The fish absorbs the aroma of the grass very well. Therefore, if you are going to cook, then by all means use herbal seasonings. And you should let it soak in their aromas well. The herbs used to cook fish can be...anything.

Traditional seasonings for fish are rosemary and thyme. It cannot be said that a certain fish goes better with a specific plant. This is a matter of taste and mastery of the art of cooking.

What seasonings are suitable for fish?

  • salmon- dill, paprika, saffron;
  • sea ​​bream, sea bass- fresh rosemary and thyme;
  • red mullet- saffron, dill;
  • river trout- basil;
  • carp- parsley, Bay leaf, celery.

For fried fish suitable seasonings include basil, garlic, savory, berednets, borage, fennel, dill, cumin, parsley, lemon balm, coriander, and watercress.

The following seasonings are suitable for stewed and boiled fish like onions, garlic, dill, cloves, parsley (grated), basil, savory, fennel, rosemary, lemon balm.

This is not to say that the mint-salmon or halibut-rosemary combination is classic. Quite the contrary. To cook halibut with rosemary, you need to have a special, rather complex and original recipe. What is it, a classic?

The combination of lemon and fish is a classic. The combination of garlic and fish is a classic, and garlic goes well with fish. Rosemary and thyme go just as well with fish dishes, without overpowering the taste, but without making it too subtle.
Such combinations are used in many Mediterranean cuisines - in Greece, Spain, and other countries where they love fish and know how to cook it.

It is impossible to give clear instructions in this sense. Much depends on the technology of preparing fish. And you can try different combinations yourself, given that the herbs suitable for fish are mostly delicate ones that grow in Europe. But you have to be very, very careful with oriental spices; many of them are too heavy for fish.

It can be said that combination of seasoning and fish- a classic in itself. When cooking, the herb is added from the very beginning or used as a decoration for a ready-made dish.

Arugula salad is also a herb, but it cannot be cooked at all. Arugula is useful in its fresh form, especially from the point of view of being excreted from the body. This salad has a very pleasant bitter taste with a hint of toasted walnut or nutmeg. Arugula definitely needs to be seasoned with oil, but it goes well with almost any type of fish.

The word “classic” is absolutely suitable for the combination of fish and Provençal herbs. In this case we're talking about not about the famous mixture of herbs, which includes rosemary, basil, thyme, sage, peppermint, garden savory, oregano, and marjoram. This refers to the actual herbs from Provence.

They grow there all the same - parsley, dill, tarragon, marjoram, thyme - but they have an extraordinary aroma. Not rare, but special. It’s like tea is Ceylon, ham is Parma, and herbs are Provençal. Their aroma, of course, depends on the land, climate, and conditions.

Fish is an integral part of every person's diet. Although it itself has a neutral odor, it perfectly absorbs the aromas of various spices. Seasoning for fish emphasizes its refined, original taste. How to choose the right spices to make a dish truly delicious and delicious? This question interests many housewives.

Seasoning for fish: composition. The role of certain spices in the taste of a fish dish

Spicy and aromatic plants for improvement taste qualities fish have been used since ancient times. Probably everyone who prepares fish dishes knows that it goes well with lemon or lime, allspice, bay leaf, herbs, rosemary, and basil. But to create a truly original aroma, other seasonings are also used.

Few modern housewives know that the purpose of this or that spice is individual. Seasonings for fish, depending on the method of its preparation, include the following aromatic plants:

  • crushed anise seeds - give dishes a sweetish taste;
  • camphor basil - helps to obtain a golden color of fish;
  • oregano powder - imparts a spicy taste to fish dishes;
  • coriander seeds - add a refined aroma, in most cases they are included in the above-mentioned seasonings;
  • lovage - gives the fish a smell reminiscent of parsley and celery;
  • lemon balm - gives these dishes a slightly lemony tint;
  • fennel - contributes to the sweetish taste of fish;
  • Melissa longifolia - prevents darkening of its surface;
  • tarragon and thyme - improve the taste of the above dishes;
  • Clary sage - contributes to the exquisite aroma of fish.

