They met when he already had two divorces behind him, and she sympathized with the modest engineer. Forty-six years have passed since then, linking two lives together. Joseph Kobzon and his faithful Nelly are always together, no matter what hurricanes rage around them. They live to love.

“Moscow windows have an unquenchable light”

Back in 1971, Nellie, a graduate of the Leningrad College of Public Catering, arrived in Moscow to fill her life with new experiences. However, the girl’s mother also hoped that in the capital her daughter would meet more the right person than the young engineer who courted her. Once Nelly came to visit Emil Radov, a famous entertainer.

In one of the rooms, the guests watched “White Sun of the Desert,” and Natasha decided to join them. Free seats there was none, but an unfamiliar young man gave her his seat. And he, taking advantage of the moment, stood a little further away, looking closely at the stranger.

Joseph Kobzon (and it was he) definitely liked the girl. Imagine his surprise when, when asked to take a walk around Moscow at night, the girl scolded him almost angrily, saying that he should choose a more decent time for dates!

The singer did not expect such a rebuff, but decided to accept her rules. An invitation followed to a performance at Sovremennik. In the theater, as soon as they sat down in their seats, the director, Galina Volchek, approached Joseph and asked for help. During those forty minutes while he was gone, Nellie experienced a whole range of feelings: from patient waiting to fear that she was abandoned alone in a completely unfamiliar city. She couldn't even imagine that all of her life will go in the same way: in unfamiliar cities, waiting. And love.

Casting for the role of wife

After going to the theater, Joseph Kobzon told his mother that he had met a beautiful Jewish girl. The artist’s mother, who dreamed of the happiness of her twice-divorced son, urgently demanded to meet the beauty.

When Joseph brought Nellie to his home, the celebrity’s mother closely examined the “beautiful Jewish girl” from head to toe. And she strongly expressed her approval. Since then, the son listened to his mother’s endless tirades about how he simply needed to quickly marry Nellie.

Telephone romance

The next day Nellie was supposed to return to Leningrad. Joseph Davydovich only had her home phone number in his hands. But he was not going to give up. Nellie was very attractive to him, he began to call her daily. True, he had to talk more often with the girl’s mother, Polina Moiseevna; Nellie herself was very difficult to find at home.

When, in the middle of the night, he suddenly invited her to fly to him on tour, he again encountered a rebuke. She had her own ideas about courtship and the relationship between a man and a woman. She sincerely did not understand in what capacity she should fly somewhere to a person whom she had only met a couple of times?

Polina Moiseevna, during another call from a celebrity, decided to talk to him frankly. As a result of the conversation, she invited him to Leningrad to meet him. It’s unlikely that Nellie and her mother would have guessed how difficult it was for the artist to find even a couple of days to devote to getting to know the girl’s family. But he did the impossible: he flew in for the May holidays to be introduced to the mother of the obstinate beauty.

Marriage of convenience

Polina Moiseevna, fascinated by the manners and courtesy of her potential son-in-law, nevertheless, was not going to give up her position. She literally made him promise: to go on vacation together to continue acquaintance. And in August, Joseph invited them all to Sochi, where he toured.

In September, at his birthday, Joseph Davydovich already introduced Nelly to all his friends and acquaintances as his bride. And on November 3, 1971, a marriage was concluded - Nelly Drizina and Joseph Kobzon became husband and wife.

Nellie does not hide the fact that initially she did not feel any particular trepidation towards her future husband. His attention was flattering, because even then Joseph Davydovich was very popular. But here the possibility of some changes in life played a big role: moving to Moscow, a secure future. Joseph at that time also had his own calculation: he wanted to fulfill his mother’s wish, and also to find a warm, cozy home himself and finally build a normal family.

Live to love

They began their life together with a deep understanding of the value family relations. Much later, love was born in their family, which became a symbol of their family.

Once, Joseph Davydovich, while visiting, casually told his young wife that she was not Lyudmila Gurchenko - cheerful and lively. But Nellie did not strive to become like anyone else. She decided to become for her husband faithful wife, the mother of their children, a true guardian hearth and home. During the first years she diligently studied with her famous husband, sensitively caught all his comments, studied his habits.

