The defendant in the case of theft from Ugra Bank was released from pre-trial detention center ... ex-director of the capital branch " Ugra» Nina Chernova, who is a defendant in a criminal case against the former main shareholder jar Alexey Khotin, accused of... . A criminal case regarding the theft of 7.5 billion rubles. at jar « Ugra» was brought in January 2019 under Part 4 of Art. 160 ... case of theft from jar « Ugra" increased almost 27 times - from 7.5 billion to 200 billion rubles. Bank declared bankrupt in... Alfa Bank sued Khotin's business center due to debts and a criminal case I took out banks, he also pledged the business to secure the debt, the loans were then repaid with the depositors’ money.” Ugra", a representative of the Agency described the scheme..., the initiation of a criminal case in connection with the withdrawal of assets from " Ugra» or causing damage jar, its clients, creditors or the state. In the spring of 2019... jar Andrey Sokolov. Previously bank won one lawsuit against Khotin's companies for $178 million, jar two more claims against the structures of the former owner " Ugra ... Residents of the “Tyumen Matryoshka” store hundreds of millions of rubles in banks ... as of July 1, 2019 results regional office Ural State University Jar Russia. In particular, the main volume of deposits - about 434 billion rubles... increased by 30%. According to the press service of the regional department jar, average deposit amount in Ugra reached 260 thousand rubles, in Yamal - 283 thousand... Alfa Bank included the risk of a criminal case in the Khotin loan agreement ... Alpha jar to the banker's structures. In April 2019, Khotin was detained and suspected of embezzling 7.5 billion rubles. from jar « Ugra" A month later, Alpha bank filed five claims for debt collection against Khotin structures..., administrative or tax matters. Alpha- bank informed the court that after the conclusion of the settlement agreement, the temporary administration jar « Ugra"demanded from one of the guarantors - the company... Ugra Bank creditors will be paid half a billion rubles ... rubles will be used for settlements with creditors of the first stage of PJSC " Bank Ugra" This was reported by the public relations department of the state corporation “Agency for... . As RBC Tyumen previously wrote, in July 2017 in bank A temporary administration was introduced, on July 28 of the same year the credit institution was declared bankrupt. Bank « UgraUgra Alfa Bank filed five lawsuits against Khotin. What kind of real estate can the arrested ex-owner of Ugra Bank lose? ... in Moscow Alfa- bank filed five lawsuits with the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow against the former owner arrested in April jar « Ugra» Alexey Khotin and... an incident during bankruptcy jar- The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) paid depositors almost 175 billion rubles. The Central Bank has repeatedly stated that bank « Ugra» was primarily used for lending to shareholder related businesses. "It was bank-a vacuum cleaner that was brought from the market... The ex-owner of Ugra testified against the head of the FSB banking department ... different banks, were pledged to secure the debt, and then the loans were repaid with depositors’ money withdrawn from the “ Ugra", said a representative of the DIA. The regulator revoked the license jar « Ugra"in July 2017. Then " Ugra» ranked 29th in terms of assets among Russian banks. By... The London Stock Exchange suspended trading in shares of a company associated with Khotin - majority shareholder jar « Ugra» Alexey Khotin Russian oil producing company Exillon Energy, one of the largest shareholders of which is the arrested majority shareholder jar « Ugra» Alexey Khotin, announced... 2017 to the account of Exillon Energy’s subsidiary “Kayum Neft” in bank « Ugra» Khotin received 7.83 billion rubles. from the companies "Building Group... in the same bank, but most of the funds (RUB 7.58 billion) were not returned after the license was revoked from “ Ugra» in July 2017...

Politics, 18 March 2019, 09:03

The head of UVZ spoke about the complaint to the Central Bank against Ugra before the license was revoked ... The head of Uralvagonzavod Alexander Potapov complained to the Central Bank about bank « Ugra” shortly before the latter’s license was revoked. The reason for the appeal was... a complaint about “ Ugra» two months before the recall jar licenses. He himself said this in an interview with RBC.​​ “There was such a bank « Ugra", whose license was revoked (in July 2017 - RBC). When I saw that this bank set the rate to 24...

