Prom Script (2012)

Developed by: Deputy Director

on educational work

Bogomolova Natalya Nikolaevna

With. Petropavlovka

Song “Beautiful Far Away” (“School Stories”) (Filming of 1st grade)


“We welcome you, dear graduates, parents, guests, to the most beautiful and touching Graduation Ball celebration. This is a celebration of finishing school and the beginning of a new adult life, a celebration of farewell to adolescence and meeting with youth, a celebration of parting with the infinity of past years and gaining responsibility for oneself. A celebration of parting with teachers and meeting a new mentor - life.”

11a class teacher Bespalova Raisa Vasilievna.

11b class class teacher Shmatkova Raisa Vasilievna.

Media installation. Song

The school director is invited to the stage (word from the director)

The most solemn moment of the graduation ceremony is coming - the ceremony of presenting certificates.

To present a gold medal and a special certificate, Yuri Stepovoy, a student of grade 11a, is invited to the stage.

To present the silver medal, Anna Sypchenko, Lyudmila Ryazantseva, Elena Borzykh, Mikhail Malevanny, Dmitry Sergeev are invited to the stage.

One of the graduates speaks in response:

"Dear teachers!
That exciting moment came when we graduated from school. We are happy and at the same time sad, saying goodbye to you. You, our teachers, will forever remain in our memory. With a feeling of deep gratitude we will remember our second home, you, our spiritual mentors. You taught us not only the basics of science, but also kindness, justice, honesty, and taught us to be human. On behalf of all graduates, I say: “Thank you very much, dear teachers, for your wonderful, noble work!”

Presenter: Today, like in a star factory, you are nominated for elimination, and there is no turning back. Now you will give these stars to those who have been most dear to you all these years and to what was most valuable.

I give this star to my childhood, which will never return. Farewell to my childhood! (1st medalist)

I give this star to my teachers. Thank you for being there. Thank you for your support and understanding! (2nd)

I give this star to my parents. All these years they have been and will be with us. I love you very much! (3rd)

I give this star to my friends. The best, the most faithful, the most reliable! (4th)

I give this star to my future. Great things await us! (5th)

I give this star to my home school. Dear school, goodbye! (6th medalist).

Raise your certificates and medals, and we will all congratulate you together. Applause for you.

And now we are ready to rejoice for you, the unique 11 “A”.
But according to tradition, you must tell us a little about yourself. And you will do this with applause. I will name epithets, and you, if they correspond to the characteristics of your class, will clap. For example, I say - 11 “A” are cheerful, if so, you clap together and cheerfully, if you think it’s the other way around, then don’t clap.
So, 11 "A":
Worthy of the highest praise
Well, you're a wonderful class. And now is your solemn hour.
A word from the director of our school, E.I. Korzhov.
(Word by the Deputy Director, Certificates).
Raise your certificates up, and let us congratulate them once again.

Thank you former 11A! And now it's coming finest hour 11B class
But please, you too, a little about yourself. And also with the help of applause. So, 11B




Worthy of the most flattering compliments

AMAZING! 11B is a wonderful class! And now the word to the school director E.I. Korzhov.
(order, presentation of certificates).
Presenter 1: And here we have 17 more happy certificate holders. Please lift them up. And we will congratulate you again (applause)

Thank you, former 11th “B” grade.

Usually in June according to school tradition
An unforgettable event takes place...
And we will fly away like free birds,
Without breaking long-term contact.

We waited, worried, for this minute,
And here it is - will! Certificate in hand!
But my heart, I don’t know, is beating for some reason
Not only for girls - and for guys.

Knocking... After all, it’s probably not easy
Leave school on an unknown path,
And we have matured, although it’s not a matter of height:
There is no turning back from your goal!

Song "School" Chaprakova Anastasia.

Dear graduates of 2010, representatives of organizations of the Petropavlovsk region came to congratulate you.____________________________________________________________

Awarding school activists.

  1. What's happening today?

2. It's our graduation!

Expensive people are visible in the hall. Favorite faces.

I believe it. That something wonderful will happen.

Life will turn out to be its best side for us.

1. What will happen after all this?

2. Goodbye time...

The hour of parting with school, with family friends,

That we have grown up and childhood is saying goodbye to us.

We will remember the happy times more than once.

1. How will all this end?

2.Friendship forever!

1.Friendship forever, are you sure?

2.Yes, I'm sure.

My school friend, he has been tested by years of study,

No matter what happens, I will never forget him!

  1. What follows from this?

2. One should live

Believe in luck and achieve success in everything?

1Do you think this can be achieved?

2.I suppose. What is possible, but you have to hurry!!

1. We must hurry, because time will circle us.

Everything is fleeting. Now life is just the beginning.

2. Allow me, in honor of the graduation farewell ball

I offer you my hand for the dance, madam.

Waltz performed by class 11A.

Mommy, mommy, we are already adults,

Look, we've already said goodbye to braids.

The spring garden is blooming wildly,

It was already my seventeenth birthday.

Mommy, mommy, why are you crying?

And you smile and don’t hide your tears?

I’ll rush off from the ball into a bigger life...

Mommy, mommy. But I'll be back!

I stood head and shoulders above my father,

And he is a copy, they tell me from his face.

Yes, you have to be brave

And in youth, time flies so quickly!

Thank you, our dear parents,

Sorry if you were offended in any way,

For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,

For youthful pride and impatience,

For the gray hair at my father's temples,

And for the wrinkles of my own face.

We will bow to you from the waist down to the ground,

Thank you, dear ones, thank you, thank you!

Speech by Anna Viktorna Ryazantseva.

Song "Clouds"

Stand above life young
Keeping the beautiful unity,
Age-old honor, holy duty -
Teaching and motherhood.
First awaken your souls
Let the thirst for knowledge awaken in them,
Then take the pets
To a transparent, clean well.
Living water from the depths
Teach me to scoop with my hand,
To love your people and land,
To become more mature and prettier in soul.

Word to the first teachers.

Song for the first teachers.

We would like to express special words of gratitude to our class teachers. (Students read in quatrains)

We will say with love about our cool ones,

About those who have been with us for so many years!

For us there are no more beautiful women,

And there are no equals to them in the surrounding schools!

How much effort has been spent on us,

We also know how difficult it was with us.

For this, dear ones, we love you.

We bow our heads low to you!

I took your example and came to you for advice.

The reward was the look of your living eyes,

You gave me so much warmth and light,

That's enough to warm ten people.

You give everything to a great job,

You awaken a dream in children's souls.

Thank you for living.

For your deeds and thoughts beauty.

A word from the class teachers.



The graduates of our school are already adults, independent people, and they decided to carry out a reciprocal act - an act of rewarding teachers for their services to them. Graduates are invited to the stage for the awards ceremony.

1st graduate.

Dear, endlessly beloved teachers! Today we have a common holiday. Ten years of joint work are behind us. If it were not for your professionalism, patience, love and kindness, we would not be holding these wonderful crusts in our hands now. Over the years, we have gotten to know you very well.

2nd graduate.

Today we decided to continue the recently established school tradition- awarding teachers with honorary diplomas for exceptional personal qualities in a variety of categories. We thought for a long time about who should be awarded this or that title, and by majority vote we finally determined the winners.

Ved: In the nomination " Hero of our time"Evgeniy Ivanovich Korzhov won for efficiency and focus on success.

Your Honor, Mr. Director,

School management is a very important sector.

It’s easier to prove the theorem to children

How to get paint somewhere for the school.

I would like to sincerely wish you good luck,

So that you solve all the problems in life,

To make work more fun,

So that everything is ok in your personal life

In the nomination “Live, write with and “Alena Mikhailovna Baranova won for rigor and integrity.

Ah, madam, tell me why

Are there two points for me here again?


