Yuri Dud interviewed Ksenia Sobchak


Ksenia Sobchak became the first woman whom Yuri Dud interviewed on his YouTube channel. In the first hour after the publication of the interview with Sobchak, more than 1.5 million people watched.

In an interview, Sobchak spoke about personal meeting with opposition politician Alexei Navalny, where she discussed her possible participation in the elections. At the meeting, according to Sobchak, she suggested that Navalny develop a plan in case he was not registered, but he refused. After this, Sobchak proposed another option - to nominate the wife of the oppositionist Yulia Navalnaya as a candidate, however, in this case, he refused.

In addition, during an hour and a half conversation, Sobchak and Dud discussed the TV presenter’s friendship with Vladislav Surkov, the Dom-2 television project, the person of Vladimir Putin and his family, income, sexism and why Sobchak’s nomination looks like a “fixed match.”

Yuri Dud- journalist, Chief Editor Sports.ru. He runs his own YouTube channel "Wood", where he posts interviews with famous people and celebrities. Since the beginning of 2017, the videos on his channel have already received about 130 million views in total.

October 18 on the Dudya channel. The interview discusses issues of censorship on state television channels, the person of Vladimir Putin, “unwanted guests” on TV and others. After this, the TV presenter and propagandist called Dudya “mediocrity.”

35-year-old Ksenia Sobchak publicly announced her intention on October 18. This event was preceded by rumors that the Kremlin presidential elections in 2018, Putin's main rival is a woman. Sobchak was then called the “ideal option”.

The head of Sobchak's election headquarters was Igor Malashenko, a consultant to Boris Yeltsin who participated with him in the 1996 elections, and the founder of the NTV television channel.

Sobchak plans to attract a “sleeping electorate” that includes “a huge number of dissenters.” To finance his campaign, Sobchak plans to use various sources: ranging from donations from average and big business and ending with crowdfunding.

On October 18, Ksenia Sobchak announced her intention to run for the presidency of Russia. And although many were skeptical and even negative about her decision, Ksenia Anatolyevna is serious. It became known that Igor Malashenko, who headed Boris Yeltsin’s headquarters in 1996, would run her campaign. Sobchak spoke about this at a press conference on October 24.

Still from the program

On the same day, Ksenia gave an hour and a half interview to journalist Yuri Dudu, in which she frankly spoke about her father, President Vladimir Putin, godparents, work on the show “Dom-2” and the candidacy of Alexei Navalny. In addition, she said what she plans to change in the country if she becomes president. Sobchak admitted that the first thing she would do would be to dissolve the State Duma.



“In my understanding of the world order, the president is a very small and insignificant position. The most important thing that the president must do is to dissolve the absolutely false Duma, which is a mad printer and endlessly churns out all these laws. And then the new Duma, with other powers provided for by our constitution, will get down to business<…>The second decree will be the following: remove the corpse from the city square (the mummy of Vladimir Lenin in the Mausoleum on Red Square - editor's note). The third decree is that the Kremlin must be open. I believe that the authorities should not sit behind a high wall, poking around in offices, rustling and talking. I am for us to have absolutely transparent buildings both in parliament and where the president sits,” Ksenia said.


Sobchak also emphasized that she does not ask anyone to vote for her. “Who am I for you to vote for me? I encourage you to vote against everyone. We don’t have this line, and I’m ready to replace this line with myself, simply because I have the courage to do it,” the TV presenter explained her position.


“I am responsible for my dad because I am proud of him and consider him an honest, decent man,” Ksenia said about her father Anatoly Sobchak, the first mayor of St. Petersburg, and his activities. Yuri Dud insisted that Sobchak was hiding from the investigation in 1997, which accused the politician of “Bribery” and “Abuse of Official Power.” Ksenia intends to prove that the case against her father was completely fabricated by his political opponents.


Sobchak noted that she was “humanly” grateful to Putin for the help he provided to her father during the persecution. She admitted that it was Vladimir Vladimirovich who helped Sobchak leave the country and go to Paris for two years. However, the TV presenter emphasized that this does not deprive her of the opportunity to speak out against Putin’s policies and publicly fight his power, which, according to Ksenia, does not support democratic values.

“It's not about Putin. The point is that no one should remain in power for so many years. This is a completely prohibitive period, and I advocate that this should not happen either to Putin, or to me, or to anyone else. 18 years is a long time. I believe that two terms of four years is the maximum,” said the celebrity.

When the speech touched past life Ksenia, she stated that if she could turn back time, she would not have participated in “House-2,” but in the current situation she is not ashamed of this experience. “I can’t say that I’m ashamed. It was a good start to my career. “Dom-2” is a project that had huge ratings, gave me the opportunity to express myself and made me become a national hero. Of course, if I could rewind, it would be better if this didn't happen. But nothing can be done,” Sobchak noted.

