, another grows). Gorynych can have 3, 6, 9, or 12 heads. His body is snake-like, on four legs and covered with a strong shell. It spews smoke from its nostrils and ears, and flames from its mouth (clouds swirl and lightning flashes). Serves under Kashchei the Immortal. Kidnaps young beautiful girls or takes tribute from the population from the girls. He takes them to his hole-cave in the mountain, where he keeps his wealth. He has the ability of a werewolf - he can, for example, take on the appearance of a young handsome youth, a horse or some attractive thing. To do this, he hits the ground.

“...Suddenly the sky darkened, but there were no clouds in the sky, and there was no rain, but thunder rumbled, and there was no thunderstorm, but the fire was shining...

Dobrynya raised his head and saw that the Serpent Gorynych was flying towards him, a terrible serpent with three heads and seven tails, flames blazing from his nostrils, smoke pouring out of his ears, copper claws on his paws glistening.”

From the epic

The images of the Serpent existing in legends - the Serpent Tugarin, living in the hollow of Zmiulan, are similar to the image of the Serpent Gorynych.

Serpent Gorynych is a multi-headed fire-breathing dragon, a representative of the evil principle in Russian folk tales and epics. In foreign language legends it is found as zmok, smok or tsmok.
The many-headed nature of a snake is its indispensable feature. Most often the snake appears as three-headed.
In most cases, the kite has the ability to fly, but, as a rule, nothing is said about its wings. Thus, in the entire Afanasyev collection of Russian folk tales only once is it reported about “fiery wings” (the fairy tale “Frolka the Seat”).

The body of a snake is not described in fairy tales, however, in popular prints depicting a snake, the favorite details are a long arrow tail and clawed paws.
One more important feature The snake is its fiery nature, however, how exactly the fire erupts is not described in fairy tales. The snake carries fire within itself and spews it out when attacked.
In addition to the fire element, the serpent is also associated with the water element, and these two elements are not mutually exclusive. In some tales he lives in the water, sleeping on a stone in the sea. At the same time, the serpent is also the Serpent Gorynych. The word "Gorynych" probably comes from the word "mountains", since the Serpent Gorynych often lives in the mountains and caves. However, such a location does not prevent him from being sea ​​monster. In some fairy tales, he lives in the mountains, but when the hero approaches him, he comes out of the water.


Summary of the myth

Serpent-Gorynych - personifies evil in folk tales and epics of the Slavs. In different legends, the description of the Serpent differs, which is why it is very difficult to create an accurate portrait of this character. But it is generally accepted that the Serpent-Gorynych is a talking dragon-like creature, with three heads, a tail and copper claws, with the ability to breathe fire, while releasing smoke from its ears. The Serpent can have from 3 to 12 heads, and from 1 to 7 tails, depending on the source. The Serpent moves through the air, but fairy tales are silent about the presence of wings. In view modern man The serpent is identical to the winged dragon with three heads.

Gorynych can be like a creation water element, and fiery, therefore, in the first case, it prefers mountains as its habitat, namely the “Sorochinsky Mountains”, in the second it can live at the bottom of the sea, river or lake. In most cases, Gorynych lives in a cave, but dens are also possible. His habitat is necessarily lifeless, where grass does not grow, birds do not sing, or, on the contrary, these are chambers sparkling with gold and silver.

In some epics, the Serpent-Gorynych acts as a guard of the Kalinov Bridge, which is thrown over the Smorodina River, dividing reality and nav (the world of the living and the world of the dead). But Gorynych found his main calling in burning Russian crops and villages. From time to time he kidnaps beautiful maidens from the common people, or from a princely family, in order to eat them, but more often the kidnapping is an end in itself. In fairy tales, the Serpent holds a great many captives, among them kings, courtiers, warriors and ordinary people. Accordingly, the Serpent is the sworn enemy of the Russian heroes, who strive to defeat him, in one case in order to restore justice, in another, to free captives. Sometimes fairy tales tell about Gorynych’s friendship with other folklore characters - Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal and other evil spirits.

