1. General Provisions

1.1. Internal labor regulations of AAAA LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Enterprise”) - a local regulatory act of the Enterprise, regulating in accordance with the Labor Code Russian Federation and other federal laws, the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, basic rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties to an employment contract, work hours, rest periods, incentives and penalties applied to employees, as well as other regulatory issues labor relations at the Enterprise.
Work schedule The enterprise is determined by the Internal Labor Regulations.
1.2. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation - Russia, everyone has the right to work, which he freely chooses or to which he freely agrees, the right to manage his ability to work, including the right to choose a profession and type of activity.
Everyone has equal opportunities to exercise their labor rights. Forced labor is prohibited.
Each employee realizes his right to work by concluding an employment contract to work at the Enterprise.
1.3. An employment contract is an agreement between an employee and an Enterprise, according to which the employer (enterprise) undertakes to provide the employee with work for a specified labor function, to provide working conditions provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts, agreements, local regulations containing standards labor law, to pay the employee wages in a timely manner and in full, and the employee undertakes to personally perform the labor function determined by this agreement and to comply with the internal labor regulations in force at the Enterprise. The parties to the employment contract are the employer - the enterprise and the employee.
1.4. Labor discipline is obligatory for all employees to obey the rules of conduct determined in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other laws, agreements, employment contracts, and local regulations of the organization.
Relations at the Enterprise arising regarding the distribution of rights, duties, responsibility for fulfilling duties, the use of rights, the use of incentive and coercive measures are part of labor relations.
Labor discipline is ensured mainly by the employee’s subordination to the management of the Enterprise (division) and directly to the official specified in the employee’s job description.

2. Procedure for hiring and dismissal
2.1. Employment at the Company is carried out on the basis of an employment contract.
2.1.1. When applying for a job at the Enterprise, the administration is obliged to require from the applicant:
– submission of a work book, prepared in accordance with the established procedure;
– presentation of a passport proving identity;
– presentation of a diploma or other document confirming the education received or a document confirming a specialty or qualification.
Employment without the specified documents will not be accepted.
In order to more fully assess the professional and business qualities of the hired employee, the Administration of the Enterprise has the right to invite him to submit a brief written reference(resume) indicating previous places of work and the nature of previously performed work, and also check the ability to use office equipment, work on a computer, etc.
Recruitment to work at the Enterprise can be carried out with passing probationary period lasting from 1 to 3 months.
Hiring is formalized by an order, which is announced to the employee against signature.
2.1.2. When an employee is hired or transferred to another job in the prescribed manner, the administration:
– familiarizes him with the assigned work, conditions and remuneration, explains to the employee his rights and obligations;
– introduces the internal labor regulations;
– conducts instructions on safety precautions, industrial sanitation, fire protection and other labor protection rules, as well as on the obligation to preserve information that constitutes a trade secret or official secret of the Enterprise, and responsibility for its disclosure or transfer to other persons.
2.1.3. Employment contracts can be concluded:
a) for an indefinite period;
b) for a certain period (fixed-term employment contract).
2.1.4. Work records are maintained for all employees in the manner prescribed by law.

2.2. Termination of an employment contract can only take place on the grounds provided for by labor legislation.
2.2.1. An employee has the right to terminate an employment contract concluded for an indefinite period by notifying the administration in writing two weeks in advance. By agreement between the employee and the administration, the employment contract can be terminated within the period requested by the employee.
2.2.2. A fixed-term employment contract is subject to early termination at the request of the employee in the event of his illness or disability preventing the performance of work under the contract, violation by the administration of labor legislation, the employment contract and for other valid reasons provided for by the current labor legislation.
2.2.3. An employment contract concluded for an indefinite period, as well as a fixed-term employment contract before its expiration, can be terminated by the Administration of the Enterprise in the following cases:
– agreements of the parties;
– liquidation of the Enterprise, reduction of the number or staff of employees;
– detection of an employee’s inconsistency with the position held or the work performed due to insufficient qualifications or health conditions that prevent the continuation of this work;
– systematic failure by an employee, without good reason, to fulfill the duties assigned to him by an employment contract, or internal labor regulations, if disciplinary or public sanctions have previously been applied to the employee;
– absenteeism (including absence from work for more than four hours during a working day) without good reason;
– absence from work for more than four months in a row due to temporary disability;
– reinstatement of the employee who previously performed this work;
– appearing at work drunk, under the influence of drugs or toxic substances;
– theft at the place of work (including minor) of the Company’s property, established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force or a resolution of an authority whose competence includes the imposition of an administrative penalty or the application of public sanctions.
2.2.4. Submitting a resignation letter by an employee at will does not exclude the possibility of his dismissal for another reason, if such a basis exists at the time of the employee’s dismissal.
2.2.5. Termination of an employment contract is announced by order of the Enterprise. At the request of the employee, he is issued a certificate indicating the size of his wages. Records of reasons for dismissal in work book must be carried out in strict accordance with the wording of the current legislation and with reference to the relevant article. The day of dismissal is considered the last day of work.

