Naryzhnaya Tatyana Mikhailovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 27
Locality: Nevinnomyssk
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: "Didactic games for individual work with children in the preparatory school group"
Publication date: 02.06.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Guidelines for parents
“Didactic games for individual work with children in the preparatory group for school” 1
Target. Practice selecting words for certain sounds. Children are offered chains of sounds. They determine the sound named in the poem. The teacher names both vowels and consonants (soft, hard) sounds. The game is accompanied by various poems. Children stand in a circle. The teacher reads the poem: Let’s all clap our hands together, If we hear the sound [y]. We will give up on other sounds and walk in a circle, one after another. Then the teacher names individual sounds (chain of sounds). Equipment. Pictures with a given sound in the title (in this case with the sound [m]) and without it. The teacher reads a poem: Bunny learned sounds, Bunny forgot sounds. Then our little bunny began to cry. A kitten came up to him and said: “Don’t cry, oblique, we’ll learn the sounds with you, [m]here you hear - clap loudly, and even stomp your foot.” After reading the poem, the teacher shows pictures, and the children complete the task. Game option. The teacher names only words (without visual accompaniment). Target. Develop phonemic awareness; consolidate the pronunciation of different sounds in words. 2
Equipment. A ball of thread. Children stand (sit) in a circle. The teacher gives a ball, for example, to the girl Katya and says: Katya walked along the path, Found a ball of threads, Small ball, scarlet threads. If you say words starting with [w], you won’t break our thread. Katya says the first word with the sound [sh], then passes the ball to the child standing next to her. He also names the word with the given sound. Thus, the ball goes in a circle. Note. The games consider all sounds (vowels, hard and soft consonants). Before the game starts, the teacher clarifies how the named animals and insects move and what songs they sing. The bears waddle and shout loudly: “M-mm-mm-y.” (The children walk, swaying from side to side; their legs are set wide.) The mice walk on their toes, quietly squeaking: “Peep-pee-pee.” (Children walk on their toes; arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest.) Little midges fly quickly, ringing thinly: “E-and-and-and.” (Easy run, arms to the sides.) Next, the teacher names the characters in any order. Children move, imitating the movements and sounds of a given character. “Bears, mice, midges” (new version). The teacher divides the children into three subgroups (“Who wants to be bears? mice? midges?”). Names characters in different sequences. The corresponding subgroup of children imitates the actions and sounds of the hero. The teacher invites the children to stand up, put their hands on their belts and reminds them of the rules: “If you hear a vowel sound, then tilt to the right; If you hear a consonant sound, then tilt to the left.” Next, the teacher pronounces different sounds. The tilt is performed after each spoken sound: [a], [k], [o], [g], [y], |i|, [x], [s], [k], [e], [a] , [y], [k], [g], [y]. 3
Target. Practice identifying syllables in a word. The teacher says to the children: We will choose words with you. You start, and I continue. We select words consisting of two syllables. Children (one at a time) V o s p i t a t e l a-a-a- -ist sa- -har ka- -sha Etc. Game options A) The teacher says to the children: We will choose words with you . I should start, and you should continue. We select two-syllable words. Educator Children (one by one) goat; -sa; -ra; -ni ro-ga; -behind; -sa pi- -la; -sha Etc. B) Work in pairs. The teacher says to the children: You will choose the words yourself. One starts, the other continues. We select two-syllable words. C i b l i d B i l d c l i m o n; -sa; -pa va- -gon; -for the bath- -nya; -nan Etc. Work with words consisting of three syllables is carried out in a similar way. Target. Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables. Children can work in pairs. There are (many) pictures laid out on the carpet, face down. Children take pictures and draw diagrams for them. For example: fox (-------); she-bear (--------); hare (--), etc. The game is played for a time: 2-3 minutes - completing the task, 2-3 minutes - 4
examination. In conclusion, the winners can be determined.
spruce. Strengthen children's ideas about genus-species relationships (working with general concepts). The teacher takes turns throwing the ball to the children. At the same time, he pronounces one of the generic concepts. The child, having caught the ball, must select the specific concept. Generic concepts may be repeated. For example: fish - crucian carp, fish - catfish, fish - pike, etc.; clothes - jacket, clothes - coat, clothes - trousers, etc.; bird - jackdaw, bird - crow, bird - sparrow, etc.; furniture - bed, furniture - sofa, furniture - chair, etc.; an animal is a ferret, an animal is a bear, an animal is a dog, etc.; dishes - pan, dishes - cup, dishes - plate, etc.; flower - carnation, flower - rose, flower - chamomile, etc.; raspberries, berries - currants, apples, fruits - bananas, vegetables, etc.; berry - viburnum, berry, etc.; fruits - pear, fruit, etc.; pine, etc. tree - maple, tree - birch, tree, etc. Purpose. Practice using plural nouns. Children take turns taking a stick in their hand and touching different objects (pictures) with it. In this case, the child must name the object at which he points with the stick in the singular). The rest of the children name the same object plural. For example: chair - chairs; doll - dolls; machine - cars, etc. Periodically, the teacher takes a wand and asks the children more complex names of objects (bucket - buckets; ring - rings, etc.). Target. Practice using plural nouns. The teacher names objects in the singular, and the children - in 5
plural. The teacher invites the children to make binoculars from fists. He says that their binoculars are unusual: if the teacher looks into the distance, he sees only one object, but the children see many objects with their binoculars. - Let's look through binoculars and tell us who sees what. Educator: I see a car, a plum, a watermelon, a book, a shirt, a window, a bucket, a ring, a tree, a dress, a chair, a berry. Children (in chorus): We see cars, plums, watermelons, books, shirts, windows, buckets, rings, trees, dresses, chairs, berries. Note. For children 6-7 years old, the simplest versions of plural words end in -ы and -и. Most complex options words end in -a and -ya. Target. Exercise children in agreeing adjectives with nouns. The teacher (possibly together with the children) makes several glasses from cardboard and transparent film. The film is painted with diluted colored ink. The teacher invites the children to put on glasses and look around. At the same time, children say what and in what color they see. Children change glasses, the exercise is repeated. Target. To train children in the ability to change words using diminutive suffixes. The teacher names the words, and the children form a diminutive form from them. Educator Children (in chorus) cake cake brother brother umbrella umbrella bridge bridge cat cat mouth mouth leaf leaf bag bag tail ponytail Goal. Intensify the use of prepositions with spatial 6
meaning and adverbs (far, close, high, low). The teacher takes a piece of paper (on a string) and travels around the group with the children. - The leaf is flying, flying. How? (High, low.) The leaf flies and flies up to one object, then to another. To what (to whom) did the leaf fly? (To the window, table, doll, car, Petya, Dasha, etc.) The leaf sits down and rests. Where did the leaf land (fly)? (On a window, shelf, table, chair, closet, nose, hand, etc.; under a table, chair, bench, miracle tree, etc.; in a desk drawer, bucket, bag, pocket, etc. .) Note. A similar game is played with a feather, a ball of cotton wool, a snowflake, a butterfly, a bird, etc. Children continue to be taught:  pronounce 4-6 separate syllables on one exhalation (woof-woof-woof-woof, chick-chick-chick-chick-chick t . P.); 3-5-syllable words (car, frying pan, bicycle, construction, electricity, mood, etc.);  pronounce phrases of 3-4, 4-5, 5-6 words together - with a short inhalation and a long exhalation. Work continues on differentiated breathing: inhale through the mouth, exhale through the mouth; inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose; inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose. Breathing exercises must be carried out systematically; include them not only in speech gymnastics, but also in daily life, in classes on various types of activities. 1st option. Target. Exercise children in the ability to pronounce 3-4 syllables in one exhalation. The teacher tells nursery rhymes together with the children (2-3 times). Educator. Our chickens through the window... Children (inhale). Ko-ko-ko! (Inhale.) Co-co-co! Educator. And how Petya the Cockerel will sing to us early in the morning... Children (inhale). Ku-ka-re-ku! Educator. Our ducks in the morning... Children (inhale). Quack-quack-quack! (Inhale.) Quack-quack-quack! Educator. Our geese by the pond... Children (inhale). Ha-ha-ha! (Inhale.) Ha-ga-ha! 2nd option. Target. Learn to pronounce a phrase with a short inhalation and a long exhalation. The teacher recites a poem with the children. 7
Educator. Hey, Vanyusha, look... Children (inhale). We blow bubbles. Educator. Red, blue, light blue. Children (inhale). Choose any one for yourself! Children recite in teams B. Zakhoder’s poem “Kiskino Grief” (one line is said by the first team, another line by the second team). Children are divided into teams as follows: according to their wishes; for boys and girls. 1st team. Pussy is crying in the corridor. 2nd team. She is in great grief. 1st team. Evil people poor Kiska... 2nd team. They don't let you steal sausages! Target. Practice all types of differentiated breathing (inhale through the mouth, exhale through the mouth; inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose; inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth; inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose). When performing the exercise, you can use different options: - collective performance of exercises according to the teacher’s instructions (“I’ll now listen to the breast. We inhaled through the mouth, and now we exhaled through the mouth, too. Once again. And again. And now I’ll listen to the back. We inhaled through the mouth and exhaled.” or with your mouth. Once again. And once again" - this is how all breathing options are played); - performing exercises in pairs according to the teacher’s instructions (one child listens to the other, and then they change roles). Practice pronouncing 3-4 syllables or words consisting of three to four syllables on one exhalation (“Mice - pi-pi-pi-pi”; “Cockerel - ku-ka-re-ku”; words airplane, TV, ant, refrigerator, etc.). The teacher invites the children to play with their fingers and show different animals. - The bunny has big ears. Here they are (exercise “Hare”). Goats have long horns. Here they are (exercise “Goat”). And children have fast and dexterous fingers. They can quickly turn a bunny into a goat and vice versa. (Children perform the “Goat - Hare” exercise 10-12 times, first at a slow pace, and then at a fast pace.) 8
The teacher gives the children peas (beads) and invites them to play a game. Children take a pea into a pinch and roll it between their fingers. The exercise is accompanied by poems (children recite a poem in chorus and do the exercise): We remember a pea in two fingers, We will sing about a green pea. Roll, little pea, out the window, Roll, little pea, into our little basket. You roll, pea, on the table, Entertain the children, pea. After playing, children put their peas (beads) into a cup.
Used to develop fine motor skills
beading, modeling, designing from paper and small Lego constructors, as well as
(225 parts, rectangular field. Development of imagination, creativity, thinking, perception, perseverance, fine motor skills).
(160 parts, round field. Development of imagination, creativity, thinking, perception, perseverance, fine motor skills of the hand). Logic game "Snake".
Speech games, exercises, tasks.
Target. Consolidate children's achievements in various areas of speech development. Teachers select specific material themselves from numerous teaching aids, taking into account the specifics and dynamics speech development children of the group. Our group has the following printed board games available. 1.
“I will become an excellent student”
the formation of the idea that vowels are indicated in red, voiceless consonants in green, and voiced consonants in blue. Strengthen the ability to find a given sound in a word, create examples, tasks, learn to read words and syllables. 2.
“We consider