It should be noted that there are no specific lists of spices for a specific type of fish. Every housewife can safely experiment with the above spices, trying to create her own original set of aromas.

What seasonings are best for fish?

The set of specific spices depends on the method of preparing the fish dish.

Fried fish is best prepared with the following herbs:

  • pepper - red and black;
  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • fennel;
  • Melissa;
  • Bay leaf;
  • turmeric;
  • cardamom;
  • thyme;
  • saffron.

The following seasoning is used for smoking fish to prepare the marinade:

  • fennel;
  • tarragon;
  • pepper - white, allspice, black;
  • nutmeg;
  • coriander;
  • oregano;
  • bay leaf;
  • peppermint;
  • basil;
  • dill;
  • rosemary;
  • sage.

If you are going to cook fish on the grill, then choose the following spices:

  • tarragon;
  • paprika;
  • saffron;
  • turmeric;
  • mustard seeds.

Stewed and boiled fish Most of all, it goes well with seasonings such as:

  • carnation;
  • bay leaf;
  • cumin;
  • basil;
  • hot pepper (all types);
  • rosemary;
  • borage;
  • Melissa.
  • parsley;
  • hyssop;
  • lemon balm;
  • allspice;
  • capers;
  • basil;
  • anise.

Fish soups are obtained with an exquisite taste if you add to them:

  • tarragon;
  • anise;
  • rosemary;
  • curry mixture;
  • thyme.

When trying to create your own set of scents, consider the following points:

  • European aromatic plants have a slightly mild taste. Therefore, if you add more of them than necessary, the taste of the fish can still be saved.
  • Oriental seasonings are characterized by a peculiar pungency, as a result of which some “overkill” can ruin the final dish.

It is also important to remember that there are spices that are added only at the end of cooking the fish, and there are seasonings that require long-term heat treatment. Only then can their true flavor be revealed.

Little tricks for preparing fish dishes with exquisite taste

  • For fish soup, it is advisable to add parsley and bay leaves and just a little sage and coriander.
  • Fried fish should not be heavily seasoned with spices.
  • Baked fish is just the dish where you can safely experiment with spices.

Seasoning for fish is selected depending on the method of its preparation. To create a unique original aroma of a dish and improve its taste, it is important to take into account the purpose of a particular spicy plant. Properly selected seasoning for fish will beautifully highlight and complement its natural taste.

A seasoning suitable for a particular dish is a rarity. At least that's what it teaches classical school cooking that requires a precise combination of seasonings. The fact that many other world schools do not agree with this suggests that this statement– just an opinion, but an opinion ingrained in people’s heads. However, there are opponents to this opinion, and one of them is Elaine McGaffrey, author of the book “Spices That Go Together,” which is a guide to choosing and combining different spices. In this article we will try to turn away from the classic boring methods of selecting spices for dishes and try to work according to her instructions, especially since Elaine herself lived most of her life in India, studying Indian cuisine, which is largely based on spices.

Part 1. Freshwater (river) fish

We will start with the most popular fish in Europe - perch. Perch is a river fish that is equally common throughout the northern hemisphere, so there are many ways to prepare it. However, we should not forget that the taste preferences and capabilities of all peoples were different. However, it seems that everyone has thought of fried perch. Of all those recommended for this simple dish seasonings, it is worth highlighting those that are easy to get in our country, namely:

  • Garlic
  • Dill
  • Curry
  • Orange zest (mostly for flavor, but you can drizzle the juice over the fish before frying)
  • Lemon zest (same principle)
  • Cayenne pepper (within reason)
  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Paprika

As you can see, most spices fit the definition of “spicy” or “fragrant”. Actually, this is the point of adding spices when cooking. river fish, which has rather bland meat. In addition, this set is applicable to almost all river fish, with some exceptions which we will discuss below.

A word of advice - do not mix cayenne pepper and curry unless you know exactly what you are doing, and also never add chili or red pepper to the mixture. Believe me, you can get such a vigorous mixture that Mexican chefs will unanimously take off their sombreros as a sign of respect for you.

