Mental disorders are human conditions that are characterized by a change in the psyche and behavior from normal to destructive. The term is ambiguous and has different interpretations in the fields of jurisprudence, psychology and psychiatry.

A little about concepts

According to the International Classification of Diseases, mental disorders are not entirely identical to concepts such as mental illness or mental illness. This concept gives general characteristics various types disorders of the human psyche. From a psychiatric point of view, it is not always possible to identify biological, medical and social symptoms of a personality disorder. Only in some cases can a mental disorder be based on a physical disorder of the body. Based on this, ICD-10 uses the term “mental disorder” instead of “mental illness”.

This decision was even more difficult for a civilian. It was difficult for victims or families of victims to understand the term non-psychiatric place and recognize that it was not a place without the fact that there was the slightest rumor. This fact, admitted by the prosecutor without any subsequent verification, was found without criminal irresponsibility, usually the result of an order or decision of inappropriate appointment of a judge, or the Examination Division of the Court of Appeal. The order of dismissal, which was subsequently decided by the investigating judge on the basis of the mental state of the person under investigation, was open to appeal by a civilian, which was then considered by the House of Inquiry during a public hearing with the accused in person, if possible, and by at the request of a civilian, as well as with the hearing of experts.

Etiological factors

Any disturbance in a person’s mental state is caused by changes in the structure or function of the brain. Factors influencing this can be divided into two groups:

  1. Exogenous, which includes all external factors influencing the state of the human body: industrial poisons, narcotic and toxic substances, alcohol, radioactive waves, microbes, viruses, psychological trauma, traumatic brain injury, vascular diseases of the brain;
  2. Endogenous – immanent reasons for the manifestation of psychological exacerbation. They include chromosomal disorders, gene diseases, hereditary diseases that can be inherited due to an injured gene.

But, unfortunately, at this stage of the development of science, the causes of many mental disorders remain unknown. Today, every fourth person in the world is prone to mental disorder or behavior change.

Debate over the issue of criminal neglect has been reignited following a horrific case: the death of a nurse and nurse in a mental health facility. The issue of criminal irresponsibility has been called into question, and in particular the fact that the procedure leaves no room for the victim and civilian parties to express their views. Indeed, in this case, a patient with serious mental disorders was declared irresponsible by the reports of psychiatric experts, who all concluded in one direction: the abolition of his recognition abilities during the facts.

The leading factors in the development of mental disorders include biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Mental syndrome can be transmitted genetically in both men and women, which causes frequent similarities in the characters and individual specific habits of some family members. Psychological factors combine the influence of heredity and environment, which can lead to personality disorder. Raising children inappropriately family values increases their chances of developing a mental disorder in the future.

Changes in procedure

Once a person is declared irresponsible, the procedure ends. Reflections have been made on how this principle of criminal irresponsibility will develop. A decision on the irresponsibility of mental disorders can only be made in strict accordance with the procedure established by law. There are two stages of the proceedings: the research stage and the trial stage.

Public debate takes place in the Trial Chamber on two points. The reality of the allegations against the person in question is a psychological or neuropsychiatric disorder that has overridden the recognition of the person under investigation and therefore entails his criminal irresponsibility. At this hearing, the President orders the personal appearance of the Accused Person if his or her health condition permits him or her on his or her own initiative or at the request of the Prosecutor's Office, the Civil Party or the Accused Person. If present, the person is questioned, then the judges proceed to hear the experts and , if necessary, to witnesses.

Mental disorders most often occur in people with diabetes mellitus, vascular diseases brain, infectious

diseases, in the state of a stroke. Alcoholism can deprive a person of sanity and completely disrupt all psychophysical processes in the body. Symptoms of mental disorders also appear with the constant use of psychoactive substances that affect the functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system. An autumn aggravation or troubles in the personal sphere can unsettle any person and put him into a state of mild depression. Therefore, especially in the autumn-winter period, it is useful to take a course of vitamins and medications that have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Traditionally, five questions are asked. Thus, the expert has the formidable task of diagnosing the possible mental illness of the alleged perpetrator of the crime: either psychosis, including schizophrenia, paranoia, manic-depressive psychosis or hallucinatory psychosis; or a defect in the development of mental abilities. He must declare irresponsible any person who, at the time of the commission of the crime, has lost all ability to understand his actions or any ability to control them.

If conscience or will are absent, the person held accountable is irresponsible. The trial before the investigative chamber is public and the decision is made in open court. The only limitation applies to cases of closed session, which can be requested under the conditions provided for in Article 306 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, especially if the advertisement is “dangerous to order or morals.” The investigative chamber then makes one of the following three decisions.