Business, 04 Feb 2019, 13:43

The arbitration confirmed the legality of revocation of the license from Bank Ugra ...decision on the legality of the Central Bank revoking the license of jar « Ugra", reports TASS with reference to the correspondent. "Statement jar « Ugra"on reviewing the decision of the city arbitration court... revocation of the license from jar « Ugra" Later, the legality of the Central Bank's decision was confirmed by the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal of Moscow. In September 2018 bank « Ugra"was declared bankrupt in... Operation “Liquidation”: why Ugra borrowers began to go bankrupt en masse ... jar. During the examination jar back in July 2017, it turned out that 90% of the loan portfolio “ Ugra» accounts for associated with the owners’ projects jar business. Bank « Ugra... change the amount collected in favor jar debt, Kolenchuk concludes. How bank « Ugra» lost his license The Central Bank introduced a temporary administration in bank « Ugra", the main beneficiary of which was...

26 Sep 2018, 08:48

Bank Ugra declared bankrupt ...administrations have been terminated, writes RNS. Now acting as the temporary administration of PJSC " Bank Ugra"within three days must transfer to the bankruptcy trustee the accounting documentation... July 2017 in bank « Ugra“A temporary administration was introduced, and on July 28 of the same year, the credit organization lost its license. Bank « Ugra", we recall, was founded in 1990 in Megion (KhMAO- Ugra). In October 1998 there was... Former owners of Ugra will appeal the decision of the appeal court in favor of the Central Bank ... was the main shareholder jar. Previously, the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal refused to satisfy the complaint of the former management jar « Ugra» to introduce a temporary administration in bank in the face... in bank « Ugra" was introduced by a decision of the Central Bank on July 10, and 18 days later the Central Bank withdrew from " Ugra» license. At the time of license revocation bank « Ugra» ranked 30th among Russian banks in terms of assets and 15... Khotin will challenge the court's decision on Alfa Bank's claim for $700 million ...and former owner jar « Ugra» Alexey Khotin will challenge the decision of the Meshchansky Court of Moscow regarding debt under surety agreements in favor of Alfa- jar in the amount... Khotin was the owner jar « Ugra", whose license was revoked by the Central Bank in July. This happened due to the fact that bank carried out manipulations with citizens' deposits, operations with signs of withdrawal of assets and other violations. Later, the provisional administration found out that 90% of the assets " Ugra ... The court upheld Alfa Bank's claim against Khotin for $700 million ... The court ordered Alexey Khotin, the former owner jar « Ugra", pay $700 million to Alpha jar, which the businessman owes under surety agreements. A settlement agreement cannot be reached... jar « Ugra", debts under guarantee agreements in favor of Alfa- jar in the amount of “about $700 million.” A representative of Alfa reported this to RBC. jar. Previously in bank... Khotin was the owner jar « Ugra", which at the end of July Bank Russia revoked the license. This decision was made because bank manipulations were carried out... Alfa Bank and Khotin announced their intention to settle the dispute for $700 million ... fulfills its obligations to bank. What happened with " Yugra» Alexey Khotin - former owner jar « Ugra" At the end of July Bank Russia recalled from " Ugra» license. Reasons for... that had signs of asset withdrawal. Also during the study jar it turned out that 90% of assets jar(RUB 236 billion) falls on structures associated with... administration jar Galina Aleksentseva, by mid-September, 130 out of 140 borrowers had overdue debt on principal and interest. Ugra» companies... Khotin is appealing the decision to recover 2.6 billion rubles. in favor of Alfa Bank ...lawyers of the former shareholder jar « Ugra» Alexey Khotin are going to file an appeal against the decision to collect the debt in favor of Alfa- jar, which on November 8... Moscow court on the recovery of $43.33 million in favor of Alfa- jar, since there are no grounds for early repayment of the loan,” said a representative of the entrepreneur... to the loan, which expires in December 2017. However, Alpha bank demanded to repay it early and filed a lawsuit, which, in the opinion... Alfa Bank won a claim against Alexey Khotin for 2.6 billion rubles. ... The court ordered the main owner jar « Ugra» Alexey Khotin to pay Alfa- jar RUB 2.6 billion Bank demanded early repayment due to suspicions that... the loan Meshchansky District Court of Moscow satisfied the claim of Alfa- jar filed against the principal owner jar « Ugra" Alexey Khotin, about early repayment of almost 2.6 ... before bank are being executed,” says the press service of Alexey Khotin. What happened with " Yugra" At the end of July Bank Russia revoked license from jar « Ugra", the main... The Ugra shareholder suggested new plan bank rescue ... also servicing this debt on the terms of the stabilization loan rates applied Bank Russia during the reorganization of other organizations in 2015 and 2016... years. The majority shareholder was ready to send for rescue jar 21 billion rubles of own funds. Bank « Ugra"was created in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in 1990. In 2016, he changed his “registration” to Moscow. The Central Bank introduced a temporary administration in " Ugra ... "Hole" in capital large bank can grow one and a half times ... Hole" in capital jar « Ugra", which has been deprived of a license, could grow to 135 billion rubles. Previously... billion rubles. Bank Russia during inspections revealed numerous violations bank requirements of the regulator for assessing credit risk, as well as the presence of " Ugra"" serious... " Ugra» July 10, 2017, and later revoked the license from jar. The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation demanded that the regulator's orders be canceled, but this did not happen. Bank « Ugra" was... The Central Bank warned about the risk of increasing the hole in Ugra's capital to 135 billion rubles. ... capital jar « Ugra", in which a temporary administration has been introduced since July, may increase to 135 billion rubles, says the letter from the first deputy chairman Jar Russia by Dmitry Tulin. In September it was estimated at 86.1 billion rubles. The magnitude of the imbalance between the assets and liabilities of the license deprived jar « Ugra... assets - from 197.25 billion rubles. up to 113 billion rubles. Bank « Ugra", the main beneficiary of which is Alexey Khotin, lost his license in... Khotin's representative called Alfa Bank's claims pressure on the borrower ... Representative of the ex-owner jar « Ugra" Alexey Khotin commented on Alfa's demand jar companies associated with the beneficiary of the offshore Radamant Financial AG, to repay the debt... to date, all the company’s obligations to bank are being fulfilled. During the specified period, the company repaid jar about $200 million. At the moment, everything... The Tyumen Matryoshka business owes banks hundreds of billions ... reached 26.6 billion rubles. Total debt of companies to banks as of September 1, 2017 amounts to 1 trillion 128 billion... the debt of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs before banks equal to 639.6 billion rubles. IN Ugra the indicator on overdue debt decreased slightly. Month... month the figure increased by 500 million. The total debt of companies to banks amounts to 2 trillion 563.8 billion rubles. Ugra's top management is appealing the court's decision. Investors are preparing a picket ... Former management and owners jar « Ugra"will appeal the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, which on Tuesday, 10 ... on the introduction of a temporary administration in bank was issued illegally. “An order to make additional provisions for loans was received.” Yugra» July 6, 2017. However... . Myself bank filed a claim against the Central Bank with the Moscow Arbitration Court to declare the decisions and actions (inactions) of the regulator illegal. Later " Ugra"Deprived of license. Bank « Ugra ...

