Maintains interaction with the Coordination Council of the International Union “Commonwealth of Public Organizations of Veterans (Pensioners) of Independent States,” which unites a number of veteran organizations of the CIS and Baltic countries. Cooperates with veteran organizations of Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.

Regional branches of the organization

Moscow city public organization of pensioners, war veterans, labor veterans, Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies

Moscow city public organization of pensioners, war and labor veterans, Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies (abbreviated name - Moscow City Public Organization of Veterans, MGOOV) was created at the City Founding Conference on March 21, 1987.

Today the Moscow Veterans Organization is one of the largest not only in the capital, but throughout Russian Federation. It has a coherent structure that unites 10 district, 123 district, 1050 primary veteran organizations at the place of residence, 185 in enterprises and institutions, 60 in higher education institutions. educational institutions.

The Moscow City Public Organization of Veterans includes 55 collective members. Among them: the Moscow public organization of war veterans, the Moscow city public organization of veterans of the Armed Forces, the public organization of veterans of the internal affairs bodies of the city of Moscow, the Moscow association of residents of besieged Leningrad and other veterans' organizations.

More than 2.7 million veterans and pensioners live in the capital, of which 1.8 million people are registered with primary veteran organizations at their place of residence.

The permanent executive body of the city veterans' organization is the Moscow City Council of Veterans (MGCV) with 111 people and its Presidium - 32 people.

Chairman of the Moscow City Council of Veterans - twice Hero of Socialist Labor Vladimir Ivanovich Dolgikh.

Penza regional organization of the All-Russian public organization of veterans (pensioners) of war, labor, Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies

Abbreviated as Penza Regional Council of Veterans (Pensioners) of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies.

Our goal is to help and provide a decent standard of living to those who defended our Motherland from the fascist invaders, worked in the rear and were devoted to their work and the Fatherland - veterans of the Great Patriotic War and Labor.

Our organization has been operating for over 30 years. She was formed back in Soviet time, during the years of “perestroika” on December 17, 1986 at the founding conference of war and labor veterans. Then they were created regional branches organizations - regional, regional and republican Councils of Veterans. The first chairman of the All-Union Council of Veterans was 72-year-old Kirill Mazurov, former member Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee.

On the eve of the collapse of the USSR on November 27, 1991, the organization adopted a new name - “All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans (Pensioners) of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies,” which is still in effect today. The organization has regional branches in all regions of the Russian Federation. Almost all regional branches of the organization have their own local branches (in districts and cities) and primary branches in microdistricts of cities, villages and towns.

Currently, we are the largest public organization helping veterans in Russia. The declared number of registered members of the organization for 2017 is 28 million people. Our organization has 85 regional representative offices, 2,687 district, 72,460 primary veterans' organizations at the place of residence, 45 in enterprises and institutions, 60 in higher educational institutions. In the Branches section you can see detailed list key representative offices.

War veterans are a very interesting and unusual generation, which passed with honor along the front-line fiery roads of the Great Patriotic War, which endured all the trials of life and ended the war with Victory in Berlin.

Veterans are the main witnesses and participants in the history of the Soviet state and modern Russia. Their childhood passed during the collectivization of the country, their youth during the first five-year plans, and as young people they participated in the military operations of the Red Army in pre-war years. They defended their homeland in a brutal war against the Nazis and liberated the occupied cities and villages of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and the Baltic republics. It was the Soviet soldiers who brought liberation to the peoples of Europe from fascism!

In the peaceful post-war years, front-line soldiers raised the destroyed National economy, built giant factories, managed factories and collective farms, taught future cosmonauts in schools and institutes, educated Heroes of Socialist Labor and famous leaders in production.

And now the time has come when we must help them, surround them with care and ensure a dignified old age. After all, even now their living conditions are quite difficult, so they really need our support.

As part of our work, we solve the following tasks:

  • protection of civil, socio-economic, labor and personal rights of veterans;
  • improving the financial situation, medical and consumer services of veterans;
  • legal assistance to veterans and members of their families;
  • targeted assistance to veterans in difficult life situations;
  • development of the volunteer movement throughout the country;
  • patriotic education of youth;
  • military historical work.


