New Year's party script
"Visiting Father Frost and Snow Maiden"
Goal: creating an emotionally positive climate in the group.
Objectives: 1.develop the ability to move according to given music;
2. develop thinking, speech, attention;
3. cultivate the ability to act together.
Characters: Snow Maiden, Father Frost, Baba Yaga, Cat.
Props: toy Santa Claus, backpack, small bag with gifts, broom with steering wheel, large mitten with gifts, snowballs, paper lanterns, transparent blanket (fabric).
Snow Maiden (fussing around the Christmas tree, looking around)
I hung up the toys
And nuts and crackers,
She lit the lights herself,
The Christmas tree has become cheerful!
Soon the guests will knock:
Squirrels come rushing from the forest
And funny animals -
Bear cubs and bunnies,
And the guys will come too.
There is a knock on the door.
Snow Maiden: Who's there?
Educator: This is us, guys. We came at your invitation to the holiday.
Snow Maiden: Come in, come in. I'm waiting for you, my dears.
Children with a teacher enter the hall where there is a Christmas tree.
Snow Maiden: How many guys
And everyone is looking at me.
Happy holiday, friends!
Do you know who I am?
Children: Snow Maiden.
Snow Maiden: Correct. Now we will warm ourselves up. It's cold outside and you were probably freezing by the time you got to me.
The Snow Maiden is doing a warm-up with the children.
It's frosty outside,
Come on, everyone put their hands to it!
There is no need for us to beat our heads,
Well, everyone grabbed their ears,
Twisted, turned,
So your ears are warmed up.
They knocked on my knees,
They shook their heads,
Patted on the shoulders
And they clapped a little.
So we warmed up. Are you guys warm?
Children: Yes.
Snow Maiden (points to the Christmas tree): Guys, what kind of guest came to us?
So elegant and slim.
Children: Christmas tree.
Snow Maiden: Let's say hello to the Christmas tree.
Children (together with the Snow Maiden): Hello Christmas tree!
Snow Maiden: The Christmas tree is so beautiful, elegant, but the trouble is, the lights on it don’t light up. We'll fix that now.
The Snow Maiden plays the game “Fire Christmas Tree”.
Listen, Christmas tree, our order:
We want you to light up!
Let’s say together “One – two – three! Our Christmas tree is on fire! The lights on the Christmas tree come on.
Now let's blow on the Christmas tree. The lights turn off. Repeat 2 times.
Snow Maiden: Guys, let's sing a song about a Christmas tree.
Children sing the song “At Our Boys”
Children dance around the Christmas tree and
sing along to the song, accompanying it with movements.
Snow Maiden: We are having fun and playing here. Children, who is missing from our holiday?
Children: Santa Claus.
Snow Maiden: Let's all call Grandfather Frost together.
Children shout in unison “Santa Claus!”
Grandfather Frost doesn't hear us. Probably got lost.
The noise of the running motor is heard. Baba Yaga flies into the hall on a broom with her cat friend. Yaga has a backpack over her shoulders and holds a toy Santa Claus under her arm. The engine stalls and Baba Yaga and the cat jump off the broom.
Baba Yaga: Didn’t you call Santa Claus? And here he is (puts out a toy Santa Claus to the Christmas tree.)
Snow Maiden: I didn’t understand anything. What about the holiday? The children are waiting for Santa Claus and gifts.
Baba Yaga: But there’s nothing to understand here. These are all my tricks. I bewitched Grandfather. Santa Claus will not come to you, and the children will not have gifts. Ha ha ha.
Snow Maiden: Oh, what should we do now? How to break a grandfather's spell? (crying)
Educator: Don’t cry, Snow Maiden. Baba Yaga, what needs to be done for you to disenchant Grandfather Frost?
Baba Yaga: This is where we had to start. Otherwise the Snow Maiden immediately sheds tears. Complete my tasks, then I will break the spell on your Grandfather Frost. Ready?
Children: yes.
Baba Yaga: Children, what time of year is it now?
Children: winter.
Baba Yaga: look, you little ones, but they know that it’s winter now. Well, then I want you to sing me a song about winter.
Children stand near the chairs and sing the song “Winter” by the muses. V. Karaseva
Baba Yaga: And they can sing songs. But you definitely won’t be able to cope with this! The lights in the hall turn off. Well, what did you eat? You won't have a holiday. Dance in the dark.
Snow Maiden: There will be, and what a celebration there will be with dancing.
The Snow Maiden distributes lanterns to children and the children dance
free dance with lanterns.
Baba Yaga and the cat are talking to each other: they definitely won’t guess this one.
The game “Christmas tree decorations” is being played
Cat: The guys and I will play
IN interesting game.
What we decorate the Christmas tree with
I'll call the kids.
Baba Yaga: Listen carefully
And answer definitively.
Cat: If we tell you correctly,
Say yes in response
Well, if suddenly it’s not true,
Answer with the word “no”
Baba Yaga: Multi-colored firecrackers?
Children: Yes.
Cat: Blankets and pillows?
Children: No.
Baba Yaga: Cots and cribs?
Children: No.
Cat: Marmalades, chocolates?
Children: No.
Baba Yaga: Glass balls?
Children: Yes.
Cat: Wooden chairs?
Children: No.
Baba Yaga: Teddy bears?
Children: No.
Cat: Coloring books?
Children: No.
Baba Yaga: Multi-colored beads?
Children: No.
Cat: Are the garlands light?
Children: Yes.
Baba Yaga: Snow made of white cotton wool?
Children: Yes.
Cat: Shoes and boots?
Children: No.
Baba Yaga: Cups, forks, spoons?
Children: No.
Cat: Are the candies shiny?
Children: Yes.
Baba Yaga: Are tigers real?
Children: No.
Cat: The cones are golden.
Children: Yes.
Baba Yaga: Are the stars radiant?
Children: Yes.
Baba Yaga (addresses the cat): look, the cat is an idiot. And they completed this task. It's nothing you can do. We'll have to disenchant Santa Claus. I will break the spell on one condition: the cat and I want to stay with you during the holiday.
Snow Maiden: Of course, stay.
Baba Yaga carries a toy Santa Claus behind the Christmas tree. He casts his spells and the real Santa Claus appears to the music.
Santa Claus: Hello, dear guys!
Hello, guests!
Happy New Year!
You won't be recognized. They became quite big.
Did you recognize me?
Children: Yes. Father Frost.
I’m still as gray-haired, but just as young!
And the tree, how beautiful! And you are all dressed up.
To make our Christmas tree happy
Come on guys, let's sing and dance!
Children dance around the Christmas tree and sing along to the song “Christmas Tree” by the muses. T. Popatenko
Santa Claus: I am always rich in snow.
Here's some snowballs for all the kids.
Come out, little kids,
It's high time to play.
The game "Snowballs" - children throw snowballs at Santa Claus, and he throws them at them.
Santa Claus: You played so much fun
It even became hot in the hall
And now we're kids
It's time to read the poems.
Children recite poems to Grandfather Frost.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the guys still want to play with you.
Santa Claus: I love games, noise and fun. What game should we play?
Snow Maiden: Hide and seek.
Hide and seek game.
Santa Claus goes behind the Christmas tree. Children sit in a group in front of the Christmas tree. The Snow Maiden covers them with a transparent blanket. Santa Claus is looking for children. As soon as he approaches the children. Children meow. No, these are not my guys, these are kittens. Santa Claus approaches the children again, and the children bark. These are not my guys, these are puppies. Where are my guys? Santa Claus goes behind the Christmas tree. The Snow Maiden takes off the blanket and the children sit on the chairs. Here are my guys. Well, the pranksters have outwitted Grandfather Frost.
Santa Claus: Will you still play with me?
Children: Yes.
Game of “catch up”: the guys are catching up with Santa Claus around the Christmas tree.
Santa Claus: It was fun to play with you. We need to give you gifts. Where are my gifts? Eh, my gray head, where did I put them? I remembered! In a mitten. Where's the mitten?
Cat: Isn’t this the mitten, grandpa?
Santa Claus: Mine was big and with gifts.
Snow Maiden: Baba Yaga couldn’t do without you here too?
Baba Yaga: I have nothing to do with it.
Santa Claus: Now we'll fix everything. I'm a wizard anyway. I’ll instantly turn this mitten into a big one with gifts.
Santa Claus walks around the tree with his magic staff and casts a spell:
Needles from the Christmas tree, well, move,
Do a great job for my good guys.
Needles from the Christmas tree, well, fly away.
Show the children how to sew a mitten!
Det Moroz takes out a large mitten with gifts from under the tree and distributes them to the children to the tune of “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Used Books:
1. Magazine Pedagogical Council 2002 “ New Year's party»
2. Internet resources “Santa Claus’s Mitten”

