“Russia is the only country in the world capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash”

D.K. Kiselev, director of Russia Today

But is it possible for events to develop according to such a scenario? Will there be a war in 2017, will we have to take up arms in the near future and again defend our Motherland? Let's figure it out.

Looking ahead, we note that the war is already underway, and considerable funds are being spent on it. But this is not open confrontation, but war in other ways. But first things first…

To begin with, about the latest events that indicate that war between Russia and the United States in 2017 is likely

Since 2014 (when, you know who, managed to ignite the conflict in Ukraine), political life planet and Russia, in particular, has been replenished with many interesting events. The most important of them, of course, is the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

Of course, the “Western partners”, who were pursuing completely different goals and were already figuring out how the destroyers would be deployed in the port of Sevastopol, did not like this very much. And the fact that V.V. Putin and other Russian political figures react with unshakable calm to all sorts of attacks in our direction, which also angers their “partners.”

From latest events, saying that there is a possibility of war between Russia and the United States in 2017, the following are noteworthy:

  • The latest conclusions of the international commission on MH17, and the statement of the Dutch prosecutor Fred Westerbeke, that the BUK was imported from the territory of the Russian Federation (and after the launch was safely taken back). But until now no one has bothered to obtain data from Ukrainian radars. Moreover, the members of this commission “don’t care” about the primary radar data presented by the Russian side. What does this mean? At the very least, they are trying to blame the death of Boeing on the Russian Federation as a motive for starting a war against the “aggressor.” Why don't they untie it? More on this below.
  • Statement by US representatives of their intention to cease cooperation on Syria. What does this mean? What an attempt to exhaust the “partners” Russian troops campaign in Syria, and to show their low combat effectiveness, was not successful. On the contrary, the Russian Armed Forces have proven that they have an army capable of not only accurately hitting targets, but also surprising (remember the missile launches from surface ships that made State Department representatives go into hysterics?).
  • A hint from US State Department spokesman John Kirby that further Russian actions in Syria will provoke terrorist attacks on Russian cities. Well, it’s already clear who and how they will be coordinated. Considering the fact that, according to representatives of our Ministry of Defense, the Russian side knows the locations of American specialists providing assistance to terrorists operating in Syria (and also, do not forget about what weapons they are fighting with, which confirms the fact that the war between the USA and Russia is already underway, but not directly...).

And yet, will there be a war in 2017?

Considering the “attempts” of the United States, it can be assumed that they want war with Russia in 2017. However, a direct one-on-one conflict is impossible. Why, let's find out.

If we analyze the history of the United States, they have never participated in an open confrontation with an enemy comparable in strength to the states. America always invades weakened countries, “battered” by civil war and allies, or acts as part of large coalitions, preferring to “participate with money” (as in World War II). Therefore, the likelihood that the United States will suddenly change its views and rush into battle, unleashing a third world war in 2017, is low.

If the US unleashes nuclear war in 2017, they will receive a very, very sensitive blow. And while they are recovering from it, the world order may change greatly. After all, there are contenders for the role of world leader (you know who) who are intensively growing their economy.

It is extremely inconvenient to wage a war while on another continent. Yes, the United States can use the military bases of its NATO allies for this. But how will the countries that are members of the alliance view retaliatory strikes on American bases located on their territory? Not everyone will go for such a “big brother” adventure. As they say, you can go after a bear with ten men and kill it, but it will certainly maul several of the attackers.

Terrorist attacks, armed conflicts and disputes between leaders of leading countries... In Lately Such events are happening more and more often and give rise to thoughts of a new war that will affect all states of the globe. There is an opinion that the Third World War has already begun. It is being waged not on the battlefield, but on the Internet: through mutual attacks and distortion of data. Alas, if the battles become reality, others may use nuclear weapons. This threatens a huge number of casualties and destruction. No wonder everyone more people wondering: is there a third planet waiting? World War? There are a great many opinions on this matter. We have collected all available information to present you with the big picture.