    Protection of civil, socio-economic, labor and personal rights of veterans.
    Unfortunately, even now the system of socio-economic support for war and labor veterans has a number of significant shortcomings. There are regular delays in the payment of pensions, benefits, and shortages of benefits and quotas for medical care. We try to understand every issue that arises, try to ensure timely payments and compliance with the full scope of benefits and simplify all related procedures as much as possible.

    Improving the financial situation, medical and consumer services of veterans.
    Today, more than 40% of war and labor veterans need material support to receive timely and high-quality medical care, for repairs in apartments and houses, for the purchase of medicines, clothing, food and household goods. More than 10% need home care, and more than 20% need placement in special social institutions (nursing homes and boarding schools). With the money raised, we provide individual targeted support to veterans (for example, purchasing wheelchairs and medicines, renovating apartments, organizing the work of social services to help at home, and much, much more).

    Legal assistance to veterans and members of their families.
    Our life is quite unpredictable and sometimes poses questions that require the support of a competent lawyer. Currently, qualified legal support is very expensive. We accept applications from veterans and try to provide legal assistance in difficult everyday situations.

    Development of the volunteer movement throughout the country.
    One of the most powerful levers for helping veterans and elderly people is volunteers. The development of the volunteer movement is one of the most important tasks our organization. We are currently collaborating with the volunteer organization “Victory Volunteers”, organizing assistance projects and taking various measures to popularize the volunteer movement.



Organization address

Time of receipt

Job title

Service phone number

Council of pensioners, war veterans, labor veterans, armed forces and law enforcement agencies of the Marfino district

127427 Moscow st. Academician Koroleva, 28, building 1, apt. 4

Tuesday Thursday


Mukhina Raisa Dmitrievna

8 495 639-71-33

Primary organization

Veterans No. 1

(BY 1)

127427 Moscow st. Academician Koroleva, 28, building 1, apartment 4

Tuesday Thursday


Pelevina Nina Nikolaevna

8 495 639-71-33

Primary organization of veterans No. 2


st. Divisional Commander Orlova 8 entrance 8 kv.107

Tuesday Thursday


Kovalchuk Nina Lyatifovna

8 499-488-65-24

Primary organization of veterans No. 3


Moscow 127276

Academician Komarova str., 6

Tuesday Thursday


Kirsanova Lyudmila Vissarionovna

8 495 618-92-61

Goals and objectives

In accordance with the Charter of the Moscow city public organization of pensioners, war veterans, labor veterans, the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies, the organization of veterans of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow was created for the purposes of:

  • promoting the protection of the rights and interests of veterans and pensioners, ensuring conditions for their worthy position in society;
  • improving and developing joint partnership activities with the legislative and executive authorities of the North-Eastern Administrative District, aimed at strengthening social support for older Muscovites and, above all, disabled people, participants in the Great Patriotic War. Providing targeted assistance to single and lonely veterans;
  • promoting the active participation of veterans in the life of the district, district and city. Involving them in participation in the patriotic education of students, cultural events held at the scale of the district, district and city;
  • exercising control over compliance with legislation on pensions and benefits established for veterans by the Federal Law “On Veterans” and other regulations.

Objectives of North-East Administrative Okrug veterans’ organizations:

  • active participation of veterans' councils in the implementation of the Address of the President of the Russian Federation. and, above all, in the field of patriotic education of youth and the unity of society. Increasing the level of organizational work in the veteran movement, strengthening its unity and cohesion;
  • promoting the establishment of high moral and spiritual values ​​in society, the preservation and enrichment of the national culture and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Strengthening the unity and cohesion of society, creating intransigence towards any manifestations of separatism, extremism, national hatred, chauvinism and other manifestations of anti-patriotism, lack of spirituality and immorality;
  • interaction with health authorities, taking the necessary measures to improve the quality of medical care for veterans at their place of residence;
  • participation, in accordance with the procedure established by law, in the preparation and conduct of state and national celebrations of significant dates, the creation of centers for the patriotic education of youth, museums of labor and military glory, making the necessary proposals for the proper maintenance of military graves, monuments, obelisks and memorial plaques;
  • sending the necessary information materials to the media about the activities of veterans' organizations, legal and social protection of veterans.


