The temp folder in Windows 7, 8 and XP stores temporary and intermediate elements that are created by programs and the OS. Most of these elements are files with the extension (.tmp). At their core, they are trash.

Sometimes these files are not deleted after finishing working with programs. Over time, objects accumulate and the temp folder takes up a lot of space. Can reach several tens of GB.

Is it possible to delete the temp folder– the answer is no. The directory itself does not need to be demolished, but it must be cleared to free up disk space.

Where is the temp folder in Windows– this directory is located in several places, namely:

  1. At the root of the system drive (usually drive C).
  2. In the Windows folder itself.
  3. On the system partition C:\Users\account name\AppData\Local\Temp
  4. In XP - C:\Documents and Settings\account name\Local Settings\Temp

Note: The account name is the user name that is specified when Windows is installed.

Note: to see the AppData directory.

Now you know what the temp folder is, where it is located, and what is stored in it. It's time to look at cleansing methods.

Cleaning the temp folder using standard methods

1. The simplest and quick method clear temp folder, this is to go to it, press CTRL + A (), click on the DEL key and confirm deletion. However, not all elements can be destroyed.

Close all programs and repeat the procedure. If you see the message again, restart your PC and go through the steps again.

2. Right-click on the C drive (you may have a different one) and select “properties”. Then click the "disk cleanup" button.

IN open window It is possible to clean various temporary files, including those from the temp folder. From here you can even safely, if available.

Check the entire list and click OK. In the confirmation window, click “delete files”.

3. The method is that you. For example, We will clean temp in the Windows directory. and write:

DEL /F /S /Q /A "c:\windows\temp\*"

Press Enter and wait until the end of the procedure.

Of course, no one will clean it like this, then I suggest creating a txt and bat file. Write in the body file lines similar to the command above, only with your own paths and save it on your desktop, then double-click to run it. For myself I did this:

DEL /F /S /Q /A "C:\Windows\Temp\*"
DEL /F /S /Q /A "C:\Temp\*"
DEL /F /S /Q /A "C:\Users\Alex\AppData\Local\Temp\*"

You can copy and correct these lines. Thus, in a few seconds you can clear the temp folder on Windows 7, 8 and XP in several places at once.

Cleaning using programs

The programs are worth using because they are not limited to just cleaning and removing unnecessary items. With their help, PC operation is accelerated and optimized. Here is a list of utilities that will help you delete the contents of the temp folder:

  1. CCleaner
  2. System Cleaner
  3. SBMAV Disk Cleaner
  4. And others

For example, let's take a closer look at the CCleaner utility:

1. download and install CCleaner.

2. Go to the “cleaning” section, look at the “windows” and “applications” tabs. Here you need to tick the boxes to suit your individual needs. If you check and clear all the items, this will not interfere with the operation of the system, but inconveniences may arise, for example, the absence of entered addresses or saved passwords in the browser, etc.

3. For cleaning the temp folder I selected the items that you will see in the screenshot below. Next, I clicked the “analysis” button to collect information on the objects to be deleted.

4. After assessing the volume of data to be destroyed, clicked the “clean” button and OK.

5. The utility reported cleaning, and I closed it.

So we figured it out, what is the temp folder in Windows 7, 8, XP, and how to clean it. Regularly delete its contents and do not allow it to big size. Use everything possible ways cleaning. Most effective method use, but do not neglect programs like CCleaner.

There are a lot of different folders or processes in Windows that take up a lot of space, both physical and operational. Many users are so afraid of the computer and the OS that they don’t even want to get into the system disk, but sometimes this needs to be done. In particular, today I will write to you about Temp folder.

What is the temp folder for?
In the operating room Windows system Many different processes are constantly happening, belonging both to the OS itself and installed programs. In the process of this work, in order to save the intermediate or unfinished result of their activity, all running applications create temporary data files and actively use them. It is precisely the Temp folder in Windows that is the storage of temporary files.

Where is the temp folder?
So it has about 5 paths, but usually it is located and takes up the most space along the path


Read about the AppData folder in the article

Is it possible to delete the temp folder
It is possible and necessary. This will not do anything to the system. But it’s better to do this before turning off the computer and ending the session. But you can right now enter in the address bar of Explorer %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp and, having selected everything, delete.
Be prepared that not all files and folders will be deleted. An error may appear indicating that they are busy.