You should drink Madeira, dry sherry or sake with fresh fish, but stronger drinks will simply kill the taste of the fish.

The second most popular fish is catfish - a large and strong fish more than adequately supplies its hunters with meat, so they hunted it wherever it was found. Again, catfish is much fattier than perch and therefore requires a more delicate approach (however, the result will be noticeably more nutritious). It is recommended to fry catfish in own juice however, if the fish is thin, you can add a little sunflower or butter(not margarine).

Suitable for catfish:

  • Hot peppers (red, cayenne, chili, jalapeno)
  • Curry
  • Grated cilantro or Monterrey cheese
  • Oregano
  • White pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • Wine vinegar (drizzle before frying or use in marinade)

Again, we advise you not to experiment with pepper mixtures without some knowledge, as the chance of making a strong home in the smallest room of your home will increase exponentially with each pepper you add. Rice or pasta with grated cheese is recommended as a side dish for catfish. As for drinks - the same as for perch, except that you can try stronger wines - the additional fat on the fish neutralizes the alcohol.

Third freshwater fish, which we will consider, is an ordinary small fish that does not outgrow the size of a frying pan - in England it is called “Panfish”, that is, “Fish that fits into a frying pan”. In Russia, such fish are gobies, capelin and other relatives of sprat, both sea and freshwater.

Suitable for small fish:

  • Garlic
  • Red pepper (small quantities)
  • Grated Cheddar Cheese
  • Sweet pepper (paprika)

The little fish doesn't take well to hot spices, so be especially careful with red peppers. However, if you like it, you can try adding more. But do not add chili to it - it will be too spicy and specific in taste.

Part 2. Sea fish

Saltwater fish offers a much greater variety of flavors than freshwater fish, so be prepared for the fact that seasonings will have to be selected carefully, relying on our lists only as a guide and not the ultimate truth.

We will give an example by taking perch again, only this time sea bass. This fish is in many ways similar to its freshwater relative, except for its tougher meat, larger size and more specific taste. Sea bass is served with:

  • Bow
  • Garlic
  • Jalapeño
  • Cumin
  • Lemon zest
  • Ginger

As you can see, the amount of spicy seasonings has been greatly reduced, since in the case of sea fish they clog its taste and do not complement it. This rule applies to all sea ​​fish. They eat sea ​​bass with dry white wine.

You will have to select seasonings for other fish yourself, since, unlike the generally accepted and popular perch, everyone determines their taste for themselves. The main thing is to add seasonings within reasonable limits and not to overdo it.

Part 3. Boiled fish and fish soups

Boiled fish is a completely different story, since when cooked, some of the seasonings dissolve in the broth and, if the fish is served without it, loses its taste for the end consumer. But in the case of fish soup, it gets to that too. In any case, it is worth remembering that in this case the seasoning goes not only to a hot, but also to a mostly liquid dish, and this requires changes in the lists.

For fish soups and boiled fish you should not use:

  • Hot peppers. They will kill the taste
  • Dill. He is simply useless here and is capable of ruining an excellent dish
  • Bay leaf. The same as with dill.

But in good fish soup worth adding:

  • Whole black pepper
  • Carnation
  • Parsley (within reasonable limits).

Select the rest of the seasonings according to your taste and following the classic instructions. By the way, some cuisines, for example, Mexican on the contrary, add super-spicy seasonings to fish soups, however this decision very unusual for people who are not familiar with Mexican cuisine or do not like spicy dishes. In addition, the effect of such a sauce on the intestines will be extremely negative.

The tender flesh of the fish absorbs all the flavors of the seasonings you choose, but not all of them are ideal for it. To highlight the light taste fish dishes, it is recommended to choose spices in moderation, avoiding spices with a strong aroma. By the way, different seasonings are used for sea and river fish, since the river product has a slightly bad smell algae or mud. That is why it is best to choose ingredients in the spice for preparing river fish that will overcome such an unpleasant aftertaste.

