She is better known from gossip columns as the wife of Emmin Agalarov. But at home, in Azerbaijan, as well as in the world community, she is also known as eldest daughter the current president of the country.

Public image

Leila herself is also in last years actively engaged in social and political activities. Thanks to her strict Caucasian upbringing, the girl honors traditions, and it is difficult to find any scandalous stories in her biography. Journalists often confuse the girl with the Kumyk singer - her full namesake, but the singer Leyla Aliyeva and the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan are completely different people.

Leila is positioned in the world community not as one of the scions of rich and influential families, whose main advantage is his origin. The girl understands perfectly well what a respected and noble dynasty she is, and tries to live in such a way as to be the pride of the family. She harmoniously combines beauty, wisdom eastern woman, but at the same time, thanks to her education received in Europe, she is quite Europeanized. This combination is very rare these days. Thanks to its natural beauty, bright oriental appearance and rich social and political activity the girl attracts media interest and often appears in gossip column reviews.

The childhood of the president's daughter

Leila was born on July 3, 1986 in Baku into a family who at that moment was a teacher at MGIMO, and in given time is the President of Azerbaijan. Leyla's grandfather, Heydar Aliyev, was also the country's president. The biography of Leyla Aliyeva, if we consider the period of childhood, is no different from the stories of most other children. Of course, the girl did not feel a shortage of toys and other material goods, but her parents made efforts to ensure that she grew up unspoiled. Her mother, Mehriban Aliyeva, is currently the country's first lady and is a doctor by training. Average and elementary education the girl received it in her homeland in high school No. 160 of Baku city. Mehriban did not want from the very beginning early childhood send children to closed rooms, deciding that during this period there is nothing more important than maternal affection and attention. Then Leila along with younger sister Arzu was sent to study at private colleges in Switzerland and the UK, so the girl is fluent English language. Parents tried to give their daughters everything. A lot of attention was paid to education according to all traditions, so that they would never forget that they are Eastern women. At the same time, attention was paid to their comprehensive development and education.

Constant media attention

Of course, in 1986, when Leyla Aliyeva was just born, there was no talk of a presidential dynasty. But in the 90s, after her grandfather became the president of Azerbaijan, everything changed. The girl had to walk with several guards all the time. She repeatedly admitted that because of this she could not feel free, because she, like all children, just wanted to walk along the streets of the city so that no one would pay attention to her. However, already in her young years she liked to participate in various state-level ceremonial events.

After leaving for London, the girl began to breathe deeply, because few people knew her in the British capital, and she did not need to go out for a walk with a crowd of security guards. Even now, she recalls her time in London as one of the best periods of her life.

Meeting my husband and getting married

We can almost confidently say that Leyla Aliyeva’s biography is crystal clear, with the exception of one incident. While on holiday in Switzerland ski resort the girl met her future husband, Emmin Agalarov.

He was not an ordinary guy, but from a very respected and wealthy family. He also received an excellent education abroad, and his father owns the Crocus Group. The Agalarov family's fortune is estimated at almost 400 million US dollars. But the girl’s father, having learned about her passion for the younger Agalarov, was furious, because she is a representative of the presidential dynasty, so future husband Leyla Aliyeva was supposed to be from a noble and respected family. But the girl insisted on her own, not wanting to connect her life with a “suitable” person for this, but wanted to date the one she loves. And dad gave up. Emin had to officially ask permission from the girl’s father just to start courting her.

Wedding and celebrations

In the spring of 2006, the young people got married. The official first wedding ceremony took place in Baku, where a relatively small number of guests were invited - only 240 people. Afterwards the newlyweds went to Maldives on a honeymoon. According to Azerbaijani customs, the bride’s relatives arrange another wedding for the couple, so after returning to Moscow, another ceremony was held at Crocus City Hall, where more people had already been invited, and representatives of the press were also admitted.

Leyla Aliyeva's wedding became a very high-profile event. The director of the celebration was B. Krasnov, who is the author of the inauguration of V. Putin himself. Vladimir Vladimirovich sent the newlyweds a congratulatory letter, and D. Bush prepared a whole congratulatory video message. The ceremony itself truly became a grandiose and expensive event. Crockery and furniture for the celebration were brought from the UK on 8 trailers, and flowers to decorate the halls were delivered by special flight from Holland.