Clairvoyant prophecies

In difficult times, even skeptics turn to psychics in the hope of positive forecasts. Unfortunately, this is not the most reliable source. Often, fictitious “revelations” are published under the name of a famous or not-so-famous seer. On the Internet you can find surprisingly detailed “prophecies” of Vanga, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and other outstanding clairvoyants.

Many clairvoyants predict a cataclysm, but will it be a world war?

Many of the predictions relate to World War III, the role of Russia and Ukraine in the battles, the conflict in Donbass, and so on. Such data should be carefully checked. The older the prediction, the less clear information it provides. As a rule, real clairvoyant prophecies are very vague and can be interpreted in different ways. We present you with several such forecasts. Believe them or not - the choice is yours.

Vanga's predictions

At the end of the last century, a Bulgarian seer promised the beginning of destructive battles: “ War will be everywhere, between all nations" According to Vanga, the events she described will be equal in scale to the biblical Apocalypse. They will begin, " when a person loses the ability to compassion" The cause of the conflict must be religion.

It can be assumed that the danger comes from the Islamic East, where the terrorist organization ISIS operates. According to Vanga, the war will be accompanied by a huge number of disasters and natural Disasters. But exact dates the seer did not name. She told her listeners that it was not they who would see the war, but their children – today’s youth.

Prediction of Matrona of Moscow

A blind Russian seer made similar predictions. One of the saint’s latest predictions has become the subject of much controversy. " There will be no war, without war you will all die, there will be many victims, you will all lie dead on the ground... Without war, war goes on!" - this is how these words sound. But what would that mean? One of the interpretations involves a cosmic catastrophe, the other - an incurable disease from which many people will die. An environmental disaster is being considered as an option.

According to Matrona’s predictions, it is not the Third World War that awaits the earth, but an inevitable environmental disaster

You can read on the Internet that Matrona’s words refer to 2017. But that's not true. The seer, like many of her colleagues, rarely mentioned specific dates. By the way, the terrible prophecy has a continuation: “ At sunset, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different." Matrona promised salvation and rebirth to the Russian people.

Nostradamus's prediction

The legendary seer interpreted the future based on the movement of celestial bodies. He passed on his knowledge in collections-almanacs consisting of quatrains - one for each year. These quatrains should not be taken literally. This mysterious verse refers to the coming 2017:

“Out of rage, someone will wait for water,
The army was in great rage.
Nobles loaded onto 17 ships
Along the Rhone; The messenger arrived late."

Most likely, the predictor had in mind a disaster at sea. The Rhone River is in France, and the events described are most likely to occur there. But this quatrain hardly foreshadows a global conflict. As for the near future, alarming hints can be seen in the following quatrain. The verse dates back to 2018 and contains the following lines:

“The fortress has been undermined, and the old freethinker
He will show the Genevans the traces of Nir."

According to one interpretation, World War III will break out in Iran

The mysterious "Nira" is considered an anagram of the word "Iran". Accordingly, the threat of World War III may come from this country. The Non-Aligned Movement becomes a possible initiator of war. By “Genevians” we can mean the United Nations. Its headquarters are located in the Swiss city of Geneva.

Prediction by Pavel Globa

Famous Russian astrologer I am sure that the confrontation between the superpowers will not go beyond the Cold War. At the same time, serious things await the world. In many countries, poverty and unemployment will reach peak levels. The United States and Europe will lose their positions on the world stage.

But Russia will improve its well-being thanks to energy resources. Subsequently, former Soviet states will join the Russian Federation: Kazakhstan, Belarus, and possibly even Ukraine. Russia's eastern ally, China, will also become stronger. The world is facing natural disasters. However, Globa believes that things will not come to global conflicts and a third world war.

