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Most often, training on a trampoline to combat fat is preferred by people who are bored of working out in the gym. It is quite clear that such activities are completely unsuitable for gaining weight and are intended for people who want to get rid of excess weight. Today, you can train on a trampoline in some fitness centers and acrobatics sections.

At the same time, for most people, the concept of “training on a trampoline for weight loss” means training on a mini-trampoline. This is a convenient sports equipment that does not require a lot of space for placement and can help you work out. a large number of muscles of your body.

The benefits of trampoline training for weight loss

Trampoline exercises are effective for weight loss, as they combine everything positive aspects explosive strength training with cardio. If you choose the right exercises so that they do not turn out to be the same type, then you will have the opportunity to work all the muscles of the body.

Working on a trampoline allows you to burn a large number of calories. During the warm-up, the body spends little energy, but during the main part of the lesson everything changes. During one session, you can get rid of 900 calories, which is an excellent result, provided that the duration of the trampoline workout was one hour.

Many people love the fact that trampoline activities are never monotonous or boring. This is an excellent option for cardio training for those who cannot stand monotony. By exercising on a trampoline, you can improve your coordination, increase your endurance and strength, and develop your flexibility and motor skills. With the help of trampoline training, you can prepare your body for sports such as skiing, skateboarding, snowboarding, etc.

Disadvantages of trampoline training

The main disadvantage of this sport is the difficulty of finding the necessary group. In our country, it is not customary to seriously engage with adults. Very often, once you have mastered the basics of using a trampoline, you are done. Here are some recommendations for choosing a trampoline section:
  • Take some personal training sessions and try to get the most out of them.
  • Find a group that doesn't have many people training.
  • The equipment in the section must be professional.
  • Make sure that you have all the necessary safety attributes.
Among other things, for trampoline training to be effective for weight loss, you need a certain level of physical fitness. During class, you should exercise, and not lie on the trampoline. If you do not have enough strength to conduct a full-fledged workout, then it is better to choose a different type of fitness. It is definitely not worth exercising on a trampoline for those people who have problems with musculoskeletal system, vascular system and cardiac muscle.

Trampoline exercises at home

Today, a mini-trampoline can be purchased at a sporting goods store. They make plyometric exercise relatively safe for the articular-ligamentous apparatus and the spinal column. For this reason, they can be safely used by an untrained person. Of course, this is true subject to certain rules:
  • Start your training by warming up your joints; to do this, just perform circular rotations with your limbs.
  • During the first five or seven minutes of the main session, use light jumping in place to increase your heart rate and thereby prepare the heart muscle for serious loads.
  • After this, you can do a standard trampoline workout.

A standard set of jumps should alternate with walking around the room at a fast pace for a minute. Here is a set of basic jumps that you should use during your training:

  • Squat Jumps- lower your pelvis and jump. The exercise should be performed for one minute, and three such cycles should be performed during the lesson.
  • Plyometric push-ups- palms are placed on the trampoline, and feet are on the ground. Perform full range of push-ups and push up as you move your body upward to make a jump. Moreover, the legs can either remain on the ground or come off it. It is enough to complete three to four cycles.
  • Jumping on one leg- just bend your non-working leg knee joint and start jumping on your second leg. The duration of the cycle is 60 seconds, three of them should be done on each leg.
  • Burpee- your feet are on the ground and you need to perform a classic exercise. Lean forward and place your palms on the exercise equipment. After this, jump back and do a push-up. Then you should jump back with your whole body, eventually getting to your feet. At the end of the cycle, do a low jump.
You can complete the session with a set of any exercises to strengthen your back muscles, for example, various variations of pull-ups. After this, work on your abdominal muscles and perform muscle stretching movements. Trampoline training should be done four times during the week, and after a month you will be able to see the results of your training.

Very often, trampoline exercises are combined with other types of physical activity. To avoid overloading your muscles with constant jumping, we recommend using so-called cross-training. Here rough plan workouts:

  • 1st day of training- do a trampoline workout, working all the muscles of the body, and then do additional work on the lagging groups. Choose movements for the second stage of the lesson as needed.
  • 2nd day of training- swimming or walking at a fast pace with a heart rate no higher than 130 beats per minute.
  • 3rd day of training- exercise on a trampoline and high-quality muscle stretching.
  • 4th day of training- yoga, Pilates, etc. Do an additional 10-minute cardio session on appropriate equipment.
  • 5th day of training- trampoline exercises and training of lagging muscle groups.
  • 6th day of training- cardio session using non-impact types of exercise at a low heart rate.
  • 7th day of training a - restoration of the body in the bath, massage, etc.
This training program is perfect for intermediate and advanced athletes. Beginning athletes should reduce the duration of cardio exercise.