Lack of wind, cloudy weather, thunder and lightning - these are the first signs of the appearance of the Serpent somewhere nearby. When it comes to fighting heroes, his main weapon is fire, which he spews from his mouth, but he still dies at the hand of the hero. To kill the Serpent, the hero has to hit him in the heart, or cut off all his heads. Zmey-Gorynych is such a negative character that even “Mother Cheese Earth” does not immediately want to absorb the black blood flowing from his wounds.

Images and symbols of myth

The image of the Serpent-Gorynych can be viewed from at least two sides. On the one hand, this is an image that absorbed all the troubles that happened in Rus', including the nomads, and was embodied in the form of a certain mythical creature. On the other hand, this is a fairy-tale character, a kind of evil opposed to good.

Considering the fact that the Serpent-Gorynych begins his story under paganism and is a character in oral folklore, it is necessary to take into account the difference in the perception of symbols among the pagan Slavs and the Christian Slavs.

Serpent (analogous to a dragon) - in this case, can be considered as an ancient Slavic name or as the name of an animal, which later began to be used as a name; such conclusions allow us to draw the patronymic of this creature “Gorynych”.

With a pagan perception of the world in ancient times, the northern Slavs worshiped the snake as a god, and even made sacrifices to it (including human ones), while the southern Slavs considered the snake an atmospheric demon.

In Christianity, the serpent is a symbol of the fall of man, evil, and cunning. Do not forget that a snake, like a dragon, is one of the forms of the Devil incarnate. And in this case, Gorynych becomes a symbol of absolute evil. The dragon also symbolizes the apocalypse.

Patronymic - Gorynya (Slavic name) - mountain-like, huge, indestructible. This symbol shows us the power of the creature, its big sizes. “Gorynych” can also mean that he lives in the mountains.

The snake always harmed people, burned pastures and even entire villages. On the land subject to the Serpent-Gorynych, kings pay tribute. Here Gorynych acts as a symbol of the enemy invader.

Many heads - symbolizes the many faces of evil, its abundance.

Kidnapping symbolizes the capture of Russian people into slavery.

Gorynych’s lair - the serpent’s lair is located in the “Sorochinsky Mountains”, these mythical mountains are located outside the territory of Rus'. The lair acts as a symbol of another state, from which the troubles of the Russians originate, and where the captives are taken.

The battle of the hero with the Serpent is a struggle between good and evil, symbolizing the opposition provided to the enemy army.

The death of the Snake is the inevitable victory of good over evil, of the Russians over the invaders.

Communicative means of creating images and symbols

Tales about the Serpent-Gorynych have been passed down from mouth to mouth for centuries, from grandfathers to grandchildren, and this is how we got to know this character. We heard about him in fairy tales, and a little later we watched him on TV, as a hero in cartoons and fairy tales. And now it would be simply impossible to imagine Russian folklore without this character.

In painting you can see the image of the Serpent-Gorynych in the following paintings: Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov: “Fight of Dobrynya Nikitich with the seven-headed Serpent-Gorynych” (1913-1918), Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin: “Fight of Dobrynya with the Serpent”, Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin: “Dobrynya Nikitich frees Zabava Putyatichna from the Serpent-Gorynych" (1941), Artist Moskvitin Stanislav: "Dobrynya Nikitich" (2002)

In cinema, the image of a snake is also quite common. In these famous films you can see the snake: Vasilisa the Beautiful. Fairy tale film by Alexander Rowe 1939, Ilya Muromets. The film is a fairy tale by Alexander Ptushko, 1956, Fire, water and... copper pipes. Fairy tale film by Alexander Rowe 1968, There, on unknown paths... Fairy tale film by Mikhail Yuzovsky 1982

The character of the Serpent-Gorynych is mentioned in literature in many works: in the folk epic “About Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent-Gorynych”, in the fairy tale by V.M. Shukshin “Until the third roosters”, in the story of the Strugatsky brothers “Monday begins on Saturday”, in the poetic fairy tale “The Serpent-Gorynych” by Dmitry Polovnev.