She accompanied Kobzon on tour, was accepted into the Mosconcert as his costume designer, and everywhere she tried to create home comfort for her star husband. She left touring only after the birth of her children.

The tree of Life

Their marriage was not always cloudless. In 1974, the first-born Andryusha was born into the family, and three years later their daughter Natasha was born. Nelly Mikhailovna spent her time taking care of the children, and her husband endlessly traveled around the country on tour. But the long separation and the fear of losing a loved one constantly forced us to grow, learn new things, and strive for perfection.

Joseph Davydovich himself says that Nellie changed his attitude towards life and family, taught him to restrain himself and be tolerant.

When Joseph Davydovich became seriously ill, Nelli Mikhailovna noticed how the tree he had once planted in his dacha began to wither. And she wished that if a tree came out, then everything would be all right with her husband. The tree still pleases the Kobzon family with its prolific blooms in the spring. And Joseph Davydovich, as Nellie wished, also defeated the disease, largely thanks to his wife.

Today he proudly says: “In my life, only my songs and Nelya exist.” They also have two children, seven grandchildren and that same love that is stronger than death.

The love of Nelly and Joseph Kobzon is a classic example of how a marriage of convenience can be happy. But sometimes you want love to be like a fairy tale, like

Joseph Davydovich Kobzon, a famous singer during the Soviet era and to this day, was an obvious heartbreaker with his heartfelt songs. Every girl dreamed of wearing the status of “Wife of Joseph Kobzon.”

Joseph Kobzon's wife photo

The artist was married three times. The first wife of Joseph Kobzon is Veronika Petrovna Kruglova. Her biography began on February 23, 1940, when she was born in Stalingrad (now Volgograd). Soviet pop singer. In addition to her marriage to Joseph Kobzon, she had two more with Vilen Kirillovsky and Vadim Mulerman.

During the war, the Kruglov family was forced to move to Ufa. In Saratov, mother and daughter were sheltered by the parents of Kruglova’s father. The girl was very talented and dreamed of becoming an actress, but this dream was not destined to come true. She marries Vilen Kirillovsky. Her husband arranges for Veronica to work at the Stalingrad Philharmonic; fortunately, the girl has wonderful vocal abilities, so she begins performing at Vilen’s concerts. The husband and wife moved to live in Leningrad, where their paths diverged, he stayed at the Philharmonic, and Veronica Petrovna returned home.

A few years after an unsuccessful first marriage, the young and popular singer met Joseph Kobzon. She herself said that she never loved Joseph, but he continued his persistent courtship. And then Kobzon announced to all the rumors about their engagement, Kruglova had no choice but to get married. A couple of months passed and Joseph Kobzon’s wife became pregnant. A married couple rented an apartment in Moscow and not a day went by without swearing. In addition, Joseph Kobzon’s mother was against their marriage and the final point in their relationship was that Veronica had a stillborn child.

Second ex-wife Joseph Davydovich Kobzon - Lyudmila Gurchenko, a famous artist and singer of the USSR. Born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov. Lyudmila's parents were creative people, her father is an accordion player, her mother is a singer, they took her with them to concerts, so from childhood the girl was not afraid of the stage. In the fall of 1944 she entered the Beethovin Music School. Gurchenko's talent needed to be developed. In 1953, having gone to Moscow, she immediately entered VGIK. She became a popular actress back in student years, was a bright and charismatic actress.

Joseph Kobzon and Lyudmila Gurchenko first met in 1964; the singer couldn’t get the acquaintance out of his head; he had difficulty getting her phone number and invited his future wife to a restaurant. The young artists began an affair, and after some time Joseph Kobzon and Lyudmila Gurchenko began to live together. At first, an idyll reigned in the family; Kobzon managed to find a common language with his wife’s daughter Maria. But then constant quarrels began, and Gurchenko began to drink because no one would give her main role in the movie, she was very violently and angrily jealous of her husband, their union could not stand it and broke up. Joseph Kobzon lived with his wife Lyudmila Gurchenko for only three years.

The main woman in the life of an artist

The last third marriage, which is already 47 years old, Joseph Davydovich Kobzon entered into with Ninel Mikhailovna Drizina. Despite the age difference, nothing stopped this family from being happy.

