Turmeric is an exquisite, golden spice. Its wonderful aroma and extraordinary color add taste and beauty to your dishes. Turmeric has found its use in many luxurious dishes and best recipes for weight loss. India is the birthplace of a spice that has been consumed for centuries. It was also used in alternative medicine.

Final research by scientists has shown that the use of this plant is effective for various diseases. Curcumin is not only a medicine, but also a dye. How to use the spice, for what ailments and how to drink our article.

What are the benefits of turmeric?

The positive side of the seasoning is that it chemical composition, which amazes with its diversity. It is known that in 100 gr. the product contains 354 kcal.


  • Proteins fats carbohydrates.
  • Dietary fiber, ash.
  • Mono and disaccharides.
  • Acids.
  • Vitamins: B1, B6, B9, B2, C, E, K, PP, choline.
  • Macroelements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium.
  • Curcumin, essential oils.

Turmeric is a member of the ginger family, which is well known for its beneficial properties. There are about 40 types of turmeric, most of which are decorative.

Only four are used:

  1. Long- the main plant for powder, which is processed on an industrial scale.
  2. Fragrant– a more expensive variety, used in perfumes and confectionery.
  3. citvar rootrare view— not ground, sold whole. Resembles in size Walnut, used in the production of liqueurs.
  4. Turmeric round– a rarer type is used in perfumery.

Due to its composition, it is a natural antibiotic. In Eastern countries they have loved her in this capacity for a long time. Modern research have shown that it has the properties of thinning the blood, lowering blood pressure, and is used in the treatment of many diseases.

Where is it used?

  • It is used as a spice in the preparation of various dishes.
  • As a food coloring for coloring yoghurts, chips, mayonnaise, and medicines.
  • For color and fragrance in the production of liqueurs.
  • In the perfume industry to enhance aroma.
  • Widely used in medicine.


  1. Blood thinning, lowering blood pressure.
  2. Alzheimer's disease.
  3. Inflammation of the digestive tract.
  4. Joint pathologies, arthritis.
  5. Skin abnormalities - eczema, dermatitis, abscesses.
  6. Improves metabolism, increases immunity.
  7. Prevention of oncology.
  8. It is an antioxidant and helps with poisoning from heavy metals and chemicals.
  9. Used in cosmetology to improve the condition of facial skin.
  10. Normalizes blood composition, stimulates the formation of red blood cells, reduces cholesterol.
  11. Colds, ENT infections.
  12. For weight loss in obesity, in combination with diet.
  13. Gynecological diseases, normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  14. Lowering sugar in diabetes.
  15. Inhaling smoke is useful for bronchitis and helps cleanse the lungs.

Where to add

The powder can be added to various drinks and foods. Their combination affects a person differently.

  1. Water with spices, drunk in the first half of the day, will charge the body with energy, force the intestines to work, cleanse toxins, and reduce weight. There are many positive reviews about the use of this drink.

Per glass warm water, add 1/2 tsp. powder. Can be replaced with milk. Drink in the first half of the day, regardless of meals.

2. Turmeric with honey is a proven remedy for colds; in addition, you can treat various inflammations in the body. It is necessary to prepare a paste from honey and powder in a 1:1 ratio. You can use 0.5:0.5 tsp per dose.

For the initial symptoms of a cold, you should take:

  • On the first day you need to dissolve up to 10 times a day.
  • The second one is 5-6.
  • Third - 3.

Turmeric and honey can be diluted with warm milk. Thus, make a golden drink. Take a glass of water and milk, add 2 tablespoons of turmeric, honey to taste. The drink is ready. It was invented by Indian yogis.

In this combination, turmeric is useful for joints. Drink this drink for 40 days and you will feel young and active.

Neutralizes colds, lowers sugar

3. Turmeric with kefir is an excellent remedy for improving digestion and metabolism. Drinking the drink at night will reduce blood sugar. It is recommended to add black pepper for better absorption.

Together they combine very well, complementing each other, enhancing their healing properties. You need to take 1/2 teaspoon of powder and pour it hot water(2 tbsp), stir, add a little honey (optional), add a glass of kefir. Drink everything in the evening before bed.