We are all with early childhood knew who the Serpent-Gorynych was, thanks to the huge number of cartoons about him. For example, “Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey-Gorynych.” According to the plot of this cartoon, Zmey-Gorynych is an old friend of Dobrynya Nikitich and does not know how to fly (he will learn to fly only at the end of the cartoon). It is not known exactly how they met: Dobrynya says that he bought him from a merchant, and Gorynych says that he saved Dobrynya from captivity. But, most likely, Gorynych’s story is fiction, because... in it he has large wings, while in the main story he has small ones. Based on the cartoon it was created computer game. Or even Soviet cartoons, such as “Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers.” According to the plot of this cartoon, the Serpent-Gorynych is Baba Yaga’s guest and must rescue her from the captivity of the pioneer Ivan, but Ivan defeats him with the help of a fire extinguisher. Another children's favorite cartoon is “Baba Yaga Vs!”. According to the plot, the young Serpent-Gorynych is Baba Yaga’s pet and assistant. The list goes on and on.

Here are the most famous cartoon stories about the Serpent-Gorynych.

  • "Between" The oppressors of the village residents are the Serpent-Gorynych and the greedy king. Both villains are defeated by the cunning of the soldier Kuzma (who for some reason calls the Snake “Gavrilych”).
  • "Wait for it!" (issue 16). In a dream, a wolf finds himself in a magical land, where heroes of various fairy tales live outside of time and plot. The Serpent-Gorynych guards the fairy-tale castle. (In this film, director Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin and artist Svetozar Rusakov reused the image stated in the film “Mezha”.)
  • "Key". Four (instead of the traditional three) different heads of the Serpent-Gorynych are a parody of formalist bureaucrats.
  • "Epic about Dobrynya Nikitich." The puppet cartoon is based on Russian folk epic. The hero Dobrynya goes to the mountains, where he kills the Snake-Gorynych.
  • "Dreamers from the village of Ugory." The Serpent-Gorynych appears in the fantasies of the main characters as an ally of the enemies: Baba Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal.
  • "Alyonushka and the Soldier." The three heads of the Snake are multi-colored (green, blue, yellow) and have different characters. First, the soldier turns them against each other, and then by cunning he forces Gorynych to turn into a birch block and throws him into the oven, from where the small and harmless Gorynych appears.
  • "Three heroes and the Shamakhan queen." -Here he is also a friend of Dobrynya Nikitich. Here he already flies well. Came to China. There it was considered a Chinese dragon. When Dobrynya came to China, he met Gorynych and offered to fly on him to Kyiv to defeat the queen.

Social significance of the myth

Until recently, they always tried to show the Snake-Gorynych as a collective image of evil, which must be fought and, accordingly, defeated, because in fairy tales good always defeats evil. For the dragon, as an exclusively negative character, death, and for the hero laurels. But modernity offers us an alternative option.

Currently, the Serpent-Gorynych is, first of all, a character created for children. There is practically nothing left of that evil killer and kidnapper whom we saw in Slavic mythology. The serpent does evil things only because he does not know how to act correctly. He is like a baby who knows nothing about the categories of good and evil. Gorynych, like many other evil characters of folklore, becomes the antipode of his original self. For example, in the 2006 cartoon “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent-Gorynych,” Gorynych plays the role of a good-natured klutz, an old friend of Dobrynya Nikitich. An image is created of a faithful comrade in arms, a friend of the hero, and therefore a friend of the child. The victory of good over evil can be considered double when the monster is transformed into an exclusively benevolent creature.

Serpent-Gorynych is the general name for dragon-like creatures. Although he does not belong to dragons, but according to the classification he belongs to serpents, in appearance Gorynych has many dragon traits.