How to clear the temp folder
You can use not the direct method described above, but a more correct one - through Disk Cleanup.
Right-click on the OS disk and select Properties. In this window, click the button Disk Cleanup

We are waiting for the information to be collected

Now select temporary files and clear

By the way, you can delete others too.

Let's modernize it a little this method and make sure that the temporary folder is cleared when the computer is turned off.

1) Click RMB on To my computer and choose Properties.
2) On the left edge select Advanced System Settings.
3) In this window we select Environment Variables

4) Changing the TEMP and TMP values

to C:/Windows/Temp

5) Create a file in Notepad with any name and content:

pushd %TEMP% && rd /s /q . > nul 2>&1
pushd %WinDir%\TEMP && rd /s /q . > nul 2>&1

and save with cmd extension.
For example alex.cmd
or download from here
6) Opening Group Policy Editor (Win + R-> enter gpedit.msc) and go along the path Computer Configuration -> Windows Configuration -> Scripts (startup/shutdown).
7) We highlight Completed work and click the link Properties

Many are faced with the problem of shortage free space on your hard drive. The disk on which the operating system itself is installed becomes especially clogged. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of folders on it, which the system itself fills with the information it needs. This problem is also relevant for Windows 7. You can clean system folders from unnecessary garbage either manually or using special programs.

Windows 7 system folders: the need for cleaning and possible consequences

Each of the system folders has its own purpose and stores information of a certain kind. Before cleaning the disk, carefully read what function a particular folder is responsible for, otherwise you may lose important data or severely damage the operating system, which will lead to its failure:

  • System Volume Information - by default, this folder is hidden so that the user does not accidentally add unnecessary files to it or damage existing ones. It stores recovery points that are created periodically after a certain period of time. Thanks to them, in the event of an irreparable error in the system, you can roll back all changes and updates to Windows and everything in it to the moment when everything worked normally. So think about whether it’s worth deleting restore points; perhaps someday they will be very useful to you;
  • Temp - this folder is also hidden by default. It contains all temporary files, that is, information about completed games, application settings, cache, passwords, etc. You can clear the entire folder or delete only some of its components if you are sure that they are definitely no longer needed;
  • Temporary internet files is one of the subfolders located in the Temp folder. It stores all temporary files related to the browser: passwords, history, cache, cookies, modules and add-ons. Also, if you use offline mode in the Internet Explorer browser, after deleting this folder, previously saved sites will no longer be accessible without an Internet connection;
  • Winsxs is a folder in which information about system updates is stored. If you install updates, this folder will retain the previous version of the updated process or program. It is needed in order to roll back the computer to the previous version in case of unsuccessful system update, when no errors occurred. You should only clear it if you are not going to update your computer, since there is always a risk of getting a critical error when updating;
  • AppData - this folder stores data about all third-party programs. If you have installed any application or game, then all settings and actions performed will be recorded in this folder. You can selectively delete files belonging to programs that you no longer use;
  • System32 is a very important folder that should only be cleared as a last resort. It contains data about system settings and many programs installed in Windows by default (Notepad, Calculator and others);
  • Drivers is a subfolder located in the System32 folder. Responsible for storing most of the drivers installed on the computer;
  • Pagefiles.sys is not a folder, but a file. Need it for swapping random access memory. The fact is that many computers do not have enough RAM to run large programs. This file exists for such cases. It is not recommended to remove it, as after this some applications will stop working due to lack of RAM;
  • Assembly - it contains one of the versions of the Microsoft .NET Framework, which is responsible for the compatibility of various programs written in different languages programming. Deleting this folder may cause the system to slow down or some third-party applications to refuse to turn on;
  • Installer - a folder that contains applications necessary for the correct removal or update of other programs. It also stores patches, updates and other files designed for the full operation of applications;
  • DriveStore is a folder with drivers necessary for the correct operation of computer components such as a video card, processor, keyboard, and mouse. If updating current drivers leads to a failure of one or another component, then drivers of previous versions are also stored in this folder, just in case;
  • “Downloads” is the folder where all files are downloaded by default. If you launched the browser for the first time without assigning a different folder through the settings, then all downloaded files will go to this location. This is one of those folders that needs to be cleaned out regularly;
  • folders with media files - this item includes folders such as “Video”, “Music”, “Images”. By default, they store desktop screensavers, standard pictures, videos and music of Windows 7. Their contents can be safely deleted or transferred to a freer disk;
  • Windows is a folder, deleting files from which will certainly lead to breakdown operating system. You should not clear disk space by using the contents of this folder;
  • Downloaded Program File - this folder contains modules downloaded while using the Internet, that is, ActiveX elements and Java applications;
  • “Trash” is the folder into which files are sent before they are finally deleted. This folder should be cleaned as often as possible, almost daily;
  • "Quick access" is the folder where thumbnails are stored recently open files for quick access to them;
  • “Desktop” - everything that you save to the desktop is also transferred to the disk with the operating system in the “Desktop” folder of the same name.
  • Video: what files can be deleted on the system disk

