Venturing onto an unexplored foreign planet is a bit like emigrating, but instead of immediately setting up a bank account, renting a flat, and/or hiring a car your primary is concern is, well, staying alive. In interstellar sandbox adventure [official site ] there are plenty of moon-bound monsters out to get you from the off – be that of the biome, procedurally-generated or unique variety – so it's absolutely essential your house/ship/pithy gathering of dirt and mud is in order quick snap.

Luckily, Starbound packs quite the selection of mods to help that along. The following should give you an extra leg-up before the extra-terrestrials get you.

Inventory Interface Redone and Weapons Stats

By Tatsu and Tripod respectively

Inventory Interface Redone is a handy mod to install early on which reconfigures how your inventory interface is displayed. As can be seen in the header image above, by rotating the items pane and running it vertically on one side allows enough space for text identifiers to fit alongside the five main criteria. With that slight adjustment, everything else suddenly feels like it’s in the right place, and what at first may seem like a pretty insignificant tweak makes juggling your inventory so much easier over time.

Once the critters come calling, you’ll want your finest weapons at hand too. Weapons Stats displays item level, the damage per second (DPS) and the damage per energy (DPE) for swords and guns. This is based on raw damage only – therefore abilities and combo attacks aren’t factored in – however this is a neat quality of life mod that should help you organize your offensive.

Container UI Tweak and Improved Containers

By By Lunchghost and v6 respectively

The Monica Geller-level of clerical organization continues with both Container UI Tweak and Improved Containers.

First the former, which is another superficial display tweak that separates your inventory and containers windows with a much wider margin offered by the game’s v1.1. “This mod changes four pixels (as standard in v1.1) to 160 pixels, which means you must manually move the inventory window to the left once,” reads the creator’s blurb. It’s worth noting that, unfortunately, the Container UI tweak isn’t compatible with the aforementioned Inventory Interface mod. While I personally prefer the one listed above, I like this one enough to recommend it here on the off-chance you lean this way instead.

Improved Containers simply allows containers to be renamed, sorted and quick stacked which should boost your organizational needs to no end.

Compact Crops, Craftable Seeds and Efficient Watering

By Kave Johnson, Neo and zecra respectively

Right, now all of that boring secretarial stuff is out of the way let’s get onto the fun stuff. Like gardening. Hey, you guys and gals gotta eat. And if you wanna survive… look, we spoke about this already. Anyway, Compact Crops halves the required space for large horizontal-lying crops that in essence makes for more crops on less land.

Following this, Craftable Seeds allows you to create all seeds and certain saplings – not to mention new Mushroom Seeds and Thorny Plant Seeds; and new saplings from Alienfruit, Mushrooms, Coconuts, Red Apples, and Plant Fiber – directly from crops and fruits. Simply open the new ‘Seed Maker’, craftable via your Inventor’s Table, and create away to your heart’s content.

Then of course you have Efficient Watering. There’s perhaps not another Starbound mod out there that is so simple yet so satisfying. It lets you water your crops without those pesky cool-down times. It decreases the overall time it takes to water crops. And, crucially, it lets you water while walking. Perfect.

Earth's Finest – Crew Improvements and Instant Crafting

By Mickyan and v6 respectively

Okay, so it’s finally time to seek some help out in the celestial wilderness, but everyone you’ve happened upon so far is completely handless. Enter Earth's Finest, a mod that improves the crew system by greatly increasing the strength and services of your entourage. With balance in mind, each class gets treated to their own unique stats making crew choice top priority.

Outlaws, for example, receive reduced health and regeneration capabilities, however can deal greater damage, have increased invulnerability time after being struck, and can run faster than before. Likewise, Soldiers are afforded higher damage rates, and increased health. “Additionally, your tailor will now consider your head slot items for your crew’s uniform,” says the mod’s creator, which is a nice touch.

With Instant Crafting, you can put your newly-formed motley crew to work. Much similar to how crafting functioned in Starbound’s earliest days, Instant Crafting disables the more recently introduced timer on crafting tables so that everything you turn your hand to is created instantly.

Explorerpod, XS Mechs – Vehicle Edition and ZZ Mech Modifications

By Lukky, lophatkao and ZimaZang respectively

Now, onto the real fun stuff.

Once you've settled on your once foreign planet, how are you planning to further explore? You could use the hoverbikes Starbound offers as standard. But you’re BETTER using Lukky’s Explorerpod mod which adds a host of two-seater Explorerpod vehicles that can be claimed via Penguin Pete’s Vehicle Lot in exchange for a healthy sum of pixels. Oh, and not only can these hovercrafts skoot from surface-to-air-to-space – they can also dive deep as fully-submersible ships.