All-Russian public organization of veterans (pensioners) of war, labor, Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies

1. General Provisions

The All-Russian public organization of veterans (pensioners) of war, labor, the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies (hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”, “All-Russian organization of veterans”) is a voluntary public association of citizens based on their common interests to protect the legal rights of veterans, pensioners, disabled people, ensuring their worthy position in society and satisfaction of spiritual needs.

The organization's activities are carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation and are based on the principles of voluntariness and equality of members, self-government and legality, in strict accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other laws of the Russian Federation.

Part All-Russian organization veterans include veteran organizations of republics, territories, regions, districts of Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. The Organization consists of: All-Russian Public Organization of War and Military Service Veterans, Public Organization of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops of Russia, industry and other organizations of veterans.

Members of the Organization are veterans, pensioners, disabled people of war, labor, civil service, military service, Armed Forces and others military formations, law enforcement agencies, members of primary veteran organizations,

The All-Russian Veterans Organization participates in election campaigns in accordance with federal laws and laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on elections.

The All-Russian Veterans Organization works in close cooperation with the Federation Council, the State Duma, the President and Government of the Russian Federation, other federal authorities, state power subjects of the Federation and local self-government; submits for their consideration socio-economic programs and proposals to improve the lives and protect the rights of veterans, pensioners and disabled people; cooperates with public and religious organizations; maintains contacts with veteran organizations of foreign countries.

The All-Russian Organization of Veterans is part of the Commonwealth (Union) of Veterans' Organizations of Independent States.

The All-Russian Organization of Veterans is a legal entity, has separate property, an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts, including foreign currency accounts in bank institutions, a round seal and stamps with its name, and other necessary details.

Location of the permanent governing bodyOrganizations - Presidium of the Veterans Council - Moscow.

2. Goals and objectives of the Organization

All-Russian Veterans Organization

Protects the civil, socio-economic, labor, personal rights and freedoms of the older generation, seeks to improve their material well-being, living conditions, trade, consumer, medical and other types of services. It's alright defined by law and this Charter, exercises public control over the implementation of the Federal Law “On Veterans”, legislation on social protection of disabled people, on pensions and benefits established for veterans, pensioners and disabled people;

- promotes their involvement in feasible work, organizes economic activity veteran organizations, promotes the creation of enterprises of various forms of ownership, and conducts charitable work;

- promotes the establishment of high moral and spiritual values ​​in society, the preservation and enrichment of the national cultures of the peoples of the Russian Federation, attracts veterans to participate in the patriotic education of youth, transmitting to them the best traditions in work and service to the Fatherland;

- consistently carries out work to prepare a reserve of personnel for veterans' councils; takes care of effective use life experience of war and labor veterans; takes timely measures to update the composition of members of veterans' councils, keeping in mind the careful and careful attitude to the veteran asset;

- promotes the achievement of civil harmony and peace between peoples, opposes any manifestations of nationalism and extremism;

- participates in the creation of museums of military and labor glory, proper maintenance of military graves, monuments, obelisks and memorial plaques;

- takes part in the work of legislative and executive federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government when discussing issues of life of veterans, pensioners and disabled people, in the development of relevant regulations on these issues;

Seeks to solve the fundamental social problem - to reach every veteran, pensioner, and disabled person; providing them with the necessary moral and material support;

- disseminates information about its activities, establishes mass media, carries out publishing activities;

- resolutely opposes any attempts aimed at reducing living standards, encroaching on the interests of veterans, pensioners, disabled people, participants in local and other wars, as well as persons affected by radiation and other man-made disasters, if necessary, holds events of support or protest: meetings, rallies , demonstrations, pickets;

- takes initiatives on various issues of public life, makes specific proposals to state authorities and local governments on social programs;

- joins international public associations, acquires rights and bears responsibilities corresponding to the status of these international public associations, maintains direct international contacts and comprehensive connections, receives delegations from foreign countries;

Carries out foreign economic activities. The organization carries out business activities consistent with its statutory goals and objectives. To maintain it, the Organization can create business partnerships, societies and other business organizations, as well as acquire property.