Family New Year The more children there are at the holiday, the more fun it is, but if intimate conversations are enough for adults, then children need an exciting New Year's program. Where to start?

Preparing the script

The most important thing is to prepare a high-quality script that takes into account the age of the children.

  • Think through every little detail, the success of the event depends on it.
  • The younger the children, the simpler program, do not invent complex speeches and competitions. For children 2-3 years old, be sure to dress someone up as a fairy-tale hero: a snowman, Santa Claus, a bunny.
  • The script must not only be written, but also well rehearsed!
  • The duration of the program depends on age: for children 2-3 years old - no more than 20 minutes, for children 3-5 years old - 30-40 minutes.
  • Please note that the host and heroes of the holiday should not just show the performance, but also involve the kids in the process: let the children hand out gifts, help “light the lights” on the Christmas tree, and lead a round dance.
  • Particular attention is paid to the role of the presenter, whether it is Santa Claus or not, it is much more important that he is a cheerful person who can “stir up” and captivate the children.

Please note: if the child refuses to dance in circles and recite poems, do not force him, let him sit on the sidelines. If he has a desire, he himself will join the others.

Cossack robbers or Luntik? Scenario by age

Children of different ages are interested in various fairy-tale characters, and this should be taken into account when preparing holiday program. We offer you several stories for children of different ages.

Visiting a fairy tale

Choosing contests and games

Whatever scenario you choose, there are universal New Year's games and competitions, among them:


The simplest and most universal fun, all you need to do in advance: make snowballs from cotton wool or paper. What to do with them? The little ones can help grandpa collect snowballs in a basket, older children can have a snow duel or drive away the villain from your scenario with snowballs.


Cut out several large snowflakes from paper in advance and place them on the floor. Invite the children to play catch up; whoever steps on a snowflake is in the house. But you can’t stand in the house - you step on it and immediately run to the next one.

"Felt boots"

If there are a lot of children, divide them into teams and offer a game like fun starts. One of the fun tasks is to run around the Christmas tree in felt boots; this is not as easy as it seems. This game is not suitable for children under three years of age.


This fun game is suitable even for the youngest guests - several balloons are released into the room. The children's task is simple: do not let the balls fall to the floor.

At the end of the article we have prepared for you a checklist “Dangers of New Year’s Eve for small child"Download it and remain attentive and responsible parents!

Guess a riddle!

Children over three years old will enjoy solving riddles. It is better to choose riddles with a New Year or winter theme.

1. He sleeps in a den all winter,

His legs are clubbed,

Come on, answer quickly

Who is this? (Bear)

2. Fluffy animal,

Long ears

He jumps deftly

Crunches carrots

Guess it quick

After all, this is... (Bunny).

3. She sits on a branch, but is not a bird at all,

Fluffy, beautiful, small animal,

A bright fur coat, warm as a hot water bottle,

Who is this...? (Squirrel)

4. A cunning cheat, she will fool everyone cleverly!

The fur is so fluffy, just a sight for sore eyes!

Her red tail is her main beauty!

Who is this, answer quickly..? (Fox)

5. The blanket is white and fluffy, warms the earth,

As soon as the wind blew, the blanket bent,

And the sun gets hot - the blanket immediately melts. (Snow)

6. Who is this beauty?

A star is burning at the top,

She wears beads and toys,

Garlands and firecrackers. (Christmas tree)

7. He used to be water,

But he changed his appearance,

And now, on New Year's Eve,

There is not water on the river, but... (ice)

8. They are afraid of him in winter,

He can bite

Hide your cheeks, ears, nose,

After all, outside... (frost).

Musical accompaniment

Not a single children's holiday would be complete without songs and New Year's music. In addition to the traditional “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest,” you can listen and sing the following works:

  • “Icicle beard, red nose” - words and music by I. Slovesnik.
  • "In the New Year's forest." Words - E. Shklovsky. Music - A. Varlamov.
  • “If only it weren’t winter.” Words by E. Uspensky. Music - E. Krylatov.
  • “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.” Words by Z. Alexandrova. Music - M. Krasev.
  • "New Year's toys." Words - A. Dementiev. Music - A. Khoralov.
  • “The squirrels are dancing, the hares are dancing.” Words - E. Shklovsky. Music - A. Varlamov.

An example of a universal script for children 2-5 years old

Children enter the room and are greeted by Grandfather Frost.

The song “Sleigh” is playing (Author Fillpenko)

Santa Claus (DM):

Hello guys, dear ones,

And those that are small, and those that are large!

Happy New Year!

I wish you smiles and laughter.

Look (points to the Christmas tree): This is amazing!

How beautiful everything is around here.

Santa Claus invites children to admire the Christmas tree and, of course, light the lights on it. But this cannot be done without the Snow Maiden, so it’s time to call the Snow Maiden. The children unanimously call the Snow Maiden and play with her the game “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn”!

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a checklist “Dangers of New Year’s Eve for a small child.” Download it and remain attentive and responsible parents!

Oh, how beautiful the tree is,

How brightly she glows!

And so that the lights don’t go out,

Hurry up and start a round dance!

Children dance in a circle to the song "New Year's Round Dance."

Snow Maiden:

Oh, how the children dance,

Is she also smart?

Who is the smartest among you?

Show us the highest class!

Who knows all the forest animals?

Who can guess all the riddles?