3. Main responsibilities of workers and administration
3.1. Employees of the Enterprise are obliged to:
3.1.1 Carry out your job duties conscientiously, observe labor discipline, promptly and accurately carry out the orders of the administration and immediate supervisor, use all work time for productive work.
3.1.2. Complete production tasks and assignments efficiently and on time, work to improve your professional level.
3.1.3. Maintain cleanliness and order in your workplace, office and other premises, follow the established procedure for storing documents and material assets.
3.1.4. Effectively use personal computers, office equipment and other equipment, economically and rationally use materials, energy, and other material resources.
3.1.5. Comply with norms, rules and instructions on labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire safety.
3.1.6. Do not deliberately mislead the administration and immediate supervisors with false information related to labor activity and circumstances that may affect it.
3.1.7. Report to management any violations of the law.
3.1.8. Comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the Company's area of ​​activity.
3.1.9. Comply with established labor standards and production tasks.
3.1.10. Have an appearance that meets the standards of business etiquette:
– the appearance of employees should not contain flashy or flashy elements, clothing should not look provocative;
– it is prohibited to appear at the workplace in untidy clothes and shoes, as well as in home-style or beach-style clothes and shoes;
3.1.11. Without the consent of the administration, work part-time in other organizations or perform work for them or provide services under civil law contracts for the activities of the Enterprise.
3.1.12. The range of duties that each employee performs in his specialty, qualifications, position is determined by the employment contract and job description.

3.2. The administration is obliged:
– comply with labor laws;
– properly organize the work of workers at their assigned workplaces, provide them with the necessary supplies and office equipment, create healthy and safe working conditions;
– ensure strict adherence to labor discipline, apply measures of influence against violators of labor discipline;
– comply with the terms of remuneration stipulated in the employment contract;
– to assist employees in improving their qualifications and improving their professional skills.
3.2.1 The administration, in carrying out its duties, strives to create a highly professional, efficient team, develop corporate relations among employees, and their interest in the development and strengthening of the activities of the Enterprise.

4. Rights of workers and administration
4.1. Employees have the right:
4.1.1 Make proposals for improving work, as well as on issues of socio-cultural or consumer services.
4.1.2 For remuneration for work, without any discrimination and not lower than the minimum wage established by federal law.
4.1.3 On vacation.
4.1.4 Contact your immediate supervisor regarding any issue, including such as violation of the law or unethical behavior.
4.1.5 In addition, employees enjoy other rights granted to them by labor legislation and the employment contract.

4.2. The administration has the right:
4.2.1 Determine, change and clarify the labor responsibilities of employees based on the production interests of the Enterprise, taking into account employment contracts and labor legislation.
4.2.2 Issue orders and give instructions that are binding on all employees, and also demand their strict execution.
4.2.3 Monitor compliance by the Company’s employees with labor discipline and compliance with the terms of these Internal Labor Regulations, and apply appropriate sanctions to employees who violate them.
4.2.4 Encourage employees for success at work.
4.2.5 Apply measures of material and disciplinary liability to employees of the Enterprise.
4.2.6 Exercise other rights that do not contradict current labor legislation.

5. Working time and rest time
5.1. In accordance with current legislation, a five-day pay period is established for employees of the Company. work week lasting 40 hours with two days off - Saturday and Sunday.
5.2. Involving the Company's employees to work on weekends is permitted in cases stipulated by labor legislation and, in particular, to perform urgent, unforeseen work, on the urgent completion of which the normal operation of the Company as a whole or its individual division depends in the future.
5.3. The working day at the Company is set from 9.00 to 18.00. Workers1: 1st shift –08.00-17.00, 2nd shift – 11.00-20.00. Workers2 – 10.00-19.00.
If there is a production need, certain categories of employees are assigned a shift work schedule, which is regulated by separate schedules.
5.3. Start daily work, lunch break time and the end of the working day are established for employees of the Enterprise, taking into account their production activities and is determined by the employment contract or work schedules approved by the administration of the Enterprise. If the employment contract establishes an 8-hour working day and the nature of the work does not provide for technological breaks, the total time for rest, eating and smoking during the working day should not exceed 1 hour.
5.4. On the eve of holidays, work hours are reduced by 1 hour.
5.5. If the day off coincides with holidays The day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday.
5.6. Work on a weekend or holiday is compensated by providing another day of rest or, by agreement of the parties, in cash, the amount of which is determined individually.
5.7. In case of absence from work for valid reasons (illness of the employee or his family members, death of close relatives), the employee is obliged to notify his immediate supervisor about the reasons for his absence from the workplace.

6. Salary, social insurance, benefits
6.1. The remuneration of each employee depends on his personal labor contribution and the quality of work and maximum size not limited.
6.2. Employees of the Enterprise enjoy all types of state support social insurance. Office notes And Required documents to receive one-time benefits are transferred by the head of the unit to the personnel service. Additional payments and compensations, the procedure for providing them to employees are established by the administration.

7. Vacation
7.1. The duration of annual paid leave for all employees, according to current legislation, is set at least 28 calendar days. The administration reserves the right to divide the vacation into two parts of 14 calendar days.
7.2. The priority for granting vacations is established by the administration, taking into account production needs and the wishes of employees.
7.3. Failure to provide annual leave for two consecutive years. Replacing vacation monetary compensation is not allowed, except in cases of dismissal of an employee who has not used vacation.
7.4. An employee of the Company may be recalled from next vacation, if this is due production necessity. This decision can be made General Director Enterprises on the recommendation of the head of a structural unit.
7.5. The vacation schedule for the Company's employees is approved before December 15 of the current year.
7.6. Due to personal and family circumstances an employee, at his request, with the permission of the head of the Enterprise, may be granted leave without pay.

8. Rewards for success at work
8.1. For highly professional performance labor responsibilities, increasing labor productivity, long-term and impeccable work and other successes in work, the following measures are used to encourage employees of the Enterprise:
– declaration of gratitude;
– rewarding with a valuable gift, cash prize;
- promotion.
Incentives are announced by order, brought to the attention of the team and entered into the employee’s work book.

9. Responsibility for violations of labor discipline
9.1. For violation of labor discipline, the administration applies the following disciplinary sanctions:
– remark;
– reprimand;
- dismissal.
9.2. The administration has the right, instead of imposing a disciplinary sanction, to refer the issue of violation of labor discipline to the consideration of the work collective. From employee to mandatory written explanations must be requested. An employee’s refusal to provide an explanation cannot serve as an obstacle to the application of a penalty.
9.3. Disciplinary sanctions are applied immediately upon discovery of the misconduct, but no later than one month from the date of its discovery, not counting the time of illness or the employee being on vacation. The penalty cannot be imposed later than six months from the date of the commission of the offense, and based on the results of an audit or inspection of financial economic activity- no later than two years from the date of its commission. The specified time limits do not include the time of criminal proceedings.
9.4. For each violation of labor discipline, only one disciplinary sanction can be imposed. When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the severity of the offense committed, the circumstances in which it was committed, the employee’s previous work and behavior must be taken into account.
9.5. An order to apply a disciplinary sanction, indicating the reasons for its application, is announced (notified) to the employee subject to the penalty against signature.
9.6. If within a year from the date of application of the disciplinary sanction the employee is not subjected to a new disciplinary sanction, then he is considered not to have been subjected to disciplinary sanction.
9.7. A disciplinary sanction can be lifted by the administration on its own initiative, at the request of the immediate supervisor or the workforce, if the person subject to disciplinary action has not committed a new offense and has proven himself to be a conscientious employee.
9.9. During the period of validity of the disciplinary sanction, incentive measures are not applied to the employee.

10. Consideration of labor disputes
10.1. Labor disputes are resolved in the order of subordination.
10.2. If the dispute between the parties is not resolved, it must be resolved in court.

Internal labor regulations are a mandatory local regulatory act of an organization, which contains all the information about how the work of the workforce is organized and on what principles relationships with employees are based. Such a personnel document should regulate the procedure for hiring and dismissal, drawing up a vacation schedule, remuneration, bonuses and punishment for misconduct - all the main aspects of the life of the organization.

Each organization, in accordance with legal requirements, must have several internal regulations that regulate the general order in one direction. If in accounting this is an accounting policy, then in human resources these are internal labor regulations. All employers must have this document, regardless of their form and status (yes, individual entrepreneurs are also needed), according to Article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Since many issues fall under the regulation of such rules at once, actually covering the entire cycle working life organization, the rules always have many pages and sections. The employer will have to draw it up independently, preferably at the very beginning of the activity, because the internal labor regulations of the organization (sample 2019), which we will consider below, are approved before hiring the first employees.

Model internal regulations

Legislators took care of employers and developed a sample of the internal regulations of the enterprise, which was approved Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor dated July 20, 1984 No. 213, that is, back in the Soviet Union and more than 30 years ago. It is obvious that using these rules in modern conditions almost impossible. Theoretically, they can be taken as a basis, because if legal requirements have changed significantly, then general principles approaches to this issue do not depend on time. In any case, each company must independently think about how to formulate this important document, taking into account the specifics of its work, the wishes of the owners and the opinion of the employees' union. Yes exactly. The internal labor regulations must be agreed upon with the trade union committee and this agreement is documented in a protocol and placed on the title page of the local regulatory act. In addition, this important document must be approved by the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur personally.

What sections should be included in the labor regulations

In essence, the internal regulatory act of a single company in this case should duplicate in miniature a large Labor Code the whole country. Labor regulations should include the following sections, which are closely related to the articles Labor Code:

  • procedure for hiring employees;
  • procedure for dismissing employees;
  • work schedule and rest time;
  • basic rights and obligations of the employer;
  • basic rights and responsibilities of employees;
  • employer's liability;
  • employee responsibility;
  • remuneration procedure;
  • incentives and penalties;
  • other issues of regulation of labor relations (you can specify the requirements for appearance employees, the so-called dress code, as well as restrictions on the use of personal phones during work hours, etc.).

If the employer accidentally forgets and does not include in the labor regulations, a sample of which we will consider below, any important section that regulates the corresponding section in the Labor Code, then when checked by the State Labor Inspectorate, this fact will lead to the issuance of an order, since this is a violation. Therefore, when forming a document, you cannot omit any of the fundamental articles of the Labor Code; however, it is also not worth rewriting half of the code verbatim into these rules. It is important to remember the main thing: none of the requirements of the company’s internal labor regulations can worsen the situation of workers, in comparison with the standards established by Russian labor legislation. In this case, it works, which simply cancels such requirements.

What should not be included in internal labor regulations

Before moving on to drawing up the rules, it is necessary to remember what does not need to be included in the internal labor regulations of the organization (the 2019 sample can be seen below). First of all, this local act must contain the general working conditions in a particular company and General requirements its manual to employees, because Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation It is expressly provided that every employed citizen is obliged to comply with the discipline and internal labor regulations of the enterprise at which he works. Therefore there must be rules general, applicable to absolutely every employee: from cleaners to department heads. There should not be any personal requirements in it. This means that all job responsibilities, requirements for workplaces and the functioning of individuals must be spelled out in other documents, which, in particular, include employment contracts, job descriptions and other agreements. There is no place for such requirements in the general rules.

Acceptance and approval procedures

First, approval must be obtained from the trade union (if you have one), since its participation in this issue Necessarily. And then indicate the details of the minutes of the trade union meeting.

Labor regulations should be approved by a separate order for the organization.

All already working employees must be familiarized with the new document against signature: to record familiarization, you can use a special register or familiarization log. It is also important in the future to issue rules for careful study by new employees when they are hired. They must also confirm that they have read and understood the document by signing the review log. regulates this to be done even before concluding an employment contract and issuing an order for employment.

Internal regulations of the enterprise: contents of sections

As mentioned above, this is a very voluminous document that must take into account the requirements of labor legislation. Some of its points may cover general norms and some be more specific. Let's look in more detail at what this act should look like and what should not be forgotten in each of its sections. Title page must contain the full name of the organization and its abbreviated version, it must contain the manager’s visa confirming the approval of the document with a date. This order is determined Article 190 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Disciplinary action

You can include in the internal labor regulations full list violations of discipline in the workplace, which, according to the norms Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, can lead to dismissal (absenteeism, drunkenness during working hours, hooliganism, etc.). You can even specify norms that are not disclosed in the code, for example, indicate which offenses will lead to the dismissal of employees holding certain positions. You can give a position as an argument Supreme Court as set out in paragraph 49 Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2, where the judge cited his failure to fulfill his duties as a gross violation on the part of the manager, which resulted in harm to the health of employees or property damage to the company.

Work time

In the “Working time” section of the labor regulations, the work and rest schedule at the enterprise should be described in detail, including the length of the working day, week, and even lunch breaks. It should look something like this:

For employees with normal working hours, the following working hours are established:

  • a five-day work week with two days off - Saturday and Sunday;
  • The duration of daily work is 8 hours;
  • work start time - 9.00, work end time - 18.00;
  • break for rest and food lasting one hour from 13.00 to 14.00. This break is not included in working hours and is not paid.

In the same section, you must list all weekends and holidays in accordance with production calendar, which is approved by the Government. If a company operates on a special schedule within the framework of the Labor Code, this must also be described in detail in this section.

Guarantees and compensation

Allowed to indicate individual characteristics and in other sections. For example, in the “Guarantees and Compensations” section you can provide the specific amount of compensation for delayed wages that the employer is obliged to pay in accordance with Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. After all, if this amount turns out to be higher than the generally established one, this may raise questions from regulatory authorities, in particular the Federal Tax Service. You cannot pay less than the minimum wage, even if this is written down in the internal labor regulations.

Validity period and changes

There is no statutory period for the validity of internal regulations - the organization has the right to set it independently, for example for 5 years, and if after the expiration of the five-year period no significant changes have occurred in the life of the organization, as well as in labor legislation, the validity of the local act can be extended by order of the manager.

But there are times when changes need to be made. This could be if:

  • there have been changes in the law, for example, increasing the level of labor guarantees for employees - in this case, labor regulations need to be brought into line with the law;
  • changes have occurred in the organization - for example, working conditions have changed significantly, the structure of the organization has been updated.

Then the internal labor regulations need to be revised. The adjustment procedure is similar to the procedure for adopting a new document (the opinion of trade unions, an order from management and familiarization of employees with the updated document are required).

The main thing that the drafters of this normative act should not forget: the more details it contains, the less controversial issues and disagreements can arise both with labor collective and with regulatory authorities.

Internal regulations are a local document that should be in every enterprise. This is stated in Art. 189 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This document is developed and approved by the employer taking into account the opinion of the trade union organization. If there is no such organization at the enterprise, then the internal labor regulations are approved by the employer alone.

Internal labor regulations

Internal regulations must not contradict current labor legislation. This document is being developed to improve the working conditions of workers, but not to worsen them. If such violations are noticed during the inspection, the employer will be held administratively liable.

Rules are created for the purpose of:

  • strengthening labor discipline at the enterprise;
  • most effective organization labor of all departments;
  • rational and effective use working time and rest time;
  • increasing labor productivity and quality of manufactured products.