Spice with fermented milk products can be used as a face whitening mask. Boil a few tablespoons in a water bath for 5-10 minutes. Close well, refrigerate, add kefir and use as a mask.

4. Tea with turmeric and ginger is used for colds. It has a pleasant taste and medicinal properties - bactericidal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effects. Add spice and 0.5 tsp to regular tea at the tip of a knife. ginger, honey if desired.

It should be remembered that it cannot be added to hot tea, it loses its properties. Turmeric drink is very tasty, pleasant and good for the immune system.

It is recommended to drink it when you lose strength, to restore health after illnesses. A drink is recommended for men to increase potency.

It is made according to the recipe:

  1. Take a liter of water.
  2. A teaspoon of turmeric.
  3. Table. l. ginger
  4. 2 buds of cloves.
  5. Juice and zest of one lemon.
  6. Cardamom 2 pcs.

Mix all ingredients and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Strain, cool slightly, add honey to taste. It quenches thirst well and gives strength.

What is the difference between saffron and turmeric

Spices are very similar spices to each other. They can be easily confused. Manufacturers often replace saffron with turmeric because it is cheaper. Despite their external similarity, they are very different in properties and applications.

Comparative characteristics

Turmeric Saffron
Derived from the rootFrom crocus flowers
Much cheaperIt costs more because it is harvested exclusively by hand.
Pleasant aroma, can be used in large quantities.It has a sharper smell and bitter taste; it should be used in small quantities so as not to spoil the dish.
More yellow colorCloser to an orange, even brown tint.
In IndiaProduced in Pakistan and Turkey

Like a spice

The spice is distinguished by its golden color. Dishes with it acquire not only taste, but also shade. It has been used in cooking since ancient times.

One of the main dishes of Indian cuisine is golden rice with turmeric. It can be called the national dish of Indians.

Dishes with spices have a rule of adding and using. To preserve the taste and color, it should be added at the beginning of cooking, or a minute before the end of cooking.

To cook rice you need to take:

  • Two parts water (4 cups).
  • One share of rice (200 gr.).
  • On the tip of the knife, turmeric and salt.
  • Greens to taste.
  • Melted butter.

How to cook it correctly?

  • IN hot water add spices.
  • Fry the washed and dried rice in ghee in a frying pan.
  • Add salted water.
  • Simmer covered for 20-25 minutes.
  • Remove from heat, let stand for a few 5-10 minutes, add herbs.

The properties of turmeric are not only to make the dish tasty and aromatic, but also to increase the shelf life of food. This is very important in the humid and hot climate of India. Turmeric is combined with legumes, various vegetables, and meat.

Despite its yellow color, it is used to clean the mouth. Having a natural base, turmeric paste, without harming the enamel, perfectly whitens teeth. Can be diluted with water or olive oil.

Apply to the brush and brush as usual, twice a day. After the procedure, the paste can be left in the mouth for 3-5 minutes. The result will be visible in two weeks.

Turmeric is a world-famous spice. Its application is very diverse. Read new articles on our website.

Hello, dear ones! Do you often buy turmeric? Infrequently? But in vain! This spice has a pleasant orange color and a mild, pungent taste. Find out the benefits of turmeric for humans and recipes for health, cleansing and beauty.

Defeats cancer tumors

What vitamins and microelements do you know? Do you remember? They are all present in this seasoning!

But her main value is that she is an excellent healer, especially in the fight against all cancer diseases.

Since ancient times, it has been known as an excellent cure for colon cancer, which, as is known, begins to develop with the appearance of polyps. Turmeric just stops the growth of these tumors.

For men, turmeric should be the first seasoning for all dishes. By adding it to food, men can prevent the development of prostate cancer.

For women, this spice will also bring undoubted benefits for the prevention of breast cancer.

As a prophylactic, this seasoning will help avoid cancer of the pancreas, esophagus, lungs and even the brain. And if you have already undergone chemotherapy, it will help you quickly return to normal.

Heart patients choose turmeric

Do you want to live long? Choose this golden spice as it will protect you from stroke and heart attack. The borneol contained in it helps reduce high pressure, and very smoothly.