Family life

After the wedding, Leyla Aliyeva and her husband moved to live in Moscow. This is not surprising, because the Agalarov clan, of which Leila became a member, conducts all its main business in Russia and lives in Moscow. But the girl was not bored, and she quickly found something to do. She entered the master's program at MGIMO, where she studied from 2006 to 2008. Thanks to this and her father’s teaching background, she became president of the Azerbaijan Club of MGIMO Students and Alumni. After moving to the Russian capital, the girl became actively involved in social activities. Leila’s husband was seriously interested in music and took his first steps as a solo artist, so the girl often had to attend all sorts of social events with him, presentations of new albums, etc. Leila Aliyeva once admitted that she knew all her husband’s compositions by heart. In December 2008, Leila gave birth to two twin boys in an American clinic, who were named Mikail and Ali.

Plastic surgery

Mehriban Aliyeva, Leyla’s mother, is not just the first lady, she is also considered the main standard of beauty in her homeland. She harmoniously combines the qualities of an Eastern woman, an exemplary wife and caring mother, and a Western woman. It is not surprising that she instilled good taste in her daughters, taught them to look after and care for themselves, and keep themselves in shape. Of course, Mehriban uses the services of plastic surgeons. However, Leila, according to rumors, repeatedly turned to them for help. Of course, the girl herself did not comment on all these rumors, but media representatives, comparing early photos and current photographs confidently confirm that Leyla Aliyeva, whose plastic surgery is visible to the naked eye, still uses the services of doctors.

The girl corrected the shape of her nose. She also regularly uses filler and Botox injections to make certain facial features more expressive.

Rumors of divorce

IN Lately There were persistent rumors that Leyla Aliyeva had divorced her husband. Emin spent more and more time in Miami and was busy recording a new album. There were also rumors about his affair with Miss Universe Olivia Calpo, whom he invited to star in one of his videos. Also in Crocus City Hall was organized new stage the Miss Universe competition, in events dedicated to which Emin and his parents took an active part, while Leila was not around. At the same time, she actively participated in public life in her homeland of Baku. Of course, all this could not go unnoticed, and the media began to write about the couple’s divorce. But he officially denied all these rumors, saying that there was no divorce.

However, the couple, who could so often be seen at social events, can hardly be seen together today, since they spend a lot of time apart due to work and social activities.

Leyla Aliyeva today

Leila is not one of those people who works on camera, playing a busy person. The girl is really very actively involved in social and political life country, makes great efforts to develop Russian-Azerbaijani relations. She is the editor-in-chief of the Baku magazine, heads charitable foundation named after Heydar Aliyev and tries to help people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Leyla is also the head of the Azerbaijani youth organization in Russia. At the same time, she manages to be a good mother, paying a lot of attention to her sons.

After each prayer I made tawbah and prayed to the Almighty to help me

Truly, " ...only Allah guides those whom He wishes to the straight path "(the meaning of Surah Al-Qasas, verse 56) and only " ...Allah chooses for Himself whomever He wills, and sends to Himself whoever turns to Him "(meaning of Surah Ash-Shura, verse 13).

How true and convincing these words from the Koran are and how nice it is to hear today the story of another sister who chose the true path of Islam for herself. Yes, today we will talk about sister Laura, whose name a little earlier sounded like “singer Laura Alieva”. So:

– Laura, you left the stage and it shocked many. What's happened?

- Yes it's true. But, it must be said that this did not happen out of the blue, and not by accident. For many years I had a desire to slowly move away from everything public and leave the stage. This thought never left me, because faith in Allah was implanted in me since childhood. Many people thought that if I sing, it means I am far from Islam, that I do not support religious precepts. Sometimes they were surprised: “What! You pray?! Do you know any other suras, do you read prayers?” - they asked, as if I had come from another planet. In principle, there should be nothing surprising in the fact that I stopped singing. A person’s profession may be different, but his faith is one. Everyone has their sins, just as there is a bright side to their character. But it’s probably impossible to forget the Almighty that much. That is, I want to say that Allah exists in the soul of every person, but what place He occupies in it is another question.

– Previously, did you think about what place Allah occupies in your life when you spoke to the public or gave concerts?