The Organization fully assumes the rights and obligations provided for by the Federal Law “On Public Associations”, including annually informing the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation about the continuation of its activities, indicating the location of the permanent governing body, its name and information about the leaders of the Organization in the volume of information included in the unified State Register.

3. Membership, rights and obligations

Members of the organization can be individuals and legal entities - public associations of citizens that recognize the goals of the veteran movement, the Charter of the Organization.

Individual members of the organization are citizens of the Russian Federation: pensioners, disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military operations, military service, public service, labor and law enforcement agencies, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons - pensioners and disabled people living on the territory of the Russian Federation. Federations, regardless of nationality, race, religion.

Admission to membership in the All-Russian Veterans Organization is carried out by the primary organization upon the oral or written application of the applicant. Membership decision legal entity is adopted by the Presidium of the Council of the All-Russian Veterans Organization, and in the regions - by the governing bodies of the Organization on the basis of a decision of the competent body of the relevant public association.

Members of the Organization - individuals and legal entities - have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities.

Members of the Organization have the right:

Enjoy the support of the veteran organization in protecting their rights and legitimate interests in relations with government agencies and local government bodies, public organizations, as well as in the case of nomination as candidates for deputies to legislative bodies of state power and local government;

- elect and be elected to the governing bodies of veterans' organizations at all levels (from legal entities - their representatives);

- participate in the discussion of issues related to the work of veteran organizations.

Members of the Organization, to the best of their ability and health, participate in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Organization, carry out instructions from veterans’ councils, help increase the authority of the veteran organization among the population, and voluntarily support it financially.

Members of the All-Russian Veterans Organization are obliged to strengthen the unity of the ranks of the veteran movement in every possible way.

A member of the Organization may leave it by filing an application or expelling him from the Organization if he violates the Charter. The decision on exclusion is made by the body that admits to the Organization, or by the Presidium of the Council of the All-Russian Veterans Organization. The decision to expel can be appealed to the higher authorities of the Organization up to the Congress of the Organization.

4. Organizational building

All-Russian Veterans Organization

The All-Russian organization of veterans is built on the territorial-production principle.

The basis of the All-Russian Veterans Organization is made up of primary veterans' organizations created at enterprises, institutions, agricultural organizations, educational institutions and at places of residence.

In veterans' organizations, councils, committees, sections, groups, clubs and other associations of veterans are created for the professional and other vital interests of war veterans and disabled people, as well as participants in international military actions abroad. Structural divisions of the Veterans Organization: primary, district, city, district (prefectural) in cities and organizations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation are independent in carrying out their activities and, in the manner prescribed by law, can acquire the rights of a legal entity. They are guided by this Charter.

Members of the Organization - public associations retain their independence and rights as a legal entity.

5. Competence and order of education governing bodies All-Russian Veterans Organization

The highest body of the All-Russian Veterans Organization is the Congress, which is convened once every five years.

Extraordinary congresses may be convened on the initiative of the Council of the All-Russian Veterans Organization, at the request of at least one third total number district, regional, regional, republican organizations and organizations
Moscow, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.

Congress of the All-Russian Veterans Organization

Determines the main directions of activity of veteran organizations;

- hears reports from the Council of the All-Russian Veterans Organization and adopts decisions on them;

- approves the Charter of the All-Russian Veterans Organization, makes additions and changes to it, adopts the Regulations on the Audit Commission;

- elects for a period of five years the Council of the All-Russian Organization of Veterans and the Audit Commission in the composition determined by the Congress;

- gives the Council of the All-Russian Veterans Organization and its regional and local bodies the right to, in necessary cases, replenish (co-opt) the composition of the Council instead of those who have retired up to 1/3 of its members;

- makes decisions on the reorganization or liquidation of the Organization; discusses other issues related to the activities of the veteran organization.

In the period between congresses, the activities of the All-Russian Veterans Organization are managed by the Council of the All-Russian Veterans Organization.

Plenums of the Council of the All-Russian Veterans Organization are convened as needed, but at least once a year.

The Congress of Veterans, plenary sessions of the Council, the Presidium of the Council and the Bureau of the Presidium are considered valid if at least half of the elected delegates and members of these bodies participate in their work; decisions are made by a majority vote of those present.