Block of riddles: Snegurochka and DM take turns reading riddles and asking them to guess them quickly.

Game “Hide and Seek”: several kids dress up in bear costumes and hide from everyone. One bear is hiding behind the Christmas tree. When they find him, DM asks:

- Little bear, hello, is there a big bear here? Has anyone seen a real bear? (addresses children)

- Snow Maiden: Have you forgotten, grandfather? All bears hibernate in winter, the guys even know a song about it. Yes, guys? Shall we sing for Grandfather?

Everyone is singing the New Year's song “Snow, Snow”, and bears are dancing in the center of the circle - children who were hiding.

This is how bunnies, foxes, and any animals that children can dress up in take turns hiding. And when everyone is found, songs about hares, foxes, etc. are sung. (“The Cheerful Musician”, “The Dance of the Little Bears”)

Santa Claus draws the children's attention to a beautiful Christmas tree:

“There have been many winters in a row,

The Christmas tree makes the boys happy,

Even your moms, dads,

Everyone danced in a circle,

Around the Christmas tree on New Year's Day

Let's give our Christmas tree

To the beauty of the forest,

We will sing a song together!

Everyone dances in a circle and sings the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest.”

Finally, Santa Claus invites children to play with snowballs, which can be made in advance from cotton wool or paper.

The kids are having fun!

Now it's time to rest

I invite everyone to the table,

I will give gifts to everyone!

The kids start having a tea party, during which Santa Claus distributes gifts to everyone.

We invite you to create funny scenario for little guests, give them a real fairy-tale performance, and then they will definitely believe in the New Year's miracle.

Download the checklist "Dangers of New Year's Eve for a small child"

​New Year is not only a fun, but also a dangerous holiday, especially for children. Find out the basic safety precautions that parents of young children should take in New Year's Eve!

When a baby grows out of diapers and begins to consciously look at this world, unconditionally believes in fairy tales and miracles, but still understands little, it is very difficult to arrange a holiday for him. Especially if you have to create a New Year's scenario, according to which you need to stage an unforgettable performance at home.

It should not only be bright and cheerful, but above all, it should be extremely understandable for children 2-3 years old and not too drawn out, because it is difficult for such little ones to focus on one thing. And yet this task is quite feasible.

If you have friends who have children at home during the holidays, it would be advisable to show them a theatrical performance with a fairy-tale plot. Firstly, you will give them a lot of positive emotions. Secondly, you yourself will experience a feeling of satisfaction when you see the shining smiles on their faces. Therefore, prepare in advance a home New Year's script for children 2-3 years old, according to which you will stage a fairy tale. Our useful tips will help you with this.

  1. Be sure to have a script ready. Spontaneous games impromptu are not perceived at such a young age. You should think through every little detail for this evening. Remember: the miracle of the New Year's fairy tale you create depends on this.
  2. Select the simplest possible scenario that is accessible for this age. No fancy speeches difficult words, metaphors and epithets are not needed. Only games and fairy-tale characters: for a 2-year-old child, the New Year can only be perceived through them. Don't invent anything supernatural.
  3. Rehearse the scenario you have prepared for the kids for the New Year and note the time. It should not exceed 20 minutes. This is the maximum limit, and it assumes a constant change of activity during these minutes. The fact is that children 2-3 years old will not be able to keep their attention on one thing for a long time.
  4. A children's script for the little ones for the New Year should not include only a performance. Fairy-tale characters must necessarily involve all the children present in the holiday: dance with them, give out gifts, etc.
  5. According to the script, the main presenter of the New Year (this could be Father Frost or the Snow Maiden) should have fun from the heart at the Christmas tree with the children. After all, for them there is nothing more contagious than the example of adults. So for these roles, select the most active and mobile ones.
  6. Even if your scenario involves active participation in the performance of all the children gathered at your Christmas tree, there is no need to force them to dance or sing. Everything should be only at the request of the child.
  7. Prepare in advance all the New Year's equipment provided for in the scenario. And don’t forget: in the end, each child should receive his own gift. Otherwise, the New Year will be a failure.

Be sure to take these recommendations into account when developing a New Year's scenario at home for children 2-3 years old. Since at this age they still believe in miracles and are waiting for a fairy tale with their eyes wide open, do not deceive their aspirations and hopes. The holiday must take place with the Snow Maiden, Father Frost and a huge bag of gifts. We offer you several schematic scenario options, each of which you can customize to suit your children.


Any scenario for 3-year-old children will be different in that the presenter does not have to memorize entire sheets of text and poetry. These viewers will understand little from the flow of speech even for 2 minutes. Give them an action in which they will take an active part. After all, they so want to be heroes New Year's tales! Therefore, in this case, it is the schematic versions of scenarios that are good, which you yourself can fill with any content (i.e., words and games).

A funny fairy tale

One of the most successful New Year scenarios for spending the New Year at home among a group of several 2-3 year olds. You will only need helpers and festive costumes. The children are visited one by one (with an interval of 5-6 minutes) by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga (of course, not scary), Luntik (he can be replaced with any other cartoon character, famous kids), Bunny, Teddy Bear and others. Each of them should play with the children: it could be a dance, a song, a round dance, any active competition, etc. You will see: the children will greet each new hero with genuine admiration.

Little detectives

You can play out a scenario that is educational in nature. A sad Snow Maiden will come to the children and tell them that someone stole all the toys from her New Year's tree. Psychologists say that for a 3-year-old child it is very important to learn to be compassionate, since in the future it is much more difficult to develop this personality trait. The kids will probably rush to help the Snow Maiden look for the lost Christmas tree decorations that you will hide in advance.

New Year's Cossacks-robbers

This scenario also involves the participation of several fairy-tale characters of the New Year, who can be seated in different corners of the room where the main action will take place. Each of them will have a special task prepared for the kids, after completing which they can move on to the next hero. At the last stage, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden should be waiting for the children, who will hand out well-deserved gifts (don’t forget to read).

So if a crowd of 2-3 year old children gathers at your home for the New Year, there is no need to panic. Involve adult invited guests and together develop one of the proposed scenario options. They only need to be filled with content and meaning: games and competitions. At the same time, do not forget about the time limit, which should not exceed 20 minutes. We'll tell you a few fun games, which can be included in the New Year's event for the little ones.


The New Year's scenario for children 2-3 years old should include active, but short-term games that will captivate and amuse the children. However, here it is worth considering the age category of the audience. In the end, everyone must win the competition, otherwise you cannot avoid insults, tears and even fights. This could ruin the whole holiday. As an example, we offer you some of the most popular games, which can decorate any similar scenario.

  • "Shine Christmas tree!"

The Snow Maiden invites children to complete simple tasks, and as a gift lights New Year's lights on the tree;

  • "Snowballs"

Make snowballs out of plain paper and invite the kids to throw them around - there will be no limit to the delight, and you can also use them to drive away some villain from your script;

  • "Round dance with songs"

A classic of the genre, there is no need to explain anything here;

  • “Ball, fly!”