For ease of diagnosis and processing of statistical data, the World Health Organization has developed a classification in which types of mental disorders are grouped according to etiological factor and clinical picture.

Groups of mental disorders:

Conditions caused by various organic diseases of the brain.This may include conditions after traumatic brain injury, strokes or systemic diseases. The patient may be affected by both cognitive functions (memory, thinking, learning) and may experience “plus symptoms”: delusions, hallucinations, sudden changes in emotions and moods;
Persistent mental changes caused by alcohol or drug useThis includes conditions that are caused by taking psychoactive substances that do not belong to the class of narcotics: sedatives, hypnotics, hallucinogens, solvents and others;
Schizophrenia and schizotypal disordersSchizophrenia is a chronic psychological disease that has negative and positive symptoms and is characterized by specific changes in the state of the individual. It manifests itself in a sharp change in personality, the commission of ridiculous and illogical acts, a change in interests and the emergence of unusual hobbies, a decrease in performance and social adaptation. The individual may completely lack sanity and understanding of the events occurring around him. If the manifestations are mild or are considered a borderline state, then the patient is diagnosed with schizotypal disorder;
Affective disordersThis is a group of diseases for which the main manifestation is a change in mood. Most a prominent representative This group is bipolar affective disorder. Also included are manias with or without various psychotic disorders, and hypomania. Depressions of various etiologies and courses are also included in this group. Persistent forms of affective disorders include cyclothymia and dysthymia.
Phobias, neurosesPsychotic and neurotic disorders contain panic attacks, paranoia, neuroses, chronic stress, phobias, somatized deviations. Signs of a phobia in a person can manifest themselves in relation to a huge range of objects, phenomena, and situations. The classification of phobias typically includes: specific and situational phobias;
Behavioral syndromes that are associated with physiological disorders.These include various disorders of eating (anorexia, bulimia, overeating), sleep (insomnia, hypersomnia, somnambulism and others) and various sexual dysfunctions (frigidity, lack of genital response, premature ejaculation, increased libido);
Personality and behavior disorder in adulthoodThis group includes dozens of conditions, which include violation of gender identity (transsexualism, transvestism), disorder of sexual preference (fetishism, exhibitionism, pedophilia, voyeurism, sadomasochism), disorder of habits and desires (passion for gambling, pyromania, kleptomania and others). Specific personality disorders are persistent changes in behavior in response to a social or personal situation. These conditions are distinguished by symptoms: paranoid, schizoid, dissocial personality disorder and others;
Mental retardationA group of congenital conditions characterized by delayed mental development. This is manifested by a decrease in intellectual functions: speech, memory, attention, thinking, social adaptation. By degrees, this disease is divided into mild, moderate, moderate and severe, depending on the severity of clinical manifestations. Reasons that can provoke this condition include genetic predisposition, intrauterine growth retardation, trauma during childbirth, lack of attention in early childhood.
Disorders psychological development A group of mental disorders that includes speech impairment, delayed development of learning skills, motor function, and psychological development. This condition debuts in early childhood and is often associated with brain damage: the course is constant, smooth (without remission or deterioration);
Impaired activity and concentration, as well as various hyperkinetic disordersA group of conditions characterized by onset in adolescence or childhood. Here there is a behavior disorder, attention disorder. Children are disobedient, hyperactive, and sometimes even somewhat aggressive.


IN Lately It has become fashionable to classify any mood swings or deliberately pretentious behavior as a new type of mental disorder. Selfies can also be included here.

In this case, the investigative chamber does not regulate the civil liability of the individual. It is just that the jury or correctional court also makes a decision of acquittal or acquittal, but the decision is to criminalize the mental disorder if it is maintained by the court or court. Thus, new law has not addressed the criminal recklessness of a person suffering from a psychological or neuropsychiatric disorder that has impaired his or her recognition. it seems less difficult to hear the order of irresponsibility due to mental disorder instead of this concept, which completely denies the existence of "no place" facts.

Selfie – the tendency to constantly take pictures of yourself with a camera mobile phone and post them in social media. A year ago, news flashed in the news that psychiatrists from Chicago had identified the symptoms of the development of this new addiction. In the episodic phase, a person takes photographs of himself more than 3 times a day and does not post the pictures publicly. The second stage is characterized by taking photographs of yourself over 3 times a day and publishing them on social networks. In the chronic stage, a person takes pictures of himself throughout the day and posts them more than six times a day.

Security measures that may be imposed

The solution to criminal irresponsibility due to mental disorder can be supplemented according to the needs of one or more security measures. In addition, the new text provides for other measures that need to be taken. Now the judge can take this step directly. The goal was to minimize delays in the transmission of information that could be harmful. The legislator formulated this measure and establishes three so-called cumulative conditions.