Decisions of the congress on amendments to the Charter, reorganization or liquidation of the Organization are made by at least two-thirds of the votes of delegates, with a quorum determined by this clause of the Charter. The form of voting at congresses, conferences, meetings and plenary sessions of the Council and the Presidium of the Council is open.

Council of the All-Russian Veterans Organization

- convenes congresses of the Organization, including extraordinary ones, establishes the norm of representation and the procedure for electing delegates to the Congress; organizes the implementation of congress decisions;

- represents the Veterans Organization in government and public bodies and organizations, develops the position of the veteran organization on draft laws and regulations of the federal legislative and executive authorities;

- participates together with other interested organizations in studying the problems of the veteran movement, develops scientific and practical recommendations on them;

- if necessary, replenishes the Council in place of those who leave (up to one third of its members).

To manage the activities of the All-Russian Veterans Organization in the period between plenums, the Council elects the Presidium of the Council for the term of its powers. V consisting of the chairman, first deputy chairman, deputy chairmen, executive secretary of the Council and members of the Presidium in the number determined by the Council.

Chairman of the Council of the All-Russian Veterans Organization

Organizes the implementation of decisions of the Congress, plenary sessions of the Council, the Presidium of the Council and the Bureau, manages the current activities of the Council and its Presidium, represents the Organization in relations with state, public, and business organizations both in the Russian Federation and abroad, conducts meetings of the Council, the Presidium of the Council and his Bureau issues orders.

Presidium of the Council of the All-Russian Veterans Organization

- creates the Bureau of the Presidium consisting of the Chairman of the Council, his deputies, the executive secretary of the Council, and members of the Presidium; organizes the implementation of decisions of congresses and plenums of the Council, considers other issues of the activities of veteran organizations at its meetings, forms commissions and other formations of the Council in certain areas; provides practical assistance to veteran organizations, summarizes and disseminates the experience of their work;

- makes decisions on the creation and termination of the activities of publishing houses, newspapers, magazines, including participation in joint publishing houses;

- resolves other issues of the Organization’s activities that are not within the exclusive competence of the Congress and the Council of Veterans;

- holds its meetings as necessary, but at least once every four months.

Bureau of the Presidium

- exercises control over the implementation of decisions of congresses, plenums and presidiums of the Council;

- approves the cost estimate of the Veterans Organization Council, staffing;

- makes decisions on the creation and termination of the activities of branches, branches, representative offices of the Organization, economic entities of the Organization: partnerships, societies and other economic organizations;

- determines measures to encourage activists of veteran organizations and employees of the apparatus for active participation in the work; for services to the Fatherland, nominates for state awards of the Russian Federation; resolves current issues regarding the activities of the Veterans Council;

- holds its meetings as necessary, but at least once every three months.

Audit committee The All-Russian Veterans Organization carries out its activities on the basis of the Regulations on the Audit Commission, approved by the Congress. Members of the Audit Commission take part in the work of the plenary meetings of the Council and its Presidium with the right of an advisory vote.

Governing bodies of regional and local veteran organizations

- The highest body of the republican, regional, regional, Moscow and St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, district, district, city, district (prefectural) veterans' organization in the city is the corresponding republican, regional, regional, district, district, city, district (prefectural) conference in the city, which convenes once every five years. To carry out day-to-day management, the conference elects for a period of no more than five years the corresponding council of veterans in the composition and number determined by it;

- to manage the activities of the regional organization of veterans between the plenums of the Council, for the term of its powers, the Council elects the Presidium of the Council consisting of the chairman, deputy chairman, executive secretary of the Council and other members of the Council in the number established by the Council. To resolve current issues, it is possible to create a Bureau of the Council Presidium.

Republican, regional, regional, Moscow and St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, district, district, city, district (prefectural) veterans' councils in cities

Direct and coordinate the activities of veterans’ primary, district, city organizations, district (prefectural) organizations in cities, inform the public about their work;

Represent regional veterans in state and public bodies and organizations; keep records of veteran organizations; form commissions and other formations in certain areas, attracting a wide range of veteran activists;

- create a fund (branches of the fund) for veterans;

- hold reporting and election conferences at which veterans' councils and audit commissions are elected by open voting;

- elect delegates to the Congress of the veteran organization according to the norm determined by the Council of the All-Russian Veterans Organization;

If necessary, they replenish (co-opt) the composition of the Council instead of those who have retired (up to one third of its members).

