Eternal companions of mysterious circumstances

Seeing a black cat at an intersection, do you run to the next street so that, God forbid, it doesn’t cross your path? Or vice versa - run after him to stroke this miracle, looking into the eyes of magical beauty? Be that as it may, black cats are always a reason for discussion. And the debate has been going on since time immemorial and on all continents.

Why did you fall out of favor?
Black cat in Ancient Egypt was a temple animal. Being invisible in the dark, she successfully caught rodents at night, thanks to which she did not lack food, which contributed to the birth of healthy and numerous offspring.
There are a lot of things connected with black cats various signs, which came mainly from the dark European Middle Ages, when this innocent animal suddenly became associated with representatives of evil spirits. The fact is that by that time the population of black cats had increased enormously, and its ability to hunt silently at night, remaining unnoticed, aroused mystical fear among superstitious Europeans. Medieval monks believed that it was in the form of black cats that demons came to them to tempt them. The owners of black cats were declared witches and burned at the stake of the Vatican Inquisition along with their pets. Even one light hair found in a cat’s fur could save him from a terrible death. This partly explains the fact that there are very few truly black cats today. Nature took care of these animals, giving them white spots.

City women
It is a known fact that black cats are found more often in cities than in rural areas. One of the hypotheses explaining this circumstance is that nature helps the animal to be invisible for a successful hunt. Black city sidewalks and polluted environment contribute to successful camouflage.
In addition, urban pollution, getting on the animal’s fur, stains it. But the most basic version is that black coloring makes animals more stress-resistant, which is necessary in order to endure the psychological hardships of life in the city.

Mustachioed friend in the house
Today's magicians advise you to forget about your fears and prejudices about black cats in the house, because animals protect the home from negativity magical influence or from an unkind word. By the way, if your black cat in the house can’t stand one of the regular guests, this is a good reason to suspect the visitor of insincerity.
In addition, black cats always lie down on sore spots of their owners, bringing relief to their well-being. Better mustaches help with insomnia, fatigue, depression, after surgical interventions- in a word, when you need to restore strength. This is explained by the fact that black color promotes the accumulation of energy.
In the old days it was believed that the first one allowed into new house the black cat found a common language with the brownie, which promised the owners a calm prosperous life. It was believed that black animals protected the house from theft.
If a domestic cat gives birth to a red and black kitten, then the red baby should be given away, and the black one should be left in the house as a bringer of good luck.
A domestic black cat promises mostly positive omens. But positive beliefs are not always associated with stray animals. Thus, the well-known sign about a black cat crossing the road promises misfortune to the traveler. To avoid trouble, you should spit over your left shoulder three times or hold on to a button.

Superstitions in different countries Oh
In ancient times, it was believed that if you agree to give your black cat to the evil spirits, then in return you will receive from them an irredeemable coin - the one with which you will pay, and it will appear in your pocket again.
English brides are ready to kiss every black cat they meet on their wedding day. If an animal sneezed, this portends a long and happy marriage.
The Japanese say that seeing a black cat on the street is a sign of a good day. So don’t rush to another street or wait for someone to pass in front of you - trust the wise Asians.
In the US, it is believed that a black stray cat that turns up on your doorstep should be immediately let in and treated with kindness, as it is a harbinger of good luck.
But here is a belief from English folklore: if there is a black cat in the house, the owners will always have lovers.
They went even further in Italy: they have been celebrating the Day of Protection of Black Cats for about 10 years.

Amazing cases
A black cat in the house helps the owners save money and solve financial problems. Owners of these animals often notice that with the advent of a dark cat, their financial situation improves. The Internet is full of such amazing stories.
One visitor to a forum dedicated to mysticism said that she was once given a black cat for her birthday. And the girl claims that from that very moment interesting things began to happen in her life: “I began to notice that I stopped spending money on nonsense (the fifth cup of coffee a day, the tenth nail polish), I started making money from my hobby - knitting, and I'm slowly saving money for my vacation. In a word, life has clearly become more reasonable. It seems that the dark cat’s money magic has manifested itself one hundred percent.”
Another told the following story: she was getting home from work, and a skinny black kitten ran after her - obviously a stray. It was raining outside, the woman took pity on the animal and took it with her. “The baby ate, warmed up and sat on my lap when I started knitting. And after half an hour I felt bad - my chest was tight and I was taking my breath away. It must be the heart! Suddenly a black kitten jumped on my shoulder. After a while I felt better, I looked and my little black one was dead. He probably took the blow."
As a rule, in a house where there is a black cat, psychics are no longer needed: she herself will warn the owners of the danger. It is worth paying attention if your pet begins to behave nervously - running around the apartment, meowing, hissing, and especially - lying on the threshold when you leave the house. Most likely, he warns you of some danger. Better be careful. “I have been the happy owner of a black cat for five years now. And we have a complete idyll with her. But one morning the animal suddenly grabbed my hand with its claws. While I was disinfecting the scratches, I was late for work and took a taxi. As I found out later, my bus was involved in an accident that morning. Then don’t trust in a cat’s intuition,” another forum member shared his story.
And such stories from real life at least a dime a dozen, and some of them happened to great people.

