IN modern times many countries of the world Special attention pay attention to waste recycling. First of all, it makes it possible to get rid of its accumulation, which significantly cleans the environment.

This is also a good additional income, which is primarily provided through the use of recyclable materials.

Among waste recycling enterprises, glass recycling is not the least important.

This business involves the presence of a plant, on the basis of which several stages are carried out:

  • For the selection of glass among other waste;
  • Sorting it by color;
  • Cleaning and drying;
  • Grinding.

Plastic bottles also need to be recycled and you can make good money from this, but find out how exactly

Reasons for opening a processing plant

Recycling this particular material is important for many reasons:

  • Firstly, glass is an always relevant material in many areas, since it is used to produce products of varying complexity and is used in construction;
  • Secondly, this is a significant relief of the environment, cleansing the environment;
  • Thirdly, such business is welcomed and strongly supported by the authorities, since, in addition to being extremely rare, it is also extremely important.

Important: broken glass is provided 100% by sales points; it is in dire need:

  • Building sector;
  • Plumbing production;
  • Factories for the production of glass products.

How the cullet processing line works - watch this video:

How to start a glass processing business

To put something like this into operation, you need to collect a certain package of documents. Important: a license from the Ministry of Economy is required, which is valid for a year.

  • Conclusion of environmental impact assessment;
  • Official permission from the fire department;
  • Document from the sanitary authority;
  • Instructions describing all stages of production.

Business registration

Such an industrial enterprise must be registered, otherwise doing business will be considered a gross mistake.

In order to register a business, you need to decide on its form - you should also indicate the OKVED code corresponding to the activity, in this case the code is 38 - collection, processing and disposal of waste.

Real estate and equipment

It is better to find a building for installation of equipment near a landfill; in any case, it should be located at least 600 meters from a residential area, for example, in an industrial area.

What size it will be depends on the expected speed. In any case, a certain part is used as a warehouse. The best option 100 sq. meters for the warehouse and 500 sq. meters for the workshop.

It is important to have:

  • High fencing;
  • Good access to the plant;
  • Area for shipment of raw materials.

Today, the market offers many machines and separate lines for glass processing, but the installation of such separate equipment will be expensive, so it is best to purchase a ready-made automated glass processing line, which will pay for itself during the active operation of the plant in the first year of operation.

This will include:

  • Different-sized sieves;
  • Dryers;
  • Crushing plants;
  • Conveyor for moving material:
  • Melting furnace;
  • Air units.

In general, if you purchase domestic equipment you will have to spend up to 700,000 rubles. What equipment is needed to organize a business for processing tires into crumbs - find out

A more economical option is already used foreign equipment.

What equipment will be needed?


Important: when installing an automated line, there is no need for a large number of workers; just a few people are enough to control the entire process.

Otherwise, when using manual labor, a medium-sized enterprise requires up to 40 people who will receive, reject, sort, and grind raw materials.

Raw material processing process

The entire glass processing technology depends on the scale of the enterprise and the final result; for example, you can complete the processing by cleaning and grinding. This option will be the most optimal for a small enterprise.

If the result of the work should be, for example, the production of bottles, then the starting capital should be much higher than the minimum.

The technology for processing glass without production is as follows:

  • Sorting;
  • Cleaning;
  • Drying;
  • Splitting up;
  • Warehousing.

If the production of high-quality purified raw materials is envisaged, then the following is added:

  • Mixing with necessary additives;
  • Melting of raw materials in furnaces at temperatures up to 2,500 degrees.

What you need to purchase to set up a workshop

If you plan to have a high income from business, then you need to invest at least 1.5 million rubles in it.

This will include:

  • Dryers;
  • Shredders;
  • Forms;
  • Ovens.

Particular attention should be paid to separator equipment, since the degree of purification of raw materials will depend on its capabilities.

Separately purchased machines will operate with a low capacity of up to 100 kg per hour, but an automated line of foreign production or a domestic equivalent has powerful potential.

It is also important to take care of transport for the delivery of raw materials - whether it will be your own fleet of vehicles or contracts with public utilities.

Waste sorting

  1. The first thing when sorting glass is the color range, after selection by color, sorting is carried out by quality - ordinary glass and glass ceramics.
  2. Next, the glass is cleaned of dirt, stones, and all kinds of impurities.
  3. After which it is crushed and again more thoroughly cleaned.