development of visual perception, attention, counting and reading skills. 3. Lotto game
mastering sound-letter analysis, practicing reading, counting the number of letters in a word. 4. Lotto
“We played with the sound “K””
- fixing the location of a sound in a word, selecting pictures with a given sound. 5. Speech therapy lotto

- consolidation of sound pronunciation, sound automation, differentiation of sounds. 6. Speech therapy lotto

- consolidation of sound pronunciation, sound automation, differentiation of sounds. 9
7. Speech therapy lotto

- consolidation of sound pronunciation, sound automation, differentiation of sounds. 8. First reading
"Trees and Flowers"
- replenishment of knowledge in botany. TEACHING READING. 9. “Bug” we learn to read by letter, pieces of the picture are assembled like a puzzle to form a word. 10. Spelling - memorizing letters, the ability to find and distinguish them and read in words. 11. Speech therapy lotto: study of sound-letter analysis, development of phonemic hearing, attention, memory, thinking. 12. “Divide words into syllables”, syllabic analysis of words, stress. 13. “Development of coherent speech”, composing descriptive statements. 14. “In the world of sounds” development of phonemic hearing. The following games are used to develop and form elementary mathematical concepts:


children learn to navigate within a number series within 20. Example: the neighbors of the number 17 are 16 and 18.
“Who knows, let him keep counting”
consolidation of ordinal counting.
"Change the number."
The teacher gives the task, and the children orally calculate and show the answer using numbers. Example: increase the number 3 by one, decrease the number 8 by 2.



How many".
The teacher shows the items prepared for the game (3 or more buttons) and counts them together with the children. He hides his hands behind his back, places buttons in each hand and clenches his hands into fists. First, children must name the number of buttons in their right hand, then in their left, and then in both hands together, making pronunciation extremely simple. For example: 2 and 1, and together 3. Thus, the composition of the number is fixed. 15.
develop attention, creative thinking, lexicon, consolidating the image of numbers, solving examples and problems. 16.
"How much is missing"
development of attention, speech, thinking, solving examples and problems, learning to draw up the conditions of the problem. 17.
"Learning numbers"
solving examples, consolidating the image of numbers. 18.
consolidation of knowledge about numbers, exercises in counting and solving examples. 19.

consolidation of knowledge about numbers, exercises in counting and solving examples. 10

solving examples, consolidating the image of numbers. 21.
consolidation of quantitative, ordinal counting, image of numbers. 22.
"Mathematics with pictures"
We develop attention, imaginative thinking, vocabulary, consolidation of the image of numbers, solve examples and problems. 23.
“I will become an excellent student”
the formation of the idea that vowels are indicated in red, voiceless consonants in green, and voiced consonants in blue. Strengthen the ability to find a given sound in a word, create examples, tasks, learn to read words and syllables. 24.
“We consider

develop visual perception, attention, counting and reading skills. 25. Geometric Lotto
"Make a figure"
We develop attention, imaginative thinking, vocabulary, imagination. 26.
“Are you ready for school?”
mathematics. Consolidating acquired knowledge, strengthening the ability to respond to asked question complete answer. Children are also offered a card index of tasks for intelligence:
Choose a task for your luck.

