Dear site visitors! On this page you will find materials on the following topics: Working programm(English) at the preschool educational institution. Preschool educational program in English. English language work program in preschool educational institutions. English language at the preschool educational institution. Federal State Educational Standard. The Federal State Educational Standards program for preschool educational institutions in English: does it exist?

Dear colleagues who work with preschoolers!

IN Lately letters to the site have become more frequent asking for proposals English language program for preschoolers according to me. Now it's time to confess - developed by me personally I don't have a program. Why? The fact is that I am not a Methodist at heart - this is the harsh truth. It's not that I couldn't write this program, but I always have more important things to do with my main job. Only necessity could force me to start drawing up a program. But creating English lessons for preschoolers is just my hobby. I created the lessons with Spot (and, I hope, I will still find time to continue developing them) with passion. I can’t say the same about writing an English program for a preschool educational institution. Just the thought of her makes me sad. But an English program for preschoolers is really needed. Therefore, I invite all site visitors to participate in the development of our common . One version of the program already exists (see below). Of course, you can just download it, since those who teach preschoolers usually have little time. But if possible, please send your own versions of the working program.

Why do we need to do work program in English for preschoolers all together? Yes, simply because English program for preschoolers It’s simply a MUST for those who work in a preschool educational institution, but it’s not always possible to do it alone.

There is one observation - many are simply afraid of doing something wrong, incorrectly. They are afraid of the dissatisfied expression on the face of some “Methodist auntie” who might say, “What kind of nonsense did you bring me? Your program does not meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard!” I hasten to reassure those who are part of this group of “fearful” people: the Federal State Educational Standard for English language requirements for preschoolers do not yet (unfortunately or fortunately) exist. This means that we can create a work program in English for preschoolers at our discretion, based on ready-made programs for primary schools in a foreign language and the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard for primary schools. It's not the gods who burn the pots!

Below is a version of the English language work program for preschoolers, proposed by one of the site visitors and another version that is publicly available on the Internet. You can simply download these programs and use them, but if you suddenly feel that the spirit of a methodologist has taken possession of you, you can suggest your additions and changes to these programs and send them to the site via the form, for which dozens of teachers involved in teaching will be grateful to you preschoolers.

Everyone who wants to take part in improving our common English language programs for preschoolers- join us!


Irina A. Murzinova

Municipal budgetary preschool educational organization

No. 40 “Snow Maiden”





for 2016-2017


additional education teacher

Onishchenko N.N.





Name of educational organization MBDOU "Snegurochka" No. 40

The name of the program

"Happy English"

Program focus

Social and pedagogical

FULL NAME. teacher implementing an additional general education program

Onishchenko Natalya Nikolaevna

Year of development

2016-2017 academic year

Where, when and by whom was the additional general education program approved?

Approved by the head of MBDOU No. 40 “Snow Maiden”, adopted by the pedagogical council No. 1 on August 30, 2016,

Information about the availability of a review


Formation of foreign language communicative competence in preschool children and development of sustainable interest in further learning a foreign language.



Develop basic skills and communication skills in English;

Develop students' correct pronunciation skills English sounds and correct intonation of statements;

To develop basic knowledge in the field of grammar, phonetics, and vocabulary of the English language.


Develop communication skills;

Develop the speech, intellectual and cognitive abilities of children that are necessary for learning a foreign language (phonemic hearing, ability to guess, memory, attention, imagination, thinking);

To familiarize yourself with the culture, traditions and customs of the country of the language being studied;


To foster in children a sustainable interest in learning a new language;

To foster respect for the way of life of the people of the country of the language being studied;

Cultivate a sense of tolerance.

Expected results of mastering the program

Overcome the psychological barrier in mastering speech in English;
Greet, say goodbye, introduce yourself, thank in English;
Answer questions in monosyllables;
Count to 10;
Tell rhymes in English, build short dialogues, sing songs using learned movements.

Program implementation period

1 year from 01.09.2016 - 31.05.2017

Number of hours per week/year

2 hours / 72 hours

Age of students

5-6 years old,(6-7 years old)

Forms of classes


creative visual arts (drawing, modeling, appliqué);


Methodological support

Program for teaching English to preschoolers “English language and preschoolers” M.V. Steineprice;

Exemplary programs of primary general education M. Prosveshchenie 2009.

Logistics support


  • a set of tables and chairs for preschoolers;
  • board;
  • table for the teacher;
  • tape recorder with a set of audio recordings;
  • computer;
  • ball;
  • voluminous toys;
  • colour pencils.

Screen and sound aids:

  • CDs;
  • multimedia presentations.

Explanatory note

on the implementation of the educational thematic plan

for the 2016-2017 academic year

The educational and thematic plan is compiled in accordance with the “Happy English” program developed by N.N. Onishchenko. in the 2016-2017 academic year andrecommended for implementation pedagogical council No. 1 MBDOU No. 40 “Snow Maiden” dated 08/30/2016.

Focus . The additional general education program “Happy English” has a social and pedagogical orientation; according to its functional purpose it is educational and cognitive; the form of organization is group.The program gives general idea children about the world as a multilingual and multicultural community. It is designed to ensure the assimilation of basic fundamentals and contribute to the formation of skills in solving basic communicative problems in English, as well as the acquisition of basic regional knowledge about the countries of the language being studied.

Relevance. IN modern life The importance of learning a foreign language has increased. Nowadays, learning a foreign language at school begins in the second grade. Starting school so early scares parents and even teachers. New textbooks make high demands on 7-8 year olds.

Opportunities of a foreign language academic subject in implementing the kindergarten’s strategic focus on personal development are truly unique. It is known that preschool age is favorable for learning a foreign language, since small child Long-term memory is well developed.

Classes under the “Happy English” program introduce the child to the basics of a foreign language culture, i.e. informs the child of a basic amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. Classes are oral preparatory stage to reading and writing.

Early learning of a foreign language develops the child comprehensively. His memory and intelligence improve, and his powers of observation develop.

Since play is the leading activity of a preschooler, learning tasks are closely related to the world in which the child lives. This is a world of fairy tales, poems, songs, where curiosity and the desire to play with peers reign.

This program is based on the principles of communicative learning and is aimed at developing positive cognitive motivation.

The leading form of organization educational process are group classes.

There are a variety of forms for conducting classes: a game, a trip, a performance, a meeting with fairy-tale hero, competition, contest, correspondence excursion, etc.

Classes are held 2 times a week, lasting 30 minutes.

Type of educational activity. Educational material served in a playful way that is not tiring for the child. Various creative tasks will contribute to the development of imagination and will help to better understand the material covered in class. Training is carried out based on the native language, but gradually switches to a foreign language. The program is aimed at rapid and high-quality mastery of spoken English (mastering the alphabet, correctly naming colors, counting to 10, talking about yourself and your family, and so on). The child will have to listen to fairy tales, complete drawings of objects and come up with rhymes, color, connect the dots, find hidden animals, make appliqués and much more. At each lesson, children learn poems, proverbs, songs or rhymes that are based on words and phrases that the child has already learned. Thus, this program is based on the “communicative method”. With the help of the communicative method, children develop the ability to speak and perceive speech by ear. In the process of communication, grammar is also mastered. First, the child remembers words and expressions, and then begins to understand the difference between linguistic forms: singular and plural, past and present tense. Children immediately learn to speak correctly.