Historical facts
The image of a black cat is ambiguous - to some they bring joy and happiness, while others consider them to be the embodiment dark forces and the source of evil.
A black day from a black cat
Napoleon Bonaparte claimed that he had a premonition of defeat at the Battle of Waterloo because the day before he dreamed of a black cat. The emperor never liked cats, and even perceived the color black as a symbol of misfortune.
Following your favorite
The story tells that the English king Charles I believed that his pet, a black cat, brought him prosperity and good luck. In order not to lose his beloved animal, he even assigned a guard to the cat. One day the cat died, and then Karl exclaimed: “I will no longer have happiness!” A day later, the king was arrested by Cromwell's supporters, and a few months later he was publicly executed.
So you shouldn’t be afraid of black cats, much less throw stones at them on the street. Animals will bring a lot of positive emotions to those who give them their love, and in some cases even save them from life’s hardships.

In fairy tales, legends and myths of the peoples of different countries, cats are often found. Sometimes these animals provide support to humans and act as a protector, sometimes they are represented as servants of the devil or a conductor of dark forces. Cats can be capricious and flexible, wayward and almost tame. But at the same time they remain incredibly mystical creatures. Why is this happening?

1. A cat has nine lives

This is the most common cat riddle that almost every person knows. But is it true that cats have incredible vitality? You've probably heard the statement that a cat always falls on its paws and supposedly can never break when falling. In fact, this is only partly true.

It is no secret that all representatives of the cat family are very dexterous and have a peculiar grace and plasticity. This allows them to often get out of various troubles. And, nevertheless, this animal does not like to fall to the ground from a height. Have you ever seen someone try to remove a screaming cat from a tree?

Sensitivity allows the cat to detect an approaching enemy in advance. But it would be naive to assume that a cat has 9 lives, at least the one that lives on the street. A cat's life is cruel and short-lived; it can end suddenly for a variety of reasons: under the wheels of a car, in the mouth of a dog, or even in a fight with its fellow cat.

2. The cat has a connection with evil spirits

For the most part, the animals owe this statement to folklore: fairy tales and legends. Although, I must admit, quite a few people have seen cats stare into empty space. It's like there's something there! It also happens that a cat hisses into an empty space.

There is one legend according to which a person who wanted to become a witch or sorcerer had to obtain the Black Book from the devil. But this was not easy to do, because it would require burning 1000 cats at the stake! At the end of this execution, the devil himself was supposed to appear (which is noteworthy in the guise of a black cat). The evil one would begin to pay off the person who performed this satanic ritual, promising him fabulous wealth, power, eternal life. But instead, the legend prescribed to demand the Black Book of Witchcraft from the devil.

According to another legend, cats sometimes replace sleeping children with demons. They look exactly like real children, but they are incredibly capricious, they feel bad in church and they absolutely cannot stand the sight of icons. Fortunately, demon children only exist in folklore

3. A cat lives between worlds

Our ancestors noticed that the cat often sleeps during the day and is awake at night. From this a fairly simple conclusion was drawn - the animal is a conductor between this world and the other world. But we must not forget that even a domestic cat remains a predator by nature. And it is typical for a predator to hunt in dark time day and sleep during the day.

However, researchers paranormal phenomena insist that cats are still capable of contacting creatures from, as they say, the world. It is possible that there is some truth in this, because the perception of many animals, including cats and dogs, is much more subtle than that of humans. There are cases where pets saved their owners, forcing them to leave the house shortly before an earthquake that collapsed the building.

Do you want to convey news to relatives or friends who have left this world? Well, you don’t have to have a seance to do this! All you have to do is ask your pet furry dog, he will do a great job with your instructions.

4. Cats “steal” the breath of a sleeping person

This one is pretty interesting horror story comes from the Middle Ages. You know, from those curious times when people believed that lead could be turned into gold, the plague could be driven away by the ringing of bells, and mice were born from piles of dirty laundry.

And yet, where did the belief come from that cats steal the breath of sleeping people? According to one version, the whole point is that some cats have the habit of lying on the chest of the sleeping person, thereby creating additional stress. Perhaps this would pose some danger if we were talking about an asthmatic, a child, a sick or elderly person. Although it is quite difficult to imagine that a person who lacks oxygen would not wake up, but instead suffocate in his sleep.

5. Black cat best friend witches

How do you answer the question, which cat is suitable for a novice witch? Of course, black! The one who will bring trouble on you if he crosses your path. And it will look absolutely gorgeous on a broom! But why exactly do black cats have a bad reputation, and since ancient times?