Temporary representations
1. In a week there will be a holiday. In how many days will the holiday be? (In seven days.) 2. In two weeks it’s my sister’s birthday. In how many days is your sister's birthday? (In fourteen days.) 3. Name three days in a row, but not the days of the week. (Yesterday, today, tomorrow.) 4. What comes first: yesterday, today or tomorrow? (Yesterday.) 5. Which of these days is the most mysterious? (Tomorrow since it is unknown what will happen.) 6. Which month is the shortest? (February - twenty-eight days; May - only letters in the name.) 7. The names of which two months end with the letter “t”? (Months March and August.) 8. Find superfluous word: today, tomorrow, quickly. (Quickly.) 9. Kostya cut out the image of the apple along the contour after he completed the drawing. What did Kostya do first: cut out an image of an apple or draw an apple? (Drew an apple.) 10. Katya painted the figurine that she sculpted from clay. Tell us in order what Katya did before and what later. (First Katya sculpted 11 from clay
figurine, then painted it.) 11. After the store, mom put all the purchases in their places. What did mom do earlier and what later? (Earlier, mom made her purchases, later she put them in their places.) 12. Who sees whose “tail”: spring is near summer or summer is near spring; winter in autumn or autumn in winter? (Summer is near spring; winter is near autumn.) 13. After the rain, the puddles on the asphalt dried up. What happened first and what came later: puddles, sun, rain? (First there was rain, then puddles, and then sun.) 14. The children made a snowman after the sticky snow fell. What happened before, what happened next, what happened after what? (It snowed earlier, then the children made a snowman; the children made a snowman after the snow fell.) 15. Grandmother made tea when the water in the kettle boiled, and then poured the tea into cups. What was first, what was second, and what was last? (The first was that water boiled in the kettle, the second was that grandmother made tea, the last was that grandmother poured tea into cups.) 16. Aibolit cured hippos whose tummies hurt because they had eaten too many bananas. What happened before and what happened later? (Previously, the hippos ate too many bananas and their tummies hurt, and later Aibolit cured the hippos.) 17. Wet mittens dried out after a ski trip. What happened first, what came next? (First there was a ski trip, during which the mittens got wet, and then the wet mittens dried out.) 18. Sasha went for a walk after he finished his construction. What did Sasha do before: walk or play with building material? (Played with building material.) 19. The children explained that the puddle on the floor was formed by a melted snowman, which they made on a walk. What happened before and what happened later? (Earlier, the children made a snowman, but later it melted and a puddle formed on the floor.)
Choose mathematically correct questions for the problem
■ In one basket there are five porcini mushrooms and russula, in the other basket there are two porcini mushrooms and chanterelles. 1. How many russulas did you collect? 2. How many porcini mushrooms are in one basket? 3. How many porcini mushrooms did you collect? ■ The craftswoman embroidered four towels with red flowers, and two towels with yellow polka dots. 1. How many towels did the craftswoman give to her friends? 2. How many towels did the craftswoman embroider in total? 3. How many towels are embroidered with red flowers? 12
■ There were six sofas in the furniture store. Two sofas sold. 1. How many sofas were sold? 2. How many more sofas can they buy? 3. How many sofas are left to sell? ■ Planted seven zucchini seeds. Two seeds have sprouted. 1. How many seeds still need to germinate? 2. How many seeds did you plant in total? 3. How many seeds did not germinate? ■ The kitten was playing with five balls of thread. He unwound two balls, and the threads in them got mixed up. 1. How many balls of thread are left suitable for knitting? 2. How many balls of thread did the kitten unwind? 3. How many balls of thread will be needed to knit a scarf? ■ Katya and Sonya played in the hospital and treated their dolls. Katya gave her patients six spoons of the mixture, and Sonya only two spoons, and the bottle was empty. 1. How many spoons of the mixture did both girls give to the patients? 2. How many spoons of the mixture were in the bottle? 3. How many spoons of the mixture were not enough for Katya’s patients?
Come up with questions for the problems
1. Three daisies and two cornflowers were placed in a vase. 2. There were four eggs on the plate. One egg fell and broke. 3. There were four blue pyramids and one red on the shelf. 4. Four men and two women were traveling on the bus. 5. There were five cars in the parking lot. Another car pulled up. 6. Seven ducks swam in the pond. One duck flew up. 7. There were four boxes of cookies in the store. One box sold. 8. Six watermelons ripened in the melon patch. Two watermelons were cut. 9. The children wove baskets: one boy wove three baskets, and the other two baskets. 10. The children were released Balloons. Four balloons gained height and flew, and two balloons burst.
Joke problems
1. What does half an orange look like? (On the other half.) 2. Which figure will show the larger number if it is placed upside down? (Number 6.) 3. Name a number greater than six, but less than two. (There is no such number.) 4. When the turtle turns one hundred years old, what happens next? (She will be one hundred and one years old.) 5. There were five cars in the garage. The first and fifth left. How many cars 13
left? (Three cars.) 1. What does January 33 correspond to? (February 2.) 6. Seven crucian carp and five catfish swam in a small pond. How many sharks swam in the pond? (Zero.) 7. A strange tree grows in the forest. There are six branches on it. Five sparrows are sitting on the branches. How many branches are there on a tree? (Six.) 8. How many birthdays does my ten-year-old sister have? (One birthday a year.) 10. Imagine that you are the captain of a ship. The name of the ship is “Nakhodka”. The cargo consists of three hundred boxes of oranges and five hundred boxes of bananas. The team has one hundred people. The boatswain's name is Ivan Petrovich. Do you remember everything? Then tell me how old the captain is. (The same age as you. Remember the beginning of the problem: “Imagine that you are the captain of a ship...”)
Intelligence tasks
1. How to bring water in a sieve? (When the water freezes and turns into ice.) 2. A mason was working at a construction site. On the first day of work, he built two ten-story buildings. On the second day - one ten-story building. How many ten-story houses did the mason build in two days? (One mason could not build so quickly.) 3. Five pikes swam in the river. They saw a school of small fish and dived into the depths. How many pikes swim in the river? (Five pikes, only they dived into the depths.) 4. Four boys and one janitor cleared one path in the garden. How many paths did the boys clear? (Four paths.) 5. There are three daisies and seven cornflowers in the vase. How many daisies are in the vase? (Three daisies.) 6. Slava has one sister and two brothers. Tanya has two sisters and one brother. Since there are children in every family? (Four children each.) 7. Katya and Natasha knitted scarves for their dolls. Katya's scarf is no longer than Natasha's. Whose scarf is shorter? (Katya’s.) 8. The house has four floors. On what floor does Anya live if her upstairs neighbor is Petya, her downstairs neighbor is Vera, and Vasya lives on the top floor? (On the second, show this with visual material.) 9. The caterpillar crawled in an hour a distance equal to five of Misha’s steps. How far will the caterpillar crawl in two hours? (A distance equal to ten Misha steps.) 10. The blacksmith forged horseshoes. On the first day he made five horseshoes, on the second day - one more than on the first day, and on the third day - one less than on the first. On what day did the blacksmith make the most horseshoes? (In the second.) 11. Kostya is six years old, and Misha is four years old. Which boy will be younger in 14 years?
3 years? (Misha will also be younger.) 12. A man went to the store, and three customers met him. “The store has closed,” the watchman said and closed the door. How many people didn't have time to make their purchases? (Alone) 13. The vacationer went to the river, and three comrades met him. How many people swim in the river? (Not at all.) 14. Dima is older than Kostya, and Kostya is older than Sasha. Who is older: Dima or Sasha? (Dima.) 15. There was salt in the salt shaker for ten servings of soup. Five people salted the soup. How much salt is left? (For five servings.) 16. During lunch, the kitten eats ten balls of dry food. Today he has no appetite and only ate half of it. How many balls of dry food are left for dinner? (Five balls.) 17. How many oars should rowers prepare for three single-seater boats? (Six oars.) 48. Two played checkers. Each of them played five games and won five times. Is this possible? (They played not with each other, but with other opponents.) 49. Which figure has more angles: a square or a rectangle? (They have the same number of corners, four each.) 50. There were four rooms in the house. They made two rooms out of one. How many rooms are there in the house? (Five rooms.) 51. How many people pulled the turnip in the fairy tale? (Three people.) 52. The first box contained six pencils, the second box contained the same number as the first box, and the third box contained the same number as the second box. How many pencils were in the third box? (Six pencils.) 53. The rabbit picked two heads of cabbage and put them in the basket. How many heads of cabbage grew if the same number remained in the garden bed? (Four heads of cabbage.) 54. There were three apples on the table. One of them was cut in half. How many apples are on the table? (Three apples.) 55. Eight cat paws are visible from behind the fence. How many cats are behind the fence? (Two cats.) 56. We know that there are three cats behind the fence, and eight paws are peeking out. How is this possible? (Two cats stand on two legs, one on four.) 57. Two fathers and two sons caught three birds with one stone, and each got one hare. How could this happen? (They were grandfather, father and son.) 58. The two agreed to sit in the fifth carriage of the train. But one got into the fifth car from the end, and the other got into the fifth car from the beginning. How many cars must there be on a train for friends to meet? (Nine carriages.) 59. Four knots were tied on the rope. How many parts did these nodes divide 15 into?
rope? (Into five parts.) 60. How many horns do five cows have? (Ten horns.) 61. Eleven chickens are walking around the yard. How many pairs of legs do they have? (Eleven pairs of legs.) 62. Father goose bought eight boots for his goslings. How many children does Daddy Goose have? (Four goslings.)
Continue the sentence
1. If the birch is taller than the bush, then the bush... (lower than the birch). 2. If the chair is lower than the table, then the table... (above the chair). 3. If the fence is higher than the bench, then the bench... (below the fence). If the donkey is lower than the horse, then the horse... (higher than the donkey). 7. If the diva is wider than the creole, then the chair... 10. If the barrel is thicker than the bucket, then the bucket... 11. If the finger is thinner than the hand, then the hand... 12. If the pencil is thinner than the brush, then the brush... 13. If a nail is thicker than a needle, then the needle... 14. If the scarf is longer than the coat, then the coat... 15. If the skirt is shorter than the trousers, then the trousers... 16. If the ribbon is shorter than the rope, then the rope... 17. If the poems are shorter than the story, then... 18. If the forest is further than the river, then the river... 19. If the shoe store is closer than the bakery, then... 20. If the city is closer than to the station, then to the station... 21. If the pan is heavier than the plate, then the plate... 22. If the soup is hotter than the porridge, then the porridge... 23. If the daughter went to bed in the evening, then she woke up... 24. If the grandfather older than his grandson, then... 25. When it's raining, then... 26. When it’s cold outside, then... 27. When another number is added to one number, then... 28. When another number is subtracted from one number, then... 29. When cereal is poured out of a can, then... 30. When water is added to a cup, then... For the development of logical thinking, mental processes, and the formation of knowledge about the world around us, board and printed games are used:
" Fairy tale

fairy tale"
logical pairs development of associative, logical thinking, development of coherent speech, imagination, replenishment of vocabulary. 16


fairy tales"
logical pairs development of associative, logical thinking, development of coherent speech, imagination.



development of logical thinking, expansion of ideas about the world around us.

"Part and Whole"
development of logical thinking and attention.
"Wild and Domestic Animals"
development of logical thinking, development of coherent speech, imagination, memory, attention.



in a word"
development of analytical and synthetic functions of thinking, development of children's vocabulary, replenishment of vocabulary with words of generalizations.

development of perception, attention, thinking, speech.

"What is what"
development of perception, attention, logical thinking, speech.

objects of labor.

"Pick up

development of perception, attention, logical thinking, speech.
11. "Earth and the solar system"

"The Fourth Wheel"
development of perception, attention, logical thinking, speech, learning to compare and generalize.
13. "Who's Who"

"Pick up


development of logical and visual-figurative thinking.

"Folk Crafts"

"How living things grow"
"Let's get to know the world"
“Tell me about your city”
"Peoples of the World"
"Child's rights"
"Russian heraldry and public holidays"
“If the baby gets hurt”
"Take care of the living"
Demonstration material: Dymkovo toy, Gzhel, Gorodets, Khokhloma painting. Flowers, trees, body parts, transport, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, domestic and wild animals.
We bring to your attention joint games for the whole family.

“Perform in the dark”
Condition of the game: the player must look at the contents of the table for 1-3 minutes and remember the order of the items. Then the player is blindfolded. At the request of the leader, he takes those items that are named to him. If you and your child play together, you can count points for correctly completed tasks.
“Build in the dark”
Prepare 10-12 cubes or covered matchboxes for the game. The player must, blindfolded and with one hand, build a column with a base of 1 cube. It's not that difficult, but everyone ends up with columns of different heights. The one who built the column gets as many points as there were cubes in it before it fell apart. Who wants to play?
“Draw in the dark”
Players with their eyes closed must draw (in a certain sequence) a house with two windows, a door, a fence, two trees on both sides of the house, etc. The tasks can be varied. Artists, please!
“Don't clink the plates”
Let's imagine that someone is sleeping in the next room. You can't wake him up. And you need to put 3-4 plates on top of each other. No noise can be made. The one who makes the least noise wins.
"Broken phone"
This is the game of our childhood. The players are divided into two teams. The presenter hands the first player of each team a folded sheet with a written tongue twister. At the signal, the first players read the tongue twister and whisper it to the person standing next to him, who then passes it on to his neighbor, and so on until the end. The team that conveys the tongue twister faster and more correctly wins. GAMES TO DISCOVER A CHILD'S PERSONAL POTENTIALS
“From what song?”
The game is based on the principle of the television game “Guess the melody”. Here you can also award points for correctly guessing the song.
“Five matches – ten fingers”
The players take five matches, cleared of sulfur. They need to be raised from 18
table one after another, resting the ends on the fingers of both hands: the first match with two thumbs, the second with the index fingers, the third, fourth and fifth with the middle, ring and little fingers, without dropping a single match. Whoever is first wins. Literature: 1. Grizik T.I., Timoshchuk L.E. “Speech development in children aged 6-7 years” 2. Erofeeva T.I. “Preschooler studies mathematics” 19

GBOU gymnasium No. 402 named after. Aliya Moldagulova

s/p No. 3 /preschool department/

"Didactic games for individual work

with children of the preparatory school group"


Ivanova Galina Alexandrovna



Target. Practice selecting words for certain sounds.

