How to make cookie icing? How to make a cornet for glaze? Recipe from the site "site"

In order for the cookies to turn out to be the most festive, they need to be decorated.

White icing works best for this. This is a universal product - it can be used both as a background for a color pattern and for applying a snow-white pattern to dark cookies. Or you can add food coloring to the white glaze and it will turn out multi-colored. We offer you a selection of glaze recipes, among which you can choose the best one for yourself. And at the same time - a very simple way to make a cornet for glaze - it will successfully replace cream injector.

Cookie Icing Recipes

Fluffy glaze

Ingredients: 180 gr. powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. l. starch, 1 egg white, a few drops of lemon juice.

Powder and starch must be sifted! Beat the egg white, add powder and starch and grind thoroughly until smooth. At the end of mixing, add lemon juice. The consistency of the finished mass should be such that you can paint. After applying the glaze, you need to let it dry, then it will look very soft, almost like whipped cream.

Colored glaze

Ingredients: a glass of powdered sugar, 2 tsp. sugar syrup, a few drops of vanilla or almond extract (optional), 2 tsp. milk, food coloring.

In a ceramic or glass bowl, combine the sifted powdered sugar and milk. You should end up with a mass of paste-like consistency. Add sugar syrup and extract, beat until the mixture becomes shiny and smooth. If the glaze is too thick, add more sugar syrup.

Divide the frosting into different cups. Add food coloring to each (it’s better to take liquid coloring - then the color will be uniform) and stir until the coloring is completely combined with the glaze. You can apply the glaze with a brush or using a pastry bag.

New Year's glaze

This glaze serves as the base with which the cookies are coated before applying the design. It takes overnight to completely harden, but you can also paint on “wet” glaze.
Ingredients: a glass of powdered sugar, a few drops of lemon juice, a tablespoon of corn syrup, a tablespoon of milk.

Sifted powdered sugar is mixed with milk and syrup and ground into a homogeneous mass. At the end, lemon juice is added drop by drop. The result should be a fairly thick, paste-like mass.

There is a "rule of ten" for this glaze. Run your finger along the bottom of the bowl with the finished glaze and count to ten. During this time, the mark from the groove should disappear, the glaze should smooth out. If this requires more time, then add syrup; if the mark disappears too quickly, add more powder.

How to make a cornet for glaze

A cornet or homemade syringe tube for glaze can be made from thick cellophane or polyethylene. To make the spout rigid, you will need to stick tape on it - this will give the necessary rigidity, and the cornet will keep its shape.

Cut a rectangle measuring 10x12 cm from a piece of dense polyethylene. Roll it into a cone. We glue the spout with tape for rigidity. Fill the cornet with glaze, fold the top edge, squeeze out the air and seal the top. We bend the upper ends towards the middle and secure them. Carefully cut off the nose, literally just a little bit, so that the glaze can be applied in a thin line.

That's all! We have the icing ready, we have made the cornet, now we can start decorating the cookies.

Cookies are one of the favorite treats not only for children, but also for adults. Housewives delight their guests with fresh baked goods on holidays, and New Year's cookies with icing have long become a tradition in many families. Choosing a cookie recipe for painting with icing on New Year, you can opt for the well-known gingerbread cookies, which are often decorated with colorful designs. Colored cookie icing will add... bright colors table in every home. Although not everyone knows how to make this delicious fudge, fresh cookie frosting is not at all difficult to make.

Classic glaze – “royal icing”

Sugar icing for cookies classic recipe called icing. It is an excellent addition not only to cookies, but also to other baked goods, and is widely used by foreign confectioners to decorate cakes for birthdays and weddings. Icing is often called not only a coating according to the classic recipe, but also any other fondant. This sugar and protein frosting recipe is incredibly easy. Even those who are far from cooking will be able to prepare glaze at home.

We will need:

  • 1 egg white;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar.

First you need to thoroughly beat the protein, then add lemon juice and powdered sugar, sifted through a sieve. It is important not to beat the egg whites to stiff peaks, only to a smooth white mass. If you beat the egg whites too hard, you may end up with a meringue base instead of the desired icing, and your white cookie icing won't be the right consistency.

