Fruiting body

Bushy, highly branched, consisting of many “branches” covered with needle-shaped processes directed sideways and downwards. The fruiting body of the hedgehog closely resembles some species sea ​​corals, which gave the species its name. The color of the fruiting body is white, with age, as it ages, it acquires a dirty tint, then turns brown.

Spore powder - white. Small disputes round shape, colorless.

Pulp When touched or damaged, coral barnacle turns red and hardens, some “spines” inside are filled with an oily, colorless liquid.

Collection and distribution

This fungus lives on dead wood of deciduous trees - alder, oak, birch, linden and aspen. Found in single specimens, the mushroom is very rare. In Russia, this species is listed in the Red Book. Most often found in South America and in Asian countries - China and Japan, in Russia, it can most often be found in the Far East.

The growing period of coral hedgehog is from July to September inclusive.

Alpine hedgehog.

Similar species

Because of unusual shape fruiting body, the coral-shaped hedgehog can be mistaken exclusively for closely related species, also related to conditionally edible mushrooms. For example, for, differing in its distribution area and the fact that it settles almost exclusively on alder wood.


The coral hedgehog is suitable for consumption after all types culinary processing, but most popular in boiled (in soups) and fried form. This mushroom does not require pre-treatment; you just have to remember that only young specimens with a white fruiting body are suitable for food. Before cooking, the hedgehog mushroom should be thoroughly washed - many different insects find refuge in its “branches”.

  • Mentions of the use of the coral-shaped hedgehog for food in Russia are preserved in written evidence. True, the first of them is rather a curiosity and dates back to the 17th century. Three caught robbers, not considering their guilt sufficient for the death penalty, were forced to eat hedgehog mushrooms for 2 weeks, according to the same sources, which were widely available in those days. The robbers collected it themselves and prepared a stew from it, calling this mushroom “the damned sponge.” As a result, this kind of diet did not harm them at all, but, trying to avoid a repetition of this, many robbers began to destroy the hedgehog wherever possible.
  • Some sources indicate that the coral-shaped hedgehog was listed in the Red Book due to confusion in taxonomy. Assessing the rarity of the species, scientists had in mind the alpine hedgehog, but Latin name was introduced relating to the coral-shaped hedgehog.
  • Coral hedgehog, like three other representatives of this genus, are cultivated in China and Japan, moreover as remedy than as an edible crop. It has been established that Blackberry and preparations made from it can treat many diseases of the central nervous system, help with depression, and have a beneficial effect on digestive processes.

This is a handsome man with a very unusually shaped fruiting body, which is practically never found by mushroom pickers. wildlife. Now it is even included in the Red Book of Russia and has the status rare species. Hedgehog coral (coral) is a mushroom that is not only tasty, but also provides health benefits. In addition, this is a real decoration of the forest - it is so beautiful. What does it look like, where does it grow and what are its beneficial properties?

Coral hedgehog (Hericium coralloides) is a representative of the genus Hericium. This edible mushroom-xylotroph has several names: coral hericium, coral hedgehog, coral hericium, branched or lattice-shaped. The word “gericium” indicates that the species belongs to the genus of the same name.

By the way, this mushroom is often called not blackberry, but coral blackberry (coral-shaped), lattice-shaped or simply coral mushroom. Indeed, its fruiting body in its structure resembles the “bushes” of corals.

  • fruit body has irregular shape a bush with lush branches, densely covered almost to the base with small fragile spines hanging down, which can have either a straight or curved shape and, as the mushroom matures, grow up to 0.5-2 cm. The branches are hollow inside. The base by which the mushroom is attached to the substrate is scaly and short - up to 1 cm. The dimensions that branched hericium can have are impressive: its width varies from 5 to 29 cm (and sometimes up to 40 cm), and its length often reaches 30 cm. The color of the surface of the fruiting body is white, cream, and with age it becomes darker - yellow or brown. This is an annual mushroom, but its mycelium lives for several years;
  • the flesh is white, pinkish or cream in color, turns red when damaged, and turns yellow with age. If the mushroom is dried, it will acquire a reddish tint. The spines are very fragile and are destroyed by simple touches, but in general the flesh is fibrous and elastic, has a pleasant mushroom aroma and delicate taste, and as the mushroom ages it becomes quite dense and tough;
  • spores are spherical or elliptical, white.

Distribution and fruiting period

The hero of the article is a very rare mushroom, it is difficult to detect even during the growing season, which lasts from July to September-October. At the same time, he usually grows up in splendid isolation. The growing regions of the hedgehog are Siberia, the Urals, the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasus, and the Far East.

Similar species

The coral hedgehog looks so unusual in appearance that it has no similar species. It cannot be confused with any other mushroom.


Hericium lattice-shaped is an edible mushroom that is recommended to be dried, fried, and used for cooking soups. It does not require pre-boiling.

Only young ones are eaten fruiting bodies, as they become tough with age.

Medicinal properties

The coral hedgehog is also used in medicine, as it has certain medicinal properties. It is used to strengthen the immune system, treat gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases, and has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. Healing tinctures are prepared from the mushroom; it fights nematodes.

Hedgehog also has a positive effect on nervous system. In the late 90s, research was conducted on mushroom fermentation broth in Germany. As a result, the substance erinacin E was obtained, which is considered one of the most powerful stimulators of nerve cell growth, and therefore this hedgehog has become a potential medicine against Alzheimer's disease. The substance has now been received chemically, work is underway to create a medicine based on it.

According to China, coral blackberries are no worse comb blackberry, if you compare them healing properties. And it tastes just wonderful. But you should not collect it, since the mushroom is a protected species.