And the substance curcumin inhibits the formation of blood, strengthens the heart muscle, and promotes the growth of the number of red blood cells. The spice contains iron, which prevents the development of iron deficiency in the body.

Natural antibiotic and pain reliever

Do you want to spend less on medications? Use this spice! British scientists have found that it is:

  • excellent pain reliever for arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis
  • relieves pain from migraines and any headaches
  • successfully copes with pain in the kidneys and liver
  • removes waste and toxins from the liver, prevents the development of dangerous microbes
  • is the prevention of all gastrointestinal diseases
  • resists many viral infections. Before the onset of the flu, it is important to use this natural antibiotic.

Unsurpassed properties of a natural healer

On the threshold of cold weather, it is so important to protect yourself from. I will give several recipes that will help quickly heal the body.

  1. We treat the throat. Gargle with this solution several times a day - stir a pinch of spice into ½ glass of water, plus 0.5 teaspoon of salt.
  2. Against cough. The seasoning will help remove mucus from the lungs and bronchi; just inhale the smoke from the burnt powder.
  3. From burns and wounds. Apply the mixture of seasoning and aloe juice to the wound or simply sprinkle it with powder. It may even stop bleeding.
  4. We treat joints. Apply a paste of lemon juice, aloe and golden spice on sore joints, the pain will subside. For greater healing effect, add hot pepper and ginger. Wrap this entire mixture in gauze, make it like a cake, then apply it to the sore area.
  5. For diabetes. With each meal, eat 0.5 spoons of spice, but watch your sugar levels.
  6. To strengthen gums. Rub this seasoning into your gums. You will get rid of swelling and...

Best Weight Loss Remedy: Turmeric for Weight Loss

Women will be happy to know that such an affordable product will help you lose weight. The golden seasoning combined with yogurt, milk, kefir or tea will make an excellent cocktail that will nourish you with vitamins, minerals, improve metabolism, normalize digestion, and improve the functioning of the pancreas.

Add it to milk or green tea. But, you can make more complicated drinks.

Fat Burning Cocktail Recipes

  • Take 200 gr. whey, add 1 teaspoon of turmeric, cinnamon, and 1.5 teaspoons of liquid honey. If the mixture turns out to be too thick, add a little water.
  • The kefir cocktail is prepared as follows: brew 0.5 teaspoons of turmeric with boiling water, dissolve the resulting paste in kefir, add a spoonful of honey, as well as powdered ginger, on the tip of a knife.
  • Tea with oriental spice should be drunk warm to further activate beneficial features spices. Take 0.5 teaspoon of powder, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day. In a month you can lose up to 4 kg.
  • Another tea recipe: take 0.5 teaspoon of spice, 1/4 part of a teaspoon ground ginger, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Mix everything, add honey, 1 teaspoon, brew with a glass of boiling water.

How to drink a healing drink for weight loss? Drink one glass before bed. With a week of daily use, you can lose 6 kg in a week! Great, right? But at the same time, do not eat pies, pastries, fried or fatty foods. Can you? Then try it!

The most popular weight loss product

The spice diluted in milk is called “Golden Milk”, and not only for its golden color. A milkshake is very good for health, and this drink tones the body just as well as coffee. Drink it after big mental or physical activity.

How to prepare and how to consume this magical cocktail? To prepare this potion, take 1 glass of milk, bring it to a boil, then remove it from the heat, dilute 0.5 teaspoon of honey in milk, add 2 teaspoons of turmeric, stir well.

Replace one meal with this drink, you will soon see amazing results, and also improve your health and complexion.

Here is a recipe for a drink that will help you get rid of both subcutaneous fat, and with fat deposits formed around internal organs.

You can drink it throughout the day in small sips. You will need cinnamon, ginger, honey, turmeric.

To prepare the medicine, take 1 teaspoon of each spice, pour 2 cups of boiling water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in it and drink to your health!

Beneficial properties of turmeric - recipes for cleansing

I think that this message about the properties of the spice will not leave anyone indifferent. It turns out that if you add it when frying foods, you can minimize the formation of carcinogenic substances.