Throw a lot of balloons into the room so that children do not let them touch the floor;

  • "Houses"

Make several large snowflakes in advance and place them on the floor; one of the characters in the scenario will play tag with the children, and having stepped on a snowflake, the child will find himself in a house where no one can pester him.

Usually, all these games for the New Year are received with a bang by children 2-3 years old, so you can safely include them in your script. If you have any problems with the content and meaning, you can use some ready-made option, which are posted in large quantities on the Internet.

Ready script

For the home, this New Year's scenario, designed for children 2-3 years old, is ideal. So you can select heroes and rehearse.

Door bell.

One of the adults:

- Who came to us? Guys, let's take a look?

Snowman enters:

- Hello! Did I come here? Is New Year celebrated here? (Kids must answer).
- Let's have a round dance and sing a song about the Christmas tree! (Everyone sings “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”).
- Do you know, my dears, who else wants to come visit you at your Christmas tree today? (Kids must answer “Santa Claus” or “Snow Maiden”).

Door bell. The Snow Maiden enters.

- Hello, my dear guys! What an elegant Christmas tree and beautiful costumes you have today! Let's get acquainted!

(The Snow Maiden asks the children to name their names, ages, whose costume they are wearing, etc.)

- Let's Dance! (To any cheerful music).
- What great fellows you all are! Why is there no Santa Claus? Let's call him! (Calls Santa Claus on the phone and invites him to the holiday.)
- Grandfather Frost will come with gifts if we complete his task! (Light the Christmas tree, for example, or decorate it. As an option, you can offer creative competition for cutting out snowflakes or making a snowball out of paper, but a 2-year-old child may not have enough perseverance and skills for this).
- How well you completed the task of Grandfather Frost! He will be happy!

Door bell. This time Santa Claus enters.

- Hello, my dear guys! Are you tired of gifts? So tell me, did you all behave well? Show Grandpa what you've learned? Who will tell a poem, sing a song or dance? (Children take turns showing a pre-prepared number).

Grandfather Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Snowman must definitely praise each of the children, even if he did not cope with the task very well. Gifts are also distributed to everyone without exception.

Try to create a New Year's scenario for a group of 2-3 year olds on our own, relying on individual characteristics children and our useful tips. This may seem too complicated at first glance. Grateful spectators of your performance will remember such a Christmas tree for a long time. It’s so fun to celebrate the New Year with parents and other kids, to plunge into the world of a fairy tale, which has not yet been destroyed at this wonderful age.

Give them positive emotions: create a scenario that they will remember for the whole coming year: after all, pleasant memories develop a little personality, making it more receptive and emotional.

Elena Lyubimskaya
New Year's party for children from 1.5 to 2 years old “Toys visiting children”

New Year's party for children from 1.5 to 2 years

"Toys visiting children"

(Children enter the group to the music and stand near the Christmas tree)

LEADING:- What kind of holiday is coming to us?

New Year is knocking on us!

So that we can meet him,

The Snow Maiden needs to be called.

(Adults and children call Snegurochka. Snegurochka joins the group to the music.)

SNOW MAIDEN:- Happy New Year to you guys! Happy New Year, adults!

(addresses DS employees)

LEADING:- The tree is sad for some reason -

I lowered the branches downwards.

SNOW MAIDEN:- We will cheer her up

And we won’t let her get bored!

Let's tell the tree: "One two Three,

Our Christmas tree is on fire!

(The lights on the Christmas tree come on)

LEADING: - Everyone stand near the Christmas tree,

We'll sing a song to her!

Song - dance “Near our Christmas tree” N. Lukonina – L. Chadova Chronicle. 1=56

SNOW MAIDEN:- And I didn’t come alone,

To you brought toys.

They all slept for a whole year,

They were just tired of sleeping.

And today is New Year's

Let a miracle happen!

I brought a doll, a bear,

A very cunning fox.

(The toys are behind the screen. The Snow Maiden takes the bell.)

SNOW MAIDEN:- Ring the bell.

And bring the bear to life!

(The Snow Maiden rings the bell, a bear appears on the screen to the music)

LEADING:- Hello, Mishka!

BEAR:- Hi Hi! It's good that we didn't forget

I was invited to the holiday.

I just really like to sleep

And please don't disturb me!

LEADING: - Misha, the kids want to play with you!

Playing with a bear PKD clear. =No. 62 G. Finarovsky - V. Antonova

BEAR:- I got kind of bored.

SNOW MAIDEN:- How to help your trouble?

LEADING:- All the guys run away as if they don’t know me.

It was in vain that I came to the holiday, because I didn’t find any friends here.

LEADING:- Bear, don’t bother... Snow Maiden, help Mishenka!

SNOW MAIDEN: - Ring my bell,

Bring the doll Masha to life.

(A doll appears on the screen to the music)

DOLL:- I live in your group, you play with me.

I'm called Katya the doll, you all know me.

SNOW MAIDEN: - Katya doll, help,

Teddy bear amused us.

DOLL:- Let's dance together,

And the guys will help.

Dance "Squat" EstNM in arr. A. Roomer Chr. 1=66

(the doll and Mishka are dancing on the screen)

LEADING:- Snow Maiden, you brought the doll with the bear to life, but have you forgotten about the fox?

SNOW MAIDEN:- And we’ll revive the Fox! My bell, ring

And bring the fox to life!

(The Fox appears on the screen to the music)

SNOW MAIDEN:- Hello, red-haired cheat, we are glad to see you!

FOX:- I am a fox, I am a cheat, a golden head.

I really love bunnies, but I see only guys here.

LEADING: - What's the matter? No problem!

Snow Maiden, ring the bell and call the bunnies!

SNOW MAIDEN:- My bell, ring it, turn the guys into bunnies!

A game "Bunnies and Fox" G. Finarovsky-V. Antonova HR. 2=90

LEADING:- Everyone ran away from Chanterelle!

SNOW MAIDEN:- The holiday is coming - New Year!

It's snowing, it's snowing!

Snowflakes, fly to me

And dance your dance with me! (rings the bell)

Dance of Snowflakes with the Snow Maiden under RNM “Like ours at the gate”

(with tinsel) (application or disk)

(or with ribbons = PKD clear =102 A. Filippenko – E. Makshantseva)

SNOW MAIDEN:- We sang and danced, but Grandfather Frost is not there...

For some reason he was delayed on the way!

LEADING: - And we’ll sing a song,

Let's call Grandfather Frost.

Song "Father Frost" A. Filippenko – T. Volgina Chr. 1=55

Father Frost (behind the screen):- I'm coming! I'm coming! (appears on the screen)

I'm a funny Santa Claus

I brought you gifts.

Where is my bag? Here's the secret!

Not on the right. And not on the left.

Isn’t it on the tree? (Snow Maiden and the Presenter look at the Christmas tree)

Isn't it on the window? (look in)

LEADING: - Grandfather, while you look for gifts, we will show you how we can dance.

Song “That’s what a Christmas tree is” V. Petrova – L. Sparber (Appendix in Chronicle 2)

SNOW MAIDEN: - Grandfather, we found your bag!