    What not to do when cleaning system folders

    Please read the features of the above folders carefully. Before you empty one of them, consider whether you might need its contents in the future. Some folders, such as Windows or System32, should not be touched at all. And don't try to empty folders by simply deleting their contents. This will lead to the fact that remnants of them are stored in the computer’s memory, which in the future will begin to clutter and overload the system. There are only a few folders that can be cleaned manually:

  • "Basket";
  • "Downloads";
  • "Images";
  • "Documentation";
  • "Video";
  • "Music";
  • "Desktop";
  • Temp and Temporary internet files;
  • AppData.
  • Under no circumstances should you delete the folders themselves, this will lead to critical errors in the system; you only need to erase their contents. Also, before clearing system folders, make sure you can free up memory using other methods, for example, by uninstalling third-party applications and games.

    Methods for cleaning up Windows 7 system folders

    If you still decide to clear HDD from accumulated third-party files, the easiest way is to use the built-in Windows functions. There are two initial options - standard and advanced cleaning.

    Standard cleaning

    Using the standard cleanup method, you will get rid of the following files and folders:

  • Downloaded Program File;
  • cache, temporary browser files downloaded offline pages;
  • game statistics, application settings, temporary files created by various applications;
  • "Basket";
  • "Fast access";
  • system restore points.
  • To carry out standard cleaning hard drive, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the drive you want to clean and go to the “Properties” section.

    Open the properties of the system disk

  • In the window that opens, go to the “General” section.

    Go to the “General” section

  • Under Disk Cleanup, select the files you want to get rid of and click OK.

    Select the files we want to delete

  • Also, if you go to the “Advanced” tab, you can delete all system restore points except the last one. To do this, under System Restore and Shadow Copies, click the Clean button.

    Click the “Clean” button in the “System Restore and Shadow Copies” section

  • Advanced Cleaning

    With the advanced cleaning option, you will delete the following folders and files:

  • temporary files created when installing third-party programs;
  • Debug dump files are files created by the Windows debugger, a program that troubleshoots errors in the system;
  • old files of the Chkdsk application - unnecessary remnants of files that appeared on the computer during a hard drive scan;
  • files from previous Windows versions- are located in the Windows.old folder if you updated the operating system version;
  • error reports, history of errors that occurred;
  • system update log - files designed to eliminate errors that occurred when updating Windows.
  • To perform an advanced disk cleanup, follow these steps:

  • Open “Command Prompt” through Windows search. Right-click on its icon and select the “Run as administrator” section.

    Launch Command Prompt as administrator

  • Type the cleanmgr command and press the Enter button on your keyboard.

    We write the cleanmgr command

  • In the list that opens, select the drive you want to clean and click OK.

    Select the disk on which to perform cleaning

  • Select the files you want to erase and click OK. Selecting the files to be deleted
  • Video: disk cleaning using Windows

    Disk cleanup using third-party programs

    Before you start manually cleaning each folder individually, you should use special third-party programs designed to automatically search and clean the disk of unnecessary files:

  • Download CCleaner from the official website of the developer and install it on a free disk.

    Download the CCleaner application

  • Launch the application and go to the “Cleaning” section.

    Go to the “Cleaning” section

  • On the left side of the program there is a list; here we mark all the sections that we want to get rid of.

    Selecting the partitions to be cleaned

  • Click the “Analysis” button and wait for the process to complete.

    Click the “Analysis” button

  • Click the “Clear” button. In the top header of the program we can see approximately how much memory will be freed up on the computer.

    Before deleting files, you can view information about them

  • Video: Removing system files using CCleaner

    Features of cleaning individual system folders

    If the previous cleaning methods did not solve your problem or you need to clean one of the folders selectively, then find it in the sections below and follow the instructions provided.