In addition, it is necessary to use powdered sugar, since sugar crystals can negatively affect the physical properties your product. In order to cook colored glaze, simply add the juice of another fruit or vegetable to the lemon juice. For example, red color can be obtained by adding beet or red currant juice, and orange by adding carrot juice. The protein glaze will not lose its taste due to this, and the resulting bright colors will add room for imagination.

This glaze can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days, but we recommend using it immediately after making it. One of the properties of icing sugar is that it dries quickly. This means that you can enjoy the colored glaze within 30-40 minutes after application.

Coffee glaze recipe for lovers of an invigorating drink

This simple coffee glaze recipe is perfect for all lovers of this aromatic drink. To make fudge, we need ingredients that are available in any kitchen. To make cookies with coffee glaze, you can use any recipe you are familiar with. This baking coating has a long-lasting coffee taste and smell. Cookies with coffee icing will be a great addition to any breakfast.

  • 280 g powdered sugar;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract;
  • 3 tablespoons of strong coffee.

The first step is to sift the powdered sugar, after which we beat it with three tablespoons of coffee. Take your time and do everything very carefully to avoid coffee stains on the countertop. To the resulting mass add softened butter and mix until the mass becomes homogeneous. After that, add vanilla to it.

This icing is suitable for coating and coloring any cookies, as well as for drawing patterns and shapes. The coating prepared according to this recipe is a wonderful decoration for any table.

Lemon glaze with sourness

Lemon glaze has a sweet and sour taste and a pleasant citrus aroma. It is used to decorate cookies, cheesecakes, cakes and cupcakes. It hardens quickly, which makes it easy to decorate any baked goods with it. You can add any dyes to this coating, which will allow you to create bright and interesting designs on your culinary creations.

To prepare the lemon glaze we will need:

  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
  • 100 g powdered sugar.

100 grams of powder must be sifted, then add lemon juice to it. To prevent the glaze from turning out too liquid, it is recommended to pour in lemon juice gradually, rubbing the resulting mass with a spoon. Depending on the desired consistency, add more lemon juice or more powder to the glaze.

Recipes for such icing for cookies are considered one of the easiest and require minimal effort and financial costs. They allow you to advantageously decorate baked goods and apply a simple but beautiful design to them.

Making thick marmalade coating

Marmalade icing is also easy to make yourself. For sweet fudge, it is recommended to use the simplest marmalade, avoiding everyone’s favorite analogues with sugar sprinkles or filling. But even with this limitation, you can choose exactly the flavor you like, be it lemon, strawberry or apple marmalade. Cookies colored with this icing have a bright taste and aroma. However, it will be a tasty addition not only to cookies, but also to other baked goods.

  • 200 g marmalade;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Cut the marmalade into a small saucepan, add sugar, sour cream and butter. We put it on fire. When the sweet mass boils, cook it, stirring, for 10-15 minutes. The glaze should be thick, with small pieces of marmalade. It is perfect for decorating and applying to cookies and is most often used in filling.

Video of making icing for cookies


Rare yolk glaze

Yolk glaze is perhaps the most underrated. This is a big omission, because the taste of this sweet fudge is no worse than the taste of protein icing. If you have leftover yolks from making the classic sugar glaze, you can put them to work by preparing the yolk mass. By combining two coatings on one cookie, you get a new and interesting taste.

We will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of water;
  • 4 egg yolks;
  • 160 g sugar;
  • 140 g powdered sugar.

Pour the egg yolks into a saucepan and add powdered sugar to them, whisk until smooth. Place another pan on low heat and add a full glass of sugar. Mix sugar and water until completely dissolved. The mass should become thick. Cool it until room temperature, carefully pour into the yolks and mix. This glaze hardens very quickly, so it is recommended to immediately apply it to confectionery products in the form of an elegant design or a simple fill.

How to make caramel frosting?

Caramel is another everyone's favorite treat. It's easy to make in any kitchen, and the caramel fudge makes a great garnish for your baked goods. This caramel recipe is used when the entire surface of the cookie needs to be painted. This cookie icing is suitable for layering other pastry mixtures on top, allowing you to combine different flavors.

We will need:

  • 180 g sugar;
  • 10 g starch;
  • ¾ glass of water;
  • ¾ cup cream;
  • 5 g gelatin.