None scientific research this data has not been confirmed, so we can say that this kind of news is designed to attract attention to one or another modern phenomenon.

Symptoms of mental disorder

The symptoms of mental disorders are quite large and varied. Here we look at their main features:

A judgment or judgment on criminal liability for mental disorder issued by an investigative chamber or a court of first instance, an expert opinion in a proceeding case in which it is established that the mental disorder of the person concerned requires care and endangers the safety of people or causes serious harm to public order. Only the organ that determines the measure changes. Subsequently, the administrative body regains its competence in this matter. A copy of the order on compulsory hospitalization must be immediately sent by the prosecutor or prosecutor so that the latter can immediately begin hospitalization.

Sensopathy - a violation of tactile and nervous sensitivityHyperesthesiaincreased sensitivity to normal stimuli,
Hypesthesiadecreased sensitivity to visible stimuli
Senesthopathya feeling of squeezing, burning, tearing, spreading from different parts of the body
Different types of hallucinationsTrueThe object is in real space, “outside his head”
PseudohallucinationsPerceived object "inside" the patient
IllusionsDistorted perception of a real object
Changing the perception of your body sizeMetamorphopsia

Possible deterioration thought process: its acceleration, incoherence, inhibition, perseveration, thoroughness.

The patient may develop delusions (a complete distortion of the idea and non-acceptance of other points of view on to the question asked) or simply obsessive phenomena - an uncontrolled manifestation in patients of difficult memories, obsessive thoughts, doubts, and fears.

Mental disorders - symptoms

The hospital watch may be canceled by the prefect or the judge of liberty and detention, ex officio or at the request of that person. Other prohibitions may be imposed on persons deemed irresponsible. The Research Chamber or the trial court may impose various security measures, which are based on those that may be ordered in the context of probation and social-judicial control, among other things, it may decide.

Prohibition on participation in a specially designated professional or social activities, during which or in the course of which a crime was committed, without a preliminary psychiatric examination declaring the person capable of carrying out this activity, especially in relation to minors. suspension of a driver's license or revocation of a driver's license with a prohibition on applying for a new license. These injunctions must be "specifically ordered" and their duration, as determined by the court, cannot exceed twenty years in criminal cases and ten years in correctional cases.

Disorders of consciousness include: confusion, depersonalization, derealization. Mental disorders may also have memory impairments in their clinical picture: paramnesia, dysmnesia, amnesia. This also includes sleep disorders and disturbing dreams.

The patient may experience obsessions:

  • Distracted: obsessive counting, recalling names and dates in memory, decomposing words into components, “sterile philosophizing”;
  • Figurative: fears, doubts, obsessive desires;
  • Taking possession: a person gives out wishful thinking. Often occurs after loss loved one;
  • Obsessive actions: more like rituals (wash hands a certain number of times, pull a locked front door). The patient is confident that this helps prevent something terrible.

The causes of mental disorders are the basis of their classification. The origin of some types of deviations still cannot be determined by specialists.

Moreover, a ban can be imposed only after a report from a psychiatrist-expert. With regard to the registration of criminal statements of criminal liability, the Constitutional Council issued an interpretative clause and considered that these statements were not fines, they could not be included in the criminal record, the purpose of which is to identify sentences, in particular criminal sentences, unless they are not accompanied by security measures.

Opinions are rightly divided on the merits of this new procedure. For some, it is an acknowledgment of victims' rights. For others, it is just a further increase in criminal procedure, although perhaps it would be enough to improve the existing criminal system. However, there is one unresolved question about the future of individuals for whom these decisions of irresponsibility in relation to mental disorders are expressed: should the answer be only judicial, medical? The latter must hold privately in relation to the submissions of the prosecutor, the applicant or his lawyer, heard or duly convened. He may seek the victim's preliminary opinion and the removal of the measure can only be decided on the basis of the results of the report of a psychiatric expert. In addition, the hearing allows civilian parties to meet and hear from defendants and experts if they so request. Finally, when a person is considered irresponsible due to mental impairment, the judge can now make a decision. Many mental illnesses first appear in early adulthood and will have a significant impact on education, work and lifestyle.

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There is no need to confuse the two concepts:

  1. Mental disorder;
  2. mental illness.

Get upset everyone can, due to hormonal levels, changes in the body, a bad situation, total bad luck and many other factors and reasons.

The main indicator of “upset” is temporary.