Business, 29 Sep 2017, 15:31

Nabiullina announced the impossibility of “cure” the business model of Ugra ... Carry out health improvement jar « Ugra", whose business model was to "aggressively attract" deposits from the public in... noted that bank Otkritie served as a financial intermediary, while Ugra» was mainly engaged in attracting deposits from the population. Bank Russia revoked the license from " Ugra» 28...

Business, 26 Sep 2017, 19:55

Rosgeology filed a lawsuit against the developer of the Dulisminskoye field ... . The Rus-Oil current account is located in the Moscow branch jar « Ugra" Representative of the largest co-owner " Ugra"Alexey Khotin said that the businessman owns only oil assets... in " Ugra", says RBC's interlocutor. Pledge of 100% "Multanovsky" in bank « Ugra» under two loan agreements is confirmed by an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Pledged by " Ugra" And...

20 Sep 2017, 10:31

Ugra called the bank's recovery plan a "fiction" ... . This was reported in an official statement by representatives of the ex-chairman of the board jar « Ugra» Dmitry Shilyaev, which was sent to RBC Tyumen. “In the materials... of the regulator on the introduction of bank temporary administration. The next meeting will take place on September 26. The Central Bank first introduced a temporary administration in bank « UgraUgra in 1990, in 2016 bank changed...