But then again, is this is the best way to get around? I mean, what if you get attacked while flying around in the pod? Wouldn’t it be nice to ensure your safety too? Of course it would, which is where both XS Mechs and ZZ Mech Mods come in. The former adds a suite of ultra-cool mechs which boast lasers and turrets and cannons and skull heads and rail guns and whole range of other artillery and neat designs. ZZ Mech Mods then asks: “Love using XS Mechs? Ever wish your mech could stand out from the stock mechs? Then look no further,” before adding even more mechs to the mix.

To gain access to this, you’ll first need to have completed Floran boss mission, before visiting Penguin Pete who’ll offer a new quest. Ultimately, he points you in the direction of an illegal mech dealer – who deals in special weapons, mech, and a mech recolouring scheme. Be warned, though, the dealer ain’t cheap.

The gaming community around Starbound is growing every day, as is usually the case with the best virtual sandboxes.

And although the game is still in early access mode, many mods have already been released for it, allowing you to diversify game process, make it brighter and fit your favorite theme. Here are the ten best mods among all that were created by enthusiasts who loved Starbound.

Before I go directly to the list, I recommend downloading the Starbound Mod Manager utility. Officially, the game does not support mods, but this amateur application will help you install your favorite extension or add-on. It just needs to indicate the location of the Starbound files. By default, the game is located in the Steam folder: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound”.

Once you install the program, unpacking new mods will be fairly quick. Simply drag and drop the downloaded archives into the Mod Manager main menu. If the mod is compatible with the utility, it will automatically unpack the files, allowing you to install or remove the mod in just one click.

This mod can be called more a suitable name– “A collection of cheats for all cheaters.” In fact, Creative Mode allows you to create materials for construction or for terraforming the next planet to turn it into a real paradise. But at the same time, the mod gives players unlimited possibilities for creating items. In the crafting menu you will find a “Giant Chest”, inside of which there is an item generator, items to unlock technologies, a Super Manipulator and much more. The mod does an excellent job of its task, simultaneously turning you into an all-powerful hero.

Given the theme of the most popular mods in Starbound, most of the most useful ones have fairly modest designs. They should be treated as something routine (like filling out tax returns or checking a car), which will help avoid unnecessary problems in the future.
Similar mods include Tabula Rasa. The mod adds a huge obsidian tablet to the crafting menu, giving access to things from other mods. This allows you to avoid conflicts between several simultaneously installed mods. If you need items from recently released mods, it is best to install Tabula Rasa first.

There are quite a few mods for Starbound that add new races, and only you can decide which ones are worth downloading. Perhaps you want to become, or? It all depends on your preferences. But before that, be sure to install this mod, which allows you to switch between races. It adds new slots to the hero creation menu, where generated characters will be entered.

Personally, I like the simple "Mod Races" menu provided in Simple Extended Character Creation. But if you run out of slots, then install Xbawks-mode Character Creator by Kawa, where you will find a more advanced alternative.

The fourth mod on this list, and we're only just getting to the giant robots? I apologize for the delay. I hope the firepower of the heroes from XS Corporation Mechs can make up for my guilt. In this mod, six new huge mechanical robotic suits appear in the Starbounds costume selection menu. They look great, and each of them has a unique set of skills and weapons. For example, the Sigma Mech can fire a volley of bombs, while the Rho Mech offers the player a gravity beam that sucks enemies into deadly streams of plasma. At the same time, for each costume it is necessary to collect certain materials, which somewhat complicates the process.


If Animal Crossing and Wildstar (and the whole concept of Ikea) have taught us anything, it's that people are happy to spend hours selecting, purchasing, and assembling furniture. The Pixel Goods Store mod brings this philosophy into the world of Starbound, adding a store to the game with a ton of furniture and decorative elements to decorate your buildings.

Here you can buy absolutely everything: from beds, chairs, kitchen utensils and electronics to things special for each race. In total, the mod contains 300 new items. Most of them are ordinary design elements, but they can nevertheless add variety to your home.

Starbound instruments can make beautiful music in in capable hands, but this requires a lot of effort. First you need to find the staff for the selected melody. And then you have to look for a suitable musical instrument throughout the universe. But there is a nice alternative: you just need to install the Mighty Music mod to instantly open hundreds of melodies and several instruments.

It contains 2,000 melodies collected from various games, films, TV series and anime. Concerning musical instruments, new synthesizers, drums and, suddenly, a can of beans await you.