It simply removes decay products that form in the oil during frying. But at the same time, it does not lose its valuable properties. It will also help cleanse the entire body.

RECIPE: take 12 teaspoons of flax seeds, pour 1 liter of boiling water, put on fire, cook for 10 minutes, then remove from heat, wait another 20 minutes, strain, add 1 teaspoon of turmeric. Drink this medicine 6 times a day, 150 ml.

Treatment of liver with turmeric

This spicy plant Since ancient times it has been used to treat the liver. After much research, scientists have found that it can restore damaged cells of this important organ. Therefore, the spice must be used to treat the liver, patients diabetes mellitus, as well as to all people who take a large number of various medications.
The use of spices leads to:

  • To normalize kidney function;
  • Protects eyeball cells;
  • Normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • To strengthen nervous system;
  • Creates the body's resistance to viral diseases, fungi, and bacteria.

How to Take Turmeric for Liver Treatment

Just add it to your dishes. The optimal dosage is 12 grams per day, but there are no special restrictions on the amount of spice consumption.

But it can cause harm if:

  • blockage of the bile ducts
  • jaundice
  • stomach pathologies
  • In these cases, you simply need to reduce the daily dose.

In other cases, this spice is of great benefit to people, especially athletes, as well as people of physical and mental work.

Benefits of turmeric for women

We have already learned the health benefits of this spice, but will it bring beauty benefits?

It turns out that she is a real cosmetologist! If you apply a paste of this seasoning to your facial skin, you will soon see how your skin will glow with youth and age spots will disappear!

Therefore, natural cosmetics often contain this magical spice.
Have I intrigued you? So, it’s time to move on to recipes for masks created on its basis.

Turmeric mask for oily skin

  1. Make a paste from 1 tbsp. spoons of powder and orange juice. Apply to face, hold for 10 minutes, rinse with water.
  2. To reduce sebum production, prepare the following mixture: mix 2 teaspoons of yogurt (low-fat), 1 teaspoon of green clay, 2 teaspoons of rose water, a pinch of golden powder. Apply the paste to your face, hold for 25 minutes, rinse with water.

Face masks for dry skin

  1. Mix egg white with 5-6 drops olive oil, add ½ tsp. rose water, 5 drops of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of turmeric. Apply the mixture to your face, as well as to the flaky surface of your elbows, knees, and even cracked heels. Keep until the mixture dries completely.
  2. Mix 2 teaspoons of “live” yogurt, ½ teaspoon of aloe, and a pinch of turmeric. Procedure time: 20 minutes.
  3. Mask for crow's feet and fine wrinkles. Take rice flour, add a pinch of seasoning, 5 drops of lemon juice, 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil. Keep on your face for 10 minutes.
  4. To slow down the aging of the skin, make a paste based on milk, seasonings, apply to the face, hold for 25 minutes. Course - 15 masks.

Tired of pimples

Golden turmeric powder will help get rid of acne as well as acne marks due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

All you need to do is mix the powder with plain water, make a paste, apply to the skin, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with water. Do this mask until the acne disappears.

Miracle mask

Why is she called that? It will help get rid of acne, give the skin a youthful glow, and rid it of wrinkles.

And so, a miracle mask: take 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of rose water, 0.5 teaspoon of spice. Apply to face, keep for 20 minutes. Do this mask twice a week to see a magnificent reflection in the mirror.

Pink water

Another remedy for acne and sagging epidermis. You will need 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped oatmeal, 3 tbsp. spoons of hot milk, 1 rose water, a pinch of yellow powder, a bag of green tea.

Soak tea in milk, pour milk over oatmeal. After the oatmeal has swelled, add the remaining ingredients to the mixture, mix well, apply to the face, leave for 20 minutes, then wash warm water.

Have you noticed that many masks require rose water? You can buy it at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it at home.

Take 3 tbsp. spoons of rose petals, place in a thermos, pour 1 cup of boiling water.
Let it sit for 5 hours and the rose water is ready! You can simply wash your face with this wonderful water, your beauty will bloom like this flower!

Dear friends! I am sure that after reading this article and learning the beneficial properties of turmeric, you will no longer pass by this healthy seasoning. Tell your friends, let them visit my page so that they always have such healthy recipes at hand.