Prediction by Malakhat Nazarova

A modern prophetess originally from Baku also gives quite clear predictions. In her prophecies, she speaks of 2017 as a turning point in history. According to Nazarova, in September it will become clear whether the Third World War is coming. At the end of every century, give or take ten years, chaos reigns on Earth. This period will end in 2017.

World War will be the inevitable outcome of the conflict between the superpowers

The start of a war depends on the situation in the political arena. If the conflicting superpowers reach a compromise, the threat can be avoided. Nazarova believes that in 2017 the world will be hit by many natural disasters. States will devote all their efforts to combating disasters, and it will not come to international clashes. The seer also believes that in 2017 China will face a conflict with Japan. However, it is unknown whether it will affect other countries.

The clairvoyant does not believe that the war will end. Life on earth is eternal, says Nazarova. According to the theory of hierarchical catastrophes, the end of the world awaits us in 2017. But let us note that almost every year followers of one or another teaching wait for the Apocalypse, and so far in vain. Therefore, you should not rely entirely on the opinions of seers. It is better to pay attention to the statements of politicians and experts.

Military-political forecasts

The prospect of World War III scares not only ordinary people, but also those who influence the fate of the world. In 2015, American political analyst and former military man Joachim Hagopian published an article on the GlobalResearch portal. The expert draws attention to “warning signals” that indicate the approach of war. Hagopian writes that the strongest powers - the USA and Russia - are preparing for possible conflict. The parties enlist the support of their allies. The States are guided by the EU, Russia by China and India.

The depletion of natural energy resources, on which the well-being of many countries rests, is another prerequisite for hostilities. The expert believes that America is facing bankruptcy in the near future. This will lead to war. The opponents will be the USA, NATO and Israel on the one hand, and Russia, India and China on the other. Australia will side with the US. But between South and North Korea a separate conflict will begin. Hagopian predicts that entire nations may be destroyed during the war.

The most likely parties to the conflict are the United States and Russia

Another American officer, former NATO chief Alexander Richard Shirreff, presents his forecast in the book “2017: War with Russia.” The work is not a documentary, but behind the fictional events it is easy to discern the main idea: the rash policy of the United States leads to a conflict with the Russian Federation. The result will be the defeat of the United States.

According to the plot, Russia captures the Baltic states, which are members of NATO. This event marks the beginning of the war. Reducing funds allocated for the needs of the army leads to defeats for the United States... Western media found this version of events plausible. But the Russians themselves have a hard time believing in the capture of the Baltic states. Such a decision would be reckless for the Russian government, whose position is stronger than ever.

Possible outcome of a clash between the USA and Russia

But if you imagine that the events described will happen, you can estimate the strengths of both sides. According to a British air colonel and lecturer international relations Ian Shields, the number of NATO military units significantly exceeds the resources of Russia. Let’s compare: the North Atlantic Alliance has more than 3.5 million soldiers, Russia – 800 thousand. The number of NATO is 7.5 thousand versus 2.7 thousand for the Russian Federation.

But in battle, not only the amount of resources is important. Many factors can become decisive. According to Shields, World War III will be little like World War II. Ultra-modern technologies, including computer ones, can be used in battles. The battles will become less protracted, but there will be more losses than in any of the previous wars.

There is a possibility that World War III will become a war not of arms, but of minds

Unlike many political scientists, Shields does not take the risk of nuclear war seriously. Usage atomic weapons will entail global destruction, which neither side wants. The expert shares this opinion with regard to chemical and bio-technologies. If a weapon of this type is used, it will not become the main one.

Alas, this does not mean that World War III will not bring significant consequences. Shields believes the conflict will cover all areas human life. The so-called “information war” will play an important role, which will unfold on the Internet, television screens and newspaper pages. In addition, the war will affect the economy, finance, politics, and so on. The expert believes that the battles will even move into outer space.

Predictions of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The threat of World War III is talked about not only in the United States. In April 2016, the head of the LDPR, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, said that the West was preparing for a world war, which would be carried out “by the hands of the Slavs.” According to the politician, the American method is for Ukraine to fight against Russia, and the United States to receive financial benefits.