Trampoline training and health

That's it now more people they want to play sports and that makes them happy. There are a large number of different sports disciplines and you should not have problems with the choice. At the same time, trampoline training can be a very excellent tool for burning fat. We have already noted that in sports goods stores you can purchase a compact mini-trampoline, which will allow you to carry out effective workouts Houses. As a result, you can save your time and get rid of excess fat at the same time.

With regular exercise, your lung capacity will increase significantly. In addition, jumping helps normalize blood pressure. No less important is the positive impact of trampoline training on the functioning of the hormonal system. This is especially true for the thyroid gland, with which many people today have problems.

We have already said that mini-trampolines relieve stress on the spinal column and joints. At the same time, training with this sports equipment will relieve tension from the neck and back. Trampoline training can improve performance immune system, reduce human fatigue, and in women, minimize discomfort during the menstrual cycle.

We introduced you above to an approximate set of exercises and gave recommendations for proper organization exercises for weight loss. Now the trampoline is becoming an increasingly popular form of fitness and you can easily find video lessons on the Internet. Use them in combination with our recommendations and create different training programs. Trampoline training can't be boring, but you need to mix it up. For classes to be effective, they should be conducted regularly and certain rules should be followed.

Watch in more detail about trampoline exercises in this video:

Jumping fitness- This is a program without restrictions on age and gender. Jumping on a trampoline is a useful activity for your figure and mood.

Jumping- This is a relatively new direction in the fitness industry. The program was developed by Czech instructors 13 years ago. The name "jumping" ( jumping– jumping) fully reflects the essence of this know-how in fitness. All exercises are performed on a special round trampoline with handles.

What is jumping fitness on a trampoline?

This is a combination of aerobic (cardio) exercise, exercises to form and strengthen the main muscle groups, and a stretching complex. Classic training lasts up to 55 minutes. Of which 30 min. with an emphasis on training the heart muscle, the remaining time - strength exercises and stretching.

Main advantage of jumping- this is low-trauma to the joints and lumbar spine. The trampoline, thanks to its good shock absorption, creates a buoyant effect of “water on land”. To achieve sustainable results, it will be enough to stick to the schedule - classes every other day (3 visits per week).

There are no special requirements for jumping clothing. The main thing is that it should be comfortable, hygroscopic and allow the skin to breathe. The best option would be a sports T-shirt and pants containing cotton with synthetic threads woven into it. Put your feet in sneakers.

Basic jumping fitness exercises

Before performing trampoline exercises, prepare your muscles by doing a 10-minute warm-up. The warm-up process often includes jumping rope.

Basic jumping exercises

  • Balance and coordination exercise- low-height jumps with arms extended along the body. Land on the trampoline net with the entire surface of your foot. While in the air, pull the balls of your feet. After you have become comfortable on the trampoline, you can add arm movements to the exercise.
  • Holding the trampoline handrail with your hands, pull your legs, bent at the knees, towards your chest. IN this exercise The trampoline net serves as a soft elastic support; the legs are pulled up exclusively with the help of the abdominal muscles.
  • Sed- exercise for the muscles of the arms and abs. Sitting, leaning on your hands from behind, perform jumps. The back is straight, you can lean a little forward.
  • Stretching exercise- while jumping, you should try to pull your legs towards you and spread them apart. In more complex version pull your fingers towards the toes of your feet.
  • Ab exercise- push off from the trampoline, standing on all fours, straighten your arms and legs in flight and lower yourself onto your stomach. Having touched your stomach to the trampoline net, take the starting position using the efforts of your abdominal muscles.
  • An exercise that strengthens the muscles of the legs and thighs. Draw a gazelle in a jump - bend one leg and move it to the side, take the other (straight) leg in the opposite direction.