Writers, composers, and inventors of fairy tales and folklore contributed greatly to this. Take, for example, the wonderful work of Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita. One of the most colorful characters in Woland’s (the devil’s) retinue is the cat Behemoth, a werewolf who can, at will, take the form of a cat or a human... Also, by the way, somewhat similar to a cat.

There is another version of the curse of black cats. It is believed that if such an animal unexpectedly crosses the path of a horse rider, the horse may buck and throw the rider off. This is not excluded, because the horse’s vision has a blind spot in the form of a cone, which begins in front of its nose and reaches a point 90..120 cm in front. In addition, many domestic horses develop myopia over time. So a cat suddenly flashing into view is quite capable of frightening a horse.

6. A cat can drive away depression and pain

Owners of furry cats know that a cat often feels that a person is in pain, rubs against the sore spot or lies down next to him. What’s even more surprising is that the pain subsides after this (of course, if we are not talking about too pronounced pain syndrome). Why is this happening?

The answer to this mystery is believed to lie in the field of bioenergy. Cats have a fairly strong influence on the human aura; they can harmonize the biofield. So next time, before turning to a psychic, think, maybe it’s better to get a cat? Her services will cost you much less!

7. A cat can predict the weather

How many folk tales exist about how the behavior of cats can predict the weather! The cat washes itself; the day will be clear and sunny; curl up and wait for windy and rather chilly weather. If the animal behaves restlessly, then you can expect hail, snow, bad weather, and if it sleeps peacefully, then a thaw will soon occur.

Folk signs are most widespread in rural areas, where the well-being of people has long depended on what the next harvest will be like. In the absence of accurate ways to predict the weather, people themselves have created for themselves a system of special signs and signs designed to help in this matter. Sometimes such predictions were accurate, sometimes not. One way or another, the belief that cats are able to predict the weather has survived to this day.

Cat is one of the most widespread and at the same time the most mystical animals, the tradition of worship of which goes back centuries. Since ancient times, cats have been revered and feared. Their independence and night walks occupied a prominent place in folklore and magic, which is why such a huge number of legends, beliefs, rituals and witchcraft rituals are associated with them.

The oldest image of a cat in Egypt dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. e., and her burial - towards the end of the 15th and beginning of the 14th centuries. BC e. One of the most famous such burials, the so-called “cat cemetery,” was discovered by archaeologists in Bubastis and Beni Hassan, the center of their cult, where famous temple of the goddess Baet, in which cats, as priestesses of the goddess Baet, lived in her temples and served her.

The goddess Bubastis Baet, associated with joy and fun, was usually depicted as a woman with a cat's head.

In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the cat fighting at the Ished (Sikimora) tree in Heliopolis with the serpent Imi-Uhenef appears as one of the hypostases of the sun god Ra.

We also find mention of the cat on the tombs of the kings of the 19th and 20th dynasties, where the god Ra is praised: “You are the great cat, the avenger of the gods.”

Interestingly, the god Ra himself could take the form of a cat, which is why he was also called the Great Cat.

For the Egyptian priests, the cat was the magnetic force of Nature, and they surrounded themselves with these animals for the sake of the astral fire emanating from their bodies.

The ancient historian Herodotus wrote about the attitude of the Egyptians towards cats: “The Egyptians mourn for dead cats. If a cat dies naturally in the house, members of the household shave off their eyebrows. They embalm the dead cats and take them to Bubast to place the body in a sacred house.”

In general, the Egyptians even had a law according to which a person could be sentenced to death for killing a cat, so much were these animals revered and considered sacred. (Compare the Russian belief: “If you kill a cat, you won’t see any luck in anything for seven years”).

The reverence of cats by the Egyptians is also evidenced by the following fact: in order to receive the mercy of the goddess Baet, those who came to her temple shaved off the hair from their heads, added the hair of their children to it and placed it on special scales. Depending on how much the offering weighed, they were given a certain amount of silver, which had to be taken to the keeper of the sacred cats.

Among the Greeks and Romans, the cat was the sacred animal of the goddess Diana. It is believed that cats came to Europe with Roman legionnaires.

In some cases, the cat was also eternal, because in sleep it lies curled up so that its head and tail touch. This is reminiscent of the famous esoteric Ouraboros (biting its own tail).

In some traditions, the cat acts as the embodiment (or assistant, member of the retinue) of evil spirits or the devil. For example, the Quechua Indians have a belief about a special cat devil, an evil one, from whom sorcerers borrow their power.

In India, we find a mention of cats in the sacred text of the Mahabharata, where the following parable tells about the exorbitant cunning of a cat.

Indian Buddhists also attached particular importance to the cat, but for completely different reasons. According to legends, the cat was the only animal absent when the great Buddha died, as she was busy catching mice at that time. Therefore, since then, the cat for some Buddhist schools has become lower astral forces, lower human qualities that should not be present in a Buddhist who wants to receive enlightenment and liberation.