It is called the "sun spice", a panacea for many diseases and effective means, accelerating weight loss. We will talk about turmeric as a healthy spice with a wealth of medicinal properties. The main thing in obtaining a therapeutic effect is to know how turmeric is useful and how to use it correctly. There are both indications and contraindications for its use, so read this article to the end to find out the medicinal properties of turmeric and contraindications for using the spice.

The healing properties of turmeric: how to get healthier and lose weight

Consumption of spices is beneficial for the body in limited quantities. They are mainly used to speed up metabolism, digestion and general health. Also, the use of turmeric promises an excellent effect in losing weight. This does not mean that the spice will help you lose 20 kg. But how additional remedy for weight loss, has proven itself with best side. Turmeric also promotes cell renewal on the skin, which is why it is often used to prepare face masks.

Useful properties of turmeric:

  • contains vitamins B, K, C;
  • as a source of antioxidants - to maintain youth and improve health;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • acts as a natural antibiotic, disinfects the body;
  • used as a wound healing agent;
  • contains trace elements: phosphorus, iron, calcium, iodine;
  • activates reproductive function in women;
  • strengthens potency and protects against prostate cancer;
  • used to treat mastopathy;
  • improves the menstrual cycle;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • regulates metabolism;
  • relieves heartburn and normalizes digestion;
  • suppresses the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines;
  • as an antipyretic;
  • relieves cravings for flour and sweets;
  • used in the treatment of obesity;
  • cleanses the skin;
  • restores the lipid barrier;
  • activates the functioning of the gallbladder and the excretion of bile.

Turmeric’s contribution to weight loss is invaluable: it reduces appetite, speeds up metabolism, relieves bloating and heartburn. Turmeric goes well with vegetable salads, used for preparing soups, pilaf, stews and other dishes.

What happens if you drink a glass of turmeric water every day?

The therapeutic effect of turmeric is based on the component curcumin, which has antioxidant properties. Penetrating into the body, the spice destroys the germs of cancer cells, especially in gastrointestinal tract and reproductive organs. The properties of turmeric are known and actively used in India, where turmeric is especially popular.

Remember that you need to control the amount of spice you consume per day: no more than 1 teaspoon.

How to make a drink with turmeric: you need ½ lemon, ½ teaspoon turmeric, a glass of warm water and honey.

Turmeric is a spicy plant belonging to the ginger family, native to India. Everyone knows its value as an aromatic seasoning, but few people know that it is a real storehouse of useful elements that has a beneficial effect on human health. Before you find out what turmeric treats, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the composition of this unique spice. Turmeric is a storehouse of nutrients

The roots and stems of the plant contain phosphorus, iodine, calcium, as well as a whole complex of vitamins - B1, B2, B4, K, C, E, and trace elements - copper, zinc, iron.

But, despite such a rich composition, turmeric has both beneficial properties and contraindications.

Useful properties of turmeric

Turmeric is very beneficial for the human body:

  • Thanks to your healing properties, turmeric helps with skin damage - cuts, scratches, burns;
  • Penetrating into tissues, it has anti-inflammatory properties and is used in the treatment of arthritis;
  • The presence of group vitamins in the spice makes it excellent sedative;
  • Turmeric powder favorably improves the health status of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the human body during chemotherapy, reducing the toxic effects of drugs;
  • Slows down the growth of cancer cells and is part of drugs that are prescribed after cancer surgery;
  • Improves organ activity gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins from the liver;
  • Normalizes metabolism thereby normalizing weight;
  • Improves the condition of hair, nails, and also has a rejuvenating effect as part of face masks;
  • The antibacterial qualities of turmeric are manifested in a beneficial effect on the body for colds.

You will learn all the details about the benefits of turmeric from the video:

The harm of turmeric

Turmeric, which has undeniable benefits, can also cause significant harm to health. For example, an overdose of this spice can disrupt the functioning of the digestive system and cause heartburn.

Also, large portions of aromatic powder can cause allergic reaction, and both for internal and external use.

Since turmeric has the property of reducing arterial pressure, hypotensive patients should refrain from using it, as it can cause more harm than good.