- At first, no. How can something that pleases people be sinful, I thought. Moreover, this was my income. Later, the words of those close to me and those around me began to slowly reach me that this was a great sin, that this should not be done. Some of them said how sinful it was, while others argued that there was nothing wrong with making people happy. Over time, everything that connected me with the stage began to fade into the background. There was only one question on the agenda: “We must leave the stage!..” Only “how?” - I didn't know. “How to leave? And how will this happen? How will I live if I leave the stage? I’ll be in need (and I earned good money), what should I do?” – these questions tormented me more and more every day. Nafs- as they say, he did his job - in the evenings she assured herself: “ All! I will no longer sing, I will make tawbah and be a Muslim submissive to Allah.“- and in the afternoon, these vows disappeared somewhere, again I performed somewhere, and everything went on as usual. I just couldn’t make up my mind, although after every prayer I made a tawba and prayed to the Almighty to help me. She cried and asked: “Oh Allah, when I finally come to this, help me!” I was afraid to die in the position I was in - to die as a singer. Moreover, I was terribly afraid. Now, I will much more calmly accept the idea that my soul will be taken away. And at that time, I was terribly afraid, I thought: “Well, how can it be that I will die a sinner?! I need to have time to do the tawbah, I didn’t have time to do anything for the sake of Allah, but He gave me so much. Family, children, income, I have everything I need..." But, as they say, everyone has their hour...

- And how did this happen?

– While I continued to ask Allah to help me, for about one month, I began to have dreams about afterlife. I talked about some of them. Many didn't believe it. Later, all sorts of rumors began to come out about this, although nothing like this happened to me. I did not focus on this and did not convince anyone, because it is their right to believe or not believe in my truth. My truth is with me and only Allah knows what was happening in my soul.

Before this, my husband constantly told me: “In the end, say goodbye to the stage. I will provide for you, you will go to the sheikh, you will feel better, and you will live a calm, normal life as a Muslim woman.” I often thought about these words. And, in the fall of last year, a period came when it seemed that I was being lashed with fire from both sides - and I wanted to leave the stage, and I was afraid - “how will I live?!” But the last dream was decisive, which brought me out of this fire of doubt. Only a narrow-minded person would not pay attention to such a sign of fate. I can’t hold back my tears when I remember him... The next morning, without saying anything to anyone, I simply decided for myself - “That’s it! I’m putting an end to it!” On the same day, as if Allah Almighty himself strengthened my choice and gave an accurate signal, suddenly my husband returns home and says in a decisive tone: “That’s enough! You must decide what to do next! Tomorrow we go to the sheikh and you start new life. Today I urgently need to leave, but you think carefully and let me know what you have decided.” Taken aback by the coincidences, I think to myself: “Wow, how clearly and clearly they make it clear to me that I am on the right path, my choice is beyond doubt!..” He left. I managed to say after him: “I was already getting ready and ready for this.” Apparently, he didn’t believe it, and the next day, upon arrival, he again asked what I had decided. I confirmed my decision, and we went to Ustaz.

– Can you tell me a little about this meeting – your feelings after visiting the sheikh?

“First of all, of course, it’s impossible to describe the feeling of calm that I felt there. And when I approached the sheikh’s house, and already there, it was impossible to stop the tears. They flowed like a river. I couldn’t answer the sheikh’s questions—the tears were choking me. As if on a tape, all the moments of life passed in front of me, everything for which I wanted to be forgiven by the Almighty. The heart beat alone: ​​“Oh Allah! O Allah! I was no less shocked by Ustaz’s wife, her warmth: how she talked, how she received guests - she turned out to be such a wonderful woman! The first thing the sheikh asked was whether I came of my own free will or if someone insisted. I said it was of my own free will. In fact, it was like that. Whoever, whatever they would say, if it were not for my part strong desire, maybe this didn’t happen. It seems to me that the prayers were heard by Allah. Peace of mind is the most tangible feeling I experienced after visiting the sheikh. In general, it is impossible to fully explain in words the state that enters the heart when visiting a sheikh. With the same calmness and ease you leave him. I feel so good now, so easy, and there is barakat in the house, and I never want to go back to my old life.

– Laura, of course, this is a personal matter for everyone, but, if possible, I would like to hear what your prayers are about today? And wishes to the readers?