15 Sep 2017, 08:03

Ugra borrowers stopped paying their loans ...Borrowers jar « Ugra“They practically stopped paying their debts. Overdue loan debts... are irrecoverable,” the head of the interim administration is quoted as saying “ Ugra» Galina Aleksentseva “Vedomosti”. Regarding a number of large borrowers jar the arbitration court has already initiated cases regarding... the administration in bank « Ugra" and then revoked his license. The credit institution was created in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Ugra in 1990, in 2016 bank changed... "Yugra" filed a complaint against the Central Bank to court due to the revocation of its license ... Bank « Ugra» filed a claim with the Moscow Arbitration Court to invalidate the revocation of the license by the Central bank Russia. The claim was filed by the ex-chairman of the board jar... provisional administration." The final battle for " Ugra": why the Central Bank did not save bank The Central Bank introduced a temporary administration in bank « Ugra» July 10. Nine days later, on July 19, his orders regarding " Ugra"The Prosecutor General's Office protested... Because of the collapse of Ugra, they want to hold a referendum on reforming the Central Bank ... He. Investors jar « Ugra chanted: “Give us our money back.” People also shared their stories with reporters. Thus, an activist of the VKontakte group “Prevyshentsy” jar « Ugra» Nikolai Nikolaev said that he sold the apartment at the beginning of the year and put the money in bank to buy a home in the summer... administration in bank « Ugra" and then revoked his license. The credit institution was created in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Ugra in 1990, in 2016 bank changed... The mayor's office of Tyumen made a decision on the rally of Ugra Bank depositors ...Depositors jar « Ugra", whose license was revoked by the Central Bank, will go to a rally in Tyumen. ... that the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), in the event of bankruptcy " Ugra", as quickly as possible, found a major player in the banking sector who can... The media learned about the increase in the hole in the capital of Ugra Bank fourfold ...Negative equity jar « Ugra" increased to 31.14 billion rubles, the Izvestia newspaper learned. Previously Bank Russia estimated the hole in the capital of the credit institution at 7.04 billion rubles. Provisional Management Administration bank « Ugra" ordered the credit... arbitration application for recognition " Ugra"bankrupt. At the same time, on August 14 it became known that among the shareholders jar « Ugra"if he resumes... Depositors of a large bank that is bankrupting the Central Bank will go to a rally ...Moscow City Hall approved a meeting of depositors jar « Ugra"whose license was revoked. The protest action will take place on August 23 in... Vladimir Chernikov. He added that activists could increase the number of participants. Bank « Ugra"was created in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug in 1990, and in 2016..." Ugra» July 10, 2017. Later, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation demanded that the regulator's orders be cancelled. However Bank Russia revoked the license of a credit institution. Myself bank sent... Saudi prince ready to become a shareholder of Bank Ugra, deprived of its license ... capital jar « Ugra"if the credit institution starts operating again. RBC Tyumen was informed about this by the press service of Alexey Khotin, the main shareholder of " Ugra" By... . Bank « Ugra"was created in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in 1990; in 2016, it changed its “registration” to Moscow. The Central Bank introduced a temporary administration in " Ugra» 10 ... The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation demanded that the regulator's orders be cancelled. However Bank Russia decided to revoke the license from " Ugra" Myself bank filed a claim with the Moscow Arbitration Court against... The bank that wants to bankrupt the Central Bank has millions of tons of oil as collateral. ... IN bank « Ugra"commented on the Central Bank's claim for bankruptcy of a credit institution. “Literally ten have passed... and is trying to ruin bank", - expressed the opinion of the ex-leader " Ugra» Alexey Nefedov. The press service told RBC Tyumen about this jar. According to Nefedov... - due to the weak position of the regulator and lack of evidence. It's very beneficial to admit bank bankrupt and start removing his property,” Nefedov believes. Wherein... The Central Bank is bankrupting a large credit institution ... The Central Bank filed an application for recognition with the Moscow Arbitration Court Ugra"bankrupt. The documents were submitted on Monday, August 7th. Details of the case... Tyumen, July 24 in Arbitration Court Moscow registered a statement “ Ugra» with a demand to recognize the decisions and actions of the Central Bank as illegal. Preliminary meeting... August. The Central Bank, we recall, revoked the license of the credit institution on July 28. Bank ... Statements by the Central Bank regarding the reasons for revoking the license from jar « Ugra"do not stand up to any criticism. This opinion was expressed by the president of the credit institution... before bank", says the statement on behalf of Nefedov. Over the past few years, reporting " Ugra"did not raise any questions from the regulator, they believe bank. According to Alexey Nefedov, shareholders and top management “ Ugra"will defend...

