Those who want to make regular profits from something they really like open their own business. Interestingly, this can be done not only in your home country, but also abroad. One of the most promising countries for business growth is Italy - European state, leading in terms of economic growth. This factor is also due to the ideal geographical location country considered the best for entrepreneurship.

To open a business in Italy, a citizen of another country needs to know many nuances, in particular, the fact that the state is clearly divided into industrial and agricultural parts, and also has certain features in paying taxes. You should definitely study the traditions of the local population.

Nuances of the business climate

To move to the country for permanent residence and in the future have promising business in Italy, you need to understand the nuances of local traditions. The specifics of some problems can have a huge impact on starting a business. This is associated with certain forms of corruption. If in our country it is common practice at a certain level to give a bribe official, then in Italy no one will take money from a stranger.

Business in Italy is passed down from generation to generation by relatives, and getting a job or promoting your business is only possible with the help of own strength or certain connections. Friendly or related - they decide how real the business is in a given area. In the absence of acquaintances, it is generally impossible for a foreigner to get into some business niches.

Italian mentality

The characteristic features of the life of real Italians also affect the running of their own business. The whole world knows about the regularity of the inhabitants of a given country, but the fact that it also extends to business relationship, few people know. Business in Italy includes the possibility of being late for business meeting. This is considered normal, and the delay can be measured in half an hour or an hour, rather than in a few minutes. When the parties meet, it is not customary to immediately get down to business, because almost all business partners are relatives or acquaintances. That is why the first part of the meeting is always devoted to side topics and discussions, after which the partners move on to discussing the main subject of the meeting. Such features require from a foreigner not only knowledge of the language, but also some idea of ​​the country and its inhabitants.

Before opening a business in Italy, the features of which are listed in this article, it is best to live in the country for some time as an ordinary worker or student, since tourists do not discover all the features of the local way of life. Interestingly, in this state business owners are allowed to get jobs in other companies.

An important aspect is appearance during a business meeting: you always need to look decent.

Italians pay attention to:

  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • neat appearance;
  • grooming.

Select an option

Small business in Italy occupies a leading position among all other business options. Medium-sized businesses are also relevant, but to a lesser extent, but large companies with more than twenty employees can be counted on one’s fingers. There are no certain restrictions when choosing a type of activity for foreigners.

To open your own business in this country, it is best to organize a small business with the help of local specialists. As in any state, this is connected with certain legal features. In addition, before registering a business, a foreigner must have legal grounds to reside in the country. To do this, you must first obtain a residence permit.

Stages of business registration

To open a business in Italy, you first need to submit documents to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This can be done at any local branch by providing documents new organization for inclusion in the Register of Enterprises or directly on the management website. This register contains information about millions of companies across the country and the number of people who are their founders, shareholders or directors. All registry data is available to any user.

List of documents

Once the application is approved, the new entrepreneur will receive his company registration code, as well as:

  • tax ID;
  • information about registration with the insurance company;
  • social security registration data.

All information regarding starting your own business will be sent to the entrepreneur on his declared and certified email address. This procedure takes a week, but in fact it is completed faster.

Material costs

Taxes in Italy are quite high, and the registration procedure also requires a financial investment. By itself, it costs a new entrepreneur 220 euros, but to register you must pay in advance:

  • certification of documents of the Charter;
  • state tax;
  • acquisition of accounting documentation;
  • act of incorporation;
  • license (if necessary).

In addition, you need to open a bank account and notify the local employment office about hiring workers. It is difficult for a foreigner to go through all the stages of registration on his own, so it is better to seek help from a specialist to properly complete the paperwork.

Choosing a form of ownership

Small business, the idea of ​​opening which comes naturally when visiting Italy, is the most common form of entrepreneurship for people from other countries. It’s not difficult to start, and you can simultaneously work for another company and pay taxes using a flexible system.
Such a business in Italy for a pensioner, as for an able-bodied citizen, is also accessible and requires going through the procedures described above.

Depending on the scale of business in Italy, other forms of ownership known to us are common, including LLC and JSC. The first option is also suitable for small and medium-sized businesses, has an accelerated registration procedure and low financial reporting requirements. Each shareholder is required to contribute at least a quarter of the authorized capital, which must be at least 10 thousand euros. If this form is opened by only one shareholder, he remains obligated to pay the entire amount in full. Each owner's liability corresponds to a portion of his investment in the business.

