Hello readers of the blog about a healthy and happy life.

Today you will learn very interesting fact about running and for many this will be a revelation. After all, everyone knows that running is good for health.

Since childhood, we have been told that jogging strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases endurance to exercise, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves mood. All this is true. Around the world, hundreds of thousands of fans of an active lifestyle are becoming devotees of running. However, in last years Scientists claim that the health risks of running are the same real fact how it benefits the body. I will show situations where regular jogging contributes to a deterioration in overall health, the development of diseases and can reduce life expectancy.

Are you surprised? But in fact, it’s time for everyone to know that sport does not always give health and even cripples a person. Big sport in general only wears out the body, without giving anything good in return. And there are health systems, health-improving physical education, which have a beneficial effect on us.

And running can be classified as either the first or the second, depending on how you apply it. What you turn it into is up to you. He will give you health or cripple you.

Harm to the musculoskeletal system

Both long runs and short distance running can have Negative influence on the spine and joints of the lower extremities. Running is one of the most accessible sports that does not require financial investment. I wanted to, by a strong-willed decision I put a run in my diary and start healing the whole body, at the same time cheap and cheerful. Of course, this is a misconception that leads to pathology of the spinal column and joints. Particularly dangerous is a frivolous attitude towards physical activity in adulthood and old age, when the musculoskeletal system undergoes natural age-related changes.

When running, the impact load on the musculoskeletal system increases 7 times compared to walking at an average pace. Improper running technique increases stress on knee joints and ankles, promotes lateral displacement of the vertebrae. This increases the risk of microtraumas of cartilage and intervertebral discs, which, in turn, leads to arthrosis and arthritis. Injuries (sprains, fractures, dislocations) if the correct technique is not followed contributes to the formation of residual effects, causing difficulties in movement and gait disturbance.

This begs a reasonable question: is running beneficial or harmful? Undoubtedly, physical activity is useful, but only if you follow the running technique. At the same time, equipment for training is important. A tracksuit should not restrict movement, and sneakers should be chosen with shock-absorbing soles, which reduces the impact load on the joints and spine. It is not recommended to run on hard surfaces: asphalt and concrete. The safest places to run are on the ground, sand, and rubberized surfaces of tracks in stadiums and treadmills.

Harm to the heart and blood vessels

The myocardium is the most trained muscle in the body. However, under excessive stress, the heart may not cope. It is necessary to increase physical exercise gradually as your cardiovascular endurance increases. Otherwise, the myocardium does not have time to pump blood throughout the body, which causes tissue hypoxia, primarily the brain. The blood vessels and cavities of the heart dilate compensatoryly. This leads to rapid progression of heart failure.

In addition, in mature and old age with atherosclerotic vascular damage and an increased risk of thrombosis, jogging is contraindicated. During intense physical activity, an atherosclerotic plaque or thrombus can break off and lead to serious consequences: stroke, heart attack, thromboembolism of the branches of the pulmonary artery. This is why running without preliminary diagnosis and medical supervision is harmful.

Harm from obesity

Overweight and obesity, oddly enough, are not a reason to start active jogging. Latest Scientific research proved that heavy weight body during physical activity destroys joints, ligaments, bones, but does not effectively reduce body weight.

Let me give you a clear example. The average calorie content of milk chocolate is 500 kcal. Jogging burns approximately 350 kcal in an hour. This means that the effectiveness of such exercises for weight loss is highly questionable. It’s another matter if intense running is used (for example, covering 100 meters in the shortest possible period of time), but this technique is practically not used during training.

Harm of early and late classes

There is still debate among doctors about why running in the mornings and evenings is harmful. Some of them argue that it is necessary to study in the evening, others advocate morning classes. IN evening time The human body prepares for natural rest, and stress can worsen sleep and overall well-being. In the morning, the body just begins vigorous activity and tolerates stress as if it were a stressful situation.

Scientists have come to a consensus that exercise time depends on a person’s biological clock. “Larks” are comfortable studying in the mornings, and “night owls” in the evenings. But there is required condition, non-compliance with which may worsen your health. In the morning you can start training 4 hours after waking up, and in the evening 2 hours before bedtime. In case of bad general health Due to various reasons, classes are recommended to be postponed.