Add a third of the water to the gelatin and let it sit. Stir the cream with starch, kneading all lumps. Burn the sugar in a dry frying pan until it has a light caramel color. Add the remaining water, having preheated it. After stirring, cook until the mass becomes homogeneous. Pour in the cream and whisk all the ingredients together. After adding gelatin, we can enjoy the appearance of the finished glaze, which is recommended to be used immediately after preparation. Caramel frosting has a long shelf life, so it is often used for several weeks. Plus, it's incredibly delicious.

Icing with orange juice

This mass has an orange flavor and orange will appeal to all citrus lovers. It complements lemon or coffee fudge well, creating new and unique flavor combinations, and is perfect if you need a glaze that spreads easily over baked goods.

  • 110 g powdered sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons orange juice.

Pour freshly squeezed juice into a saucepan, gradually add powdered sugar to it. It is very important not to confuse or swap two ingredients - only powder into juice and not vice versa! Stir the mixture over low heat until it reaches the desired consistency. It shouldn't turn out thick. The orange-flavored confectionery coating can be applied not only to cookies, but also to other desserts.

Preparing chocolate glaze

Few people don’t like chocolate, and chocolate fondant, so often found on cakes and pastries, is one of the most famous and beloved among sweet tooths all over the world. Its rich taste will be an excellent addition to any dessert, including cookies. It is easy to make and does not require the purchase of additional ingredients. The chocolate coating turns out to be liquid, so it is best to use it to pour the finished product.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • 280 g powdered sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa;
  • 1 tablespoon butter;
  • 4 tablespoons milk;
  • 1 pack of vanilla.

The butter must be softened, then add vanilla, powdered sugar and cocoa powder. Grind the mixture, then add milk to it. This completes the preparation of the chocolate glaze.

The black mass can be used as a base, onto which, after hardening, it is applied beautiful drawings and patterns from other icing. You can make white icing using cocoa instead. White chocolate. It needs to be melted in a bowl. In addition, you need to reduce the amount of milk to two tablespoons and remove vanillin from the recipe.

Secrets of applying glaze

Drawing on cookies is quite simple. If the drawing mass is too thick, then it needs to be heated by adding a little water or milk. If it turns out too liquid, we recommend adding a little powdered sugar. You can also add artificial and natural dyes to the finished icing.

Prepare the cookies for painting by lightly moistening the surface to be painted with water. Remember that cookies are a confectionery product and do not need to be completely wet because they risk getting soggy.

Can be used for painting plastic bag, in the corner of which you need to make a small hole. Professional pastry chefs use a pastry bag or pastry syringe. When applying a design, take into account the thickness of the icing - do not try to make a small design with liquid fondant or fill the entire baked goods with too thick a coating.

It is recommended to dry the painted product at room temperature. Thick icing dries in about 30 minutes, while liquid icing can take several hours to dry. If you're in a hurry, use caramel, lemon or yolk icing - it dries faster.

If you follow these recipes, the results will be very tasty and colorful!

Please your family and friends delicious cookies, decorated with bright and unusual glaze! It is quite possible that you will soon become a housewife, masterfully decorating not only cookies, but also other baked goods.

Bon appetit!

Sweet, shiny, glossy - it's all icing. It is very difficult for confectioners to do without it. It is used to cover cakes and pastries, to paint on gingerbread cookies and cookies, to fill the tops of cupcakes, etc.

Glaze is not only beautiful, but also useful. Thanks to it, baked goods stay fresh longer. In addition, this cupcake decoration is very easy to prepare and not expensive. The only products you need are sugar and water. This is for the simplest frosting. But there are many recipes for this decoration; sometimes it seems that as many confectioners in the world, there are as many recipes, or even much more: everyone has at least two favorites.

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Glaze, like any other product, has its own rules, and if you follow them, your baked goods will always be beautiful, fragrant and impressive.


The glaze should not be too thick and not too runny. Almost like sour cream. Then it will be well applied to the product, will set quickly and will not drain. If you followed the recipe and the glaze turned out too thin, add a spoonful of powdered sugar, and if it turned out too thick, add a teaspoon of hot water.

Different goals

Liquid glaze is poured over the tops of cupcakes or donuts. Glaze with the consistency of 20 percent sour cream is used for patterns and designs on cakes. Or you can make the icing even thicker and use it to glue one half of the cake to the other. A brush will help with this.