Basics of a business plan for processing glass, glass waste and cullet.

Price issue: business plan with calculations

Capital investment in numbers looks something like this:

  • Setting up a workshop and putting it into operation will cost 60,000 – 300,000 rubles;
  • Bringing the premises into proper condition in accordance with the requirements of sanitary and fire services up to 171,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of an automated new line up to 1.5 million rubles;
  • It's also important to consider cost permitting documents.

Current expenses:

  • Payment of rent;
  • Utility payments;
  • working personnel.

Important: such an enterprise will pay for itself in a period of 9 months to a couple of years, everything will depend on the activity of the work.

In order to clearly define for yourself the scale of production, the brand of equipment, new or used. It should also be remembered that building a new plant from scratch will cost approximately 1,140,000 rubles.

It is possible to reduce the cost of initial investments by up to 300,000 rubles, but this is the minimum of equipment and functions that can be expanded as development progresses.

How much can you earn

Such a business can provide its owner with an excellent income, but the operation of the enterprise must be uninterrupted, and for this it is necessary to arrange the supply of raw materials.

You can do this in several ways:

  • Receiving glass containers from the population through special points, this is especially easy if residential buildings are not very far away - people will bring the glass themselves;
  • Installation of special containers on the streets;
  • Waste collection in shops, cafes, restaurants.

All this will require additional expenses and equipment, but they are necessary, since this work guarantee of uninterrupted production.

The average price of cullet per ton is 1,500 – 2,500 rubles.

And you can sell ready-made crushed glass for about 10,000 rubles.

Minus running costs.

It follows that earnings from glass processing depend entirely on the amount of raw materials processed, plus the location of the plant; it is believed that the most profitable location is in the area of ​​landfills and the price paid per ton of raw materials.

For example, mega large enterprises in Moscow bring their owners from 3 to 20 million rubles a year.

Potential clients

The glass processing product will not lie, since this raw material is widely used:

  • In the production of sanitary products;
  • Mechanical engineering business;
  • In the production of glass products;
  • In construction and others.

Before starting your business you must:

  • Clearly understand what goal needs to be achieved;
  • What exactly is the priority - glass collection, processing or production? finished products;
  • Where will the capital be taken, and in what volume, so that it can be clearly determined what the scope of the initial startup will be;
  • You need to correctly imagine where the raw materials will be purchased, prepare points, install boxes for glass waste;
  • Select the appropriate premises in accordance with all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and other services.

Important: preparing a business plan with extremely accurate calculations and forecasts is the most necessary stage in starting production.


This type of business is a fairly new trend in Russia, but it is widely subsidized by the state, has many advantages in the form of a large sales market and high profitability, which pushes entrepreneurs to take active steps to set up glass processing plants.

Moreover, glass is in 2nd place in demand after waste paper.

You can find out how glass is recycled in practice in this video:

Every year there is more and more glass that needs to be recycled. Dishes, old glass, interior items, industrial appliances and much more turn into cullet, which requires recycling. But this process in our country, as well as in neighboring countries, is just beginning to improve.

At this stage of development of the glass recycling industry, there is good opportunity organize your own business and occupy an almost empty niche in this business. In order to decide whether to take yourself in this direction, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the process, the list necessary equipment, as well as the requirements of regulations.

What is glass recycling?

Glass recycling is essentially its crushing and melting in special furnaces. The waste is first collected, sorted by color, and only then crushing and melting begin. Mostly broken glass, without foreign impurities and coatings, can be recycled (mainly jars, bottles, laboratory equipment).

In some cases, the fight is melted at home using dyes and binding elements. Without the use of special equipment and industrial facilities or glass waste, only tiles for the bathroom or kitchen can be made. This will be a unique handmade product.

Industrial processing of cullet occurs in other volumes and provides more opportunities for recycling. Secondary production of glass containers is much cheaper than primary production, since it does not require large investments, and the production process itself is much simpler and faster.

How to start a glass recycling business?