(They pull out the bag from under the tree)

Father Frost:- That's the knot! Huh-huh! I can't untie...

Come on, let's all clap together. (clap)

Let's stomp our feet. (stomp)

The knots are all untied

And we got gifts!

(The Snow Maiden and the Presenter distribute gifts to the children)

SNOW MAIDEN:- And now it’s time for Santa Claus and I to leave,

Goodbye, kids!

Publications on the topic:

“The Christmas tree is visiting the guys.” New Year's party for children 1.5–2 years old. Christmas tree visiting the guys. New Year's party for children 1.5 - 2 years old. To the song “The children walked along the path,” children in a flock enter the hall. Presenter:

The most long-awaited and joyful holiday for children, the New Year, has arrived. Goal: To create a joyful mood in children, to cultivate feelings.

New Year's party "Visiting the brownie Kuzi" Municipal preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 56" New Year's party "Visiting the brownie Kuzi."

New Year's party for children of the younger group "Masha and the Bear visiting the New Year tree" New Year's party for children junior group. "Masha and the Bear visiting the New Year's tree." Children sit on chairs near the New Year tree.

New Year's party for children of the middle group “Visiting the Bear” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 28 New Year's party for children middle group“Away.

New Year for the little ones: New Year's games for children early age, puppet theater, home New Year party for children from 1 year to 3 years.

New Year for the little ones: games. poems, home holiday

New Year for the little ones

In this article I shared with you ideas, games and useful tips for home New Year's celebrations for the youngest children:

- children under one year old,

- children from one to three years old.

Section one. New Year for the little ones: the first year of life

If your baby is almost a year old, then the first Christmas tree in his life is waiting for him.

Does a child need a Christmas tree?

Undoubtedly it is needed. This is both a new experience and vivid impressions, and the joyful mood of the mother (and the children “read” the mother’s emotions on the fly). The only question is how to introduce the baby to the Christmas tree and ensure his safety.

First. The Christmas tree in a family that has a baby of the first year of life should be placed not on the floor but on the table, high - so that the baby crawling or taking his first steps cannot touch it, pull it towards himself, reach the branch and, clinging to it, pull the tree down.

Therefore, the baby will look at the toys on the Christmas tree and the Christmas tree itself while sitting in his mother’s arms.

Second. You definitely need to introduce your baby to the Christmas tree. What's the best way to do this?

How to decorate a Christmas tree for a child of the first year of life and introduce the baby to it?

Each game or conversation with a child about the Christmas tree takes no more than 3-5 minutes, as long as the child’s interest remains.

First step. Show your child the undecorated Christmas tree – just as it is. (If you can look at a natural Christmas tree on a walk, then look at it with your baby). When examining, talk to the baby, using those babbling syllables and little words that the baby can already repeat after you: “Ah! It smells! Ahah! Let's smell the Christmas tree! (we hold a twig in our hand and let the child smell it, bringing our hand closer to him). Oh, how it smells!”, “Oh, prickly needles, oh, oh (prick your finger and lightly the child’s finger - oh, prickly - we say it jokingly). Ay, what a beautiful tree - ah!”

Read a poem about a Christmas tree to your child:

“Dad chose a Christmas tree
The fluffiest one
The fluffiest one
The most fragrant.
The Christmas tree smells like that -
Mom will gasp immediately!” Oh! What a beautiful Christmas tree. Oh! (A. Usachev).

Second step. Play with the not yet decorated Christmas tree and toys familiar to the child, for example, we will need such toys as a bird and a bunny. We will introduce the baby to the names of these toys, their actions, and encourage him to repeat simple babbling words.

Show how the toy bunny runs to the Christmas tree: stomp, stomp, stomp, how he jumps - jump - jump - jump - jump! Bang! The bunny fell. Get up! Jump-jump, the bunny jumps again. A bunny galloped under our Christmas tree, sat and wiggled his ears:

"The little white bunny is sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
That's how, that's how
And he wiggles his ears.”

Give the bunny into the hands of the baby, let him stroke the toy, feed the bunny, show how the bunny jumps, where the bunny’s ears are. “Where is the bunny?” (hide the toy) - “No bunny!” (surprised). We look for the bunny with the child and find: “Here is the bunny (we take out the toy).”

Put the bunny in a box so that the baby does not see this toy and is not distracted by it. And show me the toy bird.

Place the bird on a spruce branch:

"A bird has flown in -
The bird is small.
Sit down, don't fly away!
Flew away. Ay!”

“Where is the bird? (Put an opaque bright scarf over the bird). Here's a bird! (open the handkerchief).

On another day, other toy animals may “run” to the tree.

Third step. Introduce your child to Christmas tree toys and their names. (Even if you decorated the Christmas tree without the baby’s presence, you can do it now).

Let your baby touch Christmas tree toys that are safe for him: textile balls, wooden toys. Name what kind of toy it is, what it is called (“This is the yoke-go-go horse. The horse gallops and shouts: igo-go-go-go!”). Show how the horse gallops, let the child play with this toy.

Helpful advice: Nowadays they produce very beautiful and child-safe wooden Christmas tree toys, which can be bought at New Year's fairs from masters of folk arts and crafts. These are Santa Claus, Christmas tree, firecracker, candy, bear, matryoshka, grandmother, grandfather, bright ball, icicle and many others. It’s easy to make toys from fabric and felt yourself or use ready-made ones by sewing a loop on them for hanging on the Christmas tree. Use them for the youngest children.

First introduce 2-3 child-safe Christmas tree toys and their names.. Where is the bear? Here's a bear. What a beautiful. The bear walks slowly: toooop-toooop-toooop-toooop. And who is this? Bunny. When the baby remembers them, introduce him to other toys.

Teach your child to find a toy by first calling its “adult” name, and then a simplified child’s name: Where is our bear? Where's the bunny? Where is the Lala doll? Where is the dog aw-aw? Where is the yoke horse? Where is the B.B. machine?

When you decorate the Christmas tree, ask your child to show you the toy: “Where is our tick-tock clock? Here's the tick-tock clock. Let's hang them on the Christmas tree. Like this! Oh, what a beautiful watch!”

When decorating the Christmas tree, read the poem to your child:

“Mom is decorating the Christmas tree,
Anya (child's name) helps her mother,
She gives toys
Stars, balls, firecrackers.
We will invite guests
Let’s dance and sing together.”

Turn on fun dance music and let your baby dance to it with you.

Fourth step.

If your baby knows the names of the toys on the tree well and easily finds the toys on it, you can change their places on the tree - rehang them. Will the baby find the clock in a new place on the tree?

Also add new toys to the tree. Especially good bells or bells. Let your baby ring the bell and hang it on the tree. If your baby wants to ring a bell already attached to a tree branch, don’t deny him this. Bring the bell directly on the branch to the baby’s hand and gently ring it together using the “child’s hand in the adult’s hand” technique.

Helpful tip: You can buy bells at a hobby store, and small bells that are beautiful and easy for a child's hand to buy at fishing stores. Tie beautiful bows to the bell and bell and sew a loop to hang them on the Christmas tree.