Methods and techniques:

  • Work on pronunciation (fairy tales, tongue twisters, rhymes).
  • Working with a toy (dialogue with the toy, description of the toy).
  • Working with pictures (picture description, outdoor games, calm

games, creative games).

  • Learning and reciting poetry (poetry competition, learning songs).
  • Dramatization of short situations.
  • Reproduction of situational dialogues.

Group classes have the following structure:

Introductory part:

  • greeting, organizational moment;
  • phonetic warm-up.

Main part:

  • lexical material on the topic of the lesson;
  • speech material on the topic;
  • grammatical material;
  • reading rhymes, poems, singing songs;
  • games to reinforce material;
  • physical education minutes.

Final part:

  • consolidation of the material covered in the form of games, dialogues, speech situations;
  • orientation to the next lesson.

Diagnostic tools

In order to monitor students’ knowledge and check the effectiveness of training, the following forms are used:

  • frontal and individual questions;
  • revision classes;
  • holding holidays;
  • conducting intellectual and didactic games;
  • holding open classes for parents;
  • holding reading competitions.

Interim and final certification of students takes place in the form of open classes.

In an open lesson, children’s knowledge is assessed according to the following criteria:

Dialogue speech

  • High level: asks more than 2 questions, questions are formulated correctly, answers are clear, using complete and concise sentences.
  • Intermediate level: asks less than 2 questions, the questions are conditionally correct, the answers are unclear, conditionally correct (without violating the meaning, but containing lexical and grammatical errors).
  • Low level: does not ask questions, the answers are incorrect (violating the meaning and with errors).

Monologue speech.

  • High level: taken into account total phrases constructed according to various models, speech is correct, contains 3 or more phrases.
  • Intermediate level: speech is conditionally correct (there are lexical and grammatical errors), 2-3 phrases.
  • Low level: does not provide an answer.


  • High level: correctly conveys the content of what was said.
  • Intermediate level: with the help of the teacher, conveys the content of what was said (answers that do not violate the meaning, but contain lexical and grammatical errors).
  • Low level: does not understand what was discussed.

Lexical skills

  • High level: vocabulary meets program requirements, names all lexical units on each topic without experiencing any difficulties.
  • Intermediate level: vocabulary does not meet program requirements, names more than 60% of lexical units on each topic, and has difficulty with this.
  • Low level: vocabulary does not meet program requirements, names less than 60% of lexical units on each topic, and experiences serious difficulties.

Expected results and ways to check them.

Based on the results of the training Ican know and practically master:

  • Words on topics related to their daily lives.
  • Rules for the use of grammatical forms related to these topics.
  • adequate pronunciation and intonation of basic types of sentences.

Students the results of training can:

  • understand the teacher’s instructions for completing creative tasks;
  • perceive short, non-specialized statements by ear;
  • maintain an etiquette dialogue, as well as maintain dialogue and communicate in household topics(family, shopping, holidays, counting objects and their colors), be able to wish Happy New Year and Merry Christmas;

Students acquire the following sociocultural knowledge:

  • the name of the country whose language is being studied;
  • knowledge of the names of some literary heroes of children's works;
  • the ability to reproduce small, simple, studied works of children's folklore (poems, songs, games) in English.

Information note on the features of the implementation of the USP in the 2016-2017 academic year:

Total duration of the program

1 year

Year of study

2016-2017 academic year

Age of pupils

5-6 years old, 6-7 years old

Number of students in the group in the current academic year

6-9 people

Number of hours per week

2 hours

Total hours per year

72 hours

By the end of training, children can know up to 100 words in English, some ready-made speech samples:

I... (name). I... (age). I can... I love... I have...How old are you? What is your name? Children are able to talk about themselves, family, toys in 4-6 sentences; recite a poem and sing a song in English.

Educational and thematic plan for the 2016-2017 academic year


Section, topic

Number of hours

Theoretical part


Total hours

Greetings. Acquaintance.

Cheerful fox

Visiting Minnie Mouse.

Meeting animals.

One two Three ……

How old is anyone?

Entertaining lotto.

Magic score.

Step by step.

Visiting the Merry Squirrel

Let's sing together

Let's count the animals


Multi-colored paints

Visiting the colors

Rhyming colors

Visiting the cube

What, what color?

My toys

Journey to Toyland

A toy shop

Let's play with the ball

Where are the toys hidden?

Where do our toys live?

My favorite toy.

Challenge on the theme “My toys”

I love…

My favorite meal

We're going on a picnic

Tell about yourself

Who loves what.

Christmas and New Year

Visiting Santa!

Let's celebrate our New Year


Visiting autumn


Spring is red!

Letter to the summer.

Seasons and weather

My family

My family

The Finger Family

Letter from Alice

My photo album

Who is who?

Let's sing together!

Letters and their songs

Name of letters

Playing with letters

Where was the sound hidden?

Let's eat together

Playing with letters

Playing with letters

Playing with letters

Strengthening knowledge of the alphabet





Girls clothes

Clothes for boys

Dressing up Masha and Sasha








Arms, legs and tails

Doctor Aibolit visiting the guys

Visiting Doctor Aibolit

Let's see our faces

Drawing a portrait

Let's dance and sing!

Shall we count?

Do as I do!












Arms, legs and tails

Letters and their songs


I love…



My toys

My family

Let's dance and sing!


Calendar and thematic planning for a group (1 year of study)


Name of the program section

Lesson topic

Number of hours

Date of the lesson (plan)

Date of the lesson (actual)

Greetings. Acquaintance

First meeting with Mickey Mouse.

Greetings. Acquaintance

Cheerful fox

Greetings. Acquaintance

Minnie Mouse meets the guys

Greetings. Acquaintance

Visiting Minnie Mouse

Greetings. Acquaintance

Meet the Animals

One two Three,…

How old is anyone?

Entertaining lotto

Magic score

Step by step

Visiting the Merry Squirrel

Let's sing together

Let's count the animals


Multi-colored paints


Visiting the colors


What can my colored pencils do?

The history and celebration of Halloween


Rhyming colors


Visiting the cube


What, what color?


My toys

Journey to Toyland

My toys

A toy shop

My toys

Let's play with the ball

My toys

Where are the toys hidden?

My toys

Where do our toys live?

My toys

My favorite toy

My toys

Challenge on the theme “My toys”

I love…

My favorite meal

I love…

We're going on a picnic

I love…

Tell about yourself

I love

Who loves what?

Christmas and New Year

Let's celebrate Christmas in a new way!

Christmas and New Year

Visiting Santa!

Christmas and New Year

Let's celebrate our New Year


Visiting autumn




Spring is red!


Letter to Summer



Seasons and weather

My family

My family

My family

The Finger Family

My family

Letter from Alice

My family

My photo album

My family

Who is who

My family

Let's sing together!

Holidays and traditions of English-speaking countries

St. Valentine's Day

Letters and their songs

Name of letters



Letters and their songs

Playing with letters



Letters and their songs

Where was the sound hidden?



Letters and their songs

Let's sing together



Letters and their songs

Playing with letters



Letters and their songs

Strengthening knowledge of the alphabet




Girls clothes




Clothes for boys




Dressing up Masha and Sasha



Arms, legs and tails



Arms, legs and tails

Visiting Doctor Aibolit



Arms, legs and tails

Let's see our faces



Arms, legs and tails

Drawing a portrait



Arms, legs and tails

Let's dance and sing!



