It's been a wonderful time school years, and the adult and independent life. Yesterday's schoolchildren are beginning to think about how to continue living. Many people are interested in the question: go further to study or start working? Without work experience, finding a permanent job is quite difficult. But it is still possible.

At a crossroads

Every young man or girl always faces a choice after graduating from school. What to do next? Where to go to study? Or perhaps where to go to work? How to start your career? The majority of the younger generation chooses further education. However, not everyone has this opportunity. A very large percentage of graduates are forced to look for a source of income for themselves after graduation. It is this category that asks the following question: where to go to work? Some are forced by family or other circumstances, while others simply don’t want to study anymore, they want to quickly feel the rustle of money in their own hands. And someone cannot afford to go to a university or college, since now almost all education is paid and it is very difficult to get on a budget basis. Many young men and women combine study and work. Each person has his own right to choose.


So, the young man has decided and made his choice, but various difficulties await him ahead. Let’s say he has already decided where to go to work, but everywhere has its own limitations. Due to different frameworks, it is not always possible to get a desired position. Many employers without work experience simply do not hire new potential employees.

The main limitations for young people are minor age, lack of work experience, irresponsibility of the younger generation and other factors inherent in such age. It is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to prove to an employer that you are already a fully responsible and mature person.

Therefore, usually young men and women begin their careers from the lowest levels, which are also low-paid. In such situations, there is very limited choice, and the answer to the question of where to go to work is reduced to a few vacancies.

Employment after the army

The young man, having repaid his debt to his homeland, having rested a little after the army, begins active search work. It’s good if he managed to get some kind of education before the army. And if not? If he was drafted into the army, for example, immediately after school or after expulsion from some educational institution? In any of these cases, the young man will have to look for that type of labor activity, where no work experience is required at all.

There are different situations, let's consider a few. Let's say a young man has some specialty. It is much easier for him to solve the problem of finding a job. He already knows where to go to work after the army. However, difficulties may arise in finding employment due to his inexperience. In such situations, you can start your career from the simplest, sometimes even the lowest, level. The main thing is that this is exactly the direction that was determined from the very beginning. It is good when a young man managed to get an education before serving in the armed forces, because when he returns from the RA, he will already know where to go to work after the army.

Another situation is when a young man, after serving, gets a job on a general basis and without a specific direction. However, there is also a plus here. Serving in the military can be a big advantage in certain areas professional areas or even a mandatory requirement. A young man can get a job as a security guard, for example.

Purpose is the basis of job search

In almost any field of activity there are vacancies that do not require any work experience or special professional training.

At the beginning of your career, you can choose a direction that does not require any specific skills and abilities. The most important thing is to have a goal and gradually, step by step, move towards it. To achieve anything, you must take some action.

For example, let's say you want to become a store manager. At the first stage of building your career, you can get a job as a salesperson or sales consultant. A second specialization is even more desirable. Since you can not only theoretically, but also visually learn about the specific services and products that the store offers. And since you have to advise customers on these issues, you will learn more about such services or products.

When there is an intended goal, then the question of who to work without education will disappear by itself. In any field of activity, you can find several ways to find a job without having the appropriate education. And gradually, overcoming each step, you can improve your skills and move on to more high level. As you overcome each career step, you can thus gain experience and, accordingly, increase your salary.

Where can you get a job without the necessary education?

If young man or the girl does not have a suitable education, this does not mean that he can only work in a low-paid job. Currently exists a large number of various courses that can be taken completely free through the employment service. And also many organizations provide training directly on the job. Such courses are created for everyone who wants to, where they are trained and prepared for subsequent work in their chosen specialization. Therefore, the question of where to get a job should not cause confusion.

Large supermarkets offer training for sellers and sales workers, operators are trained in various advisory centers, transport drivers and long- and short-distance conductors are constantly being recruited, and personnel are trained in various industrial complexes. You can also get a temporary or seasonal job, such as landscaping, or start promotional activities. There are actually many options, it all depends on the region in which each individual citizen lives.