Introduce your child to the lights of the garland on the Christmas tree. This sight always fascinates a child. Lights! So beautiful! Give your child a few minutes just to look at this amazing sight for him: the lights are burning!

"Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree -
Green needle!
Light up with different lights -
Green and red!

What beautiful lights! They're burning! No lights. Where are the lights? (the lights went out on the blinking garland) Here are the lights!

How to decorate an apartment for the New Year if there is a baby in the house who is not yet a year old?

Decorate your apartment for the arrival of guests with decorations that your baby can play with. This is especially true for children 8-12 months old.

Playing with colorful flags

How to make a garland with flags for a child of the first year of life. Cut from bright colored cardboard different colors rhombuses, fold them in half so that you get triangles - flags. Place your “triangular flag” on the rope and glue it at the bottom so that the flag is held on the rope, does not open, and at the same time it can be moved along the rope. Make such a multi-colored garland. The baby will be able to look at the flags and move them with his handle along the rope to the right - to the left when you take him in your arms and bring him to your homemade garland.

You can remove two flags from the garland, give one to the child, and take one into the mother’s hands. And dance a dance with a flag to the song: the baby “dances” in his mother’s arms: he waves the flag, the mother spins with the baby in her arms.

We will take the flag in our hands
And we'll go in circles.
Ay-yes, ay-yes
And we'll go in circles.
Let's show our flag to our friends
Let's lift up and wave
(show how to do this, take the baby’s hand with your hand and wave the flag, then release your hand, the baby waves himself).
Ay-yes, ay-yes
Let's lift it up and wave it.
Look at your flag
Spin around with him, buddy.
Ay-yes, ay-yes!
Spin with him, my friend (the mother is slowly spinning, the baby is in her arms)

Repeat this dance in different days– the baby will begin to recognize its melody and will begin to imitate your movements with pleasure.

Playing with bells or New Year's bells

A child will also be interested in decorations in the form of metal bells with bows, hung on strings like garlands or simply in groups in different places in the room. The baby will be happy to pull the string and ring the bell.

Take the bell in your hands and sing a song about it:

“Ding-dong - ding - dong!
The bell is ringing!
Ding-dong - ding - dong!
The bell is thin!
Ding-dong - ding - dong!
He plays happily.
Ding-dong - ding - dong!
Masha (child’s name) is amused!”

Playing with rattles

Rattles can also be included in a New Year's garland and hung in groups using bright ribbons. You can make a whole bunch of rattles for your child, securing them with a festive bright satin ribbon. While playing with a rattle, you can sing to your baby a version of the dance with rattles adapted for little ones:

Oh what fun today
Kids having fun
Anya (child's name) was given rattles
Rattles are good!
Hey yeah, call me
Sounding toy
Hey yeah, call me
Our rattle
Where, where is the rattle?
The kids hid them
Show me the rattles
Rattles are good.
Hey yeah, call me
Sounding toy
Hey yeah, call me
Our rattle.

Take the rattles and “hide” them by covering them with a scarf so that one part of them is visible. Where are the rattles? The child needs to pull off the handkerchief and find the rattles, after which he plays with them himself.

Another garland for the youngest children. You can tie rattles and bells into one large garland. Make a box with two side holes measuring approximately 15 X 15 cm. Thread a ribbon with toys through the holes and tie it into a single ring. You will get a kind of “carousel” in a box. The baby will pull the ribbon and take out the next toy from the box.

Playing with painted wooden spoons

Spoons can also decorate a room for the New Year. First show your baby how to bang a spoon on the floor or table. Later, teach him to knock the spoons together.

Knock-knock, spoons!
Sounding palms!
Knock-knock, knock-knock!
You can hear the sound of ringing spoons!

Playing with bunnies

You can sew small felt white finger caps for your child. Sew two long ears to the base of the cap and draw a bunny's face with a marker. The result was “finger puppets - bunnies”.

Show your child a mini-play with bunnies:

Fingers - fingers,
Little bunnies,
The bunnies danced (we move our fingers),
The bunnies played (we continue to move our fingers).
And... (pause), They ran away!

After the show, put the caps on your baby's fingers - let him move his fingers and play with bunnies.

How can a child participate in a home New Year's party?

Useful advice 1. If you are visiting for a New Year's holiday with your baby of the first year of life, then find out in advance whether you will have the opportunity to retire from time to time with your child in a separate quiet room?

The fact is that the baby, and even after the trip, will get tired of constantly being in a noisy group of people that is new to him. Therefore, after 20-30 minutes of the baby’s stay in the common room with guests, it is better to go with the child to a separate room. In addition, in a separate room the child will have the opportunity to sleep if he is tired.

If there are no such conditions, then it is better not to risk visiting for the New Year with such a small child. Because The baby may become capricious, and you will not enjoy the holiday. And he too.

You should not go to visit directly on New Year's Eve; it is better to go with your child to a daytime celebration with friends with children or relatives.

Helpful tip 2. Put on your and your child's "weekend clothes" - she creates the mood! And your holiday mood is very important for your baby too! And also gives you strength!

Helpful tip 3. Naturally, strangers will meet the baby at the holiday. There is no need to be afraid of this, but there is no need to pass the child from hand to hand. strangers, he may get scared. But new contacts will be useful for a child who will soon be one year old. That's why let new people play with the baby while he is sitting in his mother's arms - they will tell him a nursery rhyme, praise him, show him “okay” or dance actions. The baby is safe, he is smiling, everything is fine!

Helpful tip 4. Ask hosts and guests to keep the baby in the common room while there were no sharp loud sounds (the clapping of a firecracker, for example), which could frighten him greatly, so that the music did not sound loud. A baby in the first year of life cannot endure great emotional overload; in case of overload, he begins to be capricious, cry and express this unpleasant state of his voice in every possible way. If other guests need to clap firecrackers, then leave the common room to your quiet place outside at this time. And then come back.

Helpful advice 5. With your baby on holiday, you will need to study, communicate, and play. He will not be able to just sit or lie passively during the holiday. Think about what toys you will take with you so that your baby can play with them when visiting. Teach your guests your baby's favorite nursery rhymes(magpie - crow, okay, ay-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta and others). Let the guests play with the baby and amuse him with nursery rhymes.

Helpful tip 6. If you receive guests at your home, then most likely there will be no problems with a separate lounge room. But another question will arise - if you need to retire with your child to a separate room for a while to relax, who will be able to play the role of host or hostess with guests at this time? It’s good if one of your friends or relatives can take on this role so that you don’t have to leave your baby alone in another room in case of emergency.

Section 2. New Year for the little ones: children of the second and third year of life

For children aged one and a half years and older, it is already possible to arrange a small children's home party. Invite 3-4 more children of the same age or a little older. It is important that the children's party is either at your home or near your home, because... During the journey, the baby will get tired and will no longer be able to actively take part in it.