Outwardly, the Serpent-Gorynych looks like a dragon, but has many heads. Various sources indicate different quantities heads, but most often there are three heads. However, a larger number of heads rather indicates the fact that this serpent had already repeatedly participated in battles and lost heads, in the place of which a larger number of new ones grew. Gorynych’s body is covered with red or black scales, the serpent’s paws have large copper-colored claws with a metallic sheen, and he himself is large in size and has an impressive wingspan.

These snakes live in mountainous areas, choosing large caves for their homes; quite often they can be found in reservoirs, as they like to eat fish, but they choose underwater caves for their homes much less often.

Gorynych always hunts at some distance from his nesting site; his diet is dominated by large mammals(deer, cows, etc.) and fish. If there is a shortage of food, the serpent can attack people. During the period of raising the cubs, Gorynych catches prey and takes it while still alive to his nest so that the growing snakes learn to hunt. These snakes rarely leave their victims alive; they usually stock up on food. These snakes prefer to live alone, occupying large territory. While the young snakes are small and weak, they live with their parent under his protection, reaching a certain age, the young snakes leave their native territory in search of a new home. Clashes between snakes occur quite rarely, since different individuals try not to enter someone else’s territory and do not conquer it, but look for unoccupied land.


The Serpent-Gorynych is capable of flying and spewing fire. Gorynych's scales cannot be pierced by any weapon. His blood can burn, and blood spilled on the ground burns it out so that nothing grows in that place for a long time. Zmey-Gorynych is able to regrow lost limbs, he is able to regrow even a lost head. He also has intelligence and is able to imitate the voices of various animals, including the ability to reproduce human speech, which distinguishes him from serpents and makes him closer to dragons.

How to fight?

The cubs of the Serpent-Gorynych are very weak and defenseless, but as they grow older, their scales become invulnerable to any weapon and fire. The only weak spot in Gorynych’s “armor” is small area scales on the neck near the head, the scales there are very soft. You can pierce it with almost any weapon, but the severed head will grow back and this will not kill the serpent, but will only scare it away for a while, but sometimes this is enough. The legends still describe a weapon capable of killing the Serpent-Gorynych - the “Seven-Tail Whip.” The key point is the fact that in order to kill Gorynych, it is necessary to destroy all the heads, without separating them from the body, so in some legends there is a description of how Gorynych is killed by a heroic horse by crushing the snake’s skull with its hoof.

A character in Russian folklore, found in fairy tales and epics. A type of fire-breathing dragon with several heads (most often there are three, but variations are possible). In folklore it invariably represents an evil principle, but in modern interpretations it can also turn out to be a positive character.

Image and character

Gorynych's habitat is usually mountains, which is obvious even from the hero's name. Near the place where the hero lives, a fiery river flows, and he himself guards the bridge connecting the world of the living with the kingdom of the dead. When describing the Serpent, attention is mainly focused on the multi-headedness, the rest character traits are rarely mentioned. There are not necessarily three heads, but often this number is a multiple of three - six, nine, twelve. It is assumed that Gorynych is a flying kite, but there is no talk of wings. Despite the fact that there is no description of the Snake’s appearance in the texts, it is often depicted with clawed paws and a long tail with an arrow at the end.

Gorynych is a fiery dragon that spews flames when it attacks. Sometimes Gorynych is associated with the element of water. He appears sleeping on a stone in the sea or living in the water, emerging from the waters to meet the hero.

The serpent Gorynych often pairs up in fairy tales with another negative folklore character. Koschey leads Gorynych and uses the help of the Snake, committing atrocities.

In culture

The image of the Serpent Gorynych has been played out many times in culture. And not only in literature and cinema. In the Kudykina Gora park, which is located in the village of Kamenka, Lipetsk region, last year a huge statue of the Serpent Gorynych, made of concrete, appeared. A photo of this impressive three-headed monster has collected one and a half million likes on Instagram. And in Kharkov, on the Lopan embankment, a wooden monument depicting Gorynych was erected.

The serpent also became the central figure of the fountain installed in 2013 in the Kirov Park in Novosibirsk. Between Gorynych’s paws sits another character from Russian fairy tales - Koschey the Immortal.