Born last wife Kobzon in St. Petersburg, in 1950 on December 13. The girl was named Nelly, but there was no such name on the approved list and the parents decided to write down how Ninel, reading the name backwards, turns out to be “Lenin”.

Ninel Drizina’s father came from the front, a handsome, tall man, an order bearer, and in 1948 he married her mother, the most enviable bride. Until the age of 6, the girl and her younger brother grew up without knowing any need for anything; they were surrounded by a family in which love and harmony reigned. But soon a terrible misfortune befell everyone; Nellie’s father was arrested in the case of the “guild workers” for 15 years! This is more than they could give for murder, violence and the like... The bailiffs confiscated all the property.

As Nelly Kobzon herself says, they left three chairs, three beds, three spoons, forks and knives, they took everything, even children’s toys. They managed to save rare books that the head of the family collected, and when it was really bad, the children’s mother sold one, thus saving family from starvation.

After eighth grade, Ninel Drizina entered a food college; she wanted to quickly help her mother cope with her difficult financial situation. In 1971, the girl was invited to Moscow best friend Nelly's mother Zhanna. One day Zhanna invited Drizina to visit her friend, who turned out to be the wife of Emil Radov. There were many people present in the apartment, among all of them was Joseph Kobzon. Kobzon immediately fell in love with the girl and invited her to ride around Moscow at night, but was refused.

Then Drizina left for Leningrad, but communication with Joseph continued by telephone, and they also had several short meetings. Soon Kobzon invites a young woman beautiful girl in Sochi in order to get to know each other better, but this is 1971, different views on life, Nellie said: “I will only go if my mother approves of you.” What can you do? For the sake of such a beauty, Joseph Kobzon comes to them in Leningrad with a huge bouquet of pink carnations and immediately receives an approving look from Nelly’s mother.

Soon the singer received an offer to go on tour with him, to which Drizina told him that he should marry her and in 1971 the couple had a magnificent wedding. The personal life of Joseph Kobzon and his wife did not work out right away; there were many problems and turmoil, but over time, a strong and wise woman was able to find a common language with her husband and love him with all her soul. Joseph Kobzon and his wife Nellie have two children, son Andrei and daughter Natalya, and beautiful grandchildren.

The wife of Joseph Kobzon in her youth, however, still looks beautiful, many fans of the singer’s work wonder how old she is. The whole secret of beauty and youth lies in the love and mutual understanding of people close to her.

Joseph Davydovich Kobzon - Soviet and Russian singer, deputy of the State Duma of Russia of the II-VI convocations. Winner of many professional awards and prizes. His energy could be the envy of many young colleagues, because he managed to conduct active touring, political and social activities.

The biography of Joseph Kobzon is no less interesting than his political statements, because the People's Artist of the USSR and the Russian Federation is simply a “storehouse of comments” for journalists and observers.

Childhood and youth

Joseph Davydovich was born in September 1937 in the city of Chasov Yar (Donetsk region). His mother was forced to “become an adult” quite early, since her father left the family when the girl was barely 13 years old. In such at a young age Ida began to earn her living by growing and selling tobacco.

Joseph Kobzon in childhood and last years|

Shortly before the birth of her son, Ida Isaevna Shoikhet-Kobzon became a people's judge. Joseph Kobzon has repeatedly said in interviews that it is his mother who, in many aspects, is still his moral guide.

Joseph Kobzon's childhood was quite eventful. The future celebrity repeatedly had to change his place of residence. Before the start of World War II, the family moved to Lviv. From there, little Joseph’s father went to the front as a political instructor, and his mother moved again - this time the “destination” was Yangiyul in Uzbekistan. Joseph Kobzon's father never returned to the family: after the injury, the man for a long time underwent rehabilitation. In the hospital he met a woman whom he married and stayed to live in the Russian capital.