There is another legend about a cat and Buddha. When Buddha was dying, all the animals gathered at his deathbed and began to mourn him. Suddenly a rat appeared and began to lick the oil from the lamp. Without thinking twice, the cat grabbed the rat and ate it. And then the animals began to think about what kind of deed the cat had done: on the one hand, she saved the sacred oil for burning incense smoke to the glory of the Enlightened Buddha, which means the deed was good, but on the other hand, the Buddha commanded all living beings to love each other, and If so, the cat did a bad thing. So the animals could not decide whether the cat did well or not. Since then, this animal has been considered capable of bringing both good and evil. And in our time, the same ambivalent attitude towards the cat has been preserved - on the one hand, it is a cute, fluffy pet, and on the other, it is wayward, walking on its own and owning magical power an animal that can act on the side of both gods and demons.

The activity of cats at night and large luminous eyes directly connect her with the lunar deities - Freya (in Scandinavian mythology - the goddess of fertility, love and beauty. It is believed that she travels around her domain on a cart drawn by cats), Isis (in Egyptian mythology - goddess of fertility, water and wind, femininity, family fidelity, goddess of navigation and mystical knowledge), Sekhmet (in Egyptian mythology - the goddess of war and the scorching sun), Astarte (in Western Semitic mythology - the personification of the planet Venus, the goddess of love and fertility, warrior goddess) and Diana (in Celtic mythology - the goddess of fertility and vegetation) and, naturally, with magic, sorcerers and witches.

Of course, the cat occupies a special place among cats. For example, in Britain a cat is considered to cause positive vibrations, while in America they are treated with caution, believing that it has a very negative effect on humans.

On the territory of the Slavs, archaeologists have established that in the north of Russia, in Meryan settlements near Yaroslavl, Novgorod, Staraya Ladoga, domestic cats have lived since the 7th-8th centuries. It is interesting that during excavations of sacrificial mounds of the 10th century in the Yaroslavl Volga region, the remains of cats were discovered, which were found only in female burials.

Among the Slavs, cats are very “humane”; they even have their own names, for example, Kot Kotofeich, Kotofey Ivanovich and Kot Kotovich. The “humanity” of the cat is also evidenced by the fact that in some fairy tales he even becomes the sworn brother of Ivan Tsarevich.

Cats, like wolves, also have a werewolf motif. For example, in the cycle of fairy tales about Ivan the Koshkin’s son, the hero turns into a cat. In general, many traditions are characterized by the motif of the transformation of a demon or sorcerer into a cat or cat, and, as a rule, of the same color. This was reflected, for example, in one of the stories by N.V. Gogol's "The Night on the Eve of Ivan Kupala", where the witch turns into a cat whose paw is cut off. And the next morning the witch, naturally, found herself without an arm.

Many cultures correlated the cat with the wedding ceremony. So, for example, in ancient times in England, the birth of a cat in the house meant that a rich groom would be found for the owner’s daughter, and in France, on the contrary, a cat meant that the girl would remain an old maid.

In Germany, it was believed that if a cat appeared in front of the altar in church during a wedding, the marriage would be unhappy, and in some English provinces, on the contrary, it was customary to take a festively decorated cat with you to the altar during a wedding.

The Slavs have other signs associated with cats. For example, it is believed that “a cat cannot be killed, since it will be the first in the next world to meet its owner” or “if a cat crosses the road, expect trouble.”

After Christianity came to Europe, the church began a fierce struggle against all types of dissent, and especially against pagan beliefs.

All ancient natural deities were declared diabolical, and animals that had long served the former gods began to be persecuted, especially the cat, which fanatical Christians considered the animal of Satan.

And when the infamous “witch hunt” began in the Middle Ages, bonfires began burning all over Europe, on which not only people but also animals burned together, among which cats were most often found.

This is due to the fact that cats, like witches, were credited with supernatural powers. They could turn into people, fly through the air, cause damage and cast spells.

But time passed and the “witch hunt” stopped. People have once again turned to the physical and mystical abilities of this mysterious animal.

In the beliefs of different countries, the image of a good grain guardian appeared - the Bread Cat or, as it was also called, the Rye Cat.

A little time passed, and even in Christian legends motifs of the cat as a sacred animal began to appear. Cats even have their own patroness - Saint Gertrude, who cares about the well-being of these animals.

Practical use

The cat is one of the most magical animals on earth. Her aura is so great that it covers not only specific person, but also his family, home and territory, which the cat considers his own. Therefore, you need to understand that when a cat rubs against your legs, it not only caresses, trying to get its way, but also “marks” you, that is, it leaves its astral “traces” and “marks” on you. This means that she shares her magical power with you. The one who pushes the cat away at this moment, telling her “get out, no time for you,” simply refuses the positive that she wanted to bestow on him. But next time the cat will no longer give such a person part of its astral power, and maybe even, on the contrary, take it away.

Due to the fact that this animal can serve both positive and negative purposes, both light and unclean forces, it is able to both grant a person good and deprive him of happiness. You need to be very careful in this regard with cats. They feel yours perfectly emotional condition, and it is almost impossible to deceive them. This especially applies, of course, to cats of color.