Children are offered chains of sounds. They determine the sound named in the poem. The teacher names both vowels and consonants (soft, hard) sounds.

The game is accompanied by various poems.


Children stand in a circle. The teacher reads a poem:

Let's all clap our hands together,

If we hear the sound [y].

To other sounds

We'll give up

And let's go in circles

One after another.

Then the teacher names individual sounds (chain of sounds).


Equipment. Pictures with a given sound in the title (in this case with the sound [m]) and without it.

The teacher reads a poem:

The bunny taught sounds

The bunny forgot the sounds.

Then our little bunny began to cry.

A kitten came up to him,

He says: “Don’t cry, oblique, we’ll learn the sounds with you,

[m] you hear - clap loudly,

And also stomp your foot.”

After reading the poem, the teacher shows pictures, and the children complete the task.

Game option. The teacher only names words

(without visual support).


Target. Develop phonemic awareness; consolidate the pronunciation of different sounds in words.

Equipment. A ball of thread.

Children stand (sit) in a circle. The teacher gives a ball, for example, to the girl Katya and says: Katya walked along the path,

I found a ball of thread,

The ball is small, the threads are scarlet.

Say words starting with [w]

Don't break our thread.

Katya says the first word with the sound [sh], then passes the ball to the child standing next to her. He also names the word with the given sound. Thus, the ball goes in a circle. Note. The games consider all sounds (vowels, hard and soft consonants).


Before the game starts, the teacher clarifies how the named animals and insects move and what songs they sing.

The bears waddle

They shout loudly: “M-mm-m-s.”

(Children walk, swaying from side to side; legs set wide.)

Mice walk on their toes

They squeak quietly: “Peep-pee-pee.”

(Children walk on their toes; arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest.)

Little midges fly fast

They ring thinly: “E-and-and-and.”

(Easy run, arms to the sides.)

“Bears, mice, midges” (new version). The teacher divides the children into three subgroups (“Who wants to be bears? mice? midges?”). Names characters in different sequences. The corresponding subgroup of children imitates the actions and sounds of the hero.


The teacher invites the children to stand up, put their hands on their belts and reminds them of the rules: “If you hear a vowel sound, then tilt to the right; If you hear a consonant sound, then tilt to the left.” Next, the teacher pronounces different sounds. The tilt is performed after each spoken sound: [a], [k], [o], [g], [y], |i|, [x], [s], [k], [e], [a] , [y], [k], [g], [y].



Target. Practice identifying syllables in a word. The teacher tells the children:

We will choose your words.

You start, and I continue.

We select words consisting of two syllables.

Children (one by one) Educator

a-a-a- -ist




Game options

A) The teacher tells the children:

We will choose your words. I should start, and you should continue.

We select two-syllable words.

Educator Children (one by one)

ko-za; -sa; -ra; -nor

horns; -behind; -sa

saw; -sha


B) Work in pairs. The teacher says to the children: You will choose the words yourself. One starts, the other continues.

We select two-syllable words.

Child Child

lemon; -sa; -pa

railway carriage; -behind

ba-nya; -nan


Work with words consisting of three syllables is carried out in a similar way.


Target. Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables.

Children can work in pairs. There are (many) pictures laid out on the carpet, face down. Children take pictures and draw diagrams for them.

For example: fox (--); she-bear (-);

hare (--), etc.

The game is played for a time: 2-3 minutes - completing the task, 2-3 minutes - checking. In conclusion, the winners can be determined.



C spruce. Strengthen children's ideas about genus-species relationships (working with general concepts).

The teacher takes turns throwing the ball to the children. At the same time, he pronounces one of the generic concepts. The child, having caught the ball, must select the specific concept. Generic concepts may be repeated. For example:

fish - crucian carp, fish - catfish, fish - pike, etc.;

clothes - jacket, clothes - coat, clothes - trousers, etc.;

bird - jackdaw, bird - crow, bird - sparrow, etc.;

furniture - bed, furniture - sofa, furniture - chair, etc.;

an animal is a ferret, an animal is a bear, an animal is a dog, etc.;

dishes - pan, dishes - cup, dishes - plate, etc.;

flower - carnation, flower - rose, flower - chamomile, etc.;

raspberry, berry - currant apple, fruit - banana

vegetables, etc.;

berry - viburnum, berry, etc.;

fruits - pear, fruit, etc.;

pine, etc.

tree - maple, tree - birch, tree, etc.



Target. Practice using plural nouns.

Children take turns taking a stick in their hand and touching different objects (pictures) with it. In this case, the child must name the object at which he points with the stick in the singular). The rest of the children name the same object in the plural. For example: chair - chairs; doll - dolls; car - cars etc. Periodically, the teacher takes the stick and asks the children more complex names of objects(bucket - buckets; ring - to rings, etc.).


Target. Practice using plural nouns. The teacher names objects in the singular, and children - in the plural.

The teacher invites the children to make binoculars from fists. He says that their binoculars are unusual: if the teacher looks into the distance, he sees only one object, but the children see many objects with their binoculars.

Let's look through binoculars and tell us who sees what.

Educator: I see a car, a plum, a watermelon, a book, a shirt, a window, a bucket, a ring, a tree, a dress, a chair, a berry.

Children (in chorus): We see cars, plums, watermelons, books, shirts, windows, buckets, rings, trees, dresses, chairs, berries. Note. For children 6-7 years old, the simplest versions of plural words end in-s and -i. The most difficult variants of words end in-a and -i.


Target. Exercise children in agreeing adjectives with nouns.

The teacher (possibly together with the children) makes several glasses from cardboard and transparent film. The film is painted with diluted colored ink.

The teacher invites the children to put on glasses and look around. At the same time, children say what and in what color they see. Children change glasses, the exercise is repeated.


Target. To train children in the ability to change words using diminutive suffixes.

The teacher names the words, and the children form a diminutive form from them.

Teacher Children (in chorus)

cake cake

brother brother

umbrella umbrella

bridge bridge

cat cat

mouth mouth

leaf leaf

package bag

ponytail ponytail


Target. Intensify the use of prepositions with spatial meaning and adverbs(far, close, high, low).

The teacher takes a piece of paper (on a string) and travels around the group with the children.

The leaf flies, flies. How? (High, low.)

The leaf flies and flies up to one object, then to another. To what (to whom) did the leaf fly? (To the window, table, doll, car, Petya, Dasha, etc.)

The leaf sits down and rests. Where did the leaf land (fly)? (On a window, shelf, table, chair, closet, nose, hand, etc.; under a table, chair, bench, miracle tree, etc.; in a desk drawer, bucket, bag, pocket, etc. .)

Note. A similar game is played with a feather, a ball of cotton wool, a snowflake, a butterfly, a bird, etc.


Children continue to be taught:

  • pronounce 4-6 separate syllables on one exhalation(woof-woof-woof-woof, chick-chick-chick-chick-chickand so on.); 3-5 syllable words(car, frying pan, bicycle, construction, electricity, mood and so on.);
  • pronounce phrases of 3-4, 4-5, 5-6 words together - with a short inhalation and a long exhalation.

Work continues on differentiated breathing: inhale through the mouth, exhale through the mouth; inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose; inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose.

Breathing exercises must be carried out systematically; include them not only in speech gymnastics, but also in everyday life, in classes in various types of activities.


1st option. Target. Exercise children in the ability to pronounce 3-4 syllables in one exhalation.

The teacher tells nursery rhymes together with the children (2-3 times).

Educator. Our chickens through the window...

Children (inhale). Ko-ko-ko! (Inhale.) Co-co-co!

Educator. And how Petya the Cockerel will sing to us early in the morning...

Children (inhale). Ku-ka-re-ku!

Educator. Our ducks in the morning...

Children (inhale). Quack-quack-quack! (Inhale.) Quack-quack-quack!

Educator. Our geese by the pond...

Children (inhale). Ha-ha-ha! (Inhale.) Ha-ga-ha!

2nd option. Target. Learn to pronounce a phrase with a short inhalation and a long exhalation.

The teacher recites a poem with the children.

Educator. Hey Vanyusha, look...

Children (inhale). We blow bubbles.

Educator. Red, blue, light blue.

Children (inhale). Choose any one for yourself!

Children recite in teams B. Zakhoder’s poem “Kiskino Grief” (one line is said by the first team, another line by the second team). Children are divided into teams as follows: according to their wishes; for boys and girls.

1st team. Pussy is crying in the corridor.

2nd team. She is in great grief.

1st team. Evil people to poor Kiska...

2nd team. They don't let you steal sausages!


Target. Practice all types of differentiated breathing (inhale through the mouth, exhale through the mouth; inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose; inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth; inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose).

When performing the exercise, you can use different options:

Collective performance of exercises according to the teacher’s instructions (“I’ll now listen to the breast. We inhaled through the mouth, and now we exhaled through the mouth. Once again. And again. And now I’ll listen to the back. We inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the mouth. Once again. And again” - this is how all breathing options are played);

Perform the exercises in pairs according to the teacher’s instructions (one child listens to the other, and then they change roles).

Practice pronouncing 3-4 syllables or words consisting of three to four syllables on one exhalation (“Mice - pi-pi-pi-pi”; “Cockerel - ku-ka-re-ku”; wordsairplane, TV, ant, refrigerator etc.).



The teacher invites the children to play with their fingers and show different animals.

The bunny has big ears. Here they are (exercise “Hare”).