Joseph Kobzon with his mother, stepfather and brothers | Dubikvit – LiveJournal

In addition to Joseph, three children grew up in the family. In 1944, the mother and children returned to the Donetsk region, to the city of Kramatorsk. It was there that Joseph Kobzon went to first grade. In 1946, his mother remarried. This marriage brought the future People's Artist of the USSR two more half-brothers. True, Kobzon’s family did not live long in Kramatorsk - at the end of the 40s they moved again. This time to Dnepropetrovsk. In this Ukrainian city, Joseph graduated with honors from the eighth grade and entered the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College.

In that educational institution Joseph Kobzon became interested in boxing, but after the first serious injuries, the artist decided to leave the dangerous sport and took up creativity. The stage of the mountain technical school was the place where the beautiful baritone of the young singer was first heard.


In 1956, the future patriarch of the Soviet stage, and then a promising 22-year-old singer, Joseph Kobzon, was called up for military service. Until the end of the 50s, he sang in the song and dance ensemble of the Transcaucasian Military District.

Joseph Kobzon in the army |

After his dismissal, Kobzon returned to Dnepropetrovsk. Here, in the local Students' Palace, the singer met his first mentor - choir director Leonid Tereshchenko. He undertook to prepare Joseph for admission to the conservatory. Tereshchenko worked with a student on individual program, realizing that he has a unique talent in front of him.

The teacher also made sure that his student did not go hungry. He got Kobzon into the Institute of Chemical Technology, where the guy spent several months cleaning gas masks in a bomb shelter with alcohol for a fairly modest fee. The teacher guessed that his talented student would certainly make a brilliant career, but he did not even suspect that this modest young man would soon become a star.

Joseph Kobzon | Library Youth Center

In 1959, Joseph Kobzon became the soloist of the All-Union Radio. Here he worked for 4 years. At this time, his individual performing style was formed, by which the singer began to be recognized. This is a harmonious combination of bel canto technique and ease. In 1964, Kobzon was a two-time laureate. He won on All-Russian competition pop artists and at the festival in Sopot, Poland. In the same year, Joseph Davydovich became Honored Artist Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Since the mid-1960s, song competitions, music festivals, the presentation of prizes, awards and titles have become a fixture in the life of Joseph Kobzon. The young performer is delegated to the international competition “Friendship”, which was held in socialist countries. In Warsaw, Budapest and Berlin, the Russian singer managed to win first places. In 1986, Joseph Kobzon became People's Artist of the USSR. There is not a person in the vast country who does not know his name and has not heard this lyrical baritone.

Joseph Kobzon | Ivona

Since the mid-1980s, Joseph Davydovich Kobzon has been teaching pop vocals at the famous Gnesinka. He has many talented students, among whom the brightest are Valentina Legkostupova, Irina Otieva, Valeria.

Joseph Kobzon visited all Soviet construction sites with concerts. He spoke to the military contingent in Afghanistan and the liquidators of the accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant. His repertoire includes more than 3 thousand songs. Among them are many hits of the 30s, which were previously performed by Klavdiya Shulzhenko, Isabella Yuryeva, Vadim Kozin and Konstantin Sokolsky.

Despite his venerable age - the master turned 80 in 2017 - he was a regular guest at the Song of the Year festival, the New Year's Blue Lights and at all holiday concerts. Sometimes Joseph Kobzon appeared on the screen in the most unexpected duets with popular youth groups and singers. So, in 2016, at the Blue Light, he surprised and pleased with his joint performance with Yegor Creed. His joint compositions with the group “Republic” became interesting and unusual. Some of their songs (“Dress”, “ White light", "Drozdy") became hits.


Joseph Kobzon | Radio Chanson

Many fans of Joseph Kobzon’s talent love his song “Daughter” based on the verses of Irina Gribulina. The composition “Evening Table” performed by the master with Grigory Leps and Alexander Rosenbaum is one of the favorites for many. And yet, the artist’s main song is called “Moments” from the cult film “Seventeen Moments of Spring.” No one managed to perform this composition more soulfully than Joseph Kobzon.


Joseph Kobzon has always been a person with an active life position. He is a famous political figure. My political career started in 1990 as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The artist was repeatedly elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

In 2002, Joseph Kobzon was not afraid to enter into negotiations with the invaders of the Theater Center on Dubrovka.