Zhirinovsky emphasized that the United States entered all wars at the very end, when the outcome was clear. After the end of the conflict, the United States imposed conditions favorable to America on the remaining states. If you believe Zhirinovsky, the same will happen this time. The states will enter the war when Russia captures the capital of Ukraine, and will dictate to the Russian Federation which regions of the country to transfer to neighboring states. When will these events happen?

One of the likely scenarios is a clash between the Russian Federation and Ukraine

The politician is confident that war could break out from 2017 to 2025. After this, the world will experience a technical breakthrough comparable to human space flight. Russia will have such military resources that no country will dare to confront the Russian Federation. This radical scenario is fully consistent with the spirit of the Liberal Democratic Party. But Zhirinovsky's statements rarely come true.

Carefully studying the geopolitical situation in the world today, one can often hear the opinion that the Third World War will begin in 2017. Some make the bold assumption that the war is already being waged and it is invisible, but effective. And it is not waged by the special services, but by the media, since the war is an information war. Which statement is true?

Will World War III start in 2017?

Political scientists around the world agree that at the current stage of development of statehood, many countries will not agree to a conscious armed conflict on a global scale, as this will entail great human losses. Instead, a return to the Cold War model, which was observed almost immediately after the end of World War II, is possible. Then the confrontation was between two superpowers: the USA and the USSR, which had enormous nuclear potential, capable of destroying half the planet. Today the threat nuclear strike not so great, and the public opinion on this matter is clear. However, the current adversaries - Russia and NATO - have something to shake each other down.

It is argued that the constant escalation of the situation, which will occur with the help of a variety of media, small clashes and major clashes in the territory of Third World countries, can lead to the declaration of war and its outbreak.

However, along with this, there is an opinion that World War 3 2017 is already underway, and it is the media that is waging it, providing citizens different countries a varied version of the same events, presenting them in a light favorable to one or another political force. This theory is supported by world news coverage and the economic and political situation in the world.

Possible causes of war

If the opinion about the possibility of starting a new world war is more or less clear: it will either happen or not, then the reasons for its start are not so clear. So, there are several possible reasons World War III:

  • War on religious grounds: a constant clash between the Christian and Muslim worlds, which today, thanks to the capabilities of weapons, has reached new level, could escalate into a real military conflict, and then Europe will be overwhelmed not only by a wave of terrorist attacks, but also by real military attacks. If this scenario comes true, Europe will be destroyed, and the “center of the world” will be transferred to one of the Muslim countries, which will be the leader in this confrontation and lead the holy war against the infidels.
  • A war between two super-states for the right to world influence and domination. Many still believe that the Cold War was never completed and the successors of the old political regimes only disguised the existing confrontation under imaginary friendship and now the real state of affairs is being revealed: there is no peacetime. Thus, the United States will enlist the support of the EU and Israel to oppose Russia’s alliance with China and India. With such a balance of power, many countries will enter into a “neighborhood conflict,” such as South and North Korea.
  • War for resources. Researchers have been saying for years that Natural resources Our planet has been significantly depleted, and therefore the strongest influence on the economies of countries will be exerted by those who possess them. The most valuable resource today is oil, since it is not only a source of income for entire states and the basis of economies, but also an important component Everyday life citizens. It is believed that it will be the United States that will start the war, since its oil fields are almost depleted, and the country will face bankruptcy in the coming years. And then Russia will be in a defensive position and will act as a defender of the peoples and countries that the States will attack.
  • War is a Masonic conspiracy. The existence of Freemasons, who rule the world like puppeteers, has long been debated. And many discussions have already been made about whether they really have such a huge influence as they are credited with. However, one of the reasons for the Third World War in 2017 is called a conspiracy by the brotherhood of masons, according to which in this way they intend to reduce the population of the Earth. The reason for this was the same lack of resources for so many people. That is, the fewer people left alive, the longer the necessary wealth of the planet will last. In addition, such a war is associated with the apocalypse, necessary to cleanse the earth of humanity mired in vices. Once cleansed, the survivors will build a new, enlightened society. Naturally, under the leadership of the Masons.