A joint stock company is more typical for large enterprises, since their capital must be at least 120 thousand euros, and financial reporting is more stringent.

Tax system

To understand this issue, at the initial stage of development it is also better to turn to specialists. Taxes in Italy can reach half of earnings, regardless of the type of activity and form of business ownership.

The latest tax figures correspond to the following data:

  • income tax - 23-43%, depending on the amount of income;
  • income tax - 27.5%;
  • value added tax - 21%;
  • regional tax on production activities - 1,2-2,03%.

Selecting an activity

A small business, the ideas of which must correspond to the skills of the entrepreneur and the demand for this type of activity, must also take into account the geographical features of the region. Not every city in the country, for example, is a tourist city, which means that the relevance of a souvenir shop will differ radically in different regions.

Bureaucratic nuances are also important, since not every business is easy to document. To simplify the process of registering your business in Italy, it is better to start small. That is, first open a bar or cafe, and then turn it into a large restaurant. This way, a businessman will be able to assess his growth opportunities and understand all the features of the restaurant business, sanitary standards and work quality standards. According to a similar pattern, it often develops hotel business in Italy. Entrepreneurs first organize small shelters or hostels in tourist cities, after which, taking into account the tastes of local visitors, they take their business to a new level of service.

An important nuance is the choice of audience. For example, visiting Russians often establish businesses aimed specifically at Russian-speaking tourists, which leads to high competition in this direction.

Italy is famous throughout the world for its cuisine and is a fashion center. Also the country is known construction companies, pharmaceutical concerns and automobiles. Therefore, you should make a choice in favor of the maximum profitable business, of course, taking into account the need to collect in some cases additional licenses and other papers.

For those who do not want to spend time promoting their business, ready-made options are offered. In Italy you can already buy ready business in the beauty sector at an average cost of 40 thousand euros; a pizzeria or cafe will cost a foreign entrepreneur tens of times more.

Obtaining a visa

To carry out business activities in the country, you must obtain a long-term national visa.

The documents required to obtain it may differ in individual cases, but the list always includes:

  • business registration certificate;
  • A completed application form;
  • medical insurance;
  • color photos 3X4;
  • a copy of all pages of the passport;
  • a copy of all pages of the passport;
  • document confirming financial profit;
  • document confirming residence in Italy.

After submitting the full package of documents, all that remains is to wait for a positive decision.

Italy is a state that is part of the European Union, located in the south of Europe. The north of the country has developed industry, while in the south the main activity is agriculture. This must be kept in mind if you want to start your own business there.

  • Italy is a country washed by waters Mediterranean Sea, member of the EU and NATO. If you want to open your own company on the Apennine Peninsula, you need to know that in the northern regions priority is given to industrial enterprises, while the south is a zone of vineyards and wheat fields.

Despite some problems associated with the crisis and increased unemployment, thanks to its favorable location and the presence of a good sales market, Italy remains a very promising place for starting a business, including for Russian entrepreneurs. Read our article about the peculiarities of doing business in Italy, as well as how to organize your own business there.

Features of doing business in Italy

This country is the dream of many residents former USSR. The country's residents are quite temperamental, and this quality affects all aspects of life, including business immigration. It is important to understand that a significant part of enterprises are family-owned. Great-grandparents and great-grandchildren can work in the same coffee shop.

  • If you have to choose who to hire - your own careless nephew or a competent foreigner, preference is given to the first. Cause? Mentality. Local families are friendly and united.

Official documentation is kept at Italian. But negotiations can take place in French, German, and English. This applies to a greater extent to residents of northern regions with a developed industrial sector.

Business culture

When thinking about whether to start your own business in this southern country, you must first take into account national characteristics the local population and their attitude to the work process.

  • Italian business etiquette is very different from Russian culture business communication. Dating and connections play a significant, if not key, role here. More than 80% of companies in the country are family-owned, passed on from generation to generation, and have a small staff. Local manufacturers are ready to make a good discount for their own person, while they may simply not want to deal with a stranger on the street. The hot Southern mentality brings a lot of subjectivity to business relationships.
  • The locals are not in the mood to make all the money in the world. Their life flows smoothly. No one will work overtime, on holidays or lunch breaks. Being late for a business meeting by half an hour or more is common. In addition, in business it is not customary to immediately “take the bull by the horns”; first there is a conversation on extraneous topics, for example about the weather. You need to keep all this in mind, be patient and be willing to wait.
  • Most issues are resolved with personal meeting. There is no need to wait for specific information over the phone, let alone email. And there is a high probability that you will have to remind yourself more than once if you were promised to learn or clarify something.