Before starting any business, you need to decide on the field of activity, evaluate all the pros and cons of the direction, calculate the amount of necessary investments and expected costs. For this purpose, a business plan is drawn up. In order to occupy your niche “glass processing” in the market, a business plan must be drawn up taking into account all the nuances of the future enterprise (experience of other companies, price hikes for utilities, features of raw materials, etc.) with calculation of projected costs and profits.

First of all new activity registered in tax office. For the operation of the enterprise, documents required by current legislation are drawn up.

When planning to open a mini-factory for glass processing, you need to decide on its location, as well as the characteristics of the building itself. Land for construction can be purchased or leased for a long term. In any case, the territory for the plant cannot be located among a residential area. The processing plant is built in an industrial area or outside a populated area.

The premises must be rented, purchased or built according to the developed project. The building must be equipped with all mandatory security systems.

The premises must be equipped with units designed for glass processing and disposal. Equipment can be rented, borrowed or purchased by paying the full price. For the success of an enterprise, it is important that the equipment is of high quality and meets safety and environmental requirements. In the case where the result and income depend on the functioning of the equipment, you need to purchase only high-quality and reliable equipment.

The human factor plays an important role in the work of any enterprise. Employees who will work in the organization must have appropriate qualifications and knowledge. In addition, all people involved in production and taking part in this must undergo regular training and instructions on safety rules.

Glass container processing as a business requires the constant availability of raw materials and a market for the finished product. When planning activities in this area, special attention must be paid to suppliers, purchasing glass containers, cullet, and finding buyers for recycled glass. The equipment installed in production (including its quality) plays an important role.

Equipment for recycling business

Equipment for glass processing must be specialized. The equipment can only produce broken glass products or remelt them.

The plant is equipped with the following units:

  • sink for washing and disinfecting glass containers, broken glass, and other glass waste;
  • Dryer;
  • separator for sorting glass by color (if financial costs for the unit are possible);
  • machine for crushing raw materials into a homogeneous mass;
  • magnet for withdrawal metal objects;
  • melting furnace;
  • forms for filling.

You can install only a washer, a crusher and a dryer, since the cost of such a set is much cheaper than a complete set, but the income from the sale of finished products will be much lower.

Use of recycled glass

After processing, combat is used in construction, decoration and other areas. Glass recycling allows you to use bottles, jars, scrap windows, aquariums, instrument elements, optics for the production of glass concrete, glass-filled concrete, foam glass, glass wool, silicate glue, fiberglass, decorative elements, souvenirs, containers, stained glass.

Glass concrete and glass-filled concrete are durable materials that are resistant to acidic substances and moisture. Due to the inclusion of small and large chips, it weighs less than concrete and is attractive appearance. Concrete filled with large glass elements is used to pour floors and foundations.

Foam glass is an inexpensive, high-quality heat insulator. Due to its porous structure, it is widely used for insulation of residential and industrial buildings.

Glass wool is the most famous product for recycling scrap glass. The material is used as insulation with high chemical resistance.

Silicate glue or liquid glass is a universal material that is widely used for:

  • production of fire-resistant paints;
  • soil strengthening;
  • production of coatings for wooden surfaces;
  • production of adhesive for cellulose-based materials;
  • production of cement and concrete resistant to moisture and acids;
  • impregnation of fabrics;
  • oil purification.

Fiberglass is a thread of glass that bends but does not break or break. It is used to create fiberglass, which is indispensable in construction and functional decoration of premises.

Using melting furnaces, molds for pouring glass, as well as glassblowing equipment, you can organize piece or industrial production containers, souvenirs and other things.

What documentation is required to start a business?

Glass recycling as a business requires proper execution of permitting documents.

To conduct scrap recycling activities, you must have legal status with the tax authorities. This can be an individual business or an LLC (limited liability company). If less than a hundred people are involved in production, then it is more convenient to register an individual entrepreneur by paying a single tax (6% of gross income or 15% of income). Being an individual entrepreneur in the case of recycling cullet is much more profitable and easier than organizing an LLC.

Upon registration legal entity The tax authority is required to submit a taxpayer identification number (TIN), an original and a copy of a passport, an application for registration of a legal entity, and a receipt for payment of state duty. When filling out documents, it is important to correctly indicate the code according to the All-Russian Species Classifier economic activity(OKVED). For glass recycling, it is optimal to choose: 38.32 - recycling of sorted materials; 57 - sale of scrap and waste.