The benefits of trampoline exercise

How to return to childhood? Do exercises on the trampoline! The feeling of delight from the ease of jumping and undoubted benefits to the figure are guaranteed. Exercise on a trampoline for 8 minutes is comparable to a 3-kilometer run, but without excessive stress on the back and knee joints. And 20 minutes of jumping is an hour spent on the steppe. Besides, jumping- This:

  • An effective and fun way to fight extra pounds.
  • Strengthening ankle and knee joints.
  • Improving muscle tone (including deep muscles pelvic floor).
  • Prevention of flat feet and elimination of its negative consequences.
  • Vestibular apparatus training.
  • Activation metabolic processes in organism.

Who shouldn't get involved in this fitness trend?

If you have a history of at least one of the diseases presented below, then aerobic exercise (jumping fitness is one of them) is contraindicated for you.

  • Acute inflammatory diseases.
  • Chronic infections.
  • Diseases nervous system organic (epilepsy) and mental nature.
  • Any neoplasms.
  • Problems and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Pathologies of the respiratory system.
  • Any disease in the acute stage.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system with pronounced pain syndrome.

Fitness on a trampoline (or jumping) is a great opportunity to remember your childhood and at the same time improve your physical and emotional condition. A unique training program on the jumping apparatus was developed by Czech instructors in 2000. At that time, the founders of jumping fitness, Yana Svobodova and Thomas Burjanek, were 17 and 21 years old, respectively. It all started when a friend approached young people with a request to help her lose weight. Having noticed a trampoline in her home, the couple decided to improve it by attaching a handle. This is how the first model of the device for classes appeared.

What do you need to do jumping fitness?

For training on a trampoline, Yana and Thomas have developed a special set of strength and. The instructors conducted their first classes among relatives and friends, and in 2001 they opened a sports center in Tabora. As practice has shown, losing weight by new technique happened faster than after training with weights. Jumping fitness turned out to be twice as effective as walking and doing gymnastics.

In 2005, Jumping® officially became a brand in the Czech Republic, and three years later the trademark was registered in Poland, Slovakia, Germany, Spain, Italy and Russia.

To practice “jumping” fitness, you need a small trampoline with a handle. Such a projectile weighs a little more than 10 kg, its diameter is 120–130 cm. The frame in the form of a regular octagon, the legs and the removable handle of the device are made of durable metal that can withstand long-term daily loads. The canvas of the SkyJumping trampoline is made of wear-resistant stretch fabric made in America. Inside the frame, the material is secured with a rubber reinforced cable. The legs have rubber tips: they prevent scratching the floor and moving the projectile during jumping. The fitness trampoline can withstand loads of up to 120 kg.

Six reasons to take up jumping fitness

Fitness on a trampoline, like any cardio workout, has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Such exercises help improve lymph and blood flow, increase lung capacity and normalize oxygen metabolism. Physical activity, accompanied by profuse sweating, has a cleansing effect, thereby preventing the processes premature aging. Thanks to jumping fitness, weight loss and body muscles become toned. Workout .

Compared to other sports, jumping has a number of advantages:

  • Jumping on a trampoline brings so much pleasure that it more than replaces psychotherapy sessions. Jumping lifts your mood, increases self-esteem, and changes your worldview.
  • This type of fitness solves the problem of excess weight faster than strength training.
  • Jumping prevents flat feet, strengthens the knee and ankle joints, as well as the core muscles responsible for stabilizing the pelvis, hips and spine.
  • Thanks to the shock-absorbing effect of the trampoline, the likelihood of injury during training is reduced. Jumping is safer than CrossFit, running and other aerobic exercise.
  • Jumping on a trampoline trains the vestibular apparatus and improves coordination of movements. That is why in the second half of the last century they were included in the astronaut training program.
  • Both adults and children can play sports on a trampoline. Jumping for a child is an opportunity to combine business with pleasure.

Who is contraindicated for trampoline fitness? Jumping should not be practiced by pregnant women, people with heart problems or vascular diseases with pathologies of the respiratory organs. Jumping can be harmful if you have glaucoma, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, or nervous system. It is not advisable to attend training during periods of severe manifestations of the disease or exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Basic exercises

A standard jumping workout lasts 50 minutes. For each type of exercise - aerobic and strength exercises - from a third to a half of an hour is allocated. Before jumping on a trampoline, a warm-up is required. Warming up for 10 minutes helps avoid muscle and ligament strains during the main stage.