Arms, legs and tails

Shall we count?



Arms, legs and tails

Let's dance and sing!



Arms, legs and tails

Do as I do!




Letters and their songs








I love…















My toys




My family




Let's dance and sing!


Topic 1:My family. Greetings. Acquaintance.


  1. First meeting with Mickey Mouse(theory and practice).

Introducing greeting words: Hello, Hi, good morning, good bye, “Knock - knock” game. Children go out the door, the first one knocks on the door - the teacher opens it, and the child greets “Good morning, Natalya Nikolaevna”, next child at the entrance he greets those who entered before him “Hello, Dima”, etc.

  1. Cheerful fox(practice).

Greeting from a teacher wearing a fox mask. Regardless of any of the children, the teacher greets any of them; the child, having heard that he was greeted, greets him back. Game "Guess who?" One of the children stands with his back to the others. Children take turns greeting the presenter “Hello, Roma”, the presenter must guess who greeted him and give the answer “Hi, Sasha”. The presenter changes if he does not guess the voice of the greeter.


  1. Minnie Mouse meets the guys(theory and practice).

Introduction of questions “What is your name?, Who are you”? The teacher in the role of Dunno gets to know the children. Then the guys get to know each other.

  1. Visiting Minnie Mouse(theory and practice).

Conducting a dialogue between children and Minnie, the game “Magic Microphone” (using a puppet theater. The large toy Minnie Mouse distributes toy microphones to children and communicates with each child: - Hello.

- Hi.

- What is your name? / Who are you?

- My name is Masha./ I am Masha

- Good bye, Masha.

- Bye, Minnie.

5. Meet the animals(practice).

Introduction of new vocabulary a bear, a dog, a hare, a frog. Game "Say hello to the animals."

Topic 2:I'm learning to count.

  1. One two Three ……(theory and practice).

Introducing numerals using a computer presentation, commenting on It is one. It is two... Learning to count using counting sticks.

  1. How old is anyone?(theory and practice).

Introduction of the “I am 5/6” structure.

3. Entertaining lotto(practice).

Game "Loto". The presenter takes out a barrel with a picture of a number from the bag, the children count in unison to the number that the presenter took out.

4.Magic score (practice).

Introducing plural nouns using a tabletop theater. The teacher moves a cardboard animal around the table, commenting “I have a cat”, then, pushing out another similar animal, comments “I have two cats”, etc. Draws attention to the ending - S. Game "Loto". The presenter takes out a barrel with a number from the bag, the children say the number in English.

5. Step by step(practice).

Game "Big Footprints". There are paper trails with numbers on the floor, first in ascending order, then scattered. Children follow the tracks, calling the number to whichare coming. This game can be played as a competition between two teams.

6. Visiting the Merry Squirrel (practice).

Game "Nuts". The teacher, using the Squirrel toy, invites each of the children to take a certain number of nuts from his basket: “Pasha, take only one nut, please” and monitors the correct completion of the task.

7. Let's sing together(practice).

We are learning the song “1 – a cat .....”

8. Let's count the animals(practice).

In the pictures we count the animals in English: one frog, two frogs..... . Introducing the “I can see two cats” structure.

Topic 3:Rainbow-arc.

  1. Multi-colored paints(theory).

Introduction to colors using a voiced computer presentation, the teacher comments “It is red”, the children repeat after the teacher.

  1. Visiting the colors(practice).

Game "Color". The teacher hands out leaflets with pictures of animals to the children. Children must color them as the teacher says. For example, “A pig is pink”, children paint the piglet pink.

  1. What can my colored pencils do?(productive activity)

Drawing a rainbow, presentation of drawings.

  1. History of the origin and celebration of Halloween.(theory and practice).

Computer presentation with historythe origin and celebration of Halloween. Master class on creating postcards.

  1. Rhyming colors(practice).

Learning a poem about colors.

  1. Visiting the cubes(practice).

Children practice vocabulary with the help of colorful cubes

  1. What, what color?(practice)

Introduction of the question “What color is it?” With the help of toys, the children answer the question: “What, what color?”

Topic 4:My toys.

  1. Journey to Toyland(theory).

Introducing new vocabulary using a computer presentation. The teacher names the toys from the screen, the children repeat, then asks each child to choose a toy from those lying on the table and name it.

2. Toy store(practice).

Introducing the structure “My favorite toy is...? " Children talk about their favorite toy “My favorite toy is a car. It is yellow." Game “Toy Store” (Children act out dialogues according to the model proposed by the teacher)

3. Play with the ball(practice).

Game "Snowball". Children name words on the proposed topic, the child repeats the words spoken before him. For example “car”, the next “car, bear”, etc.

4.Where are the toys hidden?(practice).

Game: “Who has a toy?” Children stand with their backs to the wall. The presenter counts to 10 and must guess who has the toy in their hands, asking “Have you got a dog?”

5. Where do our toys live?(practice)

Game "Mirror". Children move one toy at a time from the toy cabinet, saying: “It is a doll,” to a similar cabinet in the same place where this toy stood.

6. My favorite toy(practice).

The guys draw their favorite toy, then talk about it with the help of the teacher in English (2-3 sentences).

7.What types of toys are there?(practice)

Children name the size of toys: “a big bear – a little bear.”

  1. Challenge on the theme “My toys”(practice).

Toys are assigned numbers, cards with the same numbers are in the teacher’s bag. Children take turns taking numbers out of the bag, naming the toy with the same number. For the correct answer, the child receives a token. The one who collects the most tokens is declared the winner (to secure the topic).

Topic 5: I love…

1. My favorite food(theory).

Children get acquainted with vocabulary on the topic of products (bread, butter, milk, sugar, honey, meat, fish, porridge, sweets, etc.

2. We are going on a picnic(practice).

Game "On a Picnic". Everyone goes on a picnic. Phrases “Give me, please...”, “Help yourself...”, “Thank you”.

3. Tell us about yourself(practice).

Children tell their preferences using the phrases: I like... I don’t like...”

4. Who loves what?(practice)

We ask animals who likes what: “Bear, what do you like?” the child who has turned into an animal replies: “I like honey.”

Topic 6:Christmas and New Year.

1. Let's celebrate Christmas in a new way!(theory)

Children get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating New Year and Christmas in English-speaking countries (video and photo celebrations).

2. Visiting Santa!(theory and practice).

Working with the presentation “Celebrating Christmas abroad.” Game: Santa gives gifts to children, but some gifts are not suitable and the children shout “yes” or “no”. There is vocabulary from the topic “My toys”. Game "YES OR NO".

3. Let's celebrate our New Year!(practice and productive activity)

The guys tell how they celebrate the New Year in their families. We make gifts for our loved ones.

Topic 7:Seasons.

  1. Visiting autumn

Types of weather. Types of precipitation. Watch video exercises on the topic.

Making applications in groups “Autumn Tree”.

  1. Zimushka-Winter(theory, productive activity).

Types of weather. Types of precipitation. Watch video exercises on the topic. Making drawings “Winter in the Countryside”.

  1. Spring is red!(theory, practice).

Types of weather. Types of precipitation. Watch video exercises on the topic. introduction of the structure “I can...” and accompanying vocabulary (to run, to sing, to play football, to swim, to jump, to ski, to walk, etc.), practice in composing statements “I can run in spring” .