The conference of regional and local bodies, veterans' councils, the Presidium and the Bureau of the Presidium of the councils of these organizations are considered competent if more than half of the delegates and members of these bodies participate in their work; decisions on all issues are made by a simple majority of votes.

6. Primary organizations of veterans

Primary organizations of veterans at enterprises, institutions, agricultural organizations, educational institutions, and at places of residence elect by open vote for a period of two to three years a council of the veteran organization in the composition and number determined general meeting veterans.

In large primary organizations, groups and councils of veterans can be created in workshops, villages, streets and houses. General issues the life and activities of these organizations can be considered at relevant conferences and general meetings.

Meetings of veterans in primary organizations to discuss issues of their activities, admission and exclusion from the organization, election of delegates to district, city, district conferences in cities are held as necessary, but at least once a year.

Conferences and meetings are considered valid if more than half of the elected delegates and members of these organizations take part in their work. Decisions at meetings and conferences in primary organizations are made, as a rule, by a simple majority of votes of those present.

Primary Veterans Organization

Maintains personal records of the composition of the veteran organization based on oral or written requests from veterans;

systematically studies the living conditions and financial situation of pensioners, disabled people, war and labor veterans;

- with the participation of veteran activists and social protection authorities, helps lonely, sick, elderly pensioners, disabled people, low-income veterans and creates the necessary documentation for this;

- in the organization, certificates of membership in this veterans organization can be introduced and handed over to veterans; with the consent of the organization’s members, it is possible to accept voluntary membership contributions for the organization of statutory activities and the provision of material assistance to needy veterans;

- takes care to protect the honor and dignity of veterans, pensioners and disabled people, provides them with assistance in improving material and living conditions, medical and other social services, considers and resolves these issues together with the administration and trade union organizations of relevant enterprises, institutions, housing and communal services; Special attention pays attention to war veterans, home front workers, participants in military operations at home and abroad, as well as disabled people;

- organizes the participation of veterans in everyday public life, involves them in the work of educating young people;

- promotes the involvement of pensioners in feasible work activities;

- creates veterans' clubs of interest;

- maintains close contacts with military units and military commissariats, carries out various joint events with them, and works to maintain military graves and monuments of military glory in proper order.

The primary organization may, in accordance with the procedure established by law, have the right of a legal entity.

7. Funds and property of veterans organizations

Funds for veterans organizations are generated

- from voluntary contributions and donations;

- from possible funds allocated by federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies;

- proceeds from lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, auctions and other events;

- income from entrepreneurial foreign economic activity, publishing activities, civil transactions;

- other income not prohibited by law.

The funds of the Organization are used only for the purposes provided for by its Charter and are not subject to redistribution among members of the Organization.

Veterans' organizations may own buildings, structures, land plots, housing stock, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational and recreational purposes, cash, shares, other securities and other property necessary to ensure the work provided for by this Charter.

The property may also include publishing houses and other enterprises, charitable institutions, sanatoriums and various recreation centers created or acquired at the expense of veterans’ organizations in accordance with its statutory goals.

Veteran organizations can create and own their own media.

The owner of the Organization's property is the Organization as a whole. Members of the Organization have no right to a share of the Organization's property. Territorial organizations included in the All-Russian Organization of Veterans as independent entities are the owners of the property belonging to them. Veterans' councils at all levels independently manage their funds.

8. Termination of the activities of the All-Russian Veterans Organization

Reorganization or liquidation of the All-Russian Veterans Organization may be carried out by decision of its Congress, as well as the court, in the manner and on the grounds established by law.

The reorganization and liquidation of the Organization is carried out in accordance with the requirements of civil and other legislation of the Russian Federation.

The property of the Organization upon termination of its activities by decision of the Congress, after settlements with creditors, is directed to the purposes provided for in this Charter.

Documents on the personnel (full-time employees) of the Organization upon termination of its activities in the established manner are transferred for storage to archival institutions of the Russian Federation.

Amendments and additions to this Charter have been adopted IV Congress of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans (Pensioners) of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies