In this article we have selected for you the most touching and beautiful congratulations on your first step in Christian faith- christening.

Christening: what is baptism

Baptism introduces a person into the church fence, makes him a member of the Church, which means the Church prays for him. At baptism, the baby is given a Guardian Angel.

“I wish you to make your son happy»

May your guardian angels always
Quiet, they fly over your son.
Luck and luck never
Let them not leave him in life.

I wish you to make your son happy,
Let your health be heroic,
And you'll never be lonely
Let sincere people surround you!
“The christening has already taken place!»
I want to congratulate you,
The christening has already taken place!
Today we will praise
We are all our own son,

After all, he was born to you!
May he be lucky
To strive for the best,
Let it grow healthy!
“Let your daughter grow up smart»
Let this day remain in our hearts,
We have a special ritual of christening.
And somewhere in the distance, on the clouds,
Let them write down these name days.

Let your daughter grow up smart
May life give her luck and happiness,
Let her be lucky in whatever she does,
And he will not recognize grief and bad weather.
“Special day – son’s christening»
I really want to wish you
On a special day - my son’s christening,
Always understand each other
There is no reason to be sad.

Let your little boy grow up
A good, strong person,
Let him always move forward
Without forgetting you!
"A real angel»
Your baby looks innocent -
A real angel
Loves mom and dad very much
Let my son grow strong,

May you be healthy and successful
Grows up quickly
You grow up, baby, diligent -
More loyal friends!
“May your son give you only joy»
We wish you on your christening day,
May your son give you only joy.
So that he only respects you,
So that he takes an example from his father.

So that he loves his mother,
To be a worthy son.
And to you, his father and mother,
We wish you to raise strong people!
“I wish you, parents,»
I wish you, parents,
So that the baby grows healthy,
Happy christening day, I congratulate you,
May Christ protect the child!

Well, for you, my dears,
May you always be lucky in everything,
Congratulations, dears!
Happiness and good luck awaits.
“Today your girl was baptized»
Today your girl was baptized,
We want to wish you good luck,
So that she is raised in affection and love,
Always love, pity and understand.

So that your daughter is a worthy person
Ever entered adult life,
So that the Lord rewards her with success,
And he rewarded you for your good deeds!

“On the day of your daughter’s baptism»
On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
Not a single sleepless night,
Never lose heart. To be smart, to be brave
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

“You baptized your daughter today!»
Parents, congratulations!
You baptized your daughter today!
We wish you comfort in your home,
So that your daughter is raised with dignity, So that your baby grows up
And your dreams came true
So that life is not an easy book
It was easy and calm to read!
"We wish you, parents»
We wish you, parents,
Do not offend the child
Do you want it or don't you want it?
We will have to raise him as a worthy member of society,
And put in a lot of effort
So that there is loneliness in life
Never survive.
“Happiness, love and joy to you»
On the day of your child's christening
I want to wish you
Only the best and most important -
You don’t know troubles and sorrows, Happiness, love and joy to you,
So that your family grows,
Life brought sweets,
There were true friends!
“Raise your son worthy»
I wish you, parents,
It is worthy to raise a son,
To become happy while growing up,
He knew how to win in life, so that the Lord rewards him with patience,
So that your son gives you joy,
May God grant you luck -
For good deeds, for new strength!

The angels sang in the sky,
Our baby has been christened!
Sprinkled over the font,
They gave the baby a cross!
The Holy Spirit descended from heaven,
To be close to the baby!
To give water and bread
And turn the desert into a garden!

We congratulate you with all our hearts
Congratulations on your baby's baptism!
May fate protect him
And the Lord bless!

Holy water sprinkled
Kindly treated by God - baptized!
Now, with the Light Cross,
He will become a messenger of good!
Let him be meek, honest, pure,
He is growing tall and broad-shouldered!
Let him be cheerful,
And childhood will be sweet!

The sacrament of baptism has been completed -
A wonderful, blissful ritual.
May peace be with you, good luck,
May heaven protect you!

Today is a blessed and sanctified day when a person took his second birth - spiritual. So from now on, let life be easier and happier, because your Guardian Angel will now always be at your side. Spirituality, harmony, peace of mind - everything that is necessary for happiness!