Goats have long horns. Here they are (exercise “Goat”).

And children have fast and dexterous fingers. They can quickly turn a bunny into a goat and vice versa. (Children perform the “Goat - Hare” exercise 10-12 times, first at a slow pace, and then at a fast pace.)


The teacher gives the children peas (beads) and invites them to play a game. Children take a pea into a pinch and roll it between their fingers. The exercise is accompanied by poetry (children recite a poem in chorus and do the exercise):

We remember a pea in two fingers,

We'll sing about the green pea.

Roll, little pea, out the window,

Roll, little pea, into our basket.

You roll, pea, on the table,

Entertain the kids, pea.

After playing, children put their peas (beads) into a cup.

Used to develop fine motor skillsbeading, modeling, designing from paper and small Lego constructors, as well as"Mosaic" ( 225 parts, rectangular field. Development of imagination, creativity, thinking, perception, perseverance, fine motor skills).

"Mosaic" (160 parts, round field. Development of imagination, creativity, thinking, perception, perseverance, fine motor skills of the hand).

Logic game "Snake".

Speech games, exercises, tasks.

Target. Consolidate children's achievements in various areas of speech development.

Teachers select specific material themselves from numerous teaching aids, taking into account the specifics and dynamics of the speech development of children in the group.

Our group has the following printed board games available.

  1. “I will become an excellent student”the formation of the idea that vowels are indicated in red, voiceless consonants in green, and voiced consonants in blue. Strengthen the ability to find a given sound in a word, create examples, tasks, learn to read words and syllables.
  2. "We count and read"development visual perception, attention, counting and reading skills.
  3. Lotto game "Reading" mastering sound-letter analysis, practicing reading, counting the number of letters in a word.
  4. Lotto “We played with the sound “K””- fixing the location of a sound in a word, selecting pictures with a given sound.
  5. Speech therapy lotto"Sound "R"
  6. Speech therapy lotto"Sound "Sh" - consolidation of sound pronunciation, sound automation, differentiation of sounds.
  7. Speech therapy lotto"Sound "L" - consolidation of sound pronunciation, sound automation, differentiation of sounds.
  8. First reading "Trees and Flowers"- replenishment of knowledge in botany.


  1. “Beetle” we learn to read by letter, parts of the picture are assembled like a puzzle to form a word.
  2. Spelling - memorization of letters, ability to find and distinguish them and read in words.
  3. Speech therapy lotto: study of sound-letter analysis, development of phonemic hearing, attention, memory, thinking.
  4. “We divide words into syllables”, syllabic analysis of words, stress.
  5. “Development of coherent speech” composing descriptive statements.
  6. “In the world of sounds” the development of phonemic hearing.


1. Grizik T.I., Timoshchuk L.E. “Speech development of children 6-7 years old”

3. Internet resources.

Card index of didactic games and exercises in the preparatory group: “Mastering the basics of initial literacy”

Did. Game "Sound Beanies"

Target: Develop sound analysis skills. Learn to form forward and backward syllables.

Progress: 2 children take part in the game. They choose their beetle and goose hats. Leaves and flowers cut out of colored paper are laid out on the floor. Letters representing vowel sounds are written on them. According to the teacher’s instructions “The sun is waking up,” children move around the room, imitating the buzzing of a beetle and the hissing of a goose. At the teacher’s signal, the children stop on the leaves and flowers, pronouncing the syllables with their own sounds in turn. For example: The beetle stopped at a flower with the letter “A”, the child pronounces the syllable “Zha”.

Did. game "Finish the word"

Target :

Progress: Children stand in a circle. Teacher with a ball in the center: “Children, now you will finish the word I started. I will throw the ball to any of you and say the beginning of the word, and you must throw the ball back to me and say its end (kosh - ka, gla - for).

Did. game "Guess the word"

Target: Develop children's ability to divide words into syllables.

Progress: The teacher invites the children to guess the words, while tapping 2 times. Children select words with a given number of syllables. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip.

Did. game “Weave a wreath of sentences”

Target: Exercise children in composing sentences, united thematically, to develop verbal attention.

Progress: The teacher pronounces a sentence. Children call the last word and they come up with a new proposal with him. For example: Seryozha is reading a book. The book is on the table.

Did. game “Name the words in which the second sound is a vowel (consonant).”

Target: Strengthen the skills of sound analysis of words, practice distinguishing vowels and consonants, and activate the vocabulary.

Progress: The teacher asks the children to remember words whose second sound is a vowel or consonant. Children compete in rows. The row that comes up with the most words wins.

Did game "Magic cubes"

Target: Strengthen children's ability to determine the place of sound in a word, perform phonemic analysis and synthesis of words, develop auditory and visual memory, as well as visual perception.

Material: Cubes on each side of which are depicted objects familiar to children.

Progress: The child is asked to collect some word, for example “elephant”. Pay attention to the first sounds of words - names of objects. The child first finds a cube, on one of the faces of which there is an object whose name begins with the sound [s]. Then he searches on the faces of the next cube for an image of an object whose name has the first sound - [l], [o], [n].

Did. Fun Train game

Target: Improve the skill of sound analysis, strengthen children’s ability to determine the number of sounds in a word.

Material: Each child has an object picture in his hands - a ticket.

Procedure: The teacher asks each child to determine the number of sounds in his word and put the picture in the correct carriage corresponding to the number of sounds in the word (how many boxes, so many sounds).

Did. game "Necessary signs"

Target: Develop children's speech apparatus, practice diction, consolidate ways of denoting sentences.

Progress: The teacher names a sentence. Children determine with what intonation it was pronounced, and accordingly, they raise a card with the desired sign.

Did. game "Find Brother"

Target: Strengthen children's ability to identify the first sound in a word, distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds.

Material: Subject pictures

Progress: The teacher puts object pictures in one row. Children must arrange the pictures in two rows. In the second row there should be pictures such that the first sounds of the words are brothers of the first sounds of the words of the first row.

For example: Butterfly, first sound [b]. I’ll put the squirrel, the first sound in this word is [b"], [b] and [b"] - brothers. Children take turns coming up, naming objects, the first sounds of words, and if they have chosen the correct pair, place the picture under the top row.

Did. game "Red - White"

Target: Continue to teach children to intonationally isolate any sound from a word and determine its place in the word.

Material: Each child has a red and white mug.

Procedure: The teacher names the words. If the children hear the sound [s] in the word, then they raise a red circle; if there is no given sound, they raise a white one. Sounds: [f], [sh], [sch"].


Objectives of educational activities

1. To develop the ability to accurately, energetically and expressively perform physical exercises, exercise self-control, self-esteem, control and evaluate the movements of other children, and perform basic planning of motor activity.

  1. Develop and consolidate motor skills and knowledge of rules in sports games and sports exercises.
  2. Strengthen the ability to independently organize outdoor games and exercises with peers and children.
  3. Develop creativity and initiative, achieving expressive and variable execution of movements.
  4. Develop physical qualities (strength, flexibility, endurance), especially those leading at this age to speed and agility, coordination of movements.
  5. Create a conscious need for motor activity and physical improvement.
  6. Form ideas about certain sports, develop interest in physical education and sports.
  7. To foster a value-based attitude towards health and health in children human life, develop motivation to preserve your health and the health of those around you.
  8. Develop independence in the use of cultural and hygienic skills, enrich ideas about hygienic culture.

Contents of educational activities

Motor activity

Ordinal exercises. Ways to rebuild. Independent, quick and organized formation and change of lanes while moving. Rebuilding in fours. General developmental exercises. Four-part, six-part, eight-part traditional general developmental exercises with the same, opposite, multidirectional, alternating movements of the arms and legs, paired exercises. Exercises in pairs and subgroups. Performing exercises actively, accurately, expressively, with proper tension, from different starting positions in accordance with a musical phrase or instructions from various items. Exercises with different objects, exercise equipment. Basic movements. Compliance with the requirements for performing the basic elements of the technique of running, jumping, climbing stairs and ropes: in running - energetic hand work; in jumping - grouping in flight, stable balance when landing; in throwing - an energetic push with the wrist, confident, varied actions with the ball; in climbing - rhythmicity during ascent and descent. Leading and preparatory exercises. Walking. Different types and methods: regular, gymnastic, cross step; lunges, squats, back forward, side steps forward and backward, with eyes closed. Balance exercises. Maintaining dynamic and static balance in difficult conditions. Walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step; carrying a bag of sand on his back; squatting on one leg and swinging the other forward to the side of the bench; raising your straight leg forward and clapping underneath it. Walking on a gymnastic bench, stepping over objects, squatting, turning in a circle, jumping over the ribbon. Walking on the narrow side of a gymnastic bench straight and sideways. Standing on a bench, jump up and land softly on it; jump, moving forward on two legs along an inclined surface. Stand on your toes; stand on one leg, closing your eyes at a signal; the same, standing on a cube, a gymnastic bench; turn around, waving your arms up. Balance on a large medicine ball (weight 3 kg). Spin around with your eyes closed, stop, make a figure. Run. Maintaining speed and a given pace, direction, balance. Through obstacles - 10-15 cm high, back forward, with a skipping rope, with a ball, on a board, on a log, from different starting positions (sitting, sitting cross-legged, lying on your back, on your stomach, sitting with your back to the direction of movement, etc. . P.). Combine running with walking, jumping, climbing; with overcoming obstacles natural conditions. Run 10 m s the smallest number steps. Run at a calm pace for up to 2-3 minutes. Run 2-4 segments of 100-150 m, alternating with walking. Run at an average pace over rough terrain up to 300 m. Perform shuttle running (5*10 m). Run 10 meters at a fast pace 3-4 times with breaks. Run a race; at speed - 30 m. Jumping. Jump rhythmically, land softly, and maintain balance after landing. Jumping on two legs in place with a turn in a circle; shifting your legs to the right - to the left; in series of 30-40 jumps 3-4 times. Jumping, moving forward 5-6 m; jumping over a line, a rope sideways, with a bag of sand clamped between your legs, with a stuffed ball; after 6-8 medicine balls (weight 1 kg) in place and moving forward. Jumping up from a deep squat. Jumping in place and running to reach an object. Take a running jump in three steps onto objects up to 40 cm high, and jump off them. Standing long jump (at least 100 cm); in length from a running start (at least 170-180 cm); in height from a running start (at least 50 cm). Jumping over a short rope different ways: on two legs with and without intermediate jumps, from foot to foot; running with a skipping rope. Jumping over a long rope: running under a rotating rope, jumping over it from a standstill, running under a rotating rope, jumping over it; running under a rotating rope in pairs. Jumping through a large hoop, like jumping rope. Throwing. Hit, pass, throw balls of different sizes in different ways. Throwing into the distance and at a target (horizontal, vertical, ring throw, etc.) in different ways. Accurate target destruction. Climbing. Vigorous pull-ups on a bench different ways: on the stomach and back, pulling up with your arms and pushing off with your legs; on a log; crawling under a gymnastic bench, under several aids in a row. Fast and rhythmic climbing of inclined and vertical stairs; along a rope (pole) using the “three steps” method. Outdoor games. Organize familiar games with a subgroup of peers. Relay games. Sport games. Rules of sports games. Towns: knock out towns from half-con and con with the least number of bits. Basketball: throw the ball into a basketball hoop, dribble and pass the ball to each other while moving. Control your actions in accordance with the rules. Throw the ball into play with both hands from behind the head. Football: ways to pass and dribble the ball in different types sports games. Table tennis, badminton: hold the racket correctly, hit the shuttlecock, throw it towards your partner without a net and over it; put the ball into play, hit it after bouncing off the table. Hockey: dribbling the puck with a stick, ability to score into the goal. INIn the school preparatory group, outdoor games and exercises are of particular importance to overcome the excessive slowness of some children: games with changing the tempo of movements, as fast as possible movements, to develop internal inhibition, delayed inhibition. Sport exercises. Skiing: sliding alternating two-step stroke on skis with poles, ascents and descents from the mountain in a low and high stance. Ice skating: maintain balance, “skater stance” while moving, sliding and turning. Scooter riding: pushing off with one leg. Swimming: sliding in the water on the chest and on the back, immersion in the water. Riding a bicycle: riding in a straight line, in a circle, in a “snake”, be able to brake. Sledging. Sliding along ice paths: after a run, standing and crouching, on one leg, with turns. Sliding down a low slide.

Formation of values ​​in children healthy image life, mastering its elementary norms and rules

Health how life value. Rules for a healthy lifestyle. Some ways to maintain and increase health, prevent diseases, the importance of hardening, playing sports and physical culture to improve health. The relationship between adherence to healthy lifestyle standards, rules of safe behavior and physical and mental health a person, his well-being, success in activities. Some assessment methods own health and well-being, the need for attention and care for the health and well-being of loved ones in the family, sensitivity towards adults and children in kindergarten. Hygienic principles for organizing activities (the need for sufficient lighting, fresh air, correct posture, cleanliness of materials and tools, etc.).

Results of educational activities

Child's achievements (What makes us happy)

  • The child's motor experience is rich; effectively, confidently, gently, expressively with sufficient amplitude and accurately performs physical exercises (general developmental, basic movements, sports).
  • In motor activity, the child successfully demonstrates speed, agility, endurance, strength and flexibility.
  • Realizes the relationship between the quality of the exercise and its result.
  • Shows elements of creativity in motor activity: independently composes simple versions of mastered physical exercises and games, conveys the originality of a specific image (character, animal) through movements, strives for uniqueness (individuality) in his movements.
  • Constantly demonstrates self-control and self-esteem. Strives for the best result, to independently satisfy the need for physical activity due to the existing motor experience.
  • Has a basic understanding of some sports.
  • Has an idea of ​​what health is and understands how to maintain, strengthen and preserve it.
  • Possesses health-preserving skills: personal hygiene skills, can determine the state of his health.
  • May have basic help yourself and others (wash the wound, treat it, apply cold to the bruise, seek help from an adult).

Causes concern and requires joint efforts of teachers and parents

  • In motor activity, the child finds it difficult to demonstrate speed, coordination (dexterity), endurance, strength and flexibility.
  • Makes mistakes in the basic elements of complex physical exercises.
  • Poorly controls the execution of his own movements and the movements of his comrades, and finds it difficult to evaluate them.
  • Allows violation of rules in outdoor and sports games, most often due to insufficient physical fitness.
  • Does not show persistent interest in new and familiar people physical exercise, selectivity and initiative in their implementation.
  • Shows lack of independence in carrying out cultural and hygienic processes (by the beginning of school he had not mastered the basic cultural and hygienic skills).
  • Does not have the habit of constantly using cultural and hygienic skills without an adult’s reminder. Shows indifference towards the patient to a loved one in the family, to a sick peer.

I.p. - starting position
in IP - return to starting position
B - 1- execution on count
P - _ times - number of repetitions

You can download 14 outdoor switchgear complexes in a table with exercise diagrams
Looks like that:

Or download just the text

Complex No. 1 with cubes

(each child will need two cubes to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, legs together, cubes in both hands, arms down. B - 1- arms to the sides; 2- hands up, hit the cube on the cube; 3-arms to the sides; 4- in i.p. P - 8 times.
2. I.p. Same. B - 1- hands through the sides forward, hit the cube on the cube; 2- hands through the sides back, hit the cube on the cube. P - 8 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, cubes in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- lean to the left, hit the cube on the cube; 2- in i.p. 3- lean to the right, hit the cube on the cube; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
4. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, cubes in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1- turn the body to the left, hit the cube on the cube; 2- in i.p. 3-turn the torso to the right, hit the cube on the cube; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
5. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, cubes in both hands, arms extended to the sides. B - 1- raise your left leg bent at the knee, hit the cube on the cube under the knee; 2- in i.p. 3-raise the right leg bent at the knee, hit the cube on the cube under the knee; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times under each leg.
6. I.p. kneeling, cubes in both hands, arms extended to the sides. B - 1- sit on your heels, raise your arms up, hit the cube on the cube; 2- in i.p. P - 6 times.
7. I.p. lying on your back, cubes in both hands, arms spread to the sides. B - 1- raise the left leg bent at the knee up, raise the torso, hit the cube on the cube under the knee; 2- in i.p. 3-raise the right leg bent at the knee upward, hit the cube on the cube under the knee; 4-in the i.p. P - 6 times under each leg.
8. I.p. lying on your stomach, legs together, cubes in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1- raise your arms and legs from the floor, randomly knock the cubes; 2-in i.p. P - 6 times.
9. I.p. standing, legs together, cubes in both hands, arms down. B - 1-jump, legs to the sides, raise your arms up, hit the cube on the cube; 2-in i.p. P - 8-10 times.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 2 with stuffed bag

(to complete the exercises, each child will need one bag weighing 200g)

1. I.p. standing, feet together, bag in one hand, arms down. B - 1- arms to the sides; 2- hands up, transfer the bag from one hand to the other; 3-arms to the sides; 4- lower your arms down. P - 8 times.
2. I.p. standing, feet together, holding the bag with both hands, hands pressed to one shoulder. B - 1- extend your arms forward; 2- press your hands to the other shoulder; 3-stretch your arms forward; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times to each shoulder.
3. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, bag in one hand, hand with bag down, second hand on belt. B - 1-4 circular movements from the shoulder with one hand with a bag; change hands; 1-4 circular movements from the shoulder with the other hand with the bag. P - 2 times with each hand.
4. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, holding the bag with both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- lean to the left; 2- in i.p. 3- lean to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
5. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs spread, holding the bag with both hands, hands pressed to the chest. B - 1- bend towards your left leg, extend your arms along your leg; 2- in i.p. 3- bend towards the right leg, extend your arms along the leg; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times to each leg.
6. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs together to the side, the bag lies on the floor at knee level, arms resting behind. B - 1- move one leg through the bag, moving it as far as possible; 2-move the second leg through the bag to the first leg; 3-4 do the same in reverse side. P - 4 times in each direction.
7. I.p. lying on your stomach, legs together, bag in one hand, arms extended forward. B - 1-2 lift your chest off the floor, move your arms behind your back, transfer the bag to the other hand; 3-4 in i.p.; relax. P - 6 times.
8. I.p. standing, heels together, toes apart, holding the bag with both hands, hands behind the head. B - 1- squat down shallowly, spread your knees; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
9. I.p. standing, the bag is clamped between the knees, hands on the belt B - 1-4 jumps in place. P - 10 times.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 3 with a gymnastic stick