I'll tell you without hiding:

It’s not in vain that I give two marks.

And of course, this is not my fault.


Ah, madam, you really hurried

Give me a couple for the test!


Are you joking?

But I must object to you -

We need to teach the rules, my dear.


Ah, madam, this is an exercise

It is beyond the power of an academic to decide.


It's just a disgrace and shame!

How will you live?

No, you failed to convince me!

Ved: In the nomination "Near Lukomorye there is a green oak"Elena Feliksovna Nebogina won for creating a bright image in the child’s soul.

Presenter. Oh, what kind of books do you have?
Leading. This is a complete collection of my school essays! Here you go, “Pechorin is a hero of our time,” “Tatyana is Pushkin’s ideal,” and here’s another, “Why did Gerasim drown Mumu?”
Presenter. Well, I destroyed it all a long time ago! Ruthlessly burned!
Leading. In vain! I’ll learn a little and turn it into a novel! Into a large, so to speak, historical canvas. So to speak, our encyclopedia school life.
Presenter. Well, will it be about love?
Leading. Of course it will be.
Presenter. And who are the heroes?
Leading. He and she. He is our class.
Presenter. And she?
Leading. And she is (name, patronymic), our literature teacher.
Presenter. Oh, then this love is mutual!

In nomination “Children, give up!”for hard work in the name of prosperity of mathematics

Winners: Natalya Nikolaevna Zhuiborodina and Raisa Vasilievna Shmatkova.

A math teacher and three students come out.
Mathematic teacher. So, children, remember: as the great Einstein said, genius is one percent talent and ninety-nine percent hard work.
Student 1. And hard work is one percent of labor and ninety-nine percent of love for work.
Student 2. So without love at school...
Chorus. Nowhere!
Mathematic teacher. I am writing an example on the board. (Shows sign: 2:2= ?) Who will say the answer?
Chorus. Draw!
Mathematic teacher. Ivanov, why was your grandmother solving the equation for you again?
Student 3. Yes, because the parents were busy: mom was writing an essay, and dad was drawing a drawing!
Student 2 (raises his hand). Mary Ivanna, we have a very difficult task here.
Mathematic teacher. Well, let's
Student 3. Dasha loves Sasha.
Student 1. Sasha loves Olya.
Student 2. Olya loves Kolya.
Student 3 (tragically). And Kolya loves mathematics!
Chorus. What to do?
Mathematic teacher. How to do what? Everyone loves math!

In nomination "Dangerous Games with Special Effects"Alexander Vladimirovich Podbolotov won for his fanatical love for the subject.

I sat down at the computer in the evening,

I don't know anything about him.

And I felt like a teapot

I am with this car.

I'm a fool with electronics,

Dead mouse on the rug

Only now will he always remind me

The lessons are the best in the world.

Computer science will live in the heart.

Forever in me. Like megabytes of progress.

I will remember Windows forever,

Let those lessons not be without stress. (

In nomination "Inexplicable but the fact"for reliability” and good conservatism, Raisa Vasilievna Bespalova won.

A physics teacher and three pairs of students come onto the stage and line up facing the hall, as if to play trickle.
Physics teacher. Meet the famous English physicists Boyle and Marriott, children.
The first pair of students, holding hands, takes a step forward.
Boyle and Marriott (together). At school we sat at the same desk and copied from each other during all lessons.
Marriott. One day Boyle came up with the first half of a new physical law.
Boyle. And the second half was invented by Marriott.
Marriott. And then we just copied from each other.
Together (joyfully). And it turned out Boyle's law - Mariotte!
Coming out of a stream next pair students. Boyle and Marriott run in different directions.
Physics teacher. And these, guys, are the famous English physicists Joule and Lenz!
Joule and Lenz. And we didn’t copy anything from each other!
Joule. We just thought and thought...
Lenz. And they came up with the same law!
The next pair of students emerge from the stream. Joule and Lenz scatter in different directions.
Physics teacher. And these are ninth grade students Petrov and Sidorov.
Petrov. We copy everything from Ivanova.
Sidorov. So when she comes up with a new law...
Together. We'll split it between three!

In the category “Wise Owl” Elena Aleksandrovna Lyamina won for her patience and care.

Our glorious school

Very lucky:

Biologists teach us

All deaths are out of spite.

By crossing finches

We got busy with him

And now part ways

We don't want something.

Bio, bio, biology,

Reproduction and cytology,

Synthesis, ATP, mitosis or meiosis.

Curly terminology,

It makes my head hurt.

For your sake, we are ready to teach her seriously!

Ved: In the nomination “The Fifth Element” For hard work in the name of prosperity of the subject of chemistry, Valentina Aleksandrovna Eshchenko won.

Chemistry teacher. Hello, children, write in your notebook: practical work No. 1. Topic: “Obtaining salt.” Equipment.
Student 1. One hundred rubles.

Student 1. And buy salt!
The teacher automatically nods his head to the beat.
Chemistry teacher. Practical work No. 2. Topic: “Obtaining acid.” Equipment.
Student 1. One hundred rubles.
Student 2. Progress of work: take one hundred rubles, go to the store.
Student 1. And buy some vinegar!
Chemistry teacher. Practical work No. 3. Topic: “Getting gold.” Equipment.
Student 1. One hundred rubles and a black mask.
Student 2. Progress: take one hundred rubles.
Student 1. Go to the store and do everything...
The teacher perked up and perked up.
Student 2. Buy philosopher's stones!
(Shows a cobblestone.)
Student 1. Use these stones and a black mask to get gold.
Student 2. In a back alley under cover of darkness!
Chemistry teacher (decisively). Okay, write: practical work No. 4. Topic: “Getting a C in chemistry”! Equipment: textbook, notebook, desk, periodic table. Progress of work: sit down at your desk, take a textbook, notebook and learn at least something!!

Ved: In the nomination "Talkies-okay"

For sensitivity and kindness to children, Maria Aleksandrovna Eshchenko won,

Tatyana Vasilievna Bukhtoyarova won for severity and fairness,

Natalya Alexandrovna Bondareva won for a successful debut.

I'm a simple Russian girl
I was everywhere abroad.
And with the American boy
I was able to get acquainted right away.
Talk to a guy in English
I did it without a dictionary at all.
I’m already dreaming about these verbs,
But I’m learning English for a reason!
Chorus (performed 2 times):
American boy, American joy,
American boy for all is time.
American boy, I'll go with you,
I'll leave with you, good-bye, goodbye!
American boy, oh, oh,
Don't cry, good-bye, American boy!

Ved: In the nomination "Now or never"Makogonova Lyubov Ivanovna won for her passion and ability to get carried away.

All children cram history,

They are destined to learn in school during lessons

About what happened on the planet

A long time ago,

A long time ago,

A long time ago.

We learned the dates, we weren’t lazy -

It was no wonder we got lost in them,

And we fell in love with history

A long time ago,

A long time ago,

A long time ago.

Ved: In the nomination "In search of adventures"for pedagogical discoveries and teaching students to survive in modern conditions won: Zhuiborodin A.M.

There is nothing better in the world,
How to travel around the world.
Around Paris, Rome and Jakarta
We can travel on the map,
We can travel on the map.
We will remember geography
After all, people need this science.
We are not afraid of mountains and rapids,
We are not afraid of any roads,
We are not afraid of any roads.

Ved. In nomination " In a healthy body healthy mind":

For reliability and school extreme, the winners were: A.P. Cherenkov and N.A. Sobkalova.

We're sick of the overload

And training loads.

We woke up sluggish and gloomy,

Luckily we're on schedule

Let's go on a date

With your own physical culture.

No need to talk -

We squat until we drop,

Cross country, football, jumping and push-ups.

Everyone learns better

And there are almost no lagging behind -

This is what physical education gives us!