Of course, today it is too early to say which of the reasons will become the very trigger that served as the beginning of the global cataclysm. However, we should not forget that geopolitical prerequisites have existed for quite some time.

Possible scenario and outcome of World War 3 in 2017

Today the world is transparent thanks to new technologies: satellites that make it possible to take pictures of the planet’s surface from space, unmanned aircraft, surveillance cameras installed everywhere. All this and even a photo of a fighter against the background of equipment, posted in social network, allows you to estimate the approximate firepower potential enemy. And if you supplement this with intelligence data, you can get a more complete picture. In addition, some countries keep such information in the public domain, both for intimidation and for boasting.

It is based on the number of equipment and soldiers that forecasts are made about how the Third World War could develop in 2017.

Based on the available data, the NATO bloc is significantly superior Russian Federation in the number of weapons and soldiers. But the main feature of the bloc's troops is their location: they are scattered throughout the world, while Russia's military forces are concentrated on its territory.

It is also worth taking into account technical progress, which has improved weapons since their last use and now the distance between armies can be several tens of kilometers, and the destruction is hundreds of times greater, since, for example, missiles long range capable of flying across entire continents to their target. In this case, it will not be possible to avoid civilian casualties. And this main reason, according to which such a war scenario is denied by most politicians. It is also considered unlikely that the use of biological and chemical weapons mass destruction.

Proponents of the Masonic conspiracy theory, who bet on 2017 and the Third World War, will not agree with them. In their opinion, this is exactly how events will develop, and if not at the beginning of the war, then pretty soon the leadership of one of the parties in this war will come to this conclusion.

There are also several theories about how exactly the war will start. So, one of the main scenarios for today: Russia will attack the Baltic countries, and NATO will respond to this attack with an armed clash. It is believed that after this, Russia’s hands will be untied and it will be able, hiding behind the version of defense and response to the enemy’s aggressive actions, to launch a full-scale attack on European countries. According to supporters of this theory, Russia will win the war by establishing its dominance in the world for a long time. Not only will it be destroyed old world, but the USA, Canada, China, Korea and some countries in Africa and South America.

Another version says that the war will begin within Europe with protests by Muslims against governments, and Russia will enter into this confrontation much later, when it is necessary to contain the aggressor. According to this scenario, the Russian Federation will face defeat, but Muslim countries will strengthen and begin to gradually spread their influence over the entire territory of the planet.

One way or another, most researchers of this issue agree that war will be tantamount to war, and this is its main danger for humanity.

Prophecies about World War III

The theory that the Third World War will nevertheless begin in 2017 is supported not only by military-political forecasts and observations of the situation, but also by the predictions of authoritative clairvoyants of ancient and modern times. And, although this is not the most reliable source of information and predictions do not always come true, one cannot discount the words of Vanga or Nostradamus, whose warnings have been repeatedly confirmed by events in history.

Vanga's prediction

At the end of the last century, Vanga predicted terrible war between peoples, in which everyone will participate. She spoke of great and widespread destruction that would entail many deaths, famine and devastation for many years. The cause of the war was supposed to be religion, and the starting point was the moment when people ceased to have compassion. Since the seer spoke in images, it is quite difficult to interpret her words, but researchers believe that she could be talking about the east and the terrorist organization ISIS, which has recently become more active.

However, Vanga never named exact dates, but mentioned this event that it would be witnessed by the children of the listeners, that is, presumably today’s youth.

Matrona of Moscow about the war in 2017

The blind saint-seer also did not give exact dates, but they are inclined to believe that her the last prophecy refers specifically to 2017. It said that everyone would die without war, and that war goes on without war. At one moment everyone will fall to the ground, and at dawn they will rise. And salvation awaits those who repented and managed to cleanse themselves before the Lord. Since Matrona was a deeply religious person, it is believed that this is how she predicted the Apocalypse.