Turmeric contraindications:

  • It is not recommended to use the spice for people suffering from cholelithiasis;
  • Pregnant women and children under 3 years of age should take turmeric with extreme caution;
  • It is undesirable for patients suffering from gastritis and pancreatitis to use the spice;
  • Due to its blood thinning effect, turmeric should not be consumed 2-3 weeks before surgery.

Use of turmeric in folk medicine

Active use of aromatic spices in Everyday life Makes you wonder - what are the health benefits of turmeric? The spice is based on the chemical compound curcumin, which has a positive effect on the human body. Many scientists have proven healing properties this substance, which in turn justifies its use in folk medicine.

Turmeric in folk medicine:

  • At open wounds Turmeric is an excellent disinfectant. To do this, sprinkle the injury with powder and apply a bandage. Burns should be treated with a mixture of turmeric and aloe juice, which will relieve inflammation and speed up healing;
    You will learn the recipe for healing paste from the video:
  • For joint diseases, it is recommended to use turmeric with honey. This mixture also has a positive effect on the elasticity of ligaments, which is a preventative against various injuries and sprains. Turmeric has also been proven effective for gout and arthritis;
  • How to use turmeric in medicinal purposes for respiratory diseases?! Everything is very simple. It is necessary to drink tea with the addition of aromatic spices. For a runny nose and sore throat, gargling with turmeric and salt diluted in a glass of warm water will help.

What are the benefits of turmeric for women?

Turmeric is a real godsend for maintaining female beauty. This applies to both the figure and the condition of the skin and hair. For effective weight loss, the ideal combination is turmeric and honey. They can be added to tea or milk. Adding cinnamon and ginger will add unsurpassed taste and benefits to the cocktail. A weight loss drink with turmeric frees body cells from toxins and has a beneficial effect on the breakdown of fat cells.

Turmeric has a special effect on the skin, having a tonic and rejuvenating effect. The spice in the masks helps fight skin imperfections such as rashes, wrinkles, and oily shine.

The presence of aromatic spices in women's diet is a prevention against breast cancer. Turmeric for breasts is also useful as a massage mixture. To do this, mix turmeric (1/4 tsp) with honey (1 tsp) and onion juice (2 tsp). This product perfectly softens and tightens the skin, increasing blood circulation.

Benefits of turmeric for men

The effectiveness of turmeric in treating certain male diseases has been proven in a number of studies. The experiment revealed the positive effect of curcumin in treating the prostate, as well as preventing the development of cancer cells in the male body.

"Golden milk" from turmeric: benefits and harms

Turmeric milk is one of the ancient and healthy cocktails that was used many years ago in Eastern medicine. Unique properties spices in combination with honey and natural milk work wonders on the human body.

By drinking this miracle drink at night for a month, you can forget about insomnia, depression, problems with viral diseases and indigestion.

Also, milk with the addition of turmeric treats allergies and various skin diseases.

You should not consume “golden milk” if you are lactose intolerant, have chronic diseases, or have a stomach ulcer.

You will learn all the details about “golden milk” from turmeric and the recipe for the miracle drink from the video:

How to take turmeric

Adding turmeric to various culinary delights is in itself a preventive measure against many ailments. But in order to feel the effect of the treatment, you will have to really feel the taste of turmeric by simply adding it to water.

Several recipes:

  • To cleanse the body you should combine 1 glass of water and 0.5 tsp of spice. Drinking turmeric with water on an empty stomach will help improve metabolism and improve the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • How to use turmeric for a cold? To do this, you need to grind the same amount of honey and spices. Take 0.5 tsp. three times a day. This honey mixture also helps with arthritis and anemia;
  • For diseases of the oral cavity An excellent remedy is a rinse solution consisting of 1 glass of water and 1 tsp. turmeric;
  • Turmeric oil is added to cosmetics to prevent skin diseases and protect against harmful effects sun rays.

With the development of the pharmaceutical industry, it is difficult to surprise anyone with the appearance of turmeric in capsules, and the benefits and harms are practically no different from ordinary powder.

The main thing is to stick to the right dose and know for sure what the eastern queen of spices - Her Majesty Turmeric - helps with!