    But many folders are hidden by default to prevent the user from accidentally damaging them. To show hidden folders in general list follow these steps:

  • Open File Explorer.

    Open Explorer

  • Expand the "Tools" menu.

    Expanding the “Service” menu

  • Go to the Folder Options section.

    Go to the “Folder Options” section

  • In the window that opens, go to the “View” section.

    Go to the “View” section

  • Uncheck the box next to the words “Hide system-protected files” and check it next to “Show hidden files, folders and drives.”

    Changing hidden folder settings

  • Winsxs

    Cleaning the Winsxs folder on Windows 7 is done through standard disk cleanup. This method has already been described above. Before you start cleaning, you are presented with a list of files that can be deleted. Check the section “Update package backup files” in it.

    Check “Update package backup files”

    Video: how to empty the Winsxs folder in Windows 7

    System Volume Information

    To clear the System Volume Information folder, you must first access it:

  • Right-click on the folder and go to the “Properties” section.

    Open the properties of the System Volume Information folder

  • In the window that opens, go to the “Security” section.

    Go to the “Security” tab

  • Click on the “Change” button.

    Click the “Change” button

  • In the settings that open, click on the “Add” button.

    Click the “Add” button

  • In the special field, enter the name of your account and click OK.

    Enter the username

  • In the “Permissions for the group...” list, check the box next to the words “Full access”.

    Granting full access to the folder

  • Press the “Apply” button successively, OK.
  • Now let's move on to the computer properties.

    Go to computer properties

  • Go to the “System Protection” section.

    Go to the “System Protection” section

  • Select the drive on which the System Volume Information folder is located and click the “Configure” button. Specify the path to the folder.

    Click the “Configure” button

  • In the window that opens, click the “Delete” button. We can also set the maximum amount of memory allocated for this folder by moving the corresponding slider.
  • Consistently click the “Apply” button, OK.


    To remove outdated drivers from a repository called DriversStore, follow these steps:

  • Using Windows search, open command line on behalf of the administrator.

    Open the command line

  • Type the command pnputil.exe –e and press Enter on the keyboard. This command will show you a list of all drivers installed on your computer. Remember the number of the one you want to delete.

    We write the command pnputil.exe –e

  • Close the command prompt and open it again as an administrator.
  • Enter the command pnputil.exe -d Oem#.inf, where instead of the hash sign (#) there will be the number of the driver to be removed. If you try to remove a driver connected to this moment to the device computer, a corresponding notification will pop up. Remove the device or use the -f code in the command to remove the affected driver. But remember that without a driver, the connected device may stop working.

    We write and execute the command

  • Installer

    The Installer folder may contain files necessary for the system or programs, but there is a special third-party application, PatchCleaner, that will automatically determine what content can be removed:

  • Download the PatchCleaner application from any trusted site.

    PatchCleaner searches for outdated update files and allows you to move them to another media or completely delete them

  • Launch the program and click the Browse button to start searching for the folder.

    Click the Browse button

  • Specify the path to the Installer folder.

    Specify the path to the Installer folder

  • After the program analyzes the folder, information will appear about how many files are still in use and how many of them can be deleted. The program will also calculate how much disk space will be freed up. Click the Delete button.

    Click the Delete button

  • Confirm the action by clicking Yes.

    Confirm the action by clicking on the Yes button

  • Pagefile.sys

    If you are confident that your computer will cope with the required tasks without the Pagefile.sys page file, you can remove it by following these steps:

  • Open computer properties.
  • Go to the “Advanced system settings” section.

    Go to the “Advanced system settings” section

  • In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” section and click the “Options” button.

    Click the “Options” button

  • In the window that opens, go again to the “Advanced” section and in the “Virtual Memory” subsection, click the “Change” button.

    Click the “Change” button in the “Advanced” tab

  • Uncheck the box next to the words “Automatically select the amount of paging memory” and select the option “Without paging file”, click the “Set” button.

    Set the required parameters

  • Reboot the computer. The sys file will disappear, and along with it the additional RAM.

    Reboot the computer

  • Folders with history, cache and browser cookies

    Browser files can take up a large number of disk space. The easiest and safest way to remove them is through the settings of the browser itself: Marking the files. which should be deleted from the browser history

  • Select the “All time” option and click the “Clear history” button.