Starbound already has a lot of caves - in randomly generated labyrinths you can find hostile creatures and useful objects. In any case, new caves will definitely not harm you; or rather, they will harm, but they will offer quite interesting tasks. This is why many people fell in love with the Dungeoneer Dungeons mod. It increases the likelihood of generating another cave - both large and small. And inside you may find either another mini-boss or a real military base literally teeming with enemies. The mod also adds a volcano to the game, which, as the developers themselves point out, is notable for the fact that “it’s not really a cave, but just a huge and cool volcano.”

Vanilla Starbound has several main NPCs, but if you want your ship to look more alive, then you should download this mod. It adds an entirely new crew, each member with special skills and unique personalities. Moreover, each of them must first be saved by going through a chain of quests in the caves. These quests start after you defeat Dreadwing on the tutorial level, and add an element of variety to the game.

Note: Due to the new mod files in the 'universe' directory, it is not compatible with the Starbound Mod Manager utility and must be installed manually.

In Starbound, by default there are already a lot of flora and fauna on each planet, but Variety is the spice of the Universe increases their number several times. It adds 50 new planets with unique vegetation and animals, new weather effects and even melodies. It also adds planets without oxygen, meaning you'll have to build a special protective suit to appreciate the full splendor of the new planets.

Note: due to the addition of new types of vegetation and animals, this mod may conflict with others. Before installing it compatibility with other mods.

The Dye Pack mod will allow you to add bright colors to all virtual worlds. Through the new Dye Station terminal menu you can change the color of almost any item or material. This mod supports not only standard game clothing, weapons, objects and blocks, but also those presented in other mods, including in the Pixel Goods Store.

It is worth adding that this mod works great in multiplayer. There is even a special version called Vanilla Compatible Server Edition, which allows owners of the Dye Pack mod to fully use its functionality, and server visitors do not even have to download this mod.

Unlocks a wealth of options and resources that will allow you to mold any and all planets to your liking. Terraform them, turn them into your personal kingdoms, make them prisons, whatever you like.

Simple Extended Character Creation Mod

This actually makes it easier for you to keep track of all the races you’ve downloaded for your game. More slots make it easier for you to choose, and there are some more customization options as well.

XS Corporation Mechs

Step up your combat in Starbound by to the action. There are several different types, each with their own abilities and design so you can pick the perfect machine for each occasion.

Knight Artorias Gear From Dark Souls

This particular mod actually provides more than just one set of gear to use in Starbound. You’ll have access to Knight Artorias, Ornstein, and Smough gear so you can be a nightmare to any that opposes you out in space.

Looking for a cool beast to ride while you explore the galaxy? This mod adds 150 unique mounts for land, sea, and air. Each one has its own attacks and animations so you can find the perfect one for you.

Pixel Goods Store

Tired of your homes across Starbound’s galaxies looking plain? Why not sprinkle them up with some premier decorations from the ? Here you can buy something perfect for that special room or even add some style to an entire planet.

Peculiar Planets

Think that the game is too easy or looking for a more engaging endgame? should be one of the first mods you check out then, as it will add sub-biomes to planets that need them, tougher planets, and other challenges.

Starbound doesn't really dial it up in the graphics department, so if you're looking for a bit more pop in the visuals mod which enhances contrast, colors, and bloom.

Maybe you don’t want to just go an outright cheat. Perhaps you just need a bit of help, especially with locating loot. makes chests glow so they’re easier to spot and even color-codes them so you know what you’re in for.

Frackin Universe

Is the mod you want if you’ve played through Starbound and want an entirely new experience. There are tons of features to enjoy (far too many to list), so just dive in and enjoy the game in a brand new way.

Tired of using the same old structures and machines? The TS Technologies mod adds new technology for you to build that offer new abilities such as turning crops and carcasses to fuel and dirt into ore.

Halobound – Complete HALO Mod

This mod introduces a bunch of new weapons and gear based on the HALO universe.

You’ve already spent hours upon hours searching planets full of different fauna and flora. Now it’s time to search a cold technical planet full of unpredictable threats and features. This mod is a perfect way to mix up the exploratory gameplay of Starbound.

Placeable Atmostphere Generator

Building bases on asteroids isn’t advised mostly due to the fact that you can’t breathe on one, nor can you grow any crops. The solves that problem, allowing you to generate a bubble of breathable air that will allow for a bit of life on that hurtling rock of yours.

Weapons of Starwars

This mod gives you exactly what the title states, fully functional weapons based on the Star Wars universe. Take over the galaxy and make the Imperial forces proud.