Before recycling of cullet can begin, a license must be obtained from the Ministry of Ecology. To do this, you will need to submit a project of the enterprise, which will list the equipment, indicating its functions, and also characterize the production process. Permitting documents can be issued both at the department’s branch and using the State Services portal.

In addition, the relevant services will evaluate the implementation of standards for fire safety indoors, sanitary, fire-fighting working and production conditions, after which a permit to operate will be issued.

Organization of raw material supplies

When starting a glass bottle business, you need to find raw materials for the uninterrupted production of recyclables. Despite the fact that the problem of widespread accumulation of glass containers and broken glass is quite acute, processing enterprises need to look for raw materials suitable for disposal and further reprocessing.

One of the most simple ways obtaining raw materials - opening a collection point for glass containers and glass scrap. In this case, material that meets the processing requirements is purchased from the population for a small fee.

Companies that manufacture windows, glass containers, light bulbs, dishes, and storage containers can become a permanent supplier of raw materials. chemical substances and other glass products. In this case, both organizations will receive mutually beneficial cooperation. Production waste from the glass manufacturing company will be removed on time and not accumulated. The processing company will acquire a stable flow of raw materials necessary for recycling.

If you have sufficient financial resources, it is rational to conclude an agreement with the leadership of the locality and install containers for collecting glass waste. This is an innovative approach to solving problems of supply of raw materials, and pays off if the population is “conscious” and is ready to sort household waste. Unfortunately, at this stage economic development separation household waste is not widely popular among ordinary people, officials and entrepreneurs.

Process of recycling glass cullet

Not all glass products can be recycled. Tempered glass, as well as products with the addition of various impurities that change the composition and characteristics of the material, cannot be processed.

Recycling of glass containers begins with the sorting of raw materials at collection points, and later at a processing plant. All products, as well as scrap, are divided by type and color of material in accordance with GOST R 52233-2004:

  • green cullet (GC);
  • brown (KS);
  • colorless (BC);
  • brown leaf (CL);
  • colorless (BL);
  • brown tare (CT);
  • semi-white container cullet (PTS);
  • semi-white sheet glass cullet (PLC).

Separation of containers and waste can be done either manually or using appropriate units. The cost of such equipment is quite high, but its use significantly speeds up the entire production process.

After carefully distributing the glass, the material is washed, treated with disinfectants and dried (the water must drain, or dry with warm air).

The next stage is the removal of foreign objects from the prepared raw materials. Metallic inclusions are removed using magnets; other debris (ceramics, paper, plastic, etc.) is removed using screens.

Cleaned cullet is crushed by shredders. The particle size of the finished material depends on the equipment and the needs of further production.

The subsequent process is carried out in accordance with the purpose of the organization. Some enterprises are engaged only in sorting and crushing glass, while others are engaged in remelting raw materials and manufacturing products.

Properties and chemical composition of products

Standard glass consists mainly of river sand, soda and lime, where sand makes up three quarters of the total volume of substances. A set of components, as well as their percentage in different types glass is different, which directly affects the properties of the material.

    Soda glass (soda-lime) is light and clear. It is easy to process because it is soft.

    Potassium-lime glass is shiny, but not ductile.

    Crystal (lead glass) is a soft but heavy material. It has a high degree of refraction and is very shiny.

    Borosilicate glass is used in the production of laboratory glassware because it is resistant to aggressive chemicals.

    Quartz glass is resistant to sudden temperature changes, high temperatures. The material is transparent to ultraviolet rays, hard, with minimum coefficient thermal expansion.

The main property of any glass (regardless of additives) is the possibility of repeated processing and remelting.

Main types of waste

All glass waste is divided into two types:

  • recyclable;
  • not subject to recycling.

The first group includes transparent containers and utensils: jars, bottles, glasses, glass plates and other utensils, laboratory containers, sheet glass. In addition, these include manufacturing defects in the manufacture of various glass products, as well as damaged (broken) products.

Mirrors, car windshields, and those containing organic impurities cannot be recycled.

At the same time, there is practically no waste when recycling glass scrap. Some of the waste that remains is removed from the battlefield before crushing (metal, ceramics, paper, plastic, etc.), which can be recycled. Therefore, the glass recycling business is practically waste-free production.