- Can. First of all, I would like to say don’t judge everyone. Sooner or later Allah guides his slaves. Everyone has their own hour. Just pray for your brother or sister sincerely. Always leave a person room for repentance, a chance to understand that he can be saved. Ask yourself the question more often: “If Allah Almighty himself forgives the sins of the repentant if he wants, who are we to judge someone?” Who thought that my life would turn out like this and I would be covered as expected. I didn’t think about it myself, but I came. And those who came and understood the sweetness of iman hold on tightly to it and do not want any other way. If it is impossible to go back to start life right, it is never too late to go forward to end it right.

Of course, my prayers today are not only for myself. I ask for everyone who needs the mercy of Allah, that the soul be taken away with iman and the first night in the grave be easy, so that the torments of the grave do not touch them, so that the Sirat bridge makes it easier, so that we take the scales with right hand. I would especially like to wish our sheikhs, ulamas, everyone who works in the Islamic media, all imams, and those people who are engaged in the promotion of Islamic knowledge, health, happiness in both worlds, that Allahu Taala will protect, protect them and give them the opportunity to convey to us the word of Allah in the best possible light.

Interviewed by: Khalimat Magomedova


- Laura, in our newspaper we have a section “SMS battle of fans”, in which readers vote for their idols. You're very for a long time you're leading there. Tell me, do you like such manifestations of your fans? They vote, it means they love...
- Naturally, I’m pleased! The fact is that this attention of the public and the love of the people must be earned. I probably deserve it, because I work on myself, I create, and my creativity is close to people!
- What do you think is the secret of your popularity?
- Firstly, this is, of course, talent! An artist must do everything possible to make the audience love him! The repertoire, of course, must be chosen wisely, so that the audience will like it. Simplicity must always be present in an artist...
- That is, the simpler a singer behaves on stage, the more loved he is?
- All sorts of star diseases, on the contrary, extinguish the star, the artist’s status changes. Those artists who think that people will love them for their arrogance are deeply mistaken!
- What songs does your repertoire consist of?
- I perform national songs and oriental motifs. We live in Dagestan, so the songs should be appropriate. From time to time you can sing both Russian and foreign songs. And in general, I think an artist should sing in all languages! If I have time and opportunity, I will sing in all the languages ​​of Dagestan.
- I heard that you insured your voice. Tell me about it.
- The proposal came from Moscow. I now have a very good team of stylists, makeup artists and image makers. That's what they offered me. So, I insured my voice with one of the German insurance companies located in Moscow.
- And for how long, if it’s not a secret?
- For a million rubles... I hope I won’t ruin my voice in the near future. Nowadays, the times have become so advanced that you can insure absolutely all organs of your body. The artist insures his hands...
- Football player - his legs...
(Laughs). I am a professional singer and I have to think about taking care of my voice.
- No ideas about conquering Russian show business? Now many artists are going to “storm” Moscow.
- In Moscow, by the way, I shot a video for the song “You Don’t Know”, it is shown on TV. I travel to different cities and countries, but it’s more familiar and convenient for me to work here, in my city, in my republic...
-Where was you last time?
- I gave a concert in Astrakhan, and again they ask me to hold a solo concert there. On July 4th there will be a solo concert in Neftekumsk. The Dagestan diaspora living there always invites me to give concerts. After the concerts there, I was surprised how local Russian girls came up for an autograph and took pictures as a souvenir... It was very nice!
-What is the stage for you?
- The stage is not only work for me, it is my life, my soul... The stage idolizes me in this life! Being on stage, you want to grow further and improve!
- What can all your fans expect from you in the near future?
- At the moment I am recording a new album, there will be 15 songs. And in three months, I’ll probably give a solo concert.

- Many women are subject to “shop therapy”. Is this close to you?
- I really love shopping! Recently, I have stopped buying clothes in Dagestan, as soon as I go somewhere - to Moscow, Astrakhan, Novgorod, St. Petersburg - I immediately visit shopping malls, boutiques and buy everything my heart desires...
- What do you spend most of your money on?
- For belts and various accessories. I pay attention to clothes that would suit me on stage. Casual clothes can be chosen easily. Fashion is something that is comfortable to wear, so that you feel comfortable in the clothes you choose... In general, my weakness is shoes, high-quality, expensive, Italian.
- Do you have any shortcomings?
- In body?
- No, in terms of your soul and character.
- I have no shortcomings!
-Are you the ideal girl?
(Smiles). I am glad that the Almighty created me the way I am! I wouldn’t want to change or add anything about myself!
- Do you believe in love at first sight until the grave?
- Without love it is impossible to sing! You have to put your soul into a song, and the soul cannot live without love, that’s why the songs turn out beautiful. After I fell in love, my songs became more soulful...
- That is, you are happy and loved...
(Smiles). Of course I'm happy! Moreover, my new album is dedicated to my beloved!