Joseph Kobzon in the State Duma | Vesti.Ru

Like many other Russian artists, Joseph Kobzon actively responded to the coup in Ukraine - he was among those who signed the appeal of cultural figures sent to Russian President Vladimir Putin. This appeal indicated that Kobzon supports the president’s policies on Crimea and Ukraine. Joseph Kobzon’s position led to the fact that the European Union included the artist on its “black list” of Russian citizens who are prohibited from entering the EU.

Due to scandalous and condemning statements, the artist was included in their “black lists” by Ukraine and Latvia. In many Ukrainian cities, the singer was deprived of his “honorary citizen” status. In January 2015, Kobzon’s “honorary citizenship” was taken away from his native Kramatorsk.

Due to EU sanctions, all of the artist’s assets in Europe are frozen, as are the assets of other sanctioned colleagues. But Joseph Kobzon assured that this did not bother him much - he continued to travel with concerts to Donetsk and Lugansk, and also publicly supported the militias. At the end of November 2014, Joseph Kobzon was awarded the status of honorary consul of the Donetsk People's Republic in the Russian Federation.

Joseph Kobzon with a passport of the Donetsk People's Republic | KP Ufa

Joseph Kobzon created another scandal with his own hands, refusing the status of People's Artist of Ukraine in 2014. He also made this decision under the influence of his political convictions.

The famous artist also believed the right decision The Russian Federation will refuse to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest, which was held in Ukraine in 2017.

Personal life

The personal life of Joseph Kobzon did not develop as smoothly as his career on the stage. But the three women with whom he linked his fate turned out to be talented, bright and incredibly charismatic.

The first wife of Joseph Davydovich is singer Veronika Kruglova. Kobzon married Kruglova in 1965. Veronica was an incredibly popular singer at that time. Her hits “Top-top, the baby is stomping” and “I see nothing, I hear nothing” were sung by the whole country. The bohemian beauty, like her husband, often disappeared on tours and rehearsals. She did not have time for everyday life or arranging a family nest. The husband and wife hardly saw each other. Their life together was not really like that.

Joseph Kobzon and Veronica Kruglova |

It seems that Joseph Davydovich’s mother, Ida Isaevna, foresaw this. She immediately opposed her son’s marriage to the artist, realizing that nothing good would come of this union. Two years later, in 1967, the couple separated. Veronica Kruglova married another famous performer - Vadim Mulerman. A few years later, the singer went to live in America. In one of her interviews, Kruglova frankly admitted that her marriage to a Soviet pop star almost broke her.

In the same year, Joseph Kobzon married for the second time. And again - against the will of the mother - on the artist and singer Lyudmila Gurchenko. The couple lived together for three years. Gurchenko later admitted that this union turned out to be the biggest mistake of her life. At first it seemed to her that she would be able to change her husband, “rebuild” him for herself. But it was not there. They often quarreled and did not want to give in to each other.

Lyudmila Markovna wrote in her memoirs that it was unbearable for her to hear teasing from her loved one, who, during a difficult period of her creative career, smiled and asked: “Why is everyone filming and no one is calling you?” She cried from resentment and at one moment realized that she no longer wanted to live together.

Joseph Kobzon and Lyudmila Gurchenko |

The couple, as befits two stars, constantly toured. On tours, various romantic adventures happened with popular and handsome young people, which “well-wishers” immediately reported on, embellishing and fibbing various piquant details. Joseph Kobzon’s mother did not like her daughter-in-law, she answered her in kind. In the end, Gurchenko completely stopped communicating with her husband’s relatives.

After the divorce, the two stars did not communicate for forty long years, trying not to intersect at various events and pop parties. The artist preferred not to talk about his second marriage.

Time passed and Joseph Davydovich, who had long dreamed of strong family and a faithful, economic wife who will bear him children. He firmly decided that this woman would not be associated with bohemia and the world of show business. He wanted home comfort, a quiet haven and delicious borscht.

Joseph and Nelly Kobzon | Woman's Day

Joseph Kobzon met such a woman in the early 1970s. The beauty's name was Ninel Mikhailovna Drizina. She turned out to be 13 years younger than him. She was a modest girl from a good Jewish family, smart and thrifty. And most importantly, she did not dream of show business, although her friends claim that she had all the necessary qualities for this. Today this woman is known as Nelly Kobzon. The artist’s mother immediately liked the third chosen one, who instantly appreciated her with the wise gaze of a seasoned woman.