Harm to women

Regular jogging can cause deterioration in breast shape and cellulite. To securely fix the mammary glands during training, you need to wear special supportive underwear and the problem will be solved. As for cellulite, this statement is confusing. Many people run precisely to get rid of the “orange peel” on their thighs and buttocks.

Cellulite is a disease of the subcutaneous fat tissue as a result of violation metabolic processes in tissues. The reason for the change in metabolism and the formation of fibrous bridges in the fat layer under the skin is the excessive accumulation of free radicals, in other words, under-oxidized metabolic products. During intense daily training free radicals They don’t have time to break down and cause cellulite.


Is running every day good or bad? This question worries every fan. healthy image life who decided to go jogging. How to get the best results from training and avoid negative consequences? Here are some recommendations:

  1. Before training, you need to familiarize yourself with the proper running technique.
  2. It is better to jog 2-3 times a week. On other days, walking and brisk walking are helpful.
  3. The average training time is about an hour. Longer runs are classified as high-intensity physical activity, while shorter runs are not effective enough and are used when the body is poorly trained.
  4. Running equipment should be selected in a professional store, primarily sneakers.
  5. Before starting classes, you must consult a doctor and undergo the examination prescribed by him. Some diseases, such as oncology, hypertension, infections, high myopia, pathology of the musculoskeletal system are contraindications to training.

IN last decade Information has emerged that intense physical activity, even in amateur sports, can lead to disability and shortened life expectancy. On this wave, fans of laziness have appeared who believe that it is good for health. Are they right? Read about this in my next one.

If you want to run, then train correctly. Only in this case can you get good results. Replace running with walking or even simple walks in the fresh air more often. There is a wonderful one.

The health effects of running have actually been exaggerated.

Of course, physical activity is needed. If you sit in the office all day and don’t stress your body, you will simply get sick. But excessive jogging in the form of daily morning workouts will also not give you health, and can even be harmful. There must be moderation in everything.

Remember, you cannot escape from a heart attack by running. If after running training you come to work and start to worry, i.e. experience diseases, including heart diseases, are guaranteed for you.

To avoid stress, and therefore become healthy, you don’t need running, but, for beginners, just...

By the way, there is also meditative running and meditative walking, which give amazing results in terms of improving health and increasing awareness. But that's a completely different story.

See you on the treadmills for better health, but not for athletic performance.

And at the end I give you a gift. Beautiful music.

The content of the article:

If you ask any person about the benefits of running, he will immediately give several arguments. It may seem to many that the topic of “the benefits and harms of daily running” is already hackneyed, because since childhood we have known that this sport produces many positive effects on the body. However, everything in our life has not only positive, but also negative sides. Today we will talk in detail about the benefits and harms of daily running. Scientists have long been saying that running can be dangerous to health.

The benefits of daily running

Let's start our conversation about the benefits and harms of daily running with positive qualities of this sport.

Helps get rid of excess weight

That's it now more people start every day with morning jog to get rid of fat deposits. The fact that we are starting to think about our health and beauty cannot but rejoice. Many are sure that running is the best remedy for weight loss. Actually, it’s hard to argue with this.

Works actively during training a large number of muscles, which leads to increased energy costs. If you don’t go into details, then no doubts arise. However, it should be remembered that in one jog lasting 60 minutes, the body will get rid of only 360 calories.

This suggests that jogging alone is clearly not enough to lose weight. To achieve your goal, you also need to do the following:

  • maintain a proper diet;
  • take into account your metabolic rate;
  • conduct training regularly;
  • give up unhealthy high-calorie foods.
If you decide to lose weight, then you should not consider jogging a panacea. You have to put in a lot of effort to achieve the task. The benefits of running in terms of fat burning are undeniable, but not unlimited.

Blood circulation is normalized

Most running fans believe that their workouts strengthen the circulatory system. Let's not argue, because this is a scientifically proven fact. Thanks to running, blood flow accelerates and the body is saturated with oxygen and various nutrients. Scientists have proven that with normal functioning of the hematopoietic system, people are less susceptible to the effects of all kinds of viruses and pathogens.

However, this issue also has its own nuances, primarily related to morning training. The fact is that immediately after waking up, the blood has a fairly thick consistency. It takes about 120 minutes for this indicator to normalize. If you do not wait, but immediately go for a run, then an unprepared person may experience blockage of blood vessels, fatigue of the heart, and cholesterol plaques may also break.