    Set the “All time” parameter and clear the history

  • Problems with disk cleanup

    If, after you have deleted any files from the system folder, errors appear or the computer begins to slow down, there is only one thing left to do - perform a system restore. This could happen if the disk was cleaned incorrectly or necessary files were deleted. System recovery is only possible if there are restore points on the computer:

  • Start your computer in safe mode.

    Start the computer in safe mode

  • Through Windows search, find the System Restore application.

    Open the System Restore application

  • In the window that opens, click on the “Next” button.

    Click the “Next” button

  • Select one of the restore points. It is better to roll back the system to the moment when all processes worked as well as possible.

    Selecting a restore point

  • Video: Restoring Windows 7

    What to do if there is no “Clean up system files” button

    If, when trying to free up disk space using the standard cleaning method, you are faced with the absence of a “Clean up system files” button, this means that you have disabled UAC (control accounts), and the program starts immediately with the ability to clean system files. That is, clicking the “Clean up system files” button gives you administrator rights and with them the ability to edit and clean up system folders. But if UAC is disabled, then you have immediate access to changing system files and do not need to press any additional buttons.

    If the "Clean up system files" button is missing, User Account Control is disabled

    If you want to clear disk space or are sure that system files If part of the virus has been preserved, then in this case the operating system itself has a standard and advanced disk cleanup function. You can also use third-party programs or clean each folder separately. But you shouldn’t delete everything, otherwise it will damage your computer, and the only way out will be to roll back the system to the last restore point.

    Many users, even those who have never entered system folders unless absolutely necessary, have come across this name at least once. Of course, the definition of this folder is not known to everyone and today this will be corrected. Below we provide information about what this folder is, why it is needed and what the consequences of deleting it are.

    As an example, we should take the most common operating system, Windows 7, although in other versions everything will look similar.

    Definition and purpose

    To understand the designation of this name, it is enough to translate its full name into Russian. Temp is short for temporary and translated as “a directory for storing temporary files.” It stores temporary files of programs and the operating system itself, created for its own needs. Some of them are deleted on their own after a certain process is completed, and some remain there, taking up free disk space. Using an example, this is similar to the simplest calculations in a column, when we write something down and leave something “in our mind.” This “mind” is the temp folder. Its files are designated by the extension .tmp. If there is an active process with which a specific file in this folder is associated, it will not be possible to delete it from there. That is, in fact, all the information stored in this directory is unnecessary. These are temporary files that programs create over and over again during their work, and those that remain not deleted simply take up space. To clear free disk space, you must delete these files carefully so as not to harm the system.


    It will not be possible to accurately determine its location, because there may be several of them. This is due to multiple users on the same computer because the system creates each folder separately for each user. In addition, the system also contains a main directive with this name. In any case, you will have to look for the temp folder on the system drive, usually C. It can be located at the root of the partition itself or in the Windows operating system folder, under the Local section. It can be found in the “Users” section by going to the AppData subsection. This is if the user has the Windows 7 operating system installed. In the case of a still relevant “iskpishka” it will be a little different. The “local” folder itself is called “Local Settings”. Of course, in order not to get confused in the maze of system folder names, you can use the internal search system to navigate to the desired object. To do this, you need to write %Temp% in the line and select the storage folder in the list of found ones. When using this method, the user will immediately be given a list of all folders with the same name available on the computer, even hidden ones. If you search through Explorer sections yourself, you should first enable the visibility of hidden folders. This is done in the View menu settings in the Explorer or third-party file manager window. It's just that some temporary files may be hidden from the user.

    Simplest cleaning

    Of course, the easiest way is to delete the entire folder and not waste time studying its contents, but under no circumstances should you do this. Deleting this object may negatively affect the further operation of the entire system, so it is better to open it and look at the files. To delete all content at once, you need to select all files, this can be done using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A, and press the delete button. Of course, all this is done for the convenience of each user and you can use the mouse to select objects, and a drop-down menu with options for further actions to delete them. After activating deletion, an error may occur if some of the selected processes are still active. To do this, you must first complete them and then try again. It can be quite difficult to determine on your own which program a certain process is associated with, so it is better to completely reboot the system and activate the removal before downloading programs. Although this method may not always work.

    Disk Cleanup

    A standard operating system application can come to the rescue. “Native” disk cleanup will perform all the necessary actions without unnecessary problems and damage to functioning applications. To use it, you need to call the drop-down menu with disk properties and select the corresponding line in it. The user will then be presented with a list of items that can be deleted. Thus, the folder itself remains unharmed, and its contents are deleted as unnecessary. So this process cannot harm the system.