They lived together since 1971. Nelly Kobzon gave birth to her husband two wonderful children. First, the first-born son Andrei was born. Two years later, daughter Natalya was born.

Joseph and Nelly Kobzon with children | StarHit

Andrei first followed in his father’s footsteps and devoted some time to music. He was a drummer and performed with the musicians of the Resurrection group - Alexey Romanov and Andrey Sapunov. But later the guy quit music and went into business. He was the director of the famous metropolitan nightclub “Giusto”. Then he became involved in real estate operations.

Daughter Natalya was a press secretary for the famous fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin. She married an Australian citizen, lawyer Yuri Rappoport.

The children gave their parents seven grandchildren - two boys and five girls, in whom the grandparents doted on them and closely followed their successes.


Joseph Kobzon did not hide the fact that he used a wig, putting it on at the age of 35. Once Ida Isaevna admitted that the reason for her son’s early baldness was his categorical reluctance to wear a hat. adolescence. Even 40-degree frosts could not force Joseph to dress warmly, which was the reason for the early loss of thick hair.

In 2005, it became known that the artist had undergone a complex operation to remove malignant tumor. The news that Joseph Davydovich had bladder cancer quickly spread and alarmed his fans and admirers of his talent. The operation was performed in Germany. The surgical intervention weakened the immune system of the middle-aged artist. Inflammation of the lungs and kidneys was added. But an incredible thirst for life and willpower, supported by the love of his family, lifted the artist out of bed and even returned to the stage.

Joseph Kobzon | Arguments and Facts

In 2009, the artist was operated on for the second time and again in Germany. Five days after the serious operation, Joseph Kobzon went to a music festival in Jurmala and even sang live, surprising and delighting his fans.

In 2010, admirers of the master’s talent were alarmed by the news that at a concert in Astana, Joseph Davydovich twice lost consciousness on stage and fainted. As it turned out, cancer caused the anemia. But according to the artist, he could not lie in bed for a long time. And I couldn’t live without the stage. He found no place for himself at home. The stage and the audience for the artist were the best medicine for despondency and illness.


At the end of July 2018, it was reported that Joseph Kobzon was urgently hospitalized in the neurosurgery department, where he was connected to a ventilator. The health condition of the People's Artist of Russia was assessed as stable and serious.

On August 30, 2018, the death of Joseph Kobzon became known. The singer's relatives announced his death. Joseph Davydovich was 80 years old.

Singer, businessman, politician Joseph Davydovich Kobzon was born on September 11, 1937 in the city of Chasov Yar, Donetsk region, Ukrainian SSR. In 1939, the Kobzon family moved to Lviv. When did the Great Patriotic War the father went to the front as a political instructor, and the mother with three children, grandmother and disabled brother went to be evacuated to Central Asia. They ended up in Uzbekistan, in the city of Yangiyul, 20 kilometers from Tashkent.

The father, who was wounded in 1943, did not return to the family. Having met another woman, he married her.

After the end of the war, the Kobzons returned to Ukraine. Joseph went to first grade in the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk region.

In the late 1940s, the Kobzons moved to Dnepropetrovsk, where Joseph had good teachers singing, primarily the teacher of the 3rd children's music school Leonid Tereshchenko.

In 1996 he was elected academician Russian Academy humanities.

From 1989 to 1992, Joseph Kobzon was a people's deputy of the USSR, from 1997 to the present - a deputy State Duma RF, was Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the third convocation on culture and tourism. In 2003-2007, he was chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture.

From December 2007 to December 2011, Joseph Kobzon was a deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation; elected as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the All-Russian political party"United Russia". Member of the United Russia faction. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications.

Since December 2011, Joseph Kobzon has been a deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation. Member of the United Russia faction. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture.

The total amount of declared income of Joseph Kobzon for 2011 amounted to more than 4.8 million rubles.