The Bank of Russia on Friday revoked the license of the Yugra Bank, which had previously introduced a temporary administration. According to experts, the Central Bank thus decided to put an end to the dispute about the fate of the bank with the Prosecutor General's Office, which tried to protest the Central Bank's decision.

"Ugra", according to the Central Bank, took 29th place in banking system Russia. The bank actively attracted deposits from the population: the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) will have to pay 170 billion rubles in compensation. This is a record amount for the entire period of bank cleanup, which has been carried out by Central Bank Chairman Elvira Nabiullina since 2013.

The Central Bank estimated the “hole” in Ugra’s capital, as of July 22, at 7.04 billion rubles. While this is a preliminary assessment, the final size of the “hole” will be determined by the temporary administration working at the bank.

The aggravation of Ugra's financial problems was accompanied by a conflict between the Central Bank and the Prosecutor General's Office. “This in itself is quite a rare phenomenon for our market, despite the fact that last years licenses were taken away from many banks,” recalls Olga Belenkaya, head of the financial analysis department of CB Alba Alliance.

The conflict between the Russian Prosecutor General's Office and the Russian Central Bank began last week. The prosecutor's office challenged the actions of the Central Bank, which introduced a temporary administration in Ugra and a moratorium on payments to creditors.

The Prosecutor General's Office also demanded that insurance payments to depositors be suspended. The Central Bank and the DIA did not listen and began payments on July 20. The Central Bank soon sent objections to the actions of the prosecutor's office.

Announcing the revocation of Ugra’s license on Friday, the Central Bank explained in detail what was wrong with the bank. One of the main complaints is that the bank’s business model was based on financing projects associated with the bank’s owners using deposits from the public.

The main owner of the bank is businessman Alexey Khotin. He is such a non-public figure that journalists don’t even have a single photograph of him.

The Central Bank also stated that it had identified transactions similar to the withdrawal of assets, as well as questionable transit transactions and signs of distortion of reporting.

“In 2017, the Bank of Russia informed the Prosecutor General’s Office six times Russian Federation about facts of withdrawal of assets by a credit institution and twice - from Rosfinmonitoring about the bank’s carrying out dubious transit operations,” says the Central Bank’s press release about the revocation of the license.

The Central Bank disclosed the amount of negative capital of Ugra Bank, whose license was revoked on Friday. It turned out that 90% of the bank’s loan portfolio is related to the business projects of its owners

The hole in the capital of Bank Ugra, as of July 22, amounted to minus 7.04 billion rubles. This was reported to RBC by the press service of the Central Bank of Russia.

The volume of negative capital is associated with “a significant underestimation of credit risk and unreliable reflection of transactions in reporting,” the Central Bank noted, writes. The final assessment will be published based on the results of the work of the interim administration.

In addition, the regulator found that as of July 1, almost 90% of the bank’s loans were issued to borrowers associated with business projects of the owners of Ugra. The main shareholder of Ugra is businessman Alexey Khotin.

After receiving instructions from the Central Bank to supplement reserves, Bank Ugra carried out operations to improve reporting, without reflecting the actual state of assets. “The bank replaced borrowers, accepted unquoted securities and real estate at an inflated cost on compensation,” the regulator said in a statement.

The press service of Alexey Khotin RBC, in turn, called the information that 90% of loans were issued to borrowers associated with the owner’s business projects “another attempt to unsubstantiatedly tarnish the reputation of the shareholder and the bank’s top management.”

“Ugra Bank provided loans to over 8,000 legal clients throughout Russia,” explained representatives of the entrepreneur, adding that “in the interests of its clients, the bank pursued a conservative policy.” “All business projects were thoroughly checked for the possibility of repaying borrowed funds,” the press service explained.

The Bank of Russia assigned the functions of temporary administration to the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) in order to precise definition financial situation of Ugra. The results of the DIA’s work showed that the bank “completely lost its own funds”, and the continuation of measures to prevent its bankruptcy was “inappropriate,” the site writes. In this regard, the bank's license was revoked.

The day before the license was revoked, the main owner of the bank, Alexei Khotin, proposed a plan for its reorganization. He proposed to secure Ugra’s obligations to the DIA by pledging the loan portfolio and his personal guarantee. The repayment period was to be ten years.

The Central Bank called Khotin’s plan “unrealistic from the point of view of the terms, volumes and sources of additional capitalization proposed by the owner.” “Some of its provisions do not comply with current legislation,” the regulator noted.

According to the DIA, to date the volume of insurance payments to bank depositors has amounted to more than 100 billion rubles.

On Friday, the former head of the board of Yugra, Dmitry Shilyaev, called the Central Bank's decision to revoke the license a continuation of the strategy adopted by the regulator, the essence of which is to accuse the bank of violations that it did not commit.

“The temporary administration of the DIA, which was supposed to study financial condition bank for six months, already in the first days of operation, artificially destroyed the bank’s 30 billion capital, created a hole in it, and, accordingly, formal grounds for revoking the license. We were absolutely ready for this. The strategy of the bank owners is to go to the end and defend Ugra and its reputation with everyone accessible ways does not change,” Shilyaev told RBC.

On July 10, the Central Bank introduced a temporary administration into the bank in the person of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), while simultaneously establishing a moratorium on satisfying the claims of Ugra creditors.

The Central Bank's decision caused protests General Prosecutor's Office: she protested the regulator’s orders as groundless, pointing out that the DIA’s payment of compensation due to bank depositors would cause serious damage to the federal budget.

Despite this, DIA agent banks began paying Ugra depositors on July 20. On Friday, the Central Bank said that the revocation of the license would not affect payments in any way and they would continue as before.

Most of the clients of Ugra Bank had deposits of up to 1.4 million rubles; this amount will be paid to them from the insurance system; other creditors can also claim something in a certain situation, experts say.

“According to preliminary information, 95% of depositors, even more, had deposits of up to 1.4 million rubles. They will satisfy all their interests in this regard. As for the remaining creditors, one can only hope that the quality of the assets will allow them to receive payments. Well, legal entities will get something,” says Aksakov.

Tosunyan clarified that it will be possible to assess how the revocation of Ugra’s license will affect the bank itself and its clients only after the real situation with the bank’s balance sheet is clarified.

“Each depositor will receive 1.4 million rubles from the insurance system... As for payments to legal entities, it depends on what kind of legal entity they are, what obligations they have, what obligations the bank has to them. This will be determined by the internal administration and the relevant body that will deal with this,” said the ARB President.

Nevertheless, the owners of Ugra Bank, judging by their statements and actions, intend to continue to defend the bank and their reputation in all possible ways.

Thus, Alexey Khotin, who controls 52.5% of the capital of a credit institution, on Thursday evening announced the submission to the Central Bank of a plan for the financial rehabilitation of Ugra, providing for the return of the DIA 170 billion rubles, which it pays as insurance to the depositors of this bank, within 10 years .

But in the end, the Central Bank decided to revoke the license - according to the regulator, it recognized the financial recovery of Ugra with the involvement of the DIA and the bank’s creditors as economically unfeasible due to the extremely low quality of assets and the magnitude of the identified imbalance between the value of assets and liabilities, and the plan presented by Khotin rehabilitation is unrealistic.

“We were absolutely ready for this (revocation of the license - ed.). The strategy of the bank’s owners - to go to the end and defend Ugra and its reputation in all available ways - does not change,” said Dmitry Shilyaev, ex-chairman of the board of the credit organization.

The day before, the Central Bank of Russia introduced temporary administration at Yugra Bank on the basis of the poor financial position of the credit institution. For the first time, it came to the point that the Prosecutor General’s Office itself protested two orders of the Central Bank regarding the management of the bank. Despite the protest, on July 20, the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), based on decisions of the financial regulator, through agent banks, began paying out deposits. That is, the bank has already been virtually destroyed.