As happens with all the best sandbox game, a huge and creative community has attached itself to Starbound. While the game's still in Early Access, through the use of mods you can expand it into something more varied, more vibrant, and specifically tailored to what you want it to be. Here are ten of the best mods, chosen from the many now available in Starbound's .

Before we get to the mods, first download the Starbound Mod Manager. The game doesn't yet offer official mod support, but this third-party application does a great job of installing the files for you. It doesn't matter where you install it, as long as you tell it the location of your Starbound install . You"ll most likely find that in your Steam directory, by default in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound".

Once it"s set up, you can install new mods by dragging and dropping their zip files into the main window of the Mod Manager. If compatible, it"ll automatically unpack the files, and let you install or remove them with a single click .

Creative Mode

Or, to give this mod the alternative title I just made up, "hello, I"m a massive cheating cheat" mode. Ostensibly, Creative Mode allows you to spawn building materials for the purpose of terraforming a chosen planet into a paradise of your own design. But in addition, it puts complete god-like power into a selection of handy workstations. The mod"s "Ultimate Box" is available for free inside the crafting menu, and inside you"ll find an item spawner, Tech unlocker, Super Manipulator, and more. It "s great for its stated purpose, and also for turning you into an instant badass of unstoppable power.

The Tabula Rasa

Due to the type of mods popular in Starbound, some of the most useful downloads are almost entirely administrative in their design. This, admittedly, is not very exciting, but—like filing your taxes or regularly checking your oil—opens up the potential for hassle-free future excitement.

Tabula Rasa is both administrative and essential. It adds a giant obsidian tablet to the crafting menu that gives instant access to items added by other mods. It"s a great way to cut down on the confusion that can be caused by multiple installations. If there"s an extra you need, you"ll almost certainly find it here.

Simple Extended Character Creation Mod

The fourth mod in this list and we"re only just getting to the giant mechs? I know, I"m sorry. Hopefully the massive firepower offered by XS Corporation Mechs will make up for the delay. It bolsters Starbounds limited mech selection with an additional six hulking power-suits. As well as looking brilliant, each has a unique set of abilities and weapons. The Sigma Mech, for instance, offers a huge cluster-bomb attack, while the Rho Mech features a “Graviton” beam that pulls enemies into range of its powerful plasma lathe. The materials required for each Tech schematic ensures they aren't (too) overpowered.

Pixel Goods Store

If Animal Crossing, Wildstar and the entire concept Ikea prove anything, it"s that people will happily spend hours painstakingly choosing, buying and arranging furniture. The Pixel Goods Store brings that philosophy into Starbound, with a special store that contains a variety of furnishings and decor to compliment your constructions.

With it you can buy items ranging from beds, chairs, appliances and electronics, as well as a selection of things themed around each race. In all, there are over 300 new items included. Many of them are completely non-functional, but they nevertheless expand your potential to add personality to your home.

Top best and most popular mods for Starbound according to users of our site. To find out the details of the mod, read its description and if it interests you, in order to download it, click on the “Details” button. By the number of views under the image or by its place in the top, you can understand how popular the mod is.
Not forget to leave commentsto maps and mods, this really helps other users, and the admin is also pleased that there is activity on his site:3

Mod FrackinUniverse 5.0.44 for Starbound which is easy to install, since all add-ons are collected in one file. The mod adds a lot of new things, namely weapons, armor, locations, plant types and more.

A new race of Dragons that look very cool and have their own set of armor, weapons, their own ship and even a pet in their arsenal.

Twi'leks are a race of humanoids from the Star Wars universe who are similar to humans, but have a different skin color and characteristic tentacles on their heads.

Here is the Immersive Weapons mod that will increase your combat arsenal with new types of weapons. There are several types of weapons, the mechanics of each of which vary.

Mod for Starbound which will add new race for which you can start the game. At start there is a standard character generation, so you can customize your appearance. The race looks very cool, like a mixture of dragons and other reptiles, and these creatures are called Avali.

Bleed Weapons is a mod that adds several guns from the game Bleed, some of which are quite imbalanced.

Adds two types of katana with a faded gradient texture. It cannot be crafted or found anywhere except for purchase.

The player will be able to use a deck of cards as a weapon, throwing individual cards at the enemy. This weapon acts like a regular throwing weapon, but through the admin panel you can add the ability to shoot an entire deck.

A little piece of technology that allows you to transform into 12 different objects! Using this trick, when playing online, you can become invisible to other players.

The RailLock mod was developed for multiplayer and allows you to block the wheels of vehicles on rails.

