Maslenitsa in Rus' was celebrated not only by eating pancakes, but also by festive festivities. And during the festivities, all week long they rode down snow slides, staged fist fights between good fellows, burned an effigy of Maslenitsa, and also took mummers on sleigh rides - such a “Russian-style carnival.”

The children, of course, actively participated in all the entertainment. Let's remember the games for Maslenitsa, which are suitable for the street and for the home!


A real hit among folk games, “Zarya-Zaryanitsa” is played on all holidays, and just like that. The rules of the game are simple. Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:


Red maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Blue ribbons,

Rings entwined -

I went to get water.

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players so that he does not notice, and starts to run. A child who has a ribbon on his shoulder must quickly take it and run after the driver in a circle to his place. The one who is left without a place (the last to run) becomes the dawn.

"Ring on the Porch"

Another traditional one folk game, requiring a minimum of props. You can play both at home and outside, but, like Zarya-Zaryanitsa, the game is not very active, so pay attention to the weather!

For this game you will need a ribbon or rope tied tightly into a circle. You need to string a ring onto the ribbon - it is important that it easily passes through the knot with which the rope is tied.

Children stand in a circle and take the rope with both hands. The leader sits in the center of the circle, closes his eyes with his hands and slowly turns around his axis. At the same time he recites a little rhyme:

You roll, roll, little ring,

Come to our red porch!

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

I'm going to look for the ring!

At this time, the children move the ring along the rope, and when the leader opens his eyes, the child who got the ring clutches it in his fist. The presenter must guess who has the ring and ask the player to unclench both hands. If you guess right, then the player takes the place of the leader.


In the center of the round dance circle is the leader - the “sun”. The round dance goes in a circle and says a little rhyme:

Burn, sun, brighter -

It will be hotter in summer

(round dance expands to maximum)

And the winter is warmer

(the round dance narrows, the children approach the “sun”)

And spring is sweeter!

As soon as the counting ends, the presenter says, “Oh, I’m burning, I’m burning!” tries to catch up with one of the players, and the round dance starts in all directions. Whoever catches up with him is the new “sun”!

"Golden Gate"

But this game is active and quite suitable for a walk. The more players, the merrier!

Two children hold hands (with both hands) and raise them up. This is the "gate". Between them there is a round dance of the players. The “Gate” or the game leader reads a little rhyme:

Golden Gate, come through, gentlemen!

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is prohibited

And we won’t miss you the third time!

At the last phrase, the “gate” children lower their hands and, if possible, cut off part of the round dance - one or several people. Those who are caught by the leader join the “gate”. Gradually, the gates become wider and wider, and the round dance becomes narrower, until two people remain in the round dance, they become the new “gates”.


“Geese-geese” is not only the most popular folk nursery rhyme, but also part of a very active children's game, which is good to play in winter. Two parallel lines are drawn on the site - behind them the “geese” will be safe. The geese's task is to run from one line to another on command. The command becomes a poem, which the children and the leader read in turn:

Geese, geese!


Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes!

So fly! -

No no no! Gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!

The “wolf” leader tries to prevent the “geese” from running from house to house. Whoever gets caught becomes a wolf!


Another folk game that requires dexterity and excellent coordination of movements. You will need a pencil or other convenient stick for this. The player’s task is to hold it in a vertical position on an open palm (without pinching it with your fingers) for as long as possible. The leader keeps score:


How many hours are left until evening?

Everyone knows what Maslenitsa is. But everyone understands the essence of this holiday in their own way. For some, these are mass celebrations and sheer fun. We will tell you what competitions you can hold for Maslenitsa on the street for children and adults. Also read and remember the most original ones.
For others, it is one of the last stages of preparation for Lent. Still others associate it with an endless feast. Everyone is right: Maslenitsa is the most diverse of all known national holidays. And one of the most ancient.

During this period, our Slavic ancestors said goodbye to winter and invited spring to visit. It is not for nothing that pancakes are considered a symbol of the holiday - they are shaped like the sun. It was believed that the more fun a person spent these days, the more joyful the whole coming year would be for him. One day was not enough for fun - Maslenitsa was celebrated for a whole week. Nowadays, this tradition has returned.

An important element of the holiday are games and competitions. They must be mobile, since it is cold outside, and correspond in meaning to the event being celebrated.

Throwing felt boots: Whoever throws his winter boots the furthest, or more precisely, everyone whose second felt boot falls closest to the first, will receive the winner's prize. You can also throw a broom at a distance. In popular beliefs, this action symbolized the cleansing of the earth from evil spirits.

Broken pot. To protect future crops from evil spirits, the Slavs beat a pot on Maslenitsa. They put it on a stake, and blindfolded participants hit it with a stick, trying not to miss.

Brook. Not a single holiday in Rus' was complete without this emotional entertainment. It symbolizes the awakening of life, touches subtle emotional feelings, and gives the warmth of human attention. The participants stand in twos, and the one who did not have enough pair, walking along the stream, looks for it. Again someone is left alone and so on.

Fist fights are fun for real men

Fist fights are a pastime of Russian youth known since ancient times. They were held on holidays, but their revelry occurred on Maslenitsa, especially on the Wednesday of Maslenitsa week. In order not to violate age-old traditions, but to protect participants from injury, such games can be replaced with alternative ones:

Cockerels. Two people stand inside the drawn circle. One leg is bent at the knee and supported from behind by the heel. The goal is to push your opponent out of the circle as quickly as possible.

Sack fights. A slightly expanded version of this game is fighting with bags or pillows. But in this case, the participants stand on two legs, and fight the opponent with only one hand, in which they hold a pillow. The second hand must be on the belt. The game can be played in pairs or in groups.

A favorite pastime for boys of all times and ages is snowball fights. This is a traditional Maslenitsa entertainment. In ancient times, the whole day was dedicated to this fun - Thursday. They stormed the fortresses built on Monday and Tuesday and went wall to wall. The most important place in the fortress is the ice pillar. A prize was attached to the top of it. Those who wanted to take possession of it tried to climb the slippery surface.

A simplified version of snow fights that is suitable even for kids is a snow shooting range. You need to hit the targets drawn on a wooden board with a snowball. Kids will also love the labyrinth. It can be erected in the form of walls if there is a lot of snow, or paths can be trodden in the snow. The one who finds a way out faster wins.

Team games for Maslenitsa for children and adults

Maslenitsa relay race. Compote is prepared on the table for each team (for adult company– a stronger drink), a plate of pancakes and a glass. The first participant comes running, pours compote and returns. The second runs to drink it, and the third runs to eat the pancake. And so on. The team that runs out of compote and pancakes the fastest wins.

Running on three legs. The team is divided into pairs. In each pair, participants have two legs tied. Such a couple runs to the turning sign and returns. The team whose pairs complete the task faster wins.

Hockey in felt boots. This is a simplified game of regular hockey with the only condition - each participant must wear felt boots. The game has two halves of 15 minutes.

Any folk festival in Rus', especially Maslenitsa, could not do without this entertainment. Moreover, organizing it is as easy as shelling pears.


In ancient times, games and entertainment on Maslenitsa were distributed over the days. The day before, the organizers of the event gathered to draw up a program in accordance with a certain day. But every day of this week has its own hidden meaning:

Monday – meeting the holiday. They make a stuffed doll; if the weather permits, they build ice slides and snow fortresses. Trays for treats are installed in the squares. Children build snow sculptures on Monday. In the evening, the most talented sculptor is determined.

Tuesday is a flirt. Buffoons walk the streets, folk groups sing ditties, and holiday guests are treated to delicious delicacies.

Wednesday is delicious. Mothers-in-law are cooking delicious pancakes and invite their sons-in-law to visit. While women bake, men compete in dexterity, dexterity, courage and strength. In ancient times, fist fights were scheduled for this day.

Thursday is the apogee of the holiday, revelry. They sang, danced, played, caroled. On this day there were snow fights.

Friday or mother-in-law's party. The mother-in-law is invited to her son-in-law's place for pancakes. In the morning he sends his friends (calls) to his mother-in-law and father-in-law. They must ask their mother-in-law for a frying pan and a ladle, and their father-in-law for butter and flour. But parents don’t easily give anything to their son-in-law. Friends must fulfill their whims.

Saturday or sister-in-law's gatherings - the husband's sisters receive gifts from the daughter-in-law. And on this day they burn a scarecrow, saying goodbye to winter for good. Young boys jump over the fire - this is an ancient ritual of purification by fire. The ashes are scattered throughout the gardens and fields.

Forgiveness Sunday is the last day of Maslenitsa. Everyone asks each other for forgiveness and tries to do as many good deeds as possible.

IN church calendar there is no Maslenitsa holiday. However, this pagan heritage was not rejected by the Church. Moreover, Christianity filled it with a different meaning. Maslenitsa has lost its sacred meaning and through the efforts of the Church it turned into a week of relaxation, fun, and getting rid of everyday bustle. Ahead is a time of incredible spiritual work. To make it easier to go through this stage, a person needs a release. And what could be better than winding games and competitions for Maslenitsa, when even gray-haired adults feel like mischievous children?

During Maslenitsa week, I really want to have games and entertainment with the children to expand their understanding of the traditions of the Russian people. Children love to play through play activity They learn the rules, develop speech, and, most importantly, communicate with their peers and negotiate. I think this material will be useful to other educators this week.



Card index of games and fun for Maslenitsa week

The main spring holiday in Russia, Maslenitsa, “closes” winter rituals and festivities. In 2018, Maslenitsa will last from February 12 to 18.

The traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa have come to us from ancient times. And even at a time when many peoples and Religious holidays were forgotten, people happily gathered for the solemn “Farewell to the Russian Winter” and indulged in Maslenitsa pleasures, games and amusements.


Hello my dears!

Hello, my beautiful ones!

I'm Maslenitsa!

I came to your holiday.

I see how you were waiting for me

I know you missed the warmth.

Well, let's have fun

Sing songs, play, frolic!

1. Round dance "Sun"

You need to stand in a circle and hold hands, the leader in the center depicts the sun. Children lead a round dance and sing:

Shine, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And winter is warmer (the circle is shrinking,

And spring is nicer (the circle is expanding)

Then the presenter suddenly shouts “I’m burning!”

This is a signal for children to run away different sides, and the leader catches them.

Both girls and boys

We call you to the rope.

Ten on the left, ten on the right,

Only the muscles are cracking.

2. Game of tug of war (team winter - team spring)

3. “Throwing a bag at a target,” or “Hit a snowball at a target.”

4. Riddles

Lying, lying,

Yes, he ran into the river (snow)

Lukerya scattered

Silver feathers

Spun it, swept it away,

The street became white (blizzard) and many others...

5. The “snake” walks in front of the players saying:

I'm a snake, snake, snake

I crawl, crawl, crawl.

Suitable for one of the players:

– Do you want to be my tail?

- Want!

- stand behind me!

The two of them go:

I'm a snake, snake, snake

I crawl, crawl, crawl.

Approach another player:

– Do you want to be my tail?

- Want!


The player must crawl between the legs of the “snake” and become its “tail”. And so on until everyone has gathered.

6. Ribbon carousel. (to music)

7. Game "Stream"

8. Game "Winders".

A prize is tied exactly in the middle of a long stretched ribbon. The ends of the tape are held by two participants. They must wind up the ribbon as quickly as possible. The one who gets to it first will receive the prize.


Progress of the game. In the center of the circle is the “sun” (a cap with the image of the sun is placed on the child’s head). The children say in chorus:

Burn, sun, brighter -

It will be hotter in summer

And the winter is warmer

And spring is nicer.

Children dance in a circle. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle. To the word “I’m burning!” - the “sun” is catching up with the children.

10. Give a handkerchief of sympathy

A goal with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are suspended on thin threads at different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump and tear off one of the handkerchiefs, and then call the girl’s name and give her the one that was torn off.

11. "Cockerels". A circle is drawn on the site. Two players stand in a circle. Each player stands on one leg, bends the other at the knee, and supports it by the heel with one hand. The players' task is to push the opponent out of the circle without using their hands and standing on one leg. (They push each other with their shoulders).

12. “We bake pancakes”

In the child’s hands is a children’s frying pan with pancakes on it,

(pancakes can be cut out of thin foam rubber, run to the table. Place the pancake on a dish, each participant has their own, return. Pass the frying pan to the next team member, whose team will “bake” more pancakes.

13. Game "Pancakes"

(All participants stand in a circle facing the center. The leader gives a command, the participants carry it out:

1. “Damn lumpy” - everyone jumps.

2. “Pancake with butter” - everyone squats.

3. “Pancake with meat” - everyone stands up, hands on their belts.

4. “Pancake with sour cream,” the boys shout.

5. “Pancake with condensed milk” - the girls shout)

14. Game "Frying Pans"(after the music ends, quickly take the hoop)

15. "Russian broom".

Comic championship in throwing a broom at a distance. It is more convenient to take a broom without a shaft.

16. " Who is faster on a broom?

There are pins lined up on the court. You need to run like a snake on a broomstick and not knock over the pins. The one who knocks them down the least wins.

17. "Male-maimed." The players choose the driver. Each player picks up a small stick (20-30 cm long). Everyone says the following words: Malechena - kalechina, How many hours are left until evening, until winter? After the words “Before winter?” Place the stick on the palm or any finger of the hand. As soon as the sticks are placed, the leader counts: “One, two, three, ... ten.” The one who holds the item longer wins. The leader can give different tasks: the players, holding a stick, must walk, squat, turn right, left, around themselves.

18. “Give me a handkerchief of sympathy.” A goal with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are suspended on thin threads at different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump and tear off one of the handkerchiefs, and then call the girl’s name and give her the one that was torn off.

19. Outdoor game “Jump over the fire”

Children take turns jumping over the “bonfire”(can be made from paper), trying not to touch the “tongues of flame.”

And we were expecting Maslenitsa,

We met our dear guest,

The mountain was covered with pancakes,

Oil was poured on top.

The mountain is steep like pancakes,

The mountain is as clear as butter,

And they pour snow on the hill,

And our mothers are calling us home.

It's not good for us to go home,

We decided to ride down the mountain.

Oh you, Maslenitsa-crooked neck,

Give us a good ride.

You need to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring with joy. Our ancestors were very fond of Maslenitsa festivities. During Maslenitsa games on the street for children were organized here and there - the children ran around, had fun, played snowballs. Of course, there were Maslenitsa games for adults: fist fights, slides, ice pillars.

Have you decided to devote Maslenitsa week to outdoor fun and joyful moments? We will be happy to tell you about funny Games for Maslenitsa for all ages!

Maslenitsa games on the street

Snowy winter calls you outside, and frost stings your cheeks. Even at -20 you will be warm if you actively move and play.


What can I say - pick up the sled and go find the slide! And then - your fantasy: take turns riding, linking several sleds into a “train”, and racing down the hill. The main thing is to remember about safety, bruises and bumps are not our friends.

Shooting gallery

You'll need a target and a keen eye. The target can be a fence or a blank wall. You can prepare in advance and make targets yourself from wooden shields.

ice column

Fun games and activities for Maslenitsa that came to us from the past. For fun, you need a tall pole, which must first be doused with water in order to freeze. We are already hanging various gifts on the ice pillar. The participants’ task is to remove these gifts. Climbing on ice is not an easy task! The winner is the one who can get the top prize.

Snow fortress

If the winter has pleased you with an abundance of snow, you can build two improvised fortresses, and then, breaking into teams, destroy the building of the opposing team with snow volleys. The goal is to destroy the enemy’s castle, not the opponents themselves, don’t get carried away!

Throwing felt boots

Throwing at a distance, accuracy and closeness of the fall of the second felt boot from the first. The game is simple, it’s much more difficult to get felt boots!

Tug of War

The main thing is to divide into mixed teams, i.e. there should be both boys and girls in one team. Otherwise, the outcome of the tug-of-war is known in advance. You can arrange a family competition - the Ivanovs against the Petrovs. Or you can call one team “Spring”, the other “Winter” and make a prediction - who will win - spring or winter.

Also, for variety, teams can stand with their backs to each other and measure their strength in this position. Tug of war is a great outdoor game for children during Maslenitsa.


Draw a circle on the snow (this is a frying pan). All players join hands and jump on one leg, trying to push each other into the circle. Whoever got into the circle was “sintered” in a frying pan. The players' task is not to get into it.

Gamesfor Maslenitsa on the street for children

To keep kids from getting cold and bored outside, offer them these simple, but fun and active games:


You can start the game with the well-known “stream”. Children are divided into pairs and stand next to each other. The kids hold hands, arms raised up, forming a gate. The last pair runs under the gate and becomes the first, and so on until everyone has passed the stream. A child without a partner is appointed as a driver. It moves 5 steps away from the stream. Everyone sings the song “Burn, Burn Clearly”:

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out!
Look at the sky
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing:
- Ding-dong, ding-dong,
Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, the first couple scatters on both sides of the stream, and the driver must catch one of them before they stand at the end of the stream and hold hands. If the driver manages to catch someone, they become the last pair, and the one who is not caught becomes the driver.


Children stand in a wide circle, each with their hands behind their backs. The leader - "Zarya" - walks with a ribbon in his hands around the round dance and sings:

Dawn - lightning,
Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined
Let's go get some water!

As soon as sung last words songs, the driver puts a ribbon on the shoulder of one of the children in the round dance and runs away. The child must take the ribbon and run with it in the other direction. Each of them strives to take the vacant place in the circle. The one who managed to take his place remains in the circle, and the remaining one becomes “Zarya”. You can add an element of round dance rotation, having previously discussed in which direction it will spin


For this game you will need a rope, 3-5m long, with a bag of sand tied at the end. Children stand in a circle, the leader spins with a rope, and the rest must jump over. Whoever is hit by the rope is eliminated from the game.

Riding on a broom

First you need to prepare an obstacle course - place pins or other objects in a row. The child’s task, riding a broom, is to run between obstacles without hitting them. The one who knocks down the minimum number of pins wins.

Indoor Maslenitsa games

Indoor games for children during Maslenitsa differ from others only in limited space. But if the house has a minimum of furniture and a maximum square meters, you can safely play the games described above. And the following children's games for Maslenitsa are quite suitable for other holidays, so take note.

Find yours

Participants are divided into two equal teams. Everyone is blindfolded and dispersed around the room. One team meows, the other grunts. Whichever team gets together faster wins.


For the game you need to prepare a lot of artificial flowers. Children are divided into two teams and sing the chant:

Spring, Red Spring,
Come, Spring, with joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With the heavy rains,
With abundant flowers.

During the singing, the driver scatters flowers around the area. As soon as the song ends, the children begin to collect flowers. The team that collects the most flowers wins.

Fist fights

Don't worry, kids won't have to wave their fists! The battle will take place through long balloons. This game has 2 advantages: children have fun, and parents train their lungs!

Pancake race

To organize a fun pancake race, prepare in advance some pancakes made of paper or felt, two kitchen spatulas and 4 chairs. Divide the participants into 2 teams. The task of this relay race is to transfer all the pancakes on a shoulder blade from the first chair to the second by each team member in turn.

As you can see, games and competitions for Maslenitsa can be very diverse. The main thing is to enjoy spending time with family and friends!

July 11, 2016

Our calendar is replete with a large number of holidays. Some of them are state-owned, others are international. But there are also those that are usually classified as seasonal or calendar. So winter pleases with Christmas festivities, summer spoils you with fun at Maslenitsa, but spring treats you with pancakes at Maslenitsa. Usually these days are a time of public festivities: after all, everyone wants these holidays to be bright, eventful and interesting. But it is Maslenitsa week that takes place on the greatest scale - and no wonder, since there are seven days of walking.

Maslenitsa is one of the few pagan holidays, which was so firmly entrenched among the Slavs, despite all the changes and vicissitudes. Maslenitsa - for many today is associated with joy, fun and, of course, pancakes. Now few people know about all the traditions of this holiday, but almost everyone knows that during it pancakes are baked everywhere. After all, the pancake, since ancient times being a symbol of the sun, opens the week of farewell to winter and welcome to spring.

A variety of entertainment events are held on the streets and in entertainment venues these days. But to avoid confusion, it is better to take care in advance entertainment program: find out what, when and where it will be held in your city.

On holiday, you can visit the pancake fair, where you and your loved ones can taste themed treats with a variety of fillings. After that, watch the most interesting theatrical performances right on the street, where folk traditions They see off the winter by burning Maslenitsa straw. In addition, these days it is customary to have a lot of fun, and therefore in the fresh air you can take part in various competitions and fun activities.

Competitions and outdoor entertainment for Maslenitsa week

A popular pastime is the game "Wall to wall." This fun is purely for men. The number of participants is not limited, and therefore is ideal for big company. The game appeared as long ago as the tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa. Only initially its essence was mostly in fist fights. Today it has been modified into a competition between two teams, the goal of which is to break through the enemy’s “wall.”

At the beginning of the game, the teams face each other - “wall to wall”, choose a “combat leader” who will be responsible for making decisions, and “the hope of the team”, who will actually break through the opponents’ defense. After this, both teams, without breaking their ranks, begin to move towards their opponents. The winner is the team that managed, if not to break through the “wall,” then at least to move it beyond the boundaries of the playing area.

The competition is also very impressive and exciting. "Horse Fight". Everyone can participate here: only the number of participants must be even, because they will have to split into pairs, where one will act as a “horse” and the second as a “rider”. It is best to choose the weaker sex for the last role: after all, the “horse” participant will have to hold the “rider” on his shoulders for a long time.

When the couples are ready, the real battle begins, during which it is necessary to throw as many “riders” out of the saddle as possible. The competition continues until only one couple remains, which will be declared the winner.

Particularly popular are jumping over the fire, although this entertainment is suitable only for the brave and determined. Yes and good physical form It won’t hurt here: after all, jumping over open flames can be unsafe. It is also worth paying attention to clothing - it should not interfere with movement.

In general, you can do a lot of things outside and take part in them, but only if you are not afraid of the cold and snow, since during the celebration of Maslenitsa, nature does not yet pamper you with warmth and good weather.

Indoor competitions for Maslenitsa week

Maslenitsa quest

– this is a very popular entertainment in modern world. And combining this newfangled fun with a traditional holiday means you will absolutely get a good result and a storm of positive emotions. Moreover, both those who participate in them and those who come up with them will receive positive impressions.

The quest is a space for imagination. Here you can select any number of tasks, set different goals for the players, and use any equipment. Adults and children can participate in it. Or they can do both at the same time, since quests are not only individual entertainment, but also group entertainment.

Tasks can be hidden throughout the room or assigned to be completed specific people. The tasks are very diverse. But the answers must include the keys to the next tests.

For example:

  1. "Eat all the pancakes on the plate and find out where to look for the next clue" ( keyword written down on a piece of paper and placed under the very last pancake).
  2. “Find the image of the Maslenitsa symbol and under it you will find the next key.” (The symbol is the sun).
  3. “The answer to the riddle will indicate where the next task is hidden” (The riddle must be related to Maslenitsa). For example,

I'm standing on a pole -
I look down on you.
Body, arms, head -
Everything I have is made from straw.
They ritualized it, brought it,
They burned me with songs.
(Maslenitsa scarecrow).

  1. “The rebus will guide you on the right path.” (There are a huge variety of puzzles, so you’ll definitely find something).
  2. “Make a word from cardboard pancakes that will indicate the place where the prize is hidden.” (To do this, cut out circles from yellow cardboard in advance and write the letters of a specific word on them).

This is a very small quest, but it can also be the highlight of the evening.

Competition program for Maslenitsa

Thematic competitive programs there are a huge variety. Each of them has its own characteristics. website offers this option.

The competition program is designed for two teams. The entire game will take place in seven stages (the same number as the holiday is celebrated), that is, participants will be invited to participate in seven competitions. Each competition will be dedicated to a specific day of the week and convey its main essence. The winner is determined by the number of points scored.

First competition “Hello, Maslenitsa”

Since on the first day of the holiday it was customary to dress up the straw effigy of Maslenitsa, the competition is directly related to this. A participant is selected from each team who will play the role of a “scarecrow” - he needs to stand motionless, without bending his arms and legs. The newly minted Maslenitsa participants will be at a distance of 3-5 meters from their teams. Articles of clothing will be placed on the floor next to them. Which other participants must put on them. It is necessary to dress up the “stuffed animal” one by one. Each participant is allocated only 10 seconds for this. Whoever can do it faster and better is declared the winner.

Second competition “Understand me”

On the second day of the celebration, in the old days, the guys looked for a soul mate, and the girls responded to these advances with all sorts of signs (without words). So in this competition, one participant from the team is tasked to show only with the help of facial expressions and gestures what is written on their sheet. Guessing is done against time: first one team, then another. Who will have best time, he won. The entries on the pieces of paper can be very different: the names of songs, books, films...

Competition third “Lord of Pancakes”

Where would we be without pancakes? It was on the third day that the mass baking and eating of these delicious rounds began. Each team will need two participants at once. The task of one will be to wrap the filling in the pancakes, and the second will have them. The competition is held against time. When determining the winner, not only how quickly the team completed the task is taken into account, but also the quality of execution. If at the end of the competition there is filling left on the plate, then the victory does not count, even if the participants finished first. It's the same story with carelessly rolled pancakes: the filling falls out - penalty seconds.

Fourth competition "Burim"

The fourth day of Maslenitsa is a day of mass celebrations. It is also commonly called “Razgulay”. That’s why the teams are all invited to play together in Burim. This game is familiar to everyone and is suitable for any holiday.

Teams are given four words that rhyme and are asked to compose a poem about Maslenitsa. The winner is the team that is the first to complete this task efficiently.

For example, words It's winter, it's warm, it's light.

Competition fifth “Pancake Courier”

On the fifth day, people often went to visit and brought gifts with them - pancakes. So the teams are asked to move improvised pancakes cut out of cardboard from one point to another. Only you need to carry them not with your hands, but with two sticks held in your hands. Dropping fake treats, taking several at once, or carrying them together is prohibited. A fallen pancake cannot be picked up: it will not be counted when calculating points. The number of points they reported was the number of points they earned. If the opponents have the same number, then the winners will be those who completed it first.

Competition sixth “Farewell, Maslenitsa”

On the sixth day there was a solemn farewell to Maslenitsa - that is, its burning. Teams are asked to come up with as many other ways as possible to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring in 5 minutes. Those who offer more options win the competition.

Competition seventh “Forgiven Competition”

On the last day of Maslenitsa, it used to be customary to ask each other for forgiveness. So the teams will have to compete in their ability to apologize. To do this, one player from the team is located at a distance of ten steps from the chair where there is a plate of pancakes. In order to get to the plate, you need to say words of apology. One word - one step. It is important that words are not repeated. Whoever reaches the tasty goal first wins.

It doesn't matter where or how you celebrate. The only thing that matters is who you do it with. After all good company will never let you get bored. And Maslenitsa is just a good reason to spend interesting and fun free time with friends and relatives.