Similar materials

Once a work colleague gave me a recipe for “golden milk”, which heals and rejuvenates the body. Turmeric makes it golden. I took this recipe, but didn’t really study it, I put it in the folder where I keep all sorts of useful tips and happily forgot about him.

But recently I heard that turmeric is very beneficial for our body, and I remembered the recipe for golden milk. I became interested, and I decided to find out what kind of plant this is, about the beneficial and harmful properties of turmeric, as well as about methods of use.

I hope this information will be interesting and useful not only to me.

Turmeric - beneficial and harmful properties

What is turmeric

Turmeric is a genus of monocotyledonous plants of the ginger family. The rhizomes and stems of many species of this genus contain essential oils and yellow dyes (curcumin) and are cultivated as spices and medicinal plants. The most widely used spice is turmeric longa (other names are home turmeric, turmeric).

Turmeric has been used as a spice for a very long time, more than 2500 years. At first it was used only in Indochina and India, where it was also grown. Later she was recognized by residents of other countries.

The spice itself is powder yellow color- obtained from the root. The root itself is covered with a very hard peel, underneath it there is a rich orange pulp.

Due to the properties of turmeric, similar to saffron, it was given a second name - Indian saffron.

Turmeric - beneficial properties

Translated from Latin, turmeric means the dignity of the earth.

The composition of turmeric is vitamins B, A, C, E, K, D, as well as iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc. But you shouldn’t consider turmeric as a source of vitamins and microelements, since it is still a spice and is used in small quantities.

Turmeric is more interesting because of other substances that, even in minute quantities, can have a healing effect. These are essential oils and their components, including Special attention deserves curcumin.

Curcumin is a natural coloring agent that turns foods yellow and Orange color. The food additive E100 is made from it, which is added when making cheeses, butter, margarine, yogurt, mayonnaise, giving the products a marketable appearance. This food additive is approved in Russia ( Customs Union EAEU), Ukraine, European Union. It is considered safe and even beneficial.

So what are the beneficial properties of turmeric, or rather curcumin, because it is what gives turmeric its healing properties.

According to scientists, curcumin has antiviral, antiarthritic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antitumor properties, and stimulates the immune system.

All this allows the use of curcumin-based preparations, as well as turmeric as folk remedy in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

The list of beneficial properties of turmeric is quite extensive:

  • turmeric normalizes blood pressure
  • protects blood vessels from atherosclerosis
  • strengthens the heart muscle
  • normalizes kidney function
  • cleanses the blood and improves its circulation
  • reduces bad cholesterol levels
  • turmeric protects the liver from toxins and from the harmful effects of medications when taken for a long time
  • has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, reduces the secretion and acidity of gastric juice, has an antiulcer effect
  • helps with diarrhea and flatulence
  • turmeric is effective for inflammation of the gallbladder, prevents stone formation in gallbladder
  • improves digestion, especially when eating heavy foods
  • reduces cravings for sweets and fatty foods, which makes it possible to use turmeric for weight loss
  • Turmeric is an excellent natural antibiotic, and its use in this capacity does not worsen the condition of the gastrointestinal tract
  • helps increase the body's resistance to various types of infections
  • It is useful to use turmeric for migraines and headaches associated with liver disease
  • The diuretic properties of turmeric contribute to the rapid removal of harmful substances from the body
  • the antiseptic properties of turmeric can relieve sore throat, remove mucus, and disinfect inflamed mucous membranes
  • turmeric stops bleeding, heals wounds, relieves swelling in injuries
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of joints, reduces pain and inflammation in arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism
  • turmeric is indicated for diabetes
  • is an excellent preventative against Alzheimer's disease (senile dementia)
  • scientific experiments have shown that, exhibiting antitumor activity, curcumin is able to stop the growth and development of tumors and cause the death of tumor cells.
  • in India, turmeric is considered a means of preserving youth and beauty, and is widely used there as cosmetic product: improves complexion, cleanses skin, opens sweat glands

Methods of using turmeric in folk medicine

  • I’ll start right away with “golden milk”, since I remembered it. This milk helps with diseases of the joints and spine, restores intervertebral lubrication, removes calcium deposits, restores the capillary network of blood vessels, cleanses them, improves protective properties the body, strengthens the immune system, removes toxins and waste from the body, improves complexion, rejuvenates the entire body.