Two graduates come to the front of the stage.

In nomination "Art to the masses"

Nina Andreevna Artamonova and Elena Aleksandrovna Sukhacheva are awarded for creative search and romance of the soul.

You taught us to draw beautifully,
You taught us to sing like a nightingale,
And on this world, endlessly sad,
It's like looking at a Raphael painting.

Now we are not afraid of trials,
Crises and wars are not scary,
Because we live with you
According to the laws of peace and beauty.

Now we will walk around the vernissages,
And on Sundays go to museums
And your children, as soon as they are born,
We will take them to theaters in wheelchairs.


In the “What for what” category, Tatyana Nikolaevna Ponomareva won for the unity of the material and the ideal.

How difficult it is to grow up: in this market world
Not many will find the right way,
But we studied economics at school
And we believe that success awaits us everywhere.
You explained to us about prices and profits,
About banks, interest, loans, budget.
You communicated with us and understood us,
When needed, they gave advice.
We can't believe that we have to leave,
We are sad to leave our cozy classroom,
Dear teacher, we want to confess to you:
We will miss you very much.

In the nomination "" for sober look Ushakov Alexey Grigorievich won for life

You opened our eyes.
Where does death lie?
Where do you really know life?
Only on OBZh.
More disasters and explosions
How much harm do they do?
If you haven't understood yet
Run here immediately.
If you haven't understood yet
Run here immediately.

Let's say it exploded somewhere
Well, for example a nuclear power plant
And you see how they wave
Angels to us from heaven
In order not to lose heart,
To save yourself in trouble
Don't call mom and dad -
OBZHE teachers.
Don't call mom and dad -
OBZHE teachers.

In nomination "Watch out for the car"Malevanny Vladimir Vasilyevich and Dyachenko Evgeniy Timofeevich won for their hard work in the name of the prosperity of the school.

We'll probably forget how to walk soon

The habit of driving already lives in us

Walking just two steps is painful

A hundred kilometers by car does not count

Cars cars

Literally everything was filled,

Where centuries-old dust lay

The car left its mark

Forgive us, teachers,

For the tears that were shed because of us,

For an evil word spoken in vain,

For the joy that was not given to you.

We thank you for your love.

It wasn't easy for you at times.

As we say goodbye to you, we say:

"Thanks a lot!"

Flowers for teachers.

How the former boys grew up

Exams subdued 9th wave.

Their maturity is confirmed by certificates

And adult non-school outfits,

And the right to the last school prom.

And the school waltz is circling,

Spin, earth! Universe, spin!

You came to the ball from the ship “Uchenye”,

And from the ball - to the ship called “Life”.

Grade 11 B is invited to the stage, etc.

Final song "Graduation"

Graduation speech.

Finishing school is the most important thing in life young man. This is a farewell to childhood, to friends, to teachers. This is also a summing up of what has been the meaning of life for ten whole years. And so the question always arises of what to say to boys and girls at prom. We understand that what has been said should be a lesson in morality, kindness, gratitude, but as always there is not enough time to prepare the speech.
I will be very glad if my speeches over the years of working as a director will help you.

Dear graduates! (1).
Here we are left behind school years, unforgettable days of childhood, adolescence, early youth. And today the book of your life will contain bright pages of fulfillment of desires, fulfillment of events: summing up 10 years of study, 10 years of personal development, personal improvement, receiving a state document on education - a certificate of complete secondary education and the long-awaited finale to everything - Prom all night.
With all our hearts we congratulate you one and all on a wonderful holiday. (Applause). How beautiful and elegant you are today, how your soul sings, everything around you blossoms under the magic of your charm. Your parents and teachers admire you, we are all happy for you and wish you happiness, a lot of happiness. (Applause). Your youth is passing through a diverse, difficult time for our country; it is not so easy to find yourself in this time, and therefore we wish you to take the right, independent path, choose a university or job that meets your needs, capabilities and interests.
We all dream of a worthy future for our Motherland, it is personally connected with each of you; Dedicate your work to the Motherland, make your contribution to its prosperity. You all dream about beautiful life, now this is very fashionable, but know that a beautiful life requires a lot of money, which is very difficult to earn honestly. For the sake of such a beautiful life, be afraid of losing your soul, as they say, selling it to the devil, be merciful to the poor, old, and disabled.
Know how to bring joy to people with your existence, do not upset your parents, love them, strengthen family traditions and your family; know how to find that one, the only one, without whom life is impossible, and it is only that one person you have chosen that should be the father or mother of your children. Know how to create good family, raise happy children. Remember your teachers, school, that reliable step from which you stepped into the big adult life. And may all our wishes come true! (Applause). And now we proceed to the certificate presentation ceremony.

Dear graduates! (2).
Dear teachers! Dear parents and guests!
The holiday in honor of graduates ... of the municipal educational institution, school No. ..., completion of studies and receipt of a state certificate of secondary (complete) general education is declared open.
(The anthem plays).
Dear boys and girls. We sincerely congratulate you on the wonderful a unique holiday Youth, which is the last in a big story called “School Years”. According to tradition, it begins with words of gratitude to everyone who invested their work, energy of heart and mind in each of you. Yes, dear teachers, a low bow and a million Red roses at your feet. Let joy today, love for your students, faith that your work will not be in vain, hope for a good future for each graduate will give you new strength, health and happiness!
10 years ago, together with my parents, figuratively speaking, we planted a garden, carefully looked after it, worked, grafted, eradicated it, and now we admire what a beautiful, wonderful garden we have grown. He blossomed with the beautiful flowers of knowledge and purity. We sincerely congratulate you, dear parents, for your work and good results. Thank you for fulfilling your parental duty with honor and love.
Dear graduates!
We thank you for the fact that you studied with us, you are dear to us, you are good because we were together on weekdays and holidays of school years, that there has never been, is not, and never will be like you, you have always been full of strength and health, spontaneity, the sun was reflected in each of you. And we rejoiced at this together with you, from your love for life our love awoke, from your charming smile and kind heart our heart softened, you have always been hardworking, interesting boys and girls, intellectually developed young men and women. Next to you, our life was amazing and multifaceted. And God grant that everyone you meet in your life can say this about you: university teachers, friends, work colleagues and most importantly, your family, your loved one, your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. And so be it! (Next is the certificate presentation ceremony).

Dear graduates! (3).
That's all. Last exam passed.
The hour of parting comes.
Sadness of farewell, joy of anticipation
In the feelings and thoughts of each of you.
The ceremonial meeting dedicated to the completion of studies at school No. ... and the receipt of certificates of education is declared open. (Hymn).
Dear graduates!
All teachers, students, parents congratulate you on completing your studies and wish you, one and all, only happiness. Your graduation is significant, it will go down in the history of the school as a graduation in a year (an event in the country or city is indicated). Your issue is special, because each of you is a unique, unique personality, just as our Galaxy, our Russia, is unique. And therefore we appeal to you, dear graduates, spare no effort for the prosperity of the Fatherland and your small Motherland– the city in which you live. We have made every effort to ensure that you leave school blooming spiritually, morally, physically. And we hope that you received a decent education and, first of all, to receive higher education. We hope that you will find your paths, but remember that any road begins with a path, the sea and ocean - with a stream, and destiny begins with your parents' and school's homes. Do not forget your teachers, show love and care to your parents, do and say only what elevates your soul.
Youth, take it with you on the road
The most cherished dream
For people, care and concern,
Hearts are hot and thoughts are beautiful.
May the star of luck that accompanies our school shine for you everywhere and in everything. Live your life with honor on our beloved planet, live and preserve the Russian land, the homeland on which you were born. And now we move on to the ceremony of presenting the state certificate of secondary general education.
This year... graduates receive certificates. Gold medal“For success in learning” and a certificate of secondary complete general education with gold embossing receives ... (Full name of the graduate. Given a brief description of graduate achievements. Graduates are similarly invited to be awarded a silver medal. And then the presentation follows the generally accepted school tradition.)