When checking by the labor inspectorate, the Rules are requested for verification first. If this document is not present at the enterprise, then the employer will be held administratively liable under Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The rules are developed taking into account the opinion of the trade union organization. The layout of the document is developed by the employer himself with the help of personnel workers and labor lawyers, if any at the enterprise.
After developing the layout, it is submitted to the trade union for approval. If the trade union agrees with this version of the Rules, then it puts the visa “Agreed” on it, and the document is signed by the employer.
If the trade union has comments, then it gives the model of the Rules to the employer with comments. The employer is obliged to take them into account or must sign the Rules in the existing version, while signing a protocol of disagreements with the trade union.

Every employee must be familiar with the Rules. Before the employer invites the applicant to sign an employment contract, he must familiarize him with the Rules. The applicant puts his signature on the document.
From this moment on, the employer can punish the employee for violating labor discipline and apply disciplinary action to him.

Labor discipline, as stated in Art. 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are the rules of conduct for employees at an enterprise established by law. The rules are a written statement of labor discipline standards at each specific enterprise. Labor discipline is the internal work routine.

Model internal labor regulations

The specific form of the Rules is not enshrined in current legislation. But this document must necessarily contain the following information:

  • general provisions - who they apply to, how they are revised or amended, other general information;
  • rules on admission, transfer and dismissal;
  • a list of documents that the applicant must submit to the employer upon admission;
  • responsibilities of the employee to fulfill the terms of the employment contract, labor functions and labor discipline;
  • the employer’s obligations to provide workers with work and a workplace, to pay their workers and ensure health safety;
  • working hours - the start and end times of the working day, the length of the work week, the number of shifts per day, the number of workers who have irregular working hours, as well as their positions. If the enterprise has introduced a shift work schedule, then it is necessary to indicate the beginning and end of each shift, its duration, and the number of shifts in a work week. That is, this section indicates the daily work schedule;
  • rest time for their employees - provision of a lunch break, its duration, provision of additional breaks, depending on the specifics of the work performed. Some categories of workers need additional rest time. For example, according to Art. 109 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, some workers must have additional breaks for heating and rest. The Rules must indicate how many people have such mandatory breaks and the duration of these breaks;
  • payment of wages to employees - terms and specific days of payments;
  • reward system for work performed, in accordance with Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - announcement of gratitude, payment of bonuses, presentation of valuable gifts, etc.;
  • responsibility of both parties for violations of the terms of the employment contract, labor rules and discipline.

The rules reflect the internal specifics of work for a particular employer, and are developed taking into account these specifics. The employer must reflect in this document as many situations as possible that may arise during the performance of labor activities by employees and the conduct of business activities of the enterprise as a whole. The more detailed the Labor Regulations are, the fewer judicial precedents there will be.

Since the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not have clear instructions on how the Rules should be drawn up, when drawing up it is necessary to rely on Section 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and on Resolution of the USSR State Labor Committee of July 20, 1984 No. 213 “On approval of the Standard Rules of Internal Labor Regulations for workers and employees of enterprises, institutions, organizations." Although this document is already somewhat outdated, it often helps the employer when drawing up.

It is also recommended to refer to the State Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements." According to this document, when drawing up the Internal Regulations, it is recommended to indicate:

  • the main details of the document are the employer’s emblem, code, OGRN, INN and KPP, full name of the organization indicating the organizational and legal form, full address of the location, contact details, date of the document and its registration number, approval stamp, resolutions of persons, in accordance with by which this document was developed and approved;
  • seal impression;
  • marks about the presence of applications;
  • notes about the executor of the document.