Cats are good to use to protect your home and apartment from evil spirits. Red color is especially suitable for this. The cat’s aura is so strong that it will, as it were, “push” any negative vibrations beyond the boundaries of the territory that it considers its own. Therefore, you need to create all the conditions for the cat so that it considers you, your family, home and yard its territory. It’s not for nothing that cats divide their territories so actively and aggressively. In fact, they share not so much living space as the opportunity to spread their magical power.

The cat not only protects the house from evil spirits, preventing it from entering the territory sacred to the cat, but it also rids the house of it, if there was one in it before. This is especially useful for those who are moving into a house that someone else has lived in before.

Found in the house evil spirits, the cat first watches her for a while, trying to determine her intentions. Convinced that this astral entity threatens its territory, the cat makes every attempt to expel it by displacing it with its field. And if she doesn’t succeed, then she, as it were, “draws” the evil spirit into herself and takes her out of the house. Hence, in some traditions, motives arose when evil spirits ride on cats.

Therefore, if you see that a cat is constantly in some place in the house, in a tense position, clearly watching something, you know that there is evil spirits there. To help your animal get rid of evil spirits, read some prayer over that place or perform cleansing ritual. If you don’t know prayers and don’t have any magical cleansing techniques, then at least fumigate this place with wormwood. Wormwood is a very powerful exorcist.

A cat's astral abilities are so strong that she can easily drive away a ghost or astral body deceased. For this reason, it is not recommended to keep a cat in the room during a spiritualistic seance. It can scare away astral entities. Although in some cases the presence of cats magical rituals On the contrary, it is highly encouraged.

The presence of a cat will also protect you from any evil eye and damage, but for this it is good at the moment of perceived danger of damage or the evil eye, or when talking with a person whom you suspect of unclean thoughts, to keep your hands on the cat, while stroking the cat’s scruff with your left hand, and on the right is her tail. In this case, you will be in full contact with the animal, and your fields will close into a single contour, which will help to withstand even a very strong magical blow from a sorcerer or witch.

Since cats are conductors of cosmic energy, they can bring into the house those that will contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the whole family.

The cat likes to be in places of strong influx, i.e. in geopathogenic zones, and often chooses those places where negative radiation accumulates in large quantities. That's why knowledgeable people This animal is also used to clear the space of the house from negative vibrations. In this case, the cat, figuratively speaking, works like a kind of “vacuum cleaner”, taking on the negative and transforming it into a positive one. We can say that if trees transform carbon dioxide, which is harmful to us, into oxygen, then cats do the same job for humans, but in a different way. This is due to the fact that the cat’s own biofield has a negative charge. It was not for nothing that in Rus' there was such a ritual: when moving to a new place of residence, the cat was allowed into the house first. If the house was old, then the cat took upon itself all the negative alien energy left over from the previous owners. If the house was new, then it demanded a “ransom”, that is, a powerful charge, which the cat could give. As you know, “nature abhors a vacuum,” so if a person entered a new house, it was believed that in this case he could die very soon or a great misfortune would happen to him.

If we continue the topic of home, then we need to mention such a moment as the magical connection between cats and brownies. It is believed that the brownie loves cats very much.

This is due to the fact that a cat, by its nature, can also act as a trickster (mediator), that is, serve as a conductor between the human world and the other world. Therefore, through the cat, the brownie established a connection with the person. If you don’t give the brownie a cat, he may become angry and begin to harm those who live in this house.

Often the cat was allowed into the house first also in order to appease and appease the brownie and so that she could establish relations with him.

By the way, this connection between the brownie and the cat is reflected in popular beliefs. For example, “You need to specially let the cat into the stable at night so that he doesn’t let the brownie curl the horse’s mane.”

Cats are very actively used in love magic. Due to the fact that they are endowed with great sexual power, they are used both for seduction and for turning away. Here are some possible options performing such magical procedures as suggested by ancient witchcraft manuscripts.

In order to seduce and seduce the person you like, you need to rub your palms on the cat's fur until you feel intense warmth, and then touch any bare part of the person you are interested in. If you do this, then, as the witchcraft text states, within three days that person himself will invite you to spend the night together.

To “turn away” a person, you need to bring him a red or colored cat caught on the street and let him pet it. Then release the cat with the words:

Just as the cat left the threshold, so did love, just as the cat ran away, so did love escape. From now on, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another version of the lapel involves the following: you need to hold the cat’s right ear with your palm, and whisper into the left ear the name of the person whose love you want to get rid of. After this, the cat must be released in the direction in which this moment the sun is located.

In love magic, the cat is also used to increase sexual power for men. For this purpose, treatises on witchcraft offer a huge number of recipes. For example, it is very effective to use an amulet made from the hair of the tail of a red cat, which is collected in a bag and carried with you.

There is a more exotic method, but magical treatises claim that it is the most reliable and powerful, and simply fantastic results are attributed to it.