Dear graduates! (4).

(And further to everyone). Happy holiday to you, dear graduates, on a big significant date in your biography, on a wonderful event, on the end of your school years. Please accept heartfelt congratulations from everyone present here today! (Applause). When a person graduates from school, he faces many problems. One of them is especially acute, because it is connected with the fact that the world of adult, independent life into which he enters is very complex. On the one hand, this world is full of fascinating things. And, on the other hand, it cannot but frighten, since the burden of independence and adulthood turns out to be not so easy: you must definitely stand on your own feet, choose a profession, determine your life goals, values ​​and principles. It is clear to everyone that this will require knowledge, long and serious reflection - you learned all this at school. We strive to provide you with a competitive education. Together with you, we tried to comprehend the answers to eternal questions: Why do you live, what is your place in the world? What's the point human life? These same questions will arise before you repeatedly in all subsequent years. This is how we are designed: we need to get to the truth, to the essence, in everything.
Today you will be given a lot of instructions on how to live, how to become happy. Please accept one more thing, it was written by A.S. Pushkin in Pavlusha Vyazemsky’s album:
My soul Pavel,
Follow my rules:
Love this, that, that
Don't do this.
It seems clear.
Goodbye, my beautiful one.
These cheerful lines contain our love for you, edification - stick to the rules that you were given at school, love, do not do anything that is contrary to your conscience, that the laws of adults do not accept, serious people and society. And if you want to reap the fruits of this garden of life, you must turn your whole life into ceaseless exercise. And we, your teachers, releasing you into this beautiful amazing world, we want to hug you with tenderness and love. And may everything be fine with you!
Next comes the certificate presentation ceremony.

Dear graduates! (5).

There is no preface to today's holiday, everything speaks for itself. Beautiful, well-dressed boys and girls, yesterday's schoolchildren, are the center of attention. And we all want to tell them the best and kindest words, parting words for the journey. And the first word is the word of love. And how could it be otherwise? You and I have been inseparable for ten whole years. Before our eyes, you grew physically, your appearance changed, you developed mentally, and you comprehended the heights of the human spirit. But behind all this there is everyday life, which is entirely woven from work, reading and thinking, preparing for lessons, completing tests, answering at the board, etc. Every day, in your joint work, you pushed the boundaries of your knowledge about the world, about nature, about man. The path of ascent to the heights of knowledge was more difficult; science looked at you with shining, unconquered peaks, but in joint work with the teacher the difficulties receded. And I sincerely thank every teacher who has worked with you all the years, Low bow to you, dear teachers, favorite flowers at your feet. Thank you, big words of gratitude to the parents with whom we have always found mutual understanding and support in your education and upbringing. Dear graduates, colleagues, parents. If I were to ask each of you now: “What would you like most in the lives of our graduates?”, I would receive many different answers. But the essence of these answers is the same - “Be happy.”
Today, many believe that human happiness directly depends on material wealth; the more wealth, the greater the happiness. It seems like wealth and comfort guarantee happiness. Of course, material comforts can be a positive factor in our lives. But money doesn't buy happiness. And empty people can be happy! There is a more significant and fair phenomenon - this is the meaning of life. Even happiness without meaning will soon begin to cause heartache, that is, it will not turn out to be happiness at all.
People show exceptional ingenuity to deceive their soul, to slip it some kind of ersatz, a dummy instead of the meaning of life. Remembering that finding the meaning of life is not a consequence of literacy and intelligence, but a personal product of spiritual and moral development.
Therefore, we appeal to you, dear graduates, develop yourself, improve yourself until the end of your days. Art, music, theater, folk culture and traditions, highly moral spiritual literature should enter your life as a need. Otherwise, it may happen that the memory of them will be associated only with their school years.
May this world, as old as eternity and forever young, reveal to you the beauty and meaning of human life. (Applause). And now we move on to the presentation of certificates of secondary (complete) general education.

Dear graduates! (6).
The unique sounds of the School Waltz announced to everyone about a significant event in the life of the school. For 17-year-old boys and girls, the main stage of growing up - school years - has ended - the choice of a profession and the construction of an independent life lie ahead. ... graduates, beautiful and elegant, dear to the hearts of parents and teachers, in last time came to school for their farewell ball, graduation party. The teaching staff wholeheartedly congratulates you on completing your studies at school and receiving a certificate of secondary general education. We are happy for each of you and wish you, one and all, a happy future life. (Applause).
Our dear graduates. Your youth passes through critical, difficult times for our Motherland, when our country is thrown under the wheels of history. And more than ever, she needs you, young and inquisitive, capable of sparing no effort for the sake of high goals and ideals.
Youth is always beautiful. The future cannot be stirred with a shovel, there is enough strength for a hundred lives, the abundance of options takes your breath away and makes your head spin. And everything is doable. Of course, at times one is overtaken by a feeling of one’s own smallness, mediocrity, and obscurity, but fame and genius are just a stone’s throw away. And that’s why we say, don’t get confused and don’t fantasize, assess your capabilities wisely, but be sure to get a profession, and let the hand of unemployment and hopelessness never touch you. Today is the most convenient time to look back on the past years, remember the joyful and sad moments of your school life, good communication with peers, classmates, teachers and forgive all insults.
From today, your classes, as units that have served their time, will be disbanded. And we tell you: be faithful to your school friendships and in such difficult times, help each other in life, know how to come to the rescue.
Today you will be given a lot of instructions, but remember: no one but you knows what you need to be happy. But all the instructions, all the values ​​that you received at school are necessary; they are milestones along the way; turn off them and you will find yourself in a position where the car is in a ditch.
If you adhere to milestones along the way, then you are more guaranteed not to make a mistake in life. A broken life cannot bring real happiness. Remember that the road to happiness is a highway for those who know where the curbs are. The driver is you. Have a nice journey, dear boys and girls.

Dear graduates! (7).
Dear Colleagues! Dear parents and guests!
The solemn sounds of the native anthem announced the important event in our country and our school. graduates wrote another page in the annals of apprenticeship, in the history of the school. They walked a difficult path, thorny, but joyful. Because exploring the world and asserting your personality is always interesting and exciting. The influence of these school years is great; the eternal attraction of childhood and early youth will forever remain with you, dear boys and girls. Here you had extraordinary dreams, here everything was done for the first time, there was the first bell, the first of September, the first time, the first grade, the first words that they learned to write: mother, peace, work, the first discoveries of the secrets of nature, the universe, the meaning and beauty of human life.
Starting today, your classes will be disbanded and your magazines will be archived. Years will pass, and much of what you will experience and see in life will be forgotten, but this day will forever remain in your memory and heart as the most precious and exciting. You are now young, full of strength, you have so much enthusiasm, so much bold daring that you can handle all mountains. And so be it. Perhaps in your wonderful impulses you can find the keys to the happiness of our people and to your own happiness. Let the sun of reason, kindness and justice, your deeds warm and delight you and the people around you, and let work always be a pleasure. Remember, like Gorky: “When work is pleasure, life is good, when work is a duty, life is slavery.” From tomorrow you will join the great community, which is called by the majestic word “people”, you will join the ranks of honest and kind people. "Kind people!" - address the world, “Honest people!” - just as forests, lakes, fields, rivers - the earth - were left to you, so the riches of love and conscience were left. Maintain a sense of belonging to the best kind honest and decent people. We tried so hard to educate you, and that’s what you must stand for.
And now we move on to the ceremonial act of presenting a school leaving certificate. A certificate is a state document certifying a person’s civic maturity and level of preparedness for life and work. Congratulations to you all on this wonderful event in your life.