Responsibility for violation of internal labor regulations

When conducting inspections at an enterprise by the labor inspectorate, the Rules are requested first. If there is no such document, or it is drawn up in violation of labor legislation, then penalties will be applied to the employer in accordance with Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

For violation of labor legislation, the employer is subject to a fine in the amount of:

  • a fine in the amount of 10 to 5 thousand rubles is imposed on the official who is responsible for the development of this document;
  • the employer himself, as a legal entity, is subject to a fine of 30 to 50 thousand rubles. An alternative to a fine is suspension of activities legal entity for a period of up to 90 calendar days;
  • If the employer is an individual entrepreneur, then he is subject to a fine of 1 to 5 thousand rubles, or suspension of the activities of the individual entrepreneur for up to 90 calendar days.

which by general rule must be developed and approved by companies regardless of their legal form, as well as individual entrepreneurs. However, there are exceptions for some categories. In particular, employers - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs - should not have labor regulations.

Often, when encountering the abbreviation PVTR, employers do not understand what document it is about. we're talking about. PVTR (decoding) are internal labor regulations. When developing this document, it is worth considering that for individual categories employees are provided with charters and regulations on discipline established by law. However, they do not replace the internal regulations. If an employer works in this industry, then when developing rules, he is obliged to take into account the norms of these documents. Thus, labor discipline (internal labor regulations must include the necessary information) is provided for workers in maritime transport, railway transport, and for employees of companies using nuclear or atomic developments in production.

Who approves the internal labor regulations of the organization?

A unified form of rules has not been approved, so the employer develops them independently, on his own. Thus, the answer to the question will be this: internal labor regulations are approved by the employer.

Developing such a document from scratch is often problematic for employers. When drawing up rules, you can rely on the Model Internal Labor Regulations for workers and employees of enterprises, institutions, organizations, approved by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor No. 213 of July 20, 1984. However, do not forget that the model rules were approved more than thirty years ago and are partially outdated .

Internal regulations (you can download a sample document at the end of the article) should regulate the main issues of labor relations. Thus, the rules need to consider the main obligations and rights of the parties, incentive measures and the procedure for imposing penalties. In addition, internal labor regulations are adopted to maintain discipline in the team, coordinated and effective work, and help increase productivity in production.

Internal labor regulations (sample)

Inside, like most documents, the rules are divided into logical parts (sections, clauses, subclauses, etc.). What information needs to be reflected in the document? As a rule, an organization’s internal labor regulations contain the following sections:

  • general provisions;
  • employee rights and obligations;
  • liability of the parties;
  • wages at the enterprise;
  • procedure for hiring employees, transfers, movements;
  • the procedure according to which an employment contract is terminated;
  • the procedure for introducing and entering into force of changes.

The draft PVTR drawn up by the employer (sample below) must be sent for consideration to the representative body of employees (if there is one). In its absence, the internal regulations are approved by the employer independently.

The employer must endorse and sign the drawn up and agreed Rules. The rules must contain such details as “Signature”. Who approves the internal labor regulations of the organization? As a rule, the rules are signed by the one who compiled them, that is, the head of the personnel department, personnel service or general director.

Before signing the internal regulations of the organization, the document must be agreed upon with one of the interested employees - for example, this could be a lawyer or the head of the personnel department. This is not a mandatory procedure; it all depends on what procedure the employer has for adopting regulations.

Order for approval of PVTR (sample)

Once the document has been endorsed by the interested employee (if necessary) and approved, the labor regulations must be put into effect. The rules themselves may contain a special approval column, or the employer may issue a separate order on internal labor regulations.

The order must include the following information:

  • The date from which the document was put into effect;
  • A responsible employee who must familiarize employees with the document for signature, and will also monitor the relevance of the document (this can be the head or a specialist in the HR department).

How often are internal labor regulations approved? Can an employer make changes to an approved document? The employer can make changes to the document if the need arises. This may be due to a revision of the timing of payment of wages, the start or end time of the working day, the list disciplinary sanctions for this or that violation or, conversely, rewards for certain achievements.

In addition, there is another reason for changing such a document as the internal labor regulations - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The document must comply with current legislation, but changes take time. It would be advisable to provide a clause in the rules that would stipulate changes to the document in this case. Changes to the internal labor regulations are approved and introduced as necessary. There are no restrictions on the number of changes or time intervals between changes.

You can download the internal labor regulations below. It is advisable to place a copy of the approved document in a place accessible to employees, so that if questions arise, everyone can familiarize themselves with the document.