However, these risks will be minimized in the following situations:

  • run not in the morning, but in the evening;
  • Warm up well before each run;
  • start moving at a slow pace and do not accelerate from the start;
  • do not let things get to the point of overstraining your muscles;
  • control your breathing and heart rate.

The condition of the whole body improves

Surely you know the saying - movement is life. It marked the beginning of the process of spreading awareness about the ability of running to improve the general condition of the body. Facts from the life of the ancient Greeks were cited as one of the evidence. It was among these people that the beauty of the body became a cult concept. According to sources discovered by archaeologists, in Ancient Greece the population enjoyed excellent health.

However, in our life, almost everything can not only be beneficial, but also turn out to be harmful. Each person can only withstand certain physical activities and running is no exception. Scientists say that:

  1. For an unprepared athlete, running can be extremely stressful.
  2. The cardiovascular system may be affected.
  3. With excessive load, the risk of microtrauma to internal organs increases.
  4. For some diseases, running is contraindicated, for example, epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, etc.
  5. You should not run after having a surgical intervention until complete recovery.
  6. Injury to muscle tissue may occur.
  7. Prohibited for people with problems with the musculoskeletal system.
You have already realized that the healing effect of running is not always possible. You must remember this so as not to harm your body.

Increases endurance

While girls run mainly to combat fat accumulation, men note an increase in endurance among the benefits of this sport. That's right, if you exercise regularly, your muscles are in excellent tone and can tolerate higher loads well.

The benefits of this are quite obvious, but you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Train regularly according to your schedule.
  2. Each lesson must begin with a good warm-up.
  3. The time allotted for training should be used as rationally as possible and alternate the pace of movement to obtain maximum results.
  4. Control your breathing.
  5. Don't overexert your muscles.
  6. Only special running equipment should be used.

Increases the activity of hormonal and protective systems

You can often hear the statement from athletes that the benefits of daily running are to enhance hormonal and immune system. It is useless to argue here, because numerous studies have confirmed this fact. However, not everything is as simple as it seems.

Scientists have discovered that a similar effect is achieved through the accelerated production of anabolic hormones. However, this is only possible under a certain psycho-emotional state. Jogging is clearly not suitable for achieving this. However, you can decide this problem by alternating the pace of movement. At the same time, this running method is not suitable for people who have problems with the joint-ligamentous system, the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis.

Improves mood

Fans of a healthy lifestyle unanimously talk about running as an excellent remedy against depression. This is due to the accelerated synthesis of endorphins and is definitely the positive side running. However, the question arises - for what reason do most novice athletes have to force themselves to go for a run?

Perhaps this is a matter of ordinary laziness or not? Scientists most often answer this question negative. Jogging at a monotonous pace does not in any way contribute to increased vigor. Agree, it’s quite boring to run leisurely even for half an hour. However, there are ways to eliminate this shortcoming:

  1. Combine jogging with other sports, such as swimming, football, etc.
  2. After training, it is necessary to provide the body with sufficient time to fully recover.
  3. Change your running style and training location often.
  4. Use moderate physical activity so as not to overload the body.
From all of the above, we can conclude about the benefits and harms of daily running. If you want to improve your health, then approach any sport with complete seriousness.

The harm of daily running

Speaking about the benefits and harms of daily running, we should also talk about its negative aspects. It should be noted right away that the conversation now is only about amateurs, not professional athletes. Studies have found that the excessive stress experienced by pro-athletes has a significantly worse effect on the body compared to a passive lifestyle.

However, most people do not start running to achieve high results, but simply strive to improve their health. Jogging poses a particular danger to the joint-ligamentous apparatus. This is due to the high impact load that occurs when the foot lands. But these risks can be minimized with the help of special running shoes. These sneakers are equipped with a special sole with high shock absorption.

Speaking about the dangers of running, it should be noted that there are contraindications:

  1. Diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Problems with musculoskeletal system and especially the spinal column.
  3. Acute form of any disease.
In addition, it is necessary to exercise caution during exercise for people suffering from obesity, asthma, epilepsy and during pregnancy. We recommend that you purchase a heart rate monitor or use an appropriate software for smartphone. This will allow you to monitor your heart rate and, if necessary, make operational adjustments to your running pace. To get a positive effect, your heart rate during a run should exceed normal indicator by 50–60 percent.