- Tell me, Laura, what is the most tiring thing in marriage? Many young people, when they get married, come across such a problem as “domestic life”. That is, there was a romantic period, and everything was fine, but when they began to live together, small disagreements began...
- I’ve never had anything like this! My husband is often on the road, and we manage to miss each other. This is nice, on the one hand.
- Are you a vindictive person?
- I can forgive a person, I - kind soul, I don’t stay angry for a long time. My horoscope is Scorpio, and if I get hurt, I can get very angry.
- What could you never forgive a person for?
- Duplicity, hypocrisy and treason...
- Tell me, are you often rude to people?
- I don’t remember this about myself. When I feel bad at heart, I cheer myself up. Even people's smiles make me happy...
- Do you know the feeling of loneliness?
- You know, I like to be alone sometimes... Society and noise sometimes get boring and even irritate to some extent...
- And what do you do when you are alone with yourself?
- I’m just mentally resting, dreaming... Thinking about how to further improve my musical career...
- So again thoughts about work?
(Smiles). The work just inspires me!
- Who is your ideal of female beauty?
- Jennifer Lopez…

- Laura, how do you feel about feminism?
- Any woman, if she is smart and knows her business, has the right to go and advance higher! But I believe that in politics a man should be in charge...
- And in the family?
- In the family too. A woman is a support. People say that a man is the head, and a woman is the neck.
- When was the last time you cried?
(Laughs). When I watched an Indian film. In general, crying is good. My dream is to cry when I perform on stage. At the third solo concert, performing the song “Mawlid”, I cried for a very long time behind the scenes. I was afraid to show my tears to the audience, and then I regretted that I didn’t do it. It would be with soul...
- Do you, as an ordinary spectator, attend concerts of visiting Russian stars?
- Yes, I was at the concerts of Alla Pugacheva, Vitas...
- Which artist’s concert would you like to attend?
- Of course, the Jennifer Lopez show! If possible, I will go to America to see her concert. I really like her creativity and the way she created her image.
- Do you consider yourself an independent girl?
- Yes, I don’t depend on anyone. On the contrary, I help my relatives...
- How much money would you like to earn?
- I don't think about it! There is no need to make a cult out of money. If you have talent and health, there will always be money. I earn money, but I get more pleasure when I spend money...
- Again, on things?
- Money needs to be spent wisely, and I know how to do it! I spend it on vacation, on myself, and I love gifts for relatives and friends. The more I spend, the more I earn! (Smiles).

- Does raising a child bring any troubles?
- The child is not always with me, sometimes with his father. In general, education cannot be a hassle. A child is my first incentive to live and create, everything in my life! I dream of having a second one...
- And how old is your son now?
- Seven years.
- Who would you like him to become in the future?
- He wants to be an athlete. (Smiles). Of course, education is also very important! It’s too early to think about it, he’s only seven years old...
- Laura, how do you feel about plastic surgery?
- Very bad! Although I understand that women do facelifts and get Botox to be more beautiful. But this doesn’t threaten me yet! This should be done after 40.
- Now many Dagestan singers have introduced this into fashion...
- You know, artists need this! If a singer after 35 years of age goes on stage with wrinkles, no one will want to look at her, no matter how well she sings. And if she looks her best and takes care of herself, then success is guaranteed!
- What, in your opinion, should an artist do if he understands that his fame and popularity are gradually fading away?
- We need to shoot a new video for a new song so that it is touching...
- How do you feel about such a phenomenon as PR? In Dagestan show business, by the way, this is now very common.
- In Dagestan, you don’t have to come up with some kind of PR for yourself, because people themselves talk about you, whether it’s true or not, they say it!
-Have you heard any ridiculous rumors about yourself?
- Previously, at the beginning of my career, I was unaccustomed to hearing this, but now, on the contrary, I’m blown away by it... If I hear something about myself, it means that I am remembered and not forgotten!
- Even if these conversations are of a negative nature?
- Let them talk! I know what's good and what's bad! And what people say or come up with, I don’t care at all!
- What makes you happy?
(Smiles). My family and love...