To obtain incredible sexual strength and stamina, a man must rub his genitals on the fur of a red cat (namely a cat, not a cat) on a full moon until he feels hot. After this, she needs to be given milk and released.

It is believed that a man with a sexual organ “prepared” in this way can satisfy 50 women and never feel tired or unwell. And some healers offer this method for treating impotence. But in this case, you need to use a cat, not a cat. But here it is very important to follow the rule: before performing this magical procedure, the cat must, I emphasize, must be washed, so as not to contract any disease.

Naturally, cats have found great use of their magical abilities in healing. Cats of any breed and color have the ability to heal and can involuntarily heal their owners by lying on their sore spots.

One of the most simple ways treatment with a cat is simply stroking it, relieving a person of stress, mental and nervous tension.

Cats are also used in healing to improve vision. To do this, some healers advise stroking the cat's tail.

As mentioned above, cats in themselves are neither good nor bad, it all depends on who uses them. Therefore, they can be both positive and negative conductors. In the latter case, you need to be careful, since cats are very actively used in their unclean deeds. If suddenly a cat you don’t know calls you and tries to attract your attention, be careful! This may turn out to be another trick of some sorcerer or witch trying to cast a spell or evil eye on you; It is best to ignore such a proposal and, just in case, mentally read the “Our Father” prayer and make the sign of the cross three times.

Some witchcraft books claim that stroking a cat's tail nine times will guarantee good luck in a card game.

It is also believed that cats are very sensitive to how they are treated, and if a dog can forgive the owner for any unfriendly attitude toward himself, then cats will never do this, but will reverse their magical power against their masters.

So, for example, one of folk beliefs says that if a woman constantly treats cats poorly, then her washed clothes will be wetted by rain all the time.

Cats also contribute to successful trading. To do this, you need a cat (preferably of mixed blood) to pass through the product being sold. It is believed that this will attract many buyers and all the goods will be successfully sold.

Some sorcerers used cats to gain magical abilities. To do this, you had to get three cats at home and keep them for three years. After this period, in order not to lose, but to maintain, one’s magical abilities for the rest of one’s life, it was necessary to feed the cat three fish on Easter.

Compliance with, so to speak, the “rules of exploitation” of such a magical animal as a cat gave the priest or witch the confidence that neither she would be able to receive any magical blow through her pet during a rite or ritual, nor would anyone else will be able to send damage to her or damage her aura with the help of a negative one.

With cats, as already mentioned, in terms of magic you need to be especially careful, since a cat is a “double-edged sword.” Therefore, anyone who has decided to seriously use the magical abilities of their furry friend should definitely familiarize themselves with the following tips and recommendations both for caring for the animal itself and for using its paranormal and supersensible abilities.

Most of the material below has already become folk superstitions. This is due to the fact that over time, esoteric knowledge one way or another penetrated the people, who, due to the closedness of magical and esoteric schools, were never able to collect them into a single system. Therefore, scattered pieces of what was once a single set of mystical rules have become only folk signs, which, of course, does not deprive them of truth.

You cannot sleep with a cat and you must be careful not to inhale the air it exhales - this can cause evil spirits to form in your head or stomach.

If a cat has red kittens in the same litter, then the red one should be given to friends and kept for yourself - this promises prosperity and strengthening of friendships.

You can't call kittens little mice while petting them - the mother will bite them to death.

You should not look at cats while they are mating, as the cat may die during childbirth or give birth dead cat yat.

You can't carry a cat on a horse - the horse will wither.

If you give a ride to a person with a kitten on a horse, the horse will become “dry” (get sick).

You can’t take a cat for nothing - it will die, you need to give at least a small coin or a boiled egg for it.

The cat should not be allowed to eat or smell boiled peas - it may become deaf.

If you cut a cat's whiskers, her sense of smell will be dulled and she will not catch mice until they grow back.

You cannot take a caught mouse away from a cat or even disturb it when it is fiddling with it, otherwise the cat will stop catching mice.

A cat or cat is used for:

  • appeasing the brownie;
  • protecting your home from thieves and robbers;
  • protecting your home from thunderstorms and lightning;
  • getting rid of impotence;
  • deliverance from evil spirits;
  • getting rid of stress and nervous tension;
  • treatment of diseased body organs;
  • treatment of premature ejaculation;
  • personal protection from the evil eye and damage;
  • inducing damage or the evil eye;
  • achieving well-being and prosperity for the whole family;
  • acquiring magical abilities;
  • finding luck in a card game;
  • lapel;
  • protecting your home from negative and negative vibrations;
  • protecting the house from fires;
  • cleansing space from negative vibrations;
  • predictions of the future;
  • weather forecasting;
  • converting negative to positive;
  • sexual seduction;
  • increasing sexual power and strength;
  • good luck in trading;
  • strengthening friendly relations;
  • improved vision;
  • establishing friendly relations with the brownie;
  • establishing a connection between man and the other world.