How to run correctly?

In order not to harm the body, your workouts should be carried out in accordance with certain rules. Only in the case of a well-constructed training plan you will benefit, not harm, from running daily. Let's look at this issue in more detail.
  1. Fresh air. This is a fundamental condition for obtaining the positive effects of running. Choose a place for training so that there are no industrial enterprises or highways nearby. A park can be a great place for a jog.
  2. Running shoes and comfortable clothing. We have already said that during running, all elements of the joints are subject to shock loads. This is the main negative aspect of this sport. To minimize the risk of injury, you should only use specific running shoes. Now there are a large number of such products on the market from the world's leading brands. You should not save on your health by purchasing cheap fakes. Don’t forget that clothes should be as comfortable as possible. If you run during the cold season, dress appropriately for the weather.
  3. Time of the training. We have already briefly touched on this issue when talking about the positive impact of running on circulatory system. Only you should choose the time for classes in accordance with your plans for the day. However, if you want to run in the morning, then wait at least an hour from the moment you wake up.
  4. Physical exercise. It is extremely important to select the optimal loads. If you are just starting to run, use a slow pace for a minimum distance. According to the results of studies, men are not recommended to run more than two dozen kilometers a day. For women, this figure ranges from ten to fifteen.
To learn how to start running every day, watch the video below:

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Jogging (jogging) is a common and simple way to keep the body in healthy shape. This does not require special clothing, sports equipment, or premises. With the right approach, it will benefit people of any age and physical fitness. Whether jogging is beneficial or harmful to a person, time will tell.

We run and lose weight

The benefits of jogging for weight loss are obvious. When a person begins to exercise regularly, he:

  • Metabolism occurs faster;
  • A feeling of satiety appears;
  • The muscles become stronger.

To avoid disappointment after training, it is important to adhere to 5 rules.

  1. You should start with a brisk walk for 60 minutes (for people with heart problems, joints, and spine);
  2. Lesson from 40 minutes. In the first 30 min. Glycogen reserves are used, and only then fats are lost;
  3. The initial distance is up to 2 km. When the body gets used to it, add 1 km;
  4. To lose weight you need to run twice a week. More is possible, less is not possible.
  5. Jog with acceleration. Suitable for those who are “in shape”. Such workouts burn calories more intensely than regular jogging. It is advisable to alternate walking and jogging for weight loss for 30 minutes.

Harm from running - joints and spine

The damage to joints during training is high, especially if you run unprepared. Jogging needs to be learned and has even been compared to discipline. If you do not know the correct position of the feet and the certain moment of lifting the legs off the ground, irreparable harm can be caused to the joints.

Same with the spine. If you don’t control your posture, for example, by swinging your body left and right when running, then it won’t last. Consequently, in the future, even light jogging will become impossible.

Illiterate running is harmful. Jogging needs to be done knowing all the basics.

  • Swelling after running. High-quality shoes will help you avoid it.
  • Cardiopalmus. Preliminary warm-up before running will eliminate it.
  • Air. It is recommended to run in a thicket or park.
  • . You can't run through force. If you feel tired, you need rest.
  • Cold. You should not run in the cold season. You can take your workouts to the gym or on the treadmill.

If it is impossible to visit a fitness club in winter, it is not forbidden to go skiing.

Jogging - benefits for men

Running is especially important for men. It not only helps you lose weight, but also naturally supports men's health.

Reducing fat reserves

Men prefer strength sports, neglecting running. But it is he who is able to “dry” the body, show relief and rid a person of excess weight. Jogging provides the necessary stress for muscle tissue growth.

Strengthening joints

Cartilaginous tissue along with the muscle corset are responsible for the integrity of the joints. Jogging increases the supply of beneficial elements to these areas and strengthens the muscles.

Reduced blood sugar

Reducing cholesterol

- type of carbohydrate. Needed for the production of hormones, including testosterone. When there is excess cholesterol, the body begins to “sick.” Trusca oxidizes everything unnecessary, including cholesterol.

When and how to run correctly

Lifestyle before starting training is important. The possible load and the expected result depend on it. It will be a plus if the person has been involved in sports in the past. With the right approach, running strengthens almost all body systems and allows you to stay in an alert state.