  1. Letter to Summer(theory, practice).

Types of weather. Types of precipitation. Training verbs of motion (to run, to swim, to play, etc.).

  1. Seasons and weather(practice).

Competition “Complete the mosaic”. Children are divided into four groups. The teacher tells each group the name of the season in English. Children must assemble a mosaic with the emblem of their season: winter - a snowman, spring - the sun, summer - a flower, autumn - a leaf. Then each of the children talks about what he can do at his time of year. For example, “I can swim in summer.” Introduction of the structure: “I like …” Learning the poem “Spring is green” Listening and learning the song “Sing a song of a season”, “Rain, rain, go away”. Carrying out games at the request of the children.

Topic 8:My family.

  1. My family(theory).

Introducing new vocabulary (mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather) using bi-ba-bo finger puppets.

2 . My family(practice).

Game "Tell me about yourself." The children list their family members using the “I” structure have got...».

3. Visiting the Rabbit. The teacher in the role of a rabbit talks about his imaginary family and invites the children to choose animal masks and also talk about their imaginary family.

4.My photo album.Joint examination of photo albums brought by children. The guys comment on their photos “He is my brother, She is my mother.”

5. Who is who(practice).

Game "Confusion". The teacher shows drawings of family members already familiar to the children and calls “He is father”, if what is said corresponds to the image - the children clap their hands, if not - the children stomp, making up a dialogue.

  1. Let's sing together!(practice)

Songs are sung about family.

  1. Holidays and traditions of English-speaking countries St. Valentine's Day(theory and productive activity).

View a computer presentation on St. Valentine's Day. Making valentines.

Topic 9:Letters and their songs

  1. Name of letters(theory).

We study the names of letters using cut alphabet, cubes, magnetic alphabet. We learn letters together with rhymes. We learn the concept of “letter - sound”, determine how most often this or that letter sounds in words.

  1. Playing with letters(practice).

Game "Christmas Balls". The teacher shows a drawn Christmas tree. Christmas tree decorations in the form of balls with letters, but some letters are missing, asks the guys to help restore the missing letters.

  1. Where was the sound hidden?(practice).

The teacher names individual words or words in sentences and phrases. Children raise their hand when reading the sound highlighted to them in sound combinations. Then the teacher asks each student in both teams to read certain sound combinations, words, phrases and sentences. If you read the sounds correctly, you need to raise a green card (flag); if you read them incorrectly, you need to raise a red card (flag).

  1. Let's sing together (practice).

Learning the song "ABC". Working with the presentation “Alphabet Sounds”.

  1. Playing with letters(practice).

Game "Name the letter". Cards with letters are laid out face down on the table. The child takes any card and names the letter; if he finds it difficult to answer or makes a mistake, the children help him.

  1. Playing with letters(practice).

Game "Be careful". The teacher hangs up 4-5 pictures depicting objects whose names are known to the children. Then he removes them. Children must name the objects in English, but only in the order in which they saw them.

  1. Playing with letters(practice).

Riddles with letters are read to the children.

  1. Strengthening knowledge of the alphabet(practice).

We use the ABC video. Song "ABC". Game "Find Your Place". Children seat the animals on chairs with the letters they begin with.

Topic 10:Cloth.

  1. Girls clothes(theory and practice).

  1. Clothes for boys(theory and practice).

Introducing vocabulary using a computer presentation. Learning rhymes on the topic.

  1. Dressing Sasha and Natasha(practice and productive activity).

We draw clothes for the characters, naming the item of clothing and color.

Topic 11:Arms, legs and tails.

  1. Doctor Aibolit came to visit us(theory).

Introducing new vocabulary with the help of an audio-based computer presentation “Parts of the Body.” The teacher comments, the children repeat, then name the parts of the body together with the teacher, pointing to themselves.

  1. Visiting Doctor Aibolit(practice).

Game "Aibolit". The teacher invites the children to put on a doctor’s cap and gown and cure the patient. The patient is selected. The teacher names any part of the body, and the doctor, touching the part of the body that is named on the patient, must name it again.

  1. Let's see our faces(theory and practice).

Introducing new “Parts of the Face” vocabulary using a voice-over computer presentation. The teacher comments, the children repeat, then name the parts of the face together, pointing to themselves.

Game "Grab". The teacher, with the help of a Pinocchio doll, names the parts of the face; children must touch the part of their body that Pinocchio named.

Dialogue: Dunno with children, game “Yes-no”. Using a finger theater depicting various animals, the teacher says “I am a monkey. My name is Chita. I have five legs." Children need to answer whether the monkey indicated the correct number of legs, etc.

  1. Drawing a portrait(practice, productive activity).

Children make portraits of their family members. Present their drawings, commenting “I have a grandmother.” She has two blue eyes, red lips, blond hair, etc.”

7. Let's dance and sing!(practice)

Performing exercises in English (body parts “Head, shoulders, knees and toes...”).

8. Let's count?(practice)

Introducing the structure “How many?” (How many?). We count how many eyes/ears, etc.

9. Do as I do! (practice)

Game "Fulfill my command." The teacher says a command in English, for example: “Open your eyes” and the children must follow the instructions.

Conceptual methodological provisions of the course for teaching English to preschoolers.

(principles and objectives of training)

  • The initial learning objectives must be related to the final learning objectives. Formation of communication skills: the ability to listen to the interlocutor, respond to his questions, start, maintain and end a conversation.
  • Formation of personality through familiarization with the culture and way of life of another people, through the cultivation of a friendly, respectful attitude towards all people, regardless of the language they speak, through the development of norms of behavior in society.
  • The developmental aspect of education, which involves the development of children's speech and thinking abilities. Learning a foreign language in the early stages contributes to the formation of communication as a personality trait, voluntary attention and memory, linguistic observation, independence, speech planning, and self-control.
  • It is necessary to rely on children’s experience in their native language, which implies cognitive activity in relation to the phenomena of their native and English languages. Reliance on the child’s empirical ideas about the system of his native language, the formation through them of similar ideas in a foreign language.
  • Individualization of the learning process, based on the interests of children, their general intellectual and speech preparation, as well as typological and age characteristics.
  • The intensification of the learning process is carried out through the use of various techniques: educational and role-playing games, dramatization, staging, as well as the use of modern computer technologies and digital educational resources in teaching.
  • The need for broad reliance on visual, auditory and motor clarity, which not only stimulates different analyzers, but also mobilizes different types of memory, including motor memory.
  • Combination of different organizational forms work: individual, pair, group, collective, as well as reporting events in the form of holidays and performances in English.

The goals and objectives of the “Happy English” program are realized by creating the necessary conditions:

- availability of an office and its equipment with methodological literature, audio cassettes, tape recorder, visual aids, toys, handouts.