Our dear graduates! (8).
Dear colleagues, parents, guests!
Today we have a common holiday, which will be included in the biography of every family, every graduate of our school as an important historical date.
...graduates have completed their course in science, and the choice of their destiny lies ahead. The years of apprenticeship are behind us, and today, dear boys and girls, you came to school for the last time as the owners of this house, and tomorrow you will be guests. Ten years ago, we, teachers, laid out a beautiful garden and worked according to all the rules of pedagogy and human rules, with love and hope. In our garden there was the most important tree - the tree of knowledge, its fruits are both bitter and sweet. That is why we tell you: “Everything will happen in your life, but know how to distinguish the fruits of good from evil, we taught you this every day, and God grant that you do not forget this science.
Remember that you came into this world to increase goodness, to fill it with truth, goodness and beauty. Don't forget that the world is not a playground, but a school where you learn all your life. Your life is not a vacation, not an experimental laboratory, but learning. And the eternal lesson for everyone is the same - to learn to love better. Happy is the one who knows how to learn not only from his own mistakes, but also from those of others. The main thing is not to get confused and not to make demands on life. She teaches us every step of the way. Live consciously, think, because your actions and thoughts today are your destiny tomorrow. You yourself sow and reap. May the truths that you learned at school, our instructions and parting words, follow you everywhere in all your affairs at any time on all your paths in life. Maybe they will help you look differently at yourself and the world in which you will live, rethink your attitude and try to change yourself for the better. May joy and health, goodness and light, happiness and prosperity accompany you.
And now we are moving on to presenting certificates of secondary general education. (And then there is the ceremony of presenting certificates).

Dear graduates! (9).
Dear Colleagues! Dear parents, guests!
The ceremonial meeting in honor of graduates completing ... a year of study at the Municipal Educational Institution (name) and receiving a certificate of secondary (complete) general education is declared open. (The anthem plays).
Dear boys and girls. Happy holiday to you, on the wonderful holiday of youth: today we are closing the page called “School Years” and opening the last, joyful and cheerful “Graduation Ball”.
By tradition, the last page begins with words of gratitude to everyone who worked honestly and conscientiously. To you, students, who have increased the honor and glory of our school; to you, dear teachers, who not only worked, but served education, children, served you, our dear students; to you, dear parents, who helped us with their selfless love and care for their children. The entire teaching staff, every teacher of our school is happy for each of you and proud of you that you have reached this wonderful holiday. I congratulate you all and myself too. (Applause).
When assessing any activity, they usually proceed from certain norms, ideals, and values. But is it possible to think that over the many years of studying at school, teachers and parents never made a single mistake and absolutely fulfilled all the requirements that are required to ensure the growth and development of each of you? Of course not. And therefore, let's forgive each other for offenses, if there were any. We sought, together with you, to seek answers to the eternal questions of the existence and purpose of man in our world. And thank you, dear students, for coming to study with us, for entrusting us to touch your personality, your secret of transforming from a child into an independent person. “But in every science, in every art, as in nature, there are fundamental prohibitions. It is impossible to build a perpetual motion machine, it is impossible to raise a person who is ideally good in a world where there is so much evil, it is impossible to raise a person with clear conscience in a world where there is so much injustice and it is impossible to raise kind, honest, sympathetic and sensitive people if you do not believe in the power of love and truth.” So, dear boys and girls, know that we love you and will always love you, we believe in you and will continue to believe, only you live with love and truth. And if it is difficult for all of you to be perfect people, then at least you can be people striving for perfection. And this is already great, this is real. Strive to set the bar higher, try to fly higher, look further. And then your life and our world will be better. Good luck, dear graduates!

Dear graduates! (10).
Today you have the most extraordinary holiday, your soul and thoughts are on the rise of joy and a feeling of happiness. And how could it be otherwise, the state exams are behind us, the last call and here is the result, like a fulfillment of desires, the graduation party. And everyone present here: teachers, parents, guests admire you and rejoice with you. Let this festive uplift and inspired mood not leave us today. Happy holiday, dears! Happy wonderful holiday of youth. (Applause).
When, having experienced the difficulties of learning,
We start to put words together
And understand that they have meaning -
"Water. Fire. Old man. Deer. Grass."
Childishly we are surprised and happy
Because the letters were not created in vain,
And the first stories are our reward
For the first pages of the primer.
But often life is harsh to us -
Someone else happens to live a century,
And he can't say a meaningful word
Add up the sorrows you have experienced.
It seemed like just recently that mom and dad brought you to school. And now ten years have passed. We developed you, formed you, trained you, educated you. And we involuntarily ask questions: “What are you like? How do you enter this world? How are you going to live in it? We understand perfectly well that the knowledge you received at school does not provide a guarantee happy life. They are a small foundation that must be constantly expanded and built upon. only life. And in order to be able to put together a meaningful word in old age, you need to recognize the Laws of life, try to live by them, constantly develop and improve. It is no coincidence that there is wisdom: “In his lifetime a person must plant a tree, build a house, raise children.” The human vision of the world is not given by nature, it is obtained through labor, reflection, relationships - this is the work of the soul, heart, mind, spirit. It is sanctified by love and kindness. Without them, the beauty of your life is impossible. The root, the source of love and kindness is in creation, in creativity, in the affirmation of truth. They go far into childhood, and are born only in work, worries, worries, goodwill, and cheerfulness. And we believe that over the years of your studies you have gone through the school of teaching kindness. Without kindness, life is like a dark street without light.
So be tolerant, merciful, generous to any person, to all living things. Remember, there is no greater value in the world than a person. Happiness, joy, love to you, dear boys and girls!

Dear graduates! (eleven).
After All Lessons End Day, state exams The most long-awaited and extraordinary holiday has arrived - Graduation Evening (ball). The leitmotif of our holiday is the words “Wonderful school years” (or “This will never happen again...”) And we all again and again turn our gaze to the past, and the memory highlights a kaleidoscope of various events of school life. And, although they are all connected with lessons, it was on them that your worldview was formed, the next portions of educational material were chewed, the joy of learning the unknown and the feeling of your own growth came. Remember who you dreamed of becoming, restore your image, which seemed desirable to you then. Remember the feelings that filled your heart and soul when you wanted to become exactly this way. And let these memories visit you in subsequent years, when it suddenly becomes painful or difficult. Let the bright images of childhood and early youth help you in life.
But today you are happy. You are only as happy as you are determined to be happy. Happiness lies within you; it is, as it were, your soul’s response to the fact that you have coped with the circumstances of life. And today you say to yourself: “Tomorrow I start new life" And if you are starting a new life, you cannot do without teacher advice. There is a lot in life that is contradictory, complex, mysterious, and this has its own meaning, its own purpose and interconnection. A person who thinks in terms of goodness, beauty, truth and justice, who listens to the voice of his conscience and acts in accordance with this, is more often rewarded with life.
We do not tell you that good always wins in the world. Good and evil are real physical interactions that oppose each other on all levels of the universe, from your actions, thoughts and feelings real life to innumerable and possibly infinite gravitational, magnetic, photonic and other copies. And man is the measure of everything. Do not be pawns in the game, in life, but strive and try to accept the challenge, subordinate it to your courage, determination of will, moving along the path of truth and justice. Remember: by taking a step today, you leave a mark in the future.