Despite the fact that all of the above makes doing business in this country very difficult, the quality of local products is still worth importing, and the living conditions in the republic are worth doing business there.

How to implement business immigration to Italy

For a foreigner wishing to settle on the peninsula, you need to know the following:

  • The government treats both residents and non-residents equally. Residents of Russia can open their own small business even before crossing the border.
  • To open your own business, you need a type D visa. Until this point, the activity will be considered illegal. The punishment is deportation without the right to enter.
  • The application for registration of an enterprise and the subsequent receipt of a residence permit is considered individually. A person who wants to move here will have to prove that his activities are useful for the country.
  • Formally, there are no requirements for the financial status of a business immigrant, but preference is given to those who have at least 100 thousand euros in the bank. It should be understood that the country's banks are not too willing to lend to visitors. Subject to certain conditions, subsidies from the EU are issued, for example, for development southern regions, significantly lagging behind the north.

Organizing a business in Italy

In this country, there are many legal forms for different companies. The most common, just like in Russia:

  • open and closed joint stock companies;
  • limited liability partnerships;

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Private Limited Liability Company (SRL)

This choice will be the most successful solution for small and medium-sized businesses. Minimum authorized capital when opening this form of ownership will be 10,000 euros.

When registering, you must contribute 100% of the entire amount in cash or in kind if there is only one shareholder. In the case where there are several holders of securities, 25% is sufficient to register the company in the Register.

The number of founders is not limited, and responsibility is divided in proportion to the contributed share. Management is carried out by the Board of Directors or the singular director. He can also be a shareholder if this is stated in the organization’s Charter. If a foreign citizen is chosen as director, he is required to obtain the appropriate permission. In addition, SRL organizations have the right to issue registered shares, which cannot be sold to third parties without the approval of the founders.

Public Joint Stock Company (SPA)

This legal form is more often used when organizing large companies. This differs from the previous form of ownership in the minimum amount of authorized capital; here it must be at least 120,000 euros. Also, such companies can issue both registered and bearer shares, their director can be a shareholder without any reservations, and tax and audit requirements for these organizations are stricter than for all others.

Partnerships with limited liability by shares (SAS), as well as with unlimited liability (SNC)

Such organizations do not require a fixed authorized capital; with proper planning, they are taxed preferentially. Managed by general partners, one of whom must be an EU resident.

Individual entrepreneur (II)

Becoming an individual entrepreneur is easier and cheaper than opening a limited liability company. Such entrepreneurs have the right to flexible taxation, and they are not prohibited from working for hire at the same time. But it should be remembered that the owner is responsible for the obligations with all his property.

Small and medium business- This is one of the pillars of the Italian economy. Based on the number of employees, firms can be classified as follows:

  • micro-firms – they employ no more than 20 people;
  • small – with the number of employees from 20 to 100;
  • medium – the number of employees is from 100 to 500.

The first companies account for up to 40% of all sales. In general, profits from small businesses account for 52% of the country's GDP.

Despite the fact that the share of such enterprises is very large, small businesses in Italy have problems. The main one is competition from China, where manufacturers copy branded products and put them on the world market at significantly lower prices.

How to open an individual entrepreneur in Italy

An individual entrepreneur in all countries of the world is a person engaged in entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity. And the individual entrepreneur is responsible for his debts with all his property.

But despite all the similarities of concepts, there are also differences, if we're talking about about Italy. The following must be taken into account:

  • The specialty in which you received your education is the one in which you will have to work. Accordingly, in order to open a pizzeria, you will have to confirm the qualifications of the cook.
  • To become an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to obtain confirmation from the licensing authorities that this particular person can engage in the declared activity, and that there are no compelling reasons for refusing registration.
  • A resident of Russia needs to confirm his qualifications, even if this was done previously in one of the EU countries. In some cases, permission from the relevant ministry is additionally required (if we are talking about medicine, legal practice). A positive resolution from the General Directorate of Civil Affairs is needed for journalists and people involved in sociology, geology, accounting, agronomy, and chemistry.
  • Certification. Specialized specialized organizations are assessing the possibility of this specific person engage in the declared type of activity. Availability is also taken into account necessary equipment, and suitable premises, and concluded supply agreements with third parties.