List of literature for teachers:

  • A comprehensive program for teaching English to children 4-7 years old: planning, activities, games, creative activities / author. M.L.Filina. – Ed. 2nd. – Volgograd: Teacher. – 194s.
  • Teaching English to children aged 5-6 years: classes, games, events, linguistic and cultural material / author's compilation. E.Yu.Shabelnikova. – Ed. 2nd, rev. – Volgograd: Teacher – 127 p.
  • Konysheva A.V. English for kids (+CD), Minsk, 2004;
  • Litvinenko S.V. English for children: 4-5 years old: for children and parents, Moscow, 2015;
  • Litvinenko S.V. English for children: 5-6 years old: for children and parents, Moscow, 2015;
  • Litvinenko S.V. English for children: 6-7 years old: for children and parents, Moscow, 2015;
  • Vronskaya I. V. English language in kindergarten(+CD). St. Petersburg, 2001;
  • Cathy Lawday Get Set – Go! Starter Book I, Workbook I, Pupil's Book I, audio supplement Oxford University Press, 2014.
  • Milrud R.P., Yushina N.A. 12 steps to English. Course for preschoolers. Parts 1-12, 2015.
  • Magazine "Foreign languages ​​at school";
  • Andryushchenko E. P. Magic English grammar for kids. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2012.
  • Belina L.I. English for children. – Moscow: AST, 2014.
  • Vronskaya I.V. 105 English lessons for preschoolers: A manual for kindergarten teachers, English teachers and parents. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2009.
  • Ignatova T. N. My first steps in English. English for communication with children. - M.: Tolmach ST, 2009.
  • Karlova E. L. I read in English!. English textbook for junior classes. - M.: Prompter; Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2014.
  • Kirillova Yu. V. English for preschoolers. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2013.
  • Karlova E. English games. Games for learning English for children. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014.
  • Murzinova I. A. English Lessons for Kids. English lessons for children. Educational and methodological manual for English classes with preschoolers. - Volgograd: Volgograd Scientific Publishing House, 2014. - 132 p.
  • Finger games in English / G.V. Peshkova. – 2nd edition. – Rostov-on-D: Phoenix, 2016. – 44, p.: ill. – (School of Development).
  • English for children: 5 – 6 years old: 2 hours / T.V. Krizhanovskaya. – 2nd ed., rev. and processed – M.: Eksmo, 2016. – 56 p.: ill. – (Lomonosov school).

Natalia Sertakova
Program “English in kindergarten” (from 3 to 7 years old)

Explanatory note

Preschool age is favorable for starting to study foreign languages languages due to its psychophysical characteristics. Everything that the child learns at this time is remembered for a long time - long-term and RAM. He is able to remember language material in whole blocks, but this only happens when he has created the appropriate installation and it is very important for him to remember this or that material. The easiest way to do this is in the game. If, in order to achieve success in a game, a child needs to perform some kind of speech action, then it is mastered almost without effort. The game creates excellent conditions for mastering tongue, and it is especially productive in preschool age.

Therefore, in this program teaching preschoolers English language Gaming technologies are widely used.

Teaching the grammatical side of speech English language is based on the child’s empirical ideas about the communicative function of the grammatical categories being studied, which in most cases have correspondences in the native language(time, date).

Phonetics teaching is not limited to imitation, but consciously compares the interfering sounds of native and foreign languages. language, achieves awareness of the difference between the sounds of the two languages, and then the correct pronunciation.

For the development of a child, the gradual development of voluntary attention and memory is also extremely important, since in children of this age the corresponding involuntary mechanisms still predominate.

Systematic repetition is necessary to develop abilities children: generalize, analyze, systematize, abstract.

The purpose of this programs:

1. Development in preschool children of a sustainable interest in learning in English as a means of communication and information exchange;

2. Introducing children to vocabulary that is accessible and appropriate to their level of development, introducing basic language constructs;

3. Education and development of personality through familiarization with culture English speaking countries, familiarization with children's folklore;

4. Development of linguistic abilities of preschoolers through activation of their creative activity.

These goals define the main tasks course:


1. develop psychological functions baby:

memory (voluntary, involuntary);

attention (voluntary, involuntary);

thinking (visual-figurative, logical);

imagination (reproductive and creative).

2. develop special abilities necessary for learning a foreign language language:

phonemic hearing;

ability to guess;

ability to discriminate;

imitation abilities;

pitch hearing.


1. cultivate understanding and respect for another culture;

2. cultivate a respectful attitude towards people;

3. cultivate feelings of camaraderie and friendship;

4. cultivate a sense of beauty;

5. cultivate a culture of mental work;

6. develop independence skills.


1. create motivation to study English language through music, poems, proverbs;

2. promote the development of cognitive interest in holidays, traditions, customs of the country being studied language;

3. promote the acquisition of educational skills, perceptive, speech, motor-graphic skills, and the ability to behave in typical situations.

Educational program"I will know English» designed for 3 academic years, 2 hours per week for middle and senior groups; 3 hours per week for senior preparatory groups.

Age:4-7 years. The number of children in a group should not exceed 7-12 people, as this contributes to effective teaching child.

Duration of classes: 25-30 minutes.

Types and forms of work

The implementation of the assigned tasks is facilitated by a number of the most effective practical methods, techniques, forms and means of training. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of children, their general cultural development and connections with their family.

The main activities of children 4-7 years old are:

Communication with adults and peers;


Subject activity;

Visual activities;

Project activities;

child labour.

All these activities occupy a key place in program. Taking them into account, we can highlight the main methods of working in the classroom English language:


Use of games;

Creating bright, memorable images.

Systematic work is being carried out to develop phonemic hearing. The teacher creates visual, musical, plastic, auditory, artistic images and uses non-verbal means training: pictures, toys, posters, video and audio materials, objects.

In older preschool age, children participate in a variety of games:

Developmental language games;

Role-playing games;

Construction and construction games;

Theater games;

Folk games;

Round dance games;

Educational games;

Games with ready-made content and rules;

Outdoor games and sports entertainment;

Experimentation games;

Much space is given to a variety of games with ready-made content and rules. Many of them develop thinking, memory, imagination, attention, the ability to self-control, comparison, and classification. Games with ready-made content and rules contain the features of future educational activities. In them, the child must understand the task facing him, realize the game rules: observe the order, take into account prohibiting signals and signs, move only along “your” paths, do not utter forbidden words, make sure that the rules are followed by all players, control yourself, achieve winnings and championship. It has been noticed that older preschoolers who can play different games with rules, successfully master program in elementary school.

Work principles

When teaching children aged 4-7 years, the following principles should be taken into account: work:

Mandatory use of all possible means of encouragement, both verbal and material;

Formation of a positive image of the teacher in children, which increases the child’s reflexive abilities;

Imitating teacher speech in native language language up to 5-10%, and, as a result, bringing children’s speech to English up to 90%;

Systematic introduction of vocabulary by scheme: first lesson - 4 words, second lesson - consolidation, subsequent lessons - activation using speech structures plus 3-4 new words;

Taking into account the characteristics of children’s short-term memory at this stage of development, systematically returning to previously covered material and including it in subsequent classes;

Mandatory training in both truncated and full speech structures, which contributes to the development of speaking skills;

Preference for group training; the introduction of paired learning as the most important element of successful teaching of speaking in primary school (such work helps to establish a favorable psychological climate in the group and will remove language barriers);

Ability to organize your learning activities, develop quick response to the teacher’s commands and questions.

Types of work in the classroom English language

1. Work on pronunciation: tongue twisters, rhymes, fairy tales, exercises, gesturing.

2. Working with objects: description, dialogue with a toy, games and fairy tales.

3. Working with pictures: description, detail, dialogue, games, comparison.

4. Learning and reciting poems, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, rhymes, recitation competition, multi-genre recitation (including optimistic, sad, angry, competitions in teams and pairs.