Dear graduates! (12).
Dear Colleagues! Dear parents and guests!
I sincerely congratulate you all on the holiday, the celebration of which includes the presentation of a state certificate of secondary (complete) general education and the general joy of the graduation party. And I wish our graduates a joyful festive mood, unforgettable impressions and, of course, happiness, a lot of happiness. (Applause).
Dear boys and girls! Accept the most the last word teachers are, so to speak, “on track.” Have you noticed that our segments of life are like the stages of a rocket? To work out each stage of life, life time and energy are spent. These carrier stages are different for everyone, but segments of life, such as childhood, adolescence, maturity, aging, include educational qualifications, intellectual level, various, vitally important episodes of human existence: the first bell, the last bell at school, graduation party, admission to a university or work, wedding, birth of a child, etc.
These carrier stages can take you into a high orbit, or they can slowly burn and smolder, and nothing happens in a person’s life, he simply exists.
To prevent this from happening, although who knows how it should be, know that the rocket man is driven by the interest of knowledge, the desire for absolute truth, and everyone leaves a unique mark during their life on earth.
Remember that each of you is a living person who seeks purpose, meaning, interest, and creativity in everything. Good luck, dear graduates.

Dear graduates! (13).
Dear Colleagues! Dear parents and guests!
The day and hour have come when the farewell sounds of the school waltz will fill every heart with joy and a festive mood. The focus is on young men and women, our hope and pride, the future of our Motherland.
And we wish each graduate happiness in their future independent adult life. (Applause). How can you compare the well-being of a teacher who is graduating? With the feeling of a landowner who goes out into the field to harvest? With the excitement of a designer bending over the outline of a planned machine? Or maybe with the inspiration of a sculptor who stands with a chisel and hammer in his hands in front of a finished work in marble?
Yes, dear graduate teachers, your work is harvesting, designing, and sculpting... All creative human professions have merged in your art. It cannot be otherwise, since we would never have raised such intelligent and wonderful young people who are before us. And all that remains is to say warm words of gratitude to you for each graduate. It's hard work raising children from parents. They studied together with their son or daughter, moving from class to class, having rare breaks during the holidays.
Accept the words of recognition of your hard work, and let the word “thank you” be addressed to you more often.
To you, dear graduates, we say: “Hold on!” “Hold on, guys!” Everything will happen in your life - both good and bad. Know how to say “no” to yourself when necessary. Don't do even once what you should never do. Try not to turn your life into a stream of grief, accept all difficulties courageously. You must be confident in yourself. And we would like to see you always happy, free, loving. Good luck, our students. (Certificate presentation ceremony).

(14) The ceremonial meeting of school graduates, teachers and parents, dedicated to the end of schooling and the presentation of certificates of secondary (complete) general education, is declared open. (Anthem plays.)
Dear graduates!
Dear Colleagues! Dear parents and guests!
Happy holiday to you, have a wonderful holiday, prom night! According to tradition, it begins with congratulations, wishes and the presentation of state certificates. And I sincerely wish our graduates happiness in creative work, love and creativity in their new independent life. (Applause).
There is one folk wisdom: “Raising children is no easier than running a state. Children love flowers and care.” And although many of you, dear boys and girls, know how to say “Don’t teach me how to live!”, “Don’t educate me,” “Don’t lecture me about morals,” nevertheless, everything was “yes” the other way around. We taught you to live, raised you, taught you morals, used all sorts of pedagogical techniques and means so that you grew, developed, and improved. And now we admit to you that progress in our school would have been impossible without you. Together with you, she developed, her authority and prestige grew. So, your contribution to the school is invaluable. Professing a dialectical approach to education, we have always seen you as free individuals. We were sometimes surprised and delighted by your versatility, talent, morality, and sensitivity.
Thank you for being with us, that our life paths crossed not only for the past ten years. For in each of us there will remain a piece of the heart forever; even when we pass by each other without recognizing each other.
Remember that your best years were spent here at school. Parents! Smile and look at your children. You see their childlike thirst for life and knowledge. They also need a smile, support, the caress of their own hands and attention.
Teachers! Give your warm look and smile to beautiful, young people entering life! (And then the certificate presentation ceremony).

Dear graduates! (15).
Let our evening be
Lighter and more wonderful
Let's sing about school
Farewell song.
(Everyone sings the school anthem.)
Dear boys and girls!
Now the time has come to part. Magazines are closed, notebooks and diaries are pushed aside, and practically nothing that once connected us with school is needed. And only in certain moments of suddenly flooding memories does the thought of picking up the old attributes of school life flash through. In the meantime... Hello, new, interesting, adult life, so big, long, exciting. More than once have you dreamed: “What will happen there?!” And they believed that life would be wonderful. And how could it be otherwise?! You are young, beautiful, energetic and received a good education at school. This is how it should be, this is a normal growth process, one of greatest gifts, which you can use for your own benefit. It should grow as the awareness of life grows. And the more aware you are of life, the more needs there will be. And if in childhood your needs were provided by others, you can easily believe that in the future everything will depend on others. Remember that as you grow older, your needs change, you must understand that you yourself have everything to make life useful, amazing and valuable, do not transfer arrows to others.
Remember that you have every chance for this, you are a unique, inimitable human personality that is formed over the years, starting from childhood and sometimes until death. People are not born, but become.
Today you will be given a lot of instructions, good wishes. They all talk about great love for you, each of you. And if you are so loved by your parents and teachers, you have no need to commit acts unworthy of love. Always be worthy of love, which means be glad, happy, bring goodness and creation to this world. (Certificate presentation ceremony).

Congratulations in verse. (17).
June has arrived, summer is beginning,
I've arrived graduation party, Certainly,
Girls, boys, teachers!
Happy holiday, friends!
They said dear words to each other,
When we celebrated the last call,
The time for all exams passed quickly,
You are glad, we are glad! What about it, friends?!

And now comes the exciting hour.
You will receive your certificate now.
And again your memory will rush there,
When was the first time you came here?
And the first books, and the first lesson,
And the first flooding school bell,
And the first mentor, dear teacher,
Destiny follows the path of discovery.
The years flew by - you grew, grew,
You learned a lot and were able to do a lot,
But time, the queen of nature, stands,
She tells you her laws:
It's time to make a choice and learn about life,
It's time to choose a profession and work.
It's time to create in this world yourself
Finding goodness, beauty, and meaning.
And we tell you: fly, friends!
May your native land be a joy to you,
May the sky and the sun, my native country
Your love and tenderness will be fully recognized.
Let your ideas, dreams find you,
And faith and hope lead you along the way.
Love that you will know forever, friends.
How great it is to live on planet Earth!

(Certificate presentation ceremony).

Congratulations in verse.

Dear graduates! (18)

I send you congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
Your parents, your friends,
To all your peers and teachers!
The time for school has passed,
You passed the exams at the same time,
And now it's time for fun:
Let's start your graduation, friends!
In the solemn part of the message we send:
That we love you all, we live to meet again,
It is not in vain that we are presenting you with a certificate:
You worked hard, worked hard, friends!
Sciences have been learned, darkness has dissipated,
That knowledge is power - wisdom has been given to you.
Now we need to further find our choice,
Choose reliable roads and paths.
And we wish you to be friends with love,
To give a smile and joy to all people.
So that you have everything and it is complete.
Happy holiday, dear friends!

(Certificate presentation ceremony).

Saying goodbye to school or college may seem so cherished, but in fact it evokes a storm of touching and sweet emotions. After all, now graduates become full-fledged adults and must continue to choose their own path. And it was the class teacher who helped guide the 9th or 11th grade students, show them possible options further development and training. Therefore, it is imperative that both parents and teenagers prepare a touching speech for the last call. It needs to include words of gratitude and respect. Here are the director and administration educational institution may give a short formal speech. In the given ideas for writing text, video examples you can find useful information to create original texts.

A beautiful speech from parents on the last bell for 11th grade - ideas and examples of text

Expressing respect and thanking teachers for raising, teaching and helping children will help last call parent's speech. It is better to entrust such a task to representatives of the parent committee.