For beginners, 5–10 minutes are allotted for jumping on a trampoline.

The time for the active part of the workout increases gradually as the soreness disappears. The optimal frequency of jumping exercises, according to fitness experts, is three times a week.

For beginners who decide to train at home, simple exercises are suitable:

  • Stand in the center of the trampoline. Place your arms along your body. For 40 seconds, bounce rhythmically, as if springing. Do not lift your feet off the surface.
  • Continuing to spring, bend your legs one by one. When walking, do not lift your socks off the trampoline. Accompany your marching by bending your arms to the beat.
  • With your feet hip-width apart, continue to jump low. Lift your entire foot off the surface. Raising your straight arms to the sides, describe them in small circles counterclockwise.
  • Place your hands on your hips. Jump slightly. When landing, bring one foot forward and the other back. Switch legs while jumping.
  • Continuing to make the same movements with your lower limbs, lower your arms along your body. Imagine that you are squeezing dumbbells in your palms. At the moment of changing legs, bend both arms at the elbows, pulling them towards the chest. Keep your shoulders close to your body.
  • Return to the feet-width-width position. Raise your arms through your sides and, holding them straight above your head, continue to jump with your entire foot.
  • Raise your arms to the sides again. This time, make circular swings in a clockwise direction.

Trampoline exercises for weight loss should be intense. You can start training on the apparatus in the standard way - with low jumps, and then increase the amplitude. At the same time, do not raise your legs too high so as not to lose your balance.

Running in place is considered an effective fat-burning exercise.

He can do it both normally and with shin overlapping, with high knees raised in front of him. “Twist” exercises help to work out not only the muscles of the legs and buttocks, but also the abdomen. This is what they call jumping on two legs with pelvic rotations.

Trampoline exercises for children are aimed primarily at developing balance. A child who is just getting acquainted with sports equipment should sit in the center while an adult swings the canvas. The next stage is for the child to stand with his feet shoulder-width apart and place his hands on his belt. As he jumps, he brings his feet together and lands in the center. Then, jumping out, he spreads his legs again. You can run, jump on a trampoline while sitting or on all fours. Complicated running is accompanied by alternate lifting of the legs.

Anton Goltsman // Photo: Arseny Golyshkin

Why is a trampoline more interesting than regular fitness?

It all started three years ago - next to work, not far from the place where I played football, there was a trampoline center. One day I looked at his website and read that trampolining can help anyone become a better person, so I decided to give it a try. I liked it, but due to various circumstances - summer, vacation - my training stopped. But last year, after returning from long professional wanderings to work near the trampoline center, I thought this was an excellent reason to revive my activities.

Despite the fact that the basic jumping elements are quite simple, three years is a serious break, so first I decided to work with a coach to update some technical fundamentals. I am convinced that a beginner should take at least a few training sessions with an instructor and only then move on to group classes. By the way, they are also needed - at least so that a person can compare himself with other participants. When setting up a technique, everyone, one way or another, makes the same mistakes, and seeing these mistakes from the outside is very useful. In terms of intensity, individual training more intense - all attention is directed only to you.

I worked with a trainer for three months and only then moved to a group, but if now something doesn’t work out for me, I always take individual lessons and purposefully work on the element with which I had difficulties.

Based on my own observations, I have identified three main groups of people who choose to trampoline.

  • First group: people who want to work on their fitness (in other words, lose weight), but want to do it in a fun way. If you need cardio training, but don't like working out in the gym, then a trampoline is an ideal and very energy-intensive option.
  • Second group: people who engage in complex or extreme sports, such as wake riding or snowboarding. On the trampoline they practice jumping techniques and learn to perform various tricks.
  • Third group: people who just like to jump on a trampoline - they like the feeling of flying. After all, a trampoline is fun.

Many people like to watch all kinds of videos with cool acrobatic tricks on a trampoline (fortunately there are a lot of them on the Internet), and if you take into account that basic jumps begin to be achieved literally in the third lesson (at any level of training), then the opportunity to quickly master the elements that made you so excited delight, very inspiring and encourages me to train.

Increasingly, people who come to the trampoline center for company become involved in the process and begin to exercise regularly. In addition, trampoline is an affordable sport, and thanks to all kinds of subscriptions, you can significantly reduce the cost of training.