5. Learning songs.

6. Outdoor games: ball games, “chain” with a toy, exercises, physical education, dancing and round dances, teams in motion.

7. Quiet games: board games, lotto, riddles, crosswords.

8. Creative and situational games: role-playing games, interviews, everyday stories.

9. Story from a picture: juxtaposition, description, comparison, imagination with forecasting.

10. Learning letters and sounds: writing in a notebook, drawings of words using given letters or sounds, shading letters, video course on practicing the alphabet.

11. Working with video material: viewing and discussion of cartoons and films on English language.

Expected learning outcome

Early learning English language generates in children a sustainable interest in further study in English, any child gets the opportunity to enter language school and learn the language in the future. The child develops emotions, will, imagination, memory, thinking, interpersonal communication skills, control and self-control skills are formed, the child learns to organize his own activities, and acquires the ability to collectively solve assigned tasks.

By the end of the first year of schooling, children should know and be able to:

Know: Be able to:

Song material by course: “Hello Brill. Hello Brill", "Goodbye, Brill. Bye Brill", "One two three four five six", "Have fun clap and stomp", "Colored cubes";

- names of colors: red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, pink;

Numerals up to six inclusive - say hello and goodbye to friends, adults, game characters;

Meet the game characters English friends;

Make up a story based on a picture "Three Bears"

After the second year of study, children must:

Know: Be able to:

Minimum 120 lexical units in speech samples and 20 in rhymes, poems, songs;

Speech samples (expressions):

I… (Name)

To me (age)

I love…;

Simple interrogative sentences in volume programs;

Poems on specific topics programs. translate words from Russian language into English and vice versa;

Show a picture with the named word;

Name what or who is shown in the picture;

Use words in play activities;

Correctly use the indicated expressions in monologue speech and in gaming activities;

Ask and answer questions in topic sections programs;

Participate in composing dialogues

Use counters and rhymes in educational activities;

Simple to sing children's songs.

After the third year of study, children must:

Know: Be able to:

Minimum 160 lexical units in speech samples and 40 in rhymes, poems, songs;

Speech samples:

My name is… (Name)

Everything is fine with me.

I live in Tambov.

I like…

I have no…

Show me…

Give me please.

Now… (Seasons)

I want (I wish...

Interrogative sentences in volume programs:

How you (you) name?

How are you?

Where do you live?

Do you like it?

You want?

What time of year is it now?

What colour?

Know the alphabet

10 poems on specific topics programs;

8 children's songs;

4 counters. use the learned vocabulary in stories about yourself, family, favorite toy, animal, seasons...;

Use the indicated expressions in communication, in playing and singing activities;

Answer the proposed questions;

Construct monologue statements;

Make up a dialogue

Tell a poem in class, at holidays, concerts;

Sing a song in class, at home, to guests;

Apply them in gaming activities.

Working programm

« Play and Learn»

for preschoolers

Completed by: teacher

MDOBU of the city of Buzuluk

"Kindergarten No. 18

combined type"

Buzuluk 2011

1.1. Explanatory note……………………………………………………........

1.2. Relevance……………………………………………………

1.3. Age and individual characteristics of children 5 – 6 years old……

1.4.Goal and objectives of the program………………………………………

1.5. Age of children and duration of the program…………………

1.6. Principles and approaches to developing a program…………

2.2.Forms of organization of the educational field “Cognition”…..

2.3.Materially technical specifications……………………………

2.4. Integration of the content of the educational field “Cognition”…………………………………………………………………………………

2.5. Long-term planning of direct educational activities under the “PlayandLearn” program……..

System for monitoring children’s achievement of the planned results of mastering the program………………………………………………………

Monitoring assessment criteria………………………………………………………



Explanatory note

This work program is a regulatory and management document of an educational institution, characterizing the system of organizing the educational activities of the educator.

The work program shows how, taking into account specific conditions, educational needs and the developmental characteristics of preschool children, the teacher creates an individual pedagogical model of education in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards for preschool education.

The work program is designed for 36 hours of study time. One topic includes 4 directly educational activities, which are conducted once a week, in subgroups and individually.

The work program was developed taking into account methodological recommendations on the English language for preschoolers.

Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten “Childhood” / , . St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2005

English language and preschooler. M.:Sfera, 2007.

Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education Order of 01.01.01 N 655,

- Methodical letter“Recommendations for the examination of educational programs for preschool educational institutions Russian Federation"(Methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 1995 No. 46/19-15)

- Typical provision on preschool educational institution dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation)

- SanPiN“Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of work in preschool organizations” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 27, 2010, registration number 18267


A foreign language today is becoming more of a means of life support for society. The role of a foreign language is increasing in connection with the development of economic ties and the internationalization of public diplomacy. Studying a foreign language and foreign language literacy of our citizens contribute to the formation of a worthy image of Russians abroad, allow us to destroy the barrier of mistrust, and provide an opportunity to carry and spread our culture and master another. Therefore, a foreign language has become a mandatory component of education not only in schools and universities, but also in many preschool institutions. Early learning of a foreign language creates excellent opportunities to arouse interest in the linguistic and cultural diversity of the world, respect for the languages ​​and cultures of other peoples, and promotes the development of communicative speech tact. The role of a foreign language at an early stage of education is especially invaluable in developmental terms. Learning a foreign language at an early age is especially effective, since it is children of preschool age who show great interest in people of a different culture, these childhood impressions are retained for a long time. for a long time and contribute to the development intrinsic motivation learning a first and later a second foreign language. In general, early learning of a non-native language carries enormous pedagogical potential both in terms of linguistic and general development.

The main functions of a foreign language at the early stage of learning it:

The development of the general speech ability of preschool children, in their most basic philological education,

Formation of their abilities and readiness to use a foreign language as a means of communication, as a way of familiarization with another national culture and as effective remedy continuous language education, upbringing and comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

Basic provisions that ensure more effective learning of a foreign language:

ü pay attention to the repetition of material and its conscious perception, children must understand what they are talking about;

ü avoid making mistakes in pronunciation, immediately correct the child and reinforce the correct pronunciation;

ü conduct training on certain topics and in a playful way;

ü use visual material (discs with recordings on topics, toys, pictures, various necessary items), this will help the child concentrate and quickly navigate when answering questions or playing one or another game;

ü correctly present this or that information to the child;

ü involve in reading poetry, singing songs, organizing various interesting games.

Age and individual characteristics of children 5-6 years old

When teaching children English, you need to remember that they are open and remember it as it is. They also have a developed imagination and open creative abilities.

Therefore, first, naturally, you need to learn the English alphabet.

English for preschool children should be as easy as possible. All sentences must be simple.

Flashcards in English are very good for learning, because children, especially preschool children, think in pictures and images. Cards in this case will serve to establish connections between the images that are presented on the card and the word associated with it. At this age, it is always necessary to show your child with the help of pictures what you are trying to convey to him.

For preschool children to learn English, they need to be captivated.

Interesting things will help to engage your child:

· counters;

At the same time, if pictures are attached to them, it will be simply wonderful.

As for English grammar, there is no need to force children to cram it. They will remember the grammar rules automatically and will not be able to apply them. In addition, you can discourage your child from studying English later. It’s better to let everything go in a relaxed and easy way.

How to conduct educational activities and how much time to spend teaching English to children.

As already mentioned, classes for preschoolers must be conducted in a playful way.