How much can you earn from recycling?

Prices for glass waste at collection points are low, since processing enterprises need to recoup not only raw materials (glass containers), but also other investments (equipment, rent of premises, utilities, etc.). The cost of one beer bottle (clean without a label) is no more than 1 ruble per piece, a bottle of vodka or wine - up to 50 kopecks, and for one can, depending on the volume - no more than four rubles.

The processing organization's production costs include:

  • business registration;
  • payment of duties and fees;
  • rent (purchase) of land;
  • rental (purchase, construction) of industrial premises;
  • rent (purchase, construction) of premises for a glass container collection point;
  • acquisition, installation, maintenance of equipment;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • payment utilities;
  • payment of wages;
  • acquisition of various Supplies;
  • transportation costs for the delivery of raw materials and finished products.

At the same time, recycling glass bottles and other products brings a good profit - approximately 500,000 per month, if about 10 tons of products are produced during this period.

Glass recycling is useful and important.

Recycling glass products and waste protects the environment and saves Natural resources and reduces the cost of producing new goods.

Glass waste has no place in landfills, because they are useful recyclables that go to production of hundreds of varieties of products.

Glass in natural conditions does not lose its properties for many centuries. Its recycling significantly reduces the cost of glass production.

The material can be completely recycled without any waste. It’s also easy to get glass – our landfills are literally filled with it.
The savings here are as follows:

  • one ton of recycled glass containers is equivalent to 700 kg of sand, 250 kg of limestone and 200 kg of soda combined;
  • 10% of used cullet is minus 2-3% of energy costs.

Due to glass waste, the total area of ​​landfills increases by 10,000 hectares annually. So recycling can also save large land resources.

In addition to remelting, glass containers, cullet and crushed glass can be used in a variety of areas, including for thermal insulation, creating a foundation and even decorating a home.

The situation with processing in Russia

Unlike Western countries In Russia, only a few factories are currently processing glass products. Besides, they use very little cullet. It accounts for less than 10% of all processed products.

Little unbroken glass is also recycled - only about 20%. The rest of the packaging is taken to landfills. But in modern Europe with its high culture of separate waste disposal, this figure exceeds 90%.

Not so long ago, things were better in our country - in Soviet times Thanks to the proper operation of collection points, more than 80% of glass containers were recycled.

Processing technology

Glass is processed as follows:

  1. First, glass recyclables are cleaned - lids and stoppers, and various foreign impurities are removed.
  2. Then it is dried and crushed into microscopic crumbs.
  3. After this, a gas-forming agent and special “additives” (sand, limestone) are added to the glass powder to improve its properties and prepare it for heat treatment.
  4. After “preparation,” the recycled glass is placed in special molds and sent to a high-temperature oven. They cook it there. Important point. Remelting recycled glass requires more low temperature(+1300-1500) than in the case of “primary” raw materials. This makes production cheaper.
  5. After melting, new cans and bottles are formed.
  6. At the end, the container is annealed to make it stronger.

The technology is relatively simple, and most importantly, it significantly cheaper than glass production from scratch.

What is recycled glass made of?

Highly porous foam glass is most often produced from recycled glass cullet, which is widely used in construction for thermal insulation.

Recycled glass also used for production:

  • glass fibers – raw materials for the production of glass filaments, chopped fibers, rovings;
  • liquid glass - silicate glue with waterproof properties;
  • fine-grained variety of concrete with anti-corrosion binding properties;
  • materials for facing and covering surfaces (tiles, glass tiles);
  • mastics and paints and varnishes;
  • abrasives;
  • water filters;
  • glass containers, as well as small items like beads;
  • ceramic plumbing fixtures.

How to hand over glass containers to the public?

Selling glass is easy. Today there are reception points in most cities and towns with a population of more than 20,000 people. They accept:

  • drink bottles;
  • jars of various shapes.

Beakers, flasks and other vessels used in industry and medicine at the collection point for security reasons they may not take it.

Glass containers are divided into several categories:

  1. Cullet, bottles and jars of non-standard shape - with filters or too small in size. They will be melted down. A bottle is considered broken glass if it has even a small chip or crack.
  2. Unbeaten. Such containers can be disinfected, cleaned and reused for their intended purpose.

The approximate price at glass container collection points is as follows:

  • a bottle of beer costs around 10-50 kopecks;
  • half-liter vodka bottle – 1 ruble;
  • three-liter jar – 2 rubles.

You can earn 300-500 rubles by selling cullet. for 100 kg.

Glass waste business

Glass recycling is a profitable business. The business is subsidized by the state and quickly pays for itself.

The start-up capital required to open a regular glass processing plant does not exceed 1,500,000 rubles.

This market is still undersaturated many niches on it are empty. It's easy to find clients . They could be:

  • construction companies;
  • manufacturers of plumbing fixtures and windows;
  • canning and distilleries.

Approximate processing plant costs the following:

  • obtaining all permits – 100,000 rubles;
  • working installation for waste processing - 800,000 rubles;
  • rental and arrangement of workshops and warehouses – 100,000 rubles;
  • utilities, taxes, purchase of glass, salary - 300,000 rubles.

It will be possible to sell products approximately 2000 rub. per ton.

At the above-mentioned costs, it is realistic to produce up to 300 tons of products per month. The net profit in such situations will be approximately 175,000 rubles, and the one and a half million investment will pay off in just 9 months.

The level of profitability that can be achieved in short term, is from 10% to 18%.

In addition to recycling, you can also simply collect glass by opening a collection point. But it will be necessary good publicity, otherwise it is difficult to count on normal profits.

Where to get raw materials for processing

Recycled glass can be purchased:

  • at a glass collection point, or open your own;
  • at a distillery or window manufacturing plant; they usually have special containers where rejected products are dumped.
  • at landfills; in many regions of the Russian Federation you can get it there for a nominal fee.

Raw materials can be obtained by installing them on city streets special waste containers for glass. Municipal authorities are usually only happy about this. You can also organize a collection point for glass containers yourself.

Decor and decoupage of products

Glass containers do not have to be recycled.

It can be turned into beautiful and useful crafts:

  • chandeliers and candlesticks;
  • vases, flower pots and flower beds;
  • cups, jugs;
  • shelves, bookcases and even chairs;
  • home and outdoor decorations;

You can use both cans and bottles for this.


Glass bottles can be effectively used in households and construction:

  • create from them fences for front gardens and small fences separating garden or garden paths from plants;
  • use in the drainage layer of paths;
  • create a foundation from them for small buildings, such as a barn;
  • apply in masonry walls.

Let's sum it up

Throw away glass uneconomical and unreasonable. This harms the environment and indicates a low level of economic culture.

With the right approach, you can make good money from glass waste and at the same time protect the environment.

The use of recycled glass in industry makes it possible to create composite materials that act as fillers in the production of glass cement, glass resin, ceramics, concrete and paper. Technologically properly organized recycling of glass waste will make it possible to realize successful business project with a high degree of profitability.

Reception and sorting of glass raw materials

The initial stage in organizing work is the opening of a network of glass container collection points, where raw materials will be accepted in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52233-2004. The state standard divides broken glass into 2 categories: 1 - fragments measuring 10 - 50 mm; 2 – all types of combat, weight not exceeding 2 kg.

The glass accepted by the population is classified by color:

  • semi-white – containerized, sheet;
  • green;
  • colorless;
  • brown.

The cost of raw materials sold by the population is determined depending on its grade, the presence of foreign inclusions and dirt, and color.

Traditionally, glass is accepted for recycling at the following prices:

  • vodka bottle – 0.8 – 1.1r;
  • beer container – 0.7 – 0.9 rub;
  • 3l jar – 2.1 – 2.7r.

Processing technology

The technological process associated with processing includes several operations consisting of careful sorting, cleaning, drying and subsequent grinding. The process largely depends on the further use of the processed mass; it can be mixed with a variety of additives and fillers, after which it is loaded into a mold and sent to the oven for heating.

Universal glass processing technology includes several main stages. Work begins with sorting the material to remove foreign inclusions. Subsequently, the selected glass is crushed using a hammer crusher, which makes it possible to obtain raw materials with a fractional size of 8-30 mm. Magnetic impurities present in the scrap are removed by electromagnetic separation.