To better cope with the situation, it is important that family members and friends have access to information about their loved one's mental illness. Often suffers from shame and prejudice, the environment needs help and moral support. We all live through periods of depression. Sad moments sometimes follow setbacks and setbacks. This attitude and pain are normal reactions to the challenges of life.

Some forms of severe depression are partly genetic in origin. It goes without saying that factors environment, such as intense stress, loss, etc. Also play an important role in the onset and onset of the disease. People suffering from major depression are constantly sad, discouraged, and irritable. They are unable to experience joy. Their eating habits and sleep patterns are changed. They have difficulty concentrating or thinking with clarity. They often feel guilty and unworthy of being loved.

With illness everything is much worse, here “temporality” is replaced by “timelessness”. It is almost impossible to cure mental illness.

If a person is sure that he is Napoleon, this is forever. At best, it can be stuffed with drugs, given a course of electric shock treatment and turned into a vegetable. But the vegetables are simply silent and do not move. That's why we don't know what's in their heads.

Some even think about death. Depression responds well to treatment and can be treated in different ways. Typically used psychological observation for antidepressants. Severe, untreated depression can lead to suicide. Unfortunately, about 15% of depressed people eventually accept their own life. Although the risk of suicide increases with age, more and more young people are ending their lives. People who attempt suicide often show warning signs to others.

1.2% of men and 1.8% of women suffer

If you are self-aware or gaining confidence, don't be alone and don't ask for help; speakers will help you or you. We all experience moments of anxiety and depression. For example, it is normal for our mood to “fall in love” while we go through a period of depression if the relationship ends. However, people with bipolar disorder these mood swings become so intense that they do not realize that their mood is violent, that their anger is out of control, or that their depression is such that they are pursuing suicidal thoughts.

To determine in advance whether a person is sick, you need to know the main signs of the disease. We will talk about this in the article.

Drastic personality change

We all change little by little, and our environment, time, experience and interests change us. This is normal: a person loses something, gains something.

But if in an instant a person has changed dramatically, then this is an alarming signal.

For example, the bank clerk who left work like this and came to work the next day in a Pokemon costume. Of course, this could be a joke, an answer to a lost argument, or a costume party.

If visible reasons for a radical transformation no, there are hidden motives.

You don’t know about them, but if a person is not just in a Pokemon costume, but considers himself one, then the matter is serious. Let him get into the role and prove his artistry to everyone, but soon his passion should end.

If the fuse does not end, this is clearly the first sign of mental illness.

At first, it may seem that a person has neglected his responsibilities and his daily functions. He simply forgot that he was supposed to do something and did not remember at all how to do it.

A bank clerk who comes to work, but when he sees the reports that he only completed halfway through yesterday, comes into complete stupor. He doesn't understand how he did it yesterday. He has completely lost his skill.

Absurd ideas

All the signs need to be taken by the company, and not pulled out one of them and draw hasty conclusions based only on it. This applies to this feature. The absurdity in an idea can be seen by the surrounding society if it is simply not mature enough to understand such an idea.

They say about many geniuses that they were born before their era. The world was not yet ready to accept their ideas.

Consequently, such people were considered not just eccentrics, but madmen, sorcerers and devils.

  • In my time Giordano Bruno made a number of discoveries that were ahead of the era in which he lived. He said that stars are the suns of other galaxies, and there are an infinite number of galaxies in the universe. Only after 300 years, a monument was erected in honor of the legendary scientist at the place of execution.
  • Galileo was the same, but lived to be 77 years old, since he renounced his discoveries in time. He denied that the earth was round and revolved around the sun, which at one time was motionless.
  • A Nikola Tesla? Only recently have people started going crazy about electric vehicles, but it was invented almost a hundred years ago. Tesla died in 1943 in complete poverty, leaving 300 inventions to his descendants.

An infinite number of examples can be given, we think that the essence is already clear. We cross out geniuses born in a different age from this attribute.

A clerk in a Pokemon costume wanders around the office, greeting every folder, report and colleague with a blank stare. And then he starts offering crazy ideas. He brushes off objections and says that he came up with a spell.

But it is possible for a healthy person to distinguish absurd ideas from those that do not lack meaning.

A sick person is disturbed by the whole world: leaves on trees, a yard dog, reflections in puddles.

It is characteristic of a healthy person. The main thing is to retreat into yourself for a while and come out on time and full of strength.

The patient's depression has no boundaries and no temporality.

Such a person does not return to a normal state, but becomes aggressive or hyper-anxious.

Reorganization of the daily routine

It happens that healthy man confuses day with night. There are certain reasons for this. But when a person sleeps during the day, stays awake at night, eats every 10 minutes or does not eat for days - this may be neurosis, but in combination with other signs - a mental illness.