Coral hedgehog is similar in appearance to sea coral. He doesn't have poisonous doubles, so it can be used for cooking without fear of being confused with mushrooms that are hazardous to health.

Other names for coral hedgehog are snow mushroom, blackberry, royal, inier

  • Number of servings: 6
  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

How to cook coral hedgehog

The hedgehog is large, it reaches 30-40 cm in width and height. It has white flesh with a faint odor and neutral taste.

Mushrooms can be fried, baked, prepared as first courses, salads and casseroles, and also marinated in a sauce made from vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and lemon juice. They are also suitable as filling components for pies.

Blackberries fried in sour cream are delicious. Preparation:

  1. Soak the blackberry mushrooms for 1 hour in warm water, then squeeze out the liquid well.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes. Fry until golden brown.
  3. Chop the mushrooms into thin strips, add to the onion, simmer for 10 minutes. under closed lid.
  4. Add salt and pepper, add sour cream and continue cooking for another 10-15 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Salad recipe with blackberry coral

To prepare this dish, both fresh and dried mushrooms.


  • 150 g blackberry;
  • 50 g smoked meat or raw smoked sausage;
  • bulb;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • a pinch of black pepper;
  • mayonnaise to taste.

Before cooking, mushrooms need to be soaked in water for 1 hour. For this amount of blackberry you will need 300 ml of liquid.


  1. Cut the mushrooms into 1 cm cubes. Fry them with vegetable oil for 10 minutes.
  2. Finely chop the onion, add to the mushrooms and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
  3. Add salt and pepper.
  4. Boil the eggs, cut into cubes. Chop the cucumbers into thin strips and the sausage into squares.
  5. Mix all ingredients, season with mayonnaise or sour cream.

Mushrooms are the highlight of this salad. They have a crunchy texture.

Coral hedgehog soup

The first dish looks unusual.


  • 0.5 kg of blackberry;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • bulb;
  • parsley root;
  • 2 tbsp. l. melted butter;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, pepper and Bay leaf.

This amount of ingredients is calculated for 2 liters of water.


  1. Slice the mushrooms in large pieces, fry on butter.
  2. Place them in a saucepan, add 2 liters of water and cook for 30 minutes.
  3. Chop the potatoes, carrots, onions and parsley root. Add to the mushrooms and cook for another 30 minutes. Pepper, salt, add bay leaf. Cook for 5 minutes.

The finished dish can be seasoned with cream and herbs. Before serving, remove the bay leaf from the soup.

If you want to cook dishes with coral urchin, then go looking for it in the forest from mid-summer to mid-September. It can be found on tree trunks.

The coral mushroom is a rather rare specimen, which many would bypass due to its unusual nature. appearance. It reaches a size of up to 40 centimeters and resembles corals. Despite the fact that outwardly it does not inspire confidence in everyone, it has no poisonous counterparts, so you can collect the mushroom without fear.

Various dishes are prepared from blackberry, as this species is also called, from salads to soups. It has an almost neutral taste and a barely perceptible aroma, but when properly prepared it perfectly diversifies the everyday menu.

Salad recipe with coral mushroom and smoked meat

A fairly simple salad to make that will interest lovers of everything unusual.


Servings: – + 7

  • Coral hedgehog 150 g
  • Fresh cucumber 2 pcs.
  • Bulb onions 1 PC.
  • Smoked meat 100 g
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Mayonnaise to taste
  • Black pepper 1 pinch
  • Salt to taste

Per serving

Calories: 252 kcal

Proteins: 4.5 g

Fats: 25 g

Carbohydrates: 2.3 g

30 min. Video recipe Print

    Soak the mushrooms for 60 minutes in water in a 2:1 ratio. Then cut into pieces about one centimeter long and fry in refined oil. After 10 minutes, add finely chopped onion. Cook as much more. Place on a plate and wait to cool.

    Boil the eggs hard for 12 minutes after the water has boiled. Cool in ice liquid, remove the shell and chop into cubes.

    Grind the remaining ingredients: meat into small pieces, cucumbers into strips.

    Combine everything together, season with mayonnaise, add pepper and mix. Add salt if necessary.

    Advice: if you use it for salad large cucumbers with thick skin, we recommend cutting it off with a housekeeper, and also removing overgrown seeds.

    Coral Mushroom Stew

    The recipe for making blackberry soup is no different from the standard technology for first courses. But the result has one peculiarity associated with the crispy structure of the mushrooms.

    Number of servings: 12

    Cooking time: 45 minutes

    Energy value

    • calorie content – ​​40.3 kcal;
    • proteins – 2.6 g;
    • fats – 0.4 g;
    • carbohydrates – 6.5 g.


    • medium potatoes – 5 pcs.;
    • Blackberry – 500 g;
    • carrots – 2 pcs.;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • parsley, root - to taste;
    • butter – 2 tbsp;
    • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
    • sunflower oil – 2 tbsp;
    • pepper, peas – 3 pcs.

    Step-by-step preparation

  1. Chop the coral mushroom fairly coarsely and fry in butter. Then transfer to a saucepan, pour in two liters of water and cook for about 30 minutes.
  2. Next, add the potato pieces, and when they have boiled a little, prepare the frying of onions, parsley and carrots in the standard way.
  3. Once all the ingredients are in the pan, add salt and spices. Boil for another five minutes.

This is interesting: To ensure that the dish has a delicate taste, we recommend supplementing the list of ingredients with cream, as well as your favorite herbs.

Once you try a dish with these crunchy mushrooms, you will look for them every year to treat yourself again. Bon appetit!