“If you don’t study, you’ll go to work as a janitor!” Many of us as children were scared by our parents or teachers with this phrase. Perhaps this is why the professions of janitor and cleaning lady are In second place by “unpopularity” among Russians. At the same time, these are perhaps the most famous professions that can be mastered without even graduating from a technical school. This category also includes work as a loader, courier, newspaper delivery person, cloakroom attendant, watchman, watchman, conductor, promoter, car washer, dishwasher, call center operator... But this is not a complete list.

Despite the fact that the profession of a salesperson, cashier, seamstress, baker, painter, waiter, for example, can be obtained in college, technical school or courses, it is possible to perform duties in these professions without vocational education. This is evidenced by numerous job advertisements for applicants without experience and without special education. The fact is that such blue-collar professions can be mastered directly on the spot, especially if the organization is ready to train a new worker in the necessary skills.

Those with the talent of a musician, singer, artist or photographer (with talent, not just a camera) can also start earning money without graduating from college or university. You can start building a career right after school or even while studying. At the same time, thanks to creativity You may be able to achieve great success in this area. For example, worldwide famous actors Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Bill Murray at one time dropped out of college (in specialties far from acting) for the sake of their first roles.

However, talent alone is not enough for all creative professions. In order to build a career as a journalist, television or radio presenter, it will not be superfluous to obtain a higher education, even if not in your specialty. After all, these people must be erudite and be able to correctly and harmoniously express their thoughts orally or in writing. The same applies to the managerial profession.

Judging by the advertisements on specialized websites, most often employers post vacancies in the following professions marked “without specific training” or “without education”:

  • loader,
  • cleaner/janitor,
  • courier,
  • secretary (administrator, personal assistant),
  • sales manager, customer service manager,
  • shop assistant,
  • Sales Representative,
  • call center operator (taxi dispatcher),
  • driver,
  • waiter,
  • security guard
  • copywriter
  • promoter
  • finisher

Apparently, due to a shortage of personnel, some organizations are ready to hire even nurses and educators “without special education.”

Not everyone has the years to study at a university. But the absence of the treasured crust does not mean an unworthy life. Finding a profitable place where you can realize yourself, make money, and build a career is quite simple. The choice of organizations where women without education can go to work is large. Nowadays, when finding a job, abilities, skills, and experience are more important than an ephemeral diploma, which in itself does not characterize the owner in any way.

  • First you need to decide what you want to do. Work takes a lot of time, it would be a pity to spend it on something you don’t like.
  • Find out more about your desired profession. Identify pitfalls, tricks, problems or advantages.
  • You will have to study anyway; any profession will require new knowledge.
  • You can complete specialized courses (hairdresser, operator, PC, cook), or you can try to find out what skills and knowledge will be useful.
  • Learn to write a compelling resume. This business card, it is by competent design that professional qualities will be assessed.
  • Develop. Comprehension of all the intricacies of work is an endless process.

Merchandiser or sales agent

Large manufacturing companies, such as Nestle, Baltika, Philip Morris, often need intermediaries between retail outlets and suppliers. Having your own car will be a big advantage when finding a job, but sometimes they can simply pay for a travel pass. Such work for a girl without special education will allow her to constantly develop and be on the move. You will be pleased with the very decent pay. Suitable for sociable, punctual, decisive ladies.


The most common profession. Its demand does not depend on the size of the city or climate data. Outlets is everywhere. Such work for women without experience or education will always allow them to feed themselves. Training is most often carried out on site. A salesperson is a rather difficult and nervous profession. Sociability, activity, multitasking and great resistance to stress are encouraged.


Caring for a child is very difficult work. Mothers try to find an assistant whenever possible.

This kind of work is a way out for a girl without education who is looking for additional income and knows how to handle kids. Sometimes such work involves living with a family, which will save on renting an apartment. Requires great responsibility, love for children and the ability to get along with them.

Military career

The army is another place where a girl can go to work without a specialized education. However, this is not ordinary bread. You will need to obey strict regulations, improve your physical fitness, and become disciplined. The position of a military man is very profitable; now the state does not spare money for the army. Of the minuses, during the passage, access abroad will be closed. Suitable for strong-willed, athletic, executive ladies.


Quite dangerous and heavy, but prestigious for athletic girls without higher education could be a real find. The service is interesting, but will require serious personal qualities, self-discipline and responsibility.

Due to constant risks to life, stressful conditions, and responsibility, police officers are susceptible to professional burnout.

Master beauty practitioner (hairdresser, makeup artist, manicurist)

There will always be a demand for the services of a good hairdresser as long as people have hair. To obtain a profession, you must complete courses. Allows you to open your own business. Initially, you can get a job in a beauty salon, develop a clientele and receive people at home.


Suitable for easy-going girls who know how to get along with different people. Work for railway well paid. Despite its apparent lack of prestige, it allows you to travel, teaches responsibility and communication skills. You won't be bored. To work you need to complete special courses.


Very suitable for young girls with good memory, quick, stress-resistant. The profession is interesting for everyone who loves when the day goes by dynamically, has dexterity, and has a favorable attitude towards people. Sometimes completion of special courses is required. Waiting is usually a profession for young people. It becomes difficult for older people to flutter around tables with a heavy tray without stopping. There is a possibility of promotion to administrator.


Creative, positive place to work. The ability to give people a festive mood is very energizing. Suitable for artistic, creative people. The ability to feel the audience, clear diction, and acting skills are important. Very rewarding work on major holidays, e.g. New Year. If you develop regular customers, you can achieve stable income.


Construction work is always in demand. Often education is not important there at all. All you need is professional skills and the desire to learn to work with your hands. The work is hard, but the pay is good. Good master is unlikely to sit idle. If you don’t have a specialty, you can start as a general worker and gradually learn everything. Requires accuracy, readiness for physical work, and the desire to develop.

Don't be afraid of new things. This is the age of high speed, when technology is developing at a breakneck pace. Stopping at one thing, especially if it is a routine, dreary profession, no longer corresponds to the spirit of the times.


Choice of professions , Who can a smart girl work for without a specialty or education? Now is no longer the time when diplomas were required for any vacancy, regardless of the degree of responsibility. Most often, you can learn what you love right on the spot. After completing a short internship or working in a lower position, you can start working as a specialist. The main thing is to constantly develop your skills and not forget about self-improvement.

Well, it depends on what kind of work and what you mean by “without education.” If education for you = diploma. That is, a number of specialties for which you can apply. But in any case, you need to have experience, or start gaining it, in the area that interests you. Start small. Get a job as an assistant or an internship. Learn, prove yourself. Build connections. No one will ask you about your diploma when you have years of experience behind you (which gave you such knowledge that the university never dreamed of).

But there are areas in which you cannot do without a diploma. The likelihood that you will be hired in a field, for example, medicine, is extremely low.

When I conduct interviews, I ask where the person studied, not from the principle “no education, no job,” but simply to find out the person’s field of activity/interests. Often I completely forget about this question.

I have a secondary technical education. When I moved to Moscow at the age of 23, I had several years of work as an installer behind me. But I wanted to work in an office. I independently bought books on AD, TCP/IP, Unix, and practiced on home computers. Gradually passing tests on

When I had collected enough in my opinion, I sent out my resume for the position of junior IT employee, and was accepted on the second try. I was lucky and my first boss showed me a great example and a supportive attitude. The principle was that everything could burn out and break, but the user should be calm and aware of the timing of the solution. If the deadlines are updated, the user must again be aware.

Gradually, having changed 3 companies, I became a manager. I now manage a support unit of approximately 25 people. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I love supporting people. I actively get involved in the task when something doesn’t work for them. And I enjoy it when it works.

To the most important question: how did I get hired for a vacancy where the Russians clearly stated in the requirements: “higher education.” Firstly, this requirement can be safely ignored if you have the necessary skills. Future leader never once asked me about education. But they asked a lot of questions about the case. Secondly, I graduated from the Secondary Technical Faculty of the Norilsk Industrial Institute. Long time On my resume it was written: “STF Research Institute (Norilsk Industrial Institute).”

In my case, the decision to quit university had a more beneficial influence for a future career than anything else. It is worth understanding that any employer expects from you specific skills that will bring him profit. And at university, at best, you will only be introduced to their basics. Yes, of course, they can give you a good theoretical basis, without which you can’t get anywhere in some professions. Or “admission” to engage in a profession, if we are talking about activities associated with risks to the health and lives of others. Therefore, it is worth understanding whether you can obtain the necessary theoretical background in your field on your own to the extent necessary for your work or not. And don’t forget that for an employer, the benefit of a fresh graduate without experience is practically zero and he will still need to invest in your training, so you will have to “close” this hole one way or another, regardless of your education.