Technological lines are equipped with units that sort colorless and non-ferrous raw materials. The newest German mini glass processing plant, operating according to the ZIPPE GMBH technological scheme, is equipped with an optical electronic system. The equipment sorts the waste based on measurements of light rays penetrating through glass and being in a liquid with refractive indices that best correspond to the identical parameters of the material when in air.

Production line configuration

The production line includes several key components:

  • loading hopper – receives processed raw materials, regulating its flow through a gate;
  • vibrating feeder - equipped with a vibration motor that creates a continuous flow of raw materials;
  • belt conveyor - has a conveyor belt with a corrugated side, it is necessary to move raw materials from the bunker to the sorting compartment;
  • sorting conveyor - the broken glass is transferred to the washing drum, and foreign objects are manually removed from it;
  • washing drum – divides the waste into fractions and washes the material. The drum is equipped with nozzles and a mesh; up to 10 m 3 of water per hour is supplied to it;
  • inertial screen – eliminates debris that needs additional crushing.

The modified glass processing line includes a second conveyor belt that takes coarse raw material (50mm) and transports it to a roller crusher, which crushes it. The process is supported by a conveyor belt equipped with a magnetic drum that removes metal inclusions. It is advisable to buy equipment for glass processing equipped with a vortex magnet, which is necessary for screening out aluminum inclusions contained in broken glass.

Attention! If there is no vortex magnet, then a sorting conveyor will be required on which aluminum elements will be manually removed.

Equipped with all the specified units, the line has a productivity of 15,000 tons/hour, however, this is only a preparatory stage; subsequent operations depend on the further use of broken glass.

Using recycled glass

The recycling of glass allows the production of composite materials, for example, by forming matrices obtained during sintering under the influence of elevated temperatures. Intensive grinding in the liquid phase leads to leaching of the top layer, due to which the silica particles found in the glass can interact with water, which contributes to the production of a colloidal solution. Such processing of broken glass makes it possible to obtain a suspension, which is a monolith, representing elongated particles (50-200NM) connected by spherical compounds (20-35NM).

Recycled glass raw materials are used to produce various materials:

  • silicate heat insulators;
  • radiation protective materials;
  • foam glass.

Investment project

The implementation of a project related to glass processing can have different directions. An entrepreneur only needs to confine himself to collecting culls, sorting them, grinding them, cleaning and washing them, after which the raw materials are sent to factories that use this material for production purposes. Traditional glass processing as a business will be profitable at a low purchase price; in order to speed up the payback, you need to purchase inexpensive equipment.

To create a standard sorting line, you need to invest the following funds:

  • glass crusher – 250,000 rubles;
  • belt conveyor – 100,000 rubles;
  • magnetic fractionation conveyor – 200,000 rub.

You will need a loading hopper and a washing drum; in general, up to 700,000 rubles will be required to equip the production line; you will also need to rent a room for storing raw material and finished raw materials. Low price glass processing equipment allows you to start a business with a small investment.

Glass recycling is an extremely promising area today - such a business makes it possible to make a profit literally from waste by organizing a business at home.

Just a few decades ago it was possible to find a large number of collection points for glass containers, but today there are practically none, which leaves large volumes of glass waste and the niche is practically empty.

It is no longer profitable to hand over bottles, since such an activity brings in pennies and requires time and effort, and the variety of shapes and volumes of containers is very large, not all of them are accepted.

Bottles are simply thrown away and go to landfills, just like various waste enterprises, other types of glass waste. In terms of profitability, a mini-plant for glass processing demonstrates approximately the same indicators as paper and metal processing, but there are significantly fewer competitors here.

According to statistics, in Moscow alone, about 200,000 tons of glass waste accumulates per year and only 10% of the total volume is recycled. That is, 180,000 tons of glass are simply sitting in landfills instead of being profitable and being reused for a variety of needs.

From recycled glass They make abrasive tools, ceramic sanitary ware, building and insulating materials, and glass structures. The sales market is quite large, so it makes sense to draw up a detailed business plan and implement the project.

To understand whether glass recycling is worth doing at all, you can determine some business features.