Joseph Kobzon was awarded the titles of Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1964), People's Artist of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1974), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980), People's Artist of the USSR (1987), People's Artist of Ukraine (1991), Honored Artist of Adygea (1992).

Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1984).

In September 2010, Joseph Kobzon became an honorary citizen of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Before that, he was an honorary citizen of 29 cities and regions, including Moscow.

Joseph Kobzon is married for the third time. His first wife (from 1965 to 1967) was singer Veronika Kruglova, his second (from 1967 to 1970) was actress Lyudmila Gurchenko. Since 1971, he has been married to Nineli Kobzon (nee Drizina). The couple have two children: son Andrei (born 1974) and daughter Natalya (born 1976) and seven grandchildren: Idel (1999), Polina (1999), Michelle (2000), Anita (2001), Ornella Maria (2004), Mikhail (2008), Alain Joseph (2010).

In 2001, during a tour in Kazakhstan, Kobzon began to have health problems. In 2004, the singer was diagnosed with a tumor, which was operated on. In July 2009, Joseph Kobzon was in the oncology center on Kashirka in connection with a planned operation.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

On September 11, pop legend, People's Artist, State Duma deputy Joseph Kobzon celebrates his 75th birthday. Despite his serious illness, Kobzon still leads an active lifestyle. A big role in his life is played by his family and his wife, who takes care of her husband, prolonging his life.

Kobzon was born on September 11, 1937 in the city of Chasov Yar, in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. Just before the war, the Kobzon family moved to Lvov. From there, the father went to the front as a political instructor, and the mother with three children, grandmother and disabled brother went for evacuation to Uzbekistan. In 1943, Joseph Kobzon’s father was discharged. However, having met another woman, he married her and remained in Moscow. In 1944, Joseph Kobzon and his family returned to Ukraine.

In 1946, Joseph Kobzon's mother remarried. Her new chosen one turned out to be former front-line soldier Moisei Moiseevich Rappoport. So Joseph got two more brothers (besides them, he had two more siblings and a sister).

Joseph Kobzon was married three times. From 1965 to 1967 on singer Veronica Kruglova. She was very famous and the whole country sang her greatest hits - “Top-top, the baby is stomping”, “Perhaps”, “I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything.” Veronica was married to Joseph Kobzon and Vadim Mulerman. Currently lives in the USA.

Kruglova said in an interview that Kobzon’s mother actively opposed her marriage to Joseph. “Unfortunately, I can’t remember anything good associated with this person. We were together for about three years. The history of our life together consisted of quite banal stages: we got together, got married, got divorced, then got back together again. In general, a continuous long farewell - unnecessary tears. All these unpleasant ups and downs are connected with personal drama: the marriage with Kobzon really broke me, it simply depressed me morally,” said Kruglova.

Then for three years Kobzon’s wife was actress Lyudmila Gurchenko. “Our marriage was the biggest mistake in my life!” Gurchenko admitted. “I had to run away from Kobzon faster than a doe!” But it seemed to me that I would “rebuild” him. He knew how to hurt me. Every now and then he teased: “What is all this are filming, but no one calls you?" What is it like to hear this from the man you love?! It was so offensive! And it couldn’t last long.”

“Lusya and I were amazing lovers,” Kobzon admitted. “But in life everything was not so rosy. Lucy was leaving for filming. I was on tour. “Kind” people reported about some road adventures, hobbies, novels... This irritated both parties. In addition, Lucy categorically refused to communicate with my parents." Lyudmila Markovna and Joseph Davydovich did not speak for 40 long years.

After the divorces, the singer decided once and for all for himself: no more connections with bohemia. Only an ordinary girl from a decent family, who will give birth to children, will cook delicious borscht and create comfort and peace in the house. And for 41 years now he has been married to Ninel Mikhailovna, who is 13 years younger than her husband.

Kobzon has two children. The son is 38-year-old Andrey. In the past, he was a drummer, played with Alexei Romanov and Andrei Sapunov (musicians of “Resurrection”), then became a businessman, ran the Giusto nightclub. Currently working in real estate. Has restaurants. Daughter - 36-year-old Natalya Rappoport. Kobzon is a happy grandfather. He has five granddaughters and two grandchildren.