Ideas for writing a beautiful speech for the last call from parents

In the speech they compose, parents should express gratitude for caring for their children and thank teachers for their hard work. Separately, you can include gratitude for the best teachers, director and administration.

I want to say a word from my parents

About our kind and dear teachers.

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart,

We have tears in our eyes from sadness!

May you work long and calmly,

May your students love you very much,

And they pay you what you deserve,

After all, for children you are like beacons!

We wish you good luck and patience.

We love you and are grateful to everyone

And we consider you the best of the best,

At least we’re parting with you for good!

Thanks to all the teachers who put so much effort into ensuring that our children graduated from school with such excellent results! Only we, parents, can understand how difficult it was for you with our children. God bless you and thank you again!

Just recently with tears of happiness

We took you little ones to first grade.

Now you stand before us with pride -

Not children anymore, but graduates.

And we wish you an easier path,

Find yourself and always be yourself,

Move forward in life without timidity

And with his head proudly raised to the sky.

Examples of speech texts for the last call from parents of 11th grade students

In the proposed examples, you can familiarize yourself with the features of composing a speech and possible transitions from general to individual thanks. If desired, some of the texts can be used to compose your own text.

The last bell has rung for you,

And there is no more need to learn lessons -

Now you can take off the thorny wreath,

For knowledge, for broad horizons

Thank all teachers

My favorite school, which has become my second home,

But they came a little taller than the gnomes!

Both time and effort have been invested in you,

Oh, a lot of nerves and finances!

But we just want to ask:

Give us the highest score in life

In studies, hobbies, in work,

Make friends, relax and fall in love,

Youth is in demand everywhere,

Be bold and don’t doubt yourself!

Today the last bell rang for our children. On behalf of all parents, I would like to thank the school administration and teachers for your diligence and participation in the upbringing of our children, the acquired knowledge and support. Let your strength not run out, let it be good health, and a bright and festive mood. And for the children we would like to wish them a successful path through adulthood, happiness and determination.

The last bell is ringing! On this festive, joyful day, on behalf of the parents, we would like to thank all the teachers and administration. Our children are in your caring hands, year after year. Thank you to the given wealth of knowledge, for your resourcefulness, attentiveness and kindness. We wish you creative success, development, stress resistance, energy and kindness.

What speech to give at the last call to parents - for 9th grade school, college

Graduates of the 9th grade have a much harder time than graduates of the 11th grade. After all, they leave school earlier, they have to make new friends and meet teachers earlier. Therefore, the speech at the last bell after 9th grade on behalf of their parents should be both beautiful and touching.

Examples of a short speech for the last bell at school and college from parents of 9th grade students

It is better to compile the text collectively: with several parents of graduates at once. This will help create a beautiful text of gratitude and congratulations. You can take as a basis the parents’ speech at the last call from the following examples:

The exciting and touching moment of farewell to school has arrived, the last bell is ringing! Before my eyes are first grade, flowers, a line, a holiday, lessons, breaks, grades, vacations, friends, graduation, trepidation, sadness. Now the inevitability has repeated itself in children. Our relatives: graduates, teachers, the director, all those who for many years diligently walked side by side together, making discoveries, learning, delighting. Happy holiday! May the world be friendly, all roads open, and the future exceed expectations. Be happy and remember the bright times of your school years.

Today the last bell rings for our children, today they open their doors to hot adventures summer days. On behalf of all parents, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the teachers and school administration, because these people have done a lot for our children and contributed to their upbringing and education. Let summer holidays They will fill us all with new strength and will certainly leave only happy and joyful memories in our hearts.

Your native school, dear teachers, beloved children, the time has come when you rise one more step higher. We wish your life path to be happy, fulfilling, successful and interesting. Don’t let your feet bleed on the stones that fate will throw at you.

Touching speech from graduates for the last call - writing ideas, text examples

Graduates have a pretty tough time after graduating from high school and college. They feel a special attachment to their classmates, teachers, and friends from school. Therefore, a touching speech is perfect for them, in which they can beautifully express all their emotions.

Ideas for writing a touching speech for the last call from graduates

The text of the speech for the last call must include words of gratitude for teachers. They should also be congratulated on their well-deserved rest after the school year. It is recommended to include funny stories from the life of students at school.

Dear teachers and dear friends and classmates. Today we, graduates, have to take one of the most important steps in our lives, parting with school. Behind best years- carefree childhood, youth, and further study and work ahead. I think that the best gratitude for teachers on our part will be the fruits of knowledge and life wisdom that we have grown from the seeds that they have sown in our hearts. One Latin proverb says that we study not for school, but for life. These words are deeply imprinted in our memory. And today we are parting with the building to which we owe so much, with the teachers who, with dedication and devoted all their strength to our education and upbringing. Therefore, on behalf of all today’s graduates, I say: thank you, school, thank you, dear teachers.

Today you and I are graduates, no longer children, but not adults either. Tomorrow we will take a step into independent life. There will be both sorrows and joys. Sometimes we will meet good and sympathetic people, and sometimes we will meet quarrelsome and angry people. But we must remember that our parents and teachers raised us to be kind, decent and cultured boys and girls. I would like to thank all my relatives and, of course, those who taught us over all these years. Thank you, teachers, for your help in difficult times, for good advice and the knowledge you shared with us.

Dear friends! Today we say goodbye to our native school! The day is exciting, joyful and sad at the same time. You have already taken the first step towards future achievements and success - and now you are on the threshold of serious, responsible decisions about choosing your future professional and life path. Great prospects are open to you. Your school years gave you a lot of new and interesting things - joy, comprehension of various sciences, loyalty of friends, first love and first disappointments. But your teachers also studied with you, your parents gained experience and wisdom. And may only the brightest and warmest memories of school remain in your memory, and may today be the start of a new adult and interesting life filled with events.

An example of a touching speech for the last bell from graduates

The texts considered are optimal for selecting the most beautiful and touching phrases and studying the rules of composing a speech. You should also pay attention to the features and structure of the text.

Today is your first graduation party, there will be others ahead, but this one is the most important and dear. Remember it. We would like to wish you that your further studies become an interesting journey along the river of knowledge, that you receive only good grades, and that new subjects captivate you into the world of knowledge! As you cross this threshold, believe that the most interesting things await you ahead! Good luck to you!

Dear teachers! You are strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive, you led our graduates through the years of childhood and adolescence, invested knowledge, a piece of your heart into each of them, gave them your human warmth, your love. That is why they are all so kind, sympathetic and open. Thank you so much for our guys. And low bow to you.

I would like to address you, dear teachers.

I bow to you for your patience, for your skills, for loving our children and being wise mentors to them. We wish you to produce more than one generation of the same wonderful children as you made ours. And may the road of life be easy for our children. And may warm memories of these wonderful school years always live in the hearts of our children. Today you are releasing us into great life. Our schooling has ended, but there will be many more different lessons in life.

Original speech from the class teacher at school on the last bell - example text

Be sure to have a beautiful and touching speech class teacher should be heard at the last bell for all graduates. It will help them set themselves up to achieve new heights.

Examples of original speech texts from the class teacher for the last bell

In the proposed text examples, you can get ideas for writing texts for graduates. They will be very pleased to hear kind words from their class teacher.

I won't say it's your day. I won’t repeat that you need to go to university - this is already a decided fact for me, I am one hundred percent confident in you.

Student life is a time of new relationships, new acquaintances, new love- a time when you can try, update, experiment with everything.

Adults often tell you: “In our time... We went to student years for potatoes, worked on a collective farm - and so on! What will you be proud of?”

Believe me, there is something! Proudly answer that you lived in the era of the exaltation of the Steve Jobs company, that you know what news is discussed in VKontakte, how to play Sims-2, and that Guf is actually alive! Many adults now are probably thinking, who is Guf?