There are also several other versions of interpretation. “War goes on without war” - refers to the concept information war when there is no destruction, but a clash of minds and opinions is already occurring. It is also believed that death without war may mean a collision with cosmic body, or global ecological disaster, or even the spread of a deadly disease.

Nostradamus's prediction

Nostradamus encrypted his predictions in quatrains - quatrains, find out secret meaning which they have been striving for for several hundred years. However, the interpretation is not always successful or has the same meaning. Thus, there are cases when more than one event is assumed under one quatrain. Skeptics argue that this happens because researchers simply “summary” the event that happened.

And meanwhile, Nostradamus prophesies the beginning of the conflict in France on the Rhone River in 2017, which could serve as the starting point for a global conflict. And for 2018, he gives an equally gloomy prediction, which is interpreted as a warning: a threat should be expected from Iran, and the United Nations will be the first to suffer, as the main one that can fight back and prevent further war.

Predictions of Pavel Globa about the World War

The famous astrologer claims that the war will not cross the border of cold confrontation and it will never come to real armed clashes, since countries will be too busy trying to maintain their economic well-being at the proper level. However, he predicts the USA and Russia financial losses and periods of need. True, Russia will soon recover from the crisis thanks to energy resources and will be able to unite with several former republics THE USSR.

Also, the world will be shaken by natural disasters, which will already cause great losses among the population of different countries, and this will more likely unite humanity around another, more important problem– survival in conditions of changing terrain, climate and depletion of natural resources.

Prediction by Malakhat Nazarova

Another modern prophetess believes that an armed conflict will never happen and for several reasons. According to her, 2017 is a turning point not only in the history of humanity, but also the universe as a whole. Although leap year– previous, in 2017 the next period of chaos caused by the change of the millennium should end. And how it will end depends entirely on those in power, since the chance to reach consensus and resolve all conflicts through compromise is still quite large.

Just like Globa, she predicts earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions and hurricanes that will cause major disasters on the ground. This should unite enemies and distract from international political problems, as more pressing issues that require immediate solutions and joint efforts will come to the fore.

The British celebrate the Queen's official birthday in June, but on April 22, the Queen's real birthday is celebrated only with a party in a narrow circle of family and selected guests. And yesterday, Queen Elizabeth "completely crashed her own party" when she publicly announced that "World War III is due to break out this year." According to the queen, the war is necessary for the Illuminati to plunge humanity into the next phase of their blasphemous master plan.

“2017 is a special year. This will go down in history as the beginning of World War III."- the queen said with an evil smile,” - this is how, on condition of complete anonymity, an employee of Windsor Castle reports the queen’s words.

“The Queen spoke as if she knew the Illuminati's plans from the inside,” says a Windsor Castle insider. “But worse, she seemed to be caught up in a wave of enthusiasm for a new world war.”

By the end of 2017, the world will be unrecognizable because the Illuminati is gaining strength. War in the Middle East for a long time was the preferred method of initiating World War III, which would pit Russia, China, and the United States in direct military confrontation. And only then will the final phase of the Illuminati’s global domination plan come into force.

The Queen said: “We must prepare for the new dawn in which humanity will soon awaken. But dawn cannot come without a period of complete darkness, the very dark night, the likes of which we have never seen before in the world.”

It is clear that the “period of complete darkness” refers to the third world war. The "New Dawn" in which humanity will soon awaken is explained as a New World Order.

Queen Elizabeth, picking at her brought dessert with a fork, explained about the New World Order. It will be the time when we become so socially and technologically advanced that we can live as one people under one government in one world.