#election2018 #Putin #Sobchak Reaction to Yuri Dud's interview with Ksenia Sobchak on the channel vDud "Sobchak - about Navalny, the godfather and the elections / vDud" I will not talk about Sobchak, Navalny and the elections, I will talk about what politicians have long been It’s not interesting to fight for pensioners, they don’t even try to fight for them. After all, in order to fight for the votes of pensioners, you need to do something for pensioners so that they believe you. #elections2018 #Sobchak2018 #Putin2018 ADDRESS TO RUSSIAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE KSENIIA SOBCHAK. ELECTION OF THE PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA 2018. common thoughts about pensioners Ksenia, MY GRANDFATHER KNEW YOUR DADDY WELL, WAS HIS COLLABORATE, and at times an opponent in the distant 90s during the time of Democratic Russia and MY. I won’t give my first and last name. My grandfather was a deputy of the Moscow City Council and curator of the Moscow Association of Voters. I think you are familiar with these words. But I don't really care. But I'm with early childhood I hear about my grandfather’s decency, honesty and kindness, especially towards ordinary working people, whom he wanted to help with all his heart. And he put his life on it. He was also persecuted, as all decent and honest people are persecuted. He died of a heart attack during the May 93 events. In memory of honest, decent people and in the name of justice, I wrote this appeal. I’ll say right away that I like Putin, and when I’ve been to different countries, I hear from ordinary people that Putin has raised the authority of our country, he is respected and feared in the world. Ksenia, of course, you will lose, but let it be a fair fight and fair elections. After watching the interview with you, I saw your mistakes (from my naive childish point of view). These mistakes will interfere with your elections, and your opponents will play on them. In my opinion, you need the support of pensioners who are against you because of your image, and the support of children who, although they do not vote in elections, vote on the Internet, write reviews and comments, and create opinions on the Internet. You are a complete failure in this. You say a lot and correctly, but grandmothers don’t care about Navalny, they don’t even know who he is. You know from history that many who were in the opposition later, when they came to power, themselves became dictators. And people are afraid to elect new leaders. You must understand that many of those who shout at rallies for Navalny will tuck their tail between their legs and betray at the first danger, not even danger, but a hint of danger for themselves personally. Unfortunately, people are designed in such a way that they follow the crowd. But as soon as you make a mistake, the same crowd (not another, not rivals, but former friends) the crowd will attack and tear you apart. At the age of 14, I was already faced with the concepts of crowds and bullying. Therefore, we cannot count on a screaming crowd, but we must win the votes of our grandparents. How can you help our hardworking, honest, naive, kind pensioners??? Look how they live, denying themselves everything, after working for 30-40 years!!! Tears well up, looking at grannies asking for money for medicine. Yes, it’s difficult to convince them! Yes, they are stubborn! But they are our favorite! They are honest, decent, kind and sincere! If our grandparents follow you, only then will it be VICTORY! categories: #Putin #elections2018 #Sobchak2018 #Putin2018 politics, elections, Russian presidential elections 2018, presidential inauguration, Putin's inauguration, presidential candidates Ksenia Sobchak, Ksenia Sobchak's address, interview with Sobchak Dud, reaction to interview with Dud Sobchak "Sobchak - about Navalny" , godfather and elections / inDud"

This interview needs to be viewed from three perspectives. From the point of view of a journalist, political scientist and ordinary citizen of Russia. From the point of view of a psychologist or political analyst - even more fun.
Any political scientist, having analyzed this circus, will say that Sobchak is a bad candidate, where she lies, where she is stupid and where she does not restrain her emotions. She is doing the same thing as Navalny, Zhirinovsky and other personalities: populism. He names Russia's problems (any Russian can voice them), but does not say how to fix it. Agree, naming and naming specific steps are two different things. Why do people fall for populism? Because he is tired of everything and because he cannot soberly analyze candidates. Aunt Masha and Uncle Petya in Siberia receive small salaries, young Vasya is tired of corruption, he is tired of everything, he scolds the country, works poorly and surfs the Internet at night. Which candidate will they like? The one who will loudly scold everyone and put forward topics close to them.
The best interviewers in Russia are Posner and Sobchak. Another one of the best journalists is Parfenov. This is not the category of rappers or stars from whom it is not worth the trouble to lure out juicy details - they are glad that they were invited to a project with such coverage. They will break down and tell you everything themselves. If Parfenov and Posner subtly indicated to Yuri who is Who (details with telephone, clothing, broadcast format), then Sobchak is the first woman to tell Yuri. Not only did she not answer a single question, she also ended each piece with a phrase in the style of “Yur, what are you talking about? Are you a journalist or what?” It was a nut that Dud did not crack. Ksenia responded to each of his arguments with a completely fair response. Photo with Surkov? And what not? Etc. It was Yura’s mistake that he couldn’t stand it and started shaking his finger at Ksenia, “Well, listen!” This is a gesture used to calm psychos. A good journalist will not allow this to happen. What I don’t like in Yuri’s interviews is that he always shows his position in relation to the hero: whether he loves, respects or not. Therefore, the interview with Parfenov and Pozner was watchable, but with the same rapper Face or Ksenia - not. One negative. Therefore, Yuri never did an interview with Tina (she refused under the pretext “Yura talks to the characters in a sense of judgment. I always tried to talk with people so that at the end of the program my opinion about the person would completely change.” And she is right) and Zemfira, (Yuri admitted that he did not like her work), who would come to him only as a last resort. And he will answer questions about politics and Putin.
Yuri is a good interviewer. But he could not defeat the masters of this genre. Probably because sometimes his themes are created for the sake of hype. Hype for the sake of hype. Yes, the questions have been clearly addressed. I don’t think he was upset - he had already collected his millions of views. In the eyes of his audience, he is still a brave guy (because Sobchak is a clear antipode. And choosing between the two of them, she will not sympathize). So, everything is fine. Besides the elections...

Ksenia, for a long time you were an example for me. Of course, not in everything, but in work - definitely. You grew up as a person who has everything and may never work again. But at the same time you work - privately, [probably] honestly and furiously. I have always respected such ambitions and such work. But today you committed the strangest and, apparently, the creepiest thing this year. I’m very sad, I don’t understand you, but I still want to understand your motives. Ksenia, I invite you to become the next guest at Dudya. “Not as a guest someday, but as the next one,” Yuri Dud addressed Sobchak immediately after she made a statement about her intention to run for president. Less than a week later, Sobchak was already sitting in the chair opposite him and answering questions about everything: from a bright future in politics to the “dark” past in “Dom-2”. HELLO.RU collected the 10 most discussed sayings by Sobchak in an interview with Dudya.

About the name of her real godfather (at one time there were rumors that Ksenia’s godfather was Vladimir Putin, and she answered “No comment”)

My godfather's name is Father Gury. He baptized me in the Lavra. I also have godmother, her name is Natasha Karetnikova and she lives in St. Petersburg. This is a person close to me, with whom I spent a lot of time as a child. I was baptized at the age of 12, my father already held a high position at that time and this was very important for my mother. And yes, there is Putin in my christening photos.

About claims against Vladimir Putin

First, make legitimate elections, allow Navalny in, participate in the debates, give the person the opportunity to participate in them. Secondly, make an independent court. Stop making the court a tool to be used against your political enemies and opponents. The third claim has to do with economics. I believe that what happened on an international scale - our isolation and the way we managed to quarrel with other countries - will lead to disaster. Moreover, in the near future.

About the murder of Boris Nemtsov

Putin has many shortcomings, but I am sure that Putin could not give such a decree on Boris Nemtsov, let's not demonize him. I am sure that for him the news of Nemtsov’s murder came as a shock and caused anger. I know he's not the kind of person to do that.

About working on the show "Dom-2"

It was the beginning of a career when I clung to any opportunities and went to all the castings. This project came, it was for three months... Let's be cynical, this is a project that had huge ratings for many years, gave me the opportunity to express myself, made me become a national hero. Yes, hellish trash happens there, but it shows real life. People who watch associate themselves with those they see in the frame. Yes, there was such a period, yes, a stupid period. Thank God it's over. If I could rewind, it would be better if this didn't happen.

About your popularity

I have 95 percent recognition. This sounds immodest, but with such a percentage of recognition there is me and Putin. This is an audience from children to pensioners... This is my big chance to be heard. Now we need to make sure that 95 percent of recognition becomes trust. This is what I plan to do in the coming months.

About a kiss with Tina Kandelaki (at the GQ magazine ceremony in 2007)

It was unexpected. I love surprises.

About the money with which Sobchak led the lifestyle of the “golden youth” in the 2000s

I don’t have any millions from my dad. I was 17 years old and left home. I had a very conflictual relationship with my mother, I didn’t take anything except my things. Mom didn't help me at all. I moved to Moscow, I had a common-law husband with whom I lived for several years and he provided for me. Then I started earning money myself, this is what I have always strived for.

About prohibited drugs

I've tried a lot of things in my life. Of course, I had different things. Yes, I tried drugs.

What he will do if he loses the election

If I lose the election and Putin offers to become prime minister, I will refuse. I am against Vladimir Putin and will not be a participant in this system.

About three things Sobchak will do if he wins

I will dissolve the State Duma, this mad printer. I will remove Lenin from Red Square and open the entrance to the Kremlin.

Ksenia Sobchak and Yuri Dud