Golden milk recipe:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of turmeric
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 tsp. honey

Mix turmeric with water in a small container, put on fire and, stirring constantly, cook for 6-7 minutes. It should work out thick paste brownish color. When the paste has cooled, transfer it to a glass jar, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator. In the evening before going to bed, warm a glass of milk, but do not boil it, and add 1 tsp. turmeric paste. To stir thoroughly. You can drink it like this, or you can put a teaspoon of honey in your mouth and wash it down with “golden milk”. Take “golden milk” for 40 days once a year. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

  • For diarrhea and flatulence – 1/2 tsp. turmeric per 200 ml. water - take before meals.
  • For a cold (fever, cough), grind turmeric with honey 1:1. Take 1/2 tsp. three times a day. You can make a drink - heat a glass of milk well, add 1/8 tsp. turmeric, 1 tsp. honey, mix well and drink immediately. If you burn turmeric powder in a dry frying pan and inhale the smoke, you can cure chronic cough.
  • For joint diseases (arthritis), mix turmeric, honey and ginger 1:1:1 - take 1/2 tsp. 2-3 times a day before meals. You can also prepare an ointment for the treatment of arthritis - add turmeric powder to melted Ghee 1:4 and rub on sore areas. This ointment also helps with muscle and ligament sprains.
  • Sore throat will help relieve gargling solution: 1/2 tsp. turmeric and 1/2 tsp. Stir salt in a glass of warm water.
  • For anemia, take 1/2 tsp 3 times a day. turmeric with the same amount of honey.

Methods of using turmeric in cosmetology

Face mask: 1/2 tsp. Mix turmeric powder with 3 tbsp. l. yogurt, apply the mask to the face, neck, and décolleté. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse with water.

In addition, I suggest watching the video

Ways to use turmeric in cooking

Turmeric has a spicy, subtle aroma and a slightly pungent, slightly rough taste. It is used in the preparation of various dishes and is combined with various spices. But it must be used in small quantities, since even a small overdose can worsen the taste of the dish. It is recommended to use 2-3 g. turmeric for 5-6 servings.

Turmeric goes well with dishes made from cereals, legumes, and vegetables, and gives poultry broths a pungency and a beautiful color.

The spice is added to pilaf immediately before adding rice, after the meat is completely cooked. The average norm is 0.25 tsp. for 1 kg of rice.

Turmeric gives baked goods a golden color and allows the products to stay fresh longer without going stale.

In Asian countries, turmeric is added to water before boiling, to oil for frying, to flour in which fish or other products are rolled.

Turmeric is an essential component of the curry mixture.

Turmeric - harmful properties

Turmeric is safe in small quantities, but excessive consumption can be harmful.

If you have any chronic diseases and are using medicinal preparations, you should consult your doctor before using turmeric as it has interesting property– enhance the effects of other substances.

Turmeric should not be used for gallstones and severe blockage of the bile ducts. Turmeric is an excellent choleretic agent, but if you start using it during an exacerbation, you will probably get a negative result.

Turmeric thins the blood, so it is not compatible with anticoagulants, which are prescribed, for example, for varicose veins or heart attack.

Turmeric should not be used for acute jaundice and acute hepatitis.

Use with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Children can consume turmeric after 5 years of age.

Another disadvantage of turmeric is that it does not wash well from clothes, do not forget about this when you use it. IN ancient india Turmeric was used not only as a food dye, but also as a textile dye.

Here is such an interesting plant - turmeric. I’m sure that if you don’t use it yet, like me, for example, then after learning about the beneficial and harmful properties of turmeric and how to use it, you will pay attention to this spice.

P.S. When the turmeric root dries out a little, it literally turns to stone, so it’s better to buy it already crushed. Turmeric quickly absorbs foreign odors and also loses color when exposed to sunlight, so buy it in sealed packages. Store turmeric powder in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid, away from direct light. The shelf life of turmeric is 2-3 years.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.