This is not the first time the Queen has shocked guests with gloomy predictions for the coming year. In April 2016, the Queen accurately predicted that the year would be an "annus horribilus" for famous people, there will be an unprecedented number of celebrity deaths. Four of them will die because they rejected the teachings of the Illuminati, and their death will serve as a warning to the rest: join or die!

According to the insider, while explaining the beauty of the New World Order at the final stage of the speech, the Queen “fainted”, and the speech itself was interrupted by shouts of approval from the assembled guests, shocked by the Queen’s announcement.

However, the rest of the room was silent. Only outside were the hooves of a detachment of the Royal Horse Artillery pounding on the pavement. They soon fired a 41-gun salute, punctuating the deadly silence of Windsor Castle.

News Kit portal writes:

In May 2015, the famous American billionaire George Soros said literally the following: “If there is a clash between China and a US military ally such as Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that we will be on the verge of World War III.”

Soon, similar judgments were made by the Commander-in-Chief of NATO Allied Forces in Brunsum (Netherlands), Hans-Lothar Domroese. These statements coincide in meaning with the predictions of Western prophets made in the 1950-1970s and concerning 2016 and beyond.

Moreover, in the predictions of clairvoyants, as in the forecast of Soros, Russia is assigned the role of “China’s flank ally” invading Europe. We mention these prophecies as a kind of paranormal artifact, illustrating the inescapable fear of the West of the “unpredictable Russian bear.”

In 1992, when Russia in no way resembled the current country that “rose from its knees,” many German publications published the apocalyptic prophecy of the German soothsayer Alois Irlmayer. A 1953 prediction made by a clairvoyant to a neighbor's girl was later recorded in his diary. At that time, Irlmayer's forecast caused a flurry of ironic remarks among the German public, because nothing in this forecast seemed real.

“My girl, in your lifetime you will experience many shocks. At first, our country will prosper like never before. Then there will be a decline in faith in the Lord, and people will wallow in vices, and streams of refugees will pour in from the Balkans and Africa. Our money will depreciate and there will be high inflation. Shortly thereafter, revolution and civil war will begin in Germany, and then Europe will be unexpectedly invaded by the Russians at night.”

According to Irlmayer, tactical nuclear weapons will be used in Europe, which will wipe out Prague. Only after this the warring parties - and by them are meant “ Yellow Dragon paired with the Red Bear,” who oppose the “Eagle of the Atlantic,” listen to the voice of reason. The Third World War will be stopped literally on its doorstep. Atomic apocalypse will not follow.

If in 1992 Irlmayer’s prediction did not gain nationwide popularity, then in 2015, when it was posted on the Internet, it collected 200 thousand views in a couple of weeks.

Have modern Germans become more superstitious? No, rather, they are frightened by the part of the prediction about “refugee flows” that has already come true. And also amazing parallels between Irlmayer’s infernal visions and the “strategic analytics” with which the North Atlantic Alliance intimidates the inhabitants of the Old World.

Veronica Luken gained fame in the United States as one of the most beautiful fortune tellers of all peoples and times. As for the accuracy of her prophecies, it was not possible to verify it: most were made in 1976-1978 and assigned by the clairvoyant to 2015-2020. It is interesting that when predicting the Third World War for these years, Veronica did not use Aesopian language in the style of Nostradamus or the same Irlmayer.

“Three numbers: two eights and a nine,” is the only mysterious phrase that Luken never bothered to explain. Otherwise, Veronica, an ordinary housewife in life, operated on the directions of the main attacks, the number and names of military groups, like an experienced general.

Surprisingly, Luken, like Irlmayer, foresaw the destruction of Prague after the use of tactical nuclear weapons. And again, “Russian troops” invade Europe. True, this is preceded not by a revolution in Germany, but by a rebellion in the Vatican, the assassination of the Pope, and wars in the Balkans. “Russian troops enter Belgrade, advance across Italy, leave in three columns for Germany, in the direction of the Rhine...”