Recommendation 1. Duration of the holiday. To prevent children from getting tired, the active part of the holiday for such young children should be no more than 30 minutes, and the entire stay of the guests should be about an hour. These additional 30 minutes include changing the children’s clothes and juice and treats after the party, but does not include preparing the room for the children’s arrival - the room for the party is prepared in advance, even before the children arrive .

Recommendation 2. Participants of the holiday. Invite children and adults already familiar to the child to the holiday. If there is someone new for the child, then it is better to introduce the child to these people before the holiday - let them come to visit you even before the holiday on a separate day. The fact is that young children always support each other in everything, especially when crying! Therefore, if one baby gets scared of someone unfamiliar and cries, then a friendly roar will be guaranteed. To avoid such moments, you need to make sure in advance that all guests know each other well.

Recommendation 3. One important point. The holiday will bring joy to children of this age and adults only in one case - if the children are not spectators of a performance carefully prepared by an adult, but its active participants! They will answer questions, call characters, play, and dance. Moreover, for an early age it is very important that all children simultaneously do the same action: for example, everyone throws cotton snowballs at the fox, driving it away. Or everyone portrayed a bunny sitting under the tree - together and at the same time.

Adults should also not be passive spectators: if we conduct a round dance, then both children and adults dance in it. Adults also participate in games, showing examples of actions to their children.

A) or give everyone exactly the same ones, so that something like this doesn’t happen: two kids grab onto one toy and don’t give it up to each other (children at this age still don’t know how to give in and restrain themselves),

B) either have a large supply. And if one of the kids suddenly grabbed a bell with a yellow ribbon, and the second one immediately grabbed it, then give the second one another bell of the same kind so that everyone is happy and satisfied :).

Be sure to give children beautiful props for dancing - snowflakes or ribbons, lanterns or rattles that are the same for everyone, since bright holiday props help the child feel the atmosphere of the holiday and are very attractive and interesting for little ones.

If you are visiting a family New Year's party with a child 1-2 years old, and it is customary for the host family to bring individual gifts for the New Year, then under no circumstances ask the child 1-2 years old to give the gift to other children. There will be tears and bad mood. Just wrap the gift and give it yourself - and again, not into the hands of the child, but into the hands of his mother!

Recommendation 6. About Santa Claus. It is advisable not to invite Santa Claus to a home Christmas tree for children under 2 years of age; children may be scared of him. For many of them, Santa Claus is an unknown uncle in strange clothes, and by no means fairy tale hero with gifts. Let Santa Claus be painted on their gifts that they find under the tree. And they will see the “living Santa Claus” a little later, when they grow up.

What you can do for children 1-2 years old at a home New Year party:

- dancing (both adults and children dance to any cheerful music with the simplest movements: clapping, doing half squats - springs, showing flashlights, spinning, stamping our feet),

- round dance around the Christmas tree (to any song about the Christmas tree),

watching a puppet theater(more on this below)

game with lights on the Christmas tree: when we blow, the lights on the tree go out (you need to agree with someone in advance to ensure this). When we clap our hands, the lights come back on! Children's delight! But if we don’t do it together (for example, Vanya didn’t clap), then it doesn’t work, we have to repeat it!

playing music on children's musical instruments. Give the kids identical bells and rattles and let them sound them to cheerful music, and let the toy bunny dance to their accompaniment!

- an active game.

How to decorate a Christmas tree if the family has children 1-2 years old

At this age, the child can already put the Christmas tree on the floor, but make sure that it is stable and cannot fall. To the bottom tier of the tree(at a height accessible to the child) unbreakable toys are hung - made of paper, cardboard, cotton wool, fabric, wood. To the topmost tiers of the tree We hang up breakable toys. We also hang tinsel on the upper tiers of the tree so that the child cannot pull it and accidentally drop the tree on the floor.

A one-and-a-half to two-year-old child can already be taught how to decorate the Christmas tree himself - hang several toys on it. This is very useful for developing fine motor skills and sensorimotor coordination. Make a thick loop of cord for unbreakable toys and teach your child to hang the toy on a branch and remove it. Don’t expect your child to decorate the entire Christmas tree; he will only hang 2-3 toys, or maybe only one. Leave the rest for next time. This is a difficult task for a child, and you should not overload him by forcing him to hang several toys at once.

Happy New Year to relatives with a 1-2 year old child

Nowadays it is more common for all adults to be focused on the child. In traditional folk pedagogy for thousands of years early childhood taught the child to take care of loved ones. It is then that he will absorb the ability to be merciful, sympathetic, and help adults.

On the other hand, how much can such a baby do? Alone - no, but together with my mother - a lot.

When we make holiday crafts with a 1-2 year old child - gifts for grandparents and other relatives - there are two extremes.

First: the mother does everything for the child. It turns out beautifully, but whose craft is this?

Second: the child does everything himself. But... it turns out ugly and it is obvious that this gift is not a guarantee that you will like it. Perhaps he will be accepted, but simply for granted.

How can you make sure that the gift is beautiful and that the child actively participates in its making? The way out is the joint creativity of an adult and a child.

Examples of joint creativity in making New Year's gifts with a child 1-2 years old:

- in a New Year's card, an adult draws a background: sky, houses, snow on the ground. And the child “poke” only draws snow swirling in the air (we take a pencil and draw dots with the reverse “non-drawing” end of the pencil, immersing the pencil in white gouache),

- child in the background winter forest made by an adult, he can finish drawing the tracks of animals by dabbing: jump-jump-jump, a bunny galloped here,

- a child can, together with an adult, make candies and apples for a Christmas tree from salt dough,

- you can instruct the child to smear the plasticine over the background, and then against this background the adult can lay out a picture of small parts of the plasticine.

There are many possibilities and options! And there is a distribution of work - what an adult does, and what- child. Moreover, the adult does not interfere with the “children’s” part. If we need to show something to the baby, then we show it on our own separate sheet of paper, and not on a common postcard.

Looking at New Year's pictures

With children 1-2 years old, you can already look at New Year’s pictures in books and on postcards. Where is the Christmas tree, where is the star, where is the flashlight, the ball, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden in the picture? Where is the star on our Christmas tree?

Round dances for children 1-2 years old

Children 1-2 years old really need round dances. It is in a round dance that the child gets his first experience of interacting with peers. In the first round dances, all the kids do the same actions.

For example, the traditional New Year's round dance "Zainka" for the little ones.

Bunny, come out,
Gray, come out!
That's it, come out that way!
That's it, come out that way!

Bunny, take a walk,
Gray, take a walk!
Like this, like this, take a walk,
Like this, like this, take a walk.
Bunny, jump.
Gray, jump.
That's it, that's it, jump.
That's it, that's it, jump.
Bunny, stamp your foot,
Gray, stomp your foot.
Like this, like this, stamp your foot.
Bunny, dance,
Gray, dance,
Like this, like this, dance!
Like this, like this, dance!
Bunny, bow down,
Gray, bow.
That's it, that's it, bow down.
Like this, bow like this.

All children in the round dance and adults make movements according to the text. On New Year's holiday the toy bunny can ask the kids to dance with him. Then we will take the bunny into our hands, put him in a round dance (the bunny will dance between two mothers) and dance with him.