There is excitement and joy in the house. Sleeping in the cradle, snoring little man. His parents are moved when they look at him and thank God for their firstborn. Let the little man grow up healthy, gain strength and bring only joy to his parents. And if there are worries, then only pleasant ones.

The great Russian writer Dostoevsky said: “Without children it would be impossible to love humanity so much.” Developing this idea, we can say that with the birth of each child, people’s love for their fellow humans increases. Therefore, I want to wish young parents that they have at least one, or even two more children, so that people’s lives are filled with love. After all, children are wonderful!

Baptism can rightfully be called the first holiday in life for most children. On this day, the baby accepts gifts, congratulations and good wishes. Almost like a birthday, but a little different. Baptism is primarily a spiritual holiday, not a secular one; it is customary to celebrate it among close people.

According to tradition, the baby begins to accept gifts within the walls of the temple during the ceremony itself. Godfather gives to the child pectoral cross. Moreover, the material of the product is not at all important, be it gold, silver or even wood. After all, the cross is just a symbol of faith, and not a source of pride. The only wish is that the gift is not massive, because it symbolizes the cross of life that the baptized person will have to bear.

Godmother For the day of the sacrament, he prepares a kryzhma (a white diaper in which the baby is wrapped after the font), a baptismal shirt or dress and a cap. Baptismal clothing can be purchased at special store or sew it yourself. The main thing is that the material is natural and pleasant. And the fabric must be white and smooth, then, according to legend, the life of the baptized person will be just as white and smooth. As a rule, baptismal clothes are never used again, but are kept throughout life as a talisman.

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According to tradition, godparents can complement gifts with a measured icon. This icon (the size of the baby's height at birth) is made to order with the image of the child's patron saint. But it's very expensive pleasure and is not mandatory. Another custom came to us from England and is becoming more and more popular. In Foggy Albion, it is customary to give a silver spoon at christenings, as they say, “for the first tooth.” In addition, such a gift will serve the godson’s mother well: a silver spoon is perfect for disinfecting water and feeding an older baby.

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Guests invited to the christening can give the child anything they want. However, it should be taken into account that the holiday is still more of a church holiday, so you should choose themed gifts. The baby will be able to receive toys and other children's things for any other reason. For christenings it is appropriate to give an icon and a medallion with an image Mother of God or the child's patron, gift editions of the Bible and other spiritual books.

Parents, in turn, treat guests with special food as a sign of gratitude. festive dish- baptismal porridge. Buckwheat or millet, it is prepared with milk and seasoned with honey, sugar or butter and egg. A chicken (if a girl is being baptized) or a rooster (if a boy is being baptized) is baked in unsweetened porridge. The top of the porridge is decorated with halves boiled eggs. This dish symbolizes fertility and promises healthy children to the guests present. There should also be a lot of sweets on the table; after all, it’s a children’s holiday. But it’s better to give up alcohol. The only exception may be a small amount of red wine. Bonbonnieres can be given to guests as a souvenir of this bright holiday.

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This significant day must be spent in good mood both the baby's parents and guests. At least for a while, leave bad thoughts somewhere far away and rejoice with everyone. It is important that only kind words be spoken to the baptized person, tender words, sincere wishes of health and good luck in life. And the main thing is that all wishes should be with a pure heart and an open soul!

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A real miracle happened today - another guardian angel descended to earth. He came to give happiness and protect your baby from troubles, adversity, grief and sadness all his life. He came to godparents to care for, support and guide through life a small miracle - your baby. He came to help the baby become good and kind person and fill his life with God's grace. I want to congratulate you on this wonderful event - the Christening. Let your child always listen to his guardian angel, who will definitely help him find his unique path in this life.

I congratulate you on the christening of your beloved baby and want to wish you good health, good luck, luck in life and as many pleasant, interesting moments as possible! May Christening give prosperity to your child’s life, may he always smile at you, rejoice, and may you be proud of his successes! I also wish to receive such protection from the Lord that no troubles will be scary, that life will give only well-deserved victories, warding off illness and sorrow! I wish you to be worthy parents and raise your child according to Christian commandments and covenants. May everything in life be good! Let every moment open up new wonderful opportunities and give positivity!

Dear baby, on this day you became a piece of God! Don't lose faith - be strong in spirit and heart! Enlightenment to you, good luck in your destiny and earthly well-being! Love mom and dad, as well as all your relatives! Never become callous in soul, do not forget your loved ones and do not abandon your friends. They are also part of you, your life and destiny! We wish you health, luck, joy, good luck! Never turn away from the earthly path - it will definitely lead you to the best! Grow up smart and strong, brave and courageous, kind and beautiful! And remember - you are not alone! We will always come to your aid and help you out in difficult times! And the Lord God will show you the right path and tell you a way out of any situation. The main thing is not to lose yourself and your faith! Grow big!

Small child
In the arms of parents
Now you will always be
With a guardian angel.

May your holy cross
Will distract the bad weather,
And in my adult life
You will only find happiness.

On the day of christening I wish you,
May God fulfill all your dreams,
Sent to your child
So that only the best flowers:

Flower of goodness, flower of love,
Bouquet of health and dreams,
And strength to always go forward,
And, of course, beauty.

I really want to wish you
On a special day - my son's christening,
Always understand each other
There is no reason to be sad.

Let your little boy grow up
A good, strong person,
Let him always move forward
Without forgetting you!

I wish you, parents,
It is worthy to raise a son,
To become happy while growing up,
I knew how to win in life,

May the Lord reward you with patience,
So that your son gives you joy,
May God grant you luck -
For good deeds, for new strength!

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
Not a single sleepless night,
Never lose heart.

To be smart, to be brave
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

A daughter, they say, is then born into a family,
When God wants to give a compliment to mom!
Your daughter is simply a miracle that comes true!
We congratulate you on your christening at this moment.

After all, now she is under God’s protection,
So may your baby be lucky in life!
Any doors will be open for her,
And luck will certainly give you a gift!

Bright eyes and berry lips,
Soon she will wear dresses, skirts,
And today, your little daughter
For the first time he will wear a chain with a cross.

Holy water will sprinkle her face,
And all the misfortunes and sorrows will melt away.
She will find a guardian and holiness,
Congratulations on achieving this joy!

You have become stronger in spirit,
More beautiful body!
Let me breathe easier
Dream more boldly!

Neither trouble nor sorrow
Don't let them hurt you!
Lots of happiness to you,
Joy without end!

May your christening
Will be a vigorous start
To beauty and peace:
Enjoy the fart!

Let everything be interesting
I succeed in life
And, as in a good song,
Life is good!

Having a baby with friends and relatives - a real holiday! I really want to express in words the delight that appears in the depths of my soul! In addition, there is a desire to please young parents. Let's look at how we can come up with original wish for baptism, memorable for for a long time, one that will be kept and shown to all friends.

Let's concentrate

Any writer, even a beginner, knows that it is necessary to prepare for the creative process. Let the masterpiece contain only a couple of phrases.

However, it is necessary to contain feelings and thoughts in them, and they still need to be “born”. It is recommended to stop for a moment and think about those people whose holiday you are going to celebrate. Baptismal wishes are usually associated with the future of the child and his parents. The essence of the ritual is that the child is dedicated to the Lord. What does this mean? By and large, the child has a higher patron, called an Angel. This is what your baptismal wish should be associated with. This is exactly the moment that distinguishes this holiday from any other.

Now about the personal. When you come up with wishes, take into account the characters and values ​​of your parents. Everyone has their own. Some are pleased to hear about prosperity, others - about talents, and others - about future happiness. And absolutely everyone will happily accept soft, positive humor.

We look at standard wishes

It's no secret that people get confused when it comes to drawing up a regular document or a congratulation. Many consider this skill almost a talent.

True, with practice it comes on its own. To get started, you can look at the cheat sheet. That is, read the wishes on the day of baptism, which can be found in abundance today. From them, choose the most interesting and suitable ones. They will allow you to understand what they want, what phrases should be used, in what direction to think. Agree, very convenient! By the way, congratulations are often sent electronically. You know how nice it will be for parents, and subsequently for the child, if you record it in video file format! Agree, postcards or SMS are no longer in trend these days. Almost everyone has a video camera. Say it while smiling and being happy. Such a wish will remain for a long time with those who are dear to you. In this case, you don’t need to come up with anything special. Read one of the examples. Intonation and radiant eyes will make him original.

Examples of wishes

We will compose an original baptism wish from the following forms:

  • May the Angel protect you from evil. May God always remain in your soul. May your path be paved with happiness. Never forget about the light of love!
  • Life will change now! God is knocking on the door! May everything turn out great. Life will not be in vain when you create for God! Your path will lead to joy!
  • Congratulations on your christening! I wish you all celebrations, may the Lord keep your little angel in love, may every night be bright! May the days ahead bring joy. They were created by God for happiness!
  • I wish you a wonderful vision on your baptism day. May the Lord and Angels come and congratulate you! Let all the roads be opened for the baby and be there for help!

These are the kind of wishes you can usually find on the day of baptism. Just don't use them. You need to create your own, original one.

We'll come up with other words

Now let's add up everything described above. That is, when reading standard wishes, try them on for your situation. This will be practically an analysis. Maybe it’s at this moment that your own phrases will come. For example, write this: “Dear newborn, today the Lord has covered you with the blanket of his kindness! Be always happy and calm. May an Angel protect and support you in life, carrying you on wings where your legs fail!” Or other words, in short: “Congratulations! I wish that the light of the baptismal ceremony will remain in your souls forever! Let him not be touched by the enemy’s machinations, troubles and misfortunes!” When you compose it yourself, do not forget: it is necessary to bring to the fore the connection with the Angels and the Lord, which characterizes baptism.

Congratulations on your baptism

Wishes are not always spoken in person. That is, sometimes they are sent through social networks or a short message. It is clear that the congratulation should be shortened so that it fits in the highlighted format. Examples:

  • Let the Angel lead the baby only along the paths of happiness!
  • Congratulations on the most joyful and pure day! Strong and generous Angels!
  • Epiphany is a great day. May the Lord rejoice in everything that the baby does in his life!

Finally, let us draw your attention to the fact that baptism occurs only once in a lifetime. This holiday is spiritual. Although they congratulate the child, but higher value it has for all parents. The baby still has godparents! They also need to say a few phrases about the great responsibility that they take on. Naturally, if these people are going to wisely and faithfully raise their godson. Maybe your wishes will push their thoughts in the right direction.

January 19 is the great holiday of the Epiphany. Congratulate beautiful congratulations with Baptism in verse and prose of relatives, loved ones, loved ones.

Poems of congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord

Let the Epiphany frosts
Along with holy water
Threats will keep you away.
And illness aside
They will definitely bypass you,
There is no doubt about it,
After all, Epiphany water is a miracle
Protects you from all troubles!

Today is Epiphany.
Great holiday.
Grants forgiveness
The Lord is many-faced.

Let things happen
Your thoughts match.
And may he grant you
Lord grace!

Let the Epiphany frosts
Your sorrows will go away.
Let there be only tears of happiness,
Let the good news come.
I want you to laugh more often
And they were never sad!
To be admired by love,
And they were always happy!

They say that on this night the sky opens.
You can even wish for whatever you want.
On the day of the Epiphany the bells will ring,
Everyone will be blessed, from great to small!
Let the water cleanse the soul, resurrect faith in the heart,
And the Lord will hear us all and forgive us our mistakes.

Holy Epiphany
It arrived on a frosty day!
Let blessing come into the house,
Let the shadow of resentment go away,
Holy Jordan water
Let your health be protected!
The bells are ringing from the temple,
Blessing the procession!

The frost is crackling with all its might - January.
And at Epiphany, as of old, -
Plunge into the hole three times,
Stock up on health for the year.
May your body be vigorous
Drink holy water to your heart's content.
The soul itself commanded it -
Blessed be the power of God!

On the bright day of the Lord's Baptism
I wish you all earthly bounties.
May souls and bodies be cleansed
On this day it will come down to you from heaven.

The blessings of earthly and God's grace
I want to wish you now.
Let everything be on time and by the way,
May the Lord protect you.

May everything in life be easy for you.
And let Epiphany water,
What is pouring from everywhere today,
Will wash away all the bad forever!

Jesus once received Baptism,
And on this day the water became holy,
May He grant healing to the sick,
And it brings joy and peace to the house.
May the Holy Spirit be like a white dove,
What once descended upon Christ,
With its warmth and joy it will warm you
On the frosty day of Epiphany everyone always.

On the bright day of Epiphany
From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you
Happiness, joy, goodness, health,
May grace descend upon you!

Pure thoughts, warmth and understanding,
Peace and harmony around,
Warmth, love and compassion.
And you will know neither troubles nor separations.

Let faith warm your soul,
Let hope not leave you,
Don’t let your mind stop your heart from listening,
Let sadness not touch your eyes.

Congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord in prose

I congratulate you on the greatest Orthodox holidays of Epiphany and Epiphany! I wish that God’s holy grace descends on you, so that your body and soul, washing blessed water, are filled with health, lightness, joy, so that pain, annoyance, disappointment, hatred and vices go away, and in their place peace, tranquility and harmony reign in the soul!

May the Baptism of the Lord bring prosperity, peace, good luck, many good friends, good impressions, cheerful moments, confidence in every day and the most good health in the world!

On the great day of the Epiphany of the Lord, I wish to be cleansed with holy water and remain pure at heart, healthy in spirit and strong in faith. Be happy and loved.

May the Epiphany frosts be the strongest and may your health be the same. Feel free to go into the hole. Baptism! Happy holiday!

The Epiphany of the Lord is one of the most ancient Christian holidays; on this day the soul is cleansed from vanity and sadness, filled with the highest meaning, light, kindness, love, let the Epiphany frosts not cool it down. May the best in people be revealed to you, may peace, beauty, happiness reign in family and business, may happy Star lights your way!

Happy Baptism of the Lord! Let your thoughts be good, your heart filled with warmth and love, your soul serene and calm! Let life be illuminated every day with new wonderful impressions!

On this special day filled with holiness, I would like to wish you harmony, peace of mind, tranquility and idyll. May heaven protect your soul, and may the angels protect your home from evil and troubles. Happy Baptism of the Lord to you, do not lose faith in good things, and it will certainly help in difficult times.

Happy winter holiday. Happy Baptism of the Lord. Bells ring, services are celebrated and water is blessed. May this holiday be as pure as Epiphany water and give you health and joy.

May all doubts and troubles disappear forever. May joy and peace come to your home. I wish you prosperity, peace, wisdom and good luck. May there be more happy moments in your life. Let the severe frost crackle on the street, and let your soul be warmed by kindness and mercy. Good and reliable friends to you.

Congratulations on Orthodox holiday- Epiphany! May the Almighty sanctify your heart with peace, happiness and health. Beautiful spirit, wisdom and patience to your home!

Beautiful short SMS congratulations on Epiphany

Don't forget to wash your face with holy water,
Day of Baptism on earth,
And let your soul open up
I wish you all the best!

Let the baptism water
It will give you vigor throughout the year!
We wish you not to get sick
And grow younger at heart!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord!
And don’t let the frosts scare you!
This day is famous for its consecration,
We are clean, and it’s easier for everyone to breathe!

Happy Epiphany to your entire family,
Never let bad weather touch you,
Let sorrows, troubles, bitterness go away,
The soul will be filled with enormous, bright happiness.

Dive into the hole head first
And let the frost creep over your skin,
I will be with you with all my heart,
I dive mentally too.

Congratulations on Epiphany
I'm sending you an SMS.
I want to wish you fun
Happiness in life and miracles!

Kindness, warmth and light,
Bright days and a lot of summer,
Light, joyful moments!
Congratulations on your Epiphany!

Happy Baptism of the Lord,
On a big, holy day,
Let your heart be warm
Health, faith, strength.

Sparkles in the sun,
White snow sparkles.
Water at Epiphany gives
Health for life!

On this holiday, let the holy water
Transforming my entire soul,
It will open again for you
Pure love for life!

Congratulations to everyone on your Baptism,
With an unprecedented feeling.
With purity and beauty,
What are given by water!

Let the baptism water
The illness will disappear without a trace.
Smile from the heart
And hurry to do good!

Baptism is in the yard,
You can hear singing in the church,
Congratulations to the Orthodox!
I wish you happiness on this day, sister!

Happy Baptism of the Lord!
Receive like a gift from heaven
A sip of water today
And hello all the days!

Today is coming Epiphany Christmas Eve- evening of January 18. There are many traditions and signs associated with it, in particular, all people collect holy water. Epiphany water is considered healing.

This is the final holiday in a series of New Year's holidays, so it should be celebrated properly. We have prepared for you best congratulations Happy Epiphany in prose and verse so that you can congratulate as many people as possible.

Best congratulations on the Epiphany of the Lord

So he came to every sacred house and magical holiday Epiphany. On this wonderful and divine day, I would like to wish everyone peace, kindness, honesty and justice. May a miracle live in your hearts and give you bright hope for a wonderful future. I wish you good health, inner warmth that warms your soul and heart, success in all your endeavors. I wish that on this bright day you will be surrounded by family, loved ones and close people. May your homes be filled with joy, laughter and positivity.

May this holiday wash away all sorrows and bring the best to life. May it give you good health, endless happiness and desired success, and most importantly, be a reason for joyful events in the coming year.

I congratulate you on the Baptism of the Lord and sincerely wish that drops of holy water give vigor, strength and health to the body, that on this day a new bright and good path will open before your eyes, that there will be no moments of sadness in life, but only love and hope will warm your heart.

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord and I want to wish that your health is as strong as the Epiphany frosts, that clean water will wash away all sadness and sadness, that life will have a happy and prosperous continuation, that the bright light of hope and love will illuminate the soul and heart.

Congratulations in verse

Let the Epiphany frosts
Along with holy water
Threats will keep you away.
And illness aside
They will definitely bypass you,
There is no doubt about it,
After all, Epiphany water is a miracle
Protects you from all troubles!

They say that on this night the sky opens.
You can even wish for whatever you want.
On the day of the Epiphany the bells will ring,
Everyone will be blessed, from great to small!
Let the water cleanse the soul, resurrect faith in the heart,
And the Lord will hear us all and forgive us our mistakes.

I congratulate you on the greatest Orthodox holidays of Epiphany and Epiphany! I wish that God’s holy grace descends on you, that your body and soul, washing with consecrated water, are filled with health, lightness, and joy, that pain, annoyance, disappointment, hatred and vices go away, and that peace, tranquility and harmony reign in your soul in their place !

On the bright day of the Lord's Baptism
I wish you all earthly bounties.
May souls and bodies be cleansed
On this day it will come down to you from heaven.

The blessings of earthly and God's grace
I want to wish you now.
Let everything be on time and by the way,
May the Lord protect you.

May everything in life be easy for you.
And may the Epiphany water
What is pouring from everywhere today,
Will wash away all the bad forever!

On the bright day of Epiphany
From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you
Happiness, joy, goodness, health,
May grace descend upon you!

Pure thoughts, warmth and understanding,
Peace and harmony around,
Warmth, love and compassion.
And you will know neither troubles nor separations.

Let faith warm your soul,
Let hope not leave you,
Don’t let your mind stop your heart from listening,
Let sadness not touch your eyes.

On the Epiphany of the Lord,
Holy water,
Sorrows and adversity,
Wash it away from your soul and heart!
On the Epiphany of the Lord,
I want to wish
You love, health,
May God's grace
It will help you with everything,
Will guide, protect,
It will increase faith
Strengthens hope!

On the great day of the Baptism of the Lord, I wish to be cleansed with holy water and remain pure in soul, healthy in spirit and strong in faith. Be happy and loved.

On this special day filled with holiness, I would like to wish you harmony, peace of mind, tranquility and idyll. May heaven protect your soul, and may the angels protect your home from evil and troubles. Happy Baptism of the Lord to you, do not lose faith in good things, and it will certainly help in difficult times.

Congratulations on the Orthodox holiday - Epiphany! May the Almighty sanctify your heart with peace, happiness and health. Beautiful spirit, wisdom and patience to your home!

Here Holy holiday is coming,
Brings us joy and forgiveness.
We forget about problems
I congratulate you on your Baptism!

Let the house be filled with warmth,
The soul will be humble and pure.
Let all adversity be a dream,
And life is happy and radiant!

Be healthy and congratulate all your loved ones! Don't forget to give it a thumbs up!)