To register an individual entrepreneur in Italy you need to pay approximately 3,500 euros. This is less than when registering an LLC or OJSC. But at the same time, the number of permitted activities is significantly reduced, and responsibility increases.


Tax system The country is quite complex and confusing. The payment of more than 40 taxes is regulated by more than 350 relevant legislative acts. However, as in many other European countries, progressive rates apply to some fees.

In general, all taxes can be divided into federal and regional.

Three fees bring the main profit to the treasury:

  • VAT - its rate in 2017 is 22%, for some goods and services there is a reduced rate of 10 and 4%.
  • Federal income tax.
  • Regional income tax.

Keeping in mind that the share of small businesses in Italy is 90%, it is not difficult to calculate that the main income from mandatory contributions to the treasury comes from these enterprises.

Taxation has an interesting feature state companies. The fee is only calculated for them, without a money transfer from the organization, but funding from the state is already reduced by this amount.

How to open a business in Italy

The whole process is implemented in several steps:

  • obtaining a business visa;
  • obtaining a residence permit;
  • registration of the company with the relevant authorities.

Business visa

To start your own business, you must first obtain a business visa. This will allow you to legally conduct entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the country. Usually a long-term national visa (D) is sufficient, which will allow you to stay in the republic for more than three months.

To complete it you will need the following documents:

  • Applicant's questionnaire.
  • Two color photographs for documents measuring 3.5x4.5.
  • Copies of civil and foreign passports.
  • Certificate of company registration in Italy.
  • Certificate of income.
  • A document confirming the existence of a place of residence (for example, a lease agreement).

Resident card

After arriving in the country, no later than 8 days you must apply for a residence permit. This can be done by sending the required package by mail. Usually, it takes about 2-3 months for the authorities to review the application. Entrepreneurs are enthusiastically welcomed here, however, subject to certain conditions:

  • If you want to engage in activities related to high technology or innovation, you must have a starting capital of at least 50,000 euros.
  • If you have a business idea in any other area, the required minimum initial investment is 4962 Euros, but in practice no less than 10,000-20,000 Euros. At the same time, it is necessary to bring real benefits to the economy, create jobs for the local population, and the direction itself must be interesting for local authorities. Even if these conditions are met, the entrepreneur needs to confirm an annual income of 8,400 euros.

Company registration

Once the residence permit has been received, you can begin collecting documents for company registration. To do this, you need to submit an application through a special website. In addition to this you will have to:

  • Open an account at a local bank.
  • Create books for financial statements.
  • Pay the state fee.
  • Notify the labor office that employees are being hired at least one day before they start work.
  • Obtain a license to conduct certain types of activities.

The cost of registration itself is 220 euros, plus expenses for Additional services. If all the papers are in order, information about the company will be entered into the register at the local branch of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

It can be very difficult for a foreigner to understand all the intricacies of registration on his own, so the country has very developed services of business intermediaries who will help register a case in the shortest possible time.

Business ideas for entrepreneurship in Italy

Of course, when planning to open your own business abroad, you must first of all clearly understand what you would like to do. In addition, it is necessary to analyze the state of the area where the activity is planned: how many competitors can be found there, whether the proposed service will be in demand, who the offer is aimed at, etc.

Restaurants, hotels, and shops, especially those located in resort areas, are considered profitable businesses in Italy.

A fairly free niche in the field of creation software. Here the profitability can reach 200%.

The areas of construction and repair of real estate, metal-mechanical production, and trade in fuel and lubricant petroleum products may become promising.

When choosing a region, one must take into account that industry is highly developed in the north of the country, while in the south the main focus is on agriculture. Here we can also mention language specifics. If in large cities and northern regions proficiency in English is enough, then in the south you cannot do without knowledge of the Italian language.

Italians have high demands on the quality of their products, so it will take a lot of effort to meet local standards.

Business in Italy for Russians

A mandatory condition for registering a new enterprise is the presence of a legal address. For almost any type of activity, you can register at your place of residence. For a store or industrial enterprise, you will have to select suitable real estate.