To make your fish dish more colorful, be sure to add a little turmeric to it, but this advice is only relevant for fish with white flesh.


  • 1 tsp.
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 0.5 tsp. peppercorn mixture
  • 0.5 tsp. marjoram
  • 1 tsp.
  • 1 tsp.
  • 0.5 tsp. turmeric


1. Before you start creating fish spices, heat the mortar in a water bath, making sure that no liquid gets into it. This way, the seasonings cooked in it will release a richer aroma! Pour salt (preferably coarse sea salt), multi-colored peppercorns, and dried garlic slices into a mortar. You can use already ground dried garlic and a ground mixture of peppers, but believe me, the aroma of the seasoning you create will not be the same!

2. Then add turmeric and marjoram to the mortar.

3. Add dried carrots and dried parsley root. You can also prepare these seasonings at home by purchasing the base for them at the market or supermarket.

4. Grind all the contents in a mortar until you feel a bright aroma. Then pour everything into a blender or chopper bowl and grind the spices for 5 minutes. Very carefully open the container with the crushed spice - dust from it can get into both your eyes and lungs when you inhale - let it settle!

5. Store the finished spice in a prepared container, adding it to all fish dishes.

Note to the hostess

1. The product list recommends taking mixed varieties of peppers. Experienced housewife knows how all their types differ in the degree of spiciness and nuances of aroma. The following is information for the less experienced cook. White peas are moderately bitter, their smell goes perfectly with fish. Green ones are refined and delicate; when ground, they expire very quickly, like grayish peas (cubeba), but these have a strong, noticeable bitterness. Pinks are generally devoid of a bitter-sharp aftertaste, they are piquant, and their aromatic range contains juniper and pine shades. It is unnecessary to list the characteristics of black pepper: the product is known to everyone. When composing a composition, you should rely on the described properties, be guided by the preferences of household members and personal preferences.

2. Many seasonings, after grinding, lose to one degree or another essential oils, as a result of which they smell less and less during storage. This means that you need to find the most airtight container for a complex of spices compiled according to the given recipe. We immediately set the iron jars aside, and the clay ones too. Glass with rubberized or ground stoppers, porcelain and earthenware without cracks in the glaze, with tight-fitting lids are suitable. If containers are made of clear glass, it is advisable not to expose them to light.

Correctly selected spices for fish will make fish dishes especially tasty. Experienced chefs know the spices that should be used specifically for baking, stewing, frying or pickling the product, but there are also universal mixtures.

What seasonings are suitable for fish baked in the oven?

There are several options for spices that are ideal for baking different types of fish in the oven. You can prepare it either on an open baking sheet or in a sleeve, foil, a special bag, or in a mold. Regardless of the baking method chosen, this type of heat treatment is considered the most healthy and dietary.

To cook fish in the oven, cooks choose the following seasonings:

  1. Lavrushka. Perfectly emphasizes the taste and aroma of the treat.
  2. Mint and lemon balm. They add “freshness” to the dish and make its taste special.
  3. Onion, celery root, fresh parsley, lime and lemon juice. These additives easily remove the specific fishy smell during baking.
  4. Oregano, marjoram, anise. Such spices are especially important to use when fish is baked without any sauces.

The listed spices can be used individually or combined to suit your taste.

Spices for stewing fish

It will certainly be useful for all housewives to know which spices are suitable for baking fish. If you want to add some spice to your treat, you should use pepper. For example, only black or a mixture of colored ground peppers.

In addition, when stewing fish you can use:

  1. Mustard. The best thing is in grains. They will make the taste of the treat brighter and more refined.
  2. Basil and rosemary. These spices are necessary to add piquancy to the dish.
  3. Onions of different varieties. This vegetable can be successfully combined with any type of fish.

If there is a need to reduce the calorie content of the finished dish, then the product should be stewed not in oil, but in water.

The ideal composition of spices suitable for fried fish

Frying fish is one of the most popular ways of preparing it. During heat treatment, meat becomes more juicy due to the addition of oil. And a delicious golden brown crust appears on top.