Writers and poets did not ignore the Serpent Gorynych. The brothers placed the hero in NIICHAVO, where he was locked in an old boiler room and used for experiments (the story “Monday Begins on Saturday”). In the poem, the Serpent kidnaps the girls and takes them to his own palace. A.K. Tolstoy in the poem “The Serpent Tugarin” gave Gorynych the qualities of a werewolf. In the guise of a singer, the hero appears at Prince Vladimir's feast and sings there.

The rock group “Red Mold” has a song “Aria of the Snake Gorynych”. There are jokes about the Serpent Gorynych and the three heroes, often of indecent content, which speaks of the people’s unfading love for their native folklore.

Russian artists of the first half of the twentieth century turned to the theme of the Serpent Gorynych (the paintings “The Fight of Dobrynya Nikitich with the seven-headed Serpent Gorynych”, “Frees Zabava Putyatishna from the Serpent Gorynych”).

In military slang, the UR-77 “Meteorite” mine clearance system, created back in 1977, is named after Gorynych. “Gorynych” is still in use. This is also the name for other equipment, for example, airfield special vehicles for cleaning the runway.

Film adaptations

Movies have been made several times about the Serpent Gorynych and other epic characters. In the 1986 fairy tale film “They Sat on the Golden Porch...” Koschey the Immortal flies on the Serpent Gorynych, which he fuels with jet fuel like an airplane. In the 1982 film entitled “There, on Unknown Paths...” the hero is turned into a kid with three heads, and the Serpent does not appear on the screen at all, although he is present in the plot.

Even earlier, in 1956, the film “” was released, where Gorynych plays the role of a “superweapon” in the Tugar army. In the midst of the battle, the Serpent is released onto the battlefield. And the first film where Zmey Gorynych appeared was still in black and white and was called “” (1939). The hero there wants to marry Vasilisa and for this he kidnaps the girl. Gorynych, as expected, has three heads, one of which spews fire, the other spits out a stream of water, and the third blows hurricane wind. The fairy-tale beast lives in her own luxurious palace, surrounded by servants, along with her henchwoman.

Most often, the Serpent Gorynych appeared in animated films. In the 1978 cartoon “The Last Bride of the Snake Gorynych,” the hero bears little resemblance to the “canonical” Gorynych - he has only one head, but eight paws, like an insect. The snake there kidnaps beauties all over the world and knows how to turn into a person. Two years later, the three-part cartoon “Baba Yaga Against!” was released, where Gorynych is shown as Baba Yaga’s pet. The hero “lit up” even in the 16th episode of the series “Well, wait a minute!”, where he appears in a dream of the Wolf, in which various fairy-tale heroes. Gorynych acts as a castle guard there.

In the 2000s, the hero became known mainly for a series of cartoons about three heroes from the Melnitsa studio. The first cartoon in this series, where the hero appears, is called “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych.” It came out in 2006. The snake here is a positive hero, an old comrade of the hero Dobrynya Nikitich. According to the plot, the Serpent Gorynych fell into debt with the dishonest merchant Kolyvan and, in payment of the debt, agreed to kidnap the prince’s niece Zabava for Kolyvan, whom the main characters, Dobrynya Nikitich and Elisha, then go to rescue. Good Gorynych is tormented by his conscience because of what he has done, and later the Serpent helps the heroes return the Fun.

In the cartoon “Three Knights and the Shamakhan Queen” (2010), Dobrynya meets Gorynych in a Chinese monastery, and in “Three Knights on Distant Shores” (2012) Gorynych again enters into confrontation with Kolyvan and Baba Yaga (along with the wives of the missing heroes). In the cartoon “And Tugarin the Serpent” Gorynych is not present as a character.

Studio “Melnitsa” has released another series based on Russian folk tales - “and Gray wolf" In the first cartoon of the series, which was released in 2011, the Serpent Gorynych is also present, but this is not the character that is familiar to viewers from cartoons about heroes. Gorynych here begins as a negative character, but Ivan teaches the hero good deeds.