It needs to be ground very carefully. Right within a few minutes. And when you open the lid of the coffee grinder, a “sugar smoke” should come from the powder. Yes, and of course, it’s best to make your own powder, not store-bought. Moreover, it is done very quickly.

In addition, it is better to sift the powder.

Lemon juice

It is often used as a substitute for water when making glazes. And sometimes they add a few drops to the glaze for flavor. Lemon juice gives the glaze a great taste and smell. And if the baked goods are very sweet, then it makes sense to use more lemon juice, this will create a contrasting, voluminous and interesting taste.

On whites and yolks

With eggs, the glaze acquires a rich taste and a soft, dense consistency. Protein glaze is often used for Easter cakes or for drawing patterns. And the yolks give the glaze a yellowish tint - very beautiful. But for safety reasons, it is better to dry such glaze in the oven. Although this is often not mentioned in recipes.

Place the product in an oven heated to 100 C or a little more, even a little heating will protect you from salmonella, since it dies at 70 C.

With butter

When making icing for cakes, fat and butter are often added. The glaze with it turns out soft, creamy, it is well suited for cakes. The option with chocolate or cocoa and butter looks especially beautiful.

Secret: If you brush the cake with a thin layer of jam before frosting, the frosting will lie perfectly evenly and will shine very beautifully.


It is often recommended to add food coloring to the glaze; with it, the color turns out bright, and the product takes on a festive, cheerful look. Of course, there is nothing wrong with using food coloring from a bag, but you can add natural coloring products to the icing. For example, a spoonful of raspberry jam - you get a red color and a magical raspberry aroma. A pinch of turmeric and a piece of butter will give you an intense orange tint.

Secret: For glaze it is better not to use porous chocolate. And if you add a spoonful of cocoa to the chocolate, the color will be more saturated.

How to apply?

Liquid glaze for Easter cakes and cupcakes is applied with a brush. You can apply it in several layers. The glaze for painting is applied using a pastry syringe. By the way, you can use a regular disposable syringe.

Simple glaze

200 g powdered sugar

4 tbsp. l. hot water

Step 1. Mix powder and water and place on low heat.

Step 2. Cook, stirring, until the glaze becomes smooth. Approximately 5-7 minutes.

Step 3. Pour hot glaze over gingerbread cookies or buns.

Egg yolk glaze

5 yolks

1.5 cups powdered sugar

3-4 tbsp. freshly squeezed orange juice

Step 1. Beat the yolks with orange juice until a stable foam forms.

Step 2. Gradually introduce previously sifted powder. Stir everything until smooth.

Step 3. Cover the cake or cookies with icing and dry in the oven at approx. 100 C.

Glaze with rum

1 cup powdered sugar

3 tbsp. Roma

1 tbsp. l. hot water

Step 1.Powdered sugar sift.

Step 2. Add water and rum and grind very thoroughly. Cover cupcakes or pastries.

Chocolate glaze

100 g chocolate

3 tbsp. l. water

1 tbsp. l. butter

100 g powdered sugar

Step 1. Break the chocolate into pieces, add hot water and heat until the chocolate dissolves.

Step 2. Then add softened butter and powdered sugar and grind into a homogeneous glaze.

Protein glaze

Good to use for patterns

1 cup powdered sugar

1 tsp lemon juice

Step 1. Beat the whites until stiff foam.

Step 2. Sift the powder into the egg whites and beat very well again. Add lemon juice.

Step 3. Fill a pastry syringe or bag with icing. Apply a pattern to a cake, cookies or gingerbread.

Butterscotch icing

200 g hard toffees

40 g butter

1/4 cup milk

1-2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar

Step 1. Heat butter and milk in a saucepan.

Step 2. Add toffee and powder, cook until the candies are completely dissolved, stirring constantly.

Step 3. Apply to the cake in several layers.

Anyone, even very delicious dessert needs decoration. Colored icing for cookies - the most the best option to please the eye. After all, you can not only simply water it, but also make various designs. But few people know that fudge is also very useful. Paint the baked goods with any colors. There are a lot of cooking options, but in this article we will look at only the popular ones that are easy to prepare at home in the kitchen.

Butter glaze

It is more often used to cover cakes, but it is also a good option for small baked goods.


  • milk - 50 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 140 g;
  • 35 g butter.