According to the ratio of pleasure from the process and the result from the point of view physical fitness, for me trampolining - best option(especially considering the fact that in principle I love team sports and don’t really like classical exercises in fitness centers). I’m not a “super-healthy” person, so I need to exercise so as not to completely degrade and turn into a shapeless pile of meat. The main result of my training is that I am not getting any fatter. So from the point of view of maintaining and maintaining shape, trampoline exercises are great way without straining and without changing your habits to be in good shape.

How do trampoline workouts work and how are they useful?

Usually training consists of four parts. The first part is a warm-up, which includes simple jumping elements. Since the whole body is involved during a jump, ideally all joints need to be thoroughly stretched. You never know where you will land, so when performing this or sometimes an element, it is important not to land on a “cold” tendon or ligament. The second part is practicing basic elements and classic exercises on grids. Here we are talking less about jumping with tricks, and more about just warm-up exercises, such as somersaults and sequences like “sit down, turn around in the air, sit down.” Then everyone usually moves to another sector - a pit filled with foam rubber. Difficult jumps for beginners are placed there (they need to be practiced in the pit before repeating on the net). At the end of the workout there is always a cool down - abdominal exercises and stretching.

Throughout my training, I never had any injuries. I play football, and from this point of view, football is a more dangerous sport. Yes, there are different situations, you can, for example, during a jump, jump into that part of the hall that is not designed to accept your falling body. You might land poorly. But basically, all injuries on a trampoline are associated with poor warm-up - the net itself significantly softens any landing. Another advantage of training on a trampoline is that the number of “sudden” injuries decreases. That is, it’s not like you reached out for a neighbor’s hand at work, and somewhere you got a shoot and everything got twisted. The tone of the muscle and musculoskeletal system increases. I basically began to feel lighter and better.

Last year, after two and a half months of regular trampoline training, I lost 13 kilograms. However, I just changed mine a little eating habits- introduced several small restrictions, such as not overeating at night and drinking less alcohol. Thus, even without diving into proper nutrition and diet you can get decent results.

So if you don't want to get too involved, but want a fun physical training session, a trampoline is perfect for you. It combines visible results and truly interesting content.

The trampoline is successfully used for training aimed at losing excess weight. What set of exercises on a simulator is the most effective for losing weight and where can it be used?

A trampoline for weight loss is most often used by people who are bored with regular activities. gym. But you shouldn’t take this sports equipment only as a source of entertainment - it really helps you lose weight and make your body slimmer. A special set of exercises on a trampoline for weight loss can make a person more athletic for short term. For this purpose, you can sign up for a fitness club and, under the supervision of a trainer, burn excess fat by jumping on a machine. Or you can purchase a special trampoline for home exercises and independently achieve the desired shape. The device can be installed in an apartment or in the courtyard of a private house and the whole family can join in a healthy and cheerful lifestyle. As a result, many hated kilograms will go away and the free, positive energy necessary for a full life will increase.

The working principle of a trampoline for weight loss

Human physiology is designed in such a way that the leg muscles can work either in a power mode (slow squeezing and contraction) or in an aerobic mode (frequent contractions). Exercises on a trampoline for weight loss combine these two types of loads. This training regimen is called polymetric. Jumping at medium frequency and intensity provides the same benefits as cardio exercise. In this case, the stabilizing abdominal muscles actively work, and the spine and knees are not involved at all. Even if the loads are moderate, they will still burn more calories than when exercising on an exercise bike or elliptical. If you add to this the joy of flying (even if it’s short and not very high), you get an exciting workout that stands out against the backdrop of boring exercises on iron simulators.

What effect does jumping on a trampoline have for weight loss?

If you are still asking the question: “Is it possible to lose weight by jumping on a trampoline?”, then these data will help you determine the correct answer:

9 minutes of trampolining are equal to three kilometers of running;
The body is cleansed of waste and toxins;
If you jump for 20 minutes a day, you can significantly slow down the aging process;
During trampoline exercises for weight loss, the fat from the hips and buttocks is lost first;
By training 5 times a week you can lose up to 10 kilograms per month;
An hour-long workout burns about 950 calories.