Important: premises do not have to be purchased. It is quite enough if a lease agreement is attached to the registration documents.

An accountant can be hired outsourced so as not to increase the company's staff.

  • The registration fee is not fixed. The Chamber of Commerce has the right to assign any amount depending on the intended type of activity and form of ownership.

If you plan to work for hire at the initial stage, then the main problem will be confirmation of qualifications and passing a language proficiency exam. Since Russia is not a member of the EU, automatic confirmation of the diploma does not work. In addition, you must present documents from your bank confirming that the candidate for relocation earns at least 9 thousand euros per year.

Business immigration to Italy can only be the first step on the path to prosperity in Europe. But don't expect it to be very easy. Competitors are not liked anywhere.

How to open a store in Italy

Here a large number of fashion stores, delicious pastries, wine and other delicacies. And many foreigners believe that the best investment would be opening your own store. But, you need to consider:

  • Not all cities are overrun with tourists. Local residents are quite conservative and are not very willing to change their usual bakery, where the owner bakes buns and sells them himself, for a new fashionable supermarket opened by a foreign company. Therefore, if we are talking about opening a store, you should focus on big cities, interesting for visitors.
  • Renting premises. Unlike Russia, where apartments on the first floors are everywhere being converted into shops, here no one will be allowed to convert residential premises into non-residential ones. At the same time, renting a specialized premises in Rome or Milan will cost 40 thousand euros or more. This must be taken into account so as not to end up at a loss.
  • If you buy premises in a new building, you should prepare for significant expenses: up to 20% of various duties and fees. Plus, many developers install utility networks into non-residential premises at the expense of the owner.
  • If you rent out store premises, you need to be prepared for the fact that up to 40% of the amount received will go to the budget as taxes. Besides different regions introduce their own fees and excise taxes. It’s better to find out which ones before opening, so as not to pay fines later.

If we talk in general about opening a store in Italy, then we should focus on tourists and the sale of high-quality branded items. It is better to choose cities filled with visitors or near ski resorts.

The opening procedure will look like this:

  1. Obtaining a D visa, which gives the right to carry out activities.
  2. Renting or purchasing premises.
  3. Concluding agreements with suppliers. There are usually no problems with the latter, since there are many sellers and few buyers. If you are willing to pay cash, they will sell you whatever you want.

Buy a ready-made business in Italy

As has been emphasized many times, business here is a family affair. But advertisements for the sale of a store or restaurant still sometimes appear. And here it is important to pay attention to the following:

  • The owner may say that he is tired, that he wants to retire, or that he is moving to another city. But it is worth understanding that in most cases, an unprofitable enterprise is implemented.
  • A significant part of activities require the purchase of a license. But a non-resident cannot purchase it in his own name. Accordingly, it is necessary to hire an Italian director and register for him Required documents. If one day he quits, it will be along with his license. You take a loss.
  • What objects are in the immediate vicinity, how is the traffic flow organized. If it is planned to relocate roads or construct an expressway or major shopping center in the immediate vicinity, it is difficult to expect customers to run to a small restaurant or store. Traffic will go the other way.

Directly regarding restaurants. Local residents can go to their neighbor’s “eatery” for years and decades and immediately turn away from their usual establishment if the owner becomes a foreigner.

If the desire to buy a restaurant is overwhelming, it is important to consider the following:

  • It is mandatory to hire an experienced auditor to review the statements. Italians are great masters at “composing” reports. Revenue figures may be inflated to sell the business at a higher price.
  • Inspection of surrounding areas, checking competing restaurants and traffic in them.
  • The best option is opening own company, obtaining the necessary licenses with subsequent purchase material base of the restaurant being sold. It is not recommended to buy a legal entity. You will buy all debts and licenses that may expire in a week or two.

In order not to end up with nothing, it is better to trust the selection of a business to a proven lawyer - an EU resident.

Instead of a conclusion

By creating your own business in Italy, you can not only earn a good, stable income, but also contribute to the development of entrepreneurship in the country. But before opening a business there for a foreigner, including a Russian, you need to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of Italian taxation, bureaucratic subtleties, and also take into account the local mentality. At first, it makes sense to hire a specialist who will help you understand all the nuances and more easily adapt to an unfamiliar business environment.