Not worth studying Irregular Verbs, as well as any other grammar. You can only mention the incorrect article the and the correct article a .

Also, English for preschool children should include spoken language, because later it is spoken English that will serve as a means of communication with foreigners.

For children, short dialogues and stories should be used. If they are accompanied by a voice-over and illustrated with pictures, then that will be great.

Goal and objectives of the program

Target. The program is aimed at cultivating an interest in mastering foreign language, the formation of a harmonious personality, the development of mental processes, cognitive and linguistic abilities, promotes the development of active and passive speech, correct sound pronunciation at a conscious level.

During the implementation of this program, the following tasks are solved:


l - formation of skills and abilities to solve independently, the simplest - communicative and cognitive tasks in English;

l - expanding the child’s ideas about the world around them through the English language;


l - development of their perception, memory, attention, language memory, imagination, the foundations of logical thinking;

l - development of speech culture;


l - fostering in children a sustainable interest in learning English;

l - fostering initiative in teaching English.

Age of children and duration of the program

The course of the “Play and learn” program is designed for 1 year with 1 direct educational activity per week (total volume - 36 direct educational activities per year).

The program is designed for children of senior preschool age.

Principles and approaches to program development

In accordance with the FGT, the Program is based on scientific principles its construction, which is taken into account when organizing the educational process:

principle developmental education, the purpose of which is the development of the child. The developmental nature of education is realized through the activities of each child in his zone of proximal development;

combination the principle of scientific validity and practical applicability. The content of the program corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy;

· compliance with the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency, that is, allowing one to solve set goals and objectives only using necessary and sufficient material, getting as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”;

· unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the process education of preschool children, in the process of implementation of which such knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children;

· principle of integration educational areas ( Physical Culture, health, safety, socialization, labor, cognition, communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music) in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;

· principles of humanization, differentiation and individualization, continuity and systematic education.

Reflection of principle humanization in the educational program means:

Recognition of the uniqueness and uniqueness of each child’s personality;

Recognition of the unlimited possibilities for developing the personal potential of each child;

Respect for the child’s personality on the part of all participants in the educational process.

· Differentiation and individualization education and training ensures the development of the child in accordance with his inclinations, interests and capabilities. This principle is implemented taking into account the individual characteristics of the child’s development.

· The principle of consistency and systematicity. Consistency in the selection and combination of new material with repetition and consolidation of what has been learned, distribution of the load on the child’s body throughout the entire lesson.

· The principle of taking into account age and individual characteristics children.

II. Contents of the program implementation.

· development of a positive emotional-value attitude towards environment, practical and spiritual human activity;

· development of the need to realize one’s own creativity.

Forms of organization of the educational field


    Directly educational activities on teaching English (in subgroups, individually); Individual work with baby; Thematic direct educational activities; Phonetic gymnastics; Didactic games; Physical exercises; Integrated activities; Surprise moments.

Technical training aids

1. Laptop

2. CD material

The work program provides for the use of various types didactic games, namely:

    To develop color perception; For the number of items; For the development of English-language speech, thinking, memory, attention; To secure names various items; To recognize and name family members; To consolidate the names of body parts.

Visual and figurative material

1. Illustrations and pictures;

2. Visual - didactic material;

3. Game attributes;

4. “Living toys” (teachers or children dressed in appropriate costumes);

5. Poems, riddles.

Integration of the content of the educational field of cognition

Approximate types of integration of the “Cognition” area

Educational area

Objectives, content and means of organizing the educational process


Monitor the correct posture of children during NOD.


formation of a holistic picture of the world and broadening one’s horizons in terms of ideas about the safety of one’s own life and the safety of the surrounding natural world.


Develop a friendly attitude towards each other. Create game situations that promote the formation of attentive, caring attitude to others.

"Physical Culture"

Formation and consolidation of orientation in space, time, quantitative ideas in outdoor games and physical exercises.


development of cognitive research and productive activity in the process of free communication with peers and adults, the formation of the main components of oral speech, the assimilation of the language system in practical activities, developing the ability to understand general words, developing the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher

"Reading fiction»

the use of musical works, children’s productive activities, singing songs, reading poems to enrich the content of the “Cognition” area


encourage children to independently carry out basic tasks, develop careful attitude to your own drawings and those of your peers

Long-term planning of direct educational activities under the PlayandLearn program



Detailed content of the work

Number of gcd



3. Introduce children to the speech structures “Good morning”, “Good bye”, “Hello”, “Hi”, “I hop-hop”, “I jump-jump”, “What is your name?”, “My name” is...", with speech patterns“I am sorry”, “I am glad”.


"Score 1-6"

6.Introduce the game - exercise “Handsup, handsdown”.


"Pets and other animals"

3.Introduce the speech patterns “I have got a cat”, “It, s a bear”.

5.Learn poems in Russian with children including English words, indicating the names of animals; listen to English songs.



4. Introduce a new dialogue “Do you like this cat? ", "Yes, I do."




3.Develop monologue and dialogic speech in children. Teach children to conduct the dialogue “Who is this?” - “It; s my mother."

5. Learn the song “Mydear, dear Mummy” and the poem “My Family” with the children.


"It's me"


"My house"


"Fruits vegetables"

"A toy shop"

Educational and thematic plan

Program sections

Number of hours


Count 1-6/Account 1-6

Pets and other animals/Pets and other animals

A family/Family

Here I am

My house/My house

Fruits and vegetables/Fruits and vegetables

Atoy-shop/Toy store

1. "Greeting"


1. Develop in children the etiquette function of communication (the ability to say hello, get to know each other, introduce yourself, name yourself, say goodbye).

2.Develop the ability to understand remarks addressed to them and respond to them.

3. Introduce children to the speech structures “Good morning”, “Good bye”, “Hello”, “Hi”, “I hop-hop”, “I jump-jump”, “What is your name?”, “My name is ...”, with turns of phrase “I am sorry”, “I am glad”.

4.Introduce the vocabulary “yes”, “no”, “I”.

5.Listen to the song “Goodmorning!”, introduce the game “Littlefrog”, learn the poem “Hello! Hello!"

2. “Score 1-6”


1.Train children in counting from 1 to 6, teach them to name numbers in order and randomly.

2.Involve children in dialogue.

3.Train in the pronunciation of speech structure: “Howoldareyou?”, “Iamfive (six)”.

4.Teach children to pronounce sounds correctly.

5.Learn the rhyme “One-acat”.

6.Introduce the exercise game “Handsup, handsdown”.

3. "Pets and other animals"


1. Introduce children to domestic and wild animals in English - cat, dog, mouse, rooster, chicken, pig, frog, hare, bear, squirrel, fox, wolf. Raising children to have a kind and caring attitude towards animals.

2.Train children in the correct pronunciation of sounds.

3. Introduce the figures of speech “I have got a cat”, “It, s a bear”.

4.Arouse children's interest in the English language.

5.Learn with children poems in Russian with the inclusion of English words denoting the names of animals; listen to English songs.

4. "Color"


1. Introduce children to colors in English - yellow, red, blue, green, black, white, brown, pink, orange, gray.

2.Train in the correct pronunciation of sounds.

3.Train speech structures: “Thisdogiswhite. That dog is black”, speech pattern “I have got...”.

4. Introduce a new dialogue “Do you like this cat?”, “Yes, I do”.

5.Develop oral monologue speech in situations on this topic.