    Using the Command Line

    This method is impractical due to the frequent entry of long commands into the line, which takes longer than manual deletion. To simplify the task, you can simply create an executable file yourself that will do everything for the user. The extension of this tool is .bat and everything is done in a regular notepad. To do this, enter the commands DEL /F /S /Q /A “C:\Windows\Temp\*” DEL /F /S /Q /A “C:\Temp\*” DEL /F /S / in the open program window Q /A “C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Temp\*” Name, where the last one denotes the user name. The file is then saved with the required extension and used later. You just need to run it and the file itself will delete all files without damaging the system. For quick use, it is advisable to always keep the document at hand, or on your desktop.

    Third party programs

    Of course, the problem of system clutter arose a long time ago, which is why you can now find quite a lot of third-party software for cleaning it. Most often, they are classified as optimizers, having in their arsenal a special module that is responsible for searching and eliminating temporary files. Its work can be performed by default, but in order to ensure that the program does not interfere and does not accidentally remove unnecessary things, it is advisable to manually configure it yourself. The most common optimizer in this area is CCleaner; using its example, we will consider the work process. Setting it up is quite simple; the program immediately prompts the user to view the list possible deletions, which is located on the right side of the working window. It is divided into two tabs - operating system and applications. Each of them carries a list of files that can be deleted. To configure them, just check the boxes next to those that are not needed and remove them where deletion is not desirable. You can use a deep clean, but then all passwords will disappear from the computer, so you should immediately pay attention to this. After activating the process, the user waits until the program completes the deletion and produces a result in which you need to confirm the deletion. These applications work in the background and independently notify the user about the need to clean up, so their use is not only productive, but also convenient.


    To optimize the performance of your computer, you should monitor its condition and regularly remove unnecessary files. Third-party utilities are the best way to help with this, but you can also clean it yourself. This article described all the methods available to ordinary users, so choosing the optimal optimization method will not be difficult.

    “Is it possible to clean out and delete the Temp folder?” – the question is not at all idle and often arises, especially among inexperienced users of OS Windows. It’s quite understandable why this issue worries them so much: there is always little disk space, and the Temp folder often “weighs” more than two or three gigabytes. That’s why it’s tempting to remove it with a slight movement of your finger, especially since it can be difficult to understand what exactly is stored here and why. We recently discussed a similar question, the Windows.old folder, but it’s not program files that are stored there, but Windows update, .

    Why is the Temp folder needed?

    Actually, there is not one such folder in the system, but two: both can be found on drive C (by default, this is where Windows is installed). The first is a required attribute of the Windows folder

    and the second Temp folder is easier to open using the ℅TEMP℅ command in the search field of the Start menu

    Most programs create temporary files - this makes it more convenient for them to store a wide variety of parameters and data about the process of their own work. The need for them constantly arises and disappears, so the creation process is repeated endlessly, rewriting temporary data. Constantly deleting such “junk” files would require the diversion of considerable resources, which is why “Solomon’s solution” to leave everything in the Temp folder “as is” turned out to be optimal: applications work faster, and cleaning garbage on disks is already the concern of the PC owner.

    Should I delete the Temp folder or not?

    The answer is as simple as the question: you shouldn’t delete the folders themselves, programs need them, but it’s even necessary to clean their contents regularly and mercilessly. You just have to forget about it for a month or two, and the Temp folders will immediately swell from garbage leftovers to gigabytes. Check it out for yourself!

    By the way: for some, moving the mouse around the table is not a problem at all, but for others, aiming the cursor at an icon is not a thrill. For them, there are “hot keys” - Win + R, which can easily bring up the search on the table.

    I typed %TEMP% into the field and all the folders are already at hand.

    How to clean out the Temp folder more efficiently

    In principle, temporary files are not difficult to delete manually, but Windows has a wonderful tool called Disk Cleanup. With its help, most often, folders are cleaned of trash in the trash and other temporary files. To do this, simply open the “Computer” window and select the “Properties” tab of the system disk. This is usually drive C.

    Of all the tabs with disk properties, you need the “General” tab to clean it.

    There is a corresponding button here: clicking on it will start a disk scan, after which the “Disk Cleanup” window will open with a list of detected temporary files, their “weight” and a preliminary estimate of the freed up space. Please note: only two types - the trash can and temporary files - took up more than 8 gigabytes!