On the territory of Italy - the most expressive and energetic country in Europe.

Buy a company in Italy: general information

Italy is a country in the south of Europe. 3rd EU economy. Is a member European Union,NATO. Executive power is concentrated in the hands of the Prime Minister. The President performs only representative functions. Settlements within the country are carried out in euros. The official language is Italian.

Registration of a company in Italy: important information

Non-resident companies receiving income from activities in Italy are required to pay a corporate tax of 33%. If the company is not a resident of the country and does not operate within the country, then taxes are not paid to the budget.

It is mandatory to have a registration address to receive official information. Small companies can be registered at the residence address of one of the founders or directors.

Offshore companies, as such, are prohibited in Italy. But you can get significant tax and other benefits. The National Council is ready to provide subsidies, including free of charge, to those who have a well-developed business plan, but cannot implement it on their own.

Opening a company in Italy: forms of ownership

In Italy, companies and societies of the most different forms property. For foreigners and non-residents of the country the most interesting will be the following:

  1. open joint stock company with limited liability. Another company or individual can equally open a company. The founders can be citizens or residents of any country in the world.

The authorized capital is announced in the amount of 120 thousand euros. At the time of submitting documents for registration, you must pay at least 25%. The law allows payment of the authorized capital with material assets. The assessment is carried out by an expert resident of the country.

The law does not limit maximum amount participants. Shares are allowed to be registered and bearer. The owner has the right to sell his shares, donate them, or dispose of them in any other way, without seeking permission from other shareholders. The company is headed by a Board of Directors or a sole director.

IN mandatory accounting is maintained. The company is obliged to either hire an auditor or enter into an agreement with an independent company to provide services on an outsourcing basis. The hired auditor is legally responsible for the accuracy of the reports submitted to regulatory authorities;

  1. closed limited liability company. The founder can be one individual or legal entity. The law allows foreigners who are not residents of Italy to open companies of this type.

An authorized capital of at least 10 thousand euros is declared. By the time documents are submitted for registration, the shareholder or shareholders must deposit the authorized capital in full. The law does not limit the maximum number of owners.

Shares can only be registered. The owner does not have the right to dispose of them at his own discretion without the consent of the other shareholders. The company can be headed by either a sole director or a meeting of directors. The Charter must specify the form of management. A director and members of the Board of Directors may own shares in the company. This rule is reflected in the Charter.

Accounting is required. The auditor must only be a full-time auditor.

  1. limited liability partnership. In Italy, this form of ownership is considered as a private agreement between several individuals. The company does not declare or pay for authorized capital. Partners can be with limited or unlimited liability. The former are not liable for the company's debts with their property, but also do not take part in management. Partners with unlimited liability are liable with their property to the creditors of the company and take on management functions. In this case, even the property that was acquired before the opening of the company will be seized to offset the partnership debt.

Important: a citizen of another country will have the right to open or purchase a company in Italy only if he has a work visa and a work permit.

Set up a company representative office in Italy: Taxes

Companies registered in Italy are required to pay income tax at a rate of 33%. Where you receive your income does not matter.

The tax for foreigners in Italy is 4.25% if the activity in the country is carried out for 3 months or more per year. If a non-resident company receives income from activities in Italy, the income tax rate will be 33%.

Tax on income from the company's activities (dividends, royalties) is assessed at a rate of 27%. The tax rate will be 0 if a tax avoidance agreement has been signed with the country of which the business owner is a citizen. double taxation. Such an agreement has been signed with Russia.

Advantages of purchasing or opening a company in Italy

Italy is a country with one of the most in Europe and in the world. Tax law practically does not change, as do tax rates. Other benefits include:

  • the opportunity, without restrictions, on behalf of an Italian company to conduct business in Europe, enter into supply agreements, attract investments, and obtain cheaper loans from European banks;
  • the opportunity to defend your rights in European economic courts. It's no secret that the degree of trust in Russian and European companies differs significantly;
  • the opportunity to obtain a residence permit and a Schengen visa using a simplified scheme;
  • Having a company in Italy makes it easier to acquire companies and open branches in other EU countries. Trade with the United States and other countries that are imposing sanctions on Russia is being simplified. this moment time;
  • Having a branch in Italy, you can reduce customs and other duties by importing goods into the EU.