6.Learn poems from the “Colors” series.

5. "Family"


1. Introduce children to vocabulary on the topic “Family,” teach them to recognize and name family members in English, and cultivate love and respect for loved ones.

2.Train the pronunciation of sounds.

3.Develop monologue and dialogic speech in children. Teach children the dialogue “Who is this?” - “It; s my mother."

4.Develop communication skills, the ability to congratulate the birthday person, singing the song “Happybirthday”.

5.Learn with children the song “Mydear, dearMummy”, the poem “My Family”

6. "It's Me"


1. Development of children's communication skills and abilities, based on the active use of lexical units in speech and the inclusion of new material on the topic.

2.Improving listening skills.

3.Train children to answer questions, strengthen the ability to conduct a dialogue.

4.Train the speech structure “Thisisanose”.

5.Teach to listen and understand English speech, perceive songs, poems in English.

6. Learn the song “Don, t forget”, “Head and shoulders”.

7. "My home"


1.Introduce new vocabulary on the topic (house, room, window, door, floor, ceiling, furniture).

2. Instill in children a love of the English language.

3.Develop communication skills, the ability to communicate in English, conduct a dialogue “Whereareyoufrom?” - “IamfromBuzuluk”.

4. Fostering a sense of joy and pride in your home.

5. Learn to pronounce sounds correctly.

6. Learn the poem “Myhouse”, “Apartment”.

8. “Fruits, vegetables”


1. Introduce children to the names of fruits and vegetables in English (apple, pear, orange, lemon, berry, tomato, cucumber, potato, onion, carrot).

2.Teach children to understand and listen to English speech.

3.Train the pronunciation of speech structures “Ilike...”, “He/Shelikes...”, pronounce words and sounds correctly.

4.Train children's attention and memory.

5. Learn the poems “In the garden”, “Fruits and vegetables”.

9. "Toy Store"


1. Teach children to name toys, their color, quantity.

2. Train attention, memory, correct pronunciation of words and sounds.

3. Strengthen children’s ability to communicate in English.

4. Instill interest in English speaking.

5. Develop communication skills in children, repeat familiar songs and poems.

IV.A system for monitoring children’s achievement of the planned results of mastering the program.

1. Planned intermediate results of mastering the Program

Intermediate results of mastering the Program are formulated in accordance with Federal State Requirements (FGT) through revealing the dynamics of the formation of integrative qualities of pupils in each age period of mastering the Program in all areas of child development.

Integrative qualities

Dynamics of formation of integrative qualities

1. Physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills

Anthropometric indicators are normal or their positive dynamics are noted. No frequent morbidity. Masters age-appropriate basic movements. The need for motor activity: Shows positive emotions during physical activity. Shows interest in participating in joint games and physical exercise. Performs age-appropriate hygiene procedures independently.

2. Curious, active

Likes to listen to new poems, riddles, nursery rhymes, and participates in discussions. Participate in conversations. Active in creating individual and collective dance compositions. Interested in objects in the immediate environment, their purpose, properties.

3. Emotionally responsive

Knows how to show goodwill, kindness, and friendliness towards others. Listening to new stories and poems, he follows the development of the action, empathizes with the characters of the stories, stories, and tries to recite nursery rhymes and short poems by heart with expression. Shows emotional responsiveness to musical works and experiences a feeling of joy.

4. Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers

Shows interest in communicating with adults and peers. In case of difficulty, turn to an adult for help. Willingly demonstrates to adults and peers the results of his practical activities.

5. Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) appropriate for age

Able to independently carry out basic tasks (remove equipment, organize materials for classes). Knows how to keep himself busy with games and organize games. Able to set simple goals and, with the support and help of an adult, implement them in the process of activity.

6. Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activities

Able to follow adult instructions step by step.

Begins to master the ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions. Able to independently carry out basic tasks and overcome minor difficulties. If there is a problem, seek help. Experiences positive emotions from correctly solved cognitive tasks and productive (constructive) activities.

7. Has mastered the necessary skills and abilities

The child has developed the skills and abilities necessary to carry out various types of children's activities.

2.System for monitoring children’s achievement of planned program results

Monitoring child development held twice a year (September and May). The main task of monitoring is to determine the degree to which the child has mastered the educational program and the impact of the educational process organized in preschool institution, on the development of the child.

When organizing monitoring, the position on the leading role of education in child development is taken into account, therefore it includes two components:

· Monitoring of the educational process;

· Monitoring of child development.

Monitoring the educational process is carried out through tracking the results of mastering the educational program, and monitoring of child development is carried out on the basis of assessing the development of the child’s integrative qualities.

Criteria for evaluation

1. Dialogical speech.

High level: asks more than 2 questions, the questions are correctly formulated, the answers are clear, using complete and concise sentences.

Intermediate level: asks less than 2 questions, the questions are conditionally correct, the answers are unclear, conditionally correct (without violating the meaning, but containing lexical and grammatical errors).

Low level: does not ask questions, the answers are incorrect (violating the meaning and with errors).

2. Monologue speech.

High level: the total number of phrases constructed according to various models is taken into account, the speech is correct, contains 3 or more phrases.

Intermediate level: speech is conditionally correct (there are lexical and grammatical errors), 2-3 phrases.

Low level: does not provide an answer.


High level: correctly conveys the content of what was said, guesses the riddle.

Intermediate level: conditionally correctly conveys the content of what was said (answers that do not violate the meaning, but contain lexical and grammatical errors), guesses the riddle.

Low level: does not understand what was discussed, does not solve the riddle.

4.Vexical skills

High level: vocabulary meets program requirements, names all lexical units on each topic without experiencing any difficulties.

Intermediate level: vocabulary does not meet program requirements, names more than 60% of lexical units on each topic, and has difficulty with this.

Low level: vocabulary does not meet program requirements, names less than 60% of lexical units on each topic, and experiences serious difficulties.

5.Grammar skills.

High level: has the stock of knowledge provided by the program, knows how to use it to solve the tasks assigned to him, copes with the task independently, without outside help and additional (auxiliary) questions. Provides clear answers using complete and concise sentences, and questions are correctly formulated.

Intermediate level: has the stock of knowledge provided for by the program and knows how to use it to solve the tasks assigned to him. However, help (hint) from the teacher and auxiliary questions are required. The answers are unclear, conditionally correct (containing grammatical errors), the questions are conditionally correct.

Low level: children do not have the stock of knowledge provided for by the program and have difficulty using it. The teacher's help and auxiliary questions do not have a significant impact on the answers; children do not always cope with the task or do not cope at all, often remain silent, refuse to complete tasks or complete them with serious errors, agree with the proposed option without delving into the essence of the task.

6.Phonetic skills.

High level: the pronunciation of sounds meets the program requirements, pronounces all sounds clearly and correctly, without experiencing any difficulties.

Intermediate level: the pronunciation of sounds partially meets the program requirements, not all sounds are pronounced clearly and correctly, while experiencing difficulties.

Low level: the pronunciation of sounds does not meet the program requirements, pronounces many sounds incorrectly, experiences serious difficulties, and refuses to pronounce the given sounds.


1. Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education Order of 01.01.01 N 655.

2. Model regulations on preschool educational institutions dated 01/01/01 N 666.

3. SanPiN – 10.

4. English language teaching program “English and preschoolers”

5. We are learning English. I. Kulikova. Moscow 1994