For people who have absolutely no physical training, losing weight on a trampoline can be a real salvation. The classes do not require special skills or dexterity. All you need is to just enjoy the process.

Some more benefits of trampoline exercises for weight loss:

The muscles of the buttocks, legs and abs will become stronger and more toned;
Joint mobility and coordination will improve;
Will disappear " Orange peel", called cellulite;
The vestibular apparatus will become more stable.

Don’t be alarmed if after several sessions the muscles of your neck, back, and legs become very sore. This is a completely normal phenomenon - this is how the body gets used to the stress. You can resort to massage with aromatic oils after training as a relaxing and restorative remedy. Using, for example, ginger oil, you can also help the body in the fight against excess weight.

Fitness on trampolines for weight loss

“We’re losing weight on the fly!” - this can also be called a complex of trampolining for weight loss. Many fitness centers have created special groups where they practice jumping fitness - trampoline jumping. The main goal This direction is an athletic body without excess fat. Any lesson begins with a warm-up. The group members first jump ropes, stretching their joints, preparing them for jumping. Then everyone gets on the trampolines and starts jumping, but not high. Beginners first practice in preparatory groups, where a lightweight training program is expected. They must first begin to feel confident on the trampoline, become familiar with it, and get used to the loads. In some cases, when an individual weight loss lesson takes place, the instructor selects a special set of exercises and draws up a special menu so that the effect of the lessons is maximum.

Trampoline exercises for weight loss at home

If for some reason exercising in a fitness room is not suitable, then you can buy a special mini-trampoline and do the exercises at home. Home workouts should also begin with warm-up and stretching. Good psychological concentration on the desire to get a decent result will also not be superfluous. Two hours before training, you should not eat a large meal; you can drink a glass of kefir or Sassi water. This miraculous composition has a fat-burning effect and will speed up the weight loss process. You need to start with the following exercises:

1. During the jump, take turns raising your knees to your chest, but lower yourself onto the jumping surface on both feet.
2. Extend your arms along your body and jump straight up without bending your knees.
3. Use a jump rope in the process of jumping. It will enhance the weight loss effect.
4. Stand straight on the trampoline and spread your legs while jumping, as if doing a split.

While jumping, a person experiences a lot of positive emotions, and the body is in good shape. Fatigue comes about half an hour after the start of the workout, but this time will be enough for the weight loss process to begin. It is very fashionable now to include dance elements in trampoline jumping for weight loss. You can turn on a moving melody and perform various dance moves on the trampoline. After such activities, a person feels a special charge of vivacity and positivity.

A few more exercises on a trampoline for weight loss:

Polymetric type push-ups - hands are on the trampoline and feet are on the floor. It is necessary to perform push-ups with full amplitude. You can do about five push-ups in one workout.

Jumping on one leg - we understand the right leg and bend it at the knee joint. We start jumping on our left foot. After a minute we change legs.

Such jumps should alternate with walking around the room at a moderate pace. The completion of the lesson should be a set of exercises to strengthen the joints of the back or knees. You should also work your abdominal muscles and stretch your muscles. If you do the workout at home 5 times a week, after a month you can enjoy the results of your work. Trampoline exercises for weight loss go well with yoga, Pilates, and cycling. Exercises in the pool, which alternate with jumping on the simulator, will also be useful.

In order for the result to be decent, you should regularly exercise on the apparatus for half an hour a day;
The effectiveness of the exercises will be higher if they involve weighting in the form of dumbbells in each hand;
It takes time to adapt the vestibular apparatus. Therefore, if you feel dizzy or nauseous after class, you should not be afraid;
If classes are held in an apartment, it is necessary to take care of sound insulation so that the training does not disturb the neighbors;
Concentration during jumps should be as high as possible.

After regular training, a person will begin to feel more confident on a trampoline, fear and tightness will go away, giving way to joy and pleasure.

Fitness trainer about trampolining for weight loss:

“If you are using a trampoline for weight loss, reviews of which give you hope for a positive result, then you should know that success depends on three components:

Conduct 30 minutes of training “at full capacity”;
Maintain a balanced diet;
Learn to jump correctly and keep your back straight.

In this case, you can count on a good result.” Follow the advice of the instructors, be inspired by life-affirming reviews on the Internet about trampolines for weight loss, try your hand at the exercise machine and go towards your dream!