If children know this round dance well and easily perform its movements, then you can complicate the task. Then one bunny is selected from the children, he depicts all the actions in the center of the round dance, and all the players repeat everything after him. At the end another verse is added:

Bunny, choose!
Gray, choose!
That's it, that's it, choose!
That's it, that's it, choose!

For a child, being in the center of a round dance is a very important experience! After all, he needs to behave freely when everyone is looking at him and attention is focused on him. Not every child will immediately go to the center of the round dance. If the baby is not ready, let him just watch the round dance for now or just walk in it with you. When he gradually gets used to it, he will come to the center of the circle (this could be in a week or two).

New Year for the little ones: how to show a puppet theater to children 1-2 years old

There is absolutely no need to buy special toys for a puppet show. Your regular toys for your child’s games will also work.

Tip 1. Before the performance starts, give the kids toys - characters. Let him examine them, work with them. Let them become new acquaintances to the child. Otherwise, during the performance, the baby will reach for new toys and demand to pick them up.

Tip 2. Instead of a screen you can use:

- a large box,

- a suitcase, decorating its bottom as a “scene with scenery”, and the top cover as “sky”,

- regular table

- cloth stretched between two chairs,

- fabric stretched in the doorway.

Decorations can be made using clothespins: stick a figurine on a clothespin, and attach the clothespin to a fabric screen.

Tip 3. How to move the puppets during the performance:

- when the toy speaks, it moves (for example, it bends and sways towards the character to whom it speaks). When a character is silent, he should be motionless.

- when the toy enters the stage, it moves either from the back of the stage to the children (if it is a box), or from right to left or from left to right (if the stage is an ordinary table),

— if the toy needs to move something along the plot of the play or pick it up, then you hold the doll with one hand and do the necessary actions with the other hand,

- if you show a performance with the help of bibabo dolls (hand-held dolls), then you can express different gestures with the help of the toy’s hands. For example, arms to the sides are surprise, the doll is happy – this is jumping, the doll brings its hands to its cheeks “oh!”

- if you have used a toy and you no longer need it during the performance, then put it in an opaque box so that it does not distract the children’s attention.

Tip 4. At the end of the performance, first let all the heroes - dolls bow to the audience, and all the spectators clap for the artists and heroes - dolls. Mothers - spectators show their children a model of actions and guide them.

New Year's round dances for young children

Below you will find options for round dances for home children's party. In order for children to be able to play it, they must first sing a round dance at home before the holiday and make movements according to the text. Only then will the child be able to act together with his peers at the holiday with pleasure and quickly, and will be glad that he heard a familiar melody and familiar words. Young children love repetition and everything that is recognizable and predictable. And they may not immediately get used to the dance that is new to them.

It is enough to learn one dance or one round dance with movements according to the text. And the baby can do a regular round dance around the Christmas tree with other mothers and children without preparation.

Snowball dance

To dance you need snowballs sewn from cotton wool. Take a ball of cotton wool and white threads with a needle. And we sew the cotton wool together so that it becomes a dense white lump - a snowball. You can also make snowballs with your child from white paper, crumpling it into lumps - balls. All movements are performed by children to music in accordance with the text.

We took the snowballs in our hands and ran along the path.
The kids ran, they were all dressed up! (2 rubles)
We pick up a snowball and swing it over our heads.
Swing over me, my mischievous little snowball. (2 rubles)
Let's have a snowball dance, little snowy friend.
Dance, don’t yawn and repeat after us. (2 rubles)
Let's stomp our feet and take a snowball in our palm
We will bring it to the Snow Maiden and return it to her basket. (2 rubles)


Our kids had fun
And they spun and danced,
It was like bunnies were jumping around.
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
The shoe broke.
All the guys sat on the floor,
They looked at the shoes.
To mend the shoes,
We need to nail the nails.
We need to nail the nails.
Oh, our legs are tired,
We'll clap our hands
We will clap our hands.
We knocked on our hands,
Our little hands are tired,
I'll put them down and shake them,
We rested a little
Our feet are dancing again
La la la la.

Beads glitter on the Christmas tree

Beads glitter on the Christmas tree,
Firecrackers and star.
We love our Christmas tree.
Yes Yes Yes! (the words of the verse are sung by an adult and older children, and the kids finish the last line of the song in chorus: yes-yes-yes).
And Santa Claus is cheerful -
Gray beard -
Brings us gifts.
Yes Yes Yes!
Snow Maiden in a white fur coat
He always comes to us.
We sing and dance with her.
Yes Yes Yes! (N. Naydenova)

Dance with handkerchiefs

Who has a handkerchief in his hands,
He will come to my circle.
He will show you his handkerchief,
He waves cheerfully.

Chorus: That's it, that's it,

We'll take the corners
Our bright scarves.
And let's lift it higher, higher,
Taller than our kids!

Chorus: That's it, that's it,
This is my handkerchief! (2 times).

Let's all sit quietly in a circle,
Let's hide behind our scarf.
And then, and then -
We will find all the kids!

Chorus: That's it, that's it,
This is my handkerchief! (2 times).

How similar they are to flowers,
Our bright scarves.
And our boys too
They all look like flowers!

Chorus: That's it, that's it,
This is my handkerchief! (2 times).

Round dance "Mishenka"

Come out, Misha, dance, dance.
Paw, paw, Misha, wave, wave.
And we’ll dance around Mishenka,
Let's sing a funny song, let's sing it!
We will, we will hit our hands, we will hit them!
There will be, Mishenka will dance for us, we will dance!

Dance “Legs and Palms”

Like our guys
Feet are knocking merrily!
Our people are remote
Albeit very small!

Your legs will just get tired,
Let's clap our hands,
Merry little boys!

How can we start running?
No one can catch us!
We are a distant people
Albeit very small!

Now squat down
With my mother next to me,
Down, up, one and two -
This is how kids dance!

“The kids are dancing” (to the tune of “Oh, you canopy...”)

Here our Mishenka (child’s name) stands up,
He will start dancing now.
Mishenka will dance
Amuse all the kids!
Misha, Misha, dance,
Wave to our kids.
Choose others to dance
And amuse the kids!

Everyone clapped their hands (to the tune of “In the garden, in the vegetable garden...”)

Everyone clapped their hands
Friendly, more fun.
Our feet began to knock
Louder and faster.

Let's hit you on the knees
Hush, hush, hush...
Handles, hands up
Higher, higher, higher...

Our hands are spinning,
They went down again.
Spun around, spin around
And they stopped.

Dance with rattles

They ran with the rattle, ran faster.
All the kids with the rattle immediately became more cheerful.

Rattle, rattle louder,
Louder, louder.
Dolls, bears, all animals
It immediately became more fun.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, hanging branches.
Fun, fun, all the kids are having fun.
Spun around with a rattle,
We spun around more cheerfully.
All the kids with the rattle immediately became more cheerful.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, hanging branches.
Fun, fun, all the kids are having fun.

I wish you a happy New Year holidays and interesting family winter holidays!


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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