In practice, there are many examples when a person started jogging after 60 years. Such people, even at 65-70, can boast of excellent health. Of course, questions arise regarding the initial distance and schedule.

It depends on the goal of the runner, how busy he is at work, and the availability of a coach. To begin with, you can train twice a week, without speeding up. 4 km will be enough. Jogging is a slow gait. Jogging speed – 6km/h. Jogging technique should not be similar to walking. Simply put, you need to run, but move your feet slowly. It is recommended to discuss what jogging is and how to do it correctly with a trainer.

Breathing needs to be controlled. As soon as shortness of breath occurs, it is advisable to reduce the pace. The body is straight, slightly leaning forward. The arms are bent at the elbows at a right angle. Clothing for jogging is light. If it’s a marathon on asphalt, then sneakers with thick soles.

Expected results after training

  • In 5 minutes of running, a person burns 49 calories.
  • In 60 minutes it burns 588 calories.
  • 2 hours will remove 1176 cal.
  • In 3 hours you can lose up to 1746 calories if the speed is 6 km/h.
  • 4 hours of jogging will allow you to say goodbye to 2352 calories.

It is worth noting that the number of calories lost varies from person to person. For example, you can compare a woman weighing 70 kg who moves at a speed of 7 km/h. In 60 minutes she will say goodbye to 600 calories, in 30 - 325. Oddly enough, when weighed, she learns that her body weight after half an hour of the marathon has practically not changed. If you look at the results after an hour-long run, the “losses” will be significantly greater.

Less calories are consumed in 1 hour of running compared to weight. In half an hour, fats disappear more actively. It's all about the carbohydrates. The body spends energy running, then begins to replenish it. It does this with calories, without attracting fat deposits. It’s hard to say how many calories marathon jogging burns. Everyone's body and it is different.

Calories from excess weight begin to disappear only after half an hour of jogging (minimum).

Professional trainers recommend jogging three times a week. This is due to severe stress on the body, which should not be observed every day. For optimal calorie loss, you need to train in the morning. It is then that the load is higher and the effect is greater. How much time to run, everyone decides for themselves, judging by their condition.

If after training the next day your muscles hurt, your head hurts and you feel tired, you should reduce the frequency of your runs.

These 10 arguments will help you start running or at least motivate yourself to lead a healthy lifestyle. For those who want to change themselves, but don't know how to start.

The benefits and harms of running. 10 arguments “For” and “Cons”

It's no secret that running has a huge impact on the body. However, not everyone thinks that in addition to positive changes, running can be harmful. Before you start exercising, it is better to study this topic well and decide for yourself what running will bring to the body more: benefit or harm?

To understand this issue, you need to understand that each organism is individual and requires a personal approach. What is good for one may be disastrous for another. Therefore, in any case, it is better, before you start running, to consult a doctor so that he can give recommendations, and also conduct a series of studies, according to which you can establish the level of load required for compliance.

During any running workout, you must remember that this is done solely for the benefit of running. Therefore, it is better to monitor vital signs and keep them within acceptable limits so as not to harm the body. Fortunately, for these purposes there are now many devices that control all processes and prevent harm from running.

What are the benefits of running?

To motivate yourself to play sports, you need to know what the benefits of running are; 5 arguments will help you understand this issue.

1.Improving the body

It's no secret that people who run look much better than those who neglect this sport. The thing is that when running, the blood circulation process accelerates, and this in turn affects the condition of a person’s skin. After all, when blood begins to circulate intensively in the body, the metabolic process begins to work at an accelerated pace. Cleansing from unpleasant toxins and waste allows you not only to improve immunity, but also to maintain the body in constant tone. With regular jogging, the skin smooths out, rejuvenates, and becomes toned. At the same time, hormonal levels stabilize, which leads to a decrease in body fat.

The heart is the most trained muscle, and, nevertheless, even it needs loads in order to maintain the overall tone of the body. People who run are less susceptible to strokes, heart attacks and other heart-related diseases. Frequent training can not only develop endurance in a person, but also strengthen the health of blood vessels and the body as a whole.

2.Psychological relief

The benefits of running lie not only in its positive effect on the health of the body, but also in its effect on good spirits. Psychologists advise many patients to go for daily morning or evening jogging in order to get rid of depression, recover after a hard day at work, or simply clear their thoughts of everything unnecessary.

People who run have a desire to achieve their goals and never quit halfway, leaving them unfinished. This comes from the fact that running develops willpower, the desire to always be better, grow and develop. After all, at first a person faces many obstacles, for example, laziness, reluctance to do anything, or simply a lack of mood and a suitable attitude. Overcoming oneself over and over again, a person becomes stronger in spirit, self-confidence and self-confidence appears, and one wants to reach new heights.

Running is an excellent solution to relieve fatigue and stress. During the training process, endorphins are produced, which can not only lift your mood, but also improve your emotional condition a person in general. After each run, the runner feels euphoria from the physical work performed.

3.The benefits of running for women

In addition to the general positive trends in running training, it should be noted useful features for each gender separately. The female body is more complex than the male one, and therefore it should be given more attention and care. Its main function is reproduction, which means it is necessary to do everything in order to subsequently give birth to healthy offspring. Running is best for this. If a woman decides, then the best preparatory lesson In order for the birth to be successful, it is running. The body begins to tone up, blood circulation increases, all organs receive a sufficient amount of blood, and with it the necessary nutrients.

With regular jogging, you can forget about swelling and the so-called orange peel, from which all women suffer. The benefit of running is to correct the hormonal balance in the body, due to which the skin becomes smooth and toned, and excess fat disappears.

Running has an excellent effect on blood vessels, strengthening them. For modern women who constantly walk in heels, it is very useful to do daily jogging to circulate blood through the vessels, preventing the occurrence of diseases.


Running not only helps keep your body in good shape, but also gives it a special relief. Many men are accustomed to neglecting cardio training, citing the fact that they are afraid of losing the weight they have gained. muscle mass. In fact, after long strength training and weight gain, it is necessary to properly dry the body so that all the efforts spent are visible in the form of relief outlines on the body. Men can get such a pleasant bonus if they regularly do morning or evening jogging at a medium pace. The benefits of running are also visible with interval running with acceleration; it has a great effect on the beauty of the body.

Not only do women need to take care of their bodies before getting pregnant, but men also need to improve their reproductive function. This can be done through regular running training. Blood circulation during such activities increases, which means that blood flows in sufficient quantities to all organs in the human body. With daily training, a man is able to increase the level of potency, normalize the functioning of the urinary tract, and also protect against the occurrence of various diseases associated with sexual dysfunction.


As already mentioned, running has an excellent effect on reducing body weight, as well as strengthening the skin. Such regular training can significantly transform the body, making it sculpted and toned.

When jogging, all the most important muscles are involved: the abdominal cavity, lower legs, shoulders, hips, arms. This combination is rarely seen during other physical activities. The benefit of running for muscle tone here lies in the fact that there is a constant, continuous load on the main muscles, they are in intense work. In order to tighten top part body, you need to run quickly and at a rhythmic pace, maybe for short distances. To have slender and toned legs, it is better to run at an average pace, but the mileage should be greater.

People who run have very little body fat, which is why they always look slim and fit. On average, in 1 hour of training you can burn up to 800 kcal. Such an indicator can not be found often, unless they can compete. To effectively impact the whole body at once, so that relief contours appear as quickly as possible, you can combine physical activity and alternate them. An excellent solution for this would be interval running along with jumping rope.

Before you find out what harm you can get from running, watch the video: “10 facts about the benefits of running”

What is the harm from running?

Running not only has a positive effect on the health of the whole body as a whole, it also puts a lot of stress on the joints. Of course, there is a possibility of harm from running; 5 arguments are worth considering in more detail, since many may encounter them.

1. Impact on joints

People who are overweight often decide to go jogging. However, you should approach such loads with caution if extra pounds more than a couple dozen. Man with overweight The body, starting to run, puts a very large load on the bones and joints. This can lead to premature wear and pain after intense workouts. If the desire to run is strong, then you can start by walking at a brisk pace, gradually increasing the pace. Such a smooth transition will protect the body from shock loads.

2.Heart risk

Although running is an excellent cardio workout and can strengthen the heart muscle, it can also lead to dire consequences for this organ. For the heart, damage from running appears during sudden intense exercise. An untrained heart muscle does not have time to pump blood in sufficient quantities, which leads to severe shortness of breath and hypoxia occurs. You should start running at a slow pace, gradually increasing the load.

3. Jet lag

Running can cause harm when a person does not listen to the body’s sensations and does not follow the natural biorhythm. It is important to start training when the body feels as comfortable as possible. You should not force yourself to get up in the morning if it is very difficult and brings you alone. negative emotions. This is fraught with the fact that the entire process of training thoughts will only be occupied with when it’s all over. It is necessary to observe yourself and draw a conclusion when it is better to train: .

4.Effect on the female body

In the life of every woman there comes a period when all physiological processes in the body change, it is called menopause. The body begins to sag, an unnecessary tummy appears, and the hips increase in size. When a woman sees all these changes in her body, she decides to start actively playing sports. However, at this time you should especially carefully monitor your health and not subject your body to too intense stress. After all, bones become fragile, which means that the risk of getting harmed from running due to various types of injuries increases.

5.Chronic diseases

In this case, running may be absolutely contraindicated, so before you start training, you should consult your doctor. You should also be careful about intense exercise if you have diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. If you do the exercises incorrectly or do them without special equipment, you can get enormous harm from running.

Our conclusion:

In order for running to bring only benefits, you need to carefully study all the pros and cons. If there is a possibility that harm may be caused to the body, then intensive training should be avoided. Currently, there are many other alternative options to increase vitality and improve the health of body and spirit.

This conclusion can be drawn if you read the article by Andrei Antonov “Is running really useful”? (" Iron World"No. 1, 2014, pp. 150-158).
How does the author justify his position?

Firstly, a person is anatomically (in terms of the structure of muscles and skeleton) poorly suited for both long-term running over long distances and for fast, but fleeting ones. Evolutionarily, man is adapted for walking, which is proven by comparing his structure with the structure of the skeleton and muscles of animals, whose biological specialization is associated with either long running or sharp accelerations. A person is not able to either escape from a predator or catch up with any animal suitable for food. Thus, “we have to admit that running is not a physiological mode motor activity person."
The main advantage of long running has traditionally been considered its beneficial influence on the activity of the cardiovascular system and excess adipose tissue. “However, studies of aerobic exercise over the past 30 years have failed to show significant beneficial effects of aerobic exercise on the heart, blood vessels and fat tissue.”
Yes, long-term cyclic loads below the anaerobic threshold contribute to a significant increase in cardiac output and make the resting heart rate lower. But the fact is that even so, the capabilities of a person with a normal, non-sick heart fully provide him with a supply of oxygen to the muscles sufficient to show results at the level of a master of sports in running over the appropriate distances. In this case, the limiting factor is not the heart itself, but the inability of the muscles to absorb incoming oxygen due to insufficient development of mitochondria in the corresponding muscle fibers.
Yes, when running in an aerobic mode, working muscles from a certain moment use fatty acids, which leads to their consumption during running, but also improves the mechanisms for storing fat after running.
What makes long-term aerobic running really useful is that if you do it for many years (3-5 years), it has a beneficial effect on increased blood pressure with so-called “primary hypertension”. Possibly through neurohumoral mechanisms.
And, unfortunately, aerobic running cannot significantly protect against, for example, atherosclerosis. As they age, recreational runners die “from cardiovascular disease at the same rate as other people.” We must assume that these are people comparable to runners in the absence of other harmful factors for the activity of blood vessels and the heart, such as excess weight And so on. Interval running in this regard (fighting excess weight and preventing atherosclerosis) is much better, but, unfortunately, it increases the “impact load” and is more harmful to the joints.

How can running cause harm?
This is precisely its effect on the joints.
When running, especially in the absence of proper technique, there is always a so-called “shock load”, which has a harmful effect on the joints (especially the knees and spine), as well as the calf muscle. “It is the vertical impact load that makes running the most harmful of all types of cyclic aerobics.” Therefore: “At any age, walking followed by training in the gym is much healthier.”

What about running? long distances still good?
And because during it, endorphins and enkephalins are produced quite well, which lead to an improvement in mood and even euphoria. And since running does not require complex equipment: a bicycle, a boat, the presence of snow and skis, ice and skates, a pool and good swimming technique, finally, the desired effect of pleasure from it is most achievable when running.

So what to do if a person likes to run and wants to do it?
First, put correct technique run and prepare your (first of all, calf muscles) to its implementation by systematically increasing the load.
Secondly, run, but don’t forget about other types of training for your body.