Madtulips Modded Blocks mod adding new blocks from which you can make beautiful floors and platforms for your spaceship.

This mod adds a cool huge ship that has everything necessary for a large friendly team to live.

Leah Enhanced Dialogue increases the number of dialogues with characters and adds dialogue to those who previously could say one or two boring phrases.

The mod will add a race with an original appearance to new characters similar to insects. They have their own goodies and a cool bike (vehicle) in their arsenal.

A race of lizards, or dragons, with a full set of accessories including weapons and NPCs.

Penguins are incredibly clumsy and adorable creatures never before seen in Starbound. But thanks to The Penguin Piracy Mod V5, they will appear.

A simple mod that will add a new race with a custom ship. They are a humanoid race, similar to Furies, with cute sprites and an animated tail.

Great modification for Starbound to a new race Kirhos version 0.38. You will like beautifully drawn and bright characters and you will be able to create the same one for yourself. The author tried to create his characters in the cyberpunk style, you can judge for yourself how successful he was.

For the operation of many mods related to character appearance editor you need to download Xbawks Character Extender 3.8.1. This is a special add-on that adds new buttons into which the appearance styles of characters from the mods you add will be placed.

You are all familiar with the Star Wars universe, and this mod adds various elements from Star Wars. From the most obvious it will be lightsabers. Moreover, the swords will be of different shapes, from classic to light saber.

Skelekin Race Mod 1.2.1 adds skeleton race- creatures consisting of bones and rotting flesh. Essentially, this is a race of undead with flexible appearance customization.

For now mod for Starbound - Arachne Race includes a new race of arachnids, outwardly they are spiders with human bodies, invisible fabric, as well as an additional type of armor.

A Starbound mod for a hybrid race whose appearance is very flexibly customizable. These creatures are unlike anyone else and each new character is different from the previous one.

A mod that will significantly expand the arsenal of weapons in Starbound. It adds different types of weapons, ranging from long halberds, swords and axes to small blades, daggers and shurikens.

Handheld torches Adds a torch that can be held in one hand and can be placed in a smaller range than the matter manipulator (~10 blocks).

The most famous and sought after mod for the game Starbound which allows you to use any things in the game. That is, with the help Creative Mode You can create any thing on the map. This mod is ideal for those who were looking for where to download a map with all the things for Starbound, and this add-on can be used in any map.

Replaces human ships with ships of other races. Select one .pak file from the archive and place it in your mods folder. Don't use more than one.

A weapon and armor mod inspired by the game Super Smash Brothers. All new weapons can be created on the Smash Table.

On our website you can download mods of various directions, but some of the most popular are mods for races in Starbound with the appropriate additions in the form of weapons and armor. And here is the Kazdra mod version 0.3.0, which adds the Draconid race.

A new gun that will allow you to paint objects in different colors. Not bad for improving the decor of a ship, or you can just run around with it and have fun shooting at everything.

A magnificent modification called Felins 3.6.3 which adds new race fluffy cats V Starbound. The great thing is that you can create a tailed character in the character editor and customize his appearance as desired.

A great mod that will add divine weapons and any of them can be crafted on a regular anvil.

A very cool Starbound mod for almost endless dungeons. Dungeons will be found literally everywhere, going deep into the bowels of the planet.

Adventure Shop Inventory will allow you to modify the inventory of Marlon's shop in the Adventure Guild. You can change weapons, rings, hats and other items based on how rich you are.

Merchants stocks change 1.3 is a very useful mod that will replace goods from merchants with new ones every in-game day or every 17 minutes of real time.

Here is a wonderful mod for the game Starbound which will add a companion known to many from the cartoon universe Gravity Falls. We are, of course, talking about one of the most interesting and funny characters named Bill Slate. This creature looks like a pyramid with a hat and one eye. Finding this creature is not at all difficult, just know that after installing the mod, it will appear in your ship, and talk to it there.

Mod for Starbound which will allow you to create deadly weapon in the form of cyborgs. There are 4 types of robots to choose from, each with its own arsenal of weapons. Some species are more mobile, and some have weapons with enormous firepower, but are less agile. Overall, this mod is a great way to get some fun, since you won’t find anything like it in the original game.

Experience Bars This is a small script that slightly changes the interface and adds a bar (table) with experience where it is easy to monitor it.

Bounty Hunters Arsenal- Bounty Hunter's Arsenal is a mod that will add a lot of new weapons to Starbound. Meet 37 new guns of various calibers, range and power. Whether you are a pro or a beginner, you will definitely find a suitable weapon for yourself, firearms or bladed weapons, because there are also many swords in fashion.