We can talk for a long time about the advantages of working in Italy. It’s better not to waste time talking, but to contact UraFinance. Our lawyers have studied all the nuances of working and opening companies in Italy and are ready to offer you their services.

We will select founders and an office, prepare the necessary constituent documents, help open current accounts and pay all the necessary fees. Don't watch from the outside as others develop their business and make a profit. Buy or open a company in Italy and work in the civilized world!

Italy is a dream country for many people. This country has a lot of interesting things - cooking, football, city architecture, temperamental locals. But besides this, Italy can be called a rather attractive place to start own business. Starting a small business in Italy is real. Italian legislation is quite transparent, which greatly simplifies the process of registering and doing business, and the relative stability of the economy means that there is no need to worry about the loss of the integrity of the company.

How to open a business in Italy

To open a business in Italy, you first need to decide whether you will buy a ready-made company or open your own from scratch. Both can be done quite simply. However, experts insist that opening your own company from scratch in Italy is even easier than buying an already existing business. For the entrepreneur, the benefits are that he can independently control the entire registration and legal registration of the company, and there is also no need to carry out various audits and checks regarding the legal capacity of the company.

Forms of enterprises

You can open your own business in Italy by registering your company in one of existing forms established by law. The most common of them are:

1. Limited liability company (Societa per azioni). There may be several founders of such a company, but only one person should manage it. The minimum authorized capital is 120,000 euros, 25% of which must be deposited into a bank account immediately upon registration of the company.

2. Closed joint stock company (Societa a responsabilita limitata). This type of enterprise is advantageous because it has quite small size minimum authorized capital – 10,000 euros. But you must pay the entire amount immediately. Only one person can manage such an enterprise. There must be a full-time auditor among the employees.

3. Shareholder partnership (Societa in accomandita per azioni). This form of registration does not give the enterprise legal status. In this regard, there is no need to contribute any amount as authorized capital when opening a company.

In addition to the listed forms, there are also the following: general partnership, limited partnership, individual entrepreneurship, open joint-stock company. However, it is quite difficult for a foreigner to open an enterprise in these forms, so they are rarely preferred. And they are not so popular among Italian entrepreneurs.


To be considered a resident of a country, a company must carry out the majority of its activities in its territory. Resident firms pay a general tax of 33%, as well as a so-called regional tax of 4.25%. If the company is not a resident of the country, then it does not need to pay regional tax until 90 days have passed from the date of commencement of activities in the country.

Documents for opening a company in Italy

The package of documents that an entrepreneur who wants to start a business in Italy needs to have must be in English or Italian (in addition to Russian).

The following documents are required:

1. Application (two photographs of the applicant must be attached).

2. Notarized copy work book applicant.

3. Document on registration with the tax service.

4. Original and certified copy of the applicant’s bank card, as well as information about the status of the bank account.

5. International medical insurance.

6. A certified copy of the international passport.

The documents listed above are required to obtain a business visa. After this, you can begin to collect a package of documents for the direct registration of a company in Italy. For each type of enterprise, the set of documents is slightly different. You can obtain all this information from local administrative authorities; for convenience, it is recommended to hire a lawyer accompanying you.

Business in Italy for Russians

Finding a good business idea that is ideal for a specific country can take quite a while. long time, and it is advisable to start thinking about this in advance. It is necessary to analyze the characteristics of the Italian economy, market segments, demand for certain products or services. When thinking about what business to do in Italy, the first thing that comes to mind for many is the tourism industry.

On the one hand, this is reasonable, since Italy is a tourist country and you can make money there by investing in this area. But on the other hand, there are several other very profitable areas for running your business in Italy, and you shouldn’t focus only on tourism.

Hotel business in Italy

This type of business in Italy can bring its owner very, very good profits. However, if you plan to focus on visiting tourists rather than local residents, then we recommend that you consider opening a large hotel. There are many small hotels and hostels in Italy and they seem to be in demand. Yes, this is true, but most of the guests of such hotels are local residents who use hotel services from time to time. It will be quite difficult to attract Italian guests to such an establishment.

If you want to purchase an existing business, then also pay attention only to large hotels (with 200 or more rooms) that are for sale. Don’t be afraid to invest a lot of money into the purchase; a good hotel (especially on the coast) will pay for itself very quickly.