(each child will need a gymnastic stick to perform the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, feet together, stick in both hands, arms down. B - 1- hands forward; 2- hands up; 3-hands forward; 4- in ip.. P - 8 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs together, a stick in both hands, hands pressed to the chest. B - 1-4, stretching your arms forward, perform a circular movement with your arms from the elbow away from you; 1-4 change direction by rotating your arms from the elbow towards you. P - 2 times in each direction.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, stick in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- lean to the left; 2- in i.p. 3- lean to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
4. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, stick in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- bend forward, touching the knees with a stick; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
5. I.p. kneeling, stick behind back, clamped in elbow joints. B - 1- turn the body to the left; 2- in i.p. 3- turn the body to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
6. I.p. sitting on the floor, support with your hands behind you, the stick lies on the floor, your legs are bent at the knees and your feet are on the stick. B - 1-4 roll the stick with your feet forward; 1-4 roll the stick with your feet in an i.p. P - 4 times.
7. I.p. lying on your back, straight legs together, a stick in both hands, arms extended straight behind your head. B - 1-2, point the stick towards your feet, pull your legs bent at the knees towards the stick, slightly lifting your torso; 3-4 slowly return to IP. P - 6 times.
8. I.p. standing, heels together, toes apart, stick behind the head on the neck, arms bent at the elbow joints on top of the stick. B - 1- squat down shallowly, spread your knees; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
9. I.p. standing, legs together, hands on the belt, stick lying on the floor. B - 1- jump over a stick forward; 2-jump back over the stick. P - 8-10 times.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 4 with flags

(each child will need 2 flags to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, legs together, a flag in each hand, arms down. IN 1- left hand to the side; 2- right hand to the side; 3rd left hand up; 4-right hand up; 5- left hand to the side; 6- right hand to the side; 7-left hand down; 4-right hand down; P - 5 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs together, a flag in each hand, one arm extended forward, the other bent straight at the elbow. B - 1-2 change the position of the hands; P - 10 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, flag in each hand, right hand raised up, left down. B - 1 - tilt to the left, the right hand is directed towards the tilt, the left hand is bent at the elbow joint, directed behind the back; 2- in IP, change hands; 3- tilt to the right; 4 in i.p. change hands. P - 6 times in each direction.
4. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, a flag in each hand, arms to the sides. B - 1- lean forward without bending your knees, swing your arms, crossing the flags; change the position of your hands; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
5. I.p. sitting on your heels, holding a flag in each hand, arms down. B - 1- kneel down, bend back slightly, raise your arms up, swing your arms, crossing the flags above your head; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
6. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs spread apart, knees straight, a flag in each hand, hands behind your back. B - 1- lean forward, bringing your arms across the sides, reaching the tips of the flags to the toes; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
7. I.p. lying on your back, legs straight, a flag in each hand, arms extended along the body. B - 1-4 raise your legs up, perform cross scissor movements; relax. P - 8 times.
8. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, a flag in each hand, arms down. B - 1- squat slightly “spring”, swing your arms one forward and one back; 2- straighten up, perform a reverse swing. P - 10 times.
9. I.p. standing, feet together, a flag in each hand, arms down. B - 1- jump, feet shoulder-width apart, swing your arms out to the sides, crossing the flags above your head; 2- in i.p. P - 10 times.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 5 with a pigtail

(to perform the exercises, each child will need 1 braid, a rope of 50 cm.)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, braid in both hands, taut, arms down. B - 1- swing movement of the arms up; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, braid in both hands, taut, arms bent at the elbows, pressed to the chest. B - 1- straighten your arms forward; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, braid in both hands behind the back, taut, arms bent at the elbows, elbows pointing to the sides. B - 1 - turn the body to the left; 2- in i.p.; 3-turn the body to the right; 4 in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
4. I.p. kneeling, legs slightly apart, braid in both hands taut, arms raised up. B - 1 - tilt of the body to the left; 2- in IP; 3- tilt of the body to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
5. I.p. sitting, legs spread, knees straight, braid in both hands taut, arms bent at the elbow joints, elbows spread to the sides. B - 1 - tilt the torso forward, extend your arms forward and straighten your elbows; 2- in i.p.; P - 8 times.
6. I.p. lying on your stomach, legs straight, together, the pigtail is taut in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1- raise your arms up, lifting your chest off the floor, hold on; 2- in i.p. relax. P - 6 times.
7. I.p. lying on your back, legs straight, together, the pigtail is taut in both hands, hands behind your head. B - 1- bend your left leg at the knee, pulling it towards your stomach, raise your arms up, and reach your knee with your braid; 2- in i.p.; 3 the same with the right foot; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times with each leg.
8. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, braid in both hands on the neck, taut, arms bent at the elbow joints, elbows spread to the sides. B - 1- sit down; 2- in i.p. P - 10 times.
9. I.p. standing sideways, legs together, pigtail lying on the floor, hands on the belt. B - jumping through a pigtail with the left and right sides. P - 10 times.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 6 with a plume

(to complete the exercises, each child will need 2 plumes: a ring with ribbons)

1. I.p. standing, legs together, feathers in both hands, arms down. B - 1- extend your arms forward; 2- raise your hands up; 3- extend your arms forward; 4- in i.p. P - 8 times.
2. I.p. kneeling, feathers in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1- raise your left hand up, at the same time lower your right hand down; 2- change the position of your hands. P - 6 swings with each hand.
3. I.p. kneeling, feathers in both hands, arms down. B - 1- turn the body to the left and back, at the same time touch the heel of the left foot with the plume in the left hand; 2- in and. P. ; 3- the same to the right; 4- in and. p. P - 6 times in each direction.
4. I.p. gray hair on the heels, plumes in both hands, arms down. B - 1- kneel down, raise your arms up, bend back slightly; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
5. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs extended forward, together, crowns in both hands, hands behind your back. B - 1- tilt your torso forward, stretch your arms forward, trying to reach your toes with your toes; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
6. I.p. lying on your back, legs straight together, curls in both hands, hands behind your head. 1- raise your arms and legs at the same time; 2 in i.p. P - 8 times.
7. I.p. lying on your back, legs straight together, curls in both hands, hands behind your head. B - 1- turn on your stomach to the left; 2 in i.p.; 3- turn on your stomach to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times in each direction.
8. I.p. soya, legs slightly apart, feathers in both hands, arms down. B - 1. raise your arms up, stretch on your toes; 2 in i.p. P - 8 times.
9. I.p. standing, legs together, feathers in both hands, arms down. B - arbitrary jumps in place. P - 10 times.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 7 with hoop

(each child will need 1 hoop to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, the hoop is “dressed” around the waist, held with both hands. B - 1- 2 lift the hoop up, 3- 4- in IP. P - 8 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms extended forward, holding the hoop like a steering wheel. B - twisting movements of the arms in one direction and the other. P - 4 times in each direction.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up, hold the hoop parallel to the floor on both sides. B - 1 - tilt of the body to the left; 2- in IP; 3- tilt of the body to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
4. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, the hoop is “dressed” around the waist, held with both hands, arms tense. B - 1 - turn the body to the left; 2- in IP; 3- turn the body to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
5. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, holding the hoop with both hands from behind. B - 1 - tilt the body forward, arms rise up; 2- in IP; 3- tilt the torso forward, arms rise up; 4- in i.p. P - 8 times.
6. I.p. sitting, the hoop lies on the floor, legs bent at the knees, placed outside the boundaries of the hoop, hands resting behind. B - 1- raise your legs and at the same time place them in the hoop; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
7. I.p. lying on your back, legs straight, arms bent at the elbows, the hoop in both hands lies on the chest. B - 1- raise your left leg up, stretch your arms up; 2- in ip.; 3- raise your right leg up, stretch your arms up; 4- in i.p. P - 4 times with each leg.
8. I.p. soya, heels together, toes apart, a hoop is put on the neck, arms are bent at the elbows, tense. B - 1- sit down, spread your legs forward at the knees, relax your arms; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
9. I.p. soya in a hoop, legs together, hands on the belt. B - jumping on two legs in a confined space. P - 10-12 times.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 8 with a pole

(to perform the exercises you will need 1 pole 1.5 m long for 4-5 children)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, 4-5 people simultaneously hold a long pole. 1.5 m. overhand grip. B - 1- extend your arms forward; 2- raise your arms up; 3- extend your arms forward; 4- in i.p. P - 8 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, pole pressed to the chest. B - 1-4 circular movements with the hands, the pole away from you, 5-8 circular movements with the hands, the pole towards you. P - 4 times in each direction.
3. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs together, pole raised up. B - 1- lean forward, leave the pole on your feet; 2- straighten up, raise your arms up; 3- lean forward, take the pole; 4- in i.p. P - 8 times.
4. I.p. sitting on the floor, the pole lies on the floor, legs bent at the knees, standing on the pole, hands resting behind. B - 1-2, straightening your legs, move the pole away from you; 3-4 in i.p. P - 6 times.
5. I.p. lying on your back, legs straight, arms raised up, pole in hands. B - 1- 4 raise two legs up at the same time, trying to reach the pole, 5-8 calmly lower your legs down, rest.. P - 6 times.
6. I.p. lying on your stomach, legs straight, pole in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1-4 raise your arms up, lifting your elbows off the floor, 5-8 calmly lower your arms down, rest. P - 6 times.
7. I.p. standing, heels together, toes apart, the pole is held with both hands, arms down. B - 1- sit down, stretch your arms forward; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
8. I.p. standing, the pole lies on the floor, heels stand on the pole, hands behind the head. B - 1- rise on your toes; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
9. I.p. standing, holding hands, pole on the floor. B - 1 jump on two legs over a pole forward, 2 - jump on two legs over a pole backwards. P - 6-10 jumps.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 9 on a gymnastic bench

(to perform the exercises you will need 1 gymnastic bench 2 m long for 4-5 children)