*How much money did you spend yesterday? I never count my expenses!
*Everyone looking for love needs to know... Who does he or she choose?
*If you became President, what decree would you adopt first? I am always angry that our roads are not built to a normal level. So that there are such roads as at least in Russia, I won’t say, in America.

To be beautiful you need... be beautiful inside!
To be famous you need... have talent!
To be loved you need... to be loved... You need to reciprocate.
For newspapers to write about you, you need... to be a famous and popular person.

1. Why, in your opinion, did you appear in this sinful world?
- Because my parents loved each other and created me.
-Have you had any thoughts about your purpose on this Earth?
- Only the Almighty knows the number of people who are destined to be in this world. It’s not for me to judge what I do in this world!
2. What do you regret most often?
- I do not regret anything. It’s not in vain that they say we learn from mistakes. If there were any wrong actions, then they were for the best, so that I would not repeat them in the future.
3. An action for which you are still ashamed?
- This has never happened in my life.
4. Do you consider yourself a modest person, and how does modesty manifest itself?
- I won’t say that I’m very vulgar and that I’m very modest!
5. How much does a loaf of bread cost?
(Laughs). But I don't eat bread. I do not even know. Even if I buy it in a store, I don’t look at the price, since in addition to bread I also buy other products. I pay for the final bill.
6. Where do you think this world is heading?
- Towards the End of the World. All the signs are already emerging...
7. What would you do if you found out that you only have a week left to live?
- I think everyone would accept Islam, everyone would pray and ask Allah to forgive all sins.
8. What is one thing you can’t do without every day?
- Without makeup.
9. What product is always in your refrigerator?
- My refrigerator is always full. Sometimes you open it and don’t know what to choose?!
10. What action in your life are you most proud of?
- There are many of them... I won’t say it out loud. You should not brag about what good deeds you have done in your life! In general, I appreciate in people that they do more than talk in vain!

The First Lady of Azerbaijan is rightfully considered one of the sex symbols of our time. It seems that the years have no power over her, and Mehriban and aging are incompatible.


Ilham and Mehriban Aliyev have been married since 1983. They have two daughters and a son. Daughter Leyla Aliyeva married Emin Agalarov. On December 1, 2008, their two twin sons were born. A month ago it became known that the couple divorced. The second daughter of Ilham and Mehriban Arzu married Samed Kurbanov in September 2011.

It’s not for nothing that Aliyeva Sr. is called “more fashionable and bolder than the average Muslim woman in Azerbaijan.” And spiteful critics, except political and financial issues, they have repeatedly discussed how often 51-year-old Mehriban goes under a scalpel.

The numerous outfits of Aliyeva Sr. do not go unnoticed by envious people. “She wears dresses that would seem provocative even in the Western world.”, they say.

And then I remember a funny incident that happened in September 2008. Aliyeva and her two daughters met with the wife of former US Vice President Dick Cheney. The Secret Service agents couldn't figure out which one was the mother and which one was the daughter. At the time, one White House official suggested that "logically, mothers are probably at the center."

Mehriban is present at all her husband’s geopolitical meetings. Her collection of contemporary art forms the basis of the new Museum of Contemporary Art in Baku. Of great interest is her family business, which includes several banks, insurance, construction and travel companies.

According to rumors, Mehriban’s son, Heydar, is the owner of nine luxurious mansions in Dubai. They were purchased for approximately $44 million. Daughters Leyla and Arzu also have property in Dubai registered in their name. The total value of real estate owned by the Aliyev children is estimated at $75 million.

The attention of influential men is the weakness of the first lady. A well-known lover of women, French President Nicolas Sarkozy awarded Mehriban the officer degree of the Legion of Honor. And not so long ago, the press actively discussed rumors about her affair with the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. The protocol service of the First Lady of Azerbaijan was forced to issue a statement in which it expressed its indignation at the publication of the Italian newspaper Il Foglio about Mehriban’s alleged romantic meetings with Lukashenko in Berlin.