It's very easy to cook. First we make the syrup. To do this, mix the milk with sugar and put it on low heat until it boils down a little. Stir constantly, otherwise it will burn. When it thickens, remove the bowl from the heat, add the butter and whisk until smooth.

You should get a white tint. To get colored icing for cookies, you need to pour into small cups and add food coloring. It is worth starting production after the temperature drops slightly. For cakes, they are often made with chocolate flavor. To do this, add cocoa powder during cooking.

Caramel glaze

Let's try the following decoration option.

We will need:

  • butter - 25 g;
  • milk - 35 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • “taffy” - 120 g.

Also a simple recipe for colored icing for cookies. But here you need to take into account what will happen in the end brown tint, so it won’t be possible to greatly diversify the palette. But the taste is excellent.

In a saucepan, bring butter and milk to a boil. Reduce the flame and add sugar and candy. Cook over low heat until the candies are completely dissolved.


Let's prepare:

  • almond extract - a few drops;
  • 1 tbsp. l. milk and sugar syrup;
  • powder - 230 g.

Here, when making colored glaze at home for cookies, there is room for your imagination to run wild. You can get any shade you want.

Cook and cool the syrup. To do this, put water and sugar in a 1:1 ratio on the fire. After holding it on the stove for a while, remove it.

Add all the necessary ingredients to a deep bowl. Using a mixer, first on low and then at high speed, beat the mixture until it becomes thick. If you overdo it, you can dilute it with syrup, but stir with a spoon.

Pour into plates and add the selected palette.

Almost the same fudge can be made by boiling and whipping 100 ml of milk with 200 g of granulated sugar.

Egg option

Now let's look at how to make colored icing for cookies using both whites and yolks. So, let's take:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 600 g powdered sugar;
  • 60 g orange juice (freshly squeezed).

For everything to work out perfectly, you need to cool the eggs. The squirrels will be the first to go. Separate them from the yolks and begin to beat with a mixer at low speed. As soon as foam begins to appear, gradually add 1/2 powdered sugar (300 g) in small portions. If you want to get a thicker mass for drawings, then you should increase the rotation speed.

When preparing colored glaze for cookies, it is better to bring the yolks to room temperature. Pour them into a deep bowl along with orange juice. Repeat the process with a mixer, as with the whites, adding the remaining powder. Only here there is a difference. After application, the yellow fondant must be dried in the oven at low temperature (100 degrees).


Most popular recipe for decorating baked goods. When applied and after drying, it has a pleasant shine in any shade. It is often used by pastry chefs and simple housewives.

All you need is:

  • 2 chilled egg whites;
  • 400 g powdered sugar;
  • 2 tsp. lemon juice.

More often at home they make such colored glaze for gingerbread cookies, which is baked in abundance before the New Year.

To get a good fudge consistency, you should follow simple rules. First, beat the chilled (this is required) whites with a mixer on average speed. Add powdered sugar one teaspoon at a time.

At the end, without turning off the machine, pour in lemon juice. If the mass resembles sour cream, you succeeded.

Nowadays, many mixtures are sold. You can also find dry proteins. They also make great fudge. Then the proportions will be like this:

  • powdered sugar - 380 g;
  • boiled water - 50 ml;
  • dry protein - 4 tsp;
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife.

Allow the protein to swell in 20 ml of water, and dilute the lemon acid in the rest of the liquid. Then mix everything and beat until the desired state. There are practically no differences if we took real eggs.

Also divide the finished mass into parts and add the desired dye.

If this is your first time preparing colored icing for cookies and decorating them, be sure to follow the rules:

  • When preparing, always observe the quantity of ingredients and the time of their addition.
  • Dyes are produced in 2 types: gel and dry. The latter must be diluted in a small amount in water.
  • If you are afraid of buying a palette, you can always make it at home. For example, red comes from beet juice, yellow from carrots, etc.
  • The fondant should only be applied to cold cookies and allowed to dry for the required amount of time to avoid sticking. Each layer sits for about 3-4 hours.

  • To ensure even edges, place the colored baked goods on a wire rack. Then everything unnecessary will run away neatly.
  • To apply inscriptions and drawings, the glaze must be thick.
  • It is not necessary to buy a pastry syringe or cornet. Make an envelope from parchment paper or a simple plastic bag.
  • All you need to do is use a coffee grinder to turn sugar into powder.