1. I.p. standing on a gymnastic bench, legs together, arms down. B - 1- extend your arms forward; 2- raise your hands up; 3- extend your arms forward; 4- in i.p. P - 8 times.
2. I.p. standing behind a gymnastic bench, stepping back to the distance of an outstretched leg, hands on your belt. B - 1- place your left foot on the bench; 2- bend towards your leg, reach for the toe with both hands; 3- straighten up, put your hands on your belt; 4-in IP, the same with the right leg. P - 6 times with each leg.
3. I.p. standing, legs on both sides of the bench (bench between the legs), hands on the belt. B - 1 - turn the body to the left; 2- in i.p.; 3- turn the body to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
4. I.p. Same. B - 1 - tilt the torso towards the left leg, reach with your hands to the toe; 2- in i.p.; 3- tilt the torso towards the right leg, reach with your hands to the toe; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
5. I.p. Soya on your knees, hands resting on the bench. B - 1- swing the left leg back; 2- in i.p.; 3- swing the right leg back; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times with each leg.
6. I.p. sitting on a gymnastic bench, legs extended forward, hands resting on the bench behind. B - 1- raise your left leg up; 2- in i.p.; 3- raise your right leg up; 2- in i.p. P - 6 times with each leg.
7. I.p. sitting on a gymnastic bench, legs extended forward, resting on the feet, hands resting on the bench in front. B - 1- lower yourself from the bench, bending your knees, resting on your hands; 2- in i.p. P - 6 times.
8. I.p. standing in front of a gymnastic bench, hands on the belt. B - 1- sit on the bench; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
9. I.p. standing sideways to the gymnastic bench, hands on the belt. B - jumping on two legs one after another around the bench. P - 10 jumps.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 10 without objects

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, hands to shoulders. B - 1- arms to the sides; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. Attention exercise is performed with changing tempo. B - 1 - one hand on the belt; 2- second hand on the belt; 3- one hand to the shoulder; 4- second hand to fly; 5- one hand up; 6- second hand up; 7-12- in reverse order. P - 5 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. B - 1-4 tilt to the left, slide your left hand down the leg; 2- straighten up, slide your left hand up your leg in a standing position. Same to the right. P - 6 times in each direction.
4. I.p. standing, left leg forward, right leg back, arms down. B - 1-4 lean forward, slide your hands down the leg; 2- straighten up, slide your hands up your leg in an i.p. Change legs. P - 6 times to each leg.
5. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs bent at the knees, standing together, arms resting behind. B - 1- simultaneously place both legs bent at the knees on the floor on the left; 2- i.p.; 3- simultaneously place both legs bent at the knees on the floor on the right. P - 6 times in each direction.
6. I.p. standing on your knees, emphasis on straight arms, body high. B - 1- swing the left leg back up; 2- in i.p. Change leg. P - 8 times with each leg.
7. I.p. lying on your left side, legs straight, hands in front. B - 1- swing the left leg up; 2- in i.p. Lie on your right side. P - 8 times with each leg.
8. I.p. lying on your stomach, legs straight, hands under your chin. B - 1- bring your left hand back behind your back, bend your left leg at the knee and pull it towards your hand; 2- in i.p.; do the same with the other hand and foot. P - 6 times for each. At the end, catch both legs with your hands, raise your chest as high as possible, and hold in this position.
9. I.p. standing, perform 10-12 arbitrary jumps.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 11 without objects in motion

(children walk around the hall doing counting exercises)

1. Hand position: one up, the other down. B - 1- change the position of the hands; 2 - the same. P - 8 swings with each hand.
2. Arm position: arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. B - 1- spread your arms to the sides; 2- in i.p. P - 8 times.
3. Hand position: hands on the belt. B - 1 - turn the body to the right; 2- turn the body to the left without stopping. P - 6 turns in each direction.
4. Hand position: hands up, clasped. B - 1 - tilt of the body to the right; 2- body tilt to the left without stopping. P - 6 tilts in each direction.
5. Hand position: arms to the sides. B - 1 - step with the left foot, tilt the torso down, touch the opposite leg with the hand; 2- straighten up; 3- step with the right foot, tilt the torso down, touch the opposite leg with the hand; 4- straighten up. P - 8 times.
6. Hand position: hands on knees; the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body is tilted forward. B - goose step. P - 10-12 steps.
7. Hand position: arms to the sides. 1 - step with your left foot, bend your right leg at the knee, clap your hands under the knee; 2- straighten up; 3- step with the right foot, bend the left leg at the knee, clap your hands under the knee; 4- straighten up. P - 6 times with each leg.
8. Hand position: hands behind your back. Walk on your haunches for 10-12 steps.
9. Perform jumps, combining with active arm swings. P - 1 circle around the hall.
10. Normal walking. 30 sec.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 12 with the ball

(each child will need 1 ball to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, feet together, ball in both hands, arms down. B - 1- bring your hands forward; 2- hands up; 3-hands forward; 4- lower your arms down. P - 8 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, ball in one hand. B - 1- 4- transfer the ball from one hand to the other around you. P - 4 times in the bottom direction, 4 times in the other direction.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- tilt to the left; 2 in i.p.; 3- tilt to the right; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
4. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- tilt to the left down towards the left leg; 2 rise slightly, bend straight, touching the ball to the floor between your legs; 3- rise slightly, bend to the right towards your right leg; 4- in i.p. P - changing direction 8 times.
5. I.p. kneeling, ball in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1 - turn left; 2 in i.p.; 3- turn right; 4- in i.p. P - 6 times in each direction.
6. I.p. kneeling, ball in both hands, arms down. B - 1- lean forward, leaning on the ball, extend your arms forward; 2 arch your back; 3- 4- in i.p. P - 8 times.
7. I.p. sitting, legs straight, slightly apart, the ball lies between the legs, hands at the back. B - 1- connect your legs, holding the ball; 2- lift the ball up; 3-put the ball on the floor; 4-spread your legs. P - 8 times.
8. I.p. standing, feet heels together, toes apart, ball in both hands, arms down. B - 1- sit down, stretch your arms forward; 2 in i.p. P - 8 times.
9. I.p. standing, feet together, hands on the belt, ball on the floor. B - 1-4 jumps around the ball. P - 4 times to the left, 4 times to the right.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 13 in pairs

(to perform the exercises, the child will need a partner of the same build)

1. I.p. standing, the couple faces each other holding hands, arms down. B - 1-2, raise your arms up from the sides; 3-4 in i.p. P - 8 times without unclenching your hands.
2. I.p. standing, the couple stands facing each other holding hands, one arm is extended forward, the other is bent at the elbow joint. B - 1- change the position of the hands; 2- in i.p. P - 6 times with each hand with tension.
3. I.p. standing, the couple faces each other holding hands, arms apart. B - 1-2 tilt to the side, arms rise in the direction of the tilt; 3-4 in i.p. The same in the other direction. P - 6 times in each direction.
4. I.p. standing, the couple stands with their backs to each other, hands locked in the elbow joints. B - 1-2 lean forward, down, slightly lifting the second one on the back; 3-4 in i.p. The same towards the other. P - 4 times each.
5. I.p. standing, the couple faces each other holding hands, legs slightly apart. B - 1 - one partner stands still, the second squats; 2- in i.p. 3-4 the second one does the same. P - 6 times each.
6. I.p. sitting on the floor opposite each other, arms resting behind, one leg extended forward, the other bent at the knee, held foot to foot. B - 1- change the position of the legs. P - 6 times.
7. I.p. lying on your stomach facing each other holding hands. B - 1-2 raise your arms up, raise your chest as high as possible; 3-4 in i.p. relax. P - 6 times.
8. I.p. standing, the couple faces each other holding hands. Jump in a circle. P - 4 times, 4 jumps in each direction.
9. I.p. standing, the couple faces each other holding hands. Slowly circling in place. B - 1-4 in one direction, 4-8 in the other. P - 4 times in each direction.

General developmental exercises for children 6-7 years old, preparatory group

Complex No. 14 with rattles

(each child will need 2 rattles to complete the exercises)

1. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, rattles in both hands, arms down. B - 1-3 raise your hands up, shake the rattles three times; 4- in i.p.P - 8 times.
2. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, rattles in both hands, pressed to the shoulders, arms bent at the elbows, elbows pointing forward. B - 1-3, move your arms forward with a sharp movement, shake the rattles three times; 4- in i.p. P - 8 times.
3. I.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, rattles in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1-3 lean to the left, shake the rattles three times; 4- in i.p. Same to the right. P - 6 times in each direction.
4. I.p. kneeling, rattles in both hands, arms down. B - 1- turn back to the left, put the rattles on the floor; 2- straighten up, hands on your waist; 3 turn left back, take the rattles; 4- in i.p. Same to the right. P - 4 times in each direction.
5. I.p. kneeling, rattles in both hands, arms down. B - 1- turn back to the left, put the rattles on the floor; 2- straighten up, hands on your waist; 3 turn left back, take the rattles; 4- in i.p. Same to the right. P - 4 times in each direction.
6. I.p. lying on your back, legs straight, rattles in both hands, arms straight behind your head. B - 1-3 bend your knees, pull them towards your stomach, tap your knees three times with rattles; 4- in i.p.P - 8 times.
7. I.p. lying on your stomach, legs straight, rattles in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1-3 raise your legs, chest, arms up, rattle with a rattle; 4- in i.p.P - 8 times.
8. I.p. standing, legs slightly apart, rattles in both hands hidden behind the back. B - 1-3 sit down, shake the rattles three times; 4- in i.p. P - 8 times.
9. I.p. standing, perform 12 jumps at random.