Believe me, it is as impossible for some of the older generation to master even a second iPad as it is for you to understand the beauty of a trip to the potatoes!

Be proud of this and remember that any adult sitting in this hall would now like to be in your place and again find yourself in this fabulous time - youth.

Dear children! Let me, perhaps for the last time, call you that - children...

I have already graduated several generations of students, they were all different. Of course, I remember everyone. But I remember some with special pride.

I wish you to live such an adult life that every teacher present in this room now (regardless of the grades and attitude) will proudly say: “I remember this man, he was my student!”

I would especially like to address you, wonderful students. You are all smart and beautiful today, I look at you and regret that you can’t start life again...

And one last thing. I want your motto in life to be a simple phrase, the meaning of which everyone will understand in their own way: “Follow the dawn!”

Dear graduates! I want to wish you great pure love, creation strong family, because this, I am sure, is the main support and support for every person! Of course, I wish you and your family health!

Always remember that you are unique, talented, cheerful, kind, open, worthy people! Be confident! Achieve the goals you have set for yourself in the future! And then you will become truly happy!

Well, now I’m incredibly happy, because I also achieved my goal - I’m graduating such wonderful kids! Thank you for all these years! I love you very much!

A short speech from the school principal at the last bell - ideas and video example text

At the meeting dedicated to the last bell, the director of the educational institution must make a congratulatory speech. He should wish success to the graduates and thank the teachers for their excellent work. The video example below will help you compose the director’s official speech at the last call.

Video example of a short speech by the director at the last bell at school

In the above example, you can see a short speech that is suitable for the last call. The director himself can include personal wishes and congratulatory words.

Official speech from the administration on the last call - examples and ideas for text

Congratulations on your last call. I wish you to free your head from all the lessons and homework, tune in to a new mood of a fun holiday and exciting summer adventures. Let the wind of luck blow you towards your dreams, let only you triumph good mood and a bright feeling of happiness.

It won’t be difficult to compose a beautiful and touching speech for the last call after reading the examples provided. In the tips you can find ideas for writing formal speeches for school or college administration, parents and graduates of 9th or 11th grade. Short texts can be used as a basis when composing a congratulatory text from the class teacher. A video example of a director's speech is suitable for all heads of educational institutions.

Today for the first time I realized: it will be sad to leave. Just sad, without metaphors and unnecessary comparisons.

Eleventh grade. It's time to look back and remember the most pleasant, kind moments of our lives. You now take from school everything that it gives, and do not wait for the lesson to end, when you can close the classroom door behind you, rush at full speed along the corridor, run down the stairs, jump like a grasshopper: “Home, home!” " I don't want to now!

Eleventh grade is fun to study in. Make jokes and laugh more often
louder, quarrel less often. There is no time to study in class, because I like to look around at my growing classmates and sigh: “What...”. Remember who was in love with whom, who liked whom. Some are funny, some are touchy, some are eccentric, some will always help, and some will put it off.

I see how you have matured during this time. For me, you are children who have become cramped within the walls of their home, you leave it and begin your independent journey in life.

For me, you are not just students, but family and friends. We learned to live, work and relax in a team, and I hope that the experience we gained together will help you in adulthood.

You have enormous potential, you have proven this more than once at various school events. Each of you has that special creative inexhaustible spirit, from which you sometimes get tired, but at the same time, it has always charged me to life. This is exactly what every teacher dreams of. I wanted to create with you, to surprise (by the way, you always surprised: at extracurricular events with non-standard and creative performances, at Olympiads with excellent results, you became laureates and prize-winners of various competitions, conducted interesting lessons for younger schoolchildren, published their works in magazines and newspapers). Last years I lived your life with you. I always remembered you. It so happened that I was not with you at the field school. But I knew everything, very carefully I could only telephone conversation learned about pranks, rejoiced at successes.

The class was always dominated by interest in performances. Rather, we liked not the performances themselves, but the preparation for them. Everyone liked it Christmas story, where you showed your acting skills. After all, only we know with what enthusiasm we prepared it. Undoubtedly big school Acting stage skills were conveyed to you by director Olga Alekseevna. You approached the celebration of the lyceum’s anniversary with full responsibility, presenting

"Builders' page." Behind all this is painstaking work, weeks of rehearsals. I saw with what interest and dedication you did this. After all, the scripts were written by everyone together and by everyone separately. Nadezhda Ivanovna and I admired you, watching you dance at a real ball in a noble estate (though Nadezhda Ivanovna was then more fascinated by her boys). Then we could not even imagine that we would be so friendly with gallant gentlemen. Really, girls?! I will not hide that friendship with previous graduates gave us results. Remember, joint trips to theaters, museums, the “What? Where? When?". Let’s not hide, we have always been pleased to observe your creative union. And every class teacher thought that his children were better. You always needed a special approach. If it was found, then your dedication was high. In my lessons, I always tried to make you feel the reality of someone else’s suffering, taught you to feel it. To have pity, to take care, to help, to provide active assistance, not to be a passive, outside observer. I saw a response in your eyes. It was with particular trepidation, pain and pride that I watched your performance at the annual city event “Festival of History Experts.” Your support during the “Teacher of the Year” competition is also worth a lot. You supported me, I saw the excitement and love in your eyes.

Dear parents, with all my heart I am grateful to you for the mutual understanding and help that you provided me in raising my children. We were one team that fought for the minds and hearts of our troubled children. Be happy and healthy. May your children never disappoint you. May there be more joy and kindness in your families.

My dear children, I hope that you will persistently pursue your goal, that mercy, hard work and luck will be your companions in life. I wish you to find your path in life correctly, so that later you will not be excruciatingly painful for the years spent aimlessly. Be happy and loved. Remember that the greatest reward for a teacher is the good reputation of his students. Overcome difficulties with dignity and do good along your path.

Your cool mom

“On behalf of the director, allow me to congratulate our graduates! You finally got what you have been striving for since childhood - you have grown up, and now you are on the threshold of adulthood, and I can’t help but be happy for you.

May good luck accompany your graduation, fearlessly set high goals and achieve them!

I really want to believe that our school has given you all the necessary knowledge and skills for this. Have an unforgettable prom night everyone!”

“Our graduates, today you crossed the threshold of the school as students for the last time.

I, as a director, am happy about this and sad, because we have all become one family, and it’s so difficult to let children leave the nest.

But you are almost adults, and a new stage of life is opening up before you. Please accept my congratulations.

I really want each of you to find your place in the sun.

May your graduation always remain as beautiful and happy as on this day. I wish everyone a fabulous prom evening!”

“This graduation is the pride and joy of our school! As a director, I am glad to see such beautiful and happy young people in front of me. Allow me to congratulate you, our grown-up children, to wish everyone good luck and perseverance, may adult life not be strict towards you.

I hope that the graduation ceremony will take place at high level, and will give a lot of touching memories.”

Solemn congratulations in prose from the school principal on graduation

Our dear graduates who have become dearest! On behalf of me, the school director, please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations.

On this day, I wish you further success, both in life and in your professional career.

We are all very proud of you, because during your school years you have proven to all of us that you are talented, smart and smart!

We believe in you, you are our best release, which can never be forgotten! Good luck, our chicks!

We sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts congratulate you on this graduation evening, our dear children. As a school principal, I am very proud of you and wish you the same success and good luck in the future. life path.

We hope that you will never let us down and prove to everyone that you are the best. We will always remember you as the best and dearest.

IN good hour, and good luck, our dear and dear graduates!

Today is an unusual and festive day. Our grown-up children leave their native walls of school and enter adulthood.

As a school director, I congratulate you all on this wonderful graduation evening. I wish you to choose exactly the path that will be interesting to you.

And choose exactly the profession that you will love. You are our pride! Good luck and success to you, our graduates, joy and victories in everything!