Getting such a pet is not difficult. Look for advertisements in your local newspapers or on electronic bulletin boards. You can also search the Internet for “buy a kitten.” Many of those who keep cats give away kittens for free, so if you are planning to get yourself this ancient magical animal, then there will be no problems with this, well, at least getting some exotic one is much more difficult.

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    Cats and magic


    Cat is one of the most widespread and at the same time the most mystical animals, the tradition of worship of which goes back centuries. Since ancient times, cats have been revered and feared. Their independence and night walks occupied a prominent place in folklore and magic, which is why such a huge number of myths, legends, beliefs, rituals and witchcraft rituals are associated with them....

Many peoples of the world magic of cats is a special world of mysticism and witchcraft. These extraordinary animals have long been associated with otherworldly forces, space, other dimensions.

Our ancestors sincerely believed that a cat in the house is a reliable protector from evil demons, and from uninvited guests. He keeps the peace of all family members and takes care of their mental health.

There is a legend that it was not man who tamed the cat - she herself came to people (see the video about this below). And for more than one millennium we have been living with these pets side by side, but we have not been able to unravel all the cat’s secrets.

We don’t know where these came from, but judging by the legends and signs, there is no doubt about their authenticity.

Probably, each of us at least once in our lives fell into a hypnotic state from the gentle purring of a cat - these unique overflows improve mood and help restore nervous system, and they simply evoke pleasant emotions.

Cats and magic

In some countries, cats were revered as certain deities - they were worshiped and temples were built in their honor.

Why can't you look cats in the eyes?

At a time when people united in tribes, when hunting was the only source of food, when a cave served as a home, everything natural phenomena and the laws were perceived as something mystical and inexplicable. Only developed over time various sciences, thanks to which a person began to understand what was happening around him.

When it comes to cats, there are two opinions.

One group of people is sure that they are inextricably linked with the supernatural, that the magic of cats does not need proof or confirmation.

And the other says that all cat abilities can be explained with the help of science.

Everyone probably knows about the hypnotic gaze of cute cats.

In ancient legends it is often mentioned that the eyes of cats are two bottomless saucers in which you can drown and disappear forever. Animals are connected to the Universe by invisible threads through which they receive and transmit information.

So why don’t magicians and sorcerers advise looking into cats’ cute eyes? Try to take a closer look at these sparkling pools - what sensations will they give you? Unusual eye shapes not only attract, they bewitch, constrain movements, and hypnotize.

Even scientists warn about the possible unpleasant consequences of playing staring contest with cats. This is only at first glance a cute and gentle animal. By nature, cats are predators.

Let them small size, their natural inclinations do not change because of this. Therefore, if you look into your cat's eyes for too long, it may seriously scratch you.

Nobody says that you can’t communicate with your pet. Play with him, talk and spend time together. But try not to meet his gaze for a long time, so as not to provoke aggression.

Why did the cat come to you? (video)

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site

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In this article:

Since ancient times, many peoples have associated cats with the other world and witchcraft; it was believed that they could rid the home of dark forces. Cat magic - effective remedy, which allows you to protect all the inhabitants of the house in which the cat lives from any negative energy, from all evil spirits and spirits.

Cats have lived side by side with humans for thousands of years, but we still cannot unravel their main secrets. We don’t know where their amazing abilities came from, but we are increasingly convinced that all legends and superstitions involving cats have certain foundations. As paradoxical as it may sound, cats are more likely to tame people, and not vice versa.

A person under the influence of gentle purring may not notice that cats choose us, apply their unique vibes to our skin, and over time turn us into property and do not hesitate to use us.

At the same time, the cat takes its human under protection and will not let him be offended.

Cat magic

Cats were revered in many countries, but most of all in Ancient Egypt, where the traditions of magic developed simultaneously with the ability to build amazing masterpieces of architecture. In this country, cats were deified, the Goddess of joy and fun Bubastis Bast, Isis, Sekhmet, Tifnut, and even one of the guises of the Great Sun God Ra, in which he defeated the terrible serpent - the Great Cat Avenger of the Gods, had a cat guise.

Cat mysticism and belief in it can be traced in various literary works. It is worth remembering, for example, the cat Bayun, who could kill people with just one glance, sending them an irresistible desire to sleep, as well as the cat Kotofeich, who, like the Egyptian God Ra, defeated the snake.

We should not forget about the most popular cat in Russian literature - the learned cat described by Pushkin in the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. Looking at Pushkin’s cat, one cannot help but pay attention to some details in his description. First of all, an oak tree, that is, a symbol of wisdom and the World Tree of Life, a symbol of the Path along which the cat moves day and night.

Due to the special role of cats in witchcraft and magic, it appeared a large number of various superstitious views and signs with these animals. Even today, people continue to believe that if a black cat crosses the road, it is a bad omen. Moreover, at present, not only are there fewer superstitions about cats, but new ones are also appearing, for example, that all cats are aliens who were thrown onto our planet as observers with supernatural powers.