If you believe Veronica, then events in Europe will be provoked by a conflict between Russia and the United States. This fortuneteller prophesies “the coming of an era of universal peace,” but only after nuclear apocalypse: “People will learn to live a spiritual life, will consciously abandon smart machines, and will seek joy in working with the plow.”

The American woman's predictions are interesting for several reasons. Firstly, she foresees a future military conflict between America and Russia, living in the “era of detente.” Secondly, Luken is the first to use the now generally accepted term “climate weapon”: in her visions, Russia uses it against the United States, provoking nightmarish earthquakes.

Thirdly, let us remember the following saying of the seer: “The Third World War will begin when, after a series of protracted conflicts, all parties suddenly start talking about peace. When it will seem to everyone that the worst has already been avoided.”

Visions of the Evangelist We are especially interested in the predictions of those whose predictions have already come true. And preferably more than once. This is true of Congo-born preacher Emmanuel Minos, a member of the Norwegian “Holy Trinity Movement”. Thus, in 1954, Minos predicted the beginning of television broadcasting in Norway in 1968, and in 1937, as a boy, the prosperity of Norway thanks to the reserves of then unexplored oil fields.

As for the Third World War, the Norwegian evangelist attributed its beginning to 2016. True, if, for example, Veronica Luken saw “general talk about peace” as harbingers of a nuclear apocalypse, as well as “a bright comet in the sky that will appear unexpectedly for all astronomers,” Minos believed that a sign of the beginning of the Third World War would be “the aspiration of hundreds of thousands of black impoverished people fleeing famine and war to Europe.”

The evangelist made this prediction in 1968, when there was not even a hint of today's mass emigration to the Old World from Africa.

Now let's return to the American billionaire Soros and his forecasts regarding the Third World War, made during a speech at a World Bank conference.

The most amazing thing is that Soros's predictions, voiced this spring, were known... six years ago. In 2009, a mysterious prophet appeared on the Internet, claiming to be a time traveler and calling himself Ardon Crepe.

Stating that it arose in our time in order to warn earthlings from harm, Crepe in 2009 predicted an armed conflict in Ukraine in 2014, and then - word for word with Soros - he said that “the Chinese leaders, who during the economic reform will need to calm their people in order to maintain power, they will start a war by attacking Japan and South Korea and thus provoking the beginning of the Third World War.”

In addition, Crepe, like Soros in 2015, called on Washington to “make concessions to China, which will take Russia as an ally,” and allow the yuan to be included in the IMF currency basket.

The coincidence between Crepe's predictions and Soros's forecast is such that many questions involuntarily arise. For example, was Soros himself hiding under the pseudonym Ardon Crepe? Or maybe the billionaire announced his forecast after studying Crepe’s mystical revelations?

Let us also mention the apocalyptic predictions of the “Prophet of Vienna” by Gottfried von Werdenberg, made by him during a television show in 1994 on central Austrian television.

Please note: then, 21 years ago, Gottfried predicted the revival of a new Russian Empire in 2017, saying that the harbinger would be “Russia turning off the gas tap to Europe and the not very successful attempt of the Old World to replace such supplies with Norwegian ones.”

We agree that all this was impossible to imagine in 1994. However, like the terrorist entity called ISIS, which von Werdenberg then described as a “quasi-Islamic state of Iran,” as well as UAVs (combat drones) in the skies of Ukraine.

From von Werdenberg's predictions for 2016-2017, the Third World War will be heralded by the military coming to power in Moscow, and the Third World War itself, which will begin soon after, will last two years, as a result of which the Earth's population will be reduced to 600 million.

Scary predictions, aren't they? I can’t help but remember the famous painting by Salvador Dali “Premonition” civil war“, although the predictors are talking about the Third World War and, possibly, the last.

However, we'll wait and see. I would like to return to the topic of these forecasts in a few years and start with the words: “Now we have the best confirmation of the controversial Western statistics, which claim that over the past 200 years, for every hundred predictions there have been only one - partially! - true..."