The truly scandalous situation was commented on the Tsargrad TV channel by the vice-president of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia Jan Art.

It’s not very clear why it was necessary to “finish off” Bank Ugra.

The expert criticized the situation in which the protest of the Prosecutor General's Office is ignored. In this case, it would be worth stopping, but no.

“This, excuse me, is not just anyone, this is a legal body, it observes the rule of law, and, quite possibly, if I don’t see something, then the prosecutor’s office can. I would stop. However, the process did not stop, payment to investors has begun. This means reversibility for the bank is already practically zero,” he said.

"Yugra" may not have been destroyed entity, but as a financial institution, sure, Art said. Now, of course, there will be a full payment of deposits, and the bank will be without people, without deposit clients - except perhaps with credit clients.

According to comments from the external press service of Alexey Khotin, the majority shareholder of Bank Yugra, the Prosecutor General's Office confirmed that Bank Yugra is “a financially stable organization that has the necessary liquidity reserves and has sufficient funds to carry out its activities.” It is also mentioned that in 2017 alone, Khotin invested 30 billion rubles of his funds in the bank’s capital, and is ready to continue in the same spirit. In addition, the businessman agreed to comply with the instructions of the Central Bank.

Is it possible that this statement has already been disavowed by the start of payments? According to Art, from a financial point of view, it is disavowed. He explained that if the withdrawal of deposits through the DIA payment system has already begun, then, clearly, there will be no deposit base in the bank.

A question immediately arises. Let’s say that the owners of a bank, having received some instructions from the regulator about risks, declare that they are ready to pay everything and ask to be given the opportunity to “catch their breath a little.” In the American system, in this case, they decide on the timing and introduce their own supervision. “And Khotin seemed to (at least publicly) demonstrate his readiness to comply, he didn’t shrug it off, and he didn’t go anywhere. Therefore, the situation is not very clear: why did the Yugra Bank need to, in fact, be finished off.”

A funny spectacle is unfolding before our eyes.

Do not forget that the head of the DIA and the head of the temporary administration of the Yugra Bank were summoned to the Prosecutor General's Office to testify.

“As a citizen, I perceive that the prosecutor’s office exercises legal supervision over each subject of law without restrictions - that is, in general, if we are talking about a violation of the constitution, then right up to the president. At least, this should be so. Therefore, now before our eyes , perhaps a funny spectacle is played out when one influential and important state institute he simply says: we don’t listen to the other,” noted Art.

The Deposit Insurance Agency, unlike the Central Bank, is a body under the executive branch, recalled the vice-president of the Association. So it's definitely not an independent structure. “The agency certainly must comply with the orders of the Prosecutor General’s Office... Perhaps there are explanations. Sadly, we don’t see them. We don’t see any clear explanation from the Central Bank today,” he added.

According to Art, in such a situation the Central Bank must somehow justify its actions and give some proposal for further coordination. “In the end, you don’t have to renounce your actions, but put them aside and somehow enter into a dialogue with the prosecutor’s office.” And the court is equal for everyone.

"Suddenly one day, boom - everything is not normal at the bank"

In Art's opinion, in general the wording of the statements is too general - it makes you think. “It sounds something like this: colleagues, before this there were a lot of checks, scheduled, unscheduled, and everything was fine, everything was fine, everything was fine, and suddenly one day, boom - everything was not normal in the bank. Then the question is: what was checked before? But This situation, unfortunately, applies to many banks,” Art believes.

The question arises: maybe the regional and territorial branches of the Central Bank do not work well in terms of supervision, since then management comes and suddenly revokes the license?

The initiator of the option is DIA, Art recalled. Accordingly, either the DIA simply violates the normal legal regime, or it is obliged to somehow explain to the prosecutor’s office why it is right. “But so far the legal grounds are not very clear.”

“They report a hole in a certain bank. A temporary administration comes. The same Tatfondbank. Two months later, just like an ordinary person, they tell me in the news: the hole is twice as big. I have a question: what did the temporary administration do for two months? there? Did you make the hole bigger?"