I'll write about myself. I am 23 years old, Last year I live and work in Moscow as a technical engineer in the field of food packaging and labeling. Actually, I can immediately say, yes, you can always get a job without education, another thing is that for this you really need to understand what you like, what your soul is about, and actively develop yourself in this topic. I left the second year of technical vocational school after 9 years of school, and nothing! Of course, I chatted for some time, but still, then I realized what my heart was in and covered myself with books! I received my first jobs for the sake of experience and seniority falsely, indicating in my resume that I had a higher education, saying at the interview that I was currently just getting it, promising to bring a certificate and trumping real knowledge, when applying for a job after some time, when asked for a certificate, I said left it as is.
The main thing is the desire and understanding of what you can handle and what you are ready for; a piece of paper is only needed in part.

They don’t give me loans, for example) Experience as an Engineer, foreign economic activity, constant business trips - and 9th grade education) As I understand it, they don’t believe me work experience(tried to take out a loan once cellular telephone, it was funny)

I have several colleagues who do not have a higher education. People are engaged in self-education. Very successful and respected. But this is software development, which is not particularly taught in universities. The same mathematical analysis, of course, without a teacher, is more difficult to study, but not impossible.

It is worth understanding that there are professions (a very obvious example with doctors) in which HE is mandatory, but for many others work experience is more important.

First of all: educated does not mean smart, do you agree? It all depends on the employer, on his vision of life. If this person is not narrow-minded, he will first try you as a loader or (which is higher) a storekeeper. And if he really wants to make a profit, he will notice you, even if you were a graduate of a parochial school, even MGIMO, you would have brains (you) On the other hand, to work in the authorities state power, in municipalities, etc. without a diploma you won’t get through, no matter how hard you try! The result: we have a bunch of talented movers and a horde of incompetent officials. But don't worry, here's an example from personal experience:
A friend whose second wife was graduating from a private institute that no one understood, asked him to write her a diploma in jurisprudence. I sent him to Moscow, to an underground passage, where he bought a blank in the form of a diploma from a famous university. I brought it under the theme, changed it, but that’s not the point, it was in 2002. The point is that this (very good girl) with this diploma became a police officer. Now her rank is major and she heads the juvenile affairs department. The parents of young scumbags love her, and these scumbags themselves respect her. And is it really all about the diploma? No. It's about the person

Not everyone likes their own job, but usually a person sticks to it because he doesn’t know where and with whom to go to work. After all, everyone wants stability, which is why people endure many inconveniences, but when there is no moral satisfaction, a person will not be able to go to a job he doesn’t like for a long time.

Own preferences

When choosing a job, you should be guided by your own preferences. It is necessary that she like her and be interested in performing her duties. In this case, interest and motivation will appear, as a result, time will fly by unnoticed, and not drag on for ages. Thus, you will not need to persuade yourself to go to work every day, work will be a joy, so you should think about what activities bring joy and moral satisfaction, and in accordance with this, review the offers.

Material side

It happens that you don’t like the job, but it pays very well. Of course, she doesn’t bring any joy, not to mention moral satisfaction, but thanks to her, she manages to live in abundance and pay all her bills on time. Of course, you can look for a job that will not only be fun, but also pay well, but this may take years. You can find a way out of this situation. For example, you should not leave a high-paying job, you need to find a part-time job that will bring moral satisfaction. Gradually, you need to achieve success in your favorite field, which means your earnings will increase. Soon you will be able to quit your uninteresting job and completely immerse yourself in what you really like, and without much financial loss.


If you can’t decide on a field of activity, you need to think about what you want to achieve in life. As a result, you will have an action plan in your hands. For example, many people dream of making a good career; based on this, they should send their resume to those companies where they have the opportunity to develop and reach career heights. Typically this is large organizations where there are many employees. You can also try to get a job in young companies that are just beginning their development. In this case, you will be able to show your good side and get promoted much faster, especially if the staff grows. In any case, you will need to work hard, set goals and achieve them, then your bosses will see such zeal and will definitely promote you up the career ladder.