Agriculture as a business

Agriculture is one of the most profitable areas of business in Italy. It is in vain that our compatriots so rarely pay attention to him. Italian wines are famous all over the world, but they would not exist without the equally famous Italian vineyards. Vineyards are regularly put up for sale, but in this matter it is necessary to be quite scrupulous and carefully check the quality of the vineyard being sold.

Very often the least productive vineyards are put up for auction (this is not surprising), but the price of a good vineyard will most likely be quite high. If you have good knowledge about winemaking, then you can quickly recoup the costs of purchasing a vineyard. Otherwise, we advise you to enlist the support and advice of experienced specialists in this matter, and only with their help proceed to choosing the object of purchase.

Restaurant business in Italy

This area of ​​activity is simultaneously aimed at both tourists and local residents. Once on any central street in one of the cities of Italy, many cafes, restaurants, and bars immediately catch your eye. And all of them are almost filled to capacity with visitors, which indicates an insane demand for the catering industry.

If you want to see your clients, first of all, guests of Italy and tourists, then it is recommended to think about opening an establishment with classic Italian dishes. Every person, having arrived in Italy, first of all wants to try food of Italian origin, even if it is already familiar to him (after all, pizza and pasta are known and loved all over the world).

Also profitable areas business in Italy is real estate, retail, rental of various types of property, clothing factories.

Foreign citizens have the right to register a company in Italy (for example, an LLC) without being residents of this country.

To do this, you need to obtain a fiscal code, open a bank account, find a legal address and a legal representative in Italy, as well as draw up constituent documents and have the act of establishing a company in Italy certified by a notary.

The founders of the company do not need to have an Italian citizen or resident.

Our center provides services for registering enterprises of all forms of ownership in Italy.

The range of organizational and legal forms of commercial organizations in Italy is very wide:individual enterprise (Ditta individuale), full and limited business partnerships(SNC and SAS ), limited liability company (SRL), private limited company (SPA).

The most common legal form of a company is" S o sieta " a responsabilita " limitata (S. r. l .)" - limited liability company.

The liability of the founders is limited to the size of the authorized capital.

Minimum authorized capital "S. r. l." is 10,000 Euro.

The founders can be both individuals and legal entities.

There must be a legal address, and one that actually functions.

The possibilities for using the authorized capital of Italian enterprises are the same as in other European countries, i.e. it can be used for the activities of the enterprise.

If "S.r.l "one participant, then the authorized capital must be paid 100% at the time of registration. If there are more participants, then it is possible to initially pay only 25% of the authorized capital, but in any case, by the time the company is activated, it is necessary to have full payment of the declared authorized capital. Director may be a shareholdercompany, which must be reflected in constituent documents. The company must have a full-time accountant to maintain accounting and periodic reporting. If the authorized capital exceeds 100000 euros, it is necessary to appoint an audit board of licensed auditors.

The company is entered into the Register of Enterprises of the province where it is officially located.

The balance sheet is submitted once a year, but reports on certain types of taxes are submitted to tax offices, depending on turnover, quarterly or even monthly.

S type company registration services. r. l. costs from 3000 EURO . Additionally, you need to pay for notary services (from 2000 EURO ), company registration fees, registration fee at the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, legal address, books of account.

SPA (Societ à per azioni)- an analogue of the Russian joint-stock company. The founder can be one or more shareholders, both individuals and legal entities. Minimum authorized capital 120000 euros, 25% is paid upon registration. If the capital is contributed by non-monetary assets, it is necessary to provide an opinion from an independent expert in Italy. The authorized funds belong to you, and you can dispose of them as you wish. The director/directors may be shareholders of the company, which must be reflected in the constituent documents. The issue of both registered shares and bearer shares is permitted, and shares have the right to be freely transferred to third parties without approval general meeting. It is necessary to appoint a Board of independent authorized auditors and a staff auditor to maintain the accountingaccounting and periodic reporting.

Ditta Individuale, Imprenditore (Self employed) - the simplest legal form for conducting commercial activities in Italy.

Business partnerships (SAS, SNC) - are widespread in Italy, but are not always convenient for foreigners.

Individual entrepreneurs and members of partnerships bear full responsibility (i.e., they are responsible with all their property) for the activities of such enterprises.

In addition, to obtain the right to work in this capacity, a foreigner must first obtain a Work Permit and Residence Permit in Italy ( .