Brief summary:

  • Organization costs are about 300,000-4,000,000 rubles
  • This option is only suitable for cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people
  • Low level of competition
  • Medium level of organization complexity
  • Payback period – from a year or more, but with a good prospect for decades

Preparatory stage – before the project implementation

If you are going to start recycling glass, you need to properly register your business - in LLC format or register it. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, taxation features, so it is first necessary to analyze the volume of the processing line, approximate costs and profits.

Today, to organize such a business you need get a license Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Ecology, since we're talking about on the processing of waste, which is divided into various classes according to environmental hazards. To obtain a license, you need to write an application and provide a package of documents, a list of which is provided by the organization.

A license for this type of activity is issued only for a certain group of secondary raw materials that have a homogeneous formation or origin. That is, it will not be possible to organize the processing of glass and plastic under one license, for example.

You also need to take care of a permit from the fire service, confirming the compliance of working conditions and premises with established standards, and a permit from the SES. Be sure to prepare detailed description all technological processes in project documents.

In the process of preparation you need to find raw material supply sources– there is no point in organizing production and purchasing equipment if it is possible to obtain minimum volumes. You need to make sure that your business is profitable before completing paperwork, choosing premises, and purchasing equipment.

Possible sources of glass waste:

1) Reception points, which accept glass containers, broken glass, waste: you can enter into agreements with existing points or open your own. You can organize a collection point directly at the production site, which will reduce costs.

2) Glass pickup if there are large volumes, factories and enterprises where there is such waste will be happy to reduce their costs for waste removal and disposal.

3) Installation in the city garbage containers for waste of this type - with special locks and regular emptying, you can negotiate with local authorities about security.

4) Agreements with companies, the production of which involves the generation of glass waste.

5) Cleaning urban solid waste landfills from garbage - a kind of “development” of garbage deposits, subject to an agreement with representatives of local authorities.

Premises, equipment, personnel selection

The entire process must be carried out in a separate building located in the industrial zone of the district or outside the city. Big part of the entire area– these are warehouse premises (about 100 square meters) and a workshop (about 500 square meters), where garbage will be stored and processed, and the finished product will be stored. The exact dimensions of the required area directly depend on the expected production capacity (volumes and dimensions).

Requirements for premises and territory:

  • High construction fencing
  • Availability of special large containers for sorting, proper organization process on premises
  • Creation of convenient access to the territory
  • Being at a sufficient distance from ( high level noise), sound insulation
  • The room must be equipped with a powerful hood, since this type of production belongs to the class of harmful

If we talk about a simple business at home with minimal costs, then this is production clean broken glass which is carried out in several stages: waste sorting, cleaning, drying, crushing, storing for shipment to customers. In the process, it will be possible to add two stages: adding filler to the cullet and heating it in special ovens. Equipment and machines for performing all tasks are presented in a fairly wide variety.

Necessary equipment:

  • Various-sized sieves - to clean the material from impurities
  • Crushing plant – for grinding
  • Conveyor installation – for material delivery
  • Glass Recycling Machine
  • Melting furnace (for more complex production)
  • Aircraft

It is best to give preference to domestic producers, since such equipment is more reliable, components for it can be easily found. A good option may be the purchase of used equipment, the cost of which does not exceed 70,000-80,000 rubles.

To service a medium-sized enterprise, a few employees are enough to reject, sort, crush raw materials, and receive broken glass. Employees must be experienced, since many processes are performed manually and you need to have certain knowledge and skills.

Calculating expenses and profits

As the real experience of many who decided to open a glass processing business shows, the main conditions for success in this case are the absence of such a plant nearby, the location not far from big city with serious production capacity (buyers) and a large volume of glass waste.

Equipment for grinding waste into glass chips (crusher and separator) will cost about 300,000 rubles, a modern powerful line with a melting furnace and the ability to produce a high-quality product costs about one and a half million.

TO initial expenses It is also worth including the costs of collecting documents, processing all papers, renting/purchasing premises, purchasing additional equipment, vehicles for transportation, organizing your own collection points, etc. Recorded in monthly expenses wages employees, utility bills, taxes, depreciation expenses.

Thus, you can organize a small workshop at home for 700,000 rubles (if you buy used equipment, the price will be less), serious production will require large expenses. Profit is calculated based on the cost of a ton of glass containers that buyers are willing to pay and an approximate calculation of the production price of this ton and the capabilities of the workshop.