According to this version, cats are higher beings who are superior to humans in everything, but they do not seek to make contact with us, they don’t say anything, they just look, sticking their mustachioed faces everywhere, into the most important and secret affairs of humans.

It is the alien origin and certain plans for humanity that some explain the strange behavior of cats, for example, why on summer nights the “mustachios” gather on the roofs of houses in large groups and sit in complete silence and tranquility for a long period of time.

Cat and man

Cats were revered, but also feared. During the Dark Middle Ages, cats suffered the same as many people. They were seized, killed and burned, considering them unclean, unkind, witchcraft animals. In addition, in some regions it was believed that especially strong and cunning sorcerers could turn into cats, which is why the animals already had new problems with people. But this sin lies entirely on the shoulders of the church and the Inquisition, and simple people never stopped loving and respecting their “little brothers.”

The terrible period of the reign of the Inquisition brought a lot of grief to people and animals

Cat's eyes have always been of particular interest to people. In ancient times, a person was able to determine the exact time of day by the size of the pupil of a cat's eye; later, after the invention of photography, cats' eyes were used as an exposure meter, therefore, in addition to a large camera, photographers carried cats with them everywhere.

Cat in the house

Everyone knows the old Russian sign according to which a cat was supposed to be the first to enter a new house. Today, some believe that this sign is due to the fact that the cat collects all the evil and bad things that are in the house. Actually this is not true. The sign appeared due to the fact that cats are able to communicate with creatures invisible to humans, in particular, with the brownie - the owner of the home.

Thus, the cat could establish contact with the brownie and thereby help its owners.

In addition, cats have the ability to drive away all evil spirits; this is described in the folklore of many peoples.

The cat has enormous positive energy, which extends not only to the direct owner, but also to his entire family, to the entire house and territory in which the animal lives. Remember that if a pet rubs against your legs, then it is not just caressing and trying to get your attention, but also sharing positive energy. If you push the cat away at such a moment, then you will give up this positive energy charge, and next time the animal will not be so supportive of you.

Cats can drive out any evil spirits, but this will take them some time. If you notice that your pet is spending a lot of time in a certain area and is in a tense position, you know that something bad is there. In this case, a good owner will help the pet and read some cleansing prayers or spells in a bad place.

The presence of a cat will help you protect yourself from damage and the evil eye. To do this, in moments of danger, it is enough to pick up your pet and stroke its neck with your left hand. This will allow you to establish a powerful energetic connection with the cat and use its power to protect against negative forces.

Modern scientists confirm ancient beliefs that the presence of a cat in the house has a positive effect on the health of all its inhabitants. It is enough just to hold your pet in your arms, stroke it and listen to a pleasant purr to get rid of fatigue and stress.

The magic of cats in rituals

The magical abilities of cats can be used in various witchcraft rituals. A cat can become your strongest and most faithful ally in fortune telling, your source of energy and inspiration. At the same time, if you are going to get an animal to use its powers in magic, you need to pay attention Special attention its color.

It is believed that black cats have the greatest energy reserves, which is why they have become a real symbol of occult power, witchcraft and magic. Despite this, such animals work best to rid the home and family of any negative energy; they are able to ward off trouble and give their owners wisdom, intuition and insight.

Red cats have long been companions of sorcerers and witches. They are filled with masculine strength, the energy of the sun. Such cats are capable of bringing wealth and prosperity into their home.

Cats have an amazing ability to respond to negative energy and absorb it

Gray animals are often very silent and withdrawn, this is not surprising, because they are dedicated to the Goddess Freya. These cats symbolize love, devotion and fidelity. And today in some countries the tradition of giving newlyweds cats of this particular color has been preserved, because they can strengthen relationships, bring stability, well-being to the family and preserve feelings for many years.

Cats white have enormous healing energy, similar in properties to lunar magic. They are able to give people beauty, relieve physical and spiritual stress, cleanse the house and owners of negative energy, help get rid of various diseases.

The color of the Siamese cat (color-point) is a royal coloring. Such animals were bred in ancient Siamese temples. It was believed that Siamese cats could bring success and fame to their owners, bestow health and longevity.

Tricolor cats (white, red and black) are the owners of powerful magical energy that can be used in any witchcraft. This color symbolizes the three-faced Goddess; they bring good luck to people, protect the home from any negativity, and bring happiness and prosperity.

Two-color cats are the kindest and most faithful allies in any business. In various legends they are called the best mousecatchers. They are able to bestow the energy of wisdom to their owners and endow people with common sense.

Tortoiseshell cats symbolize female magic in all its manifestations, because only females can have such a rich color. They get along well with children and can give their owners the gift of clairvoyance and heal them from various diseases.
Golden cats are among the most revered. They are distinguished by their playfulness, wisdom and good disposition. It is believed that such a cat can endow its owner with feline grace and elegance.