The aroma of the finished dish will largely depend on the spices used. Traditionally, hot peppers are chosen for frying. You can take black, white, red or a combination of them. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to over-pepper the fish. The main taste of the dish is easy to overpower.

Among the best seasonings for fish, experienced chefs point out thyme, nutmeg and coriander. They are also suitable for frying underwater inhabitants.

To make the color of the dish more appetizing - rosy, golden, you can add turmeric to the fish spices. This seasoning will definitely appeal to lovers of a sweetish taste in a hot treat.

The best combinations of greens with fish are light and dark basil, thyme, parsley of any kind, dill, and lemon balm. Any of them can be used both fresh and dried. It must be remembered that You will need to add more dark basil than light basil. The green version of these greens has a brighter taste.

Seasonings for salting fish

To make fish tastier and more interesting when salting, you should definitely add bay leaf (whole leaves or crumbled), colored ground peppers, lime/lemon juice, and allspice to the marinade. Of course, citrus juice is not a seasoning, but it can improve the taste of any fish dish. It will add a pleasant sourness to the marinade. The entire listed set of spices is suitable for both white and red fish.

If the product fillet is a bit dry, you can mix the selected spices with sour cream/mayonnaise and be sure to add chopped parsley.

It’s even easier to salt the fish in aromatic oil. For this purpose, vegetable fat is selected, already infused with various herbs and spices. Greens, garlic, seasonings of your choice are poured, for example, olive oil. Leave in this form for 2 days. Next, all that remains is to salt the mixture.

Recipe for a universal mixture for fish dishes

If you wish, you can make your own universal spice mixture for fish dishes. It can be added to treats prepared in any way.


  • mix of colored ground peppers – 3 tsp;
  • coriander – 1.5 tsp;
  • salt – 3-3.5 tsp;
  • powdered sugar – 2.5 tsp;
  • bitter pepper – 1/3 pod;
  • dried garlic and onions – 6-7 tsp.


  1. Mix ground peppers. Grind the bitter pod randomly. To make this easier, you need to use it already dried.
  2. Crush the coriander grains yourself in a mortar.
  3. Combine all prepared and remaining ingredients in a common bowl.
  4. Close the container with a tight lid. Shake the mixture.

Store the resulting mixture in a dry place.

Seasoning for smoking fish with your own hands

For this type of product processing, it is better to prepare not a mixture of spices, but a delicious aromatic marinade. It will replace the seasoning.


  • fish of a variety suitable for smoking – 1 kilo;
  • salt (coarse) – 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar (beetroot) – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf – 5 leaves;
  • cloves – 4-5 pcs.;
  • high-quality tea (black) – 3 portioned bags;
  • pepper – 6-7 peas.


  1. Pour a liter into the pan drinking water. Sweeten and salt the liquids. Boil.
  2. Remove container from heat. Add all remaining ingredients.
  3. Pour the resulting cognac-colored mixture over the fish.
  4. After cooling, move the pan with all its contents to a cool place.

Leave the fish for 2-3 days.

Spices for fish soup

It is important to add the spices listed below both to fish soup and simply to the broth in which the fillet is cooked for later serving with a side dish. In the first version of the dish, any ground peppers would be appropriate. The spiciness will make the soup even tastier.

When cooking the treat, you should add not only the whole onion (after making a cross-shaped cut on one edge) and bay leaf, but also celery root and/or parsley. They will make the taste of the dish brighter and more interesting.

The broth is very tasty with cumin and cloves. But it is better to avoid paprika, coriander, cardamom and cinnamon when preparing soup or boiling fish fillets, although they are still occasionally found in unadapted oriental recipes.

Tarragon, rosemary and sage complement the taste of the boiled product well, but make the broth bitter. Therefore, they can be chosen, for example, for processing fillets in a steamer.

Once you understand the spice additives that are ideal for fish, you can easily create your own aromatic mixes. Then the taste of the resulting treats will pleasantly surprise both guests and everyone at home every time.